HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1864-8-4, Page 1rept:. mel the litt'e inan,striknige suilitary nightmare, steel „ _threat, lied to elietuth 'e merely r used leer plump force:rear ' While Mee. (tee/ire 4htly we, acme,' at die- aw-A4,4. eire,„,,,,,,,te es it 1,3, . the shoft, draarti't 1"1. ei°14"4 r tie arch a* be seed loieseif wait a lo uf Torldeu peitieuce the licair At to the donssee a fretful mieh escaped him. . beamed him ie ho d,eaure, eat ou like • •.„,te or Naiati,..„„, • re:own. atm, aud est:leered, Window, her heehend Wes leneaged t" •gie, d the eiery tee. storm' awav girl. 4 he labe:ied ;out he NI% tti,tv ••••••... er • ; .‘ •12/' ) trik` t W. T. COX, Editor and Proprietor.] \ 11.50 PER ANN. IN ADVAN i ' • eyes, tied *auk large tit . blinhe ' / ' TI1E tiORROWS . / . haunt warbled • Jar. .GOLIAll 001? „ above her head, ',hi siabirttlir . comer lickedetrowail 'Ali,' sighed Ouliali, ito a gentle. slumber. A lately m her feet, and a cet atrain from az cage t the uld cluek the 014. ea be derimied the d live eat! huge Id but brerg buck an appreutice I el attars and ud t 'trier,. ding, 1111'01 I could Weeds leeohe "ste • fleecy atmosphere aro The rays of the morning sun glared throneb pude off emelt, 'if 11 e the lofty windeee uf • snug parlour, shielding tlie good old times When I warmth ainklidet home picture. det There were nu neiv-fangeed glare felitaie Joie separated 'the aeartutent balsams thei, ; nu freerueathy, ..irein rot utrugje!ary's alum, neer the street pettier. aid doer.; caloric.. to Which woe auspeniled the braze', whet. eeine Lester,. coppiug, b figure et a Pelican. copi ,us ilrou4 VA. A b, sin spotlit A!theueli the !Muse woe toleruhly leer. ti" i" 11'''KedeP ; but how iny la ale lel the.): upon what 1 hove lost and spacious, 41111 the mug parlour ate the Pi ahem. Aed tle-i, there my favorite reil(111 of the very small apothecary u4sistant-a psis feta Inwood fhlture I a and Choi in,Euely atotit wile, limn the comer:tot, with the Wogs of a Mentor, simple fact that it commutated a commodious w. 'stomach ut an ustrichl And es .eur look 014, or obserretory. ' octagon ramped, aud afforded a (mamba° !pew 'teete'e, eew-iedriee they iteritible eeireeeet b.41Rit 441,411 their lirti14.3 411Nt High Stieet. '1 hi, luiriiture of the rue. y., t., sed eve W11.44,Yiir lit /11 my wrathy. tether's lite ; arel he fatteneil and greeerich 'melee dently been lected With a greater re;ard for comfort than mem uutwaid show. '1 ho pre- the "!. the The iipetateariaiaaventalliims•wiiie siding 111134.1•44 ri the house bud en nee., istible de, ,,r her tuptrakby- Mid Ile started (Anhwei •r e. iris ,..4 1100 ly 1114 le14, Wel belehl his wite tetioeing neighbor's garment., Told could tethto hoer .* geedle shiniber. Exasperated beyond tbe age of atreuet et i,ry shawl and lonite ef Ma patience, be di, ml 11ito the the teem. Fifty sunnier paeseil r her "V, u"'!"1"4 ili° PANIir 'Cll rAtisii her l' retied cheerful lige, although they/hod ded codinderabia weight su the prodigious re e He slintly loomed with bottle ureitrong _ dity of her,„ehalalese ti„mre..../Lay (mark '''W iii"e•••°•• which lic luild 'init.,. the 11"1.1.• and of good.nature.1 dee,. eil inn, she was 11111 i"'"cs" . • true tv pe of her liloilier 1411e In the pardon. i rilleielz4n1 40, is 114, Opt iiiii 4 lier tyre eats a able foible ut eur,oeity. Iler surd was law. e., ,e , ..„,,, ..e.r., , ,... c,,.,,, ,...._,e, . dot only seuenget the ilonsesting but AiS 1 W Ill. ''' , n,4!:.:1'1:00:.,,,,'"b'`wi'au'iii,.7.:yr.'7. brute 7, . kor meagre spoiler. Islay by ilay, in her ea - 'Ili 1% be thane, .1 e vied &keine , •yeu pacieue char, wheeled up tu the wiraluw, eat /Ire. lieliall lieeprightly, attired ita a bilker. :,',.i._10'.'1- 1_,Iej,1"..4.;;;111147i.lifieea."-di.Y.''Leerf,e. • dieui of nut eat bue, arid an elegant cep ,_' ,',',6,44 'en "e troeblea. tvieldehly lilitoktid ep, poised toque tab!, on Ler bead, her bawl. •wu surebartieally.plyseg ber kitting needles, arid aisidwat,*..., o.r,.1 oleo, inanimate, unconecious of . ' her face returniutthe smirks and I dee ut mj•Vour's••••,f net.red the hely ; thav,e they 1 .. be proems hy. .. not trilled mien, a ep eteiy .6.3. :Tv, tee last . r. Oohs& Goaprightlye Iodine! • sere twerit, y,,,, ? 1), p.,4, ,,,, re, ,,,,,,A., 1,), ito ast to hie wife, leith in mind -ond person. poor ;leer child' eitb._ tit -Mail I um compel. , .. Ile' ietled at ull points blot an animated i e ere. to remem her. int tht•it /*Nitwit* " aerie .z de frise, sod hes tongue went like i„gecee„.e. \.,y 1 hate, hew 'verione cot:solarium \ the. eel h stedebreh of • water Mel, throwing tier mottierse fete ttilf be roaming .te her y. at . ea. A fiiint ecronin .betekenert. her retuinie7 , nut hansoms bubbles. 'Ilia weazened ',figure had eeough iu i hie shrivelled 11"4111.7."Pe.gt, ""L'i "4'V Every poi0., of Gollob* harp.. angular' * -demon. devotee:Ito •garded his omega late ei Ile thriat hie tee les ets and , beetin •s tit. eithecar„ ; 'tier lathe sal teamed of ; is the heaviest outlihe lit the wind?, whilst little hod, Ilite brought re deur *tures an pealsedjuee wore modem 10W, r upon hit valet, • bleached sal ry „. tive wife. 11 tliat newsy 4110411144 "elf" idbilY 14 to 4444 'kohl v. was was,' .11, be:, throne id observation, hi, tal. fee last few w glaidened platted." tits poMt. A rival elaboraee melee brilinsut „gaitiehts, ealehowsestel ether so progress of cempleti r and ' elmuld nut lees hit 1\1 ht 11." I bl f' umalk "F 01 prig y a, an • an te un err one e eine o po tee .ounsetun es :al sargey *round. 'Waldo 11n. ha a mew Seamy of attraction hod o - curiosity,„lisd at tire 1411 11114 14 her" 114'"*"'" datieliter,• he at leozth blieliment err a grrie4 41,4 44 a meniher 61: the tu eateeflee, Midgehouree. and tier hoot . -1 intim the handeomeet I in the teen, 0 Greatest Possible Good to tho greatest Possible ?limber." • DERICH, C. W.. TIICRSDAY, .k1vG, 4, 1864. ee ere*, 'Du you know who be wee?' ed Mrs. rib public men nf Caned,. here agree,' t Gos orightly. bury dit ur p ty leelings for a tirne tie h, yes,' freiti Miss Spicewell 'he is of the greet blic 1401 to be aeeonmhshed- well known to you. fie name is Alberthlel• and the elect.. uf Norte °uteri, we,et rose, formerly, our rootlet+, and itt Premed, .aP occepyrtig the diun of *existent tu the PLS. tiODEBIeli. ru ALIC 5C principal aputhec •ecliester.' • 1 V9L. XVII..L--No, 27 o I An. vxkii; A, 0.1111.1-•-rililie August There is /hi truth el the eudenieNt that ;age Lei three fleet C11044 CulletWi 'went& 011 wag Shore:ill Were closed:arid the streets almost . w 1:1Tiviutt• ,,,e • e . I ill mid leereetreet ate with ehem.