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Huron Signal, 1864-7-28, Page 3
Oarbialdl at Isohte. A correspondent of the Loudon 7Sntes, writiug fruw Ischia OR June 27th, says The mouse of Our.l.ody if Loretto never had so many Nestor, nor luck worshippers, s Garibaldi has had during the rest week ay after day the crowds have been ;Muriel/ to trona Naples, tied hent merinos till eight o'clock in the r, eu.ly, when the general gore t, bed, he has been bekisaed and ewbrsecd OA urdeew„ltul was L,•lore,- But 1 shall give you a better idea of • tate t,euty of affection . ,d'aduntiunWhich 11.4 manifested ttielf*by despribie,-the 0vel4ls of two or dilute dila. 1)44 T11111rduv last (vribuldi enlreled.much pain in 11:s (dot, 4140 ennse,lueoco-111141 101 1 1. I,ectedeeof the Laths. • I' 1eves more p .l4eewoul art ive'h with heir euperior, 444441 the pl'ople were very ind44tdaut ata a4u+1141 w1icb, pre haps, was intended merely to leap order amid the general excitement which pre - 0.111 here. Mom "C11UCKAIN OUT.” Among the first-claum restaumata lu Baton, is rote in S Street, kept by W . Among the visitors who entered this place this Spring was asemi•elerlesl looking gentle- man, who adored up a boiled quail, 10141 . PROPg7RTI1:7B. dozen fried oysters.. Wbil, diacuuiug these , TUE l)i1:11f11 (OF 1'U111.I:; laST11CC 2. o delicacies, fie touebed the bell, slid requested Twit for the County(Hdrou; will meet waiter to rend the propri,Itor to We,. The B1' VIRTI'E of powers of ale contained meth' • waiter timpliu41,nudatow moments afterwards ' iu certain Mmtgagre, %bleb will be the aemicleric.l looking gratuities in coy produced at the Salem. I Court Room, Coderich, coIlt u with Mr. W —e. about madras and • "� w ) r_.._.. I216 day of i.. -...J 10 A 'WEDNESDAY dr^ URSDAi, 1f 71rt1re u'e!x'A, noon, the 11)'11 & 1IIl1 11a4iof:August;14'x.1 AUCTION j2fl EXAMINATION FARM a•AND \MILL SCHOOL TEACHERS, with •you, and that young marl I ease you sat an r.ltereoti.,14 u'llh, uu }'Inlay, evening last?' '1144 cunt:ala1J a bili 1,1 I181 amwmt of two Jell:us, and thee refuted I0 )w • up.' 'Arid w 1,411 41.11 )114 lu with pay Chucked hie out of doors.' 'NuthIug else';' '• " Gu Fr11.14 m.aying,'at ♦ leeluck, Gari• 'No; guiug• to jaw doe't pay. 1'44 -here ldi wua t0kra 14igher up the village to the obtained leu do'lars worth "(money by Means 4141,1 Bel term.,kept by %+euua,, *44141 was ul'iiti{nti'ut would have C411elswe3 teu dollars formerly, 1 believe, e„urier la 1.+111 ton. worth of (line.' • Ae hal searc.•ly arrived, however, i ,J.ret - rad '1 Ina ail yet' d 1 is tibulk hid( out, as vu. n little after his bath, *lieu the tn` IIllu. l 'eay'f' for it 4i''wn f•(e day, Ingot to peer in, MI `favi',i all.'\ so -they cuutinu1J to du. 1i11 Ian: straight.-- "11'11, 'Iwt'U147 Lea wits p1aa,Lut 1 doubt Four atormerl, eahinating all the dexmra lir il. By ills way, what kind of awes have you comparison azul leaving •nothing for ibe got fifth, erriveld early fruitsNapl s. }:vary a :1' d•nlsn atticlo•of ileiJ,icl:- 4i yea• donkey was tales and happy they 10lI t,cou!, eau lin iu this city. • Will you hare. a get auv• for it ant what we ebn44ld 4114.1 a pre.. Leith " fllg tut Jay. ' '11,1 his , u171.1. li el now a '41,e 01111 u oldloa,ayd thatis,thut you will lar 'e Italian 0..1 44)4.1..,4 sac .