HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1864-8-11, Page 4• 4 • A OOLtYMN OF PUN.. (tr ' Mary, my love, this apple dumpling is sot half dwse' ' Well, finish it, ten, my dear.' • Never be idle. If you have nothing else to do, turn to and %allots the fellow nkat ' makes faces at your sister.' Cm. An aucwnt and exceedingly simple method of book keeping. in to keep all the !woks you lay your hauls on. • ' I come to tlra l,' es the rut observed to the trap. • .\„d 1 spraut;; to midi:ate yea,' as the trap replied to the oat. In. Why are fowls the mosi-cropwwite' things farmers keel, !-Cecitese ` 0r every ttrhiu.bf turn they trite a lack. e} An Irishman, en intfo.luring a E hab friend to a regular Tipperary bin ether -vier Lc saw a head to Ail It., } Why ain't you with your r ,;i sent Oh, I'm sick ; I've got something the, matter with my liver. Aly yeti it's white. ot. wed t} An iudividual baring been to church. reterned hum* earlier than u.uel,,wu asked, 'ls it all done already r .No,' he replied, 'it iaalfaaid I but 'try little, it arty, of what was said has leen dune yet.' e} At a spirituel circle tie other eveniu Rl a gentleman requested the medium to ark what ►musea»nt wrs mw.('spupular iu the spiritual world, The reply' was, 'leading our own obituary notiCes. g} An ernm •art rider hal undertaken, for a hoary gazer, , ride the well known horse ('hr.tuut Agri !tat .e erbhrat.d home ltad+sh. Ue will ute the ,Woe of mutton and lite spurs of uecess,ty f o ,he.uecauou. . le} •Huodd,• u 1 .m said -a-bullying; American %pouter at me.t,n , 'I still re menthe) that 1 kin a f act`•u .w( thin utagui cent re ,abhe.' •1-uu are indeed,' said bystander, 'and -a vulgar ce at that.' - \ in' 'ha111 10 mart who came 10 Collect the r wiieWtrife; young mesa who es latently taken •a C E says he d id not lad it halite bald to au get married sus he did ter gel furuWre. One of the rebel prisontre at Point 1.00h - oat attempted to escape, la•t week, in a singaler mwt»r. H. prtaesreil in empty utast 'barrel sad 0Wge4 lar Int 4_•,11 1140 bay with the idea of cleaning It Thie was observed. by the guards Ind nu puocular polite tatru ret it. Ila managed g'.1 It out in the bay cttjt his head within t1 1 u're', bet, as Tate would have it, afier'he .d Anne divattre in the bay, -wh••,e the wars the bunel t_ turned' and he was ido.uul, Stxt►lst. wtru Ori, N'IZWan;--\ better in the Loudon 7104S age -'• 'fherr can be Ito 4ouhl oL,ghe berseleigl effects to •4 a'th ut a free eummuuiration at night of the air of the sleeping room with the extra-Iwl air. !'his se, In. to be more and wire- in ors, -4. upon the 1:4,04.. „1' the public, to °t.yt.i•i1Nt to 110 "'d uotiol ad the 001tiuw quallly "title ui1 ht air.: \50 remember to Lame mall au tonne a rewa rs y a 'bark of ilio lwtiraa.y sal geut.eraan nd+anewd io ;eats, we Iver iu+'r aclergrmgn1 who emanated. his health sad prolonged lye, cut i.ely lir eleepina in a Muni With an open window.. From ItrV. earlii•+t li!. I have, whenever I could, olept with me b, room witisbm l.ttially open, and I .. always found tied Carly es c: t• • air is the b,ot of medicines.' as j)A RTIE' dentroo. el elegising Prat Cut. lg Cedar Irk r arc and Ureal •tr' /arrporee gni Ir anpidlnl la an, 4,01.01 .1y, art,l . u ruw'nabte tefuY, by blip t .are to '• J. W. ELLIOTT.. Oairintak Felt. VA. that w( F014 SA•14F4. L. 