• It is • Mug the thaw ii! the compartineuts the I this magazine has lmen trent . rib', i •lier:e Nee, re, l'ielenor & 111.1tha'tlYt bee tict6hwan:14iinilethreenuirriPeinlIns'ddeeer,iiii:t4e.lhf7orMi ii:11 :1Lil.:(1'1'1$0,011°1:11111.114.4:14.'1.1!•"11r1i4"1.1.110udl". btelle!:: • , brio, lotte.1 1,001a 011 the. 14141.110.11 11114 lel ,: i 1,...1',..1'1.1,.':,4::::..1..i.,:1::...i:::',:.:...:.,,,r13:.,,:ii•:t..:4,.1,.1,11::er:icUoi:tiob:rrneilLj,. tihh:.:1.1t.111,.c,:i.,..r:!7::4110:j:,boi 84: lefuruil:wat,hoi..ei,.ii,titigtoti epe al poly, the rlo. Thme •11•11 'maple 14Videllee 0 II .1.111 II.E• 1 • .11 ie .1 1. •pevi are fir frutu being 0,,,, lei!euyutle,e,:,444:6,s, itotir.iiiii. elt,..,,efi,!,lyt,,e,.ittg.to,li.o.viittema, tHeal,eini ,.tii.51.aero.le 1.1:.1,:t. • *as. Oh 614....titij 11w oul..1# of the car. , ...,. th,.. t ,„ , :, .., I., , , '' ,. cileillur.euitt,hrled. .., ',%.11,4,sair:p,zitr,tutuibiluet.,1;:,,,iys.tite ',tt, tri,t,...e,,..,„..,,t,":,lifii:t.,4!:6;;,u,....iluili.1.e.....itL....1•1)u*If:1,itiblott.I.,e7.11.eariti.iriartf:;e: Pei,- \ . ... e„, , ,,,, se .__Th,.. members 14 hot belies -ed. , 4 1,90z an clew si...ii;rit;‘;r‘fi''etiii0Ttiocp"'nilitotethRyd ‘ ' .eueoirt et ill and 1;011 iloure ate out eih,Alpred• 1 beelt 1111011:1 011 PA the nail' taw 4.,, , th,, N,,,11., ,0.1: il . 1 la .6 i, d ,,, ,,,,y eeneer,,friiin the prerieut lieu...wet, Th "1"4.• Wits 1.41 wet oe the 'to .r :, a ly an. y 1 t peouli eeil ho',444,4, IIi,4 C.01/111:4.Alkte fere« id mach hee l'e i ie., i c:in a ep f a 11:1 telt , heed, had. 1,-,e,.,....' . , e.,, . . . . .. rerger there tlicre :0 bey re...en te euppeee, ie. ,ii.::,.e.._?„,1 ,,, itii,...te ithletat.1..,,,...!..;:w...,r0,11„..,,,,,,, . _ -,"•—, ol 'A :or...Liv, Ore tett' or e .. %%ilk fee' I. tr, prevent tie froni aceeptitig the'tith °"'i 1 1""rgii. ti°"" Pickuit hi.' jr.,ir g,,,,,,r,,t, iliisiu'l• .1 u.a;tii.licity .,t engogeinents (:.•,.. Wei zla is easigned t•• the comina•••1 of 11,...,..1",:tehint.,4.,artd,,ii.it.egi 61, , On tee_ske ...a i er UPI I,. a Ow: t 1/1Le. 444.0. 1.. tise tr. . tl..• kint in‘iiathri eent, bat me Lev° the L"liniuth 1 4 'I" 'I'll ecele. oft IliA itiher of t ...41:ii.injd6e,... ,ao,.fminiz4L,..1. , , be tht, i, i,:e! rejee- tlittilei.ke . fanionsly. du 211 u say -• -TIM! •,lei..,.o.„:...fe''lliss:Itilueire deeeatele dated Ilefeierree 1044 111E'e I Loot .111,0 to soute id •ete' ef ales her,. %1.°41141:41n1,4"141 i wateltelmia. . _ Grreat Fife in 'Brampton.. '''''''4`"."""''''''"""s' "'hi' ' At lust accourde Oen. Crook had succeedee 41'0E01 001 0/010 1.,11 1 hi I 111 1 1 :r• gj e ir .1 ..at 114,:,1:,•ii, :. li.,',1:,tieu.pleueine ei was pulliiiie et 41 tll back to Ilimeer.e 115.10 1,44.4. ii.!e ype.il ..,,,.4,,, 0,. th, ir ,,t, ..0. merit e heti Ike Ilion 'int t. 0 ug nem ' .4 1.1. re.. Tee 1.114:410114-111Pli 104,,E.,11 ..ler thi ey ,,, 4e, .Ilirg tlea th the etre .1.ele, elven lie .e, 1 ei..1 era ot the deer oft., cerrifte"•.'''." .' 11:'• Et: 1, 1 iv, iti tile 41 level lei tile ,.10, of 1:10. 111-4.1 101,41' 1.-.i,ni the I. i .1i, f...! • ve• too.. .tial ,1 •44414'd ...putt io_the.iitsiv..1 .j hat ilie„1.411 s ..1.;• eillst.l. it diaortiO ave.. A.• 0,1, .. llitt nny cries were bcisiii at the Lei, it li 1.,.: Wit 'Had a haud grei ible materials, sudden Gurimightly's expansive wit have betrayed a 1111.1 horror. tiadieh gime • pmleneed ed his left eye into darkitees. •The praitimptuous Pterpyr at Mm. Gooprightly. '1.10 not lie angry; my &Lei,' ate. Spieewell ; ainure .) ma he Wihi the - charming serene man in the recen, die laseinatere dimeer, aud tee 111041 eutertaiiii. blel COO 1'01 J.It 1%14' ' 'retina tim eija'uartAteletial merrier, 'that Ws. retitle 11164 1,0 inteno,n of applyiue the Aiv, epithet, which ireithertently e.caped pro; h , to the prepoe:eiesing /omit ydu hum ever,' he apothecary's Mei:slant ; 011.1. if A, ge,... our ter should form arialltuneee. that ":"0 eife'tefeturelifor •would Vie: limper etoc ' two of the cle , 'Etfie. te Hee, CO sl'ic"'"I' each E (t! 'hued um 2sut page.) . • . his -or her motile 1 with combust - we bier Mi.. The M ids e, face e euel e leek ut conducted 4,11 , d sew.. cipal, II. D. Theo....gen tkinen, judging by saw, hate rh"le iliecherged their 'mem imp Weill and in • very thorough the systo the le.2.4 pursued -Laing andi as t 'leery -of each pupil in a y iti n negetive tntriner,•to t Er .1 'et mete Taken altogethe er, tedi Dleesed with the rebid of the eentrel Mired hi hmir. 11 is finite eati•fietoryethe hoervable hong. a went ary trninbig in one r, • It t" oUll tre.taii• •Ait to re 1. onguc...with perh q exact:ices mid in a p itg manner. IL , tent branch, has been 1 Uri:60 of trfilioy, cr impor attend, d t ,IUring the pan term, the It 1.114 •••- largo nuturstr uf copies which uld coin, Are favorably with anything • ettEilicit c Ly 'so. I i▪ o ever er. In' this respect, tit 'too come, up to:a high standard of -excel . The Warel ott E:tht streethleinar • ni,tiet. hie.; been open ouly three' or ti:v %RI% four weeks, hut Ao well attended by' adloek .d oftliee innoemt little thinge;• whom' i " Mug 6,c,a pleesure.te teach.. Mies Long worth, the..tietelier,..seeme to !ie adutireLiy rtuali • for her week, aid ilia -13y her 'tile pup is haVe.preereeeed womlerfUll'y 14 tut -taken, her teaclittee, ail with tuarlserl imee. 10111er ettetin•itierie el' ted ihry. y an anil the pun schriele terutin • lili11•44 44/.1.11 1174 t1411.411141out. (.1:64 T siy„,41.) Bemires ere now cur Mut of a fight hear Herter.* k el in Geri: Reuter ters..; Jab, is61. badly au..ted. Tbey are very rioheiiiiie Imivetrei. . , t 1. etrizetive fire 1401:0 out here The Times' Ileltimere gpecial despatch 14-1-ui4ht. Tho. Whole 01214.'on'trIrtautiminirg. term was or is tor linevitt the Cent...leo, 11 Late e. AMOR, ! Tok etores the Put mr.e. the lialtineme 11,1, r road WAS utiles. rued.' Tee ConfeJevitti's be'n bflrlted 'peared Lefore, teeiburg at ee..41) P. in.. A c ti:lie, . an 1 a 1, u t)e, Ere a• -; THE tire w itiJoet 1111C! houst-s al lIng 11.111141 V 111, frOltt oue end to the tither,' ironged wills reepeetable pereene to with 4 der regretted but dhe precau. tioi 'taken by the suttee ilk* were effectual. T Artillery %vie closely retained to their - eke. inehe vicinity of welch eel) uf tee cue, uhuitiey, armed with bell ca•trid,;e, were state ed, nith sub.ilemecturs, wider the come. MI of 31r.. !fill, county 111:4A it ' by the ...rice at four or etc anise .trates, else a among -the polio remeest rating with !hen arid iientuadinti tie to to deeperse. They eeem led ie formidable nuatilic re. •and teemed d'i•• 'Ailed to fight at all hazards, butereeth... taierrists were nut asitile,they gospel...4y yedt 4,to Ltelltle pleULIIV Of the 110111:0 WWI 1. uf the rua.pstrates, %it bd.:141'4"i haXedhlii•eat 11',411tiltietrik rogue,' throw:L.11w city.