HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1864-8-25, Page 2• A. beets► peps( Sties r ee wanes Beam* or Aryw, whish are required by Mg Mom of sews that • new island' to the amok if and, js growing .s of the ere, end laeither, and which he bas bas much good promisee to become an eatensive std roil sense to offer, were M so irreliued--anJ if ieserwh`e property. Should this island strain he wet, nut the uwo justice to !Tani°, se*) am, a queetw° will acme es ti, whoa, it 1 mill belong. An ltaglish yacht u sew w he ! that u adwiuistered to North Easlhvpe, eruniee of the spot for the purpose of • it should weer be meutiosod b sensible scientism obserr•t but alt Ib e French aa took men that moupon • time be an " it is for the purpose at planting the Botts Gag un the buil• to ila usual perfidious and active part in the politica of the day. (foaling Y1anner. Tbe llerulJJ might hays been excused y A etwutry doctor Feing out for • day's for venting its spleen upon Mr. Liters mid • "hooting, tool his armed boy to carry the "grits" generally, fur its editor was so bag. Entering a field of turnips, the angry that sumrthing of toe kind was dui pointed, and the boy. over.kyed et the necessary as a safety—valve, but be goes; prospect of h.► master's ■ucces, exela.ed, u. la r, muter, there's a Corey ; if you get , from the particular cue under oonsid- near 'em wout't you physic 'em t" "Physic oration, to give his views with reference to the appoit twent of officials generally. - And, considering that these aro the con - elusions of au intensely tory journalist,, we' Mare they are the most extraordinary them you /mind meal, what do you mems t' said the doctor. '• Why kilt ',ELM be sun," replied the boy. Tee Pates or s Bantle Das' -one of the two solders who deserted from this garrison on Monday week last, on being dr we ...Ter read. Ila. the wan : We be posed Of by • Yankee broker, a one of the " lien, kotcer•cr, there is e"gAi"9 wrosy recruiting campe,broufbt$900 in greenback,. " in the pe,ple electing all u1T►cial /or The broker, therrecrt crut coming a for tb Govern- the r' lily, or J,rieg good hrkariurr. So fat went bounty is addition to what be ear. " as choosing proper parsons to 61l the Barney OL Education. Mistier Signed Jeer Sur. -Imo agi el11 i'vec.sbun an be yet lave Be give yjs • shirt dise„tn an the suhjjct. in the hunt place ar ye wast to find • spmfpeeu Moos up Wised kinda av dmltree s«iudliu, logic decent papld tame*, rune., away red ether min s ware an gum about hint uuld nick eeelin Mown he may deruerr,yell find ler idyeceted ' mans the 1.1 tor ole business. Au 'lye iver se* • s bey chap, .td +nits flogger" in slick hare an a little ewiel ar a ken*, and lookin like brother •oudu't moil in his gob ye may wager • hapeony hese s bucbul 'hard stale afore hide muck Lis dar;iu bans wid worruk. ' Me sewl yed tkiuk these gwssstu had sallied toe dick.hunary glamor an awl, hod finis ihsyre wbitewubed eepeltres fur owl that. tree sinkeneat sin iii the bole •urruld as lather eterfuy rest h,. s.•I used to ay is pride an i ask y"u for what uwer kulligea an kaddumies dna bud inertia, the pride av a wicked juin. shun. Ter big tomes tdyeeubun men sur is two litey pruwd to coodesitd to dhirty worruk. AT there; money till be snapped up bej.lbers there' 'wort u skinued els, bud ar therei Eris ti'.; du in pally me boy pith "atilt emir srwhu ye ignenut dead do the fibre,. r rue idyecohuu gentlemen des the rifle an the tdleerat!in en the glory. Ae as fur the wimmiu (takes the *ands bleu thin' en to rimed( luta to spree tea Mrd sued, sr emu s beltu•swwdere d.u,htee gite • bit ay .olid„•e yed think she wu wlomua in eel his glory wid bur crinuyleen an fieutch bud acne to h as so in bad Ink to the melanick stele Makeup iu site ay bur. Me oro settler Bridget toot wee rased in falherearfey's anew • she gut w °itch aundge trail bur pots that boded sbede portend she didut no which kow gin the bunhermi;k or Brew diierenu hewn* ie.' an apel du ij i o. Uch, Bartley era '11 mo one day bud yer • diidrue tall the areae &To the whut'J, the Is gudr.dg ,Agfa It. eek woo, _{seep out of the wretch who traffic•s iia the " different offices is concerned, we behove flesh and blood of his species, and sells • .kite roma u coolly as he would barter • �� the posers fir. justs capable of judy;iog horse. Iti.•crwl•his thing to think of • Brush as art their representatives. * * e soldier beteg thus sold {ire • sheep to the '• lotereotedr butcher, with the 'Imre' certainty of Iain, pa, may sear at the idea swallowed up ha the tier• s',urMee pee of ihu, we byre prom ul;,•ate! We cure not. A bloody suicide, we*. The'emaiuinlp wither •' certain portion of ?be people,of Canada I bddol " bu1 6 r joy : eons t t e ower alt the land are w ern, or itto sono phyaerl dirt rili bre 1'ore,xl, in self-defeuct•,w demand sow thought worthy, all being olfiord up at the rerurw we speak el'; aa! tl:-• • ,,nor Um sacred shrine of the m,rtrrn Moloch set '• the better.'' And all this,aettle rcadcr, p•a!„7rd, the pF, y ibe allederal , -�r.use of the appointment of Mr. D. 11. Ye. Kingston Liars to the vaunt Judgcilip of l'erth 1 Horror of horrors ! Think of it. Au •,ran ��lt�ll��e d not allow Baland out tory sbeet,whichhas ll Itepublicauisto-which uldeoounoed -\ ' . 31 Douse)! to look 'crone the border ar of his bring entirely lost to C IjY pr comes to render all 1' the land subject to a tote of - people. F'ruut the eleetben of a C GO I • ' ICH. C: wet AUG. 23, 1864. d°� f6ces TAN TEi1l :t 8 "NON•CONTENTS.” Justice postmaster to that f or down rtty constables and. you bo Vox ann. (.4" `litj 31 cc ndbt `contrar t D of Penh, the question u who should p" ) y 611 the seat left vacant by the cath of Briti ivatinc of the Canadian peo Judge Barret, hu given rise to 0ch is to by i ttuplete rerblutiutufr,l, and bbard-feeling, recrimination, and cruse "f �I.e a poiotmeut whish farriers -on one side of the fence, at. least. 