•r it, if le auti- ., .0 111• ,m it.' ILlbititla.' Y luta, situated, CealmarlJ4 a uyt'ullicent view, '111111 p11.41 •, sir.' • and enjoys Prue air; and holt* vu the trellised The ball was o in tinkled -ea while ji1ket n loggia before it, the general ogire0 his appe4rcl In *11', ,• rem/.—lite ikhitp Jacket widttglg. Crowd alter mused they came, fur vuahmol ed. In a • ut'the white j en re. the first and only .bought of ail un Liebe; apls•.red,btl t w4 in attire, *opals u )u voile acemc4 o 1.3.8 Iwo lu Sotto the ahrtne.414-. the OA,"r. Th, 044', was t.oure,1 eat, duly eJ, .quickest pua.ILleway.u -' Dam( 'tare Jay bis and disp ,,,ed 01. :In u 4,w ui .lose., utter 'second son, I:lotiotn, at, iv. d, Irma Gm4u.., W-4beg,:e14• be eteti .J,u1.J Left les hit and a hearty embrace was }.(en by father 101111 1.) fiui di up t! • quell, 1 :1e 1• ice olid euilke lea. � n :vela And tf, the b..r• 1 u'na. " I*y ;real ga,.}furtut:",the licyio arcane,. "_11.12..,... est '1 fled u little w.tt4:r to dip toy it passe- tl.n id!atal,' was approached by S. fru air?' a all boat w1ic'1-1..0l tum est aloft sat halt 'di 114,' 444,14 buil tl,re by the luu:iug on pard olio lir the ezcuraio" 0t••uni,•. s mil' g'44,'. , alio landed him ((in .Isrf,;a. Nuttier; could 'rhe stranger crossed the room, and took a eacc the interest i4 watching the people 411 wh n.,b:1•111J Up his wh4.lrrs) KJiu,te.I Leu they eased iii tp *pe the general. Some while era47It; an114• d:4' inure beugkttr lbe.pr coma' veiling,' sumo pa's with rm,1iuu, praetor., some red wit, excitement. The look. sat •Mr, W.—;have really enjoyed thyself.. I absolute dealt; in on.th4,, tacos were. eel4'184,1 1,reeullect alien 1 have erre ltuehed touching.. 'there wore Several,' I. ■ . told -.wine and yietil with a greater ant'' • wile had walked eight days and- nights tor.. happy to Leareruu gay tl..' the poeral, and as they went out they g bbtd 1* a af'm-rtbeef the hold reps•/. l have eoneyb.cely, Vze!aiwing, "Qurl ,graade!' .un i telt farm town:.' 1 'Thalr,'ot man P Dunug the dry it is cal 'WWI( It r•g 'ciliated That IUUO were presented, mid (ian• 'ina'l aisal.' beldi kept saying, 'Nu, don't kiumy Lind; ;Wbatf yaitias the bnn'/s.uf the elicits; nuryet my 4'6uck me rut.' 1.001,' b: added,. its true wan 'saluted the wounded seemlier, `thew who sr, fo- huh the *Yee J „ret meati to tray 111'.) 7.14 have Leen at/Ia.,/ w•" • back always remain se, awl never cdwe' ' 11 don't mean to sly anything else. I Lave straight 'glint., ' , ' ' • 1 not got the firm red 4448 ; and if you want lav I' 0.. obi lady produced an old dueling•, -lir for\h, e141ail• oystera a.4 wwc• 701 mut J., Garibaldi's, *eying, '-1141 geueral,, 1 (meld it AA 1 w4,1 before, 'chuck mc, out. in your room 4.1 must have -it to keep, for 11'__ cudd'bear 0o mute. Ile- made u ewer.' Ile laughed heartily, but gave the, mush t, the liteken to get the cheese -in taweb de*ireJ relic. While he was (,haat. 010,e0133i clerical tricl.J " r)uriag to whole of flip owe s hue hsl)d `1411 out at the side, and when dual seen naw wail pla nog, Nil, must 044'41,11540 scene 1t• rusher,/ smith at 14e rate ,. f fourteen 44llele it, WILL )) l'"lir. Thew4r ret andc0l wNh el ire of '1 :n' !' 