Huron Signal, 1864-7-28, Page 2I A EUROPEAN NEW& ka-Hurbri Railroad quimr-'4 What* matter tack to the two goverlamouts SOUtHAIIII-TON COUNP.IL.-A week or idlet be suffered to prey upon the cous. IN CANADIAN WATXIIS.-It is Stated Bufflitio & 1A to the best of' our alitility, R1,d it' AdimAtrIatiuds,' file she ilbi:�rt Pilot 1; all) of wir readrs think they Can' tlkroA I- lad Shield or ait .1611. U for reetinsiderstiun. I,y Lad (;(I z elIs do .1�frd that a blatkaditis . &r obilalion? to) T"PWA The Ber,alaral Niagara Falls deslAticli saya: two ago the inesubere of the village Come- i'llunity without at least vac . effort "If Wd. I additignA light oil tll� 'question, 0,,-) & "V 1". ttthl &lid 64u,cust." III* lJoiso. Chatupagme bus proe4a,4 \IcL)uu 'kill moij t, U Lich so *Avit i tw 1311111 -Aeuth::uiptoota resigned in a body be- Tuade to bring the offenders to tneritifid I g -111t. Greeley, accompsaidod by r. tiny, pri., oil of shver's al:,pai-Atus, with at. Lich be i nU0IXQ &ART. tagr.)IIAli rest. -4 wiliglat we ro'-wall arrived oopI 41.6y. 911114a Secretary to Mr. Lit ovativ--have bull at, cause they fult unwilling td sit a"he bame justice ? That vagabonclago loill elit, to laiLtrels, t , ofCattildiat, late,$ He .hall, it' ditly will avoid Vt, a vi a Com"At; has begur, 'Is t . Ott$ imiuneis frons tile r it " pro* UK oeOODBIUCH, lisp A is, have free it) our cJQiu:i.s. sintervi W with Georire N, slid others, boa d with lite Reeve,. r. Adair. Ou a greater or less eLteut, we freely adalit, A VV P.M. to eat ficlaimist I, rr.f st,rel, 3 be A Wit Jusich wanted to 'tile I Ill, instara a tusoct mi, of 0). ratepay- but we hold that society - is bound to cells. Alit ... got ti,jutis be li'" obtaimill. aAKI VKHEV S-46 -It is' Asserted be, STAAVOHTII 0.52 ATOW if COUNCIL 1130-oiYEDI itilies bile bea, a ead he and rectivin4c a statetiaeut ers rcl,ultvd in ilia! election of protcet itself. Our towu is sis ficaoiCeable womu.tu. in tho," cawriao,. ill 15 roosualis, %itit might be 'hours ofdaylig'ht that police nit1.4.00 k; 4A fears 114"Ji'liurts. i made, ilwy, So e -flual -oloste Sinclair P McGrebor, �nd J. li� leming lit during the efl-,Iti 00 'I'llie Vo-Alicil Diet oil Frid.. xek The dI Is y eVelliIj." 1-t' C9 -rhapam not for. It ll-lit,i f If. 011 Tbulaiclay 11 its �*Qly- :-,rile stalislu'ut OfZrujooswons pah. lolaeo of the goeutictueu who retircal. r ulativus arvIoa . I I ITRATFORD Attlt. 10.0 15 l"creent. Ne aytIr, the li*Lvd ill any lmlwr oil Tile sy, ad replidi,ta,d. a, fixisid Im %he Uuw spot 6" is thq Ili., r we are cjl!o,l upan to tz'fl-A g-Khl dUAI.Of 01,61011kent. had fililof limit all 44flii,tud loileall ill Reeve, and ocallillz far the -ell caued in town by the trial of one of guard ugainait. und suiuly we have *uIlloored IC11mole a traditiulk but ilk IsI., BTRATFORD IA. X. 4. Ott P.M.! Runclitian, Coilacron, Suaith Sad Wt it the Florida go to Europe I r, 1"ftr itories and the colicet', ellou"ll %% ithill tho 1, ist to t4 -:%ch us lite 1 was sutill; oer the Co.. I lbhoetionsalk is, 4 4.1 wurth. 'Ilia Clerk r,41 winut our covbtables, r. Sinjill, tin a chan-w or lict I !l, - 1 f t ut ofu"", iThs Uormand, A York it We ill tile it)*r illiuledi4te ut-ticall. Wh4t Itidd fair to boccolue I 1180"It du�vv,orul All news troin Europe t6t the ll'ivi it& A* bu%ho- Isluarian in Casaidso sift %wry ,,met, of tli� V le��Ally hi.tvq 0111m; I"I'al, lice -L. C,�rsct'd o plecting kt) und 10! it) 1::,:!i and X. we would Built, i tile appoiUtruent of a ladi -sii,m dainq IIVAM amislitag to Aak to gal. Tile provol. -Ix)rt vfthe Finallc� �'t apl�slclit- K fall tshe early ofthis ruwalls. tellimall, V�hoqe duty it shall lid to over I its livois. 