HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1936-04-16, Page 2v”' PAGE TWO The Wingham Advance-Times Published at WINGHAM « ONTARIO Every Thursday Morning by The Advance-Times Publishing * Subscription Rate — One Year $2.00 Six months, $1.00 in advance. To U. S. A., $2.50 iper year. Foreign rate, $3.00 per year. Advertising rates on application. Co. WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Thursday, April 16 th, 193# HIGH SCHOOL EASTER EXAM. RESULTS liott, M. J, Preston), V. Walker. Class 2—M. Williams, L. Elliott. Class 8—H. Posliff, R. Wheeler, (L. Fuller, J. Hare, J. Tervit), M. Hop­ per, (M. Anderson, E. Gamble), R. Dennis.Credit—(B. Collar, E. Falconer, H. McLean, E. Mundy, N. Wheeler). Failed—W. Davidson, (G. Falconer, “M. Higgins, M. McMichael), D. War- am, J, Currie, J. Lee, M, Lane, L. Ellacott, M. Frisby, H. McCallum. English Composition Class 1—(V. Wheeler, M. (Continued from Page One) FORM IA English Literatrue Class 1—D. Biggs, D. Golley. Class 2—B. Baynham, G. Boyle. Class 3—A. Dore. Credit—M. Brophy, (E. Edgar, M. Fothergill), E. Carter, J. Dobie, (E. Gampbell, I. Harrison). Failed—D. Holmes, E. McClenagh­ an, L. Howard, Geography Class 1—D. Golley. Class 2—A. Dore. Class 3—D. Biggs. Credit—E. Edgar, (B. Baynham, M. Fothergill, E. McClenaghan), G. Boyle, (J. Dobie, M. Brophy, L. Howard). Failed—E. Campbell, J. Durnin, I. Harrison, E. Carter. Algebra Class 1—D. Golley. Class 2—B. MacLean. ’Class 3—D. Holmes, D. Biggs, B. Baynham. Credit—L. Fuller, E. Edgar, M. Fo­ thergill. Failed.—E. Carter, J. Dobie, M. Brophy, L. Howard, E. Campbell, A. Dore, J. Durnin, E. McClanaghan, I. Harrison, G. Boyle. Composition Class 2—D. Golley, M. Fothergill, i’ B. Baynham. Class 3—M. Brophy, D. Biggs. Credit—E. Campbell, A. Dore, (G. Boyle, E. Carter) . Failed—j. Dobie, I. Harrison, (E. McClenaghan, L. Howard), J. Durnin, E. Edgar. ___ I , Wil­ liams), H. Posliff, B. McLean, D. Armitage, R. Casemore. Class 2—V. Walker, (M. Anderson, M. J. Preston). Class 8—(J. Cruikshank, H. McCal­ lum,, R. Wheeler), R. Dennis, M. Higgins, J. Hare, (L. Fuller, E. Gam­ ble, B. Collar, (J. Elliott, L. Elliott), (E. Falconer, M. Hopper), (N. I Wheeler, G. Falconer, D, Waram), M. McMichael. Credit—(L. Dark, J. Tervit), M. Lane, (W. Davidson, K. Wheeler), L, Ellacott.Failed—J. Currie, E. Mundy, J. Lee, M. Frisby. Arithmetic Class 1—M. Williams, G. Falconer, M. J. Preston, (V. Wheeler, D. Armi­ tage), (J. Elliott, H. McCallum), V. Walker. Class 2—L. Dark, M. Higgins. j Class 3—H. Posliff, J. Cruikshank. Credit—R. Casemore, (M. Hopper, E. Mundy), J. Hare, E. Falconer, -L. Ellacott.Failed—B. Collar, J. Currie, R. Wheeler, W. Davidson, M. Frisby, N. Wheeler, E. Gamble, L. Elliott, J. Lee, L. Fuller, G. Nethery, J. Tervit, M. McMichael, D. Waram, R. Den­ nis, M. MacLean, M. Lane, D. Holm­ es. ONTARIO RETURNS are If you are subject to INCOME TAX DUE APRIL 30th the Dominion Income Tax, —— —you are also subject to the Ontario Income Tax. I You are required to fill out ONE FORM Tl-1935. This form combines both and Dominion Income Tax Returns. your ONLY— Ontario / French Class 1—D. Golley, D. Biggs, A. ' Dore. Class 2—E. Edgar. Class 3—B. Baynham. Failed—M. Fothergill, E. Carter, J. Dobie, E. Campbell, E. McClenaghan, (I. Harrison, L. Howard), G. Boyle, J. Durnin. Geometry Class 1—D. Armitage, M. Williams, V. Wheeler, M. J. Preston, R. Wheel- -er, G. Falconer,’V. Walker, H. Pos­ liff, M. Higgins. Class 2—N. Wheeler, H. McCallum. Class 3—L. Ellacott. Credit—R. Dennis, M. McMichael, E. Mundy, G. Carr, J. Elliott, J. Cur­ rie, E. Falconer, L. Elliott, E. Lough, R. Casemore, M. Anderson. Failed—M. Hopper, J. Cruikshank, M. Frisby, E. Gamble, B. Collar, J. Tervit, E. Mathers, B. McLean, M. Lane, J. Lee, J. Hare, L. Fuller. Grammar Class 1—D. Armitage, V. Walker, V. Wheeler, M. Williams. Class 2—M. J. Preston, M. Higgins, J. Elliott. Class 3—(R. Dennis, H. Posliff), (J. Cruikshank, M. Frisby, E. M-undy) (B. McLean, M. Lane). Credit—B. Collar, (M. Anderson, ' M. McMichael, N. Wheeler), R. Case- Imore; (J. Hare, H. McCallum), (M. USE THIS FORM of individuals other than farmers must have sufficient postage Key No- OccupaUonal □odMtLStatw Code S Income Ontario income of Dependents and ranchers. affixed*DOMINION OF CANADA AND PROVINCE OF ONTARIO INCOME TAXENDED 31st DECEMBER, 1935:d by the taxpayer and two copies must be delivered or maatu _Sts, TORONTO (2), ONT. oa orbefore 3ath APril>1936 RETURN FOR THE YEAR . One copy is to be retaine< For use Wl«mmun’«ti<,ns Fir«tpay«cnt$----- Art Class 1—B. Baynham. Class 2—D. Golley, (M. Brophy, J. Dobie), I. Harrison. Class 3—E. Edgar, L. Howard, M. Fothergill. -------, ...Credit—E. McClenaghan, A. Dore, I Hopper, R. Wheeler), E. Gamble, (L. I—... -----------\ ZT w {E. Campbell, E. Carter). Failed—D. Biggs, G. Boyle, J. Dur­ nin. British History ’Class 1—D. Golley. Class 3—D. Biggs, A. Dore. Credit—B. Baynham, M. Brophy. Failed—J. Dobie, E. Campbell, McClenaghan, G. Boyle, E. Edgar, Carter, I. Harrison, M. Fothergill, Howard, J. Durnin. Latin Class 1—D. Golley, D. Biggs. Class 2—A. Dore. Passed—B. Baynham. Failed—E. Edgar, E. Mathers, Carter, E. McClenaghan, E. Campbell, M. Brophy, J. Dobie, G. Boyle, I. iHarrison, L. Howard, J. Durnin. ‘ Agriculture I Class 1—B. Baynham, D. Golley. . Class 2—D. Biggs, M. Anderson. Class 3—A, Dore. Credit—D. Holmes, M. Brophy, E. Campbell. • Failed—E. Edgar, M. Fothergill, J. Dobie, Edith McClenaghan, G. Boyle. E. Carter, J. Durnin, Lillian Howard, Irlma Harrison. FORM II English Literature E. E. L. E. Elliott/ E. Falconer), (L. Dark, W. Davidson). Failed—J. Currie, J. Tervit, (L. Fuller, J. Lee, D. Waram), G. Carr, K. Hastings, D. Holmes, L. Ellacott, G. Falconer, E. Mathers. French Class 1—V. Walker, M. J. Preston, D. Armitage, M. Williams, V. Wheel­ er. Class 2—M. McMichael. Credit—J. Cruikshank, (M. Higg­ ins, J. Lamb), (R. Dennis, H. McCal­ lum), R. Wheeler, R. Casemore, N. Wheeler. Failed—(M. Frisby, H. Posliff), D. Holmes, L. Elliott, (M. Anderson, W. Davidson, M. Hopper, E. Mundy), (L. Ellacott, E. Gamble), J. Elliott, E. Falconer, M. Lane, J. Tervit, (J. Hare, B. McLean), J. Currie. Physiography Class 1—V. Walker, M. J. Preston, (V. Wheeler, fo. Armitage), G. Fal­ coner. Class 2—E. Falconer, M. Williams. Class 3—J. Currie, H. Posliff, J. Cruikshanks. Credit—L. Elliott, M. McMichael, (M. Higgins, L. Dark), (N. Wheeler, R. Dennis), (L. Fuller, J. Hare, Z. X>ngllSU AzlVClcxtui.*. ------- -------------------.. ,Class 1—V. Wheeler, D. Armitage, Cameron, W. Davidson, R. Wheeler). (R. Casemore, J. Cruikshank, J. El-1 - - ’ 1 ”Failed—(E. Mundy, J. Elliott, B. gmmmmiHniHnuuiiiiHHiug ! Maitland Creamery | n fl s Of s THE UNITED FARMERS* CO-OPERATIVE COMPANY, LIMITED. Wingir&m, * * Ontario. Phone 271 MMBMM should obtain three copies of this form from one of the ■■ 1. Any office of “The Inspector of Dominion Income Tax”. These offices are located at Ottawa, Belleville, Kingston, Toronto, Hamilton, London and Fort William. 2. Any Post Office. 