HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1864-8-25, Page 1• • •
. 1 • ,
w.r. 03E, E liter and Proprietor.] •
inTI to :N.
• The Greatest Poseible GOOd to the Greatest POOSibiO,
$1.50 l'Elt ANN. IN ADVANCE1
For the ••Semal.
Tb• mighty King of storms raceme-.
Hail Krug ! all hat
' Before thee puny men are dutnb.
Aghast aud pale;
'They listen tu thy rolling drum
Arid, trembling, quail.
Thou marshallest thy battle might
With thund'rina cry,
Forth moviug to the front of fight .
Athwart the sky,
Whae yaw mankind with affright,
For shelter fly.
I leve to hear thy loaoleet roar
Bare atunatroue birth ;
To hateu tu thy turret ras pour
But wakes my mirth :
For thou art shedding blessergs o'er
The grateful earth.
;flea let thy voice be heard afar
In thurieler emelt,
The swede that. drag thy cloudy tax
T. fury lash,
Asti rale the elemental tear
With lightning dash.
Mb& natant stake beatath thy frown,
. With trembleraserthina
The Unitising Mill comes down •
, .
Coon -the plain,
And meadows now all sere ..us . "
4 Will sprite; agile.
no, Monti miefotteati's &meat power,
toolooe find,
Though gloomily its sorrows lower,
Aad all sulkiest,
brieg • fartilisise shower
Upon kw esiod.
Ilallett, Auetut 1211.
Gomm'', C. W.. THURSDAY, AUG. 25, 1864.
- - '•••••••••••&••••••••••••••ni••••••••.,
. .., , r -. . . I ',1.
teriaghhe mon porous cries, et the maw time 'the lariat tightened, .1 felt my body Derwin, g : st.,c0bsioll of a eoloo.00raloe
i e.u..nuitae these'si eVer, fir •:•;, itself loom o„, as we Ivo,' of tom at e or uttd.,. t,...1.a,letal.ourn‘erboliviretroer it t..;.it; theyn.le.1,1 bet joe,;11,,,,,Ito.a.ley 'bit:tilt-1v a better
,, , , , to have a two y i, e 1 1 poo i t i e 4: tentito, euutidant
rutorMa in circles round the body. mad the next :eminent reentered • wild ere
. Will li lieu. mutter ii erevatiou to Hitt prodd Pool- Northern Stater; with unempktyed-sailora, in of succers.
I saied''' wavetina betweeir or/Unkind*. ely light, • feeling I cannot dericribe, as I foume by whow they have been .idermed•
• ,
first „Nose tow been w sowed, two kill the tuyself drugged out of the asett. .I iimie.s to Monsieur'selirgs. of. patriettisw cm. brook:: I lion of a Ducter o.f Leos ; it, ot eepooto esititraveettiniwn ettit,Itif,glari; it. The authorities l law adeieeeatem that lien. glieriduii h.*
detectiun. IAA- billets haelv to• WI Meter a here be trill to
the who& 'IV ntry, or will he when the i W all the dangent ittcident to wartare-be 71,7,7 `;„,1,.; ;jai', het, -The advance of the • tify litntelf and io4kk.t. oil tio!d,a,..,,,,,e, littor.
boor of trial Comes batk ingloriously ,,ut 'I wey fell gleriously wine fine morning as book it:leant" to it per cent., was mural] ' really I* the eatie, it aii,,,,/,...u„i 1,, j,,,,Ii,.**
4 harness, aid \east in hie lot with the i bodkin:Is htisi alma iiit g oe,per„te eogroe, &tatty hythe feet that the broth return& i that Early has b.n,u so b..torda roiefoe,d .„
1. . '' d allowed that tile reserve of noire had (ellen i,, to utake,han too stroeg tor halterelau tu
ditutflectod ? 11 he diseuver eowo in. ! 20 etl le 11 1,111. wreath. les setthere 1 • -
surmountable difficalty in theorao• at tfie ! upfin the gory field, trodden' enact foot of i*,:i,4iloPuotinit96:7:71v...A.717,ArtZt; tre'dTal2tiiel•le *tie": iiethl r44t"L'."
and throws woo. her head, vewnytenced ut- ti• thouoin he uniderstood situotion. 'rin the Mitildry think of the f.aeeshadriefrd I hh wetht„ The otooeio het,. 41,„ To.o.r„:„; ;11 Argo, joy oat attreetiug *mot. • , gigggiy'g 1.„,1 turned,
-rwi -rr-- -saris' •
)V0L. XV1I.-NO. 30
doe; but her plaintive voice mooted uly heart,
dimmable um uf all Leader intentrune.. flail
I drea.Led ufWitnemin the; manful spectre
my feet with a shout ditty, I rushr up o
my steed, and throWing my artne storied his
neck, Meted him with Itel much delight as 1
e, I almuld not have eft the trail. But this would Intve kissed u beautilul gol. Ile
•hiel wasidoute 'I have emote then killed areswered my embrace with a luw whimper,
ought I, oit be better to tliepatch that told tram understood.
• r at
but to lier
ce.' . I looked for my rifle, rortenately, it bad
by therM principles of common. not mitik d-e•tly. and I auon found it. hle
humanity, 1 renttd the butt of boots were belittal me,but I stayed not to liork
toy rifle iihd rel tied. Whits faltering bend fur them, beireraenitreir s ith a wholesome
I again levelled I rieee mal tired. . dread ut the plaeNr-here 1 had left them. 1
My moves mire strody eremeh to -do the was"nut long In retreetine to,,10 the arroyo
work. teller. the smoke ooted aside, 1 ceuld and moutiting. I gall•ii eac had( to the trail.
ole the little creature b Arti,,, upon tbe It wail sunset actor° I reached the ellmhi
greet, her head testing upon \body of her where I wus me by the cie taped of' me com-
panions. I answ
murdered mate. -..
1 shoulaered my title, apd nr'-eteaut to relating my adreet
More forward, shell to nay ammo
found that teal caught by the feet,
held limey, as if my legs bed been
. I made en effort to extricate myself; asiot
er moi e vi, lent, and equally unsuceeestul,
and, with • thila I lost nay balance, ard tree
bac: u•Kar the Winter, halt sialueated. I re l• °I'oh•Iii.t• is
urbec heft.,
letter day we
wir be held.
the .Contereuce
eill pruceed .to C u
of the preserit month
-1Quebee Chrouiele.
eta berrekeeek. •-• moo
sred .10 wars, fell 'loan
all t queetions
es, uhd tor tbat uight
lotto Lre.
ers riow remain, in
McDonaldaled the,
•i ev'enin,r;
II by the smarm
therm). • The
t will not be -
E tern
ut, I was the hero uf the.
eahee Few uf the Mai
wo. Attoroey teener
So 'tor tieeeral Weet.
Mi. Br end Mr. Mame,
Menta 1
tny utfight position, but may to hill I
wag • -beta as taia as ever. Again 1 strugarled *foe
tp free my limbs. 1 could ni•ither move them roue
backward nor forwent -tit, e right nor te- tation
le that '11 wars ''Ihrivinett
et the full14altin,
0. 23.41 or 2
&mend ler
• hl inistor
tbe left, end I become se
gradually gore.; down. ear ihefeartul truth ; the last da
flashed upon ule-I w eluting in a quick- el fi6-140110163
w and I A .feeliiig of rarer crone over ore.- .