'alt happen to dense the editor of When a man is very angry, you might as St ford 1/rralt , The Gentleman m well expect reason from him as to anticipate know eharaoter f the appointme silent burning from thorns ignited under made um . the Cort y •?'Donald r • pot. Ile u at such momenta barely ■ and he can 1'e* ' have f vireo that raporlsible being, and even stern British M'LomWliunrn t was law, we sometimes think, looks upon the ",partial jb thin rev,. sur victim of passion as one who Li laboringdispleasure of its aulheren and I for the moment under a mild form of uncon.Crvative argutuent:aioo imauitr. The Perth Judg Chip appoint- fore, unmitigated nonsense* t1'• went be Its made the uncharitable enough tory angry-, to suppose t core more so than the editor of the the " efrrenie " Republican sentiments Herald, a gentleman trained in the strict- the Penh -1 erald will hod a vast deg at sect of Foesilism, brought up at the of sympathy in the conservative, ret, feet of Tom Daly, and representing the -outside the township of Wallace, or t old school, which hu manydisciples tho conservative prim, Reuerally, will ec in the townships of Wallace, Ejt$•, that which is as devoid of breadth as t at. The leading editorial of the' of true patriotism. last issue of the I'erth ('„unty Herald - - - is • perfect gem in iu way. The MR. CRABB'S•OIUi1+r4i of the evenlfurther to in theCounty thus Comities. The followong are awarded w the Reaping Machine, via . 1st Mr. Blur, Si. George's Kemper 204 Ulustuw A McPherson, ClIntuo 1'ietwia 3rd Mr. Hell, McCormick Nows by the Port/Ian. Pram poiaoaoar dryer, .ume of the veeders copying - the sample orf 1M rooks .f Spain, who e5.00 threw red pepper into the soup ketoles to make up for the dsboiency of moat. Tobacco is 3.00 also a costly luaury, good agars cutting 25 2.00 cont' each.- Tribune. The Hon. Wm. McDougall. Fuvnsa POINT, August 30. -The edam• Fur the past week the friends of Mr Cam ship Pe►Yfjaw, tram Liverpool au the l2tb, .run have been eery answer to hue out the and LouJunderry on the 12th host., passed course the Ifun. W is. McDougall is likes) w oils point, en route furdgoebec, at 5 m,- persue, now that h• has been defeated iu 1'' Honh Onttno• !'heir curiosity u really ller dates are five days lata thee those alma excited, teed they frequently make themselves sly receited. Breadstuff.' viers quiet but appear ludicrous by their wild coli weturee. steely. Three mea heel Isar° tried iia Liver• Will' he run fur thus cwuutueocy 1 Will Mr. pout for enlutiug men for the Confederate ,`i,t sad w 01 that etuaatitwnc7 n•ajgu tend Steamer R tppuAuwnirk. The were fuuud allow him to tabs pia aster t These ten 1 lane* which we Misr on every coruer.- gujlty and hued 2'150 'Polies, and warned Others go so far as to assert that bis polite nut to rcpr•at the uffance, tend wen thee jibe, ieal career is ended, and that North Uatario rated or their wee retr,guiasuces. The damn penia. tor adding the coantry of • egress c rater. onside from New Sur • men vie hove me eswar to male beyond Ihmu-Gertur quesliu° euntiewwd to *Leila such • J n he eou.�,lereble djscusaion• Its. little schooner Tu the an. n. inquiries of these gentle. • Vision, k fur London, we* . this. No Ito than four ronatit-soder we • e leu ou Jul +0tb, in lat. 40 10, duo 33 n P” y ; Y Wand al his disposal within twenty (sur hours from the idose of the pull o° Wdnes. W., and wu supplied nth proniuous and wase . 'Foe Monis Herald believes ds)r std his aleeucn would be an eta mat - who r. h gooier a e' that ter to accomplish iia either one of t6etn.- • t London bas been re- And this, we think, will partly dispel the called, and th the vacancy will not be 1111ed, bellueiwuuu of these who Imagine that the the Usnuh Gov ument tbutking it sufficient electors of North Uutaria b.,, broken Mr. to median. one h tclass niision. las tb'at Mct)oud►II'r pditica! week by electing Mr. arse this !Jonah Am tar at Paris will at- Cameron. No such gcod luck for them, and teed to the "ntarta"t alue/o in }.oglaud.- nothm, I', gno el ymeutal to the cruet of gaud A'uimuaiy beaten 1 , u egad t e German government is ret likely to occur. The ser States whore a tekea o ' ,crease, Uu orae vices of Mr McDougall iu the present crinis lobed, It it G. miroltici,By nouuced that in our country's history a invaluable, and Itis Prussia has drmatded or s a i to demand defeat ia,Nwtb Ontario u not likely, we are •of the Germs, 1)jet, slierplaau t reps m • •,het,(,v t, kcow, 1u deprive him of a seat on s I the entrance of the Federal ....Rect. n 'eosin into }teuds.orr,;h; on the other b d, the Hanoverian Representative la and ten are been iuuructed to declare that if the Diet e out obtain satisfaction fur the expulsion •. the.Fdsral troope from ltend.burg, the Hano• ,erian (ores will be withdrawn (roto Hu4tteio, in .order ku avoid the p siibtliiy of a secued •jo:pnor, of the Federal rytht. It was rumor ed in Pars that the F reach (Government had entered • test sgasast the exteti. on all 'evert under the consent ridivally traced the bout. re tgnoruut omaJhaun: An that was Pnusian men imbue duo Nome mothers da•ther• of the powers w d • hot lou us tuner thin Io, as soh miather lanyard me tows hart j a7 burn the loin self Lee no taxes ve our that so muteb eels whin ether dtsgra,•rsl. a aggruddery 7 nim till is nigh atoll boa • man •fthe oda ssool (unites duens iia pay at awl. 1 Lin te Lt, nolige olio down ower the !min her tall la) fur its sur r!e• Down std it nt4inout. as Phil all std to h.a tin *lila he toy (amu don, dtrink-wh•aly on then were her leer the an pinefurtvs, a,a tomer worruk. ar the n aµ' eluru sr another Lanyard and mother W I flu! ie erowtldednrid s•nckseu, be the hole in ,tis ole, ; huts 1!e go ler goon up a shampoo sereesds till tela as sure sa me lames el the easter. Oft account, pe poised " Balance of Pow donee. LtvserooL, Ada. 11. -The cotton market ales for the four day's added up 21,000 bales. Prices at the opening showed a downwa,d te�rucy, but the market closed firmer. '1 be sea to speculators and export* were 5,0uu bulesg 1.lvcat*uot. Bac.uoTtrty MASER?. Flour uIl Mut eteadl, Wheat genet and atedr wt s fl{I to es 1d for red western. Cure firmer rid advanced GJ to 9di sada at 29s Gd w 29' 9d fur wiztd. tar ,s mental aspect of his miasma was very favor. able. The cotton trade, he said might be enormously develupdd, al well a the trade iu palm oil, and he advised that • ship should be sent then to sweep up every povud of cut too that could be fomod,sddtog that if the s 11,.s knew the euttou would be psrcbasnd obey would plant ten time* as much as they had dune before. In She evening the Bishop spoke to • large audience an the Cure Bacbau re, alt the stall mon important topie of the reluiou aspect of African missions, rd the likelihood of their succealul uuentiot,-Muaakestsr Esu mine,. that's the way you're going to sot, I'me door with the thing I" and, suiting the whoa to the word, he threw down his awrod, and started one run tot Cauadu, TOWN OOII7t1IL ;edam -Fame Encyclopedia •mea •p The Council apt ou Friday ceasing last, i• his ease shows AM he really used his pee, cepines owl to identifythe eyb sod pup the sheet of paper. Iia writing epee ,t wee the mechautcal transcript of am not of o s tad " prumaasbip. The eorrectiu•s 1.11 irin the right places upon the paper, owing 10 the fidelity with which be retained IL . Present, the Mayor and Mean. O,bheas, (furious Case of Libel. ANECDOTES OF ARCHBISHOP WHATELY. Addressing a ldaded professor one day. Ise said, quite abruptly, "Mr.