HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1864-8-25, Page 3Snarl Trading. 1. tit. ,JI.g. W--•-liv,ed • mss who lad ecce best lite Jude of the Comity and wee Immo all our It by the name of Judge 1. He kept a stare and sew mill and was always sum W have the boat of the bu`.u, ea his aid., by wI.h means hs had gained •1 ample competency, and some did not Winton to sell kiw the " biggest rascal to the world " He was very ouoceitt d withal, sad used to delight to brag of ha bulimia capautty, whoa any me was roar to Woo,. Om toot' day, as gusto • cumber was seated at the stove its the stun, he began, u usual, to tell kis goud bargains, and at last wound up with the expreeuw-- "Nobody as e6.awd Ise, and they can't wither." 'Judge,' stud e* old nam of the company, 'I've cheated you morin you ever did s.' 'How au 7' end the Jude*. 'If 745'8 premie you won't go 1. law about it, our du anythisg, 111 t41, or else 1 trawl -fur you're too much of • 1•w charac- ter for me.' 'IACs hear, let's hear I' tried half • doom •r more voices. I'll prowler,' said the Jadge, 'and treat 1s the bargain, u you hare.' 'Well, do you rewewber that maggots you tebbed me of?' 'Yuv.r rubbed you of buy wagu;oo,' ex Maimed the Judge, '1 only gut the teat of • 1111arRYn.' Well, 1 thea toads ■p my mind to have at beak and-' 'You never did 1' ia(errupted the cute Judge. 'Yu, 1 did -ted interest, toe.' 'How m 7' thuudered the naw enraged Jude,. Wall, you see, Judge, Isold you one day • wry oice pine lead( and b.rg.ioe! with yuu fee a lot more. Well, that log I mule off your pile, down by your mill, the night te- (olrand the yell day 1 sold into you. The sett night 1 drew it hack bogie, ted old it to puts nett d.y, and to 1 kept on until you bought your own leg of ms tweutyeeren times 1' .."That's • lie 1' exclaimed am' infuriated ledge, rtmuiug to bas hooks used esawinmg kis log accounts ; 'yuu otter sold mm tweutr• yvea logs the mole wcusurewent.' 'I know it,' laud the weirder of togs. 'B Antoine it brick and forth the gods wore •od, as it were, 1 kept cutout this a off, mobil it was tea fent lutegyt-jut fo • en feet shorter than it was the fest Uwe ruugbt it, sad when it got short, 1 dre t home ague, and worked it up into ogles; ted then 1 concluded I had gas y waggun back and mowed it in my et book.' The eselam ous of the Judge tier. drown- ed rowned it the u of the bystanders, and the Idre r found the door withuur.the prom led at. Ar inrsusoruu P.larur..-1 h. Goren eek (Ssousud) Adterfwr, has for some time back been pebl.shrog every week, extracts' front old copies of the same paper, selected by Mr. Allan Part Paton. In its Issue of July the I9tb, we find the following paragraph, interesting to Canadians, inserted, copies from Hu Greenock Admrfreert of December 22nd, 100e:-" guano, New 6, -Steamboat --Un Saturday murusg,.t eight o'clock, snood (rem Montreal, being hot first trip. the ewe beat, "Accommodation," with 10 pamen& Thla is the first .easel of the kind that * appeared in our harbor. She is cuouuaslly crowded by ,,s tants. She left Mohueel w' Wedoeday. at two o'clock. so tbst her pas - este was aaty tie bolas ; thirty of Wheels sloe was at anhr. She arrived, in c , . Titres Rivers is twenty-four hour. She has at present berths for twenty passengers; winch next year will be considerably augmented. Ne triad or tide eon stop her. 86e bas seventy. les fat keel an eighty Ove co deck. The 6 J pries for a pwnZe up n nine dollars; and eight doss, the .easel supplying provisions'. Tho great Advantage .tending a vessel a0 sesMmcted is, that a passage may be cuc.lat ed to a degree of certainty, in point or time, which cannot be the caso with any veaset propelled by ells only. '1 ewe steamboat re. mono her u npule from an open, doubie spoked, per)endicoMr wheel, on each side, without say rurcular baud or rim. Tu the .ad of each double -spoke u heed a Naive board, which enters the water, and by the rotatory motion of the wheel, acts hke • pod - 41e. 'f he .1.01, .re put and kept in moti0s Ivy steam eper•ting within the vessel. A mast is to be fixed ,n Ler for the purpose of wing • ei, wheu the wind is favorable, wh,ch .dl occasionally eccelerat. 41er head- way. A thick-.kull.d schoolboy had the sentence, " Hop., on, hope ever.- written for horn to P 20%0 tSDbtrtiliautlttJ- Money to Lend. THE so Norther $20,000 to bas as maspn- aWe term,. Fur portauin.pply w HORACE MORTON. Cudenrb, 19th Aligns. III 4. w30 3m Separator for Sale. ` PIRST HATE new numbing Machine 11 ■red Sepant..r to he .4 ou rnsr,.'Ms Wry.. loons *rent will its 4:vn on good.ecu• toy. Apply to HU)ltAl'E HOItTON. Uudencb, August 1910. IIw4. w 0.bn Division Court Notice. 1PPOINT Saturday. Ih.6r.' day of Qctalwr, 1064. the hudrng or • Division Court t5 Kinre dine a 10 a. m Tits Court will be held at Kaorrdme is Sep- temiter. R. COOPER, Judge 11. 