1 •1'11- �w ala( r.Vittorio I - \ li riha!di. '11 dM bet-' • Emanuel, the gi?ge!eelr4`b*th. people!' All ANTS•—The'eity'ot Atiinta c•mteine followed by a itilWlutle cheer. the tees?. alieut 20,060 iallabitante, 5000 1,444 big W t:: or a •e ilia was over by3 u'vlu"k but added by fka r11at4l - ovetnmel 1 t ei,i,C- tios, r4,pt a, .�+- x g not rite excit•"ment of the people, for. in the u4ce the wat began Thr, s- mate ralrawd, eveof8g boat-!.41+came over front Pots .!i, diverged (rem it—Frown to.1 batanuuga and the islanders canoe uv from Fora and outlier north ; the ('''.14a road, running rust lecbin, and thorn was music amt .heetin�,u,J to 1'Iwriertt.u. and the read on t... •..wh, 0o s'eep. On-.iatur.147 burning i' had a which 1;04.414u that leading to SI long eunverlal un with the lleneral, who Wu aid 1'ensaa141_om t4,11.11111111•114.1 ...1 4 teeth in. bed, and was unable to )art his feet 'ln the lunnirl tl"eugh•hiseriu to Savemeit . 440 the* roved. The wound was .lightly roviwbed; southeast. The rite is laid ,sat lir. a cireir,� At tho Huron Hotel, 10 1111: TOWN OF GODERICH- LI�T No. 1. VainJble Mill proper() in II'ulrest 1'.•81 .. the N0,th 1,41440 3.1 1.8.1. Ni,. 1.1 -1 `40th r`sneesion of the own nl, . 1 4,9m,n, )'oyoty 0l li,u4e, aJjuieiu,, ivy-(' the '4,lI 4e of Tie Amor, -c• etaiumg *ivy- [ three three acres, one rood ant four perches of land, m'lre or Irss4nn which ale ereclr4 • frame Gilt SWI, ,o l MU,- SAW Mil, and a I frame I las. Iia4•L.u..ee, • ' ' r4O',1' tiO, fmprovod Farm in \Airoanack. I.ol No. 30 its the First COU . 4.1 84011!4 sat lbs Dui /MO (toad, is the 'I'•awes ;pol'Green. oak,Cuuuty of Brute, adjoining tl Village of Rieerodale, eontaidmk'hfry acres , of Laval, mertrnr leas, of "Aid, r)..'.t Sista u scree tare chivied There ,1:e errctu41. n 1,tr I,ropcify 4.40,1144. 4 1.w,,, a..ealf frame bm.diu,;, nod afire.. 4,444,x, - TE1 M13e ' 1 0 e tcntf of tar p4 c.: rr 4..'y to b.• pond du t; fir balance, tu.os' a..4 he wuJe I kW) 1 Willie S. !0. Tor tie the( j,attieulura 1 .49.17 N.A14.\1'711N1:;: eq')., H'4., .%trn,nrlr flak Dwuldo.. . G. .TItUplMA`:, Auetluneer. Jslr•16th, C1. • w231J RMAL ESTATE 1 ' ('f I r.' ' _ . iLq 1- . 14( 'rl•IIr•,..'ly PUBLIC .A [ • "PION ! •.0 4' Wednesdaythe. LOth Aust � perbals through the act, .f 414, Lett*, bol t'so *'si:e/ i i 41..r.t ler. iI (,rpt `elm rur4 1.gether it is going o4 well, and bra gel�taf g 40.4 1 Ont 0Y .0,Nv. 11,- a aro ) <<. t •.l Ire h n excellent. Indeed, lie 'prime ;Ib, the tu,ehlue she; s of the .pr q,ul raf'rnyJ1 Ikea stronger and ynungrn*tllmn be WalkI tbe'm.st'exlene,4e 44441 • ua l III *he $',* *b. 1) ISO, • the events of wh en -be deep with t (.?airy s, p ':o,•and tan. tall -rent, *tr., 'ell:, ,04,1001 I Ow }ranch, I�.e:bu us were, hnu;hte To F I;1• rt.., as the comostly 1i EAL .`zi .Fi II OP }'lir the llurprw ,•uf K.N'awiuiug .443.44. _ dols w1.1l1.1 Lireu.ct to Irnch. 'I'hw1., 1wt/hint,lir81 or !Aird claw Iirer,sea aid be t' icxam411e1044 Weili.ewl11y, and &twilit 'kine • on I hared.,/.. The examination will begin 1 Il.dav pr ..i•ely'a1 10 o'c!oth, A. 