'C )::,g; to l , „ n;•nr t', I:.\11.11.11 11JJ,11' A t Fie - Years. Credit, Or longer if h isi, et . .l I., : le N r, \!httON. . CoJer.clt. -ri1 -t1.; :161, ss,, r11 3uoin'. s fiJircctorIJ. 1' L For Sale, Cheap. 'l A. Csea.Ri, bur CASH/14rerur.I.I, t:\I11 . .11kl• ru;I lou N ILL BL SOLD ,1T ,l -BARGAIN l'Lrfuuher putuu'u al i 1 1 g JOHN ELLIUI'7. !,..'.. 1)r. 11..,"ilunt, 11',' II'11`•, !!•,110N, d1. 11. 't. I : • Ooderwh..tl•rd Trh. 1441. 6•._.,..t I. \ 1 . 1' aIasfaslt.•• - - if there was any dinzer art being 1, 000 . S110Ii AND BLIND -r1I3. A. .0::'1' FII NGTO V, 11r. l-.•1.• , : I„,•; IIS ,I 11. 0'. NI.., :1, NI. 1, as the steam maele such a h.,n,J u se... N , • the least,' sold the slur collector, • mol, - r 1 1 l ., . r r r •O1 Y, ' you refuset pay your fare 1 __ r resitting in town, who, h the 7 _, ,,. . . i, , r, .-rt n• ► oa Ila , T f THE EMPORJUM! Spring and Summer Goods. • It E SUBSCRIBE RS HAVE JUST OPENED 0 'C TIIEIIt SPRING QST OCK O 1.' ?EE &FNCYflIY Hardware , d'O o ^ s 1 ) 14It. II:K, A FINE A4SOR 1111 J. & J. SEEGMILLER, DEALERS :1N LEATHER, Rik DINGS ! d c., he GObERICH, C. W. February I2,1064. iaw47w•0 NEW MARBLE WORKS Kt. , i CS N O RI H. ST., CODE C a. Mc 7coI WEIT...ie, a ~li't Made Clothing HOES. acv°•.•RA.w at a.0Z:0 LADLE'S, GENT'S, AND CH A ted r1 (.11 tJ J_ it r'. 4' F wy, was one of the stri.leq evangelical - chun•h members, chanced to so into the LARGE ASSORTMENT e)lbtlthlll ,flub''\F1'N.i UNVEl , 1 country on • visit layer brother, 'who watt a i ) :•,:. 4 1 ., .are .., • 4 deacon. O„ the first Sunday of het visit,' - ea0 .Io, J. I I.,.'.•. little son of her brother's tinge guning/oro - • the house with A couple of eggs which M S'A S HD O O R S had just f tool 4.1 tl:c heoi nest. 'Ree, aunt ' ! f he exclaimed, ' .list our hens hive laid to- day !' • What 1' exclaimed. the Indy, lilting up her eyes .ie horror, • 1it ppu*sdr:e that your fairer, a piytts mut and a deaaiu,ullows his be,., to Ioy on Sunday r Olt. A eontraetor 1n the IIi,;hhinds was I waited upon bys deputation from his workers. SEASONED .to request him 'to make aro writ o' diRerente , iu the wages, but shut a wee .hynge in tie - time for ;raying.' 'On cross•gneuioning the deputies, he found they wanted to Ire paid weekly i,ute.J of to,tuightly, but •tlevy ale° wanted the fernn,ht's w•tgrsweekly. •1t hr, my lads,' said thtt, t4 , ttart1), 'yon are de mending exactly doable win tees• Uoota, no sir 1' said une of tlw Jcp01., -, Wit chart aa WON u less u the saws w'J,ies, put yon Kauai .host pard us twice u faster u eters more.' Some pni.ful disclosures are being made u to the condition of. `reed slaves on the Mississippi plantations of the Fa 1-•ra1 •Ouverument, wkacb'are tremendously d Vee(• BLINDS,.NIO1' I.I'1 ' Axe Everything required lathe CaiIJu1;; L :• std'.