• elteril4y, two o'clock, pa ti4 Motel •4 for ti Qt1 Wed- nesday' *ere rote thr netentrates 4..41116,1 at le wild lie, of ellein le Irene on the la: eh. reels ea !wise...re were 'broeetit 1111., and mat .us ,were entered against f.ur of thein • tile a( the astise which ail: cenrinenee Ne e.k: It 14 Stated rho Citify -st 1 to the Cie rage Cauip ea Mouday. ete-1,... Dremert;e.-Jumee Ouin;•; •*if on Satuolay evaiinz, wria lazed :ha Mr terge$ amid bate beim 1)erf, on the lel l'.;re er°.tu, Itthui: u110rula.f7teTa";:irdhlwlth'. hire ot Lim twenty nibiut• 4 ;rehire he was 7iiti,a1 ' the thlliging furiously. Yoko dor. •he it seleller' . , . , _ _, eittize him,. b..,,, joined b. mor -La.., earai,„, 1.10* ht .101.12 o'elock, aid le :met her te ireia --elekwee';',"' "f 41,' ,' .• , „rot, ,. The eoem,,,,,h, a E „I. wer threw.. discovert A Ice I, .i,, .,, ••• look 1,,. •..s., pee, !trine dee. Ilion* Irons the , garrison. Th 001g tw 0 nee,' about 25 Woo , 10.k.1 WAR.. • '-a.,,i-::ruudir Mt. - - ' ' • '6 . '''. - . New. York, JAI), `2.1. • .. • A three minute, the deal Mug heve tweremon. """e.1-• (•• • Silt" ehheade. *cline in 'hi. i nem el • ter the tfiiiit was 'ilitsbalifsthis next c'il'iw'"° "I." "lie" • oissot, who chafos i , .• 4r/erten,' hes A listri.burg despstelt of the..26th feurihi thin% „at, to, 111.11 peace the spot . ala rautiere,Ilackuey Wick; fite , ,„,,,,,,., wk., ts,1: priiti,44-strowL hitiens.g. eTuhtestrzel.t.L p:dr.. ,.., etter..4.4 but th.4, . pismire e'en tir row to permit the pro - .:s bro. oigence :- ,t „.e,„3„ et ii,)„. istittoh liat rater bard lighting in the • tfh"et tette/Met-I ar the defenee. The emuelueh Vat- streets of .Martinsloure. our 'Met% were "4.4,,," it ", 111-161114 1111. th. 111.1.• . Il 1. ;Uniunak;:t1Zi:;:n.iiilliZt ..t.„ patty, who es of disalter compelled to retire. '1'01. Mullig kat thus tar eluded:wits -Kingston :Iowa - an .vnir...rstii,t w lone ellr.11, tees, war throon out of Ce . traiii r,, about the. COO !1/11144.A0 la here • smelter laet *oil( killet1 in the battle of l'iutoley. . - uf E`erly 'II , . , 0 41ei,ie ietirevertinett.11 wane (OW iir five yeaki• e reeie,,, The Commeretora,streial relyieGenceal ,rece, when the tl,...t jtants d_out yi tho. ear. ' ertis. . ity end Rawlings and Cot DowOro,, of Grahri4 -,lote thetmeh the mashes, Imt woo, capita:tit 'ant, A whtTlinii Th. etaff, returned to heathtuartere het night: . ".' that liett. Kelley telegraphed Governor - deopatch or the gtith SCiten !la '''''''''''''' """s "' 4" ti" 111'1 4 .1I"• am' aid traitspie hid for life. Clhe het ,tiesel in ,s, ...reir he, hov ing, laeen- Mr. 4,i;;;.' kit In ...take. Moulton] On tile night of the 25111. diet . . ' ' . • (lit -mite had a desperate fight with Early THE Nr.w S r•Vitc l.tw.=-Ott NIonil ty, ar‘,01 inohester, was diTeLated,.. mid was. •the 1 lilt orthe present - tuntith, ye' pull ,:ttiitg on Harper...ere:fry. ' lisleel iti Toll; the new .stattwact ,. the fig it was rcpinied on Sundaye at "net kiens Of which are IA emit,. into (Te- ti], in which Geue,..elulligun and retiiin on the'fiisf 'day of ettugust niece ; t e'iti ;eta were killed ' aml 'our pre., itteeleect is to re-ailniniiiih \ ' ^ . . ._ 1 1 PIE 1 4 -Will, J. -,DORTH DEFEAT t?.1, T • At the thc 11,1 1?eeti not eeceptaie the Whe then, 10 EL \- 140.viNcr.tt.s1. of tue pen on Weil aline; mos rrhult, rt, t•ceor • _ ' Mel" C.m• ro eleidee I 2 It eee, ii 1.5 Itieck 4 ix: ev it ...... I et. . . le5 1 1, ee . . 1 is ten o Mau aid leases .. 1 16 7 1 sod a r Cen 13'1 ' inu of prizes, a ff ed distribution and the pro". .1. E.:: 111 .1 Eh. .Ei e 1. t v. 1.1 11, • uee • ' e I tw .1••:, .1P I :1 1 1: 44, 1V ter. Among 1 a., tie- 01 4 ii.410. A, E 1.4 41 U.` 1. :11.0 1,1„,0 to altZilf seccesefui ene ,,.1 1 A, CPS pu *tied 111 j El IV iticheeter, %he un 1, ult r heavy fighteog nee, ehe Confederate. te tell kick Ila• e, Loeu r e hen the 'fere. a al Butt • the eta...it:Ohm :41, nod yea. -• Lieute eriatiil appear Ther Ing- • corn. I 4‘'elri"ei: ea tle eiL14 lide re at lest given laittl Sher:nail, The. (la e 'nice W•e bare alre iJeutly but the akirsi teal butt e. which oi entreat on Siiturd cter of the mutton diet it is telegraphe night that reeulte he lose of Major ( ere is a very heav "i e . ' :4“:1:. -:.(1..;.'l . iit'l.:0.11''',';-114ri:e1;16:.-aL.; 0, ;tette ,i,.0 are' ., ' h`iti,.i./ •i I. .1 r 14 'CC this tuorning the i.ele,lare Ar, , .„, ,, , e„, metre y 115 be plueed in the li tede of Mr. Fer- of their friCnds no..t ut the th).''1.' 'l• ''il '•• z• ..:l4 441, .110 WAS to be the 'ud of to WIttleee the diet 1 ibution 1 ','''.',1",' .1-1.' ' 4 ..ii `4.,-''''- mIty-the exs,mincrs. The. , , ..., :,.... ,.• i 1,i,,, nib, 01 ,,1,1 1.01 0:: g.. lee t . el.e..e.xle placed himeelf inj her hutitim sem. asiereat excitement ttf•Whe'el. -, our counitexi.d friends that they. :may., ide b°11% L'1114w'w111. tti.111r,L,,Yt.i.2-Y'C'e't't?..f,‘I'.1.,,e",,er'ill'e;hk ,.. dent:1114i tiett.tite 111e,:66firy arrangements .1111 ,'hut • I I '‘i • '' d ' .1....."'att. - -.govern flic1111/etZeit .114,-.e4Jingly. - We too toi,,,,, to lin: tet,,, tto,...4,..7.,,,„a. fratmil.116.4, wa:New, lge were \`aried 1'Y a le ...ie..; .: i ie.: .1,.ieTruie ion .. .171,ANII4,- The Cotrfeue- . . , which. have V; ts Autittirtous and. entnewhat ' s'., ..31.,, 0 wall.r was irtopi,ed. . the state. ., . from the 'clod ire. si. , , e .e i I,. • ,... .....,,i. ., /., t7,. and at -.Silent*, arid letie novel in• epplieetion in 11.2;iiimle, are now .1.4., from 'llii••t were so imolerable that bo • fur reverent the flop. Wun the penaltyrif pr.pul,i tliepleawure for All Extraordinary. •1 iterrespotehmt „of the St. T, ',wraps ',tits, to teat paper u et. N. de that Mr. J11/11e4 )10,)C1‘4, 11411 tieti e./111111. du, his bed for th years, arid was au einacitettd lia to aliteed to a whiLht of seterity three post II 4 .1... lose beflii•,,i She slidl•pf the doe A seert Mae tee) an 51.1 gil eey woman a' , Plot offered to cure hinr-for $100 die gory. ha D LI era; tanner, • runt • •••• . ewe of meninx. apothecary A* 1 auti the Ilad tte• loaz.