4 B. iacTio1 L� ter PREMISES Auguel 19th, 1564. IINR,EBtRYED HOUSE & CLINTON A Superior Business Stand. C. M. UEMAN i 1AS n•rn aL54IN,a truss the pro sue - j -1 UEult \fll.�U\, Eu1 , to sell by sue - two, Doul rewrite, u• the len "t ednesday, 5th October 1664, s noun. that eu nor situated HOt'8E AND PKh.M.JES on the turner of Cutter read Victoria Streets, (London Hold) en Chau.. lately to the arvpetm+n lir Mr. Charles Spoo•er, Ohioan. One of the Best Business Mand: is • ! Clinton . This is a f4jv0�r.bte opportunity 0 mreenteot, alrtbe property w,8 kw reset'. 'flan, or SArs-11.l(cash; be roved end rad Nolr•, pa •Id• throe Ia.s .tWu dole. Clinton, Augur, 1n64.. CAH 1: into the euclosurs of the se In Ju17 last, • red sod white steer; ewes and 6 limbs, white. The owners requested to prove property, pay 4304 and remove them. R. W. KINAIIAN, )Alt 24, ,on. 1,' t'p. (..d.neh. Roebuck F•rm,23rd .1u=.,1864. (u30.31 make • mm id without Parcels of Stationery LOWEST All the e •ANO OOLBOOKS • �tteslitie■ 10 suit n MAC: A%l. AND NEWSP Iteceired ss noun as published, Merchants, Tea RESALE RATES PREMIUM LIST 0((M Annual E[b,'t ton of t6. (Musty of Mures hem:ottani Smutty, to M bald rs .be Tuwu of Uwkrwb, or. Turaday •5d W adaod•y. 310th eOd flet September, 1464. OUTDOOR DEPAMMTMS3T. 505.10.' flew Brood Men and Moat $4.00, fad do 3.00. 34402 rad; bawl two years MI Filly SOU Ind d. 1.60, 3rd du 1 00; haw Ito year. uul (Jading 1W, AW Jo 1601, 3rd'Ja IJP I lest yearling Cult (stud or gelding) 200, Ind de 1.10 ; 1.. 'pan draught Horse. 4 W, end 4u 3 W, 3rd Ju f 00, hew .pas carnage do 4.W, end du 3,00, 3rd .tea 1.W. calls. dost Mdeb Cow which shall 6..e ked a calf iw 11.14 5300, lug Ju SAO, 5rd du IRO 1 best Iwo year. old Meter 1.00, lad Ju 1401 bad cue year Id Jo 140, 2nd J.. 1 OD; bust yol. 3 ears n 11 Sten 1.00, Sol de 1.50, Int Ju 1.00 ; bet puke two years o,ld Macs SUI, Sul do 1.60 ; twat 1Mt- led (Js 3.00, Ind do t 00.3rd do 100 ; be. Isnot blow or Heiler 3:10, S.4 du 200, 311 du 140 ; toot 8.0 Call, calved m/ 1064, I ,i0, 5 , 3 4u 100 ; heel He4er Ju Ju 1,50, bol du 1 p, ; Ire. oke work, ,o( (Jaen 4.00, ru4 'lo 3. W, 3rd *0 1.00. the "( SIGNAL" OFF E enpy by nu teacher. Imagine the surprise 61 Hook and Stationery Store. \ the tewha when, .pOu examining the youn(sera chirofrnphlrl evolutions, be fo.ni it rcudere, Ono, •• Hop Iia, bop iter." _- -___ - . r -.Iter n amp been ll Mrs. Major S to ea , edt '� e'g $700 TO LOAN • write for bee F:rigGah pnpen. She whiniest i A20,000 sterling the gosupt .7 T6•t'. ON IFIKST-CL 1SS 9IORTGAt E�. wino it is to be notorious. �� Apply to The ,i.liuist, who a making an, •(the pen- JOHN DAV I N, whoa -'- to London, st mount, i• s Han.' - ' - Barrister, ..to. grim lady, M'Ile. •Ihdn, whu made bar *bid f:a,nettiw. Jnr.. 160 h. L1fa. '.ween at the Ma-chiouess of Ileruosnire'n palace. -- Ton following yerdh t tea [iron Lnd writ- ten16r forego. o ' r at les• of ••oroo r e by J J We .re'ol A ''ni o ■ 1:e k at • ) u that t ee met with ;her death from Violent inhir tat• in the Arm, modulo from Colon (:.us. Mn. Msrauley having pub:lobed er Immo Thoughts," Mr. Sh.nnen was as ed wlretber he did not think ,t • ntnoge title I r s I.dy to choose. •"1; no meano," mpli- be, •' the sooner a woman gets rid of sue Moulins the better. • F111 171. At Gnderich, on Notchy 22nd August, Alice Dorah,mtint daughter of Jap. Stewart, aged 6 weeks, - - THE MARKETS. HUGH DUNLOP, Merchant 't`nilor, I[))Ef)M .lainl:an the inhabitants '1 Conrrad. I) tut h. has QEMOV ND to 164 shop under E. L. Jobaooa's Picture Gallery MAItI 1Ci' M(.1l' AIRE. where he lar s Ire supply to SPRING & SUMMER GOODS cry mutable!, the (;oderich Trade. which he ready to cal alt E LOWEST CASH PRICE. • arch. Ann] 20th. 1164. w07 GoDtalct, Aug. 23rd, 1864. Tho Fall Wham,. ....$0:86 (tri 0:7:1 S tring do • 0:75 (fats, .... 0:45 Harley .... 0:60 Hay, 't5 ton 8:00 Wool wuhad�ll Ift 0:00 as 0:40 Tort 4:50 Bxf,* 3:00 Lambe 200 cork:.., each .... . 0:45 Huse, do 0:30 'Inchon, '� pair ........ 1 leek., dry ........ 0:00 I ltdet (green). r y .... 3.30 Anter . . • . •..... 0:00 IPrtatoe '1‘.041 2'00 Ilton 0:0a Apply ..........0:60 (al 0:78 Auction (.1 0:00 Cameron 110.1 .d Rem $1.00, turf 4o 1.50, 3rd de t he. rite Ing Ran 1.00, 204 du 1.00 ; beet w 1 (pen ort ,) I sang rued a lamb in S. 2 od do 1 1 3rd du 1 0u t neat Nam m►" end do 1.00; et Ewe Iamb 1.60,, du 100; Low par lett EMC. or Webers 1.00. Rid W' I.U.5•- Best Boar, Is reed 3.00. 2ud do 2.00 ; best Boar, an d 3.00, Rol du 3.00 ; best sow, I gels , 3.00. 2nd du 2.00 I best bas small breed 3,00, 214 du 2.00 ; 1'. above Saws m have hod pi,t in, 1 4, one or mum pigs be shown frith , w. roC1.TRt. Beat pair Game Foals 80.7 bent pair Barnyard Fowls 0.75, beet pair large breed 0.75. 