♦ IA (:. CEDAR POSTS, 14.E"1.11, rLOO1►1 `,t ;. Axl ,:.I. uTRClt PLANING DONE TO ORDER. 1{ li-,1:. el'LA1 'LACE. rYr I; tole :, {tont Y+Ih• 1*6,1. awed«:? tag to the twittery adtiuistrati on of the nth. - J 1 ••• . , i ..,. 1 • every General Ranks. T11e Tribune 1s Wishing the particulars. Mrs. Stowe will ao bare an opportunity of testing the hu. • w - -maof anti slavery slave • muter., and it it ghoul • ern outlkat only a quarter of the a 1t (y i) r SiOLD LOW I ( r G..1• rich. -April 2Tth, 1861. oma . nes's report is treo,it will do nlgteat cal towards exploding the roseate theories of he vaucinll,og and philosophic abolition school of Jge4.,,Eogland. The luckless black seems to hate '' got out of the frying -pan its to the fire.", A COUR'1\SCENE. There is an attorney prac ' ing in ear courts who had attained a great o. grimy, among ssmeroas other things, for b,.1 'ng witnesses on the opposing sides of cues hen he is concerned. As it would not bop,' a to ,give his fulhname right oat In the crowd, a will merely call bin •Wsyke,' for short. There was ,t horse case in the Justi Court oue day, ,n which t1'0yke hnpponed t be engaged. A slow and easy witne'a had been called to the stand by the plaintiff: who, in a plain straightforward mann%(, made the other site of the cue look ratherblue. The plaintiffs attorney being throng'', 11 Ayke commented a regular cress examivatiun, which was but short, in thie,inanner 'Well, what do you kno'•v .bunt a hove.,- yon a horse elnrtor l' amid the b.rrbrrrimmn, in he peculiar contemptuous and orer:amri.„ manner. 'Nati i don't pretend to be a hone d,ctnr, bet i know a goal deal of the nature of the beast.' '1'bat means to any that yon k ,', v n 4. .rev from a jackass, when you see them,', avid Wayke, in the same ety.e-lo',king knowing. ly at the court, and p anr1:2 Irina p lmnlly a1 its* Mart, with w teo'graph,c expn•w.Ion, which said, 'Now 1' reg 1 1.:m on 11 .' The intended ♦ictIn , 5.41,1g intrully at hie legal tormentor, drnw..•11 out : ' '11, ye -a. -just .eo-I d near take valor a horse P The Supreme Court of the l -sited States could not bare pressed it, gravity- and the 8ee0e that followed. The lick hack produced • regular stampede and the bushel of true ponder buttons that stuck to the ceiling above brought a shower plaster upon the heads be. ' low, Everybody was convinced that what • amortise attoruey might be, the wituem war a. %ow.' LORD PAT.wtaaTnt.-1 mentioned in me last letter that the Premier had reappeared on (be preoedine evening 1n the Ilouae ot Commora,and'talked quite hri,L y to his seat amidst general cheers. The ('ofifRons are more aril more proud of t1 it leader u he battles against 01d age and gout, and no wonderfully maintain' his spirit and vigour. Tet he mutt feel that three ettaeks 01 disease growing more frequent anal Wort 1,,rljoidable Wilt soon be a real di.qualiT4c.iun f.,r'uther and it is now thought it