0 fee read an advot es.inil ii L !'I was opelled ycgtvl-,I.AY afternoon, but the I,UUI ilk,! blik-pieiOU$ charattvits who Way GODMCZ ARK. 10.10 1 itit 'bliato on 111-1 lo,Aout fjr tier, uiiJ is Wa cc, to tit! tit it tli of the Previous Puts to a,u itry ill uider to I'd oil uqub�r to be calaunticd tell- be femi-I oil it),, -trvet� at tall hour- of the tin. t . r. I if,, satur,bly ul:kj(ilitr for blind fur lit -r. we .4, u!,l ac train .1, Ilia (I -at aIlait net if itere dcred it ntucitary to a-UOUrU 'Ile i'IVC;tl- Axses".)r Ieted to - F Gisat ivestelo, - the settled tile ()PPositiju for the harlbol-'ea S�Rl* Fe4l f,Ul1J4tjeU fut this eXpee. oac l,r two arrv,t, woultil have a party atf throat Oil heir wuy in We.1 covillairld at nact .44)a T - ll�r frechol,ter opp, it,- hix-,aaaie ra 11, gatiun until 4 o'cjock this (Tuelosday) I saulat Iry it o - 'I %,,ry to I If lNedossivall, whilai What if' it Lad faciou piAnnell by the lIllinisid. a "ITY wood d A will 1 so at J� Yliji,.aad Alabama. 1,, -m,,.t .. 1, .4,lb,: 11tt-tiA it. Ili our aoxt we will ti and wr,kimc, th.. its rt�oi lu�i I - ' I rea'. tire wodais the t,;,i,i pasmsa�d along I livsday, Thuoulay'lend Nhualtsitan Ill re- therv'a I't,qtthow to attack: the Kearsa;I:r,l affair oil it4 incrite, Ili a I tvr I ( rifled, Was Jell paGoveroit;'ient Lie or sou'ie tither of cur lail'but if in toy all 3 '.6 the I" 'd.,j will, air 9 uthis 11 1 it r, U, I in at rt 0 Let it: frout A �I, 1185peC 4110 E&I'th-WO:1112- al I I'll, 'o of had no itilentiou of PUradU;AhCa0 Uftb� plan theFlulidis left tier. Finv­ZA very delta uctivi tile had beto a 11, It ) tuiiatc, t a for Cloy 0�4etan, the a. and.ran round -rallf lit Ke 1'. P, askiii, I. by our cuait tutnitq 'Ali, poll., -sov that vessels assilowas dAng 41 I'll"it, little Alimepast ill if,, eo�Alfa ', I, sto all 4 iaE00 ell with a ivw I ew Danish Miu6try -IU-B artitph orlux.riateva is's rithsuil. t,kl,, ' v rLad them ktpt'o,i nairth and c -t &,nomda M. Swioo�*& fit, 4 d it ad. It as cost 11 so be I;Kltt le. Crean U( th". ilia preli- If thi. 'he, it I,, give him miq ciedat ft,; 1out ill ar 11,41 '!.t 1,�s bai,60 J willm, fares wj-iri.14 bison it, tritilily. l'ut the Coe,it , latoltke city A- C ',',Several I.. frustr�vtvd; L . ...... Ico,,%.Y,d lod nut aTit! cominamr- t Fou"t uliou being oideee,l lot �f Cherbotiarg, atid,rjorus,ali, who do we 41' whice Alle, (�), � : :it no'Thai rL r,al a -.tiler 'Q 'hall do $,I. aw" , I tittte tit About lleld I tail tiat 1'. or because tile lIf jet tome ill perf,.i t4AL liq Iof rV citti, ',,,ab1ion.-V,trtof Eric P flunks the as oil R al fte any such All we moms) pposed to be either the weak of *,me titival. amin icsr', without Pay. in money. or even 14 A aly 8th, of& Poe"I It reactia" leade "Gild ol time, their joint arrangtoadritt, ifany ------ beer 0 tho d'spatcIt of the 10 111, art Indiana or 6f a pssty or trSveniag cbufac�t..s th&,,kL Ousufthe f. mt C,uu-,m,l is a warthy cauthdait... ,ell lot er its ERICH, C. V�, JULY 26; IS64-ithattlietiAsselia arrive So me wor olliva, time III I�Ay had the f Berlin, it luburna - Ruda lapailed by the si"- a., account Drills labor by this usy A yt)unr marriLd lady tffifflailling , few lit noeaVl 0J the towin r lawb!y w atonal at tiler. be- milio to folluat the till trade. v hope days dogo Since. Ir.UA Nsler I,qtk to Syralude, hh�rauld hive pert neat 414 1 3 It Le* �111 �t X I tile &A. , ticer : - 11 1 1 1 !­ . t 'ellUallic C ohowever tile at isitq ittay not be as Ile] be ground is almost daiivo voith the colu- Ae-. 1w, sva,ur4 'an. ift. and sullining (sum ctonsumption, lcol been hs. .1 Cis forbids. 000ll", Wlicli-vitr loulai'ms tume"J COSCENTRATION PY TROOPS. Ki itere our V-11 'L� I I **'IN ... socially n a Pillow Its hat tier. of Ugiatuo, fr Th Tw"I all, ilia, are turned 11 u-6&AJ. -Clio her littlegirl lemusiosiq by be, froAq The home��hbillic.4 lm:iy perhaps be and East a,trect. with it,, brick L of' 'a "it it 1 tit"Yare, plough, jaii,le. At Little Faillisla, tell as,C.p. and &be I THE lip -akin, fib d I I tu,,rn, pardoned for 16ited know� erected thcreairfar if,,: uits fsi,� 1y bVIC Lho StublivrO 6.11. ill Qltlly � Child' -he, mAymolle, -e it I air, I J,t Mr. Cur,,� Jrie,i Up the Wojl,n d"i I itit. a 'a I homelier. .1 cit�ral