2nd pair Dantauts 0.75, 214 do 0.5 Geese 1.00. 2nd do 0.75 ; but ) 1,00, 2nd do 0.75: best pair 0 7;. 2nd du 0.50 ; best pair Pe 2nd rite 0.75 ; Best pair Turkey do 0.73. SW. wi•a7, Tb. Show of Fall Whom' will take plea. on Thursday the/ let day of September. 1544. The Canada Company's Prise. of 040 fur the hest 20 bushels of Voll Wheat the produce of Canada West, beingthe gru•tb of 1864, mid to W gieeu up In the Association for wed. The County Sucietr's Prises for the secwd best 20 bushels of fall Wltwt, 812. Third best 20 bushels of Fall Wheat, 810, the pro Jute of Canada Wept, and the gtO.th of 1164. _ • I req. -tired tobnnemed -When ante a are DO M the tickets with the mumsmustbe attached ,&u aitch artiode. NOTICE. GREENE &SONS FUR AND HAT MANUFACTURERS ! \VITETHE ATrE\LION Olrlit: YElftl Ifo •totheir LARGE 8TOAYuf OENTLEMENS' FURS, LADIES' Ft'RS, • VICToKI NES, MUFFS, BOAS, GLOVICS, CAPS, C1MS i9t0 the premises cfthe 4ub.criber on theta, day of August. 1563, • grey hell,r L sis�3 yea* old. 1h. owner a ImolesteJ Ye prupeIty, pa e■p{reemos uud tate Ler! way. TH'16• PUWELL. Lot 13,'eon. 7. Township of Tu. Merry, Aug. 2, 1154. w28.3( HUNON HOTEL, y J. WRIGJIT, Proprietor. THE BI' 'RIBEN bayou resumed the man. alemen fame Flat-olo.a Hotel, Iro•ts,1ey 1111.400 10 hsa e,. and moderate charge'•, 1u •everts Mare tel. • t from his old mend. mot potr.>,,ta. 6.401)11►, J sly nth, aw94•ftwf7.h ISAAC FRE red do 0.50 .1 For N2 0, V O.SO ;beat o ; Bat pair T o V •2►•.<s else' s Gka. s< u Duchs Gant Fowls' Pea F'uw 1201 s 1.00 A R i 2ndde0a6; Buck Mits and Gloves BUFFALO ROBES, TS Lift eT Lettere Lands tor Sale ! �F'8 sig °Y L•�,. REMAINING its16eGoderich Post Ram let Magus, 1064. Allen Benj. Aro► Henry. Auld Joha. Auderaun Thomas Iksd:ey Alec. IMsenger Andrew 1(ru.ne1 John C ltidwell Joshua )tel+.11 Jobn Har Jame. Ballroom J Rruslre Jelin Brows W Mr• Iknnu Sarah U Harry Mutual Sell Thun,aa Hell Jr Win l4tichan,u 1V o, Blair tY,u Campbell Ellrn Cullu,A James Conk Janice Cos John S C1101u,J John Carroll haulm Connell Mich Clairol Huy Cuaniniheul Robert Croft Thu.nas 1'oehran'fhomas R.? `County W F• (:,.loo Wns Ctsh.r W A _ . FELT AND SILK HATS, r.Dintl.r Adan ICKtheyitiout Charlet a00T rfIPS. Beet sere of Turnips 83.00, 2nd do 2.00, 34 do 1.50; best acre tel Potatoes 3.00, 2nd do 2.00, 3rd du 1.50 ; best s are Carrott 3.00, 214 dri 1.00, 3rd do 1,00 : best i acre of Mengel 'hurl 3.00, 2nd do 1,50. 3rd du l .J 1.00. forties 'eumpctitin{• for the sbo•. root crops Will be repotted to pay ' •o e0- , trance fee tel fifty trots. Irr1.movert. Beet iron *10,1,44 Loather Wooton made within the limits ret the County of Huron its 1864 $5.00, 2tld do 3.00 ; hest wlydea 514 trio lumber Waggon made within the limits of the County of Duron in 1864 4.00, 2nd do 3.00 • ben iron Plough 3.00, 2nd du 2.00 ; best Wooden Plough 2.00, 2:xt do 1.00 ; best double Mould Board Plou.h 3.00 ; hest sabeoil do 3,001 best lhors's Cultivator 2.00 -2ndde 1.031; best 1 hnneCultivator 3.00, Zed do 2.00; best pair Harrows- 3.00, 2nd do 2.00 ; nest Iron F Id holler 3.00, 21d do too; bels�11 oaten field. Roller 3.00, 2sd do 2.00 ; belt horse Fl,t•itaks 2,00, 2nd do 1.5Q; beat Turnip Seed fall 2.00, 2red' do 1.00 ; best Turnip Putter' 2.00 ; best'Frrm Gate -'2 00 : best 7luathit e�,Machine 5.00;1 best Slower .n4 Wiper Combined 5.00 1, best 1'raha(yd for relievinZ choking little,, 1.00. Parties taking First Pr4minma for' • CLOTS C;VS'AND tgomjau route CAP TRIMMINGS! D ~ J'1ie ' auu W w tat. I. greet variety. 4..311.31P4 1:111 :1: GREENE & SONS, 305 St foul Street, Mootwel. 1 Ford G August Rh, 1864.: w30 3• `I Forrest Mar Elliot James Elliot Mn O Kl loot '1 h.ma. BILyt Wto (2) 'ATCJLM.AKEJt AND. JEWELLER, -- - ;Fisher Wm WET; ST.: Gt)DEitICH, dour West of Mr. Stotts' Saddlery, ref WATt: la the b Nb: y LI. kr]De or S, CLOCKS ANO JEWELRY .\IR 1.1. ON rill t t Style & Warranted. • woo,•M.nyts lava JeWelr7'. Whitby", «• ate" dk c , e66. !Auld* Plot ' Can.alnyMIAat.,• w.rnnl.a is 1,1 ..repe•en•ed 111101..n Ser nlidded. 1:.Aereh Job' 17.6, 1 "Mold c i rrtxc rI 'CABINET WAREHI4'USE any implements will if moored Ditdntrn as well 4 their Premiums Judges. INDOOR DEPARTMENT. •ORTI,'rLTulu. rRonCrTL• Cote* a om the (1. )r:ST IN THE COUNT Y4 I I YJ e ! D. GORDON, NO ICS Fox W T • Gardner E V (Rahn Frede,ick jT .William TO TRADERS AND DEAt�RS I ininr Rnl»�t 'Tobacco, Snuff & Cigars , County of IIuroii N enekrmity with ,5s,rtr<ti m• remove from -117 ire F'n.nre department ofCuelu attend Excuse 1 sot directed to meow alte•etim of Trailers and (kaon am 'l obo,i•V 1st the neteµnv e(lurw.,dnl 1to troy other here. Without deny, en a•run'r 155411 ,4 Irru.ut of ,s4-b-puru*1e route. n( 1-Tc.b•c,•o-O.ue. ('91, w Twu. Smut, or C am, elww,. 1I,ul.uan I .ell 'we..bt ale..