a. nue upset does no come out of this very awkward Danish boa nese, the Parlament will he allowed Lr pane into its seventh and last aea,un, and the. 1,nrd Palmerston 'rid then a:thJt:t,r f11 favor of a Ministry in which Loril Claren- don would probably lead the upper hone, a, •pour d'tppei for the Whig f'imilirs; and Yr. Oladatone the Lower, for whom the sprightly your,/ blood and intellect of the Commons -the f: use hen., Grant'd,t,:T, aced Stansfeld,,u w-rIb as the veteran fL•fermers- would attach themselves. Aga,., such'a combination the Tones wnu!d g'M.h their teeth.- Leaden correspondence 10 ?brown Globe. E.- 1 t • Tt, M: I I.t'I 11.'l•) ) * ; /"7I C P. I. EVENING (If TIMES."" . -- .1. ',,, i 'j IIE ••1.1)164" tel 1 teen r\rnm.. I 1 time fur the Mail got • We41 ui 11 e 1 ie'"' N'e•le'rn Ru Iwey, and cool mea14the Iale4r w'V •1,• - ' - . e.Io,'W. 1,',a 141t .pit ( w.1 torr 1 1 t . la, arriuwr.• Ni'. lurk ylarhets ala e.,1,.;4•11,1.,,,,, 1')144. •<1 \4 bo Lai.; t.,• t the ue\ya0(IW .1.,•. 1 col od , :r1 -•" E • ( ter \- , np,i mg a u[ afar ta' %ore . a o. any •art yr d,er. other paper ,ndduhed West .N T td,u tl:.nl:. I t.7ry kr ,• t -tr'I t suet. 1 . !+• . an racetlenl rotation fir wivetl4iq; Prwe id . e. 1 .e. •' .ut .•nphou Sv,,e n ununt. i131a 'kW [hoer' wdlpe. , „ - nwulh., in nil, an, r. Ila. THE WEEKLY TIMES, t r1., vI•If:, , ... .. ..,, .. ... 111rn h:,nd,.tTr"" r 1t'. :v.•??.,n! __,. 'S HATS. JOHN V. DETLOR MONUMENTS, TOM Rdt'oS14:-i, Posta, are...0 every deacopheu u idyl. art w°rkugNlup, furu..Led oar .0.611111410e, an.F a, the Io* t., pr e,•.. 1.:1.•ral r. ituel:.,u made for ILL -1,6111.144tilt ftOlt p id Droops. of MLnualeut. 5.. nosy le , awn at the slop. °.alert+. April In, I.64. w12 . LANDS Spring -Arrangement& SARNIA, GOD}1W'Il, KIM'ARDINE s.o SOUTHAMPTON LINE. F3 Z'1.E1►111 ..' 11 1861. rue r1. 18111. CANADIAN! D. ROWAN, Master, • B. [Lilo and LaL(' C!u un,14111ply slid 'bettr.t•rla.. 1 ' r % erlll'It11N,ID. Cele, Msot,, IN',. a NY r'k In 4010' GODERICII AND •EAGINAW, and en •.• a N.. 1. t'. Mali. 1 0(t.1NA. Coderlch and, Chi ago FOR SALE. ua•(•.:.I i lal.f le. r I , 1 4 nal. r n r ,.., A' EAT BARGAIN ! ,west ,a ;ria "1.."`" pail wn.,,;;) 11,, 1.. '11,, 1 OT Id ea. 4 slop ot fors (a P rte no 41 the Alexander It'.- 1..t late O( Zeustod. 1a aiding out art the Proem steeled to take $7 tee -''re. r a. tl(S small is u ti ca.seri 1 nave, 1t Lig (awl Yid mortgage, rtnnung over l 105 ■r. credo. Thin 1, -lfollL•.re NV. E. GRACE. Coderich. May 27. ',all. •lento atlt•1 .I ,„tl-. e.. t.... ' 8'I7, 01;t• s!PC .DA VIS twat 17 \a;aa:.r wine 1, nimencint on Mond,'tyr18thAn it •rry,t•oatatmn1 at.. r.1 . - .,,;eg. I - f ''outingg the Moor LI .. r.{. Int 'N Adana 1 \ I I 440 -000 l nye 10,00 Iw rel. +'• 'k, w. o 1 01 vele t t I vova Ilia 10440' '0) :. in.I h.mluiyd, t at I , a I a•n•'h WAV tnl\nurr fur part Pas and alanee ..-r'ure•1 hl 1 Bruc.,wi,,u n .w1) ail,' i . .... '.w4rt It Tor'.ri la.11 Por: Ifures )\ cry THURSDAY EVN'UKG; nit•brl•mgrsg (•lir r. R dl-luavee ,•-. I el an 1'f t •, a J , afrJ 1,4,414 *. %the I nl re .