HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1864-9-15, Page 2•
ter It w repented that art the escunio r
boat Ingersoll to Cas nit, a respectable ad-
wnuurr uu•'stet;-'teat tmpiovetuutl bra Cuutnud
Against inter eretaee ofwould be
aware of it. The Hnm. $diuylur Culfri, anal hewing. Its1404 for 1 the l f
dill n in numbers was nada to the et,rngthin a speech recently delivered iu Indiana,
of the army of the Nettle by recruits piekrtd I, laid
op from the aacersioniat•, wee crowd to the
Americo,' male. r
A large steamboat proprietor, ahhrut'h •
min uJ immense wealth, is an oldeesbiteed
eleteedeuep, and dissent very 'triply et till
times, add sometime.ib:IIIlJ Lvi,rs!
on alit 01 Ilia Oen tut amets, not lung biter,
he ea* aecoetadby a faeepsee •Imo teak
him tie one a I tee Peen, with she intesio a-
for7. 'Ike y.0 1 i•:Flig W this but 7' 'Ver'
laid he g•itliy, • the bot belongs to we.'
utoni nava •
GOLtER1C11. C. W., .SEP. 13, 1 4.
The newivatiou of candidate's for this
Division takes place on the 5th of Octo-
ber, in Open Gwn!, and if poll is Je-
n,andea, the election will tike plra'e am
the 13th and 11th of Oetobei. The
Candidates before the eh:eines arenas most!
of our traders are aware, the Hon. John
)LcMurriclywlsobeat 3Ir: Patlonin 1 G1,
and who has rtpre en ed the Constituency
'irate, and a Mr. McPherson, a merchant
sof Turouto. Of Mr. McPherson's auto•i
orients we knoll but -very lilt, beyond',
the fact (hat he boars the reputation ort
beiry.an hnnotable business man and one
whose worldly p.sitiun is said to be such;
as to render it c.•ttaitt the- be dons not
seek elevation to the Cpper llouao from
interested luutlyea, in' the usual erose' oft
that term.: However this may bo, we de'
know, from his ow..lil e, atmethin;;_uf his
'tics. They are efpliJin;,,c•ale atan(p.
tory kicch y bp, is i toryt.beyonJ i
war or i.putc,but in I•Gees where liberal
ideas t etre generally eiatert:nned, be
endeabors to . ye that he is i. )rood and
enn•istent refu ' r of the Bel dwie school.
A very convenient •als'p;nat is this Bajd-
wiuieur, upon' which .utany othei hue
straight-laceri gentlemen are endeavored
to befog the simple el:eto in certain
parts of Canada. This syaten of king
all things to all men b trays a p. rttess
and want of inherent inelependrnee w 'ch,
if we mistake not, will tell rtniigly again
.'Mr. McPherson at the approaching elec-
tion. Ile may display much adroitna'sa
in parrying gncstipns tending to bring
him out in bis true-cohlro,, and he may
tell the electors all that he intends to do
for theta, but he will lind that the iitelli=
gent men with whew he haft to deal will
look with suspicion npm mac whuee political
views as exptteeed'raves it doubtful upon
which side of,the fe'uce lie mill drop in
ease of has :lection. Party feeling 7t
run high in the Fa ogeen Di'iaion, not" -
withstanding the effort% of McPherson and
his friends to divest the cookie of that
which is calculatial to eodaig -r his cause
the most.
Mr. McMurrich, on the other hand,
ias been tried and has proven himself to
be a mau guided by prtuciple in his pub-
lic actions. He does not attempt to dodge
low the House under the euver of side:
la•uce. }lis pnlilioal prioeiples am liberal,
alai he has bonc.ty enough to now them
u su6, in every potion of the constitu-
ency, ,rreapectivo of the preeilecti.ne of
the people whom he addrewses. Such a'
course nos this learca no ro im for cavil 01
dispute, and is certainly calculated to
inspire tools -et. N'e are aware that oh -1
jectio rye are brought against hiw because
he wan not able to secomplieh ell that Lis`
constituents mi,ht have wished, but what
man is there who has given complete
eatisfaetinn in hie capacity a. a pmblic
servant ? In a (enmity like Bruce, for
ezmmple, where itemise loci jenlowieri
bee so lung exi-tc.!, and wlaere'the'pe•op1.
Mc lapped into such a Prate of chronic
helpkeetess that they eau .stile no loos;
question themeIve., it is imprwctlle for •'
perli:macre:,ry r'preseut,tee to _please
more thin our section at a time. Mr. 1
McMurrich fins, however, w• really be-
lieve, done all that was peeible for the
County under the very peculi.tr einem-
stances, and on that account should re I
wive the support of the electors before :•
man who is altogether untried, and until
recently v.rcttowz in the County.
The political etru;;dle - for the l'rerideney
of the United States will be a fierce one.
and its results may be nit important a.
were three following the election of Mr.
Lincoln. The people ol'the States have
been long accustomed to the strive en-
gendered by the various Presidential caws -
poi mt, but it require% no spacial gift of
prophecy to foretell that the agitation this
Fall is to be fearfullyearneet. The cone
mencenient is ominous ; Republican prints
are endeavoring to prove that McClellan
is a traitor of the deepest dye, and the
Democrats, on the other hand, are %es pial,
Bled in their denunciation of Mr. Lincoln.
They eall hint FIIIIiy Story -Teller, 1)r.. -
pot, Big Secessinni.t, ,Liar, Thief, Wag- - - • Sr
cart, Buffoon, Usurper, Monter, igno. TIIE: C1l.1ILLOTTETO11'X ('ON-
ramss Aoe, 1)1d Fcoundre'I, Iret_i,mtr,
•' When Mr. l'allsndighmm returned it was
very natural that the fins place he went W
shout 1 be a Democratic convention. He
thought Mr. Lincoln wouldkneel hew. !1}.
Lincoln knew the tact 'hal at that tau' three
was • secret organisation ie the Son lhwest.
the details+of heel hr may not here hewn
tarnillar rich; but he knew 11.. intention
was b• meet. VaIlaliduthanl'a arrest a priors
for lighting the torch of aril err all over the
Nmd.fret. Anxious to ration .o the. ;Pare
at yu'Sretro eons. s, 11r. I.iuro!n passed over
the return of - aIlerldtgbam."
What do thew waifi point toll A
eounter Revolution,* ease of elcCkfau'a
defeat ?
Thi Price 01 Waite idea.
To the Editor of the //nrie Sign tel :
Dain Sla,-lar your &their uu. he "Price
of White !lea," 1 think ydu put der raw un-
fairly. Thera tin surely be tor u11s•ott
Iet*ren the Mile of black men and limas
body and soul, as (errird en Iy the titidieas
people of the S. t Ikon Slates at.d the now
ploy'ncut of whatnot. to legit 'bider the
heroic enerale of the Noilh for rho;doriw,i
tamer of (telly and 1' - . It is pelf iter deo-
poi ie
e -
po'iie euy.1 I t that cameras •'e cunsenit'*eJ
and list d i:•1.. Ihr ranee •1111 at an op✓..r-
lunt of
able. aleft id to Iwu,ttira, the 11 •✓t flet
.rnnaeal ,;r,ierall7 pax. a 1* ,ate, Sul.:uetl .,f
Ino.tty money t.. letter mll aPuPuttee,:Puttee,:•i•, le
anoint In eine of war, and it 0 nut sngi: ern'
ssthe assent that e C. 8. Goernm•a t bags 4
its noIu
un any the ore.bctauw• it pays mem
r Inrge beefily. Ike extent/ el the caw
nod the abundance of emery 'make ell, a.
dam -rime. .1ud, 'I,;aln, Irf're ciliut Ih.-
e rueldrs of drue,;ing,te ,rhl.h acra,.i'. roily
t..ke pian, w d it nut be roll ,o;rerrl kl
give to your rru ee a (ter wct•one,te of the
deo:. of the a riuw ••1'I&ala thine- Ill
Englae&,clued.has beers kN.i&u ,*.y.mt•d,y
w h, a Jntg'd Ia ah:e men Pow
Whist dead of night a 1 buoy tit w hr to
MN&e loan.r-w ar. Ae 11 erre p,,1 .1 1 ,,
el ► w.wt resi.uns.hlr one, d I
seNn.0 J np•n..