• pact• t.ge tape. ratty. a 7bhuew nod Food r sky 1he t zea n onset q n t, rvrti:,om'J 1a•e•rh ,01st.: ase of Cr- ean, arid too rale* prod -the should 11. • ick w ouch TnJrr o Mules ea .ten puu.A tint ,n the .ygref•:e. • On ny.p( of Nell meet an ase... ..amp 15. 0000 Ihen• ask .' pw.4e be .1ur5e. lea irh pukes,. rail u e . Bumped t WO1r a bwel W w.su* sal Inn ted w Her Mol• M 9th lore eel...: Ire .1441,4 01 Trader~ end I�keie to ►n . their stocks tel ub.ecu Ilr 7 ! mtmpd• Ammarter,m eat•• well he required Ma this ' dock menl.ot a she .•14,05 was in hand Mer w to l sow. i4: trES111.‘1.1e.DIDIteKvien we. • County 01 Hermit.. 4denrh, Amps( 171 1044. .w1gW NI I{l:Lt Best and Iar,T.•.t named collection of AND UNDERTKIiR, . Apples not leu then 5 of each vaiety 13.00, Manufactures son las now on . 5d • oomph" sa.rtment of Ilirlulure, a hs aremmwe, tad do 2.00, 3rd do 1.00; of• ri named W ES l STREET. GD EBIcR varieties of Winter Applca 5 of rick 2.00, e 2nd du 1.50 ; best do do Fall Apples do 2 00,1 ■ccn u • 2nd 45 1.00; bed and largest named t011ie• So(,a, )tunnua, Tan!o•., R.d41 Hai uotrof Pea:a not lest than 6 vnrietirs 5 of t'nnc and Wnol ,..tad ('hors, Gilt Nnrlldiag eneh 2.00, 2nd do 0,00 ; B.'ot 3 nrme'4 , and l.nn.to4 Glasses, in variety. of nriatme 1.00, 2nd do 0.50; host and largest home Manufacture and Imphrted net!! named collection of Plums not less than 61 varieties 12 of reel, 2.00, 2nd do 1.50, 3o1; y�, ft, hewn atone• 1r. hood n e ml 40 1.00•; nest 4 •1y110tw•a of 1'fume nlFned enrtni not of COFFINS. Also, HEA 1.50{ god do 1.00 ; hest pinto df nems TO HIRE. let Ironed 0 50' Hest nand collection of ripe �•.Iaireher and Conlwood t•ko es• ' 56, Rol 'lo 100 • hem late ('lib Apples cant for Vtrniture. • Ilmpes a Mimeo; of „•r•1'. lruwn ,n open a, eh1r10 MO�,TGAG•\SALE F I (4,•bneh. !151! (M.. 1061. 2nd do 0.50 ; het emitted stood Lr¢nt � _.! to tion .l Peached not Ines that 4 vin ctiea The -- a't it 0 2.00, 2nd do I. 0 ; beet plate 1 isohiers OT Number Seremten. in the le 6 e f �1 0.50; hest dicpl.y of- fruit. fhb _ erosion 'of'th. THuron, 0hip of Hull h. es Winne, distinct from rubor �Td7�8` .ii t County QQf iluron, 100 •Cres, ser, 'Ions Thr abnrr :sod tett Lr ., d • Valuable Property in luglu Wm Jewel James Jordan Thomas Johnston Wm Jenkins Wm Jarvis Wm Mormon Deggory Matlktos George Martin Jos Murton J ' Marshall Jobs Martin Jobn 8 Merdand Mart Maditou Mleltelly Meagher 1 Flrag Patrick Martin TLuSSI_ Mounei. Thu C MetAan N McKinsie Ann (4) Mt Keatie Met 3I-L.11•s Archibald Metalyeu Unsay McKeasie Christina M.Roy Cluvttua McKay Uudald Mc(.ui.h Donald (2) McDonald Uun.W U McClean Flora 31.. M.Keusie Ifugh Mcl,ntlatl July McNeill John McAuley Julio McDua cid John McDonald 1.iasie McVens.n Mn M'I)onald Maleelm(2) McDonald audelick McGratteu Wm Nelson John Norton N O'Krefe Joh. U'Keefe Juba Parish Cath Mrs Porker E A Polley Mary Mn . Pape Wiliam PorkIns Wm • Patten Van Capt Wm Amon Ellen Mrs " Rutherford John Hus,ciuus Juhu (2) Ituhutsew R Smith Andrew Sinclair Ales Soper F:uphe • u Smyth Kee ' 1 Shoults G Steele J Scotts Jr Sryo• John Sul van Michael 8' • one Mary Mrs lawn Patrick Simpson R F' Strain Hobert Stigma Wm a Theme Charles Townl.nd John • Travers Elobth C Mn Kinard Archibald Trimble Nm Keyes • oho ' Ker roast Mrs Watson D K ritem Henry Mm Weetun Geo tool bums Wilkes John W dson,Junathan iau. Charles Wilson John (2) Loy David Weasvr John Lewis John 'Wilmot Nay Ann Mm L.d.er Maggie W'oodru1yh Mary Livingston Whiteley Noble Lowry Robort Lod.n,Richard Yonas James • JAMES WATSON, ✓ Postmaster. T DT N.. f. tel ohm ted ca,. ,q( A.6ssY Cesare of eaotsww ea ereeil... .r Mu .err.m wan a,. Mit of the V4ya of Pun Alum Sad sea. AVM fisterrl Sod cool, lea : roily. ark bwuWl fl. adoptions the s n,L newt. rhea Mw onus oe o m8ra p,nwu This mews Wanes, 1.mA ,u■A► W. w rarlw. sale ped Envoi fowl u em.g,aue Anse.. d 1:. 1 ton so, la coo . Tbw.uy or Wawa.* Butts of Mow, \a.,of 16 awes ,le51. a mu3twd W nae ad. 0.01141a Sul -therm w.,.l Itu„d P., 5(101 e• Tow110n. .(C,.n.o,., Ceuu,y 1 1141.11 .• a►1 , a,W t1++ teres 'r0o,. loco,, tell 1kunsted 140 • ser r(.utMrw �n�sl H..L .yswu,e 'M YI'!la(• ter MAN,* 0..,1.E • pool !loos h.•4., 504 Inn,. W. • apron, neer peados ter. 1h. dwe i.g, wu11m • s,lw lawal.uwn M m 4..4 m cwtainm4 .ah a,. aM W., sire iii \1111.. 4 Mu6um. , w. North.• 0n.r1 Rosa and *Maas 149,041 tel u.dr c.k. Also Deo. re,no . •..ser u, bodge l:,al 1'054•. w.rtr6,p 4('41,,.. whoa Voltage r was. on dos Waist zee Manhood OW sea. 1. Towi 5( fusee etch, ►. ,a0r0415 WM. x 14 lulu PWLp•rd, t• GEO. HAWKINS, j W. ROBERTSON, Port Albert. j (�aJer Gwlericb. thou fab. la., w.w'e►l stile CLINI ON BOOB STORE m[[r ton,[ 1••'u0t0t1[■oflt• Victoria Street, Clinton. GEORGE LAYCOCH, PRINTER AND BOOKSEIIER! And W6on,l. r1ot Patti! Dealer .0 F.,,r,hyr.. SI•ta, ore, r,(., Noy„.nen. h.,.