•1 rat r!leai le 104 and very'.4g,hl art fitted y t 4.1, M. I Ito AN, YONDAY AN Auctioneer, Appr.is , Sc. ,, ,„ , ' Lund .41 ht. w., it ll.rer azo •' fi.ale,j,-t.July ith.10,43. ' w 'I ''J T. II. 1111 Lt 1)11' A. 11 f ! GROCERIES Crocl'ery, Liquors, Provisions, Lumber, :Slling•1(s. Lath, Blinds, - Doors, &c. .1_,'ut bur Ilia ,.tic art. GUI{ NI:1', N•.\It l': 1.7; (V).' I'(.('t•rrraw `c{1.C.r. Blacksmith's- Bellows Foriule Ly' • (i(11JI:1111 :! C ' 0 WAGON & CARRIAGE TW,J *MAY AND ID:Y, -1 L.' arm.) and 1 e hurt n „aur, ver ,a:on 1 m; l- Il. a amt Stool Iron tt IT/Vint <1 4VI'r.t("fl'ItlaIfx .\\b Bh.'I.rllo dfN .1 • Ilse eNote 1rrp... \teat Irevt. l ioiena•a. 'I t,'`_k,IAto 'u., Int .•:11-1. errvx' --'QOeSL OIL., A. td f sank -1',.,...11..011I.11-..,1. \• I{ -T ..1. rent ', ,l 1 LY('^al( hl Leone A•c. A'.. (nil iron, cu SI Ile _.r } 1 j a t Y •t w*0*41. Rapt and SLer(.ktas taken mei ;vnu 1 r. 'aamnw y r etegn 11,0-i . , r a1mlVe. ..Isw I ha•A.:i 1, iii',It r :Not ars 11..114.-41...1.0 h , . for parr:'meso 4. rate. .d 1..41.1, \r„ app CARDING XC0• d'C0• , .r.,,te..•u•rh..ie treNnew t i P•}:R$ would bee to intorw bas custom rs and the rubric that Lis sew prem - M LL 1) 11k' f. et O t Q. r v III ''.. r'.•rw .1 .•1. t', • JJ A`` THREE DOORS FROM -,THE S.QUARE,1WA I the first of Jure, Isr tr:u,s,cti•,g the Wont ( tiding, (Moth Dressing *AJ 1 can, le-eonnect;on •,th'Lis WOOL FACTORY, where all eiders and . , r above bus'neat all be punctually attends to. Likc.iee a Vuu•ty of , Cloths, . Blankets, and Stocking Yarn t "a 111.1 t, et, !range for x,ol. - flaring. 'us year ad lad .ta•.rtlinr '. Bar it yip "1.4.111'. v •r .. r rice Ido yll(y1 / 1 1 arc, n. m•adbr n ue t: loo- hand and ih:nke t. "Mt,' anal ant. rel n,b:e realer f tT Co E 1 %ill 4 runipt y attended ter _ •„• ' anti, Meriting their l )<i11t' T. , e•t. 1.1.3. a 'ONS AND CAARRIAGES. Insurance Comp'ny. . _Gtr •, FIRE AND LIFE. f ..* • : : : `` CAPITAL -TWO 1 ilL[IQ;1. DOLLARS.' ,. it.. l"'. 1L,'i[) F, --'. gin./, fid t,,,',,nlaud' feral- Cure, ' • . 3\4,1 :.. ' i. i' J.\ 1 :' V•' n til 7111111'I: term,tnn4, IirateG(iiigniCII 5(1 f11, . I I Ce .\4J' AAt' every 1 ;• . 1 1.1 is 1 . ,...•. • i1.. ,.Putt i;:.1 ' T.UESDAY LAND 1„11\ 1 \ 111;1 I.ft .0 kJr VANEYI: &IUMlJALL• .t (: ( n r - 11'\IA-N. II. -k-'.i; I • t - 1; I. ,.; J'I IAA. l c -1I . 11. IG, 1 •.I • \ 1Gou.uadi: ,. 1. 1,. .-1:: f't• Iii 4GINAW 'VALLEY, 1 Ccn1etticn with the Pu[falo lI H. Railway Co.'s. AY F.XPiL "r'4i ii lA' 'TRAINS, -1'l.L•. I: •l'1..'S 11 '1 I. .• 11. AIRR FIRST -CAS? DOi rB[LEe„ CABDI F res et. ate• 1:.:1ror a a 4 us twine's comma;to he fac t ry 1 ,'I, ,nl.'' • ,..d lurtitularattention w''1 Ix. I=rad to diode ,r min NS' 1►rlir 1: 1t.(►<1.ti(Itu.i r \ ' -- i.i'e tit ve:tful for the literal patro age°I form,- , in the atm h pis "07 1 ,10* attefrtioti 10 bu4iiiroi i el Ap:i, int .. , .Jrnn•, to eiil receive a share of tl r an e. r I,i to.mber the place- E..t Street, ec i,d i ,o; : . i' : ! r; 0 OI nil;. A KINDS OF COUN1 tr :vel r• M,I\_1t1 e, iv n.:at use,, rIr . Life Insurance tuiph SeenmHl. ,t,: rl It.,.