iy, t ledg,e-of C all 1, '1 mell iiii &r, Mr. Cntl,� counirv, w.,, have s6coutit, a iA, jot. WIT@ 4;l1heat and Oil loa a tostia IlUtICPJ 110i PeCkAISAV Whlo!lkeia, of Lee ji of the carl,�hial poulme. Inde if oe & a 4clivilavol the v.ltll( (,I" bf JUS'le in all plob i '�y (it! al trwiijz firell, Avhi "it re doing i Luilatilf La eat fire, to S;iy ly a L to d- JIL t it, tn- slid that lild, laid, "aaWd, teascolue (he Fill if41 f Fuel t nothi,o. If'! will Live Ih0p lie . Sur at, ri% " The gttvn daw:ige to prop�rty of vir us to -ell ell d itdik hendi . a he &A a chatracte, at a concliti-ni actualvirue of the ia... , v, le".-tatican "Lich Civets the eallio It w,lider east it" believed of the door. fie is ic a fC:t in El I be he %lie ine of Mr.clos,"od ?1l, -J, RL ul,osm the worms vallicia borrow ISmij Um sidifteand. . j C 4, Call Ile oreach, Li it the 1bal, tire be vpetrf�lr one oUlb aft 4te t t t e . is &in to,tit. a r I in laid he w be virefal 4) cc$ Ulit suicide. So in sawvI I t it that no s.o.lner la,,al his reactiels a074. 0 'Itkovince ire lit a tlCainorrun r xv0ses t Ovit disdatlsfacii,m by fie". . Aflact a wLj:o her tired of Britidi solithera in this A rear dvielin6-house, in course-., jax Lis ve�, I q , i * s!lut ur a 64ip at at itdangerous po,titlo Ile eflot with, Mr. Crabb, with r.t' erection for 31r. John Bngp, fith war. We Ili;, Z:h us y land then he made anyt4cr t� tAfitma6and, setting elkepy, luite all thla he will bare alit, With Sott �"Ild fii-e leparistry ta hA v, foyl.fcn.;th� �I, !I., towlaiiiip of London, along with a an untsualally puw,,r,,, i oil it falls" C i,:g is ter pf r.*4 for t W, d­!4Fkaj Ill*$ rUllaillo ls feC atak before was close Rod A$111! Ii ;' A,1I did troy," said he to r") or otily oq�- itif, that loudly. v, the fact t�at uti the r v allow ro qu,fatity of t&tih iWo grabble ot.r. ill,�X aTpv`U`rd44 perfectly true, as alleged by 31r. tailed account from Mr. Smaill, lr et- l-l;e burli Was destroyed by re tk.VL A; d U"i*t' Itwork dive, wil rvIvrreJ that our froalitr is a vpry Clio, , ill,: Filialwo flight fihe way 11 lie "rcluire ooext,,i,t,d t last. The budialing &�nce at' r n I io It, said ill A ilia P"wil", 'y Ugv* I cut the suatIvrA." is, evillutitike. asel. ilto is a the K�sixr Will 'it. -.0 outsiment. thei eje&, at no one on -IG; bide tl,c Atlantic ca is -as hot quite fluiralmd; and the , wot t I nalit7mal hatatclac jury Aregiv-4h roso 6 ask a in in its conipletioll lost tile NiAfA,a ill 4y outlet of their loolooll. L Th f I t I didenow-Virits -vrtp castal the th'ir tools, which were in the d'welling I)& (jestalls, bit, WAA actat toy v&nco ( f 1 le j 9. &:voted- vision. pot-lipati.­ kit all 42 C.'IuUUm that fact all irrufragable or Il ': - lift orth't 'rev 1 1. th ill -ti) the I'varhamewavy report ill' unacut i; '70 1 ntit' the concentration.of-tar,Vps at tiolas notich he had note. lie vmbsir�� ooICU". who MiA at ]Democratic Candidates. I At It the previous lVere the Canada of "ay *iui ir It Luuar wliy certain works ­qnv to to,, was aware 17 at-' ocloh nQ111, which i.iclu,l,d that its both Tile Philmalcti.bi.1 _ileg �b a a hundraeoll itrius ie to r aues on The Dun C.1,fideWst I his perwalAlly 01. .0, S. af ea Is%& h -y os1luald. Mr. Ch its arwiu has owit %, is �p, bably she t of _n,the isol: all Ill proplar conlrct,,, why cer. c of fitly jears ag to regi eat. At, I we I,;. i. W!I" II&NO beets IWUV I far, C% V. une day's ia�. lit ti,irteeti yearA a Ill in ISilinsuctat ever 1, to imbed. j�rat y! fur Ir,,c ve a to S depth,.f it tuches a lo� If and battaliatis at different is fain rutten b.-inlck t tub.,r h!k,l.IK-611 U'.,e'l E AMEICAN WAR. the it mmatiou of tit ici bridge, (co.ti" dent :-, . . I I such a I-ing fi-Altier would Ill to 6,� suuj Of i liEftililSi r Nil' %ilk the aluo,l- dia0largod from thei 'isitelat -1 kind of' ancwer to ra liariba The Gmut Werokernlaltailwal is to r a rw Yorg, Ju'y23. Gen. Georze 11. 