W c yew•. etek,uwl"ilei t !c ata euro ..1
on tire, ink 0r -those shoot wi i1aoiiI 0
s•jreadoaa fur the rarlurrd f'
TosSat u ,
CI fie.J furakoLiu• w'wl'ndre it Chet a
1 Ym, air,
RICMA 's.Our clerical friend nal
would-be ad wall p!.•ise accept t
tditurs thane* to his pu doubt sellesealt•
-efforts to turn him m the erne of hie
ways. 'We can ueeu he *riser of the
abut! That it will tike a wi • i 1 mete uud
ore kv,1icel di(ec'rtati,ts to .rifre us
tem:hem 9f this timely have b'. u,krla ut 1411
smell trepidation se. w *1s milt of the i1M
eaaminetlae, ,The mesh 51 shorn by Back,
woods Ubwrvees letter shows that its same
cues the fears acre srny,dlres, end that It
some w5et pluclyd, ulbersthat oilgl:t to here
Ile•rn were nut. 0..t'a11ty or trrlRnria
A,tt"otrrtete?.--After the opening of
Court ou 1utmJay lot, his honor the
kali it was the unanimous weal
Bench that Mr. &Abile in Itazle-
rheuhd be appointed CIier of the
}'lace of 31r. Henry Reid, d,-
,,aJ that theroppoiutwuut had beets
,eee•'rd i n •' ly.
eeewe to htae IM•aaed1lwil tele lite, nine, f the
of+.nue of tle'uth itis. That .t yc"iadul.to, huts;
eorc.eafel et me, ahoted Lave Ary eteee to C curt
think so, wt I and rue blot 111 cauu.el ash the t •,1ti'J
actionsi.,•hen;; but a leed,ig of kata•et forI tide
the retn,s. 111 *' 14 • law its meehwrin lar l
the s7i ci the' ;albs; .ori react:on aee•alesy III
equal rod in epi o.ite Jhrratiues, )sow lea*
ties satiirwriu 0111 ild elan errttfi.•atee. Ca*
L tore. Should he rye Incl to dam: he Iso las
eewf J S 7 ntepiyers t
The New Insolvent stet.
ily the lua.ltrat tet vl 1864, .hick crave
into inti on the Lt, •nT p:nson m Cpper -•-
Centel& or oily trader i0 lower Creeds wry, M' The Yell Amigos will opals is this
if wmW. 10 wart his selfsaents, call 1t tooa en Tuesday, the '26th instant.
mrerin t h'
sharp tither by lorkist •n awi,tuwnnt of There wild be Pinny important buaiume,but
g ar n e e etas, and obtain hie dra
ht. estate. or a composition, ou such tortes ea wo believe the Criminal CA0udar wall not
may he agreed w by a m.'joit'y of cnditun• be as heavy la Waal..
to number 1.,t. wine respectively abuts one _
Otthhundred dollars, who rt•prer w thine (uurth. Acewgwr.-A boy named 1'lere, of
gl-t4n ti hire ill thrJuhtur ; the ,rmrining
his ow w a n luadim• e
e J'11 t n as rd ur two u•
u 1 u 1 lea•wJ Iluuud b7 the dra•iaiyu. 7 +
If soy ender cruets to meet les commer- smell coanun, when a spark fell , into r flask
end Liabilities grnr,&Ilv as IIta7 beemne J
are, ill purser Itu'l ,tar Lina, a•mwill au rxplus-
ray two or more credilurs Ibr •uwr its the [1414 by rbieb he ors culsiderably buruad
7 &t{regal• rtceediui five heeded dollars, &bout lee Imes a'J brc:ut.
THE AMERICAN WAR. in to by theirsi'uple notice, require him w
make an earignwrut fur the Iwuelit of crrdi• Baecs CuCart'fuwt.-'l'Le vote of the
son, Pelt then it a Anteater that it 'yrs Peru'
p ru r esueu- by ;1:1';en . 'butte. he Bruce wall be tat ma on the lb.
tI 01 lair) eon.
t Tuwu Qeeuun, on l'ue,day the 20th instant.
sed 1, rye, a n ea eeiinn at shah a •army dated 5t.• r cam Witilli firs drys rhuw to r Judge of the
p a.p"•_„ ri oda Superior Clunk that the demand hes been The its 'earl,,,. rt prewar are that 1Lialer
•1 •r•ufla'•n,rehia,l&Fnr
made without sufi;lrnl cWtaa. if it (s. shown s';I re i 1 n•rx o r an of thus&
n ce there tv t, m y
motthat the ce ear has acted mita improper vile would otherwise support Walkerton,
motives he .may ler condemned its teablr • For the followine (Made. • debtor is deein• ha, detervillage.
eats. _. 1 hint to go for the Pieter villa•
- --\- -woo.-- -
ladiea in connection with
this town will opo t
•thunutr,y tJy-s a ■nt J.rrttin • the Sherd. Hartman refrerhtuen aides, .ic., in Crabb'&
Ili, a„rdelw
dtsputrh trout lluud
b• ;riche
144 bleb alts•
r1ii,rla arst.• one'
Ism r Mre y our
Ile ter, Ip•Ie:.l. lack Y 1'nu,ae P .M 4 nt. U.),Ir, i 5d,rnea drote.lb•' enemy' Isom J('Jb(e►IM.rU
parte Ise heneeeiel : 14"1 w. heir. The motel and recrpluted the hospital contenting 9U ill
'per tett mat^Wney i. suints eJdu.al the m" our wu.uppled. S,Cr,n,n comma's to d'me
lire 1«,wrr 1 r ik \ pr'I .there a u0t that leak tow,r.de:aduuta lir the purpose it u re.
u unulis'n rx.i tin.n pad a'm ci li '' an d1r , oiled- of a,remigIl.euind tlto works oil the
oat t ill the tucbrn nor •'i it o f Ibr curvy eestrrn, eret• ten and southern- &ppn.m:ewe
shut ought to r, owe 4.1 w I{ b. 'Ivir Ter I the:ef4. 1,.00 will cuerr our lo.vs tram rU
• x1..`ciiti n,,0f vn ts'wius i lI r'. i far ,.u,. -a its the bulla &, d akirori.My of luq.
.ie'n,t-'e ptueked," ,halms, r , 1rt•r to tel as -i,- '1"he •r:o7 .4 riuw its fine *plaits:'
arliun rich soca' N'oald , -nut h+ ad. a" i Naw
Torte, Snit. 10.-I he Herold a Cil
Jr J
Iateuae w e I.pwanw'co,crn..-J nl u.e lt,e. d : 1',nutce napue'drt, writ"tog err 1be 8th, says
tamed owl the, priwcq'Iw a,,t,, t.4 erre• \ur• .4,51 larq wnJ p, e n r, hroutht bleu withw &
mJ Se -h v,l wind male"'shat miilt,l•e *6 .1 dryer tto may that Getie.•al Le.- has meted
lion treaty .e uirelre. the ?velum feral"' his he:.d pi:stets loom ltiehao„d•t., the mei th-
ot I..n+at 1 . .