>. N" ",elle„ .raabn. Iuwta ,,nor raper.. .isle• .1d funsiocm•. t% utu.ugy fly I'.re: w.4 mot N....MM. F"r. ,wit. red To... Sloss zed w,wrallw.ve.•w. AMa5 other 4s uoasy keys m ones d■a•a.y ..es • All IMM 6,ea hrstd,.w- tc sod lieusted Naw.. c.o.'s r.ce ed r.pl.rly no.1 tar honk a4 ,n n..r5 yee.red 1 order .,. oke Nxrl.. r.0ser, unhook 40, s stn is a, sew uruar wore pnbrbed. r• Storekeepers eolovheol ••otti Mosta at Tor Whorowie 17.e, 1.4 A is dock aunt..* ttreppnnd ['wen o. 4W, oom Papers ! Roost 'Papers 1 ! '`'11. 1 ad m..l e,a,p'ne mock ,d Noon. PS1.n n k. 1 punt i, anomie a ha 6.'J' k *. ,.1 rots Iowa. - 1.i Aar1,•n a,�„-Dn.lrn Ilp.en 51 ones u, .5121/ tow. 11•• , . 1 reonluaa., 1.r,' faru4t u) 54 n.b. they • tottered t.. the I•WJ.e el real I.r,u1.. PHO GRAPH ILBIIIB! t'•tee Coe*nr ase I BY mom re( Mos Wens of lemon As. Brttea. Iwo 751155 ,uwt To test : pt of fee M.).4yh roomy Come or dot Cranny of *mew. (19517 Nourl of tbe County . dive, Cosety Court .f the rn,,.., lim9•tre a4 Harm se Brom, end Timmy toot o(IA. Cone f M.Mus. of York zed Ped, and w medireaed etuma the lamb sad tneae.ts err Thema Ploy/bed, et tbe sew d Wdb.R 11.,5, Junco Richmond, Theodore 0. Carey, Dorman Holt, lease Carney, toner Taal Heck sem; Jobn 1Tbomaa Whew,,, Lo.wnne the yea and Jae•. P Malden ; 1 ban seised tad labert w Eae, all the riga, tab se mortal ot .h1 e5W dAruAtut m nod to the Iollvwo` lose; vie: Let No. 7, •ooh W Queen .reel, Lw An. IY' Le. Crare .+urea, L.,4 NO. I, north hews.% Street, sod Lon .Ile. 1 end! south w MAI .rem. .11 m the volute of WWI, to is the Towuah,a � HoWlek.tel County of norms i search laids au* lfaeree.la 1.8.h oder Mr sale a my (Jere.. Court li...e5 ,n the Tows of 4 lo.ke ra,ea T.ed.y the filte.h day of Rumors out, a W home of Twal•i of lbs cruet ...v. JOHN MACDONALD, R6er.t, M. • 8y 3. PoLLott. Depoty )'Lent. �Mn!•• Osh•e, uud.rlca, 4th Aug... 1M4 wee SHERIFF'S SALE PF LARDS: Hatted Coasts* of) DY virtue of two W'nt, Huron end Bryce,} B et Vaad,n4.n Exposer 'fo W'a: j .1J n M'ru oe Fan ha,u♦ mated ant .tl flea M5.47'6 Guar t curt or the U,, J 1:•.9995. W Marron a,4 ware and I. ate dtnrld miasma tete kwL owl tenements e( Solomon Rotor*. .t the eau tel Modwi (..,don, eea•uur 01 the iYl will and te.tame.t d U•■dJ tlurd,n, demount, Mi Mass I.hro wick John Uanle,r and Robert 1f. U..nI.wr, e.s uton ./ the 15..41 .t4 ..555.1 W Thar 4151nlne,, doomed, ,,,J Ale taadrr Elmer•,,, 1 base .recd sad taken ,n esecutua en Me "who, 1.1. 5,4 ismer& tf the mW Jrlyd5.5 1n 15.1 to 4.1 Nara bre....'It.n . 1.. ,• the T sen•51p .4 Manley, ,• 1M Covell d Nona, rn..mag Ih. acro. 15010 o4 le•u 1 tela -8 lams ..t Iw..tat. 1 •6511 stir for mkt tmr Area .e tee (u.rt Ilna.e, u the token.d(f,.tertA, ems T•ealey, t6• Ele,ee► dry el (6.a4w 5111, . lbs. Wee al Twelve .e the cluck. swat. • A c►r. won, .n 1'.•..I. 14.. 5.. C•tnoon an14 Inane Altv.r. at rin0.( �. r iter. 16rt homing._ 1..,, tswet,I ter, la,. ,l.tt ,, .6. t ,uer,ras market • 7Ler • r net ,1,..r nom , 5101 Iwo. -,,1011. Al1.114 or urmam',o.ah.' tete 1.1 . ,lI , l,. .a I...1 a t- 11et,•1 .1.1,1.. and WIe1u stool 100dmrmel) suuhr4 ad'het 0' wGred et pore carr Ion ..h, 0004- ' mon efen0n nn oto zed [ •a' w Jr. Ion Wwer. i V ' IWr• asp seg, book -more w GI LT.MOULDiMGS ANi)''PICTURES A ewaplele .ark ate•,s a, hand and brs ,chap. Job -Printing! Job Printing ! I *1 {tract below threw of Villas. rn,n,n ^ Others ✓ 'Iy. when the: have ,n mate Iu15 ends ., barging tura po r• o, rd• onl.r o n ase up the loaf ,(1cn,5W.prpernth•.d.n.•t pus) nf,h.n.•rlre.- Ila,u1I(4 di.r.,t towed Mr •esyyrr 1•rw.,,t o ,term. .141116.'Id . rnn.r'•. Joh (Moe- ,. \' ,,,,aa Stre.,. Clinton. o,.WN er1'me. vesper nod' I. u.r rtcrpt •11, Oen u ..y .ttee vt4ee Abet i5 101 (ours) • (i R(iV i.AY'COCK, Poolroom: Rnt.11er• .1e Vi•wia 41rN1 ('lulls,. DENTISTRY. Sheriff's Sale of Lands. United Connotes ol) 1.)Y virtue of a writ a Hum andel Bruer, I) Fen Fermi tweed owl To w,t 1 of Her M.p•dy'. 1',usty Coon d the United Co:mows of Hiroo and Bras and t., roe dread mesio.. the lewd. se'Me.- Menl.ol F,n.nw4 R. Davy, al the ran u! DM 11uron Dane( Hut4. S.. toryli 1 bare wised anal token In Elocution al t6. right, Into ed tonere. a 1 the . doe ,n to d J.lee, 51d 1, a own - her 37 north rulew echanr•.' M A•enn,, anal (.n,• aroma. 17.,W IS South w4La Meeha,.'. Avenue ,n baa pa. t.d the V ohav, oe hint•u,.e known 51 10 it. &inshore ; winch lands amt l,ne- •,nts 1.16.11 n-, f.y •ale •t ser oEtr'1;:"...: m lie Poral duu.a ,n IM Town.A /;. mlen, 8, on Ta,rd.e the Po.t Mr r.1 Nore•ttlr1 nest,- Twalra of the 6. II, ro..n JOHN MACDONALD, bigot) W By 9, Pau ,a1, Deputy the,J. Spend'■ I,a.e, l:,dertc6r 17th Aug , 1364 E .30 SHERIFF'S' SALE OF LANDS. t'nded coot.' u1) y�)) r •Jtle of two wrote of Huron eu,l Brue., 1) Fier. E.c,as .raid w1 To W'n, S. N. Worry'• ('ours e Qwe•'e Knob 5.1 curs .I l'.nun.w Plea. sou b, use du«.xal ■151.41 the Isaw •d 1•10110,418 .f W dhem ?Mono., 11 the w,auf Hog I, *elle.... My, Paul Mrlaws eat' Ronne* Melnaer• 1 Weis se'.d 5114 .ken w elocution all Os bittht, lore tied mir,r.t w the .sol dek.Jeat ,e and 10 I .