—, 7°u are oars of the first men of t! • age." " Really, Tour Grace." repiie1 the lettered professor, bowing lowly, •• you rn too kind, too emirs plieneuary. You over estimate the •&Itis o my services and of my Gale publiesn' which owe their chief merit to She latter. use that 1 make ie them of your Grace' eminent works." "I assert air, se a fact, that you are," replied the Archbishop, "one of the first men of the age ," but whsle the dated geotlemen was bowing his thanks, the heaJtlese pnrualirl punster added " 1 under- stand nder stand you were born January las, 11101." and turning hie back, walked off, unmiud4.l of the height to which he first nod, el from which be then w anoeremonloualy hurried the professor. '' Pray. sir," he said to a loquacious prebendary .bo had made himself active is talking at the Archbishop's expense when his beck was turned,-" pry, sir, why.rc you like the hell of your .awn teeple Y" " Because," replied the oilier, • 1 oia.alesys ready to sound the alarm when the Church u in danger." " By tau meets," replied the Archbishop, " it u be- aus* you have an empty bed and a toes Horton, Wallace,ltSmitituan h, ..osrdd,CameroSymu•r, ,t eerjuen action fu0r libel was partially Aldo routine, the Clerk read the re rt of 1 try elad on Mondry at the Cork Assure An Jrmr a frn�,�icer sosgbt to recwear 1So* e ln&pector of Taverns, w the effect ,htt pauprl►torsof the ick C rowti 1n*ry th the t tct ria Hotel had been doted up. ill sur paMtsbi. eer4m stale• meets derogatory to her character, tmut•i1ed Moved Ly Mr. Wallace, mcouded by Mr in a speech dleHeered by the Her. ypri,4 Leonard, aud Resolved, That the nem of C„Ils, •1 • mesbug eta behalf of the Doh 120.00 be refunded a Mr. Rabaul' u° as- Chureb MjasSuus lfoejey. The Collie bad been reebr of F'er o e.uunl el it. ...spired porttua of ben urm dereedent renided, and, whoa h.. ger' the ^'agues. Id.isg thN R1.Oe to fief the poet of rsetw.f Fin Wunlyp, the mayor, the■ red tbe Queeuftowu, 10 meuto aetweeh at tb. oasis n'j ltepfrt of t6f Flwoce Commilte* which no . of the Society referred to,in mini ha eharge3 the lalntiff wit► frame mad. were pry Grace's M fo,'o.a : "Your (:ommjtice heg to n • unlad7hhe retoarke short hfm to a eruwd a 'ywt tb.;, baring laking jute coajderaI ,, , Franey. Ile withdrew tboayr•m•rti ' letter written to the to a hep" sigh the louse. " All things work together for good," and in the result of this election we rot enabled to discover something for which Mn. McDougall has reason to rejoice. 00 c .bat will be the prebable ezpeudtture of the Municipality during the year Ief5, find that the nem of$8133.28 will have to be rued in order to meet that expenditure, and u the impwitiou of • rate of Dicta on the dollar will just about real:., that sum, they ram. sited that such note be levied. From the estimate of the treasurer there will be • dtticie°cy for lent amounting to about 11500, but se that deficiency will not be felt until towards the end of the present year, it u wtcjpated I .at taxes sufficient will have wards, het Ru Okroa.irle adhered after. the accuracy of their report, though obey egret ted bw•'ng p•bliebed N t,Ygd Mena the pew. cul action. When the report was compl•ies,f of the defendant. offered W intake all the reparatiou iu their power, and Penned se apology, which, however, the plaintiff would not accept, but pressed the motto ei the issue of a trial. A sum of t5 was lodged or court, and the 15 added by the jury wig very moderate smuuul of consolation fee Ike wounded feelings of the plaintiff. It shou:d be taken Sits account, however, that tie learned counsel b sides been collected la time to mat it. Crier the ounse oh nth s d fx red out • gwntoy of vnupentluu 0o the clrrKymee cireumsaoas, and, es 'all M u increase whose alleged word. were the sal►)nt u! in the rete would he very ob)ectinsablf jr comp out, slid this must ham had •.uotlusg this year of germ deprwir, they hap effect upon her irritation. coming here he was aware that hie chanes tongue," • •..re decidedly unfavorable, mid had he been . - cted he could mot have de pended with recommended the the rate should not exceed tensility, at enoihet Bute, on being returued. But now, affairs are slanged ; he will 4 re- turned for a constituency sloth will give bon m case be should be opposed, • handsome majority, and in future toe trouble toed ex- pense elan election contest wilt I.e avoided 7 hs return by ieclawatiun. This is what we desire and will me. He wiil be placed an apposition which he should enjoy. Nut blessed with an over abundance o' tier world'. goons, and being a Ion to whom ht m tb e country is greatly Gtdrbted, ba sill Fro a;loaed tooalk the course, u • just but Inai,dicu•nt ar-knowledgemmnt alt his services. -Ontario Olterrer. t,onlun, L,ttrt of Crstgmyle, wen once visited by the eccentric Duchess of Gordon Peovistoas-dicer quiet. Pork quiet b 1 1 u un some alt ver r•,ectemeenng plana 81ne ready. Lord quiet, with • downward tam had beard • that the worthy and "excellent lent). Produce -Ashes doll. Sugg ince• ! laird making bricks on hie property oat e. Colla quiet, but steady. Rice inactive. bei:d o I. Her (inc. asked politely, ' • - -nue, Aug. 11.