1 rM rnI1 1110 rY11•e.l nalrWt UI
Its re tr nab a dorm! F.et •' 1,1 re wu.1.1 tb & llattte• )1 th'. ••rune true we rte probably 0
won on tie wend..
t t of gilts
a 1115'41.00•,' raft'., . e.aa. 11 •t. . N,r IIJa rami .l
re,pwra,l iuc are t alar Cell. h art a, x art the.«
to hr-) ow lar the da i.rta the uu;e of ds t}er ear( moodier terrific coon in. Our'pr.-
rine lien a .d tote. +i"tit,,! a tern..', tarsn,i i,e,rn,iu. f er orf•-uce and d••feuee are &dwirs
:'.are reuiuF Ih+t,,
Hrrr W lav ,tea IKI b.,l o, and Leo will bare to !boleti bet+ter.
••iffy rn'L" bbn'1.4. at. my crrY1C Gu w.'4 l rye its„ us 11 retain our portion of the N'el-
rraa,liir:•aare gryr,.to •cru, An u.r,Idon railroad, or attacking uur iuttin:hod
is art murk at,, 4'&K rn't C,00t an-
ovr ,let. To pm'r,J. r%.'in.t tn..t o111.or , fh•• //rra{decnrre'ponlent, with the 9th
event wads' d, net :refit lee -cert fira;«e ,u me c: a le, w n.:. cal the Tth inslanteeay.:
for &mar, erre' alter
the &trippr'ruon, ling, •elle', teem 11111.4 Gan Wilcox's (Hurl Gee
t pro. sd.n:. t.4 in./ ri'tt w in:lual 111em +•r :,o J w, rl•-wi t. lee reeently rulst.uy'rd
1 ehunnL mita er at. men t:. I1: u r,aud ' works, A branch railroad of thei to City
- out 5Nlt l , di,tate. ni'7 t, s a'&.a. 1.')- ,•tont will be in 01e alio. in • fa w da. t.
I 1puaati•4 " eel '•_ earl t•.4 4 1•? 'sola ,.vary error tit the lice, dleteryin; teeth the
*eon sierra i 1. r• •. 'hal We
rl•1 Mt wl hen-t.✓wrY 411%. ill* trrrtsl.✓•u.ti,n of Mot ea
1 to LaA ,l , -, t • , h 'n u• hal !fin r ur ,»rams Ire; nhy t••huuus,aid h,gh nod, -
" r;.....1".
r ;...'t 1e• ' 1G+ ru rye -la ,uarer 1 aunt. tis are llaruwn
h .'.es tw, •t14t art d. rant, rut a hruu Mit up seal lied ae tail r+ the
of real •, rye,? -
- ruryon rtix'!wa•Ir4nce. Toe road it now
04111%0At.• .. . ..r •Im'rand u. ,n r tea•. at. 1 1 • the J. rus.eleam lank red,"
:.0 a:l... t let terniml - to offer, 11,0 'l'fiAYnrs , surd, tiled llarper's
Fairy, we !owlet 9th. errs:- Early mate
after an abwiicr yl' a da rYru, we lett. ,n Iunhe. eymotuws ill a desire to !meek
tie aim's' somea'Iuit hazilj'-"rite en letter wit lar-'."•, hut, un the eaetay, term. 0017
words in ainaaoot to l• -•1.e in s. ch • moniker as shall
• ve Mtn 4 dory, tied us the least annoyance,
't -t to ti o shard the A verill, in ratin,1 hick Com
•r. t Iy ert'io ty ut:al. tiushu.-g, sow Ire frnugrte
• Oita e a s rtcd prate/44y, 1101 uo.Yai6 nim•
h-.•1' . 0 +••tel •us,lgrurr betel $110..
I''t« Ilnrid It Washington a,r,,sl dispatch.
Ln our suet um -table, never.
which se have printed in it ,
point tee to the writ:'& *rote of the
wLiricrineoaniezp 't. "O`j••rv.,
'r, it wt. be rime iebrfe.,wak iuten 1e
t the.%dmiui.tr.aion or "glom
" of the North are inure than f:
el•ater/ ''ndp'ot'`tlrc enclave,}, as a utattci'o
of •• wihtt nece.nity." In the edi4'wial
'aricle allude o, we dial nur'deuou,ce
I the employment 0r'subst uteri, but we a111
de de anal will. • *.ti*, todep citt!
'the i,hlnuln tralkc eft, • Whore grad
is to sell whir non to the • •det.tl r eluit-
1n;; agents" after hAriug first rag • I a r
in mime way deluded the hdples acti-ns:
It is useless, to etuivel aril talk 'nit
"hcroicgenerale " and " glorious enu..•. ;
for it is a j'ret,broad,palp.nbk•, suseepwhle
or the clearest poseible prod that . l'ana-
rlrme, ax well is emigrants fronl/'Britain
and the Centtnint, have been .et pm by
crimps emu after landing on tl shores if
the lend of Liberty, mid bci$g drugged
have beensJJ for from SIM/ toilOtib
each„to awaken i0 a few hours wit* the
federal welfare, upatn' thew. 11 a have
published caeca of this kind G'rapt ,ttlj•,
sad we hare rea-ou to b -Iteve that Ilio
tempting prier offered fur recruits have
awel:ed the traffic from an tee...iim.al cos
iue a regul:u-6raneb of beeinens,by ablere
merag yirrrons ore »wnuiwy %d,rleu,.1 Dur
eorresp'ndent may fire fn.w babied en
iotrcuehwcnt of exalte,1 philanthropy, but-
bifurc,ho' can c•nsince the puff' 'that he
is right end the edit"r of the r ' a d
to ell
cease eai
w thit a art du tceSei, altInu:h •• tad 11 0ec,urk Irat eight, ars it was fit
ip s li r,fit that cit 1h,1 Merote ,4
p , &c., ntxitcl y fiat y
'tint 1 'nn •non y surd to have brew eteeinrd
Calc. ur pr m•ot a0nnyluuus . r: s olcler.rta d *erten, who any 11,e
Hiram-pulid'. t ,pert,. • 161." I IGt• n r," ' 11 s-nr les ' y p a«•4 by the whole Ilett, roti
and mit be a etce'lene teacher ritnn.if • Gra len• '4.111!. tbr.ily gas surre,:d«r
•• ed , ,e Ir..-. hating titbit* to the interi .r.
b r fl' 1'
art •10.1uolf - s t lt0 elertri I h N tt' J" J •h
erriousldma'1'ra 1 OM article )f.p:red rot the 0tns+ys: 'trluge,lee from the trout seen rills G,n, -far ween he extruded the
;es .`1.114111.144, w im 1 ,e -ed to the cornet , rlorrs..i1 • ,a nation le, lie ' far dan,ee:a
r:,r th. /.i ar. i. -c u ail et'frcioe charity i,i m Ilea 1,t i e fu: "s Muer re,rhuein
y ua solemnly arise and rut need its the plethora,
ed hrplvr,t. and in Lower Canada, upuu tali BAZAAM.-T
.droit mole by a e.eddrtur for not leas thea Khoz'r Ctmre6 0
two bu,Jt-J dollars, or his agent, the pro
to smite the chop estate with broke rod pa. 1 old stood un the '20th , nd':lat in.tr. The
pent rplrrtaining, the aunt to Iva h, -Id' 6J i proceeds are w go into a Building Fund
into of the °diem! mai:tikes appointed by the
liuwd of Tilade til, the brat martin art toe,' I of the Church, and w hope the lair
diens, rhe . .
m *hey may dune' at they .deem-radrawunlen for the oee.utw will be eZ-
1 It the debtor abscond: or a shout t,
M . ,
Ce d ur ` •e
sem s hunwn with sl f , h f ulrut
tettaively pato:misted.
at Mcuaaaas,-'1'be Directors of • Cu. of
Intent or, to delay or defeat rememes. .0 *How
3. If be *totems, or u rburt to secrete h
3. if hr ++mien, retwuvea, or lap ties of
Property, or attempts to do ao,wii b frwudu•
lint iniad.