111CCIVilah, of .4. York 1 1ich, w If to �bl 'ill soul, -1 &a1dither CGA,. the.1-.yer ill hry ' the extreene, lid there could be,uwlier inch why 4 11 Wed! I or .! d int-cro PU irsit - 111i"I 91,11 il 1. excumo tratus to Londlin, Oak the occasion parties to lay d,S*n Frjtu;t Goorm W. �cozujnptits of our saoson, but purd out of !l&f*Ccumu1,.vted in 641sity. year of Ow lev, in that 4*7 ..1 flo, ;Ili of ep. a-odward. of Peransy circunistanecti, no such thing as sudden on, despatch sars 6at Horatio iie��.ur, of %',Nv Y,oll i.. ),,ato,r on the loth. .., a t.01 I to f4uriven rise avothat r, at ve rtdoce rutorsr From Toren. conicealration.anI c,"llcration, ilia only bletaes "as big. as Ins, a, ioad-4� !Cf eatA I4sysaassr, ch will towars one. who we all t- a 1, y a ill, lit ilatil. Whit in 11, cc places 'got of wfoce of2,7 . . hill tau art in it. alternative, in Cale of Attack, Ilivilag a t(c., &e. In Ilia luidet of 00 V...Qia ofNew HALaII i Ult Ve st'd we . It th it led Clas Vi­satld of �Uleand Well, and who " been vrrya,-a lure I -Lw- It, tl�c publiet it a, of.,T.w York. tlareu�,h�;ut.thd, aturriwe.0 the I* ullte4i, all ih olstand-up Aght agai st perhap orer!611whu. quires Mr. Longwcli ime S a: re of PeatoavivaA Ila a""� Je'CMIA 0 e t ill jalves (outh, is-, of Kentucky.' stoo: ;i- it& uniform,, 75,cs frig odds, or a1lorced marcii through a 3d,litional inemiscr of Financl L' lin. - 17- I to Ile a complarati%e wi;dertsma. _Nuw, he- proOLdt ',owed 1�Ae i ore ring the Obij. concluded to eanign it to the .11 rej vtcf it aclikever, I I IiViair y all -,ill the Cam. "Itcktani f V, -w Jersey, L�lz. The in is Quily suc!l laroSaw tt'lAot 40 al"ry IL. C The a t -f t . flirted Track 'ellelao . 'it The y lit the war 0 everything is thagged. L suittitie ba�t -It Until be 11"d t cities teaselled tke clad or Q, buj,,et. r. if Deicware. in tiatine, is Crudely F]onccived, its n. #4 1, 1 it lot of A. Ule;t, r 1,111* Ii % ing its He I lie C. %r,r It$_- ao ir Jusesco.vr Ira . Ion sugg"ted the prop�iety f o? r- Ihx&'f,,r years 1;43t listed on etoif-#- sla ill the the hare witairun-fulit where foorinerly there -t'K;d 'is,,, irtulaining it h. -,A. could tievor Ill; ill: -RikAi, usac.datilized iOg 3 vote of thanks to 31'r. L for ill,- :it, y Etopus, ll�hater count!, V. Y., zi�d to publish . tbiu­3�vlz retates ficust, 1110, Slash ;r isliscrable I�dinlets, Fpb�ndi,l tuanner its which Is I roads bare beem. built, will rjur irailmatl a Vad is tl:c,i ill haore no allp') ublic ccnure the! oPh' 11 ill tit filing greater than - tile I go, at. I s. prvtv*;,wour ej N jo�p th� :vcry thilign 'I lie tic 61 A. Al vo'* Willd's INir Zv' to smis ,o complete that t tit I All I, . . taste 91 the caitor an vr,�H its the stA-rary I a (93 1 i al"mum have revon-d th,, cul,)r uneasy Seri wms= I*.Pi the stuame t4rst noeofailisrui ct,q Briti:eh Poldivr; the assengluent of wlwff'tL@ Sea.. 0 strr,!a. it to Ile very the afrouth if new Itair, sold I wuu!d ell- cr quaiifica1i-fis'oftl1"- vx0t,!r. Tile fisatic, Itt.6 LUAV04"util llAtiId at, on tile slik ill! (,rQuvl;ec coul-I lic'enarey.4 I() it wast �7 t is this si f ar� to be llpAo f,,v trah� athe to averwil . Vol. a ll, otile tj Iiiii i:; Zr The Crops in grace. i BOY particul-ir J,,inton tlla,�'freutier tilt! in ell!;, ill IitlstN W&!. .for Canadis c,mld be d ards of T,�rontoo (in AtLe point. rAi­ .1. te9..,th f 101' �i .... .. 4 ill th, It �*, OIL, t Prill. c4rry it to aads Is- ite pro, mis, aa 44 ol usear t be here t Ill To, it -ft v6ded oftroops anniit-ft to Shift itiallic' oL,!� G that is Vill Door,]. Mr. Wal!ice sij�: alots*- i From t1i"In at is Ule'alkil i" two d:IYS.; Or, theL T4*pre are tiIW Iona njore.chverloul %k it Phould b: read, 1 r. wor0i ivi-% Ir of the matters sli.jd, &!I "t fleu tlarrick a thill section beL 'threatened oQr ed to lailio why, They dill not n z 1 son rtant being t!iak :e, C.!ve6.c an.:, stWT a . !�-- Cie r; i,s sowl "Inal"I 0 iternal convalunic account, i. ar., 31r. ".