- Wheat dull and de- •• Well. Mr, Gorden how do your bricks entire 4 to 2e* r uarter, the mer W let hone- n t' of ' V '1'h a u rd f 'r t L a r 0 le'e thoughts u g T g ug steadier. Sugar dull. �l'uffee were much uecapteJ with • new leather nut se firm.. Mice dull. portion of hit attire, •Lich he bad lately coo - 1 • .au&(anile' 16cu oo the dollar." .tccowpanying the Report were estimates Stwortla L1&no3uea.-We learn that • landslide of •-rather singular character oe. carred • sew days ago at • place rolled • . ' of the probable expenditure, Lc. of 1e65, Uro., nes near T.duusas, m the Jagole•� from which we glean the following, for the Ustrj;t. A fame. • 4 hie family, reeidana information of those interested : "° the dope of the mountain, .en ars Bxrxaottras from their &lumbers by a low rumbling onus u of thunder, ara,minanied b7 • violent up. x To be paid to Government .. 14319.00 heaving c(tbe e.nh. The terrified motor Comity Rete 3447,2$ "fahe firm house preferred to await ° Fur ,School purposes .. . . 3770.00 day light for a solution of the 'oyster ° }aur T For packages of stationary, &c., tree the advertistne°t of Mr. Moorhouse- NIARLT NA BLD. -A party of cunioniata from Gaierich, while pauin from Boston to New York by boat, .cam withiu one of being nabbed by the pri vateer TalhiAtraee.• What a deliehtlu episode, it would have formed ! • Par Will the learned getNewwn wh writes to a village contemporary be .g enough to inform the public when' tl ' indignation meeting," with reference t the amalgautatiou scheme, was held in thi Wwn? Bea%T. er er cl the --_ --• his Etppen Beaptag u.4 Crs4ivag Natoli. THE , , • Imola ora owe c,neesrfweapr. • Ar.' Reaping Match sur off iso Widnes. eduea the 17th ult., un the tarn of Mr. Coop of • e ' - tiiepen, on the t.undun It ad, The vee l guy 1; Out eeu:d be desired for the oe- I kis, casiun-' 1 breeze (rum the North, modi hat ting the tem eture to a degree that was ho eejoyable both 1u t 1e Jia reaping machi They made a 'tart at 1441 11, of oourae, the new appointment y granted o Al the outset a violent attack is made Taking it for core w that �1r. Crabb was perfectly upon the H sincere when he Po o°, J. A. McDnoalJ, who is offered to denounced for having broken faith withsell Sus property on the Square for 112,000, , we think the matter demands a careful bas old friends. i%e bare been ace"- towed to hear conservatives say that it was Consideration beforewell a known to handed in. Mr. Brown who "ate the leek " and The property i. well known to every rate - begged to be taken 1010 power, and that payer in town -it will be remembered the great liberal leader would, henceforth that it includes live stores, nearly all first n sere is a really splendid otkmen and spectators. u;on the ground. eleven u'cloc'e, a, m., the,wbde of them 6 iediotrd task within the tithe ippon.: • na Iv, to at at the't•te alt one acre per b re was quite an 'exutemeut at the s Jori a the time ear l h smug L machines • oro at • Your correspondent made an effort to goo the individuals present, but gave it tip ss hopeless, and Y.n;ee like, too. to gyeming, . which resited 1,t tum'.ng to the Cancourion that there mat have been four or five hon dred peup:e potent. .ts far u 1 cuing learn, I , the names cf the owners and makers of the! different macbmct, were le fupe.ws:-Mr. Ura, Tocke'amjth, the old "McCurwjck Reaper ;" Mr. Nairn, O.Ilurr,, "Ball's Ohio," from Oshawa; Mr, Blair, Stanley, "Bell of s Geurge, 51r. Johintano, Guderteh, Mr. j :Jc. her's, Plati.tiiie, t2., machine wait • i self or dr,miter i Mr. N;Artlwehissielf New Yoke, Agus ti 1 a eornyfoundenLwnti- t•trgonir, nye that most through Woodworm on W temped; on the 18tb int., be and Chsrlesteen. The enemy`, fora is estimated infantry and 15,000 cavalry. A special despatch to the nines Chi �$, ?Ue f d strutted ; so, looking down - on bis nether germents,he replied'n pre. Aberdeen Ja:ect„ "G Muckleobltdged to your Grace ; t1,e breeds -- • were some tient at fist, but hey ere doing ni Wispy, ,wiel animal nos." from Charlestown _ our army 'pass d Dot ores Jsaaot.u.-One of most y rather own purpura 3322.00 than venture out into the darkness. Whet was their astouuhmem, when dy,Aened to 14858.28 find that their whole establishment kat lis l all "changed n1 base 1" A landslide ea The income derived by the town from the 7 s Northern Gravel Rued and other sources, u reduces the amount to be -raised by taxation tendmg over an area of forty er 6r,7 scree r had occurred during the night, eernmg tle house, the bars, and an wren or 'furnace, down some two acres from their original iocatlun. 'the beach to front of the farm was core red to the depth of Nome •ith debris, wrung which were several IMP fief meusa•fia;;n,enu of ruck. Great eremite* traversed the ground m every durectio,,'•nd the whole mountain side presented the ap- p'arance of Ming Leen subjected to vast convulsion of nature. It is need) tx,4 w the lista Wasli 1/ 1^133.2!, Tae Council' of the,wbos ' . tar. ay, and em touching and a the earns bete witty hinge sen Cltfttro' arid by the late Ibu,;las Jerrold we'do\out I remember to have seen before. 1f it M 40,000'1alre.d7 received the imprimotesr it .il bear re;aut-on. One erei,te4 Jerrold was H, •idem of a party where several other literifry me shown•, ala that the recent encounter ' and pub.talsn were assembled, ntul the co ' •ith the CwdeJr•iates, en both banks of the creation turned upon epitaphs. Jar• 4 Jame.' and also in the valley, proven tbtt Xt"e . e his opittiou that an epitaph kilo s not has in Yirriuiaa larger force then haul beeu; cwt ' tor mute than one or two oda in• sapp•sed, arid that the reports of his heti,. eluinr the name tft.�h the laugh had suh d te' total forte is estimated by Charles k ht, who war present, headed a 'our gegen unite •t ah '0 000 eel w Jerrold and be .- Kut ha t g t ) epitaph. - r, ala ►.- r housefly wrote t v uid6l. ' t HARPER rod Sgprtttaaa, T. J. M coat"-t;oderich.-�A good numberr- bracing interesting illustre p•pera. continuation of Dicken's nee -story, tales, .- Ate. Well worth the ,ea -,ked for it in the report, - 'went into a Committee to eonsfder the report seriatim, in the cbur. r. Wallace spoke of the 'shoed rate as Ybeing extreme,y burthensome to the este.' -1 payers of the t nen and moved, seconder, by sae tbet the crop ufon thefee.. rate be collected seperatdy, w that the ,people might know prsctee!7 what they were ping for educational purposes. r L.1 Longworth ortb fended J eJ the echos Ocoee- s a- „ pe womr entered ' rmv town of • similar sip in Canada Rest, of the c and speaking of the genera ber6u confer.'rcncq ehil rel upon society by edueatie�d. He also -' i mentioned es • fact that there were IT0 me • chltdna o° the roll this year %babte 1 s Mr. Leonard, in seconding Nr motion, said that If the people 1!117 bed to pay for eco would tun out en ri.