I reoewed my elferiti with the *meg, ct des. 1 Kier Lls RA
1,1ratiou. 1 leaned w eine aide then to die.' named J•inos
other, alunotwienching my knees form their , • beep iiito ILO It cloven quail, Saturday
s hew._ My b -et reniained feet as ever. • 1,1 evening. He was taken'from tee watir iti
coo oot move them an tech. • I aboue five mini:tea mid woMld urldoubtea4
Ibeeoftarliney gaud alma y overtopped my I have rer'uvezed-rse Le wee •*till a:rye-bait
horse abut hums,. sledging theta Mound ni• • not his • fa aroma foi.ly 11)1.1ok ly mit
.merles, v that 1 wao uuable to draw tam oft. ef him be tolling him on a barrel. • Comfier
1 eoul.1 feel that I was ritilh sinking, tro.r.;y !Fein:end; held an inquest ha the body rimer.
but surely, as if some subternineous ammeter 141'1.-1114J...1u Eimer, .
were leieumly draagias Mis down. This vety • '" • «we.- - --
Them ou one ,,w•thin wilt1.a uf trie-no I eleataer •Ptilieele O. Will". If 114.I"e* th.1 Or o.ur west t ash -
in the papers : urs limed. The mai-
liviog thing. Vet! the treiah uf toy , horse 1 um of. the halide oil the hoel; healed rJehti • , •• . 1. . .1.. ih.
. r 111,1 v111,..11.41.4.• •14V1.. •,1 tut. umttcr dignity a .honor F.irgintal tool. been ups
' •
thmight caused me • fresh thnll ef horror, -Vattellyeet. ACC11414.6-A serious strident
• • tt bCt'llrrid TeAterdli, 11000, Oil brlikid 1he
last moment, and endeavor te break up ; pae.i.inote two, aid as, it it bid never '''."''r• "." c••'44i'le'e'd "'t ' lell*"1"6:e. :Ili"
having set his shotilder to tha wheel, ' ' ----- •••••---..-o----:
. Toe Jtoeusiiie or PlenTII.-This trie,,,t• of tire North. were touch daappoioted
confirmed, while the Southern synorathisere
the Coalition, or will he, rather,' after graced the brow of the toliiier biave.
" pluck," and. press forward over enery I tauch•vexed question hos been settled at editoriel deithetteteg tbe hitleapping, or tkiii•ll
.itatuent.of H. . bears. ' •
ri'elljr.".ite'tirwd.":11:1'11:eart:OltotiPtuterorPAratfli611:ity.."liasn: t:
manifest on a great seole ' his ancieut 1 • . ,
i hut by the appd - • - ' -11 • .
jog., 1911 ur our tommen ; ain . Litais. syhii•ets far the Federul verrice, and Mere
Bon, 'the danger of a falling back to the , oi. , ' '
UPPe.! Linke has the reputetiou of-bein a 110-.0..nd
v I an., ueek of the 1.,.,,,ce .11. ...t. B. 14-..; estreciallv to the cement frisherima. etre were
difficulty ? „As we understand the Pori- ,
old staid ylto tits about hero.
Canada is'eager w I(Pitkiel:tiaotuu°4: he • ia:114.hia."vre. 1 lawyto, and ire have noo'clouidgirill en.
ever the sectitival
I deator to dieeliareo the new and Wiper:
'given her so. meth trouble, and it Os. for
1 tant dutiee to lael h - II el •
Lower Canada to gay' whether the gohlea ereokablo The Conservatives of 1. .1 I
.11e1,1C. 1111 11 enearetion to e
America. The Daily NOM editorially re -
fetes the repterientot earthen the lulow
market in America, throes that in • in,
healthy. Vete, and Alert attract
tu riniarents. -
General Gtant at the End of His
' The inaction. ot do" Federate. says the
Londou Bendel, a.. • ;meat that the cone
matele& t's at laal 11.: end of Int lesources.
Nis tarter ithe hire env. ernisees in the coat.
autijoetert in-- lune lass to groan rodeo:true t,„aeeexpeeta,,,,,, •ho,
alter. thcir !maw vres oetaerect, and myth et at leasititep poi snot l'oa?
die faula are prootel, the Bramii hiolorlinolit up the• *parte Ili. hie 1111,1 1114 Om'
shoual nut he satisfied with atiethohe bud proispeet of sower bin; t Mrt iu‘t r,.
thati the even; lary punishment .4 all cow N„,, t„„, he
center! in the °ulnae*. The met ,,liseen korai: :!y int.. a Jevert afaria,'estei remelt
thee,. Ilar.e r;l1 tri
era. As far as . his are
.werned, the campaign 4 •t an et
i4 guns, it they artioe, auk he of no tn. to
him, for they cameo te roar°, ed. it, the
noel recitations of the field, and it 4 not
Ithely that lee will rtiotairiany lonterehriMiett
Ire oft s. Wi ak4 ex pact some, aro a
of ir decisive, character by an eerly 111.1iil from
Oath" Arum:her. „
edituria: °eat). some euhject, it lie 10 sr In
Iridllineti as* vtaruitie riot °ley agai .st the oa,
. •
opportunity shall be embraced whi 4. it - polo are peelootly wild because rese et,
way. All that we want is a feir fiold for ' their ounther was not. elevated to the
our euergies, and __that, is ill that cae be be.pl co. /float rely polities were te be
reiwouably demauded by Odf friends,Eouit . theOpide in all appoilitments of Csiunty
of the Ottawas , Judea-, a good niatry.eharegoe.Would have Arrival 01 the "Cttl tf 3•I
t he
reason to b
poeits tot ',dr
surface within
rod. We tree al.
liow a prospect of ex
in good earnest. SUM
to be MAC throughout the countrf, and
NEW- ENTERPRISE IN GODE- the showed of the, KromOoi\ser that Mr. 11-""'• A"A' 16•7- the et
RICA. Lixers shall hometifmtli and forever of ultimore ba• snorer! with
t disiowit to e per est
Ith 'rho Bank of Eugland
who liave-iutolligently studied eschew partirinehip, cip,211.a. of a much, r0
this' section have long "tido' ttten••••••
hip City
atm of. The "Greet Soctal " Chien's°.
. •1!"ilievseenpoc:8ditolits bo,„ it,. iarra.,a, o. the " gr. ei
oh, hi,„ge rive,. far 00,„ ah„, pggt tett enhateement of velue arrested.'"
the opt n that there is ever9 Woo TOOK THE SPURS !-At a part rode or tfe Claim. at • recce( eemoneepase 4 ard--o-aii....•••••---e.rd snide 0. Timid
logy grest eatie(iethru social evil" in that eq. f ht. Board of Palieer . Tow,' Tma:
iitardered --Teat thr• Smoribleirderit of Po- "'" te the • .
lihteede prorrneranig the remeinder e her
• be aid of a wg to lloaale. • The
Spirit aide* ned by Scou kankie,"
; wee ala tom burtbeu ; came out iu
leati ; and pertielly rebuilt in 'al. The ,
acuities ae to itaturatim we OW not Mars.
The booms Caranisso, bound down, sod .
the pruptilier lhaorm, bound up. came iii
contact rah eaell other oil Lathe Hurter, on •
Wialoesday tight. The (Ulmer kat korai',"
Mean slid poi tome of her heeetorear. The
la:tter bed mime of her upper works tlisphieed,
mid noire or lemon:mired up. Tea
ae harm attril uted tu the aaisay temather
Which toutitares to M that quarter. -
Tbe English coon for Divines' and Matri-
monial causes, on elite 22rid of Jell lelleatmth
judgement deelerine nullity ef mama* in •
case before it on the ground et one ef
;metier, bar mg with the couieut of tlo; ether
omitted one °TVs Ch-iStatir names • in •he •
Nadi. aeon of bones. It is *MIAMI it shim
19 knows Mai filet% inmativiel 'oriaiwims
• publies ' of benefit's ender tho W 4 of
Enalana sefficieut cause fur declaring •
marrnaom void.