4. 1f with intent 1-'Jrfraud he hid caused
lis prupelq to be seized or laical 544 1444+,
WI! per/reap or reeeeteeyi.
S. It be has hoer iapriwneel more than
thi:y dvys on • aril acorn f'uiulyd
C,nlrasl for ru-,,e 1h:.., tiro hui.Jtr•1 d AM
6. 11 let• , i'lul y ncgle.l11 ur rater+ to
pear to my orJ.•r tertian.' hie •p;esran
to anew. r 1't•speesp leu dente.
7. II. t a tnlul,y egrets or refuses eon
plasuaw with airy un.e orator ler the pwytnaut
yt tared 1"11 ••t1 rw 1t0 alarm 111 the airliner
pnacrshed by'1he act.
8. 11 a•ler toluurnil7 cu'Iin1 a. marling
of creditors he neglects to prwred further;
or tl where an yat_nnlrhl u egret to acs
snorting of creditors, he dues out Green torte T
the some trilkiu,free deyz.- llentreal Telt •
traps. - edit'
1 hallus i
Brant %gr(:ullur, Society, refute"
.,jut l'.•riO'e I1.uteeiy to encamp syr a
on sir poen la while en the 5erch
l.audu to Hamilton; esteem. the 1
Council addraiOyrd refuerd a d•7 or -t
before to draft the S,cirty G ill. ,Such a
peel act .huuld • - passed around. -
Fssk►t. Ae rII/VIT: . ?unit lad,abotat
10 year of age, the son of -=dock laborer'
1' named Cantiitrt, disappeared Ion Saturday
afternoon. the 3rd uust., and after mush
search the body w4a)iiscrrered on Wed.
nestle)• the ...lilt, in the'' water near the
aerator. ' Deceased was in search of late
ther at the tiiue,and is suploaed to have
sli „' and fallen into the river. `
AT tltEITtoN. :111 our Weekly
of Aug. t:.th, we published the
• quhetien
Attrauta Noseet.1l,.-1h hia new lecture
Art. -MIA Ward Metres nuns fun of the N cud
*Air;, the Nee keteand'••trout men, ale.,
advultlees th a he wall lilt twelve aide a eitJ
Men e1 tills time at ab. clue ut bis Jettu.ee'
• A, tew.e' trete.. ick Abe airier 'dor ' Nor
Englander by t.,e•-Uyuey invitint tweive
rgn-o..b e yowl,; Joh, 4.t', the plettern, ewe
lee thel he eel lilt teem erre et a tine .r
' pave,.h in Il- nituatarit' 1 not s p city gar„J ;
but out 111 Petite, et s tut. n. tt•joti14 its 1-.e•
h ".ear
Cel wrtr a
• .411 Sinn t
.K:• w: le glwUp%.11, Hpwte iulaiyol laa,.th•7 rasher Mole (lion gra
1 t ' th 1 , the1 11' h L
It, grotto; accounts Hund that If
deed to i ul .1y money, a,i,1 ,the
;m. h+.era'se's. the sun. would •b:
rf the rt' -.tinder, and taut the sura aid the
rem .4 icer ml 'etre..,p•-ther ,n,J•. £7,2... What
wits reels man mere/ ?-Surutns,nde1,eud.
rut of AI„rinr:' .
•To this we h ve rt'ecived about a dozen
answers frunt all ani of the t'ouuty:-
Sevtrtl of these F educe the same result,
viz r that An moue was C l I S.,anal Id'.
.C14 's. The answer pl.encle•l to the nti,;i•
-one)• L 11;, B's.Cbb;,
N'imre duces Otey aiscrc ncy lie?
,+'stat rel 01, a rrmeI4 k'f - u Tine t a Lee IF a4 dreur,e', art se rd themee.tes bo he net guceti-•ii'war:A's
(.*Cl III a it 45 nn_ Iy,l,;, .err t0 Itlelat red .reenl•oto m fon 0 the N e d,n suit • tried.'T b• •son it a g..ee a re -u at
a'tbin,;tLantoJe►mltMo.1 nems, reel and they,veeee belie to br true' Houser scream. 111•t the showman twihq
ani. s,7 •.iythmeeestuculetis funny. ''He d.
the meld heat fro • lit] teem. -114 'eau.
COUs7;l iA0di` !ND Q AT Ir• ivwr rhat'Ihe eemny's anatk la' the post -----
-- - - `- - -••ase n of ti•e We'Ann relreu•d near at
- set, end a is doubtful it iulrulry take'
Throe Courts were opened at 12 eel wj . t •the*. _ _ f _
Lod,y, tTuu'Lyl before hi, il,n.,r t _
L:. The parenmen. of Louden Y one
sty Judi . T6e fytivaiva gentlemen the.• ' i1 au, ve of odr time. It covers
• lbe,lirind Jury: 110J at. -e., ton thirds wheredf 'Cones,' of a
t utter
alit, f,n'man-V''illialn B:•ll,'styl • r 4 i
rth•u.ltri•tuw, Wm Cxgiar, ?ion!) &erica
.fin :Nootgwn -ry, Thy+. ; city the , 1•prrn
d oneie r date,
McKinnon, Richard • poor figure 'pain.'
11'(at.1%r1Ieec a monist atree '
t was but Idt•en .•c:Iwo(
I tiled w4h tdut
aJJreeing.y.i it•d',teethe, a
the Grind Jury sai h-Tbe firs iv; on l+°Y ° the le:telh et
tie te•luth'el hal
Ilse Cram lar was airy-ncutio t ng rip one !r tear I error• u
's tutu
• Beg!' Bel
Thos. Grundy
Merarlin.', 1),
llaeluL,Jtwes S
E:. 11'.1 Icocit.
Miesta MID 3.4 ante.- We reeciree 'redder.
day (Frole‘j1isidosen.itioni of* tonal. it/oiling
ereder lete.y, MI...living the. doable room 01
Metal miel moulder. Oft Tu. ad ty llifielliQ01.
After reutine,
The 1111,11 w.
•.;:;nnectioa with the Cr uty ef -Huron
Ag,' -ueueal Society, opa ns
Tete ethe 20th Met. le so.
resume Ktrnhition Will be ,
any fetaistr -aeon. For canton
culturely, we
thei towel on
good a* on
, there is
hst tteulturaily and d;
other thed ef Smooth IlliggInk drIriel, un rhymer tospeetion jawed to be ein•
hew well be much elle
...ilea far efauseetelsie (jump leely ef a ne. bore chfid. SeePtetee wee '` lu, i,,uu ut lust ear
Wey' ts hiell Wila Iii.• ...eider doecled lo 0 youttg „inn between foui teen rad Ill • o y
w w•u co1 . 1 • Slier', year, tat ot tee mune of Cori
4 _eels.- one of Our mon ono lieetI in the hood. Sile wee ar
in the main mai erd• moat horrid, Lae. Iler broth., Frontic sh••
II slosoes sod thaes. deg:tared to be the (ether of the. child, met
plan d rattly on the sere iej„,,, the' eke tees doter:el of it am days
tfou nutn'ter over hue' te the : thee her bloater rfallela
les in teeth.