(► Leavy vA,.1 \.1 It ue .61,Lo1.l: l' 11 r...,t. I l' • : l r ' t 11) r; r l MO:ti D.1Y ARID THURSDA WORK e RIDAY,, ditklres• all lettertift,..4 pouf, to flakkhlion. C. 't 1. tste t looms! WL., at 114 0041,1e114,0 ON :Street, next THOMAS LO REMOV TTLE, ILIA Scrip foii gale, REMOVED SliLitIFF'S SALE (A' LANDS. “GuILLs !LEMUR, AGRICULTURAL SEEDS! • • I 4 U j..t ON I (,)\-;\ 1) ti , ..,, • Niue, Equal -. mural Instalments • r) II y s 1 c r A N, SU'llri;:‘,...);,,,Ak:e.. (ivies:, ;7...'""2... /\.i., ..TABitool 0 . ,,..). ..:.....z... L./ Law, sand 14olicitor-in.rlinnerry. C•tototy CAV. j -a': UMW'S All(Tancy,(1941ench,*2anathaWtot. t.144.1. es 1, V. Dieter& SensOmIerich, awl quer `Ores t. aL or Sale .I. S. St se Le Is ,Dedetaehq A .Shsaw,K ines line 3e..., West 011141.flonle Ars. Market Squire. Corner is Ki ngeon *mat, ti.sterrt h. 0.42 latefctty tie 1.M . Kr. Reebeck, in the debate. in Sal Novi, et C0011•1101111, Oh the .ith inats01, loathe' fol. lowing anecdote Sortie nutollti atpl,W110111 lalmithere about this matter of Denmerkotini ti000littes ILA you nu recIllection of lien- irSry. of Tramylvanis of Bohemia, and of Italy r (Rear). Ile looked at me and what yoe say a true, but the Germans Imre gone mod.' Anel ' will tell you eayist am we have. When a Frenchmen 1 bowed to bits, sod think epos is orsabioios both :diameters " laughter.) the sphere of ta afihetions, bet • woman um" anti always Noy. It him • thoweand far, adapt la offie• se salitary. Rat It lot sod so fir it. goys ie primly evil. It toweetilla the heart in witiela it is here, ton Ale is poi the *met witheeteevere eonirel it willi tor- larirenr, Notnry Nike, Conveyancer, Ste., Oodench, Canada West. !,1001) *I I. ,t1 Want Street, third door 16/111 1117,11144m !Lori ATT (11/C1771A T.1. W. SOLICITOR TN , TTORNEY, &e. Moe*, Wee /11.1 eittrlitieft VMS Moor' wool es esolroW IOW*. IQ 111TINTEIL AT fORNEY, CONVEY. I/ Alt:RR, aoheitor 1n Chancery, N.41try PO. a, I neortm-,ar Creates Now Moot., Oteteneta, • .TAM ECM MAL ARCHITECT, • ate., eve up re nest trid entree, style. 1111' at the Moron Anetkon Pdsri., Noss few i• Wild! Manufacturers of Grist an,:t1 F WM, tk h.,..41 a ak,alfrarar lont... nu I lion ...., , :ii. Cirlicliclar:LI7UlzaiSrpc7).d., Sasah Sawn- ill:, la, ii, •ii`nr. ;1 41ClanaTise9nIslis'a4•A•hon•CON • • rill ill•A•FIAIE Alan len r reliant kn node, 'Pad p sEpER) TORS Ggt). ign.4.11.0%;itrgi!: March 1nh, 1044, Port Albert. 'j firsoler, G,e1Prieh{ $10,000 fEliNt of FARM PROP artOilineisit TO RENT _OR SELL I N EXCELLENT TAVERN sTA ND! NSISTIVC, /WV IN t: ROOMS, with V large Stable Shed.remp and large gargon, In the Willive nfIrlInnt',,TownotOp of Trim herry.en4 known Fy the mune of the BLUR rArm.N9rtt., awl in the noeopation Ars propriotar, 11. C. Pros. Th. prop...my laka large additions *ref improirernente, and 00 frOrthJ 110Iiee of any men rho is seeking er 27 ft AND HORSE- POWERS Mowing and Reaping Machines, Wood