The Weshirraton lancolealt
sennotheiai orlon, souuils • aute erratum as
tv the financial poopect of. the government. •
" We are sayine." &rye the CAreatiole, Moo
lidullete and a han tor every dollar'a eortle of
supeliessatliat is we are animating to trey at
that rite. We are sdaltug daily to the mot of
every leading article, anti imposing • Imp fel
lutetium of the eery neeeasaries of life;'' "arid
the end will inaritalOy he maimed bank -
Armee, restful Ottani:tat mesh. eater the .
. capture id Altana ea
in Er.. ;lam rayons the
Ties pawl loan tittle;
into; aoya 17 -It
• Ir. ietn 4;011Orn eat will recoguias the lieW ton Government, hut he pr -d a Ions list
:eve in the ieteece of de- gtien it, "*.trOtford. a'-galieut Officer, awk- -2O. Th• London "I gt
. 11 .14 01./..1r ' the 1"11°I6e1lh Meta • strong anJ its way an able emech
Uaited States. Hi deo
• • •
pears likely that the
• t▪ e4e,ted2,1,,red..oi,," hibegiLl :I:Cu:seeds °(• 11riattiatath Shadallifienogo.
ts,,,:,,,thaforoomi eiiiattdpterlorh.orn Ittiduckaapr pedtheinto,dateacrm4e. oriiruegniit
„• ;,.1 „La. ati /alto ...a, ao, Ile inadeato sulatantive: hut wished
11011tAl tr• tor the rilrin:m. Irt memory eut.or-
. • the fact, that emigrants ate dane,er of ru-
in • the ordiroitioe ,,r tl.e ray led WAS Ot the 11.'1" th" th• "ilbr\ti 1.! ferth le
i•atio,..tt 0, be the timer ot mu,* agairourech ;aerates." • Ana go ewer arnon people.
irk mud Priam* sod Amore : he p.mti ,L01 Monday Oedema the Lewitt. seri:, ethenftnscifrarkhis stihieueteliineanzyriipsatiatiscuoni
•hleseng Ilolateiu to he
reat German l'ovrers; the.
War tO remain wit 11 Itenntark ;
in tlie.Nidlth Sea to go
' nir the Jut•
um at a diataii. fore the wardly eneu011, emt his Apure entaegled in . lice lee meet to mime • Oita@ to • t at
ie reach of tbe
°IS he ',wait 14"" the PI' tio eminent u Mettles before lenatand.
to learn that there
CairtAir% Or monr, or whatever he was, larid.eltuseeth *A Paleseeston, at the Fish
unit inns being Made. was d at seciug the.follewing notice: rutty
4.4 vet, both ill tiotAir,01 that Abe
„,, fro, the till, otoolono ase oo oplebeek, *be woe leteaa a no I ban formed nub. lone to secure peace iu Irnioniark
Wry geutitutan who l• epurs in the hehl
\\•: _e egkil b ' Ith De wee uck mid thrown aeriptione the:amount s e • . between Hen
sao despMr.
I bent forward as ebb ss ,my coriondnee ,„ta the watr.o. tee res• mai it was h law k 1 • --1,euteiburg, .
weee to fie some of the machinery istrout the 1*. r te•Co lilia T o
! mos, 4.
are 11 ta en, au a tt e
pos. taus would allow; and with fren%erl fiend that las nitithad been•muriehrol aed los r tht tau
ere comeneemd tearing up the amid. 1 toe ilmf000 a,„er„,ea, Dr. seal is all that is uecessary to car*
. I wa4 !remake filled op Latium 115 Solid it a,4,,,.„1,,..we he 0.1,, wo ,,,a 1, ",. ,
lid I
' ; nwehee of a 1:A3°e-crinoline ng the lie "I""iii
party of IVeducelay evening, can
snit_ them retureed him by apply ing to '31r. ,
. inter and roing the cost uf this solver- 1 i"1"th
; too,. ;led
tieetuent the gallent officer o. tot S.:bit:swot%
barely read, the eurteee, met the little buil.* tent tor, and atom fed to the istunded. Man. t,00 feet into the bows!. of tlke caot
es a had been formed. A thouaet oteurre4 i d00000,,,,a r,,,- Mu, -,-,4 lieuthtua I tome. I
A mull t f t aders says' Captain
par y 0 r ,
to me. My title might .support tue placed - . \„_._,_. ..... .. • • satisfactory reeults will be obtained. Thu ; should think. propeoat tlre saute Bane to laud trimmer eta takerpMee. A deomich .11
f . bongo:roan. I leoked for it. It leas not to I ',Mt:sextette Amen:T.-On ,Moudae event eite s,r tao-e,
, roposed operations „ha; not... 211.) says ;o -A V ioriuktele• am laf the let
ave the ' t of a dress torn to shrills by ' tut
. Mayne Reid- totaeff anerog the Dumber,-
.. epees eforeaeid, the payinept will ball114"' Oho 111.1 arrnimice b.,* be concluded .
, for flir..e ow:teethe terminals!, On' in eeks'
, .
eknowledgod. A couveittife of ladies r sortie, , '
, . .
lee daureges 14-$ I a, and at first • -lovenroof.. August 'b. -Breadstuff* dull.
..,......seil s.ialit ileeline re all quairtiell. lerommorie
... watitiof that birmiamrieti beret!. oraiotoined. The bullion in the Boni' smear, awl ria• e tremble sal il u,eley• 4,1 o
. ...
• O ' - „ ' - nem? eomposed. uf
'Mummeries Lave smelt
." The forter,•eioht Loan'. iz,•... .: monied
in the novo A eftpil ell i•slerday. . - terra
tile egrets produced hy -the order. whe
eot.capstod or nut, have 'runt Iron Miro. In-
mie.iti with ali tool maleircholy reeler. ,
et the tirst hurts re' Ore order were the vio
lent deuttea.ba their own llama; of Iwo oboe -
dined women, who, terrified by the tbrealabed
vecoertine of the orahrritits-ibe sedum MAO
.-- - - ' extent nif winch they Were utterly igeortuo,
'FIGHTING' WITHIN 7 NIILES OF RICII- Oat whieh it, Heir mark, excited and tun
eta -
' Bo N It ! , . . • Mewled by the myster roes shit wishing uf tho
. • : prnicoehed become magnet with all the ter.
" muet " Fight ,within at
had pee et or a 1J7 are's. It Inal sink lieneate the sitiol.--. i Oro, about .1 st clock, a dilmotay aaturre
One ubject was to arrive at Santa Ire a ..ftay .
..,,,,,,, „f e„.h.,,, ao,;,,,rbo,nalte.finitely settkd upon as oet. _ A . old
or too before the wegooes, -it, order to hair 1-"I'l 1.".!"" '''Y leeth-lloi• lied prs“...1 111,Y• 1 beim.. tr. two.
[00,1* bum anthill)/ Jeepov 'N.., ... The ?tater 1 which a C.asedien mined Touromiet Marrow. ' ineroolitdot quite convenient .to the harbor I 002..
everitmeg ...ranged with the governor IAA
't Pl".4"'-'ll'h inlin4 4I'' is etioketi of- but. if It is ,11,..idoro.41 ade•e-
their entrance into the capital. We took the *1:a *00 feet ''', delah• . I, rh " da'aii al, I afrathed one Itaidy,
I ' recto:men
. once. I cos d think of no pee to gave niy• make, or,...1, jra , 0,.,„„,a panto , , , r . r
r Our road, for a hatidred miles or so tea.. sela " I A 1..ora lialehd.bilir whet; et . idaich yeetrnilay"-.; else', a eituatiou ''erti the fiats further up . - e
eoute by tbe Cimmerian. •
eveld make do thither effort.