••• Pelican, which or more et ,, • . than heir ceenny grartd. the eixtruaca . • 'A lunatic I' ietermard his 'a ifo, ceirely.. Ped tie *thee lieem aweY1 the ell mei ,docil.tv.' refereed Goliah.- m•yed or tbah lo: wwki4tt.., lb bow 01 1,1411,10111? Goliath, Gospnghtly mum .......a.,,., ii,,ion. 11,,,,, •c,,,-, he .expeet. Of course, -all the anythireg -tier ? In thie age' o petitic . eett,:fi, ,I, tut meet I . . • consistency and immaeul ite inte,,, 'ty on 1"""twmt 1" a tif" fiat pert ofour public teen, he Lase! and , , , of malice aforethoueht, foreook the ark "411". 16. ' T IlE, l'IlI4 Rep, by Pup. and turned hie back u the principles' of iiie earlier life -in this• ,ew-,,' .: "In.'" 1"" ,, ggilnerearice.--(4,,,,uut age uf ruevify and ecucral gooddlellow,hip 0,,„ :. A liet„,,, ii,„,y j,,;,,. 011 the part of publie.functionarist ha dared It ling.-Iratik Itisrt, to shut Minsk:Wet in hi. office and unsteer 484• bis friends in . mote •.)11ebles *hen they ' "*.ri'fiP "'!--.MI'i..kne Ifiei . dropped iu upon Iiint, intitcad of at:king Ni,,i'',.:1.:r.a.t. f'intficiiriticy -1, Alee...:Camerien, them to take a glans of wine, as a sepeible Alen, lloirr; "....r1:..stii::,7ia-ellil:1!';'''.4.!,', j'4,:: 7,.. would hav.c Juno, :Mil now, •for his -Irthe,. Neel „1-• me; ell, Ell"' A. Iloilo -tit, wron,. n; the .., our Man Ma ti6,11 .11.,.1,.. 7.1t2.:;,,..11:::e."(141"' F1'f,,,n.''....1,Ii....1 :,(1...,,,.y.m.,,,. Mitt abOUt ' business. 111t7o piti,:s?,- J. 1.eo..r, Annie M,,: Anted.• Ai., ;.• 1 :K.:. lane %goes liolatlio M:iigiti.. 11:t , I ' Not the' conserve sr, certainly ; and .inx • • . • . • Rol.o.t si.aimair, 1 h.iii I lam', .,.. i .... • ' for many of those who ,... ierly loved hint 1...,,,...,,„... , . •1•:•spite his feults, they. are.co :111eil more - 1N TERMEDIATE TVI-, I( lN. et norrow then in anger to exclaim, . he •; ' ' ' ePE.;IAL Pataft.i. '• - take a . las hat and htallo nIf the ht , l'efie-y Al' o: itn, t •aehe .--.-1 .1 , es i Vie t:, ' 14.vrty fir yo, 1Villie, mon', ter ye ken . re u,id..g, ith heed. : Want A, thee nee. inoonostency's 'timid ;. we picket off '''''I. ..., '4'1! Awl"; 011".",,. 6,1' e, tit' "I' i . ie., .. ele. ri.illiu ...ern ...eine ,..., 1 e,:t. . te Goliotes mei at' nhopehavesud lent" nate te,,,eee ,,„„e _..„1 patience, genere.ity, apethecary hardly ',eve heatenefe. •Are my rose -string; ever closed against the . e darly oght ut, the rival emakeiehowint:e14.,e ken. iMix.etants. r Were not 'tuc:1 to bc..ar Which - speaka of re. Tho reneWed eel iu di , 'Yee are like everybody elate jakelgelfurn. •cea'ar* . Jane,' Ile :4 .41, ',Wit/ AA full id tmilth.- 'Nee inerrn apothecary r :1, 4111.1 tai • Me b is her •Inutheree barber., Yuur 4"4 `as fresh Ind biQuwin, ematidler 'Ilson,!acsiog to hin wikhe B.f., ap,,tbseaq., wae• nv eta bumble tune, eeiuming tbat • erever, blesetitided Viall II !how '0414,47 au 1,, an err h leeele 't neveeleke eta"' arid toted me. chili ewt tea granite. Oiled, the eirf l'ocrtePtterlieer leym4, °ilk -Zoe!, t•) sny •hu er'able iteleaden, hed tree. aud- bounded tly 1, al the street. • heated 1,1,. r he ler of? A ommeot oft i tinkling ofessmalt bell .1NeTe: !' 4114.141ine4 .ie in .1aealilt• wife. mi hie ear."and he ,deried threugh the e e 1.11/' U :101i: V itseillie f ia ils.let: front lealfore:niel d ...mite bine tee parlor. „As he tee e hi, otin Caine. itioliing int', the rouser, eutihee he, • 4, . hands awe ,eeticaly, and tipped hie clen into ,24‘a. or I: "n1 wu, • tiS oarig toot tne wiau .1A tiemo • the foil. rif his *Lite beediterchref io • iitne. hi. ite andulgrd in an NJ tie • tineriehtly.' be began. .irhat the • tips ot iny keepieg atenstant-when the only ee t • h Cli11111• ly amiAterae he bestows is tu meat lonMe f ww -4, i esprit ey reaums d her kn nein eh Fele feet I :i • hi: • 11: • 11.11" 3.1.1 •. 4 WO t01.;:i :141 1 C•r ,!. 1 ,4144,.. Herter'. Ferey, tuns ot Thursday, oh hateinZi the new .Auflit ieeird.and .Memits. 11,„, e„ey c,0„,eal cpuipli ter], The tedt .left itt mt• into seltigh Lis whe not with- him, to 1 4 1,04 him or drown him. rirtatly,he became ed mention sorra 11..ucheite, Linj;t1. I Griffin hare been i '11'.!!" 44" ..1.4UP 1 .7. 1.. , A I: .4•-• I. : .1 N irt1.41,bliek I'VE r• Then lie NUN dru e'd. t •••,. 4n. oi t ., : Gt. A.1.4:1• ieheirty.eirt dlreck. te.• ( 41 hall ...4I .1,e 1,... tilii,•,' lieyorel th wrIliii 41 011 Frulary, und - it. •1110. ,,,,lbaw,,,d'i.,1iani 1.a.lir wince ir ne 0 • • • • i le ell applie,tice.;Perntiyi„hz ilibie...ntli„iiiiye. loth.: '..1,,:t !ii..;ae.liwittli,,Aliso.iiirsa:blgiurreesirt:.tsou:Pie:hkiiintri:g:"Mareird re,,, , ..e.... • t,i• II, 1,4 b • • III I/Li..., 1....1I•ett t 14C reelIDIII;ItlY tO ilk, 4444t iridefatizableln their endeavors to il he.; reel the remainder ie thus told :-Sbe laid . ee : le,. . 1 .,- el.,. ..I ef tee. Ceefedeisites hi i.a. Is.u.b. ..etinulay due firet. Through: the *clz::,r.tiivilitn.: :ii,..:iii,a,,i, :Ilitirvirt,:dhkefii..0„etittrii4ctipsie;tesw•1.6-,:a.dtiiii„leitlutsi.ougt•matityfasal: - *yr atere- and energy or tbe.o trondowen: . 44.114,.E..:,„! iA. 11 ...'e • A.t.• ....., e 11.104 dor. the ,,, .r Ca VP airtight shiver' bre mouth anl I..L.V.1 ,,I hleol I LL4 , ,. •'',IL IL.L.r. itIt41 IL.1 Itecure tee i e.... ,- e,,,.. .6 . 4.14 •E:440: the CII4,1 in lite h., '.. ''I 41 - 4.• V, ' :••.* 1 . • L.- . - die ie:). 17.how *I . Me bee'n.engnONI On thie" niatne' 1411CO ale Zig-kis eyeli•is ripened and shut, the Weld' lie oni 1, , - .0 e.- ie.,: i e ,flie il.t4 Maryland . • -e fel' close of Parlittuent, eVerythrieg ts to pre- die py. .1". mph. After .60 tea - phnel that the cenhurercial .couturtieity minium,' she said to me- o eerier, who's ri:ht le , .......,..,., Ii, eIt 4,) theIiI4 at ti ': ..• 44I.A, FL/I/YE/ley t',Metal. ao . ...2 in il ltery trionuee• la Itgr r in a tailway Car at,. _ will find_ no further difficulty than may ariee from the noviity in the uee ofstempe - but ,Itlee.pltqi.uier” 1 lenned nrer and me a '•,T ., l'..',i.:11'10.' otir tierce . here bellite they were ttlineeeseau., The .11v,,,rt.:eheig.reitt":71:timz,aw-iu...1.,r,:i.efienipt iwitg.,:o.u.dat ,tiof.tiot,tzu,tulitp, . 1Crein i Maladies Gitanlino.) 