Saws, brae,. cooing,' mule, and Blacksmiths' work done inert nr.at and,,ulotantiol manner, - Cresting* of any .1 "mobs in eider: -Alert, elf *Owls of machinery repaire on short notice. A larfte stock of COOKING, PARLOUR AND :BOX STOVES ,tlirays on han,I, Sugar Kettles, Wo;on an I Pipe Boxes. ATI era patterns of the shore a, elsowletre, rut we ere offering the above si the, lowest renumerative priers for earth, or or ap proved Credit. Old meted, Bram, Copper, and all kinds of produce taken in eu.hitog.,.. Ooderick„ October. 18111. Arr.101,41 A al 01. Foy partketatant411011 yo 10, nth SPRING HA Grand Trunk EdiNcav at Strstford, Circa IL- aray at Paris, Welland at Pert Dolbo, ne. • TIMETABLE- APRIL. 11.9 10,41 111,110 On The fltiron ha. 1••en Wool '11,1h every 'r- eset to the comfort es Peeerveiri. /OW pe. rred the Ikkr•tr.relatat tut awl uw net. et the 10 establish the roile a matter 11011.1614 1: \' 111 who may Fares wer than by any. other route. TOWNSHIP OP ttorrrett • Irota 34.nntl :15 in eon., 101 nem, each, 'Lots 31 end 324n 6 on., 100 ACM/IC*01, Lots arid 3 I. in 10 eon. 100 *CHOI 0401 IIP .T(11:)11EIIIIY an 1,./i0,111 In nn Neelred poanion OatralY MI Pao, and Detente' Om ivc the ninth concemion, the went her of' TO Restart Grey Irate X I 1,4 iermaer Twenty-three. In the Township TO a. p with Rhona forty cleared. the Mel ;nowt harrtwo.,d A BEAUTIFUL ESTATE FOR SALE. 11.1011 Acres In (*Ont. Illorle. Ad k he hank nI the River S111/110114, offonelle 1he falo mei Inke II Myles,. Apply tf by 1..okar past oak In T OT 3, Con. A, Township of Revisit, Inne,me. OvIerwli II. W. I. or nes rim Eng, stedi le0111 .Wrasetse, .TILE GRAVEL ROAD. TO RENT. o Leg Lows Sod bosh todirrok. May 1r, INC laihrtrefitf Fon SALE. itfl ' ACRES! of ion No, 32, FAH Labe 4if nom, nay. FIRST - RATE LAND 1 on the premises, or Ooderich,'April 30th, 1864, st1411 het em• 4,4.417 Ow mote a the Han. giros moo •ItniIty And lusnrinn.. qn•11111, as t• youth. Is entwelet• without Sots try Druggists throughout the World. Greenwich Met, kw-Tork City. rAtt toe ordere ',mould lot 1.1 lint 111.0• new seemed far Mir fer imiemph,ying none lot hreNetess tradesmen. 11.11•140010 •Pci.111.1•1•414.7) in 11n0.011011, 1411µ.4111111, 1101111-14.1.0 h.% mg boon IN lute of the Pro.. yid 1:•ial 1 •Firia'n1a in LOTHING CAN BE MADE Sho iff 's Salo of Lands. ,4 fl F honed and Wiliam litclksaid si ilie esti llor., •kol fierce. .13 Fil.11 Poems owned rut A net i4, me dimmer.' sgo.isol the la rola end toosonstis 4,1 • elle wed delendant In ii, d lo Leta numbers Pt and 19 in the Forst coo tda he Town - •hip et 14.4,.. in the Comity of lInesmientateing 100 Deno ; wine 1.1 lands tool tonomests 1 shin elk* lia sale :it iny (Aro in the Coen Ileum la Ike nit,ttfpx.ircoot4.1 1,0,etrzatH.N MI4 : if,r)0: NA 1,p, SAW -MILL& FIRM Woo Hayfield. Tho :o IN tint rain mooing the ne,ghisithood. It re tal good rm.( creek. 1 here *re SO acres o4 Aso Mitered lend .• eoneertnee with the Mk, loos wo, Po 0.14 ninth 0 if defend he rho roorheorr Thorp o • gond •