, the river Will be pitched upon. It is un- ; u'd• luntinn-
throuoh • barna' dela". without 'lime, and strange 'turn' *cited Mr, my very. thoughts i liredy tenet expieted to lie ' .
•oh h tr I'. bad al beeatau jointly mid., Fur 41 111u4yelA I ema
hear:wine stertlina narrative unhe effect
itiorrortelthey bill be loft te work their millet .
oi.TaaanItiCea were served Oil Theratay by,
'reaiiug •11. a lar nUollberul lamina
the country, labor, trout the increase of mai-
.gration, was pertain: seltrCe and deer,
es beginein • at lest to orator the fact
that i the eonehtioe of the taboret is not
ate! their land, fur themselves. M. Iwyerse .
the blackleet or ary other •disortierly ' per.
ly irtuous iesulations ot the Police Comma etrauta °aria*" all nevelserY e"el"Aell .2.
siooept appear ill bQ Wildlit directed. in the pi lilted ou these
vent emu, rioeimi mower.. Poo Ray tIM'y .
sopperee that a thr•y aureetal ver;quitili•
d theeolih`cotton of th0 "Onto', .11414, e Of, o elawirwied teedietey ing it,.e th..ir mate confrere s• will die
er Lei:land bad ecrearie J.. .
Poe alttICUnne. belted the sudden. in reply sald Government woi.ld anse ,
le -tick " gold, they con.
a most - I neeoerary to speak of the At ontage" "telt clothe' the etro
disappeared. aid deer were equolly sabree. The linanis hltitary Train 'ere- 11 "I' would arine.frout * di's:every oo• toe pre. ,
meat wbich we bad botuaht from the mule- made tai effort to arouse my' .frora Ole: pall by the meat *smarter &Lid rout emits eubetance le War us 111h". are ,
We hart to content ourselves un timid After an interral,..my senses retnthed. I und. rseeA, to least, .1.0,
• tteul tor tf.e 27111, POY.
'mento„ would hardly !O._ . . _ _
ai'ents. e *ere in the desert of the Anon,. iseraleas, in order thatt heato meet death, Majesty's troop alive seut.out fur Oast ; patent to etery,',otersoo ef we'd fteriec.- Mee By the ulenati
LA.. t40,, ,,,,o thou se could see M rarity i wince I now believed to. he certain, a% a Mari j 1.1194,,
ii'S 1st 00141 faucs. l'hey leo, mimed to prairie leer', afid rented tipoo /11e •11 1 14,i....f. 1 ' . , able, and so have uot tlw tomtit doubt tleit ..teatitero in Totootii Boy, t
as we were relinA liver , Use Ciiimuitem, .1 tributi.m? With, hatit'ari tied err:Item i k. , .. • 4 • i be the hert thing that ever .1i:tepee...I ti. ' yowl; wo awl* LP., %1 TO' 1.
trig behind a sweil i 11 UV! prairie. Mr C.J111.,i th.,..,,,,„4 that' ee„,, sir, of 96,,.,,i,,,,...t..„,,, .
. i I weatie, and, if its entervi•ing prouitto' • - .•
wouid go with iter : su, wrieelitig yet ot 'the The mot eas shinitot as briaht int eVer, arrri • - . • •. • , • r• • , S • era • rolirit tratrillti; , nu sliaili iiii f.e1, t :
t,„o I utarted aloe.. lane of them -our .the Igoe ceirepy of the wel Id •••• ettltout a -
31anufecturi. s of any,kind,are west deeir- , rother lo•t collithin with
. antelope Weeding away below us, but keep. ohm.' 1. • I aw..1 erect. My eye* stork to the •
of a boot, or
an eoeuroko TI1E TAII,A1-1.thSE BC1iNS 25 VESSELS
un the thiro del after leaving the Caravan. me at tliemight. Wad I sidle' ing a joet 1. A.Witit0 It _-:A•ttlit.t1
saemato shy. In; victima of my c, ever. Me bear.. ..• 1 111 the prese411. tuterprise sumr•eile, it will were thrown boo the wawr,
toought I isbeers 1.11.1104ed heed drsipirrrar- thole/bra 1 tented my levet) heectrita alonn4t .. • 11.. am a town. Let the irt he itiude, by
occupont* - ros' •
two Early Reinforced and too much
• for Sheridan.
1 team Clu Sue i ie marina. lot two
minions. wete wept era, wid 1,,the r, them would miter upoir reo trent ahore. Ilia' ii ' C, 1)111111 C W 11.4. lq 1"ili I ' `‘o 4. ..3 ' , t• inaui, .1 31 tillael 0 :Neil and John Rewrite
, _._ ....-,..._ -- _ . ; in a •,00ree„ it boat, the exubetant jeer of . tet ee
- drowne.1 ie Rel.:Motet, Ilay, the
guide -ese behind. kept cliaree cif my dog, cloud. I e.,zed tem:mole with ran...Niro
not chome to take him with Me, kat Miami ono, to the Mei uf sea in lets:items
t.o. ' former linvino keel pushed out of a boat
etrattian dionselO Lo eutl.fonly
lie ,itsiiht atorta the alio:lops& . 31, hLtait WWI piria tit:o'ouoc. 4 p.i.J-1 eninuime- eeehoo,,,d, iti o row tif -ewe
stet, 1 kuew I cated loes4 o'"ilae" 1"0 tracir,im, .V.11.1.11 the el.y I din. that,' if,. the It oiler. of tlie Coalition tan ! t lint: toothio-1-1 tie- ' ult., at o lie
I cruel dareeel toweisis the 1....rnet, v_ere t ot • I • ' . tti • & Inn Ih• I og
tino •,,t ,o,.eirg.e,hir,di It11:01 mo,„;,ably oeuo,o policy on 1,
nit a ciaitir or,I to in.ik up.isn aa.1-71T 111aY !Tc'etlniticred ctliaiit,trc think, " 1/.1tres;truslt,ile ! • . , IT So.
'freehand ter hog, hreaer euccesetul or .
Week !
- ,
troren. N. ,S, Aug. Iti.e.The schooto•
a, Mr fura's Wand, arrived
by tat:smog tillrO.
•••••• ••••••-
1; treat K or 3 nearociaared h..s1 11.I0
'GING ItEViELV. 1'"‘ Wi"r"i"'zi
the 110Use of' a LiAhly•Nsix-ttable widow
I hod men toe okleel." 11. 'Sawa' II" aard rattan. Where,. had it crane?. lobo. the; Fed! tti"" Qunidi"0 Ot tin' next .
halt a toile er so bairn tee Itiouve I to
. . . Ismail 1 Put heiiitiftglitareneh 01 Invent' eye, 'eremite) ref l'erliatnefit, they w ill be ,
1.,,titIon Fe.
nos of the tack or elm. •1.4.
tottery death to Ube unkunwn •;,,,,nie• they
belived to Ire ia mere far theta. 1 he pante
of one of them etre Annie Wallace, youtie
.wornan of (My lo yen.% nne the threahter ut
iespemahle parent. resatina in -Bridgeport. -
nn PreanTIONa.-The British iihiaf
*aye .-Yesterday 'awesome a soldier a-
c. felling in with a Miriam on
thr •
1, and having entered tate '4011-
„versationalie former mid, Kentral appneWhtle
DT the latter to take him over to the States,
and the civilian, fearing a trap, left inns ;
Ina this owl kept roaxilig
'though the civilian threatened even 10
steam himaarel fihally the cnilien laid the
ielbratilitio before the police litahoetiel.