1 nvenience wide!' tney so neje., te. iy111.14:,L. j. 1470 the oir.,. y. ' who.' ,gb. ..a me *ape_ trahid late tin c,,,,i,. 0,, _ tklucto ly, a..,we:itir,.,.:111,toatt.1..Ii w.es tnshaalluslifie,trit,;E. 1..1.4i -iv 1.0 lio.rd.'" il'ided 01.11woilfile:isamuu,,,0tuth . • '. i 2, .e el e:e,. we 11:14. 1,0 - An atroeieus hat, the wider.; the neer quietly -killed one . ,-.1.; sil l'.1:::: ibeii,,f'',:k. ecre0e4r71- . tf841brielluN.:10o.erit,htki.:1eue,::1tdi ";,!:ir%::, ailemayibi:7,k,.eisvingli:.1,4•alelthibreeilii 0,1(m:two:awl hide.1,10.,11111S411-' ii.:4:4 ).APVr:101 'iui ka'n.odfille)it.is' 0,1„• smillattelc rind 1 killed another.. Wo .„ • we've! * in fur live mietom when three ...,„,„..„.0.71„1,,Ife„thp„,„i1i, of hlessre 'llobarts, C tis k Comewily. of . fur.m„-Q,/, e (7,,,,,i0/1, 1-• lemitetri street, was rderously *moil. 41, ',tenth:owl, and thrown ou of elle train. 'the • aftleiu i oue elision escaped hoes the water i unto on , tint not togeaber ir these We killed, ...e.e, • ' „."1-e.ceence . Mr. Briggs?. who was in hie veutiedi y.ear, ee 1,, pri•• left +tome ft -while iti the 01,1 I% 4, r.st.1, rlat• ' \ New lAlirmri.v ju,161-121are.:SITeotht.eti, 5,.1.4b;.,,,,:,.,i.i.,•1.;.: ;:..,•,ii.:1;.:,,,,you.m..t.„•iut,Lit,:,h.,:ru:exats,ile.if.„Littcth:wi.iivs:iliheeneerir.i.lp.ppiilsae...teh.,:nyee7d:.....r.:raiNitebitrsi: ....A ro re fa OW tweens aud 9 o'clock ilin iliturtley eeening, pie To.. . , ,,... ,,, li, ed. ine that bellev.iuld go by tumid, tu!ec city, .fec'et. i.,... i.i,.,I.,... :,,,,,,,,r,,,,:,,,fi.d,,,:: _' and then take the emit, front Fen lurch Ire it ,,, 1;11:0•50,11.!leil to pour water on dint's fei:•head. . 1,2.1,.',"e fl.‘„.',,.'„,n•sebtiee - se41:0: ttlil::111.1':isfibr1.'),Itillyh'et.1:0177:i(11;i0secrori vientrile;111:11 '1' ei ::11 tur!1.1 . er"7.1;;"'er'ir.drki41,,t,°(11,114'1"ii: ',:iskie:v11,47:4.:4'e;titthihtlee. 1. "ei 7 r'1..ittl' 4.0Twirl: nd the loyal eereire•er erld iti..rectcuoval;:rnehliwith..eli Idnay"i:ncria-hetlhIStlie Steh,ezetZt. g.ol:;!.'sili r'r teen17 miri""' elm °lett outes spoonful el water to d ink • , . . .. i„,, e•;:".7:(LI•coief ,ramoeVer.nasell,teininili.il ci.60,,neivklootinTwhelicatItterocr 4, ,1,,-,a 4,,,, i,,, -. 'bet:twine:14n 4.n)o111,"ingrd.h1'4'isdigebeCin'dgilicatarike'riPY oli'letki-st. ,c:f1.1.7,:;.:1:11.ee:71,4'w,I. r: iguin't . w‘b:::::11.b:0:01644r.,1,1":4.1,14 .ji:ra I k......1,114::::::.. - 7,i,,,,,,..:1,:::,::::1111..:11..: ,111,.1.1i e:,:ei ii, I. ; orekliai:,,giniai.:1: ,i,fwulre., gir:siothlueep,1-11:uyi:ii:..e.70,sji.renhi: • t, I - , a hi. i .16.4. iwohdt m10,0.,. i.t. 1,.. ,,,,,,,,,,c(fticarint...r.trnr, oi r..it,i,t,hie iAlltiliheol;oterii,,,i.. et.I:ai,I1dIzia,dt.,,,:io1111,i,...1,,,, 14444N, antra e te..s d isco 8 ere.] sh;‘,01 • '01'1: 1 e4g4dr:ient ee'toklort,hito h°. ul t nfii 're'. .i. ,', eii Aerie ' Cteemz• ' 0" tbe "r' is-iti *0 tIllek"07 "I• the C ale 4100, zero:. Al merit, s* oof Ill,..e..t.lit.,Lnii.ti.,,,,,,i ;:e-,1.,,,.e.o...11,..t1;,?„,,i,. tree,",tt,:),:de..ebnelodlyeewheed,ut;e1/1:1401.1 fee „, ,, ,,,, tan f, t. te-Ci main from Feneburch street, station, a m , r . ,. , , , e • . ei 1,44 _IA, .4.'04 relitilri called die attention' of Haines, the F. aisitite,..vo IASI, puoi,,a . . 0:0 .1", tewards the tee. • l'eo have been i .. ''' ' '. 'ar,:i:e•-iiiir here to 114a,di to the *tete of le • 1 . Of a first oa L d Palotereton to dirge I re.11101toi 111 1.','::: 1 A I 4. r. 41,,./ meithatital 110 settee,' Isses earn:ale, Nu. 69: Me bod.opened the - IA.:lire:et., cen..,:iai.?tili'...1.1•71,:ifg.sl.eiernii.aaii,f.v. :41.06.,rtf .,„:;:iii:•,,,,e„ .1,-'7:16",,,Ate,,,,N„,„'.ke.0:jaaeln,7;,,,flii;:,,r1::.ryi;tes•c,..„,;,J.Aia:tynk,r. . r at Ilse ney witlethe intention of gettin..i,- , Al ••••• oa ..„. •• .te I: de.dev aftermeon. des en,,,,,illid. I.),ewd it,,ileahc%de . i • . e e e larAi ti . hf hit tlhd*TIO beQn ci°.::eereedrwlii:he cmilider t t tli•evia. • tionoent alien. "i"•• 4111)::'.',,,1.7:jirrir'''''kri,v1.11%ia,:YL:.1;61.i. iyh'ud4iillilr'ruiettici;7hu,trPw0heneiCrhill:111 • utie•Li .•,•.t., f•y the ..r.mier or trahlrri.thtim. blood. 110 guard on lookink lh fOlio4 sheh ii''''Y reP"* • 00".• lie •ccelifriir, b°114 • :•: 'II} s VIVA, re-,••••re't hlen .:4•Mly Monk and ' v . (milli the la sett... lv A. Dr. Jack.conviiides of the I;. a' (1. it. it. i i go or., t Itial leatile to bethe (lien t Nut only the Cushions, but 1)6'1 0.111.011 001igut;te ".1 6ucc'•" while 'II' 10.0 telleel- !'1,4 lu- o le 11.1,IP 1 0" the per t of .the floor, *Res and whitlows were tirameared No h wia.e.icteuTt•yhtlkyr ,, j. ems 1,mlii ri. I,: ,f,n i a tac,r4,1,,,,,r,,,,,,n:.L., ,1'0,,z.71.-1,11•;hyeyllimw,fler t m every known specie* -e been tehen irno , a eep. e ,,, . . ,..,„:1„,ti.,1 uye,,,,f,,,,,:,,,,,,,,,„, ,,i.i.„,,,,,,,,i4,,:i,,f,,,,b.h.„,e,:ye:aez,,,i17,,rde ni..mins„ter„. icie,,•,i,11:1,11.1elimlii.41::1,..; ii,:ian,t,iiteoamutwiedpikir.suiglidn.ttliiet:iitire:citiirarr,1.0,4i,ili:.:di 1.1: vr,c,U ‘, . gover-1111 14‘1401iIti g1:014 111411! Otelawive4 I h• anaeh /0 511-11.11111y ic state, sold from •4.,.e,.. 1 ii,,'1'1!:.. 4' eii.ei,•,/,•41 ihiii rellirn.q1 'entire! bli• The guard at once took cherge 1" ''' • '''''' ''''''''" l'''''I a1 "ili ."I ''''''''.4.',,,' i';',;1111selew.-e: ‘'''''''kvelui jute their l'res. ,, ,, ,i.,,, ,„,', , 1 s „r si,„tro,,6„,r, of the armee:seem} lecael the ili100.1 1401111:. - . ..:a24,1 o 1., , 2 r•e•tt't tie reder il fir, I,.. tidies who Nerit: ill 4110 thijoiniti4 erilll IOW. 1.11elsay. The eetine, it or Lessee tery to with ie.,' erd Pa iersterelmiug itile•Alace.1.17,-slr The p:opoted RemoVal of --\--...-- ;i:',,,lit41.,." t., , ,..., i!.,.,,:..!,,,..; I 4,!..,14,;,..st,),- menet then celled die 11,'Ii'v uf the etefi'd hi 'all part:eal .• The tsitederwel hy el. len hay '11,, 0,0 (1.. r 117.7. r .. .2. ..• ...,.„,•••.. c.e.rp.....,,,ied the circumstance that sonar biuoa had spurted • , ...• • • ...,, , . :,,,...;.::::::(A,:i,:...:..4 ::.., 1.i,, ,00.1.6; :,.. 7.: ..,,,..,6y „Itec,,7):,‘,,,: 00001. 141%i ,.."4„ nsi.,,kw ,,,, to th.,1, 1.0, nib tutenueekremeoitii.o. ne abet . in pat ‘io i , , , sops. , -14r 1,14(.• 110 the 'right came from hoar. .4%1111tIt "WherA,PNA'1,. he," h'em t'lle "4114 01. 11,et pep ee.11,„.±0 " A ing rinu d'e 1"".1 1'.'"4'". j 1....