�! . hoist. a1roIto L0 etc ill:& , nothing a r�w "ii -nut" a. Ago. TLC 3layur repruvoI iit I limit a f., 4., Vit -.b-64 :1 If with fu it li,� turvels isucif to blundering could anger a bill the al sitar much a rttu3rk._ of Arl �'M r. Iful-ttr, I f 1;If4rit, sloch s C.IUAI;%* if": it-, I,$,. I rT are� W off Lill Imi and IxZut! I of ill"& pe y 0 am ull that ttly-will finve !,,4 it manifests it As ilk P Us arsith'ol'air oil a beat I 'sit the valley btswetu­ his Lro while I 'a t'. KIA built I,&, hre No We a 4 pany or red -coiiti. The dricunkent waA r.f'trrcd to Finaia­ i*., "OlUt Are twoIll late Ti6d; Said this ai�, be wa Ira 4 this uol:iA St.,] the wit. authorities Cunsiniftce The A i!itua u-; ta... stX!.'C ar r. c7 do tiout An the bri,.f intet, al of 1,-,;; 1.: sold Awful The action of the niiii tate, I I hat tier Lee araii 0-livals Crock, I 1.4 great fleas"' t; The Qtlxer rom!vil',tass that, p so: *bile we retil that ickets is premant deciding to withdraw the reg troops of lite utnount title the' tau %Vi­to,'i4I,eki Cr"k, &:lit one 4-4�1 In on r no: x ilia shall ive sent,:. are weil; wl Is tc) ill at " L'sortif . oitt6 ree wo i remqved real th,ir frieWs a.,!: - r 460,11 by Northern GrArcl 11,02d, Uallitime-111, dan to or iy to ill we are and He c it. IIQiwruia& After Ilia - dca a To a Canada Wert is to be depalecat d 'to) 'th do.,IT must onterl i.4111 :,!ib*ll)-, but i, a. gild tall pOw full, ll'.� the .1-st pan'"ti, a,, here, is tit %p. and hoped myat to ,Ct lip- and when ('Cra Shot'nallt Iouclio, t -So . roads, 1:-,neau is to Us= but the L& r to, -44-u I ire Ilia, il fie r ; we ior than one reason : it is uggemlive �f of celdcati?n in our sai;:eiapli I flies, the *Ia.;c, tL,- house. n y :U4 1p t as thalLho'l't air rho aambabince. �Vy 'Jurit; Is ad he well - Of the CLAtishouchic. it dclirecateJ,th 16"Go. . .2r.d �I!N, 1111stait SILAMP,sr Fing %Tst. J,ot I CUrth " too COMPeL- cally a urs�at-itconrcys fr) Americans aill* life ia;,d t ChatLialloovilial river. ieaw file luames .1, the od tile l�vpvrity of the press 0. lit ?,1 0, is V'reta It""Am is to ilia ppre ndtd danger when ats dAagc� i, sAr o. its, and join lhairamit bet L ftrThe I , it th, eel guards of' tl r tibn vf Council i. ltdiorit are rigl,tellol ,lit I fe r . e Ptlysiologital l'i6:e At s. !h f I holit, some ben.fi. ilile inipre. ion that wl lug favor, � ns-, buiall pt4avere Is vie III. se a t ­cm�;rig T I't-1144C j tali& xcs&�Iw to \'ew �torco. 1% c snF. t ilk inteassenese. lVisen sit j, il I g ezitts in du,, l -a �i� net'hcmk", valued at he c,l their ,of Our wital, rilull a,], buell Icqin t d, It and thl"wo, aslavi!le a;.- i!.: ithe Ocel 4'.0 lust!r The Coats nil it Iral I ion Vt U.4 ing CIA .1110, " I o .1, Tht. Saw ass) we, fertile lrtivel 'Itqad. Coilipary. IIle Ilticianoral pospe 'he'20th, xe L"' bery (of rolit,wo, "the 1 iffurcs la of. fo t. Ilk land us in 1! L smadA lie thought It" a: 0ts. C24's oacl: it. li4ht ur arkrut atte, &,ad imill -ta� The . Ila IS-lutil, Coo Ue W, ich do hli")Uld it (lay oft talturtunuiel the aldic( Is hard'alotic thl'ir ty in nutll�!', front Alosin or the fth says , y arrive, ir, cumnlAo J.,J '0 t,)os ef ji"Veraidient Acs4 It t Ill: iw! cold,opcl 40 fill's I,rtp,rV C Set, asstwissimill Cot,; s I " .- - I I : .* L, 1 -1, 1'. . A 4 Itfar illui we ""ir I' C Ron we uiu�t dcfi 0 1 (ar as we best c -In. 4 4, re 11 be no aty ll�r saving in The 1'ru%itice is loyal I the va� all � 1'. w:. % lis suppolowd entvVed the house of one hfour 4;,deric f I tratre it III; t re wn r d ti it' Of tile a I01� f� 'of winch ar c doing. Cn tile to, I:e 01 ly kill) d-Inger, is 1") 1 le core, swly t fire tennilitsis in br,*Kid Ai - do too, but teGiaspor -t�roultf a he at till us fAr as 'it can of the rwyrL fa.'a ' har I e gi t- .) W.,; n Ft -"Vt prepir"'d tOleevi-it g, fillet the IVS that ill! Tn t,ur frosin �u dell h7113kTUlcverY I c.lutil"n -lid- it is ir % a� i'w r; v,4 t -i d..v f.oaj Weit. I,Q L. N,� trae"fthevlbbe�. b. t -if Nit. Aalalerley -en la'"'It"I -1 c' -r, ir to le�ivv be