'I., br:t) IN fore being admitted wan etneiillatiuu dal• I,did.taa will hare to pru4w•r write -cams of go6draoral diameter, signed by a cle;Y)guat I or Justice of the Pester. r•-'. - • . . .Ili . Fust end "'.:,lid class cctli!ieatce • I g-a-8eti ''4.4 to Ill', mbar, I. hit. 40.44 ivy .1.1,11 411 11.1 Ii..a: 1 record, unit '14.u!a•l, . 14oWiug ILr *Sue aro 1.44`)4t otr,l bei pit.:Ill .14'..4401441. fur re 4 Camin4pu4l. (-14 *141)1, J,dy >tb,' It. 11. It1TC111E, Teti 1. 1 t' i:ccr011:y. 0':3 11 • ^'� btt•LE 01' LANDS. tiFiEIIIEl . 1'1.0..1 (dams'.. I� BY: urmd r a was ,.4 Iluro.. and truce, 1'ruddtuu4 %pone" .0,1 To wilt •�Fieririlemet.rr leeurued' our alter NL, I...1 '. rout.)- Cutin .(1 {'un.•.I t •.!ua •..a 11.111 And l{ s44J l..,e ,a a •1 • ac.otuethe .d• ., I t.1•11,1111 a,� t la I ,-N t•. u'J Job41 F' I 4• -•4 'I /dull ti!<tl_,l, t..• t , .. !ant 11, DWI I.. INC . 4 - bat .41 04 LI u I 11411.6•. 1.4 :7 in 11., 1nu1144.1111'•.*4044 W the town - O ,4. w' •hap of Li;. tette*. In Ibe ('.w e 4 .0 Noma*' w ILr 1.404,. . tl.•nr.0, 0,10.14,4* ; w Ili 14• In44s '41444.1 4'.44 * 11Y..•,'l'l' IhMt.wn of U..J.•r.4h. u" day I4 :%I 4It.ily ''8 A 444 nest. a ! J L..ur Al eau,. „ the allrok. g u'a. ' . JOHN MA(I/ONAI.P►, • Sbtrlr, U. J: 11. dy 8. Pol.t.ry w, R) utv Sl I*. I adhrne ',thbrr. 1 .•k r, 6, t 2'nl, Ju;►, I'.,;* ' , w53 I i JOHN FAIR & CO. '..':• ••,. 1•• Eu 1111:01 ��{{ TT� NEW 'I S T 61-15-1E _,-1'I IJ T . Sprulj and Summer Dry Goods, L a• " 1 dirt. n . et 4, THE ' �N I ) ' SHERIFF'd SALE OF LAX. GOOD NEWS Foil oil FABIERsol,,..,,,,,,„,,,,eiti,,,,,,„„..c.,,,,,.) UY Y.,rturof a wrltuVi rrFYcwY�asout ,I(Ifi'1sop,t: )Sla)eay'1 Court 11fQwen' Bench and to olr dimmed sealant Lha 4044,4' ant .'n'a'me of Dante. 3lrCaulev. et the eu:t u(ya Saki, 01 Mon4rral. 1 have seised •uJ totes. In e rrc11tlun all ale 114)4, 4410. stud Iuler1a 01 tl.,, sal.! Jra•nouul sal aro to tau wuth hely.* 0l las h ytul/.. 31, 32, ,3 and :,4 in tho Arai cuss Wen (it !be Tea n.htp of Moan, 141,14 Leona/.' ae if, , 0Ull, 0441118'1.1111 I W. 1..44,1•,.1. 0, 414, VA 4lw xa Lul4Pn • thereon 1, erl141 ; * 444 * lard* sod tree- _: I nWhts 16/.811 oerr (or /are Y nay el6.•U a Ile 41.'4url l4nor,'-4 1Lr Tows, of *:,Jrllrio, ou TuT, that. 11th 1 let. ' 111h dar of ur'r Ia•r urt1,a {pe hw4 of rwesc ,a the �,.a, 000n. 3111I( N1.1(.1'ONAt.n, .,,d,II. ak rt 8) 45. P.•-IL-Ih•pt:ra•.' 1 $h.' d'.*w,. .'u, 781 't,. r •r 1,. , 1.1.'1'* 0 ' .-. .r r 4 BOOTS '.M SHOES • .200 Pairs Mon's lip Cobourg Shoos, 100 ' " D. Ti: Calf !soots, [Congress 200 - to Girl's Ca1f De S. Copper, Toes, 200 Misses' Cale Boots, 200 Women's Calf Boots, COAL ! COAL ! 1- A LARGE QUANTITY 14; 11ift' 4, I1 'ft- Dal. 0 • � ..-1 r •,46.84 CHEAP E A �� � � �.'•. C A'S N lla.oun4l.av, r►,n.. A h }I ./ , • • :t. • ,\ \ , • I D. K1rrr. Jr., & CO', . •a.k• We, .rA I:Jsv .1:11.160 sat' tt It +Tui'L V)' • .t we,. ..11.-e t , I; 0.,d 1'r.uu.' 1141•.1 :11 il•la l and Stable; 40 .1 axe gee L .. ; 1 m the *a.., •,.,.qtr „' nImr ,1.•114 !ewe r n• ,..:'ate 1'. L.J. TERMS MADE KNOWN at AfsE. Ito /111:;111 • I)ir,, •xnrunr •u, .r 12` eIA.- I reel �%'s ,e .tutor_ '-�,�� 40 :.11ert•x, ,. , t(,I e. It .0. e; but !time, id t.crupati to l Lyn ..1.1i .1 1Le•,;.aQnle••I,l Lau.. rolls Lx 1116 .!' ''14f• \t;. I.