•1 mnlrr h:uthtreo la She •reed Hinge $.r.ih ,mem HoeJ, nine Wwuoh,Lp,W R,alo.*, ,n oho ('aunty w Brut, tanta,ae.e ty Wmr 59..55.1 lily sorsa wore r kw I eolith Wale ad w.•• rents 1 .hal infer for sale . or °Mee n th• Court House, ,• the Www of U.derrb, on Tot► J.7,1 o Tweslyn.ath day) of November lieu, at the hour ,A' twelve tel the cluck. now. JOHN MACDON4LD. Sherif, U. Si B. Sy'S. Pna.mn, (rpwty Sheol. *Mold (lice, Oak Fish. lath hoe., 1hee. 6 - .00 ISHENFf'8 SALE OF LANDS FOR United Coloties of l BY virtue of • 1Fan Huron and Bruce, Jy rant tamed by the Tu Wit 'mouser of *1. ('nivel Counties of Homo and (truce, being date the Fittb dad of July, one thousand .,g61 kundred and sixty four, and to me dir.rt.d, for lite collection of Arrears of 7.Ise deo moon the tollowiug loads its Me said t'uit•d Counties of Huron and Rate, 1 shall ou 1 CE$DAY, the TWENTY NiNTH day of NOVEMBER next, at lh, hour of Jwelr, :o'clock, noon, at the Court Roots In tit • Town of Guderieb, proceed t1 sell the fol. Dr. T. B. Montgomery JO1, \ MACDONAI•I), ' lowing Lairds or so mach thereof as my his Montgomery, Sheriff, H. Is R necessary fur the loymenl of sash shears of By S. ,btu!, Deputy- Sherd. -Tates, uol,u the mate wills all lawful that • SURGICAL - Sherd"'wOr,4.,1Voder,eb,t t July 23rd, I1f4. ( w! - n thereon be sooner paid. SOOMAMt�AI "M•••• I) 1.:1'I'I Si'1', COURT HOUSE SQUARE, GODERICH ullett. 1 (.n w.ne.re.1 •11.40 arma. AVIS', taken alfeudare of the deprrem 60 40. r.5 grow attri.h 3 2.00. h cos -- Hewn of American currency send purchaard 4 in • eery Lege ad relec( pock of da,toI nlurr,s1, at on greatly nvluked pneee, ,a sow p.ep•red i. do alt wool- !rationing to the prufer,w to • rkdllul • .uaoner, .al at priers not to be twig/fled wnh ss uncle locos of each .1.00, 2t'd do 8 metes on thit • Urs •I Mood mono.' from , . ; 115.04.40 40 •mn(hi• Moo), one rile north of `ew tel !tole rnnl•:n•J its •.er•rtud sen .. where it I0.ls of to roster, o any one trar- I• .lin So . 1 f P than 0 rvarietiesvarieties2. r Rid dol Nn ; prat du I PI. • Asn rtowese, noosed' noed' c lection n( ilshl s. not �ess Belnio'e " • lkert 3n Sonth3m t011r A nrirues LSO. 211d du 1 CO : Lcst noted lir any pd Vont duMtc n. W1.1 1144 51•...ma,+• A, he mile export• W And at lint elan eollio tl.'n of Room , (Il(no4S) not lees 'than e,ta led , se a'1 re•,n:rt,. 01 1'r•b.nas named red 1.:4. thin to .aorta,.. 'ICE ALWAYS ON HAND 1.50, 2nd dor 1.00e; hest 6 synod 'ebtnoire ton us, Vcrben•a 100, god do 0. ; beet named collection of I'hloln« not Irate lh n 4 v.rkirea Trout -Fishing Friends ' filadlohe rte I than .i varieties' SO 2 Tln: RI 167100. 1'01 101 1 1 sea ,Tr. lir doandTorino all 1 oo : boat d .t a of A HUNDRED Il\n FIFTY FEET! anneals (blooms) 'anted 2.00. 2bd • CI • L\RLF:S DAY., 6 varieties 2.00, 2nd dor 1.,011 ; boot eollectinn 1 00 2nd tl 0 344 hr t 1 annel c Iwclion',of lir less • od colter 'one .00 d do 00 beet collection of Amery 1.50, 2r. ,to rietoa. 3rd Hou do 0.50 ; 1a•t 6 11rrnse plant.yn .914t1.914t1_•";:_:__ � T_ti' p bloom 2 00, 2nd do 1 110: hest Floral Urniuj =�* orient or design- 2 50 ; bleat collection .4! Pamir 0.011, 2'.d (140.50 : best coll,ctron of Co*kicombs 1.00 ; bent collection of Itals6mx 1.00, 2nd do 0.73: best collection of Stocks - \ AM) VI ' • :Cr,pia,k 67 111 •h.r 1 Ke:hn; um,ro Emanuel Iltniw„�,delsud1,tciu4 Inc-, mw:4 m pay• meat of We en•mna, •eeum.l by aid nun1.' Sokoto • mrnen e t welre u'c:vCk ••e. 7a. commence • t t a e ,� Wfdnc'day. the 121st dal: of Septcmber 1 . r.rct, a the i�tnctinu it•otns d( O.M.T (*snails! 13e. Nloal..w,sry .sect" pert:cufar 11111"11 40 ern,Urlv,a 1st the tnwn.hp .4 A.hSrld ,n ret in 6.611.14. e lodow••t Count of 'lend. ming ?a) scat more or fT E.., Anhar Nine Pstraed County 13 do • • Is?O,F P8IOE8, ,,,,,,b.,„: laud: lewd a (.mrnts l .hall .dlT sur : : 3 1 da tele lJl6r m the ('oar I l..v m tie Trews • u - ase 1 16&.1 ail of th, Ibrmer porn • dl:esderrch.m 'fwdly the 1311 list td Nurem• 555 J.. , .•,.11••• ' Ler holt,. L. 6wr ter 'I were rA Ilse eip•h Sew 4.. ..-. _... w \'a, anuxrd n.aiu. . ' 17 do . r. M;: •15 ' .,pw01h JUIIN YACDONALii j0 do , • I. an r l•heaaH i .h do '(.ase hsah.. • I a, sty 1. Polder a, Dr pile Shrew(, ` ....• d• oh .ddttoal tooth 1 m 72 W rel eN . • ... .. . " DOor,6'o Udine, tilder..