t becri AIof left It 4 So load, ellple:rtur� hat wils , torp, lout th't thy'lisdA.,t, pli] d ;:3-. f N July 22. af 14. t bemp. liv Ilip. nil to bou withdraieu at the very asoilu rimIfeclit, b Vt! lv. I Tr b It ttoc: 1 11 d:sc li,� fi om tier W o i-iteett d at (loce tl;e Via� tile i"jUd4.iUUI ileorod Ufli'lle gaint Inc was- the Cay of the fee it t ilia il�,ta Then eouticil liters 4,j vai"ll6atits, to 14. r, atol otwilli,14 ask the 4 49 their otlailstainec and Itzimplas, B uarst' inhfi�e Leon (,)tied ill tlwir .4 19. al 10 IT I al hIrli-ity. and tit f E, ly J. rk,liarriocr, the taiA of Oil )eman, 1lhr:a &,, 1.11 'that navir lte�'Ipl &,ad that their Ctictatitloi tl;.,y 9,110311, t. i"atkCIA, fkelkrA!s 21; tgonerals, tt, a balget. tily five; Ih4ve'valre ly IaLe:iaarrowed oval wait Ioul-AA at on ',which there IIand 4t.tten'i 111C trip ,ry 'IV was �l fmrvtoda'� 11 -r gene" 7A, cul S suZeea. li- a very aAinen vr at Post Ofitces. lArAtry force.i. so;n* time si,.Cp: ;,ft I. in Tali% majurs, 29 i ad cap. are in,a lattler j: i Ilp13 I'll w, k if ih4 onehlY --,d 1111,411"I'll. alied to curious, explatimet'll tit�ta gliaway, it .1pust be UA I i kff 11 bl� ... if hire It I T from V41. lit ttvT,44A tl;ii flitile pts,vaitIn eIVA two ceot in poiyarieut of a ay mid Vt it end xtractIlf lier,iiiiialibr4- in dollars all ind. y,-,.,, ietd Will. co.-Itiou oIIbe� t:Ov . nil ftmonc if's ellmueit it he Calesl 2-',ct. swhatt, would you d iii t lbepurim EverT parent, 41) Tail* h-wa extry f 14,;ed. Ancr 14i,, prottui,ea I .1 hbe do ad big fta.i 1,4 All, P tit Awillb� r'A I 'ovul a A He (W -t -t ofevultry, resehiax from strailt, tort ' I 1: lof Isk or tier 119 Name us stiptw,to,ta (in the -I �%11- -it allid by-O'e, alle"l, at three I it 'r t ved Yours rtjil�l_tful'r, tile av 1, ir lilies W;I,..( fill. ;,..Uf;"` fIii'lleat, e aslt�,c',k4 slid d:jvva I ImIllat kQ oft( c),ronicles be it,(. etim'd iti!l 01, heavy alitower- IW fikiat in trn itionthis., 11 .eat tSpring draini asonver-of it, had mit no to To obetween '.'10 AIA 300 and encuurgivit; pxin5�takirq teacli, Wall, able 6* title 119d LEMARKia.-We Would first ILel eon6 and really fine crepe this eex%�Al are -r. tinic Ia1.1 lArty ilia& of thu ell is aluch greals AU.1 iA. ttalt , i:Ic'i. Ira iolisconsin. Pi,lerably a�toniiahcd, then utw aptcl,ac�e ur thp-p hainorth tbimioi.i pr4,bly t ro, fly an :ell &:ui,)bt (,iitigeiy ields. ric to r an inward inter %e all, lanod i it I Films i falling befi)rc the reaper th weak, go that, mative'. nTne,1111"hi is yore sisin the Richarviand ion tile Whole, tile farmers 9 , I S."lladvar Owl Is 11 iancy, and the th author atiats ter a .1 ipgjuhnaton by Hood Towards the mutb, however, does not re., I seed n. The. to -tit was ro. t Is dinx irk solne Co. dentanciation p llfattley, along, or; of Tennl.sscqL stand that At scri'lul `fir� in. sweepi f Lite rtsi-taproism wilicii had 1, 1 Ili the coravuhn t Army linderialls, Colborairs, shfield, CT, Late it, rp� 0 It sairit tile divi4ion'co ander w ir.ently fri11r. Thai. White, . near newel! fl-aring eqht Can nil do." 00 the t a ly- , she � end Them a field.' Thats declared that that which had oc-,st wifidl Is was so At "A to at through the ft tic. ichoris, A lowel Us on-Miandly, whi t t it' asturrs are rown Audi potatoes $Mail Said, &l1ce3; t lawbution MIA bra1h ad t t lip" in the '11, an ' laterlikely to be larger. cautall far thankfullicloA. ileuC,; I'l.1i but it tist, I, . town Ilip of 4am'! lubject. At 'Is in t�ion of Vee iderO P very, fair j, ccirmen f his Ili tile ill 14(sai it., )AA tin main shape (or 11,flospe'i.] i-lato tuats, elgcyritj an -I tInjured ad� laih,,- ptorvin tier,, at own, ifsood A' Illinois, ffilcjiia�ns have cut don '20 p, -r cent. in value, and then, I oly 'if the a 11 is of stiTilied xeverely from droutli. In Mto it was twit wbmt tal In orains r. ntlamy iiell ly I It" Ili salcmieflail. or Alleft Ila's his tivern awl Ft3b. -t if! ruoll't or it ill tit it di-trile we alluui(I