°..re,1414-,ithi.",.4‘.1",•11,1 A7., . :.,,, ,, 1 zone taro that the itth,eortriiir.?:.itkco.;..e,,y1,4,,i. ittte7lw• , bud' Psinr14101 haai4t Olin 'a ' ' - ,,, , ,,e.e eeieetch feen•Aesevive. Tenn•. rvhie ' lied been vir:rkiii6, A , . "'""..:. ' ' ' '., ''''' ,11 " tile duvet rill 1 k f t , , /.,ell,e,,,e .,,....ci ea t -:: eV u 1 wt 11 '8p it • lt .s. reef :it ;;.., .1 traffic was's' re men i•ci n't Y ' I at 1‘1"00 &I.PQrtu4:-. m"n"...t • • ue tor t 01 implied prieniii le suieeee th,e, moteM thi,"1!),/,,it':11.1::',';',71i.1-41'.:,:,,,"ii.'1,s•tthim.:,7^.12,:Nig;crnd:01:1111.siictItteti,i,onteirtl.a,ri .L..• I 11.a •2••• •ks".) 24."1, l'"°:!'"h'.4 l'l "'eel. •W,ee at feeoll te the iloW iiisomi4li •e"" •I:r the Idoure tiov• roment in dee ing upon 'ern 4 re, ei eeede 6 4.4 "I• ter" tmartee'ilen• elf the 11.1. littO101111:111AT. A'a fleity"a: ;el to."1.::"iilltinit"::::!;••111!''ra:t11.1'.1"4:14ill:rt;11.1bna.-;m1.:T1':ot.riat': rriserfie, if thi• ref., 'it be etinect,ne (limb, with otter% Me the trofrr fr, on the .western .1‘,!;''i!:•:,`,,i..1,4 I.,;;,t ,,,,,"!'1..e:‘,!'. l..,' ',it ,A,,,t, 1 lie,:,,4,'r .11teei,‘, 7.1:,,,b:;,,-,v,,hiTi,l'f..:0::ifltithey:k11).-i:ii: jfred0Aver ltickei 'a pora•d a truce, Ina uothing is knoe n 4.10 'lie .it,11:i.!,;.;.,.....,,iii,:at,ti.i.,:1:r..:111..,,,..,,,2!121i,,,,,,,;.1. itc:1:::.:;,y.e1in,iii.1 ..(1,..:,,dr11.1 7111:4:-.;:tetti,i,:ftrs,:ts•irefoollepi..x.1,1 1,„t.osy:61„;tt.rui..,,,,12,Ji7:.,11;:::,.':..j.,1,:::::. litii.: at: 4;hiroteht.7ni::..":",.."19)07.1unc,4.,',;,,,t. „117141:11:,...::'::::ti:ti,,i.7.k.,:' •-*i..... ,wt:,ri,-witl...iy:it,I.:ier,,ii,11ii.b:ligi hi ::::ii-ilitcyt iinhit:ta:•:,,r,:.rifmtthheut:oo.,,,pea 4 . lyt'rrielo for the n•-•alars have Ireetyalteruly remaimiit nit they arc et pressen', not- '. "'it li'.41,.1;;',1,:i:,:che,:leTisillile;").i,i the -AM „raretuo nr, 4 .11,1 eal'I'itrh,71,101711nii:k" aisit.r-'116..it e:.:tv.aredliVillitiCilhbe1111i11:. 11!1•0;4107;NallimletKir'init •"1(i'chl'ily.1"4i." i0 Ri'ml 11.111r. al. II et F.0011.1)05 the '' ILI"1,.iiiih'1,11:tho.;.: 'rem.i:,:,,1. ,...111;:200.4:,11.1..;;Phforie:in::.,,,,eetltneuruid:; rwiLiti ifi,,,,u,:eil,,,nat iliir! thhaerd athenzepli de,a41 t.or:111.4 sii,;‘,., arid threceptai ter mirlions ef eancs. ''':. - a given pilit itt i few lieurteshould danger 7.,..'haii,:iitg to a latthat-hi e in 1114 WiliAt,•00. stellilt 1444 Vie. ' 11.1 bauk.. uf 1:11101:12 II:0,...,1001 1I0uer.t1 mezites thvt all tho N 'inlet Ilatell liOr /Ile rglirepall fit the chaii, • eeeldy remit,. sheet a. bee ie retell. .4 11:1/e trial,. in Canmla could be 1;011e..10041,,,1 at . °or,. ,,:, „L.., 2 , 4,.. 4., .1 ;,, „I. ,,, ,,,, ,,,,, twhittikletilifsaselit.,:rlintahweaby:Wedes, te.ou:ntdo.vdeeei,rilwre4.1..en,,r1,, ,ii..1,:nt.rkeweelle.er,,,.,..e...oct,eitele4ne,o;m4n,re.,,,Ii.eily(a.166.;; threaten an) ette section of cah.,13. 0tif1..r.1.,"ns,7 4 :;i:t,(!:4' ;,',' „ ,.„.„. 1 ,., iimileddi r 11141,1,14 0.1,11 LI__ jer: ,;;I:r,tri,i,:;,t;',*.'-:14,,,,:.:,.' i,:''y'l,4.'i '1; ..:711 (H:.:::' ill,,::1,, ir''''‘,:P1,f, ;1 41:4'.r.: E:4;,a4:..,14;:1‘‘41::: 'I.:0'11:C: '111.:ii-c4ieis: :II i firii:fiw:4:40):.:111,1ii*letwhi;ht:::rraiii :wir:irirrtetat:hliftue'lsa,:01"1:(1' II Lit:ohc:, ,shr eaw°,17.:‘ rear::1::: rtoesifti a ,,,,1 up.W....eol te_..vieirry. , dere ewe, July 17.- C IR11111,1 0 , , „ . i 1 Nei 1,,,,,,timn tme4.,11itcha..1.04nerraltrile....icunteelpirteaaeureidosotfietdm.b,,mor.piti,is::: ...\1)11781.1:1•U"1171;AV;441141.LISe I; c;"11"i'i31-1101114'.11.7K'n..11 M4. j' im 111. 11"' '''' .1 I'''''':' "" . h.". the . .. 4.111. • 141144/14 a tl IIellr I`, .1 f it? :I, lb .'.11, .1 honorary 1 1.,,I,Tme,e.:ino•yopsilliPs,,:rvoi:•brerlyurer.fre'stilt retel..reanitigy,.. ' 1 lie sdovtion ill deserthcd the wound over. the- left, ,getre,, Wing „fiiiInh he Da1,1 • t hr.the ',melee - 'meteor) le tee ' lia. eerier 11.....eptien Com. in ile4,114.11 1 P .....1, ci ivirklr we Tay 15114.1teio eftroM (1,..111, stigivi.nu- ,,,,,,,,,, /I a 4•74 Mete We.' e imil...1-.4"terhotw",-.?,.._ saa"l'a-a"*.a.•"44g", , alai by Ih• etia4rt•,,r,1 sea;:,,h0...ifbetheni 11,1:0, lwi,v1,'“,i,t1,,,(11,orliencii:t1 haLsplui,,,..gmai,..t,hura,:.;:r.,• 1,11,:maii,01.11,4,,-,e.,...,necini 0,11,,senc,,,,,i 2itti,ilkiiit ax.c3k0,111:1,11:111;r6.1(ity.:1:::11'c".end:1"1*.frit;i61,,hai ::1"...44:1'..„1.‘",rda1,41".7,1:11:::4'17,0d1a6,00Z.,,,thendOlpeent'n'e00; ,e ,, .„. I, . eppi on feel re.4.0, 1 , the enemy,. ir ,,e h,,,, li,,,,,'„,h, .e.1 ve 0.; lino i.. ,,.)A‘ivid se imp el the iiihaborahti. There were 0 tolerit I 1"i tli member of the ' church.' are the - The steelier Nitrate hie ari ived. News the anfortoinate man show any , signs of acn, . ability ; an eld femele reread eelled It. b 1,-..,.kedii,ni,4,1,1,11 11,1:...01,er 111 1itt:.'.1•194 Whii41 1110.& 11060 we'd,/ Tfaided, 'Ifie doctrines of e hieh Client, In conwiritence of 001 Seriour, (-solo on earth t•-• pr.-neh ; and works. iti, , "Suf. irmeteel 14 received that eilver, and there was a AiIver 11111.11t box ht ivis . cone pocket. Only once, it is theught, riot tiet•IE:tl''i'le:YiltP:11.1`I'lln,c';.:1::1111"1,:t'i,'2elc'r•lii,:.,h,",,t''',1 ttr'Irth:;,41t116.17itenin; --dhilcaft7eint:1:71,:,,hyde .kinetTtibei nsegvogyireem:e,,,':hieunitliidaTil. for the preservittioa ot the rove, 04,1111 the • &ill. No one will ever tic,e.jva yen .0.,, ing' ,Th!","itabull."' ik.". "Alr; i" 4. %hi 14 th-it (*.Mot came to rehears menkint ; met mertilig on 1 Iiii,eley to mike ortan,:wertites Imee. Wee% I hhht you fully 10 ureleistanil pi, re;/,,,,,, s stre'al Corti Ilsrperlf name, nod a alight trembling moVement of tie Se 11001111'1M fee leeal mit.ertertes keel A 410.7:...0!":4.11.1';:r-i'oti,atiinJU-eh 1m." trIeLnulhoef %rime* 0-engtininy. attetnpte to dieturh it he regime.' th it even, biiO4,1 you the Word of 0,41 open in hi, b"gjtfhl,:::,,e1,,,01:1114,rest.:rj,47,,,, ;to: tY., "...was - his iitonement to full and eudionint for ihnee !Let tr:11,,,,i,..::,:aelf:er,r:c,:0401,;.1,..a..,i.ii 11::::41,,.•:‘,851.4, ianisi aciii:eniareamate.krniiditienift,wmiiehm:::::,:re.ir j.„.;:.,11i is Uniree. it4 removed in a littet from the 1011in/ intoltienitd, all P•blic It°111" W0r9 ""lt" rree'l"r" a'"" h1-.'1 '" hand with ft."iilinintheateterni:rtee"fthheeernifreitinh; cit.!' ' ' Ram and. in ord.? t,, ps,„„„, ste. mob teem wee haat* the everIestine truthe of the .1%.endiester, reerrii in peel order, before a. tavern to ItO 1 ee st Ilockney. 