•L14''L f'" ed the pratedee 441 -It of the r a t n •)1 :1 a J "4 •11. nln 4, tu.I earring's, _ g 1' arils. pleat sab;ecd. of 4ii*(earano,;' , !., , . ,. .. •. etc. lir.`J.;:, a Iw.4 ' .;11!41 IT allwlet with muehy 10'best pr .l."t,hrel 4peeirl fr,rm1 ,.I It. poop a nga4.1 ra In at. 1he get.. . •• 44, t')3, naGid••, which 4)'i48t• 1111' itlou„ 41 yNndwd Qono``er4 o-1 22t; York,' .f a wr,1 sal; el the h.. 1 Munni•*1ul Feuer. 1) 44'o'ti Ft''Iss iwnied and r • 1 a!•ntinels, r.�.n 1t1-w'd : '41 44.r Me riy'a ('avail on the nil-" 'd 110)114 Colette, of Ilur.m and an,i'e, 4111. l" per dirrected *saute the teed.cud tree En•apm'1 \ 118 egg al the sell of Ile H 11rnl rttit l.:" .y bare H a'.t 1 rat , 1.y I: P, 814 14,5; t,_hl. I..• ■44'1 t t Ilya !del /rl . 4' 1.44 nuln•�,. ,.rt6 141.' ?ler hm u•. Acreir. 4m! • r• 110.130, a••mh este .4 Me,' ha'., 1 ...Tot 1•*'diet, ,%k' ncanl.i, i.T11t *44,, 6 h,n1. surf t rale et soy .dict miM('.I1,l 'fiw•.J1Y t4.. r0*. at the pour of ere if met, • " There Ore retnhl eh bnndkwthiefd, rt l MAnch• see., on which Garibaldi. Al the entr.t. •several of the National •1i 0p11001te ',dr 4e the guard house, pu tee w*h.,nl11* tare Ie n.rein rates' , n of, but the "mu trip 114,.1/. 1191 yi 'd it. •A ri,eular gam Leen wed or um Naphs,' said one of the N.t,,nta'a.4 4 Ne, 4, the effect that- a }earl of !tenor (ou:J Avert be aceiiiaeri 1i royallw ' 4441 44 it ,,ay no. kw win's i.e. *nit. flat ibatdi h r)1een sent to n ..I. (•ba. heaven, trot we 'II Ill J'./, all we eau to d.:n•r e'kr_7 • e. 1,wa,J 11 ' 4 • • eroed4ig up rel slot's rocket• Xfw 7. 4bbr1'US(11ItIt14. -Sherif'' bald of Lands. fit? '- alts, os Go honor "Nly pre.+ion it that *110 G.neral wi I . remote he m sin the 1 r 4r'r, and in t ii t r • terra! there 1(t bn tied to correct an thaas whirl' hale n Sen net so meth )Nom II•tile feelingn. fr •m t I ' g of the mart let and a want "1 A 41.4 -'%I : .•'t 41. 141 01 the 1nl.rne, and charioter.d,j it•",who uthe elreptiun efthe ceetu(41, ` • '• ' I'mtal1'• mrua.I) I,3T cnpnr et 11 Wad 04 Huron 'nllt,urc.})I Farlo1arnta-wualrnt - Peseta Pollster in Tnwa:- M tt.r Merits'. tubal/. t'en.t:bt the 1'44444 1'.nrnlre• M 16,'011 ■!NI nnn•r A 1", ye rhsz ter nrenrre 414\.184 lnncllr, 'e 11_.. mr,hrerterl"gal rte Ihel0,4,4. an.l tenement. A Im.h•wte on Ili • •20.14 Intl., 11 •4 bv- t.e '•(n Ir hnlend 110,.1-ll'r.oam b' N0n.NI 111 Ile 11,111 wa4l. L.f ilio Farm.!' I,ur4atie"A 1'(1110 br-,ug a lus0nh :41.,"..1 f 1 445 .411 lon•1 as ten a. 1. %, rte 11.11 ail ILr .nrh4 isle 1111,4 m/1. t. underm'ped by workw,en. )ti is m sated U4:8 ,.1 tie '..1 -d. r.•nJtm on' ' • d In L d. • thirIr or forlt of the namatee wire I!..' 1 lir• num!,.,. )4.n.l 19 m M,.• Finn r,,,, o814.' Town- *4nn1d.v1. }ore bodies hero been.: lu ,ln r,ut `4' 1' lir 1•,,•1•••• m the Cinu,ly ,) ftnr..,rdnt.mmwp tins fa'. The par"titian .wpn of the 14444. ti.,,,, t "• e' m• 1 • I:., 0 rnnd.:iO4len. n.rn . 1 44,11 ,•Ike wait ttadermine:l b the 1110 ,,.. ('r.ale.lrl'N Inli.•e o111rr•,yl l 11,,'"7.1.,,e,'" ter y 1 f ten etti,.L 1• .n ;Ilp•r,,• dq• mak in'g'sj•repal'ali•mtfor711' .tilt talueti'•n 1 :•,,...,,,J,,. r.; s,, nt 11,.• heno•el Ore of Ilio new heaters, that 'letting Mown all the 1444 lr .'. 