ondeavicir to Iflok the quertioll --lit, that 11 poPition Tail ito?,a lit helot portion$ of t W .1 tto' Us .0d: rh;-Ps I3Y all all dill all f lite �k h lidi by r oftnen for inWred Pfluardy in the face. It I or well. I Iry land t%- craziest I,( their ill fan�i.al, cor"cropan .i;rvwn cereals, while ft,, Od ssree ddrpriag illI'Vat, t I flat] we rli mirry to -iv that it in very 2,,d that that t,ansfaili4t, 4 hl% antors have lira va fto4h'it At, Islam elitinguisial re Penniy1ramist and known that our postih Several it his ttija ssi,,mofsa intaitive kn.M,Itdgc 0 in,. ra. where 114f nil -wt Plbul�irg The IoNge h-1, pl:lyed � ld hevilic thert is -any, 'prouliles t ,I'll* tatteat orthe cause issabservarrat ta h the SYste", of taking !oact. Americ:uv pieces 'A tits:z hitya been che(kercol. There are Tile 46 graditivatiats ll persional fltoli I'll C AT QTAIaA.-QIoe an& a,here no rain of any volume has .(0air C­It,s. Of this the public C:11lnut lzw.;7r, thZiW.Y, it, lriqqil� �ntjriy hile that At Athants would tein,, only from 6 t4 R.' The iltraw large lurcory of snon i.'k ruipl,Ij,ed upon the faille, into the first orolune. Nearly all of abundantly, �aa sion, 7, tit raps .1 4 ird ;e,j ri�� ;t or e! III: I Z Ft. with k, the average nurisber it* berrici per TRI; P Ll Iin, for we have no meant, I complaints midge or other Veruli!l.. ")Ili blot to Ile all untried general. made for the occasion. There %ill be in as-paii,ly tile out rn coulties are aut%-riag severely. rCoLSOnably Comilla T of till it"! lisd a vcry heialthy a pub;ic huildolzs and tile progress is rr6* I"roas frIll acted it is knowth too, that Hood stories Johnston', chi roplaar"nef. Whe.'C- We have ra t,)piwd out atilt drying up about itir.rinoli" conournitig th.*,�' lica V4 I." NJ id an the, public geh rs,i.id, con"i4ti-14 the, -,it it ill hand, which of pa)iae; fractional parts bra but State lBruco"'are I Ile 11 C ning Italia of h knee high, still Imall thitt have not bad When more thin olle Parts J'iee! is pji I lieutenant, has ba,en from the begin total r Color 410 Fri!llly,next, ut 10 O'clock a. -unostanceit, lAbore feel war.! wait altars it tao� wh,,It in found, itJ4 iipriticipallyitilet-tiosifiti,gh. The contme ritiff ellolsill to wel. I 11, then I have, wo1er i!I c to ranted in ezprc�sinr, tile op�lliaa tht am firt ill. on a.pifet anifillp, to tire retrograde movement from le - , I itc -lien a tuan offers fi.� r li ve cent piece )a ion. new policy having been oodt+tedl an., as rn , kem a arded by the ex. IT, T the v:nes Ill,,m~d. Of course, they also iI we it in a 113i, take t'groaring tubers since ki-lal mt &I I he fladin "'Out harvest will be up to a Ins, firenton,iiii j,,,,, 14 ithat was a coacvrlai�dr.r t 11doili,it; so u(craw4el tile most ofifficu" r, small potat-ws. Tile hay crop near the -citl I th That policy. to, 1. 0 full a .6 as Ih 1, Oe va,.%4 accorded wi file widge far wheat is the re�cancd on. n (if th" quRntily of one time, has a Pa. 1 t I,Ubl I ny of our farmers (to, ib 11 4 at , a legal right this state of at P p.aper to find iely dorilin Is good. As high up an Colimbin County, it to deduct tor,roly 1wr retail Taking a Trustaists, par nil home, a Iftinenti,.ms he end until We* ft, Atead. aided as overstepped." bad fAi It it Pit ri.nisly. Oats, that were settled failing off ill tile 1"ailadd 4t:dRM Slid, a firal e oil he Valli. to iii4ji otner" are "I' "I'd Mediterrarreall IN At. It in, we under� tile h"14l-t0ftOTer§ And limits, ,, ., 11 plowed ground, jaffit �af: ta�,ould be thimunon-serifte Tiew or the matter, and dent, I oof dt iistal ll,.e Ni.w"Yona, July 21st. Ito attend.' ­_ 1. 1 *- . &114 the Inatitude generally of all surround. I European market, our f4ruiers alay, We! stan, a inurb finer Inpiro, thouh we are legs. rile offices And or raoibil Are now ow,n, that is as early tail "ble iere !ecr mberili,, that the niarket to have i hel on 4i,ae exist rl,d, Isit oespoich from saii.gars Falls says :- qA'AR1ZtFLV1lt.