1 h aretay 'Acker tie. says
it'd at tie e+0..'4.5. It tr... a• or: moral! a„,.. ta ass oug melancho y
gully ue iimekeei, tee St note moist. Isivh
111r0111;,20 Must some but boldly and leeete, .
te ta, by ho Mr. Id. IL Brewer me
den mob. Wee•stow len
then ateet .iet, wel en her tree!) the pm,
of hi th tislic was tot to oe Stk.
Irokrible weir. i• IMpue•iloe to
inisgine.... (Joe esti Pt II:reflitoil.:14.4. +het the
etoty een be true, but the ham *het her
1's virwe forltia mood, hat as yet he hits
heti Ilrensellort Nprcto for.
summer has told ve y niece s„ 'eat the 6
prOdiretil of the dower gartieri and . ten lit
en the part ut eabibit ire
heftutieut eliiiere well en thy the. inityirc'tart
of those hroorsted in such Matter,. not% ills.
der of this town Ws hand: us for in.
3Iulleti, Coked States. Coustaia Agent
at -Sarnia, la -Intim to the 'dental
t at 111°. i'll;"9 aft -me th ersh tester era, rary apildialat have e
saner Loral ny, Moittrtoihul•in,
has -no exietence. . bet. Nur Jo lee
patriotic allueions to the 'Illitish '' Nees* Ilea their O4,.,s ty„,, ooce 1,10(e 11 !Jul, the street et a
Gang so much in his flivor. .. fleet- A eft;is a f. bemire see reee•e.
. IOW M, Brelve only Lao 44) er fete the
pretioing of niers I. -twilit: British navy, as 11'. the Conlin \tel1s set. eeeet,„,,ii, eeeetee ; when the t nut feer•
may hue been Onstage but *a thet atiy .'" "t'lae'"II *11c.n ie One, eue letiteemt ef the sel any. huvre.
reason wIly Lihorty-lic in; Ain Tie: a the u"4" Yr-- hat " e,
'on!. y tam cid te th4t the
1 id 10 Ind 1 them
thing,. by referiine to aces porp•trated hi. a krou'e, y nu thrri,...1.1.4,4 jr. hill wet; Streft a IWO aa thia
Britain of the peat 1 We do liot le•lieVe tlitt fi metier *hit the 11.$1.1.4:,deVer.• the benefit et lite
he assurance
le aed
that the British poople of to.day would to ty be. • 'fie', Ihnt Jell hare. it in the, •In":.ii",,11•17":1;:ii,7
bider:ate the l'rese Ging, but, ir thq p Mei. reit:testi, if they me lat. lor it. ro,i'ir Itheiroso,J1.:re iu room
British practic., as tyrannical an.1 Mimi;
CA to the cause of human liberty, as un.i TUC Mlle or .4ssittSisne-nte Droghed4
her people are free yrn and/rune, and a ;111 Iunatics in gaol for safe keeping, n Juan Santiagon prelim', to the •
eel. Thisein the .doctrine Pet forth by eefwee beetrelyed thrd tittered
every Ifernagoente in the lend, vrlio wiehea'Set"d'eeet.• oeler to liehteit the 1.'n;ersdaf ::::117 It arll'n!i'lirrd, 11'4. ni.mi'e
to tickle the gars. of the i„norint populate: ,:1/..0 4;5 1:1 far a" e '14 he 4 '"e euellat' the hell. am ifitt he.t has t!'1,d 1"1'1', ",":"
Why, then, does " (Malice*" sd,,,e us su. mule...ran the.ailaintitent ofJustice. teem. trnunteridtkons aldea lee
dew to bweep a cat pet-bometau*g The OreatJugplerasat{altlr1alye
for the Ladles-
Let we tell rural readers a good merle of
sweeping carpets. Take a eumwuu washtub The Calcutta correspondent of the Londaaq
or a +wall vessel. large euuueh to admit • Tenses. on the eel July, gives a long and
bro.:m Gee17, and put to clean cold eat «r to graphic descriptioa of scenes rt the Suan Jat-
the depth 01 a foot or wore. Tlieu tab• a tea and the Ruth Jetra - tae two great fest•
broom (oils partly worn ail as w b. • lutle ivals of Juggerrnaut, w6v 1. cru .o widely tesla
stet 1. the fess:), dip it its ail inebaa or so,rud Inmost Hindostan. Cowuw,ciaag on Jun-
LuW it over llw lube ur gar n t of Juvrs aiJ:day, the 144,6 June, by the pi aloe bringer.
knuek uR all the dmpw ill water. 1'ks cul Gu the god to be LutbrJ.it winnowed on Ibr 6th
done most effectually by holding it its nue ult.. when the can was drawn bark by thou.
muds of people band mid yapping it with 2614 uthar pin the 11e &uJ the god wee replaced iq.
knout corn &Lee where it ie act. Coin his home. he writer attended both these
nleure L, a,hiog et. light,y tel first, going over
etrrurpuiee, and the details 11110 which he on•
with it the seeoud lime 0t. More. stud 11' your tens will'pridie), dispel any idea us to the
carpet u, very dusty do not sweep noon than Hrindoos having abandoned the horrible prose.
• square yard ur leo before: 4 1,, ,, your ( uCi of *broeins Ibrmeelees tattler lee whtya
bre•ent into tee w, t -r aver ; Ile* eel 11114. 44 , of the Jugeer,aut car. Pulite over the
all the pwrti.;lns 01 dust udhe,ine to the I l'arhmg par1.01 the business, which erten, to
brown. 11 to elf the Jru;•s orf *AMA as before, hove partaken of the charm:ter uI a farce, we
and begin again, cu.'tinuinc to do et, till thea wilt ourtrf at nnte'to the clueing part of the
whole rye a ,.,,.d. S6wu1 the aster get very 1 fealties', lahieb is fund to have helm :4 guest
ditty before eolppletiug the room it can be • sickening and revolting teag.dy, IWd ase
changed. One rhe hila never tied the ea• which it was impusiible to winters wilbout
Ilenment wall pr.Aably he surplia.it at the. horror mud disgust:
the bry,mfn tolthe which trill
A carpet can be ,,ont 1 he crowd s • eemed iuluilel7 more dear
cleaned more elfectuell in this way than it the, ,t Ind ever been ee former ucrumns,
nun Iawiblr len done w h • dry Lraom, , cud all aloeg the roads wen -units filled ■iib
the p arueles of duel adhere w the bruuw Mr
sweetn.eats, hideous theila, truaap,y, Bic -
of iisimeso hill bask o.. the crrpwt 1 hriskna mad ,,Heald, ;iaie of Juggereaere
have dulcet my tablas mot ehrievi bt•fore •f the flied
00 m7
e ireteine in tile' way, and weld demurer but *hulug7, It sous r bwrberues copy of • coma -
e mere, of dot ea them neer' jelling 'hill fish smelt n*yr° whi tbly int the :am -mer
through. Phan• is no danger of injuring ',au
,jack' fruity sumo g err. ami y1(1. sun,
a Laney carpet it the drupes of water ate thur• hero end abets • nadrly cwnh,yrd • merry go
oushly removed from the broom. 1 t amA110 round,' with aunt ba Lotto cry in the a a
try it who has not slow and patience. - which that gurthne u C&(l&ble ollluruieh,ugr
Specimens of Telegraphic Lupatohe', There were nutria -girls hi eously ugly, dLaot-
ing their iaonotwwus strain to the wu.ie Of
Nowa-duy' an old ti Mie guaJ •tum low. 1'brro there
Idcgerrruw., iept. 22 (M dgight.) were little acrobats, 500 made ' l'slhrnie
A terrific -mitts tea. fonjht Imes lar alas be. by Il : Lee oIthe Goys vitu run, ur used to rue..
by Il'e ears of uumibues ,a LuuJuu streets.