-We hate fee I tae aotoif Amuses bya num-1 The debate • • r which u to ►red liens nh and the depu EPISCOPAL formed the . Plc -rte. -We w tea• • Anneal Pic -nig ig goo with the Episcopalian Sunday 1 of this town, tame off yesterday th great eclat. Our in'orma•t states tbat the umber of children, , parents and friends pro e�nt in the "Rectory ground Bring the daaaawiu very large, and that be proceedings tell�e unusually intereetiog. To CORRISSP04M ived a communication r of persons, the object • Mr. Leonard, to the effect that the school winolly destroyed, and the isle wholly sufitfee cultivation. - As AYarera HAI • dhture, putting that it was lower than that of p Station in a r. scut • det.cbmrnt to Georgia are not to be t sided, to no one dreamed be was jn earnest, t credited. 1 .n w tree of pole red be "'Petted 10 " sing small " and " play 01aa once tl at el II e axond addle " 6n;werally. But the //eruG! I obit lull qnw in usc, that there aro � bas dispelled that ill,uiou in a moat antis - factory manner. It is the conservative' ernteiling much era purposes. There think th braced. Ie* o more ad- .nawro- 1 anyl the is many offteee which would let to advanteat and that on East tlreet there is a building leader who las fallen to the rear. It wan which *01114, wit in for Mr. M'Donald, aaeording to our am- pence, auswcr fur mu temporary, to tel graph to his old amserv- arc sc. ('rral rcasmns why afire friends the, he was powerless to of Mr. Cribb should be eomply with their demand -that the man vatthe ant place, the tebd t1 ,11 ter w11 oat of his bands -that it wan ably ex ecley siso nea sine em probable Mr. Linara would recciro the othe upceWd iso °tar the , lnvre appnintmmt.k ,►dente, argnesthe Jkwhl, other time, :Although not prmintin " The Coosenttires will now comprehend eppaara°ce was would Sika w etc in pia " how matters stand -they will now know buildiuge, l it the cur th ret they oou 1 or nearly all the n•quirculcuu of a' " what Mr. 31'Do°ald meant by raying, 3 kot Iluute proper, the 11411, n5cest l s" I em powerless.' 31r. Brown is, or so , &e. ing all that could be desired.- I "far as power i,apoeerned represent., the tWith Jry little expcnee ample space ., Ministry. If 31r Brown says " tint could bo , 'tided for team, without an- Cooservatire official mast be dismissal croaching i the square, and, moreever, " in order that thio stay be appointed," the elle is Den a " it must be so. Ilia wishes tuust be ed fmm every qu "carried out. Mr. MTonald, therefore, "is powerless -Mr. Brown is the nun! t., out sward, 1g must Hen u matter for the consideration of the °lar ward, as roust Lender sod all the minor tory prim Market a ever removed They have been deluding themselves into Tbcn, s to the price, it d... not req the belief that Mr. Brow° had become • much calculation to prove thatit is very convert 1010rylem, ear had, at least, endure.: Ino indeed. 112,000 wnull he pur- tartly placed himself in ■ prr'ition when• chant the materials owed in rho edi 1. hie own peculiar views were liable to nay nothin of ce land sperm which overborne by the superior weight in point reared, or the cost of buiLlin e. til of mumbcre of his conservative cvileaguea respect the offer is a splendid one, If in the Coalition. N'hot a mistake +c Purchased by the town rend judiciously • out , men. the 11, ilium G Indo• Jet , and r�7 p • ee du u w V w �If tar t' aim VOd I o one ¢ re noted 1bGi1s hnwe6 „I heTflb Yoe 1 sere t e nden t tis da rd n io n J bum to ant. u 'rant'a army, era :- . taus art lost then is to be an Immediate w •toe un a rand scale somewhere r ' e itrutrdlc b The mnrchutg ,end coon•' u A►raova -;, , J. R. Dlllingbate destroy the character of a :thing of di ' 'one and army corps are Edajart owl ro emir 1 Gen. lira destroyed 3' slope. 3 harques.-1 sehrsioneos, a pilot. boat, and boarded G. v..seir:s, besides retaininplse bout Jam lotion reniered se•-laut evening Yong, Street 'relies uf bee husband, Henry Law. o bad turned herself and the out ol the house. Consteble SWAM, otapeatied the woman to her reside's** os state ut Intoxication. it was then discover. lee.... ed that he had, in the abseroce of his wife, made arrongements ta hong tar on her re- PurPe•••••sav-.thhe'ell.110111tnlie police station,- to be taken from them sod burn boils el this otorniog to the Court, where ha will very receive advice not to consulate milarany,. boa hair fuel drawn W nwl • fee un/b°47 1441' been irteer for • number of sear commenced August 20.- ist oteesselrl 15 the hair is now of • Dater& color, life should have been pc up for the purpose dolor:in., tour and Zyluba,semum, without a faith usmg rs. S. Ai, Allen a World a air Res. unauthorised nature of a flatterin e Tallalsasse AG that she in virtue., big mow., .e.epect ; powebtished in this paper some r and. beautiful." expose in • proper m dealing in the The Tuliahmemeitasled from here at two patches from Ilarriepurg ludo inquirer iast effer with snoefFe Kralter and Mel'he evening mays bp to tins time the setho-1 A enough to be approach-, ter of the town with - tip upon a ?attir- e ease if the ! square cording to the new light, that. title's), ophtnotr, would pay interest on tSe money haa not been *born of his ancient strength, inttated in it, and clear itself inside of ten t nay, he boldly conies forward and asserts yearn, after which it would pm. s • ,11. ,e Ghia; With their Vii.t,na,frOni Cldition.lrgenee from the borders. them sre m rsee riot,. air not in receipt of anr official hoe It is whit regeetted that.there wee na:timerat.. ; rumors here of the defeat of Sheiridan's f•:rd surely • matter of very great importance.