110 do.d mlosof Rt 84* tiolock p. m., in nheelboico to It'e therl i "4 th::" .7.1.r, Chril'ell rei• thlecrat,-.rif:yitie,,,af.tiimrmarmleds oar,ebufitAhL:riimigefeing. wool ini•flrnoimJILeti*Sui.nteleta,:t.w,e0kit,eit.amitaitui.th,igehllii,•:Thell 0•11:01irii:eeinwedw itila.thihee m0441Y:'"0":10):er'0,4:::::: .1"e" who Preseh iiii "tirt ti°"rimi" oll lea ratite ry eff thr 6-14. A poriion Of wwielemtl lt woe 110011 Milt • watch had heeo_1110 reorient magietrete. The A rtillere were ,i. had been broken shore riff the link or hor,k, And *0 VI" *RI 11" .,*".P"ndi'm whie/r- th:111.14:11vYi4rald'eniurderr'"*""...7.1.2711:1**41" cir . ----........................_ 1,,,,,re,r,,,ar-,4 a wenn ree•roi". t''theY*111"011 ift•elnu, hewn re or, anie, .srisieill.:fiLI:h14:Oft.: .wditaiRtet.Letconpr:ket. lee Whar eols400 " P - ual• " 001 . . . . on the cora at Prescott Ihe ether day • Eter, eree11111,4,11 hee bern. Miele. 10.giee. the 44....mth,„7:keirmis;,teal:iiimiatiiein:: Rnme,:ard ..4....14:::•::::eubmi:::11. ..p.,,,,,, . two, r. Briggs, Jr., indereitied the stick ! piece on Thitredisy evening. fie terrified ,,, I wore the coreens et la,W, t" 1' • en teti It pet es so may Walitary WM. all ibe Aops sad rid likes Dearelwario. P., ;end Wylie Wred4 11101, deserter. T.,:e, " look out" 'thought be love. , 41:e t . the '1 y. , an noo ye tnaun mug t s me in. :lid bee. Mer l'ort 'Is lie ue•ehoil bi8 eye on hif wife 114 'vainest for an answer; beg as she seemed cher meig y ..'uneorieciees of his 'leech or pewee., Im uttered • heavy peseent, and ineeley. retired to an open desk, Aril which rosoll bittst• aerenvi ot heir' neat aceeunt hooka. There WW1 fiti air of rir•ilAund stillter:sa thorn, alter a lone interval, WOA 'leo Ilya seare . lick as truliah etopthil an air I tl t t . it: u iii.•• ea:nine-lb w if itwie ' ' 7 ,. , gl 1,‘ OM 4 i. r in4 i.61ehre '`I thii lint,: domestic sto a; ! gait !'' While we tiold that Mr ../Icl.ku- •• general Pr, eitkry.--;Wiristu• hi .y r, . wrewly fOrte.int-n it henAliss Deborah S well was uele reel into tbe more • If was on iblr departmental offiter; we ..1,A,,,;, 11v7ii,i•,..,e,,,,•,A1:!th Xo.11,;,,,3;la,;Lyi',,,CalLie,:,...•:, rely admit that he would ncticr do le Piet - i • yi ' t , , .1 i ; . Ei.y 0E01 AU I. 'III ; 1'1011 1 ,tle Aillsoa416 Mow etpireeeli had peenel tha . • hem epee', shoe cited hoesesete, mem eh, p'lles • model Or ennsihtetiey, ' •Nevert he- 11:elt, 1 II i it lli•clor Me w, 11 th': 1,:.:Z1.• . weJifing Imes, *he nevertheless pieneeillel lee , it is, a gre'at pity that lic ishouil !rive. l''''111 111'c'''.12411' - ' . i. efruherieo jily ,f she ei,uhl only twee le voice bee boacu :Inn Itooe .-eeonuill•Pc.,t;.•• 1. J : 1: ha i soother eatiplee love *Tare. Nature 'had at am polls ky o 'roorrot r:e,, ; . . 1 oriel .•I'. ; Aiiiie kl. I iord......1 .7.11-: 1: lee „ ;14 oeforrie4 her wilt • ' superahuildenee ot Airy' moment when the British.. he 1 4 1 1 " N bio nen the Ink and jiver,' from. hie vale& beauty. Her rigid fieure, tall end 1.reee j, 1 • e - Is ite ei, et, • • 'There. Mre. . he Peel, approaching les latest feshions.• A pair of gold rimmed nee straight; was 'torments's resit!. relent in th ncra u :ding ein a upou We; 1.4 1. I •ng buried i I di "11.- 1'4'1'1 Nifi-el—se("" ' :Cr t : Mai elute )11.1,eneelerti, 1411.; nd entered u a new era of harmony 11„t„ -,A (i„t„„by, 7111A Ilary Pellock nd brotherly e. We do not know *I inuot:iy ; P whet Course Mr. eon intend/. to puesue, „ otal number, 25. fter whet lins happy but mie ihing is.. _..slioomno.,..,, 1/sEiX certain : No nem or sp. it; end . 1 r Ii?own 11 hiss, in %rein', et u is not deficient in tide re t, can think 4" Eh' °hit' K47. 41"Ii"" A,,tslosto E. Met Ireeer, let in I Univ.., get I otherwise than that the ido thus -given piints dircctly to an irre'parab breach it; Graf Pa Prrtd. iersey-lo! wife, bare finale. /444e4whila, hut *ben taeles coutcaleitilier eyes from the commie. a shall I get the mural in - ,grate; her hire were perpetually parted in a Seating his diminutive figu his dreary mew, especue a/ow of !early tet te, , wife, aref fil.ing hii pipe with I fragrant for the po acsoioii of which her envieue .• weed, he began to puff fortherenting haustible donde of erneke until .0„;./,:.;1--Itactors ilaela• 1,1 eke was indebted te the rejtiste skill. The led), I•arf just's' ived Coon *broader' in a bind hasy mist. limiter, where elea Julia liosprightly 'Ali l' he gm twee as he leered mill more h en m•Orliit4 for. revival months. With vigorously at fliA pipe, 'obeli /hall I get the *ewe , . r motive! relative", and el c,m,se y 11 ghe becalm immediate topic of Mies Spice• 'O. exclaimed hia wife, with sudden' am • we1,'s co, Z•rsatio (nation, 'cone (W.' 11)11t Tien daueli 'Whet is it?' cried Golieb, promptly jump, after the hod comfrattilit ing to the ltd. Al hi, porde *ire. • and )101. hi4d 'There 14 Mrs. Titmouse, ft.,' pursued the, eMet Julia 1 maid the delieht.. lady. 'Where?' '1 sere melded '1 4044 invited, Inrihre• will, my ceneie d 'And that, in a new bonnet ehe liSS on,' hie yottliturbride, to a tradesmeuS bale' re, continued his wife. plied Mimi •Spicewell. 'Such • totiliant ekh anal Coliah, feebly. autemblege I I was in a rapture of delight, ' la it n'ot • duck ?' asked his wife, Meg Creep ightly, Steleenly a ferm of grace - blandly. ' aid beauty met my gaze. We 1.-Wilie4 at mid duck/ No. It is • finnerete replied me:oiled each other. .Sho come towards oli•sh,. in a kind of meetal aberration. me at once. eleepine my levee 'asked me, in a eatery voice, such A Ilidilber of most breve one like it,' sad his wife • : said Miut betweeu beisell ther,- wit 'A ed the - whether verge of 'Mr, 0. v Jestic frown. sweet tmeatiotta, that .1 WA/ 14114044 01101, prompt thiciaion, 11 in *Mate of wife?' shout- eheiliel pi them. Who shietild it be bat ' daughter• -your euelmatrees 1 title man, aglrakt. •1 sok agams•-uw call her,w.dear kV* I' ur vanity boa driven you to the A glow of maternal pride gave III more rtibireirel (eve to ?qrs. 4:04prIghtly's round, iteritteil Ow' h•IY, with • mi. Int iihi:iiko, WI she dropPed her kiiinieg, and i turned her merry eyes upon her visitor. At . Goliah instal returned to hie pipe, ouda that Monient I iminh entered the parlor, and hid hia foie belie . chat! of smoke. - • saluted Miss Spieewell with • corkscrew twist 1 'I Irish it temed be He, wife,' he begen, in of hie all111 holly. • dismal vniereaftet a I g panee; 'but reflect, 'J ill ia r echinel the delighted Mettler. my demortutt Mideelion le ix about. 