The Poldier,-eiveriun, aud a e one4 weretent
to the orderly rommet i,lt„itrolotoing to Ina.ei
the esse investigated. - this clearers had
leads the least entoprolone with the soid•er,
he would probably be arrested, tried and
.pethaaaernt to frit. Civilians about& bre
earerW in their dothags with deelitial
! .
Ittetairew •V 7111.; 1;1 ‘tros.-k 'is elated
that the two hatialione et the theardsaaree '
diertaing of the surplus e inter cluthiat re.
(tidied in Canada, poet.... te their cleptriatla
1 ',Aers nl film loill,twini k crelehr sin • About f,iiir iiiii,thg .4,, ,,,,,,,.;lig4 lige dtg. tOT FA BOVA, at theca of Otte month WI in . ..
te Talluhaviee - toile Helmut. tinatiou frotit•dit took.up her' letaberan 1.4.11,:11•1 paper. Italie 11)I*CD
ia Sitio Janes lattle Field, of abode a hon... hei t Mee, Aeries& nrey be ker./had how earlo
elotior Is, New •1•or•L eVlit• Amer Bell,. et VII Choi; et., iital there eitter Qeloher•-•111"Stilali (I'''.•dta: ,
1 Ch•thiliti. ' The Terillatat 1-d uport 14 lil oi filionw, W Br her it W•• :.• ----------''""'"' - ----"' -
•r schooners, ane normal „short ne it see isi•loriot.s.. St arir le 3 et re- FliCIT tiTh:ALINII--ITE bi-'
.rnoverml rem the lint ,yr.id awl intomeatitia
exeiteinerit 01 ir WaiihrO'S liht, idle toliad her.
ss sty., 1 11 nor wsr I tde. dashed. her br nine fret vett it an attra Menem A How,
be mole aelt roth11.1011 1. Wiwi r. huditeru or seemed the illatilliWted ante cane,' Iv a in. • • t • th . I. t opirrias thet so la. le it ;it '
oortteze war Ana. a oe, rt . •
• if • vhd tool tl.e The "ee ""'"•11 "r "1
J. 1.1. Howe.. el
I leo:eater
Ian/ re ree,‘
CrYPird l'her" a1.1,4'•`", , topes; red, en Werra went oeng Una noir lb-
, • , ,
A eurronay torailet reale fea,hiathi the „...„,,e„, the read f o • I. , members. Tile feeling OD (hi. / .1' I 1 ..fr "11111- Ts4 a ewe low etwoo, rinse • a ol Isec alll mina the erote sioeno to the wo
g to , wen. is •hey
;wester. '
.-WaShirtVen, Aug.
Itat lartimoroet watt eel( withrrut.f anon e hionehe Mr/mil:prod-Oa
sitejoeted to the OVI: re heltnieg. Wool a heti
0 -K.,' 1,A,W.I had latintaffpun.her. Ahaid face an im .1,, g ,,y toe, t0000rogeo to
throu,Ob IVA reel. ot toe •oot 1.; moo t 0,4,41 CV 1-turti,1414, .414 l'11,4eint.iirS she &salt „thee pe,,vedf bee we do imoo to
the valley, 11 or oh se to rrii or a pirs ,,,, ed tea ool iwi.""'" "'"I.• stir Op the young, *hese habite „ nut yet
lavnnalle fi, him. I ;CO. •• Another Vietilil-loAle rein, trt. t/r rot wa6 twined, to it ienie of th• eta or others.'
Sheridan lost IOU waggariat Mat
11,e sane day.
New Yuma, 17th.--.Tbe 'morning
riper./ .111 9 1.
eat reeeired yeetetdoy relator to move
uo James River. •
i'pettiel t•r the Times --Wsuhinglon,.166.
oo robelir re 111toiril eitethil rely Altrii4
the Iinee if eur Cotitientorie. Se far, air,
attenerta or retreat upon us the Petersburg
eirthaoake have Moot rendered abortive by
the rai *nee ul uar consmanders.•
Itorrrria,' A ug. 7.- A despatch- from J 74
Martha S. emrsuatr eamo at Yarmouth,
N. 'SO., to Ctacton lir:Wrath, altos ,,,,,, states
%het se vette*. were demroyed by the Ihrilm
h orriee oIletiartelity. bite Milli fatten CepeaSir
Tbaty men of thaerenewery Imitated ni
Yarmouth iti it &Faeroe I:midst:ire. The
eas iti ar..rlit lilt M 61111 ,v rooming..
N. E , Arta. 110,- The. rebel'
Steamer Tareihmsee yesterday destroyed 25
remote. Nether:bee' Hoch. tibe wos
111.11..1ed emote by NIIV• hCOlia AfiOr
(W1141114 the views and passeil.fors of the yes
serif destroy, I by her into Friendship by a
*Mall ensi, she steered in es easterly dove.
Additional partienlam Wive been receired
of the scum' ut Suede,. Par t the 21..I
corm anti part of the IfIth corps -were
;rrt4,11 with the enemy ill the afterieron near
Deep Bottom. The eth tone, undee
Blowy. treik mot Of the line ot work', with 4
eight arab bums guns arid a number of prior .•
ere wah Sinai 1 lowl. The enemy fell haek
Wong positioit. The secoird W. of the
and aivittion of the 2od Corp* was drawn up
in line of 'rattle and advanced about a Mil*
beyeowl where Henroak captured the frier,
gum two weskit ago. Here the firm brigadt.;
tea Macy mmentendin , took the leta and
,ducer or the olatrepemne maidens of Dixie conchorioe of peace. ,The President of the eher4ed *Orme 11‘ corn eld, nebe • hill and
j • fi t d wait ing; f ir f irtn of tria
Ilk foe tr11i1 ciretthietatice, Iso -ever, thet altwithout
plait) from rem's. met A tbieket of cactue another -and enothar iiref erany • Ahem. Mot- become alUonst unsvereal this motion •
.. coveted port ,of es *uremia may tetra trovarlis failure, apart from rury I tairod-i
Towards the
thel the tairefiela trt the hear rile, run in e sal • Et ' a 'Lee filth 10,0011 -ear
0111 sue .mt sae ret moo, , an we
thieltei I Married myself. 1 wheeling relent,/ earthward.. ,Then the foe.
oo•rotilee, the pfiede 10 1..1111d01 1. .1)11y '„
- I drenti.untiel na the brotoni of the slope,ant • sw.00i,04 gua,
have tam nothing either in the di.elliehnle 14' ''
Quite. a bendier 4 Voinnteer '• o„erora;„Cirlotoo 7„;;111, 4W8
leadmg wv home etly up among the of she
pada preen Or Ow' eiteith.es 'of inAe• •
• erm rants, tied him to one of their. brantiena.
COnlirthies are ',meted olong the otos t_tf„,,,„ro no,
oiselOwith WOOF boos, welch elanibered °geed Perli."*"!nt'lrY 1.11011 to bobcats,. that. a ny
1 thee riii.timuily crept tliniagh th• horny r'
leaves wheat 1 fasieted 1 had eeen the grime. , the dv.4 twir tookbotoo bkek need be ammo the-
; '
tirand. Trunk Railway,. awl their ; the late rebelcr
• To flly•ry, not one antelope, ut a pa r 0 ',garnet coch ether, %%hie they lure mit the
there beautiful animate, were quir.tty grezing ' ,y0.$ ,;1. a., ,:10,01
with their feted hi...Wh-
itey...id, bo1. alga 1°" far wr r"r *h.. ce" 't't : .11,4 new mune ertuet woke* streakiag.10/1.