- r'a Ferry. lit* wag;,,,, train crossed ve Thousand Tons of Hu - evicts in the J . Ili.' York) Union, hiss made I'll! relative tektite 'number of suen cel- in this Wes, and dives the folio:Pei Thele has been enough adv 'lain • • If they were id. #d in coffins and corded, " (arta In. they woald coont'29:000‘sords. on It mid in a wall ticiitvdive feet thick end ,Se°,tt sat thirty feet high, it erooli be over ioe an -I ''eerr° 10 the Pu yen oilestourth miles ito length. I Toronto, who will be ha Jur 'Cutury (New to will gledly gxre tt publicity. they Weeld be compelled to midge their seats but te waxed more W of having pi.fered or unlawfully eb• , the Courch of St. Stephen of Vienne, and annul (rose the coffers of she town th'it SAM while ee*Pieled Ihe 11,460" is F.L. e • of 830.00. Oa this Mr. Wallace beton* reP•• et•tel...,cstremely so a r 7. and repeatedly denounced e ago.- los accuser &I • Bar, backing 12 hie invectiv with,* ot oaths which are unfit , ensued.' The Mayor left, the eh air,Coutictilors cannot entitint tr, the pen. to e and got their hate, and the proceeding of tbe evening were on the point of coming anything so coarse and (region - to a claire in.& violent eta, in, but s'l final', nswer to it. Let the refute- resumed their places, seversl cif the members tly willing to ttuig up of the first o Beier vs Till Cot's?? Oir Grar.-Many specintens of this large gime am it. be som just W.., engaged in picking raspberries fee acquailitance, riding down to Samarek ea e horseback, saw a large one, end the iddy per. sued it at the grillop for • little, in wrier to obtain a better Orb% of it. Two ebildres, throe ut theis, an oh! one mind two smeller ' one*, helping thernselves to berries in the moo stientific manner, within a few feet 0 - them. Tr., inmently skedadd'ed, leaving the •beare in undisputed posseroon of the berry patch. We wonder nobody bunts them ; there would he but little trouble,aliniet any day, with a gool dor, in getting as the trail.- Owen Sound Tomes. n Itch in Forel' teem*, and we 'declaring that if surh aniaber seem occurred of testing the draft of the osehines; which is '. GS,."n".eslfol,/,371:, liriLvi:irii, siLeasui,:stina.endni",,: '11 *ft). nisei". wwwed h, Mr --11.e:1 eaolle lleal;I:eototnne Mat niola and I. reported to be A ark rod Speedy, but it SU evident from 11411 Hagoritowe 'hie morning. sofe. 'Sort made to draw it, lii i'ae really spleortall W•satornos.. August 20.-A thorn:Leh moon attached toot it Wit. a ter4 cat, to pia. isiletti'...,'• ut lb. 1;"1"ibt7.:Iwnetht °it,' Wnwhhiregt l's Ohio, wasIghter Lt. draft and did its '::71tel:r7ee TWite-theY;nereershoretot Peolnrree 'do &Tem lobe the favor de with the bulk of the !city ,wo *ell. The Beeper „from St. George rit,eiem et...i; it ttripisiid to ii; ....; y i uuiben ftue, Morel effective staid. col defence tit drawfiCii fast enough -end mode tolearably•I good work. ut &love 1,:, it it eiran'e ' ' lkisorta that certain republican Its& ton upon the Preside When the l'reside arrangement, a substantioliy constructed.- ve1ilrnitnotiPorieen. some until after the el will not even change his cabinet. with a vre tot of howimanufattured poetry on handl. 61 Cilhoeuit;:rardliee (IMO !olivine been. mewed .1 teteet.,1 see The backloods genitie who haw); be Mayor resamerd the chair. it 'not ceiling, that of Sir W. 'I be report of the- Committee nppointed is tf 11 he It tire feet thick and ten feet blab, the pile an aould rah% refuel. the State. , able modicum of' lucre, to If oiled upon a ten -acre lot, hey would h,. incomparable works to them d. nt And it laid upon the 'mooed, they viou:d I THY, LoNnoe Revicw.-In ‘ra'Pee W 7 re" roofer with Mr. Crabh having beet. asked for r11 of Montreal or Mr. Cameron stated that he had Leen ove ntw. hi, the offer of Mr. Crabb was • splendid one. Several Councillors were edited to. the day) evening, to eonsidsr flour report. ayor said he had been *erred with • effect that promeediegs in the worth es. Town of Gods • ee. cover every lout of soil in Jefferson county. , ance with the request of a loge numbr nt Seventy•five thousand tons of human' blood of requisitionists, his Worship the Mayor were added to the daod, it would turn the ' l'obbc Holiday. " Two weeks notice is good illustration of t o'f this DIOI• t#1 improve his chances for re-election, it it turn every spindle in Lowell, and if the tears as pror atm eito,p chine, " Lord Mae. ;de"... said an ad ode to suppose be would adopt a bold peace machinery of ihe comment ; sr ing nigh,. would till every °Cele MAIL and the www'" I given in order that all who intend witnese- iike sae mony wheels and e duit'i the Department, August 20, 8:10 p. m. Majo General John A. Dix. The operntions opt marilek th.reseis. e sett 'ee Gen. Groit's forces are detailed in the fee r f be one -hall ISMS not yet been told. The ing the London Review may make their of etilliem of wounded and seamed foilife,must • arrengements accordingly. -there ia no wet/ ingenious, Wel)-401 uP d " Our Poisr, Aurust 18, 8 p. m. -Ge would sae were 'the ligh draft- 011 Warren moved with his corps -this uterine ground. The gram is dropped w. be taken into account tor summing up the certainty thus • far with reference to the sad fanatical war. mode of contcyanee. If an excursion - grand total of evils inceleot be this bloody n.' And the end ia nut yet. train can be procured, Goderich will turn truing the time and a •iglit of a mitn.- (toy thy to Pu-tenttlItrg, meet in4 the .ileir.1• aeth of ;hen head works, ind met no eace21 gnnkinut the enemy** pickets. He. tirlvance. o sheave.' by the action tf the driver•P'es f7-toff..1 h eldon road, #01#.1#, one This mane, is well cilee'ated far furteing He bad considereble fighting diming the da ployed to `tir it with Modem Dropping the gen I e Neale, where hands enough are ern. suffering sortie loot and a:Acting a loss on path (If the teim coming round again, ie sn the erierey. I hove er0 report shoeing th he gram, 10\4 does, drethy behind it in the Notion urged against it by annlifarreers. pewfririsote::::eb°rsee.df::111;8141;7:b;:thj"'lid4";:leandile°r:"the:°f‘ebeir°14.11"14.! We shudder at the toms of the death of twenty persons killed by the accidental breaking of a red, or the sinking .of steans- beat, and if two huridred are lost by mi... Means, we are feirlf horror-stricken, and are ready to wreak vengence on any one wbo hae been neglogent or cutler/ in the metter. • But when tens of thousands are cut down bt ie one day hy the procurement of deeignieg -1 demagogues, we sheet " hallelujah," and can _thank Heaven for thef Imam slaughter. Weave an well pleased wish the awful sacrifice, that we est unewelres week at one to ti0 up the divagated reeks for his supremacy. " IIentseforward,•' says able source or income. We mut have a 1-.