•A, f nP... ' "ois fob Augng, 1144. (. tell �� de M • • • • ' • • TOWNSHIP OF ASHFIEIJA SHERIIT'll i Ler. Crrr..ri.w w Ql. Ar.. Awh. iYaAL \m �d OF Lamm. 4, , sew 1st fi a . retested fpr $flu a7 1511.L.,.., 1,nd '•.,.. ,...60 l5 15 Hn,'ed Omni es e,) DT win* of • tent at M Il lm .. .. f6 11) w Heaton end *rove, i) Fen Paeul ,wont col W� 4. , „ 4.6 ' .... ... 100 MI 11 To Wit : $ u( Her Ms n.J a County 64.h .. , .� . 1851 MD 03 Court o1 the Cat0d ('onntn. of Huron sed Wt L.."4th't , • • . ... 100 39 11 Hanot, and tome d reeled among the teals and 11 .(11.56*1 .. 50 42 et tenement. of ruler. t 6loiion aml 4.rn.. Me. C 1 , a6 " „ J, O 7J 7. 1.-0th W D.. . 100 a 40 111110'• .. ...100 111 11 E ps 16 Noah Town Plot I .. 6 13 35 ptNKpfe d. •... n 711• VILLAGE OF' PORT ,ALIIERT (Imre a the mot f the cortornnon of the Iowa- ship owa- E pop.N 4rhlkul, I halve r',.d Owl lakes ,n el!. tul,ol all the ngal,blkrind mlere•t of the ted N drlr,rlani,' n 0011,11,, n.min halt 1( IM number w three ,n1na'1111.•un(ralon, and the noun ►a1 dh4 noodle, Donee m tie 10th •...'tenon, l:.e• *Sohn UEMAN, ''" , rirrN t..•a . ylarket Sloane. Choleric TERMS -On•' {1.(55550 Car,h on the da of le with' thirty days thereafter. \ 'TH03(AS • Solicitor for Net((IgH: G. M. Taft:MAN, Asclioawn '\\\ Brampton, .AU:: 12,1/164. ' 1512 -14 00 a (b 00 ('0 a 00 (0 41 da- r 00 (0 0) 2., do • ... ... half 00 00 41 elf 00 M 19 F.ag A'elberne.... ... ball 00 30 Ja ...... . hdf 00 39 de . , .... ... half 0•' 41 Jew . half 00 '3 We•l do ...... ... half 00 •, . 6.31 00 27 do ...... " .. halt 00 39 4., ...... ". . 1.l( M 40 do , ..... :►asp H 41 n ,,.hell 0• 42 Jo ...... . half 00 1'. East Hums ....... .. • bell 00 II du ...... . hell M e7 do ... 8.11 00 37 do N0 40 39 deo ..... , .. • OW 05 37 West d. . halt 00 36 do . •.-►al. 00 2 East London' Hoed " 14 4 74 4 d,. f 0• 3 North M.al.,urne....... 5 ff 73 30 La., StJenL51u ....."... half 3 t0 39 To .. half CO3 19 Wes, Jo .... ... belt 3 l0 ,,A the bslasc•, area Acme, Esu.um. teeth.... W BOOKS -- f5 I.lIF17;-o . p RIFLES, SHOT ( 1.110: heat redlretloo of Petunias 1.00: befit •"STONEWALL' JACKS01\ 3'IM7•f B set t)1 Crit Flowers for table '1.00. 2nd do D 1.00 ; bat Hard Datum L 00, 2nd do 0.50. ;155111$ emn.:A•I.IS. 14 THE SOUTHERN WAR Best collection of Potatoes named not lens 121E Lg. Rb, :of Mt lamond. than 4 vort:ies, I peck Mooch $1.50, 2nd Summer Squash ..amed 0.75 2nd do 0.311 ; 1.00: hest six roots White cote. y 1.00, 2od I Orreley's, Lealic'S. and retortion's, for ! 11 Dome Troth Stem Ae . immersed. Porta som *oh, ti bare arollicaltoons Insert. oilueoneel whet, renewed. lend when Walls WV* be tht went oatmeal .,vor 1P0111. ereniks are kindly emitted to Mem H. .. Fawned, A. IdeKoht. r. eelostrider,Gsmie- I ridoneh. May 534. 44. IFOR SALE! NI- 0 RT & Commission Merchants, 4" °*" best sot hes& Wooer Cahhoge, • 11 mined 1.50, 2iid do 0.75 ; hest 6 heals Sum• , _ MADE . TO ORDER, NrAtty.Azu AT EUTLER'S. • /Q6' 0'65 And next, Door to Strong'. Hotel, Rid do 0.50 ; best 12 Mange! %Vomits 0.75, (4 0:334 Rid do 0.50; bost tool ve Swede Turnips 0.75, 2nd do 0 SO hest 111 CA rots 0 75 it 0 40 foods •mrsorti, Art • e.n•ried. landlord, amounts fol 0.45 'te..intiHr7,0or";:.:1177.. to. Bales al the drawth Ade- - Thursday. (LI) . County Solos *stood to tot reownroks lyrists. 0:15 toworwe Jar lemon wr3-tyr (4 1.00 (4 0:00 (S11 0:10 Torte/no, Aug Wheel 85c to 92t per hushelt ring wheat 75e to 84e; Itarley 55e to 60e ; Hauer 2le to 2.So per lb retail ; Eggs 13c to lie per dos. we▪ ek to 116,383 hot.hols, but prices hare • • Aewoward tondeney, the nun from England being ellecoaraging tor shippers. Upper C. spring 94e to 95e; red winter 94 to 95c. ffrfratel, Avg. 19.- Flour from 510.50 to New 1-ost. Aug. 20.....Canadoe Flour be le 10e higher; $10 .5 10122. Wholt 02.15 .to 82.35. Oats, Coasda, Ise 964t. FOR SALE. Q A ammo of Lot Mo. 31, East halm FIRST • RAY* LAND Am the promises, or Owdorich„ nth, 104i. telt • 110 CODEINE etntrlpfire Oro Mith, Ione the Harbor and Lake Huron ,-Iffui h• (1•04000 1111,11 LAINK • Rol do 0.50 ; host twelve Early Iforri 0.76, best. tereloe White lielgiao Carrots TS, 2nd do 0.50 ; hest twelve Parenips 0 75 2nd do 0.50 hest pock ited Onions 0.75 2nd do 0.50 ; st 12 ears Corn tor Table Culiflower 1.50, Rid do 1 00 ; beet Peek Tomatoes 1.00, Rid.do 0.30 ; best and great- est fanny ot vegetoblei disimit Spat other manes, emu kind atoned 4.00, 2orl du 2,00. DAIRY PO0111'114. 1.50,34 do 1.00 hest 20 Ito Sit Butter Best 5 IIo. Fresh Butter $2111ci„clorl do itS1319: 'Mu! tr4AntiTtl. 00, 2114 do 1.00 ; ben 10 yards Thvioestie Cloth 3.11o, lud 46 2nd do 1.50, 3rd do 1.00 ; pair Blankets 2nti do toe, 3rd 1.00. The above Cloth, Flamm! and ttitalrots most be •Il wool and homespun. Bost tett StIver.moonted Carriage Harness Hamer 3.00, 2m1 do 1.00; beet Gentloman's Saddle 2.00, 214 do 1.00. [ TA VINO Wade wrandentents with 11r. D. .064,4 Laial), I 1101 prepared le Varnish 111•411- e ...,t•or.ii ItsnMs. else mid styles with sett with. mei Pristed flemlonge, et tea war out thespery than Tumor, vireo. Mikity% of Bowling sot en.; setioreetios wt11 he replieed fru of ebonite. 