A i'ltie. They wen: fully three trundred yet&
I huitore. stealth; rho et the cartr:e thicket. aad
' dietant, mem a amo ah Mosey slope. There .
, stieskina, steward like over obi. green ewe Is
•- eras not men a mate 11611, 1'1 °":„111, wa 111°11'4 . rt tkri praiiir. neer. alter a battle droye
1 atteMPI 10 aP10""sch 'barn' "" w". lu raaity the vultmee, and tete up the prey, all
'.• be done ? I ley tor several mitering, ihrtikirera i
glue:ilea verna.full. at each oilier.
\ over tbe different tricka known I'll th• bunt r . th" *bile
, : . Think hearer, !• I thought, ' I shall at knit
• craft, for taking the antelope. Sh°111.1 et be saved from this.' .
itnitate their call ? or hotel uty handkercbiel 1
and try to lure them up 'I I saw that they Were , ?Nil Wis.:•'1"1,1un!el-i" volt ft.:71..1,6re! otif Aill:et. hanIti.
too shy, for at short intervals they three/ ,isip 1 6.4m my 1,,,,hthe.n1 owIttai, troen eani, I
their graceful heads,
eal°1i-kiPh.al reainqueltret,n,tey,,,i, could only tee the clap./ wall that emerieed
• around them. 1 remelurnbel
on my saddle. I cornd display %hie upokthe I l_.:_bl,hr.,10v.^.r.,e,',"ii,e1:lime 7..0"1";61211,1 :yr' i:ioltr",i4;i:,:n4
carom bathes, perhaps it would ettrset them. , It'h,.1., y. hr
4 ahd with oh pigsty' kart, etidenver
Da ik for my blanket, wharnni,wa"11 tautrniunrgreeto.ng,:; i''_'1!...,,":„';whia.:1;le:1,t the'.1.007,,fli,,,,e... ryinnt„teasitrib.01;
1 had no alternettre,
eye reeted upon a clay colurea line, runtiti.', 7_ .m.r,on.rithd rekhzi, .1,,d lioni,.,
esanfa Over
across the prairie, beyond where tbe anon P
••• causing are et interests. tobeeek into wiid
peroxywne, and make fresh, thnuah tenalese
struggles. l holt' I. was rot steed by the neigh.
mg of my botse. A thought entered my
were feeding. It was a break in t e p alp,
a' buffalo road, or the,channel tit. an arroyo ;
in either case the very cover I wanted, fot the
animals were not a hundred pads from !Land
were getting still nearer to it as they fed. mind. Ailing my heart, with fresh hope. 'Per.
Creeping hack out of the thicket, I ran 1.halIa me beirle-' I log not a momont. 1
ftiong the .ide 100.,0.1,0 reeted my voice toils highest pitelehed tallrd
when I bad noticed thet th• ri•lae wee de the normal by name. knew Olio he would
pressed to the prairilf level, Here to mc e0!" 10 toy call. •1 had tied ,him but very
sightly. The cattail limb wound snap off
eurprise, I found myself' on the banks of the
broad arroyo, *hove watere fame and shah 1 tidied agate, repeating word* that we well
low, ran slowly over • bed of send gypeten. known to hos. 1 'stetted with tiding
heart. For a nionient thee...aria siteoce.-44-
Tbe hanks were low, not over three feet
Theb I heard die onick settafti of Me hoof, as
above the surface of the water, except where
the ridge impinged upon the Atreato. He* though I h• martial was normo enel straggling
to free hrmielf ; Oleo could dtminguish the
there was • high bluff, and, hurrying around
its Mom, 1 noon the chantrel, arid corn stroke% of hit heels. in • negteured sad rage
steneel werleng newarde. ler gaiter.
Ait I had antieipateti, I soon tliala to a ?fearer came t he sound ; nearer and nearer,
bond where the etreem, atter running ear- unolothe gannet hotte hennaed not on the
elle! tri the ridge, swept around and mooned itt. 111( 111"'"" rflP• The,* hr. belted. and fling.
thriiii,h it. At thii"hiee stop mod mg bark his tossed roonis, niterea a Dhoti
looked centiossly over the bank
antelopei Add approsehmi to Mt
rifle range of the arroyo be, ey were yet
far above my Trimaran. -'Tbey were still
quietly feeding, and encore:emus of denger.
amon bent down end warted on.
It woo a difficult teak prroseeding in this
%ray. The bed of the creek woe soft and
yielding, sad I von commilliel to tread stool,
and silently, lest I shmod whom the game.
btu was cheered in my exertions by the
prospeet of rreoh Trenton for temper.
11 After • weary drag nt teneral heedred
, yard*, I caret opponite to a small clomp of
wormwood linstin, glowing nut of the bank.
• *I May be high mengho tbonght ' thew
will %erre her never.'
• ' I reined my bode grartelly, arta Imola me
\\*tlICZt the Meow 1 mu In the right spot.
.41 ht my olio to loco, eighted for the
Weft ot the hork,and firm!. The anneal leaped
14111.1 the groom, arid fell bark Weimer. 1
111111 abort to tueb forward and secure my
prise, viten I obterved flu• reetead of res.
ning off se I expected. go op to ber Galen
partner, and prem her Uvulas node in his
Mely. !ha wan not more this twenty Trude
from ma, and 1 could 1114tbst her look
was on• inquiq and bewilderment All at
rate*, abut seemed to conquer the fatal trutb,
The neigh. Hre wart berwildertel, and looked upon.
thee 'every side, mooning loudly.
1 knemthat beeing onto area me, he wnuld
not stop until tie had preirted bit nose Lonnie
my ehtmk-fir tins Vrail his neuhl CIA r1
II Olding nut my hawk I *gem rotereil the
mega: word*. Now, looking downwards, het
perceived me, and stretehing himself, inning
out into the channel. The next moment I
held him by the heaths. There was no time
to he Imt I wes fast amine down, ono mo
arnopits were fall marring the quiekeand.
caught ths !lofting it under tine
enr141agirths,fsetened it in a tight, Arm knot.
then topped the treiling end. making it
meant mond my body. I had left enonsh of
the rope between the bitting and the girths,
10 *MAI. Inc eheek and guide the
in emer the drag upon my body ehotild he too
All this white the &tab hrete ommed to
ceitnprithen4 what I was Memo. He knew
too, the nature of the goofed on whieh he
stood, for doting tee operation, he kept lift-
ing Ith foot alternately tn pneent himself
from sinking. My arrant:remote ••0,•
leregth Completed, end with • feeling ef mr.
Able awsimy. f ram my Mose the. Aped to
move (norm& init•arl of going off with
start the rntelligent aurora stepped sway
presence or ithsetwe on the Review doy by order t
bedtime 'from Weetern reprerentatimm.
will de upon the action or the railwiy., leitrito
lint Pam the sister Province, ar treetion
atitfentelets. 11 e aro not prepared to say '1
of the Provieciosundry onononarruntblings
were • heerti Nrim niter the rieitio, of the that No 'exeursion traine will 'be refl.() It Is "11, zed that Cie ireargia navi lite
*het:rand, Trunk, lolt .we- do kit that ii:41'. 6(le P"i" elY ". M'.. 11 '''''../1. wh'""
HOURe, anitsinee that toile some of ihe
the Stratford Companies have lined the 1181,1‘1 MI he" Pin i'ill".""r!'t r.:ir' "." w'"
newt+ ropers have bmn doing their , aonut Letnino Literate.] fir Nth... eteler a
invitation of the !Ando comMittee 'be-
cause they have leer Boit -no ;reductii '
j eh:trier :to the Portuthese Ithaernment to
utmost to 'throw cold water On the solient.e. .