\tweets nue million rebels, under limier -al faire There vas Alen • rtereuec'dl.r, rel- ,ecce uC
d ter, and one hundred National Troops ander the tut Great E:rbibitun, 0" show at 1 pits
etlerid Go in. The rebels reit. inareoched
I hied four guilra of lheweing nraski.I hatter• p t r,1a-
ire, ntl!uulnlg no less thin two thousand titled h4ppJy it (id and Of Iwice, tGathroug seemed
esti ten. which hall been stele', by the' are"' to get tied up in -5 knot and to be incapable
Ifarf 'lur•1. '1116 bat`s r 0l,nte•nerd before, of doing- anything but roll helplessly hum oat
-mull and'seed with• uoahaid fury for
side of-tLu road Its the ether. • This metres
ninrWwu sus. At,le:.it s- milli,to and • of attreclion were the two Jug rauteau.
h.tlf of re Is sere lett de t.'1 'm, e bit 'field.-
JrIJ .I These ire irnweure maws of weed,. about 60
(irarrrl wegerd.' J. IT l a . &u 1 fret in height. tarred into all aorta ill angles,
1Qvcul1oeh •anon; the stain. Their
anal decorated un ever? square inch will
-wires hate b. 'n memecred its whisky. I1 figures of the d hies. they are constructed
et. an awful ten; . -e Niahtiiererequallad its in four stomps, se to .peak, and eppyy'1li each of
rhe bLndy anraI f Itme rid war. 4e e'er' .iMse a l'rowd of Itr*hmuto and their ficud'
mous ampunt of ;.1 ,der Irl' odd our harts were collected. Large Welt 'were pier -id at
We,wuk all tree rneto,'s armm and musette each corner, and loo ropey of greet length
Only i It.mawrs il try lur•i 0 -In .41i'alllawry 'rtl14- were „edged to the Got* ill its car.. They
ed by mored u(wnsi; hoary who.:., and the entire
curl t•f vile beck, • lit' lower than ttie weight of tbr. ponderous iabnc must bare Leen
resi o» of tee iph n*eter a i. The muni enormous. Hour after hour the multitude
elect of ibis Yllto'7 teetered ofur ages...streamed past Ile cars, rhich were it some
aeau mreeTiJ,iIln, /rem each natter., ar tlsy tuned
Bt -sat' uwx, Sept. 23 iiia .) _ aside to a deaf beneath which wenn
7 placed a
1l is now leafier, that the sten tb of the numhef of indecently imitated ido's,rterwards
rebels was slightly oro media our 'rel dig decorated sill, w little drapery and hoisted on
retchcoerCeruing the /re `hattle'toe -1 tea *0th.,0 4,. It not until four mile, &iter.
larch,, 2't mi•rr fro. this p ee. • It , no. neem •. that • Lig gong was beaten on the top
levee tmimed that the lihole for f dere, - ny most division art the lint tar, acid &nth a great
consisted of *fin re,timents, a - meat shout Juggernaut hinyelf swathed In red
thorn only "elf full. Un.ior s.rle ll: • 'aver i loth, sons, brought to ILC spot. .t rope was
rstened to Liul. a:,J with
r i n of New
rk much r
Alm \ nrty Ninth mr t seu,un
t h 1 "e
Wetted Dunt seesaw slags by the Itnh.
-ter I binged the god seemed nater
se. they detered bin, upand Utley?.
Ill, sod 11.e Myra .wlaar•d to ham is
.` fuhiun. A Iter ugly deur he
mouseyen,p$interl I.l.t1, wait •
enamel *firm. Thenaaeth
ttwurr'hat 110.7 never a8* su h fllhti'tx in •'I :et.d ase bro
'4* 4 heisted up its abs sa
their G.rs.. .ti*ogrtt, i, .e dol ooh louse tar butte r mar m.1•'l, and so on t
more amnia fe r Luudred ut ou breve men. were full. The rued e t the" il.g ga
' mei d'rnatiw.s 1 the B, ; -',u-dry
- h r
Sell- 21 2 ai e.) distinguish the • fu ' the anew • .a
it is new iaeertained alit there 'was no• cep( the 'aim.;
w oral t"roe e
each person. The co,itw.ion was iude.•.
. e, and. when • shower of rami came un ae
415• ,1 Itteatient. the reef 1 Lest New Jens,/ he
tocce slowly retreated tor 'leers males, keep. • entereeith
eonatehere else, some time lottwerit 140 444 a thick tail 'lifetime up at a
grecs. - Illeme gay steeds
each holdmg a lir.
tar, and - • Brebotin et We
"Coloeel T. header went out, 'Moue and ow " At lei. time the
4 the (*spiral, he came upon seven Corianders
i bedy guard i•f the aortas l'reseleet len. the eer 'hell'
t bieuest.re,uitile; dc.17r,e;nk,ema
. 'Whets the Aeolition cowards saw the 'eat ith sal
here (oho bet! tara were 44514 05e
se • palmette sweetie they bete to "I. th,e
Theo gest them pursuit, and aurrounded
the •1••• ''.porty in the City, 114'1 barracks.
,.‘leallgior and teek them ell poteeners. Ile
heelffet bt uebt them in here. The patriotic
ladies irt fti 14°10 hare preeemeel the brave
eriilenee of ir appreciation %I ha hero'
4. e4 - tle la e now over a milieu of
whose widowed mother resides in Port . Z716°1/ yr la,ar,Itfveti,
Albert: It Seethe that Brady, • waiter 1 bridegw7m7L'entenant
The Cu .wint \questions were put, and the 00 the Prop. '• 5. D. Cakiwelt" was on thee dine. Mho solloilt 30 'yea
.aixtlit.iii%tr.'dutil 41a.u. (4;',It:i,harelZ,:‘.'fill" “id IQ' act of handing thetn back, when one wield *Lout the 5.111
1,,i,e,,,,, ,1 ,ie • ,,puuilie ,, van „,,d, instant death. . A coroner's jury ret7 'priitendY inr:iii'i.1e,?rn,"hihrstvrinnitSta":eteriti'mrewdhe i
Wars 111
pro e the 11 vor of „the tented atmos,
1' as the ey ecula reach this throng extend-
, mid whet, trammed:gongs. were set beat -
Mgr; and the lir bowlers:4.14ton the people,
enormout I i tire . The. ropes were fixed,
and multittele. rust .1 to them.'eager for the
ear itself thee e,,u,d kreely hare been tem
tbAn 2110 men. Per *pi there were Low
pulled at the ropes, t they peeled ler a
meg tome in vain. The r had been owe
had made a deep
weight. Again
ted and gestate -
Ives. At last
er, instead of
no moved
if it hid
and for
ye the
a life
ell I
trete bro
le, est w it
re fattened to ths
upon the back of
crumbliog hke most so-
ugh irun bass ita float Of
(retell Were peering, and on
ere more women of the wee-
d crone geparg wrath and
thine On thrt other side
• *omen. The road itaelf
for the crtjwth of people,
ielias tied dirty *els del not
Mama far a elude year lin
one •Iter tee other. and -the
161(11 *x perfegt •I'euce. Then the itrahmitis
a. T hely, who is' forwards • frw yards, groiaing
the gal on b.i,h-groom, living Creature. II etoppe
the a ire on, melee the central stow) i
rangier 1,7
and the' time it ernehrd fru
Innite:r.lregt: w,.