1, noon. _ dear to tlierobf. - - JOII\ SL1l'411*`..1f1) The Isnot reliable accoulfN (rola ,the es v%•^'r47,111.4. R. 411ueleol Albeit vaso Sar*, e'4lde.lt hrmit, Rv?1 r.r.r...,ri,'i,1''''• 0b:•„e. women were kl1041. out 20 woo pie!. Th , • f6 14'8 Weho. r..der'. h, 4 ' , • wcrc 229 lunatic, in 1hr ai) hint The acrid sat )' 2•Irl, Iho4. 4 WS. - neeurrc•1 at :'.4 A thin •murrain.(. '1 he 1.. lief -was epporfdLy Ix , lumens. orche• way. '44. * 1'.'i,! rv.n tens (d children. Falcon bodies hive . \taken on*. _..• INCA!. °Vie 4, 4 '.. J•)I.N . Irl 4e " t; 4!r r:. 4,t July CJ, L -t1. t s Sheriff Salo of L :nds.• 11. h 44 ct- o30 trJ 0 ID 0 ELTIES OF TIIE SE-ISOS.' fL •. eie Ina t eutar' attention to ' 1.,r Wu.A CLOTHS AND TWEEDS, 1 `+ t , t uuntll.*era. .1111.4L :, 6a, I 114 a81J1.1 a TAILORING 'DEPARTME;,*T ! MORT-SA6t SA1E'1 u 111'1 . up 441, . i(.'urner rl .l,..:. ,ti ,r i,.1,t ercr1. '1 ltd ••r 1 ' ,-t • \IIRI,I VALUABLE PROPERTY . ' ' rule •h t , U\IER•r••llyealttee ufaPower ufSale • contnlnr• 1 it, n Mort 14,•e !nude by Jauw+, Slibtae,s, sal 110 1:.x14,6.40 u111;aww, lh, of N.eTrret 4.tr1, J.,!ztln.;41 Summers, Ills hif,•, oi.ih a. cold part, and J,.bn 841' Ilona, of ' -be Township of • NM..rns, gee/demon; of the.; i,tkird part, .d.4a-,!t Lavin= been mat, iu the 1 due payment 414r r001, will hr s.A d at the .105. 1 t: 1. N c t T•f 'ME:2;11i. 4711}JSIM1N A\ U • 14,1%1 1lll'41•,1, Ki),!sem Sirel4, li 1 i.eh,'I on TUESDAY, SDA1 1.44, 111Y ll[•' AI 1 I SS' I. SEX f at 12 ' • . '4 the N,I!uwing ppnv,er*a v4.4. l :... .R•'1.',t,Nnn441e 1 •r Tlu ly eIJ441, Int ,e i:,.1 C.n.t4Wit u, W10101' 1 . x41, cuutsinm: 4(44* ler , of laud mulri 01 1 . r I ,,,ler I'u'rer t .2131e. Val par ' Ii.• tut can be hal bi' a4I'1• nag 13 the', oli. , , onto -M. C. C•1�IKIIO84, . „it ,1' for Slurt.'l'e'. I 1do,ic•,July tb l'Cl. `w"'t COST P ew:T 4700 pro OAN • ON FIRST -('L ,•' M1ORTI;AI.E t . A1I ply. to d� Jt114N ftAVISONt li'u'rinter, .lt len, Juae'14411. Mit. aw6lil 1 ( / • Il HATS all Kinds—of Hats at ICE_ P Oft GRE r• AIN e e .���//. �I:t �- 1,r• lop ItIletl III - alaable Farm For ate j)F.ISt)Lo1 G,. a, h.1.I,rn Ilc.nm7hi-ua. .1) 'Pown,!.Ip sat 1'011., aper.. at•dh IU. autr. rk•alr'Jtel a, n. item .,Cllr r1 rN.r.,anar, M1 • KERt, Jr., tt CO. DRY /COC©S' AND •CROCERIEs• .1s it is our •4ule'tl lull t. c'( •, TO. T : LADI I. out our 's► ♦ -r e- -44\ s 510, K , t) GOODS 0N'0it )'.}:FOItE''t • �Hurn. eh,.1 wtaw,•,.l,a j„ua4.e. bald,tws we' ..farwal watt/. a1*,0' iwwr'-1r,l,Nq "I•n"K. I. ry b"u.,•*.)u'g( beta. 'IO44L+ \, ooiy 7 mare Inas, li-0,r,,k,ua the i-,,'!'.0 /!antd M. For hotter. piattuutare app! to J '11 lora' l ,auil.ratl, wNth'ila sellout' roJona It •-haal.IMt11ty1t.ln. S3 41, ..1J'1tuo, acid u pr slava tsar purl lir the elver.. r'oilselte.+T9t1, t a • b. 6:G►I,:, w10 -tan PUBLIC NOTICL - til ;l• Mit L\ (sat I.n: ont,ci'or the ▪ 8401 t 1;4 411.14 a' 4• 0:11 !e un'! ) ev;,led). .t. the 1 ,•I I 4 ui I4 'INwu*Lip of totb)rutt11'1•-.' u• 1 L11W toup•n old male a p. 1 ter 10,;1,41417 throne it Numb,. is 1 1 ,k i10the third uu. • • un L.. ulrn4 I*o etien fuwu*In4/.041'u.a • leo• lir MLirh I 11..1t I 111„1 1% tr may be mole put., u a ,r J•+Ai'h a*'tullow., that u 10 -sty :—t ,,inineming 1 a main un the east Lina;. of side road, Int en 1010 Gott obi liaf. THE FIRST OF $Ei 'EMBER•.NEXT. .. ;111;1 tieing a d+l irt.'le UI lour chains • ;J ,:•,t,( lint.