3. Any Province of Ontario Savings You following sources Office. before April 30ths you must fileOn or two copies of this form Tl-1935, (or form T1A-1935, if you are a farmer or rancher) at the nearest office of “The Inspector of Dominion Income Tax”. The third copy should be retained for your own reference. In making this combined return of Ontario and Dominion Income Taxes, attach a certified cheque or money order, payable to the Receiver General of Canada, for at least one quarter of the total tdx payable. IMPORTANT. Because the Ontario and Dominion Income Taxes are combined, there is only one form—only one cheque or money order required. This arrangement greatly simplifies your returns and your payments. EXEMPTIONS AND DEDUCTIONS Form Tl-1935 is self-explanatory. The exemptions and deductions are the same for the Ontario Income Tax as for the Dominion Income Tax. Your taxable income is also the same, with two exceptions: (l)’you deduct the amount of your Dominion Income Tax. (2) You add all income received from Dominion of Canada Bonds. PURPOSE OF ONTARIO INCOME TAX The main purpose of the Ontario Income Tax is to enable your Government to adopt policy. By helping the help yourself. a “Pay-as-you-go” Province, you SUPPORT ONTARIO'S NEW 5 POLICY or "PAY AS YOU GO" THE TREASURY DEPARTMENT OF THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO 91 MacLean, R, Casemore), J. Lee, D.. i g I Waram, M. Hopper, D. Orr, H. Mc- ■ Callum, (M. Lane, M. Frisby), (J. 9; Tervit, E. Gamble). Latin Class 1—V. Walker, M. J. Preston, D. Armitage. Class 2— (M. McMichael, V. Wheel­ er), M. Williams. Passed—J- Cruikshank. Failed—W. Pickett, R. Casemore/ fN. Wheeler, C. Cantelon, M. Higgins, E. Gamble, L Tervit, L. Ellidtt, M. Lane, R, Wheeler, K. Wneeler, J. Preston, M. Hopper, J. Elliott, j. Hare, M. Anderson, E. Falconer, M« Frisby, H. Posliff. E. Mundy, A. Mc­ Dowell, J. Currie, IL MacCalkim. Agriculture II Class 1—V. Walker, D. Armitage, M. J. Preston, V. Wheeler, H. Pos­ liff, C. Cantelon. Class 2—M. Anderson, M. Will­ iams, L. Elliott, K. Wheeler, j. El­ liott. Class 3—J. Cruikshank, J. Currie, G. Falconer, E. Falconer, B. McLean. Crcdit-^R. Wheeler, J. Lee, H. McCallum, E. Mundy, M. Lane, N. Wheeler, L. Dark, J. Tervit, W. Dav­ idson, M, McMichael, R. Casemore, D. Waram. Failed—L. Ellacott, B. Collar, J. Hare, E. Gamble, M. Hopper, R. Den­ nis, E. Mathers, M. Frisby, L. Fuller. FORM III Geometry Class 1—D. McLean. Class 3—J. Gear. Credit—(M. Coulter, J. Lamb), L, Kerr, J, C» Reed, (M. Cruikshank, W. Tiffin), R. Baird, F. Currie. Failed—T. Reid, E. Arbuckle, L, Hamilton, W. Wright, E. Weir, K. Hastings, E. Martin, J. Wettlaufer, M. Kelly, Z. Cameron, K. Townend, G Reid, L Kerr, Z. Cook, G Nor- trop, D. Orr, B. Mundy. Physics Class 1—Donelda McLean. Class 2—John Gear, John Tena Reid, James Reed. Class 3—Loreen Hamilton, Crcigh- Kerr, ton Reid, Mary Baird, Bernice Mun-i dy, Edith Weir, John Lamb. Credit—King Hastings, William Tiffin, Caroline Wellwood, Margaret Coulter, Anna McDowell, William Blake, Luella Kerr, Edith Martin, Earl Lough. Failed—John Wettlaufer, Ralph i Baird, Zella Cook, George Carr, Edith Arbuckle, Zora Cameronj Dollena Orr, Marie Kelly. Canadian History Class i—J. Gear, D. McLean. Class 2—W. Tiffin. Class 3—J. Wettlaufer, T. Reid, M. Cruikshank, E. Weir, G. Carn Credit-—E. Lmtgh, (E. Arbuckle, M. Coulter), K. Hastings, L. Hamil- IM: < ton, B. Mundy. Failed— (L. Kerr, J. Lamb), (Z. Cook, F. Currie), J. Kerr, M. Kelly. J, Reed. (Absent, A. McDowell). Class Average 53%. English Literature 1<—D. Orr, D. McLean.Class Class 2—E. Weir, (M, Cruikshank, T. Reid), M. Coulter, C. Reid. Class 3—J. Gear* E. Matfin, K. Hastings, R. Baird. Credit—L. Hamilton, J. Wettlaufer, C, Welhvood, (Z. Cameron, G. Carr* 2. Cook), £ Lough. Vailed-—(J. Kdrr, W. Tiffin), L. Kerr, j. Lamb, M. Kelly, E. Arbuckle, L Reed. (Contitiued on Rage Four)