Of e 1•11 lof
lip. I would do wh
t the tiroilik Think or
and Great ',Orient Haile/11's ?
eee." A. Thai me tato tedeerandent eo Mei,
eiaterilnrerne, 1 wmed be tor them to
01• and entirely exonerated the negroes from ths redernts. 1 he lady's tareer 1
yen setteTir fund a verdict of' " accidental death "
t" 110* r• 1' 1 ""k ? all Id nate. They Phowed mach sorrow,
the V 'tie" 'erne" anti itontedi dely after the accident' gave
"rirl.ju 1 ethe'. r. McM alkyl -money enough to bury the
fell of with *very revoltiti in or os holeous w
the most eventful berme, and ',neat, fete covered es they wee, with bermes fleet'
tense. Iler lather, Gesterel lead, wh pea gore. The va,t mullittide reenter] !wide
armed vast estates in the territory of nia, pommand with a Et of deliriutd. They roue
• ood,,,.so the cease of Sktutherlt e' said stroigled with each other to get near the
bet ,,. unfortunate youth, besides some $7..r for mad, obtair ing the rank of
pendriler, and was soon entrnstge.d,:rit.1.11 coil
'stooped down and peered beneath its wheele,
ear. winch heel stopped as if by magic. They
t Sahel
hie mother. Demeaned was • member of daughter. the Mirk, mithusiomitally m-
irrored the entise, tolloerd ha r lather 10 the
held, and acCompanied him thrOughout the •
-.it le n the' It;tv. Johli\Jirovrit first seined in he
, 'MCAT ,o1 Pa.- 1 he im mft.litt 14 -I:a ate embell tatted tdetwrst tit.h and tan - 11,1.1111(1111, Scot and. Ake peoele , of the ,itra ,he
nuclei n of 412.' .r. ten 1,ef. is dedicatt d le Lime pierie• I a: is': J.ite Iiiiit tt %min and enthestatee re ...',_„_
ammert reeitively•that %visite men are being, p„,,,,,,,,,,e,,,,a,,e,..„,,, ' ' e 1•15, 011", rod is el propiiately in, it• d s.gtia ervion ; "thy one oi the toratelperi of that 40, 7',
. to here been sal.. , et tamer is n
told in almost every city North -that the 'tact/oily aoldd is E -1414,e1.' 11e. Hew it reft in c ,,
ty; teat 01 the lending features. m the litteol largo church trod congregation 11 rod,
Oai the went in whom. hewn- it hit. Geen,,orst. op, teen et to him. 'The 401 tor toed all flirter:et sound
present market pi iee or a Keene. pi w,nz.1 pounder 13 l irt li Afilloir.iftx 'gun le,te ie Tee hods nete ra.,de' in 1019, Me/ !nap. iii meent In hii rower In eonvett ihe 1°IiI1a7 withstaodinz this t
Jack•oe, mid on leo oct worms heroically, as
••'"d'illet • lie,' gaatiaMaa waa n modern Joar of Are, led on this. treops to I
Is to speak. in derogatory terms of our hop.. howetar, In a ,siormish
f 's chenee by which a hotel in fie* eantuied, made prisoner, aiel conveye4 to I
bole,, ;„to•Sis,nis mereetabie Wastiitiltniu where she vets
is theory that teepee's -tile hotels
dmeerous to t'be community
he lower glace of taverna, is
r. and wi:I Lordly be ion.
travelling pullet ; mot-
litnbod rull-tootht•d reeruit* about $101,4),. (wetly weol at a fisetet represetein/ it femme
wira • negro of the same phy,ietie "re, .41..11 the fantoul ship 11' at rr.r, wtioti
trete in two !mere. With n 3.1f a load or
block 'adore the War! If our position is
flOwl•IN • 41004 poitti,11 lien hotted ant
tioteoAlo kt. him p,m•r it le lee en die- 0,11 V....4.4;1 the win ir Int. 'lee ew I, aeltiot
Robber, Swindler, Tyrant, l'ieng,Butcligr,
Land 1Pirat., &e. The New York World Charlottetown for the consileration .Of the
treeetien'iof a federation of the
blows to take. We shall metier, not 1,1 „
eteeee,,,„.e h„, by Net, c.spshie „r Vie 'gran." that wits eipeeted• itl
facts which, for public honor, h heir., ,Althrrugh the proceeding/4 have not been
kept buried. We will 'trip from A RR
LINCOLN the fol. garh horreory h• ha.
worn Po long ! We will, if need he. Ono. um. t Mee us that the prineiple or Federation
among other Often,. the effete., -Yee. Lett e has been •pproted of tnisninfottail, pm.
the word, iefamy -of the White Hutto. !
'weevily requires, wo will call Senators anti riding arititftetory details can be agrited„1
Irides people. In this eity and elsrwh•re, h. upon. Thus far all is w.II, mid „it now
"in of what we Lay. We hem" no remains ler the Governments to work, oat
heart to capon. such re.helic end person.'
with 311 mire an4 eireumersec a 'theme
',mid brine npon Ialan7p,111._11.nr:ara`d'''; prove' of Perliiment at art next *piton.
yet this war of melef"'" h e.1, The principle enee reeei'ved with spyrowA
b:ittit'e. by the Aleritistie I'mvinces smoothes the
mood, le Me Whits Threw arra oak vet& ff leotenty board Maagssaailer,,-----
known that tNe Northwest is in a fo a fum airtime .11 olleiwas eltarseters
I. hie to tete a part ; on the preempt*,
wire* 00 bow "do "Hi Mr. 14."1" tal,,reteder if .4 oar opinion tfre the pm(
y stet Ito
iron hied afloat
Lit armed eel. thew b 2 eerie •
stringers. 5 isiting ourlown we Nasal rec.
moment' an iusretitm or a now plan for
leying aloen where wooden once
Famed/ existed- -Theettodunperneelf
this 1Vhca a plank heroine. re.
move it and fill up the bole with grsvet -
ers 11.0e gravel, Ix e :use the rats might bur•
row in and ribdi ere it ffi . S'rup as
i this ',nue* is. the effect ie Pueli se to form
a very ;dee intuition of mos sic, which,
when almost every plenk is teken up ind
(the Vaeutlitt 00 trotted, Will etilae Olif
I street* to vie with the mirhle pivetnents
is that the, good little boya (we havnt any
bid ones, of course) min procure soonest to
throw at paving vehielee it, rein, weather
withowt wetting their dear little Amt. -
Some punk* hint that it would have beim
lanky se keep the eget' walk In one plane
hy tale* up tonne planks, from a etortate
spot .ed getting them ia the plane of
rotten 09$01, bed we oast remeether elsnO
it, ugh: 1., this country to be re••41, and seta
out lu'Ypentiego again.
an le te 141,111 ill to in American. '' Iltemuie
I 'tread," was the reply.
We.e, a peison declaims that •• his brain is
oi, tire," steed it be etilisrtle MOM Ma
A. mediae; le the fork /leper/re. the emt-
T nett! ere Geer y oil romps ries organ -
d New York-11.MM of Oman are very
if. arry.