° the ludicrously indignant Herald, " No decent Tone Hall, Market, and offices eeIneeeve1Iee need ePPIY while a A4 sometime , when will a better opportunity Coalition exists I- and the Grits are to than the present occur 7 sweep off every morsel of pluttder that o the at. George 4, in he general ennetrue• Railway Accident. inn, will no doubt. be extioni'vely reoronized e Arnie!" Humn, Who like to' en - New Yost, August 19. Perth acted differently, all would have Fl""" A sae.- Wilhario 4.1iis • emote ot A Cradling match for learn tnat • fearful accident occurred yodel.. The Commercial has the following : " We TIIE HARVEST IN INGLAND. snot er feast at airefte. Itrentford, . , died sud .ity. on the 4th • men and bey* snd day afternoon °a the Camden and Atlanta - Leon well -had they punned the highly inst. of paralysis. Ile was attached to the 5 Binding, mete!' ano. took place on the same Itadrued. resu'ItPig in oevend ',Teems bein The reports fro ---'re the prineips1 aericol- TX 'nee :one manufacture. honorable course of appointing none but forty ninth regiment of SeM York Voionteers mach on your valuable spate to dt..erio, killed outright, and • large nuniaber wounded! torsi districts in Englend eive • favorable day. I sm afraid that 1 vill trespass too partizana of their own to County and (4;',,A„ehr1:11 06,7(5:,":eert.ir 11....N.31 1...":tadiy". lir:tel.:. theta very minute! Rolls of Elms and Wallace in time, .ffr lhat the Innr 31unicipal offices -had they stuffed the respondent of the Ne• York Ilerald 4.# s that all the work'. y eye upon on trifling nearly one thousand plasm* left. eaeldll gathered ill '1"'"°ill lame of the Karl, in the morning en excursion trete, con account of the liarveet, which is now being 9' •itall - onir Potomac, Mnjor Ellis basin been one of the *kneel. d in the army of the indiaeleal-his heir hasp,. . h 4 elm handled hit cradle- nnie4 *11- id°441; •17, bovever, comgeo.for Atlanta City, to spend the day. country. The weather lately has been the train creaming a breige a few rniles south • followed b ,he warmth. 7 abundance of sunshine and 1i:niegv.rfe1171131:11sliinh'I'huel'hb°raybillLisalifas'1 dirriudb:11*.uwill. titingrh::::III edsnrfaA11-111nd;thtliln'rioadenten.cill;t;an'bundlnedtee'nele111nilesbr°k. th"jh markines ma hel too.k plate. After '1 he cro s in Ireland are also eell The ebsurditice of the //,rofei see of Mott popular men in the rn the very crudeet. By what right cap it Itte,47e.u.`IY„,In froth I Ot:1111/0 achrrn.etithlin thsoe hOuri7 river, and causing the erea.tel cointsuttearrenapotiortn the *runty should go to thoee whom it on the breaking ore of the A rolge,ohrowing three of the cam into the spoken of, espeatei / the potato crop, whirh ie now said to bare poised its dangerous stage. Yet, m the face of ibises gratifying stale. menu; Om peace of wheat- 'lightly advaeced at the last Mark•lone market ; bet tLe mice out en maw on the morning or flit tith, but should we fail in this, Van E very & Rumball's boats must be put in requisition, wind and weather permitting. It is a perhero the finest int. notice to eau of Jane 1, wou:d be gone ou Several mernhere expressed t ment that Mr. Longworth ahould go with the case, sfter having expi:osed himself pe fertly sttitfied with the remission of • oft lain portion of kit taxes 171110 %ITO It Wilt dyed to de:end 1120 cast. After which the Council adjourned until 'Tuesday etening 23 d Mat. HOMO* palm. satooish great pity there should be any doubt is that of • young 'trier:1,17 elm: r.""I about oonveyanee by rail, and we think ot whieh is from Mil comnamrunratic": the railway authorities might be induced vit,unrs. oefetchfte An;rchhiiihop of Bordeaux. The to run a train of Nome sort, tin matter what 'the Zi'me colills';7'usen" het: tri:e!7:r11". wbtas at fis..op :took were not kept ten hours on the trip u atudy his condition, the k ott the memorable return from B tfo d chamber of the nun where he made the r I well' several ni hts kind of carriages wee used, so hug as they "le nnt either Application has been made, however, and lowing observations : Tbie young elergymen we sincerely hope it will be successful. used to ft110. lake paper, and begin to note. Gefore writing muse:, he would take • stick Second Editlon or "No and Biddy mid rule the lines. Ile wrote the notes with n104t accuracy ; or when, by chance, be had A federal akedaddler im 'in town, arid, eritten ttio words ton wide, lie altered them when occasion afore, fights his battles 0•., fpri:lb<141bn:nght: ienr).d,;„a Llo fit again with vengeance. Ile says he lila amended plisse' gemorrecily Peer it On one attached to Company—, Michigan Ar- tillery. In the battles of the °caution, in order to ascertain. whether he he performed prodigies of cal() - o ng The sleeper took not the least r of ihe die, they 1st least nil hi/ gun egad' all the men belonging to the rieteliiteeet,i0h: tee°, he."npeuldre battery but himself and a companion were :;:itionnga atsob:t7he nhaderete to satisfy all tient ing about were very curious. At piechee would delight to honer ? Mr. McFarlane, w'reuntatn° lieluipaffakt;', r.t.coma,,Itt," em,„,e'""tnbPenonYh'e , Tnohtifo:le,at t he.; rnijoleencio'r of their forefathers maid mica! Li. Owing to tbe entent teeing reasonable requirements, and II to COn. killed Of harl ded. Ile ormtiotted to work of aineesd !eke, that be h•d 1"0R t &ennead liberal, WU fairly fleeted tn been inilse Amernican crevice, .1.. ifit g o.wari homes Ihrkson, Eel si. r, „„rh n„ niers, it r trove mo during the present year. he con ate approvingly but when. on another ore, C and NNI }"e' EN". iloe to furnish full particulars. ?mental erops are also, fur the moat Mut, libee' lion, a tete of the same cake woo ttire intn the gun until gimlet exhibited, ia the name of ou rereesat the e"natituenelt in Parliament, The unfortunate young officer Wan 4: throu'ilhooe',17hr: "Pit*" 4°'', 11.4 °Pk^ Pule day, ICI all were lebendle finding that he was fighting the whole of his mouPth, he spat it onto it is to be o reed "god eemmow- military papil of Sergeant MeLetto, of supplied with refreehmente. Mrs. Coe it, sod if they chanced hot Pure seam, why should Mr. Lines' ehanees not this town. A'. 