Thee endeftfor to1 reneon upon the far- in . ettrry troops to the•evat mutat of Africa and
-pill be itirlda on , Grand Trunk on the ' the ei,iiiii Itetspeii Li•oot and 64; Aeons. id
t'Ott. We ear it ie only
fetched, .eaumption that the proposied
destmy the natiooality of Lower Canadt- argue this tout no epecial train win
too logic 4 to is alleged Olathe ..vineora• •Nit;41 out.,d„
th, Novo, for ihO froorgio,' hut the revile
ag somata y of.
rient :WI that
r Wroreiii haat hero ased
e Government as she was 'thew
0 rpool. It laria,I.teit,
Vie %ail; detaneal Ity oWnOri.
fodnial form of goternment will inevitably
an• eentra .7/01e1' Say artieIe
sweep swity at one fell Idow the relieion., be ti for the people of this section. Bt hy
fOlto ru.i.1.1..itnirotiniii Oil 1,
.1 application nnt ken moile tn the "11'1'
the language and tho institutions wh' wider the teenare 14A ere. Sales irn A 'eerier.
•Ilway authoritica? If the weather is p
,are po fondly cheitejted hy the h ,
cniiiition in take boat to Sarnia and
gni.' i , &Nemo. the triers el Teited State.1 bends
e, our peop e, as • mat reactant", may ante tray fir so*, dor, tired quotatiorte wefe
people. There is no labored -effort iin
Western. The atirence of egexctnrePioni;ltratihnla k ; but such
vrould keep thousands out of the city. '
ioniyi 21per cent above New Tot
.s toe etwethcas of the Ge; Mtn public to in-
crease their investment*, "that, he won as the
,pressure of the eecepttuted orratiom was
n:moved, a recovery t Ark place ol more than
three> per cent. ,The rem re for the renewed
prove that the policy of t
an far us it is ktiown
We ere not inf
Cartids, n
as this tendency.
ed as to lame Upper
r a federalNostem which
nch section the reanagemeet of
„ y t..e re- •
Im- wn internal affair* can to h
notelet possibility, Irak the mighty'evils " There in a tide in the afro' ;1; of11' O ' ' um wo d ' pie e loot ;
apprehended, and yet, tile mere hint of and ROM! there are whn, bikini," it amt • tah'• jbeen nels.con'int'o'ne6tirlinie the' low' • ' Ins. ' And.
flow, experience the trutitfolnem of thal mind monlolon. of the ebiliart e'n,Y. hel ar.
snob results, scattered amongst a populat tother old adage,. " It never ' rains bnt k riv' 4 1" Efillieit• ""Puwer"1 l' bq *sr
pours l" So has jt &nen out woo the tressele and "lb order ironaladi. 11 is eon.
tioh tenacious only with regard to what,
they consider their own interesta, is FOS-
eient to create a wideapresd alarm It
neelere to tell them that their nld party
leaders will be ready and eager to see that
they are not sutojzmted to the dire calami-
6rs foretold by the newepaper sages, or
that the people of this :remit -el have no
delve whatever to destrey their cheriehed
inetitntione ; they wen the prospect of e
ehlinge, they know that they blue lead the
advantage of is for years past, and, per
helm, fear that owe ntisplarmsent of the
governmeotel wheel mum plea them at a
dismilvantage. It is a pity that eileh s
feeling shonld exist -a pity that in this
great crain of our elistenoe as Fair-ger-
erning nation, an action whioh would, no
doubt, deride whether our futon', politi-
cally ppeaking, should be cornmeneurate
with the greatneaa of nor natural re.
anittairef, MOM bill trammeled by the blind
selfishness of men who are trilling to teke
nil hut antAittg.
N'Y hat the ettont of this adverm feeling
in Leiner Canada may it Win Welaire
et opposition write to determine ; mese.
wbile, we ore wines to know what Mr.
Cartier sod his Lower Canadian rollesseee
immaculate hero, lien. Benjamin F. But- finne4' '64 C°Penh'4"' th" Den!'" "1".
showerei down upopt him the choicest o
tililetely ,ee, 4:eeteheeitIbleethei.; jelotlieAel enviaeleetieed
kr. I'l'he cornucopia of Fortune hath
favors. The hero of New Orleans, the re- toe town r,f 'litres recopied; Ithrl, tiara the
occupstion ofJetland pontinees till ther final
te II pens* of the amenitiee tine to actli Banish caned' had cominaniented the Matter 1 otniitoon"osinolititt :1",:ir'", where iht")eame " a
We do not ?teem Oat anOthinli 011 tlat
hew my 'no this 'abject will ..eamkee
rryailta,.. MIN Beane, Witwae milder: tretnes'ese Ma{..
gni She Chafed a 1411 44 many vicar
otoere ettuiles en Yrolaa mete, trom ,th- edam tit
leudatairo admitiettered by Ihe n
The eorrannor held itetuents intirrd4.% ea 11.12
leehre ot tire teu Wider tramtr. womee, Arid 1:4
arry'reternel renticie'in hAls. two • o1 drath
r .
" pim• a! were reperte • careers upon the
you must peter, cut the %toes irms
Sondey coat, or tithe our eiroh, or the •
money from our rotten, but • Mach mot our
It 0411.11 111 111111•Its surpriin and regret
that l;ea sboold melt 'lois" been more ..
need among us. Tarn ts unhappriy a very
ftri0•11 wiiincti00 to es cultivation Mimeo
wren end viffieze /stigma Frueestealiao wet
loon:, to say; is a coinage et one •, in awl
*mewl ter,og eev:netvr
quering aoldtery,the werrior of Big Beth to the Riosratel at the private sitting, and on
the transcendently illustrious of Bermuda the to:lowing cloy • ta•.tion WY offerer' and I olla libe the aurriona of it. "
Hundred, has been 'frowned not only Oolt lappober-9-esiorieoegaidetheetthittohenerseithee:riolynhthe WeektOtptink.4.....apPil."61,",,,tiTnettal:icwror:t.'.4•"rr.dte
'hick the sinew., errient •••• received Waa
the honor. due to military exploks, bet
has had the laurel wreath literary lame
a ad approval el the eon.
ler!, whorl, dal a growl deal nt demean. It
was Poot.,1 imponvitile to troil• ralror.1. serf
nor men Merl* tattled 111nAl la• ennrilloorl an
pine d upon his manly brow. mow Iww„1„, t „i tba
Government. Furimaths had •r•11 41 nr•10141 seat dark, when they were
Rumple up the llill of l'arnettens-for l
y e i 1 4 ,- een, i gerraeni it ernd, 4 ,*. t yell tee [Meath v.:ensile penpteo withdrawn. , E. . so
ye knights of the quill, yo burners of mid.
niebt kemeenc-ehe eneourolreo 00 • drill The G MOO • en New Yon% An 17 -T l'aat's W 'tab.