Here ehe rt emitted the teen month., when
she was ett hanged for General Cochrane,
who hall been made rrienner by the teaseled -
mate. On her return to the South the went
er,whieh eel 41.1red by the Federal steamer
andrrode with feared Cora to tell their Mendel
f the sight. 1 made my way to the back of
ear. and there saw upon, the ground a
old woman, all *tinkled aml puckered
ith scarce/ • lir rament or her lace re-
cope We for bloud Mel dust. lier right foot
vau h ging by a thread, the wheels bed
passed err the tonere ot her nearly•naked
, faiet aptieer of anguish ran tern'
her frame Pile seemed to sfruggie to
I Not °tie of he crowd offered to move, or
nese her gr head from the ground, but
lamed eith rare it stems; while the Brehmitis
from the car g. 1 down With as much on-
' Cm's' n'r coon te tin n el. The crowd cried that
I well be wrrtten ori the
'were more r the ear, dord when 1
looked beneath it Or alive!!! teemed choked
with dusky ,hodies. Two or three choke',
ders here merle their appearance at d cone
pelle,d the crowd to more bar k. On gning
closer to the wheels I saw that one of them
Wes half over the body of a man, and • that
it hid c, uehed out his bowels aid fastened it-
self to his blmod. Clue by eats another tnan
teethed to death-he'wn• but a mass of man-
gled flesh. The Brahmion still looked upon
theme poor wretchee *eh perfect unconcern,
were evert tor the crowd tr, pull
agent ; bid the few pOlireMen present made
them draw the car back, so that the bodies of
dhe mangled enald be got from between ibe
'Preterit. The ,niob cried out 'Aar, osprt,'-.-
thet they did it of their own 'creed; and ite
demi, there ems no appearanee of the mete
they • themselves down in f, out. 1
raw two other Men lying the,' when the car
fintt stopped; but they op and walked
away. The thou were placed together, and
the car (begged on Ay th• people onee.
',The Hl11111. of Lords hm derided that Mrs.
0Yrehles.rrinatoorrhilagefai.led to establish the validity
The last Canada flaxen* mwmains •
proclamation establishing the Township of
Egan, on the river Gatineau, in the County
of Ottawa.
nett Rice, esq.,--aged .73 years-- toraectp
In thin Town on the Ath twelent, et bb
*me the County of Kent EngIand.
dieeseter es the unity of feeling willeb peers. lied danoroio,,,., .h
deal the whole body, but ail his effoi le I., Ob
I.L 1.1 ..drr,i, p r , ,,rd aheletee• ''' A: letIonetoi:::::::y
41117ipel,1114::h1:::::::r0Preb, r hohri,,, fthd frOns the sliip, arid found their way to this
ea to deny 1 t there are mush mutually her ame miamorerl, ramped together
',het meY he• e•60.17iiey bowel ite prise muter, nith hit. 'young '
will be se (41 heroine as praimer. The moult was that they
, Lemma/let Ilanlittge wee sent oil burl the
the bride Lavinlemectedete in draw
1'1,e theme diret•ted, however. they happened
lee accummod rtion therein than 1 he Isov coley! smr, a gok raid riiliated., hit sympathy
‘11;:e:flesel'i•a71, s; ae'di "i'''''.:::::";ehg,171:;1,1",iniinelni:'Ilfdit'alse:)-,:,i'e'stni:feit„:'''s,?wiseehetar.":,til:PP:1::: groggeries which may be (mine' in • rei an4 sum•ort for the' South. It it the unetation
tWelt, and il it hre• tan qamstion, 9n what .1..f firthho,00ntusawir.y.fie,ift:.er,,,hiasyreierntoheoci, e.joyeli .4 Lientettatit Hardierge, with bid bride, to
este the, coutery at the letter end Pf Sep-
tr°41/n•draatmed" ieKiir,'°q144i..:ttbbl.e.:71rdrin't think 7016 nienie, e„d st we knid in is tha, wee, her, to non the hint' ade mail miter the
reiettelitied te fie a! .1•1•11,11 • risaiors.' houses kern ie. lirst•clines style mre ereditaldi
to h ar the orator attelod to show cause to ser, e of the Southern States. The marriage
lor 1 'bet whet Nr. is the Om or yue are, me
To the Editor of At Herm Sirsit A hy a number Amer* en gentleman connect.
ed sith the Sou .. After tbe cenclusion of
the Ceremon the We repairer! to the
eelehreted oeulmi and stir am Toronto, tit htelegioom sax needed 'nee hi, .tojourn in
'the oppoteueity to comply stit the ditty. tetitter.-London &Mr, 1:4
In visit the town of tioderich, wish ta take the, count_t_.e, and perlok an *154.01 eft,
hem, able 1., doeutort for the minor of it. After lite,„ige tho loyks on the yee cen,e, tn ply
the, e *rimed in Ihe ear Anoint hing extraneous;
end. mpplyine his imernmente with greet ;del and Toronto. It is the million of 1dr. Rob-
ed dexterity, and without any prim on my ioson, art4 we hive no doubt thet hotlines.
./ 111,1 roll agree with him, that nth tea enter
, irn.in 0r eorn .h.,.40,1, Ism, 1 ,,....40.r.d prise can and will pity hardener. dividendl, as
eve ream hefere. I feel now perfectly well, IA to 20 die. quicker hy this means than by
tusuber"I thiiwie‘ :heti nel7 fee l'he C.heeeeen'e *hilt I the present europium'. Ws treat that Mr.
11 mem 'leery Ilifl linen nave been deaf. hot,,,,,,,,,, .111,5,st:re meek
a . ioa's jest my ,.1 ' .•1.'i' 4 1i's 4°'' I 1 MI ear, vivre or village. We *hoed like en?" waa c""Isaratheir Pri""*". i'mnri
. The offer. et the $3,000 MA in Nog Torkt "seek part* r
the* ielleele .111 au he the Iteet 'Pcnialtott Tim brasher! antiled, and their friendship
bola no t tkara. wiee peeled rwi•VIr. HOW define* it la teat
-Two steamer.' with the otel nam -ire ar aril' 4•Tnifteseir""• "14Tyll,"0!"1/ 109,00---
iiPr lie., opal 0 1...t He Rte." respectively. _ .
ale4y strayed at Beirouta from N'i.mongton, Miami Or Tell 1 nontlie.-Witehingtrali,
Sept. 7.-A letter front Timer MIN dnted I trh
warns pp las tontrary,apart erten erten, declamation. " 1 ' et t •
The Moil says atm on Wednesdav hut the
in coal matt 'nisei l'itglt,",,n•i,trilen,04,,sthhe. reithp.rerinedi ahued,
F.,11, 014 %baleen' Itatiroad Com, any pi,
.7.i'd711.115e1rent:17:11 none pi the ertertellou me
Hoak of Upper Caned, tor the sem a sf.1y.
. tended to veraell id war •isrling OP. IMO. II
..▪ .nays do vvevytning lin your power which othte.smo%rowerie.h.;,,tteityho:ftellai,.11•1.0.,,emisretyPri, wilerie.h
7"1"-tik,i7-1";,:eiy;:hAferrek. is, Hernid h" "4"" "'ePP*.er„::;:bs.etr.hp,r.,411iL.7.,:a.nies7.4.1„4."tw,olth:of:gh'elrehtleireen:::,:.::
mi Ihd.i,e715f1..om,hrlet *rho:Ay/411,7w Ithe..,40.11:iiiAc.11,0,711,::. di„,,,,--..t:10treirar-: riiit, T. ec,r,treri.iffeien. es.
A writer in the tender propose' to Petah
lish a Croutdran Clef) in New 'fork.
. .Tbe The Turksh emit et crop is said to be more
,le"'""tfen'"reams4V" Plalnlwee'nttihy throogh her mart. thee fourfold whet it V/1111 lam yeti".
• iv, I heave Mtn on In posh the 'milder, of *be
I remain, Or, yaws, boats en se to nee. them needy for the=
LEWIS RwrA, rif Navigation weal year. -01.
P. Poem el Irislitosra,rawety of Beres. Joanna.