1,0081 ' Yes, Julia,' re1011104 Misr . Seitemetli . illetbe Mit_rdy inhaletente, a tbey not all full 'ecstatically; Mint 1 man assure yoi I never of the mod robust of health le this breezy. beheld a more lovely kited ors poet's -dream : tattle avec ideated aid. seer - ' I' --ettge-enteir modem prwett,atirtntaTte2r0"Ertlireirf not even the wheepinetritieh or e nieralea.. of form I' Iler voice. so MnaiCal ar,d soft and /Sven Met very water commas& me c.o.' and her conversation so overflowing with pensive resteretive quality, and I am left to`texu• iate sentiment I 1 think the little vren teld me on the !remelt points derived trout itt internee she hall been absent tick.. you nearly a of sit dell, antornerse . year. Mrs. Goepriehey dropped her knitt el, :11re. G.apt ightey folded her plump hands needlea in. her capacitive lap, and, sinking in( leelltionally ris she liAtem•il 1.1 her visitor'm a mote recumbent pooling, gave a formidable ehereeniesi stfpiri, ill f hoshand Id I 110 alone 'aim , .scretcheit his heed thoughtfully under hie 'Ali,' pursued Geliah, '1 ,am the m.•,1 br a wig. revertible apothecary that ever.epread • leo, • honkht I was in the presence of en ter. I hoe • wife with the icy temperament "OA 4"1144e4 Mee SPimeelh 'and when af a fiea, whif.t an ineverd tire is constantly she left Me to join her partner, in the first burniiig ep my--..' ant of itoe'itee lee, I felt ea though—. 'Liver,' suggested Mrs. Gosprightly,dowun. l'he lady appeared to he searching for a ily, 'No, madam,' earl Golials, indignantly ; *II gin:It:II her' heMi tosneperted to Geeenland, p the refined and Ilelieute feel int. of mY mimeo. "aart'd 11''' rh"ari• . My lib, is • eeetineei tor,,,e„t, 1 „„, ' ha,1 Rudder, y remerged from trunlight into Pleitied- -Cobfounirl the pips 1 it iii out darkroom; continued the lady without notieing again ' the inlet -rutin to ; '1 elle obeerved, although mnr ri),,,,T,nri.tiy .4i.,d har portly fiowe she h•sd nomeeona R.,,lieMations, ehe danced into a more contiortable praition, sad efts, only with. one Tonna gentleman throughont two or three preliminary yawls, cloeial her tin tali" .Ye°4"11. 4! class ; good (-helot% be h.riii„.1 we bare en.j.,yed et, auch I I th ; l'areent leraz,•r, 12th. brief ipece-of time. The following the 1,..41. N'1707.1„C,.:‘,7111`..,;": first article the (ilohr in which .)1r c- ' , • ' • . Total nue• rbee, DougelTs defeat hospokeri'of. It express. J %MI.'S TI10411'S11'4. 1P14±7 11P1,--9;ieelll Prii.o. es much regret at the result of' the rice- _ Lydia Morti. aid Catharine Sullivan, fen- . 4.1 inentier, in wining, 4th boo', ; Mery lebut 40eli oot .Iiitit,at the %/reefs Rind) .4".3, ',,i,,,.;4,0;,.1.t in writ iv/. Sequel.elass ;• ., may flow frmp it : . Adeti. 11offroiS, griorfrondact. " l'r"1" 11''' 1."1"rna tia4ahrd c'ne" her° it I. niti.h4lien'iti!ill Ne-r:11kh 441".1.1:4Ntilirr'111.1:214h.71.1.13,Ttn: , :ill ire iiemi. that Mr. Mellott tett hue beertile• --ei „1..,.,,,,ettl'e iili„:4 ge,00.,,,,th ;4.:, ,l, , noted in North (Maio hy a majority of elle e Niisrei,, Ittli • . ery kepi:full, Ieth ; Peter ohm. maitre/lb:nein aul deeps -egret at this litif- . ended. We Orin old atiempt to ,e••••nial )4(., ..i.,,,r. 1 1 lb. . ,, , . suit. Me kitow well the peenliar- ebonite.... 3rd ilook.-Ade flolvses, 1st ; Delhella' t.i.f the consliturreey- the bitter petty epirit Nalmeth, 2i1,1 ; Ch. I a McIntosh, 4tfi ; Inch lies prevailed in it /Once last election nova A mann, eth 7 -Sot "Welker, elle. , -the keen hostility iewsisting between lite kited Clail•-Airees ,trt.,r. 14 ; r' 11', leiends of the two eandidatese-and the pure...alma lemo h 'th • C I White, fali ; ly personal 111.411011 Olt eases Mr. Cameron Mary Ann Weise, .601 ; Tho e . tun erne has 0..444 sosi Obtained los stectioo. Ws 7in ; Jelin *Care, 96 i Jam e Thom.,,n, are will &were of ell this, hut we cermet sice 1 ith. letal nun, r, 21. in It say justification thr the result of the -TirnItt. 11Y 14164 •111att plecti,m, We cat only deplore that for the mice of grille, ill portITA li leclines that have , Wort,11% been eirnmingtor the last yea a minority en'arraef Pr"..,-ficinwIlf•-er",ter 01.4" of the electors of NOrth Ontario and their Lac" 1 ate"'"1, la"e 'Mel h'-''''""! '‘it. • eandi.hit,•, showd have closed their eien to Milliti:. Elizabeth Gordon, -Mary teituteke ,1,111, easter Witter interests Arkw.,..4....‘y their !10,10:„..al-aVillaue.Choilitimb-K*Tr . erdet. Hod the onion et partem re.;,,,,tiy `•r"'""' , formed for a great nati•inal object been it, stein memos -arse casisrixt . SIMIAN pe , , ' y t e e eetore, we could ham _ Genrrof Projciency -John Keylor,Zietn• understood perfectly the . vote they have ton Hick, fie°. Stood. Jane Wad 'button, g iven ; but knowing. at WV lkohat the emelt ...niece elerrey, retheriniefhinomn. E,irelieth of parties aml the pelicy Relight to be carried --Sharp, Gillier I Willem, Mary 306.110, Maria - out arei heartily and Almon unenimonaly evel Eliza McFarlane, Juhwelereser, Elicelreth ,10,,,,I hy /he peotille of North Ontario --and Welker, Elizabeth Dark Timothy )Itahany, that the 41141. importance of the moiement to JAS. (beer. . . ' ' 1 all the people of rpper Canada is etroggly , felt -the result does very much netorrieh hit, . arceaTnerrtslo1r..NtRa melee motto te. 1 A member of iii Government pleaged to obtain I irserol Pr9firfencer -James 0.,,Inn, diet jratice for Upper Canada welch she hes . ‘1,17.1„,,,i''. svi'r.ft'',.‘,:k1,...a.A4.7.,A"71,..",,,,,..1171:',IAL"I'N'''.'n'll AO long demanded in vain, ill mei al the polls hy an arneed aripporter of the Name OoTern.,„eon, Orrice n.dr,rd, 11,,,.., cotorieh, 3.ihn 1 m (Litho Margaret Hoes, 'Sarah S. Elliet,elery . ent• "4 "cism" ' - " it^thrn rng.-1 g° .1. 11,..i, 'loomed Trainer. Jent e Melealane, " for the Government iffesenre-1 rah pro. N , , st ..,...,_ 0 asOrriwwo. 111010 it better than tbe Provincial 'Meer,. "init " tary -1 am 11* trite repreeentetive of the WAIT 11M1001.-11,1114 Lownwneew. I . th.rernment policyls-1 have ftlweye been fr.,,,V11 Pri4r0,01.-S^Thh .1• men*, 1 ., tr.. tn it -retnrn mo 2" 1 hot much en 47. Cotharine Shaw, J11151ell Reid, Christina Me - peal should be esecessfnl, in defianee of the Kay, Alum Jerre Mrstrev•o W illiv, Fd*ard injertnim moults that might flow front it, Doyle. Itobine flatten, florae* Henry _Mann. proves, we antimit, thst tortmanehip al more ma7 E. Parton, William c Coe, William potent in North ()Mane then patriotism. hIchey,Catharine Jane fiaundere,J. Mitchell. l•e e .1 MOM the petom.c. frIVOIS trustworthy aource places their OM. bars at abort 28,000.