46 es good as those of any other candi• . . Isrder must hi,.• „Hi nneked. is the time ton temperance men _to st e • . withstood, as it did, Ms eontmooas attack uf thi Plfe• or 1,#prna*:f#1 New Isee's army alone, he gave it up as • des- jtit e:en!r Ctn.' fieriaticom end complaint, ed hilltop of Niger, was pleadrog the departed this life ; but he point saw him at that that he elelyn knew when ha pen lad ink r when Fro day ? if beim, i.wy„ g mina. Goner for Septentber ix before us, ono A fter the ern k y" ma in behalf of theor Mier. The rite ir e distiiled liquor' is 1)r. flannel Crowther, the newly appoint- BISIIOP OF COLOR. Pe"te ea" and "t d°"° t° re" ems writing, he knew it'd» sheet substituted ease he seemed emhbewbrraase."...tist tiootodo mid inn standing in the ...my um and is a euperb number of that elegant mounted ao 4Itemponwi Ditt40, d r..d and the faeltdinding ir not err fined to flume of bbispilioces:. in Mbbabniebest.eir blatebly. M them, wo orirriti hi, Lady'a Book. The engra•ings are chaste &wending a hill near by. r was done Mr Dickson eppmeammt woo on& prittoiori of the and beautiful, the fashion plates finely got was the quest:on put.- be pal saloons and hotels in tbe city and color who has bornesueh • distinguished rantk asid the other, " I was jist up 0( the!. "rnif it'1,2ftP et's iet. Pend arWrOariald corn:into to rease"ofplio erimpeell i.tion from the blank Me*. justie#s.- As to the question of sorry, that time and apace, will not permit pertasaaship, every moo thie onantry thee PT". For Mak at °Mee' up, and the literary matter more readable upon Otir iihrn.',;#, Brooklyn, mimed the_ price to 1:n eon me, to gore you eve mtsta.ttleatit in thebnberlibronistbisb% tbd:hdererbli forim:intygiages.mblyn shod I eft there but °instil Grant lyin' in the town hall, when, in • very interesunt anitwankeit% e°rtntriPtP:t 1.ary biall:florsae hitilimu7nlitaynlase:nontri"04n• setyponsa se kw „sweat nreetue,ewt Queetiou.-A. itn4 n synopris of Mr. Iheh- TN.?. are plaera te the city where the heat speech, he pointed out the commercial o it ttlin suovients '"I'" 'wer'etme be a three dead drank." Our hem, hoe- •°• e_sn_a'n noon ge,writtlin apex the preemie Melo saw Jedre win ,butain found that if 14 wore ;deed to 11 of A's 1). 1- Sill'. Feela lirue•field k ere. taking part is party pobt,,,t_41, he einee,, awl the *** mein taken from n'a, klIOtre,upon the chiefly,. iehi'ehirre.del:11.:.• heard of this:. enorbitaint ehamege iobif $1 dper dtiiiii„misabionbt:rpt Ilb minattinete.nadedee wit workibti,is brandies reteil at 11 li.glana and te• have 'emotes which might P,"bel'17 "'mit rmf• aet.,.,„„ima .„„i„ for himamf, eninenn = per th, eff awe est spoh se „loss tor bit ?artisan totte. :r.ineldibeh• taza feud. ones the Indon and wild !hi. hi 1;7 p ie."7,-,.°1' al alttaii'Al 0a(Miattoetia,:iti'al: and for tbis porrpoyee his friendslin Fir:land tith that ishich be amild have leer Edo by imilthag pelitteal eatheiaias pp, 0,, mode Z72 What wee mei. WWI Ineine?.-..1. Tem trade; *nen do animus iedepeneert or A *b.., drisks, drunkenness prevails to an alarming are raters, a feed to help in eetablieftleg a"." " 'eerie, saki.. th,t he, to: .seeresafel ,,,,„„t, whim, e.. te the fore 'bet Kest African Church oe a substantial foot. t" •PY ^"ter tahteN a Itela inalr7 •••••°.f. am:ae&mpealibeeituebligeiiik. 1Thueb.hte,:::: leeweleies44.dtedi.'hreagini.4"d'esit eat h • p ace in biro, by tme era.•• tLii• 01 kg. Dr. erowther's deo-rimier. of the row he *aid, New, look hem Mr. Grant, if el""4 My breddren,' preached an old Sierra Leone you eee white man bad toe much, ugly too much, no good. Yos want *adobe t.• koiov how man like dat tome to lib tlie world? Well, I tell you. Adm. ant Eve dey colored people, very handmme : lib thin4s dot be good -plantains, yams, sent mods. Den dey hab two children, Cato isnd , Abel. Cam no like Abel's p•laver ; ona day it* killao. Den God angry, and he say, 'Cain!' Cain go bid* hisself; he lie!, him berry eleber. ' iterth•heigb 1' God eat you link 1 too see you, yea hush nigger-mh r Ben Cain come net and he isy, 'lee, marmot, 1 Ph here -whet de sour., muse r 'Doe God say, in one big voice, 1:1111 milder III the sky ' VW beie'ro brotc• Abii Den Cain turned white all ober, wid leer- dot rst *hate man bredlren.. KIRWITOX WILL 1.11 ITS OWL -lite P respondent ot the Mont ' Herald winds i p his•report of the banquet giv to the Co se dian •isitors at St. John with the elusion, round the featal table hire need uf pre orong head. and good digestive apparatos. On Ow latter point prubabiy one of our local \ presslwould have beenibetter represented its pretpria pertinna than by proxy, but the Korgston delegation will be fully equal to the general eontingeney. Square wagers on thee ars safe. -(Kingston British Arnericsn. Ingenious Slobbery. man, named, Peretta bee just been tried by the Tritomal of Correctional Police for rob- bing rieveral Peri/ jeweller, in lin ingenoous manlier. She had visited different shop, un- der the p-etext of buyieg, but had 'meet per. ceased any thing, and after each irerpection one or more valuable artieles were miseed.- At leut she waa brought beck to a shop end meareberfAut nothing was found on her ; but the jeweller, when inforrned of the nwitatite result. directed Me attention of the searente in another direction. The /mini 'Forme posamised • luxuriant heed of Week hair, formed into thick plaited knnte, in the folds of which tbe rings or othei articles taken were adoitly thruat and concealed. The jeweller in questiLn had been put ors LSI guard closely watching her, he otelervad that atm °commonalty put her hand an her head. Two miming rinan were found in her hair and she tires arrester,. Tbe accused pretended Illot shit must have placed them there in a moeseat of attunes of mind, but tbe Tmlitinsi replied to this &feints by mocisenting her to a year's The following leans were found writtes n•er *ha Taa is 03 churchyard in Wale', and remains, for sew single vowel, however, they will he famed * make good poetry PRS iltYPRFCTAIN V RIC PT HAP SCPTSTN. Hy ming the letter P. it will be foetal te road thee " Persevere ye pwlffiwt Seri Fr et keep Nome pet cire ten."