( le. ,ail.) arasurad due south - t..rn *one north w,t.• angle ol'tut six,aferestgillj The semnmsl gf•.took of ILardwo•w will be cleared oat either iu-wli"1e er part at very t'muc, due nuttb sl,,,, s::.4L d. a mud n ualter Lest \ 7, 11. tn.4 fh.., tel prices. L . ( 1' ) 4 • . I , 1•.I,ty'link* (l. 141.); .tu'n'e twilit- eighty . - i o O17.NIAiZ 1 It'S ' It I'1' 11 _SI.1`t ' 1'1iy'# U.. 4'4w"anitCae hali. (X.801 Q.) twit • cb4iut aid waeuty tine 14uki, (4e. 79141 ' D. KEP.R, .TL, thence uorih 111ntyeeie de;trr04 and a quarter 1 , ,CO. ' eel (N.:1I j? 11) tour) f) dudes, iuore or lith June, 1961. - :V7 . .Ir,., to t)w•u,terhettiun' with the south I4tuit . ,.I- r ,t 1 ailuwautx I, t roto eullceaiu"s three ,0,•11 +. 11.,. deviation -tube um: Plein aid.- /'� ' O. I I n.Rbnut, rausurr•J sal rig),. antlrebi its • . • LIQUORS e LIQUORS 'arylll- of cowrie. The. whole Cless. 11„ an �p/•U m e 410 it of ' n • l sere 1 more or Ira. A .d ��// coma+•ruin;'at n pubo in the ecnue of .'.1141 letecen cm,ceu:ol:.3 and 4, said point being .r.e en,.t t:rh chains and stxlr4we Inuls - - (12f' W4.) frogs tl c luu4t (produced) bete eels • aril 3. Thence duos •44th.*411.4•nine d. nn and ono 'troller 411+1 (14. 291 I:.) . r r 4L,..lo rind t 44.tr four lode (7e. 511,) 1 I>f,. sate n.ah '(. la) six Je,rct1 41 ,d alta _ - q•rnrter east (N, 74.4 a 1;.) • distance o4' four. ( P) (14481111, more il.Meve, to the intersection ahh the Nest limit ciente read, bctWeeu lots 1. 4 and 6. '1 s dteta•iou to be roar rude wide r. Ihlmughorit, nwa*ured • at • tight angles to' 41111 ae,oraI coon's, fontaiiiing au area of ewe acre, more or less. Moth portiens donlaiuiug t,.oclber two (cres, wore or leas.- JAMES eas._J.IMES TOY:SEKr, Clerk 74p. Celbornet MRS- TR. .EAVEN, r- 111\I(.11'I. Tu 111.' 1 I Il:\lr.4 F(11: 11 6, 1, pall I T I GoRt.4.1he 00. Lai 4.0411tintl 10 ...torn. 11 en, au 14. loot getter 1 00114 , I h A I m e t x, r' o d l• a NIOitery and Urrs-Making 'Business. ' in the tarasi feehion. Ale It. It Ilsts'efean• eel and altered to leek LW g%od .as new.. • VALUABLE FA131 • Olt '1'0 111AT • IS NOW SZLLING u not,. STOCK or DENTISTRY. WINP Q nRANDIES, GIN SIC • 1-) 78 irt\ftr-u. • LARGE LOT OF CIGARS AT OLD PRICES COURT. MAZE 4l1ARE ' (04..0 4 01.14 14004•2.r1, 100110 rot of .% rneriero eura eat and pure • • • Victoria Street, Clinton. GEORGE LAYCOCK, PRINTER AND BOOKSELLER ! Groceries in all their variety, very low. • • Agent for Labatt's London. Ale and Porter. 1111110 •• so err • 1310() 11 ' A 1.) S 11().14; ST{)11,E ...-•'-'. It' Itli CI NT A. IL H00111 Paper. ! it Oa ill Papers!! EVERYTIIING The London (Rohe ntalra tbat the Great • rn hos just taken 3,000 WINS of real en • ilnd will shortly lesee Liverpool tor fib nr Deptford. where oho hill he rabic no being ma,le hy Mem*. (lines / Co., will towed ae hoe made. Tot *Axe ix ok3 and Stationery! VAN rt 0641, • At the --LoFest Rates, AT T'14 fi wile otJoha Elks Oise, Gaspe Bay, the SIGNAL" OFFICE daughters- * On Thursday, the 2Ist in ., at .the manse, HST, LARGEST & CHEAPEST Goderich, by the Rev. Alex:Ili:kid, uncle of the bride, Titannnes