,asnt*,,erttht,b,rath.1117 141.)setnes have beim erreatered ington apiaiwal floapatch sevio-oAdvietue frt.
d entirely without nearest in, 1 I 1. ep llottont up to yerrettlny morning, en -
that Oen Orant's 1 1004 hii•41 been trd•
behehl the rettards attendant upon pentee 1 Rod on-, Austria and Priem* here hill Itherte I troupe«
miring effort • Gen. Benjamin F. finder . .
has been totthorieed by the Williame Col- !, m. ;" h"„tioTti, fi 1:11raiZnikk:Oln,Lite n7 ii:
lb...heft* ...1 them. . 1 he A dee tan i a i
lege, MaMachneette, to add 11.. I,. D. to 1 pr«liminivies of peavee, an4 etarino all geoll•
1101 411111.4 I Why ehould detreetorsi Aylmer 1 tionit relatiog to tumor dieposet. The wrek:y
pey end nememne other ancient worthies, ert"s• "I's little Vier nf Gann
Niteroi of the Bonk of I. rause show ne
A tie ki Treaeng, toe head of the
[hearth National I lovernamet, togetber with
CR•Sar addietest to literary peewits
even amid the din of arento_eo teas pow
Napeleon the Greet dish -tined not the fbnir ank,;I:k 4,1:07tisrun.etat'0.7."-11-7::""0.7•tot:
study et Law, anti hit nephew covets it Ofieeth 01rnscela“" ether' 4".4. Ib*
oonferred by the Williame item inary fat Ts. rr.,letn portion am Pm resoled pet
The R01•1111 of Jety ittli was received
Zilltt011111 Heerlen:sent had teem orneenetted.
dietinothen somewhat similar to that Jest
vaieed Within solren naive of Firearm...v.4.-
1MM ha tune ormarderahle lighting daring
tee 4•y wh.eh law confederated were ne
variably elethon hack.
thrr iverotintr i• much that lee meet mean
hie forma operating north under Early, end
slartinn mum corm. oat and Ifght in front
of hi. warks thim w•ok nr wholly retire with.
in itat itiehmone defenees.
From Atlanta there 4 molting imam/est.
loen. limed bee hots heavily rein( orrof
end Operstioria them have oettled down to a
rantliae siete, She,inen is •ISS• gly
mtnnehred and geodeally anise hi• WM/
aromid the coy. HA seeress e ten!y
honor he girt% In whom it is jogly duo, . Th. •elintreent wanton -r ewe -otos of time.
diet r
tied priteriele
h:rek arid
A coot
tenth aide.
atelerahreer t
tam the reel eel
erre dirrerall.
ommeriormain 1•1, nn 1411y startlivie lo,1•14, latreflg the fuliket, too them are whiote Or
"1" bit.'" ten 0, mi.." altan el". • eery r entirreed,' sod of (metes peep', are not
tottiltrallon .11.ey reit. f un intense win o Roo, t„ tk„„, o„oo Os*, 5.4
widely.eprentl roar: trwre lir !to dolitl% 1,, trait el IL..., oho might
it White 1111/C the' ye rot Men hare that taite''.i, emilylor ihvmsei tb,y, „„„wp
taken the tearful reeponsibilit, of elating
tliel•Lown eXintellte, 01 imr0 esti be no doubt that %hie mate of tiarigi a
wke the trouhle sod pales to do so. h•re
lions. The police authorities state 1 t the
"waha'a ruiro the hlij '" 11 46`.* serious obetscle to the celtivaticn ol elin•ce
inembers know, to Imre fled ils fot be is , condition is., it
tOr irreinrinli, Otter; fur Si. hem* P fruits in oar toes& and 'Wages. Horticulture
:oid 10, 11",..'" %Filch boys, anti 111,0it 147 own leo, me
net .r.this ire& lrbt the airier. •it
1.)- :Otte conveyame•
ni."' the': 1,„0" heli've that laria 'lowed to rotemit theft. et this hind, IMMO.'
11111F11,1•111 ealre •.e,. on.er Nt IA, elD4.11.114 ly plicjij idetuse, fiss west ravairiably
a la tong petrol force mare Wells sod am, ouw occupy our peettentaines rual
tend to ;sierra:4e s April Of 111111t101.4.1y
(101110.4trati011 4r1/1 11114(10 Tait the many ogg timg
exrected hy the police. ((other than Waring ogee the fleet stem rpi te..ir &renewed nay,
mews If tee terror elreely c..eated dee la 0,4 ,„..ighlor.:
not repidly abate it wilt ha tftillt.wra for th• ▪ ,„,dra„, pop, b,.isare she
preseithho fled one of this chefs of pemons of hit
.1"nn 10-111 OIL« 11.1 •11.1111p14, Th• of
the COMinniorrern in neerihirliallirlij it• A in'ari trained Jobe liell, eler Mad 6,0•2
work mews rapidly. Noe that the greatbam ateaeno hones oa tii extensive male. Wet es -
mer, henahollt to fall, let in hope that Nome of te.t.elon Tuesday rater a loner permit by :de -
be ottowlers of the mole remission will fvel wetise Venealkanherg, of London, mid either
- ate
its weight. When qui tbe gamblers' turn eseured la .
'borne rr AND SALItlhaUlynjaatestlay
Collutons ou Lake Buren -Lose or al Church in Rothantif dirromeerritivne •
mnrning ahotit Aix o'clock, the'Oonatregstioto
on lin. The Warne wee wome,iietel•
rs. firemen we,•• veld/ on the epee, teth
berme frame it Su knposailile 1.,
subdue the dame, anti! tbe en& *••
Alro!td. iterse am work of an inanter-
iery does not admii a diteht but by what
'poi, wee mospool, it it 11•10' to
conceive. Theorbeweh 113 •
....Ott, about hell We price Uf the beiLlatroo-
ihreigh there is an reeRtle etidesee,. lids
them eve lemma mespirwine en tit who /1 a
;may party*. it ill to be bored tban,Me
mat he decoy/red rind bior to et,
fir pent...._...hinent monow .1
h.). A &milt Oa Chasm, thee iretwOohnitr
t Lot Moir, ot yet otket 1.12.* I d
+nu thes.. Nun.. el, fenerleo. roots of threcountn, ond the print -split 5*
to ilia iif arse, 510 women took a ;0.1)4 ,,, „tee .0 it wee re, ee. „ear
ent 11 COosi.141.11b.• ilietance oi. the iaraoc„ah",„,:htooes. it 0.4 „ „„g„,„pete .
hero they lett the ontveyall neetattnee haVe-inir melon t4itch inteediell
"the like 011"" rialiba°h ..41 the fruit Tr:widen/ by ruthless itn‘Mesh
berods. leuperty of thTs kind as well sa
otter butts, is Kluiort alenit _protection
nn 'its • it • r 1 1! lurceney, and Ihtre are
sar•Inell lido the wetter mei
irOironroble yot tu
rr ale
the Schooner "Storm Spirit. '
The Det.oit Free Pr/questa, time a eM.
lision, moulting in the tom of • retereel. took
tamo "it late Huron -on Wedoes,lay eight st
ahout ten o'cloak, modes the hAT
:- The !if WIN'S-
kse. captam !Veil Mown, Loond &WA finra
Chieafn 'nth a car/wet wheel, *hes nIT
Bark hhenty, ou te. Mehl et -felled
the lig,it of v•Arva ria 1114. 1,11.
stnislith•tnneing story Oral eau made
le rarer the stranger, • 'offish -et wok noire,
repotting es stoking dm latter 11 • few mein -
mils arteries&
The strange 'easel yonved to be theta/form
Stasi!, Noted me matte reran of enal.
elan of the lost verreel were takes on Meted • • l"""14 " "
the bear* and hen1Wht this cite. Ther * ha: The mi.' ti4g •
damage, *tn. Aerie. Wore aka revere ; her •d___.0“11,h___,° lb" Emit OHM* VIP
hmlle lath bet jilt -boom #rsrtiaas of bat
stera Was serval meay, comeog her t• heaktr_lleceei,„„,„.ie the,.
hmed.gerter. caorzi.ng the r•Maisi 010
or ot 11•011 1111
of ablate,.
she mien, there yesterday atoretag, sag
,r "1
a ,*