9.46,21 JOHN SUTLER Debentures For Sale. ska Villogo of II in...Infuse, hew for the per. aft papedia au 1 JO IOU tannery, UMW, au hey. ear• th mac BUTT0W, Seem Mooch 2%11,1%4. Best Titling $4.00, 2nd do 711 ; ham Crotchet Werk 1.00, 21,4 de 0.76 ; host Embroidery in I.00,2nd 0.75 ; heed Embroidery in Silk 1.00, 2nd do 0.75 ; hoot embroidery in Crape and Chemin* 1.00, 2nd 1.04 ; hest Worstod Work raisod 1.30, 2nd do 1.00 ; boot Braiding 1.00, 2nd On 0 75 beet Fancy Knitting 1.00. 2nd do 0.73 ; hoot 3 pair Woolen Socks I.50, 2ed do 1.00 ; host 3 pair Woolen Stoekinp 1.64, 264 do 0.10; best /thin, Geatletriont 1.50, 264 de 1.011; beet Wax Fruit 1.60, 3ed do 1.00 ; 11•et out Moors 1.60, 246 46 1.00 ; beet Taro ion arsd Drawing the Halo. amewtoo it an, 'My and Iths07. ite1 45.4.51,14 5" To Restore Greg Hair TO Its OrtottsestIllossthfstleolor wet 0. sown bse os, aqua Re hwy. sum is ensues warm it Wad by Drugaists throughout tbre World. FltilocIPAL SALSA ‘11191011 Grsnalsi Stret, lin-Tat Clip SALE PROPERTY . Hunm •nd /bum. I.3 Fie., Fames mond ea Court of the Fatted f'mtat me 44 Hume stel Rowe e l ▪ 15 r. Dom.! tsnd NV/loons SAthimmel al the mit Execution all the cwt.?, tole soil iniaest samba* IN and 19 in the F1101 COO of the Tows - Mom el Rod. •• ,r1 the 1 emote 44 gnu f.ewitaini11/1 IOU Miro ; .11.h Iamb, •n.1 tenements I and! oflef for *ale mt int 1 hfire in lee U..../rt 114446. In the Totten 01 lioderteh, on Toe...10y the too de; of Nes. Abuser, st the hour .4 Twelse ofathe JOHN 'MAcDoNALD. 8 RIFF'S SALE OF LANDS. Voogd 'minims of Y urine or tiroVirtle 10•01 e, 1 tem Factau owner( rani •iet to Mr dtreetel .emls ant' tenetnetem Alen, °Marital in • Mortgage made by Joints iinder 'feta no at !Is the .11. ot Janie§ Village of Dun:annon. t•e fir* part, Eilasocie samisen', eo, but Coot :linnet tid, hav. wood end mime larle3 5 II 11 13 15 II Id Y7 id Opposite the Morket. comareing erre rack at*. Peed 422 Se MDF.R tool by virtue of Power of Male 00,65,11'74. 43 but Welling/rum • hall 1 00 19 ,Ialf OW 511 kiwis of mowing done on most , floderich, Meet Ruf, 1F64. 004 Farm in Bosanquet FOR SALE MINE 1111/41DHON ED *firm for to▪ le arm lot g. so, 12th lown•hip ..r IL martinet, 1"'ou arra Lisnobtun. The farm consult. 01 ONE null ste.g.ii ACRES, 11.4.144 ealuch are "Learnt, kroill onnostal near JA N 00 185 rthrulais spot? 111^ itoe 447,1 FARMSILO RENT. IJ 111W0•10p no1110.11 mit 30 01 PIP eleswohoro, !Wink, • good. wrark/ng limit Feel to Owl 1.40 Brick Dwelling J- House. Atom. rim.keti a note front *lane*. 00 10. A. cur AT HALF FARE rorterammo, an emu mem Howe one to he rented pointy nr reverently intim Aro sp. third part, dofault having beon mark in Om and enherx•it.n. ....mill ot the Mohan" Road, en Ts,. ts cue Ind 60 116 Se 41.1.„en psNyt.winn o to rt Imme•Rnst,4(iiill. bensioultml astoishoArrD Thole -now end Volt in the dun! Pellet. ',nob 2.I d r Thirty molti, in the first concession, Waws. b""rc4""I's "1 th. 61'"1" 8.04' ilev thn Thirteenth da v ni lsriolroottliet gest, at the i 2.4 •,,,,,I.,,e of he 4 Voy 'A tn. 111. •• iille "."1 n13. NEXT, at 12 o'clock, noon, the following Cool • 1411110e. 111 1h* town or 11,•lerich, on 'I me- s O rd 4 Mayfield rotten!, nt., Eost half of 1,ot Somber orish, or -monolog 100 micron of land mows OV 1 26 • - I 4 10 tirolors can be had hi' applying 1.0 the Soli- sner111...44, tTroWtirli I , Solicitor for Mortagee. Grolerich, July 6th, 1461. W23 76..60.. sal* ia postponed until 30th ketone 1110ETT:FIN Helms wall be import by tho 41.1s Slimmer To Sonthanntnn, Kirovirdino end hothouse] . RfallItOAY, to the brit yf October mai 42.00 for the mend rip. Tickets pot! SHERIFF'd SALE OF LANDS. 3 d. 16400 1441 141: roiled Conolle*raf ill Y arta of • Writ of Fleet II mon eat Iii toot, La Fume mums ont of 14er 4 Lake He44 west.... 61 71 WS Hens of Nonen.01, 1 11.1110 NOWA en0 taken is \ the liver Maitland hon. dm etecionon all the rtito, inle end interest 01' Ike merit ore die Senn aisle of Hsi lend eatewling from high -wow turer 21entlted 10 the tr"'..":11"s14";;:".";:th•wo,:f.i:onarogn(Codr6..rrsetell., e:0:1;m1h.s. 94 :18:1:1.414:"7:7i'71.""4.6:tak"":1197::":::::.A7MI.Rs"11.:11' 101 m141 1104 *tendon. In 11 Rd 10 Ow earth holree 44ln. Wind. 1 shell otter tor ask et to• oilkse in the 101, 11.1•• ..... ...... .......011 0110 :Is 'TOWNSHIP OF G4E9. Nomhpro III. ft 44 lova 31 m the Arm mono mom . . 1 - 4 ' .a.." I 11 :44. :Ls: 0 i 14 141 1111 c. Monied MO 0,110, more nr leas, homes' tom** 70. 1:71:44vil.G.10.amotn. No. 0. ..... ... 1;.7.11111: • 61% ielfr4,411 eat „owl .................................. oat/