J. Mn twee, bop, to deform. eidest daughtei of t late Mr. SI,' 1 111,,, J ames Mackii. At the flame limn end /dive, "R" West of -Hamilton, Spring do barley ,Gontately, 'July 26th, 1861. Ilay, le tee' 8.00 nneashed 0.28 Peas 0:40 Terkies, with 0:45 Ilene, de Ilides (green) boiler oeg Black Carnotite Geren Petit, per he 0:00 2:00 kat .10 00 0400 9850 0:44 0.00 0:4.1 0800 0106 121h, 1'181. a20 AT IMPROVED FARMAS. Apply to !Weiner, Wmt Street, Mee oven R. Resiles Dry (toed Atom. Ocidevich, Jane kh,111104. 4•0111r1114 A Good Farm for Sale! .LOT 14 in the Ith eon. of the township of fttanley, in the County n1* gams, 1:091- 100 ler. metre nr len, hewing corender Apply to D. SHADE GOODING, 460140Ork, !IS, 114141 gr11.14 es !to: kindly J'ennitIPt1 fir NOTICE to CREOrT'ORS IN CHANCERY ; Irate Qeick Emily '1194 -ANT ti enl,•r male *hit 1.311.4 • dated the sixteenth tint of May, 1464, - the creditors of the late John quick, lite of the Town of Goderich, in' the Client/ of deeensed, in the plead:rip Mentioned, who died on or about llse 22nd de, May, 11454, are in /*Timone by their 8oliciter on or before the twenty-fifth day of August, 1064, to come in *nil prove their debts before mo e t my chembers in the ,Town ot Goderich, otherviise they sill be peremptorgy excluded from MI benefit ender the said order. Saturday the 27th day of August, my said Ch mbers, is appo•nteli for hearing and adjudicating upon the claims. Dated at (doderich thia sixth day of July 1864. It. COOPER., Dep. Registrar, Matter at Gederich. ' Solicitor for Ole Petitioner. rvALTIABLE R 8111.1.411a. 1 en ACRE* nfeteellent land,heang lee 720. from flederieh end halt mop fro n (travel Soo& AO serve Hebert, lee hewer, horn •nd son, (run. There us • otere•-faillat creek tanning *4 Cs Onderieh tk Y. r rich. GENUINE CANADIAN PATZIIT Nava taken the Fleet Prizes tend, e3rd, and 13th end 72nh, 18$13. Prates ea ▪ cherecter were 'Imo Awarded en us atlhe O 1 Ow Prormetal ItzhalAtIon held at London an 1881. Prices hue been Greatly Reduced ! ABRAHAM, SMITH, Agent, FAst Side liplarket Squire TWO DOORS Baur F THE ' SIGNAL' OFFICE, lettere be milt b• hippy to receive his obi c oom IP L1/11..013 1111,111.1 1;1 1:1 PICTURtS, Job Printing: Job Printing! 1 wrorrAilt. lorry thrt Me, remit.. 0414 .4.01. 104.441 f' 10004,, Dorn Or}111111411/4111.10 04101 4411V 1141400101•Vo wEHAVE NO HAND IZi,1::11.1.11144,14,7;=444.74.4.1,;;O:'11:44,1.1:..1 to.11.1Z; Cr/ V Or, I, TA TE withopt de .horrower. Amts. to ' 'SHAW SINCLAIR. CABINET WAREHOUSE A LARGE STOCK OF .„ rniset (T1111 OLDF.ST IN TUE COrNTI..; D. GORDON AN4 GLASSWARE ! MATT. ROBERTSON, FAMILY likuut- it -116, IN S & LIQUORS k 'AND UNDERTAKER,- e WEST STREET, GODERICIT, SlofAA, Tables, Ikehtteade, flair, (lane and Wool mAte4 Chaire. Gilt tied Look ine filaes4,11, tri variety, of n. hots 'Deep nn hand a4nrisplete as. ehan,r. re, Furniture Goderich, July 5, 186'. TTON loommui440 t- ot. twe el •vorlety, WArd;011e.. 00154 4.11•W., et Tabk.o, Woort Slasods, Cows, and many W.& J. KAU tisrderveh, Asol 4th„ aka* Promptly Crete tn. °;;PHOL117111111..selfint NV' ) 'I UMINTIN44 Mr. H. rein, Mr! tOW,1.11 ON 000101111104010 460.4 NS*. in emeSsofer. terra! and Workrnanth.p, arta et (noose mesesil