-;-Ths�,+sMuI s,,ft" is unable, !earl t I Tile Assembly rill goad. Some late dawn 0,10 led in, rehisi. finuse- - U& between name. Tr 11 think count urn Is got it dome A 6, .,to- ' b"t "' -_ ' I_W _ )T wi OR., fla116 166t ell Ile rl. before. Clayj Thonqloton "of sicillitv bile I mer's ar� OURY or 'at 6 riiiji a tively greater than that of' twenq7tialf; �"I*,er;ij-, ­Sno] they- will all�agrce with "a �;-d fie FRW clen ore, I of 0 Its 6c. for them. " Comm up to illis time fix#, looked a, b. had, lately 'rile T) ;ol his fisTirnvoi a tcutting their grain, air,[ fare another Council roont may thwi Ile in a that it 14 "INCA r,,ute , C loan to be commasolonalk from the Contest. an;. i's ; . 6 ;, , lw the session of next ypar. flat elate )vernmeni, to seek terms of peace, brokewout afreah ill two famille", e on the cent Iiiiiievion, we should N-jy th:it no such ..a I it ining. It now borgips to soarer severely. lit Ila w I si he It. . , a �r it most of it.wiJI probably in the like condoti­, bill in any case the, Iliclore Womt insnared in the hill in nearly burnt up. right exists. ft is only rea*oa.,ble t it I ng the I I -lid Greeley, itioriscoll by Mr. Unculn, Barfield road and atiothor Ott if,, C". Pon dcartily-pinwed mail, with all the w.Raure the wit st;C 11114 Irv.-, I d tool -tin tile urattle upon it 'a "P- NOALTX ONTARIO ELFVT1OX so 'j"s c barn. litallal'y will be in ;i Pirate to receive the prime that the discount r. The coln"'w" -"ion The attendance At sell,, is ItirruLd "twder, it looks promising, that is. in ,e five enginali. If the brs.�q Oil lhI4 trar ea l[)rnitw.d the r"toration of the Unitso 1.. . n. --- lorlIA " far a The Parlistooloot Pieces wotild be the sarne an thxt been I ut 'on 1: it , huffily 1, aa�enrrf Ity- it, ttle Isiotheat ay Buildings when c, -inplartol will he one f the tho vicil-itY OfthiA city. (ire=, in Broome, dn the Tile Ifitimiltors out On Ito ;('" w"uIa have l n '"aft qwn, upon this basis - I oil', and Alratided. I he brakes (in Ili* lender of I i let, AlLnio�r(w* which bourp liallsoa actuailly once this week being oisly I I And other most poorfoort &I'd lamoRtifirol' Itwitilitigial on Iho ChlonAngo aid sajoinin; counties we tcs Tile paindy-plow we leave out nut tory jotirnillisaxpressaes itse I 'aii follows crigii,st werl broken and use!rsq. IN. call I A SUGOEST10 Xmilt Atn,,rir,m"c stinevit ; and the. names of aftfirnd is first half a crop. The drouth hoss, Of' the (I onati on --or, at \ (teed by the at to be secured in $net, fisral-., days as low ArellileCtA ft - sprilusly afr4ted ill, 0 402st, out of oirr 'I'h reg,ird tn the c,)n"t ia thiq eanjtlf�. d0a!4Or 1144 no the pails" when tile ()Nr n,preletitatiles in the t(,Wn Cann- Ili Associated with is will I In it I M 0 ,n this :flswer-alto;ether. - Ili pinis i air. On)( 1,0141 A prominent place In public recall. viefrii I Gocurnber Onlod Aft,iniption encia. For fil�t Pirelli MIA went on tl,, Ilia air lite All latetroes at p"flent he'd an Playas ATTZMPI�20 oil tire AwAre that, for, mom time past, fr- 1:111GLARY.-On Wed. I lion larplartmonial 'blocks are now im not oPt Started. Calahnigais waiLing for gree w1th 011f CO11- Calm too let,, t,) flut on the brakes.' lie (But. to notion. nesday, morning last, about 3 o'clock, �Jr. *1.11 , tio, itrid .�%n with loorfect ewe hat the whale Or Ila, postmitsbers Its rough. � feailolfrarry anleklade 0 Gotrbrriorh hall been infor,,ted by one or raore "'A W The drouilat Ili Maernouth co-unty, "ol. ly every pert icuisr went over with the On 'Inc, R:;d struck 3A. he war debt of both parlieq to he P. ost the cormiltry 'Ire ser -tiring eati'lill SplWarS to e,tM le bottom I �.V. T. e�x watit"(14MY awakened by the peronnq-a anuall gAng, we think-wh, ban c i:� th A 6111. The, st-ranjervainis we J.', this -a vory severe unrano farmerso ;Mcch a latke! Of ill* iiver. dimormunt IHis kvaow.� no, h.w paid by to United "to r4ta to be noi recall not Perfect. and the officials Will 111, n,(h it did hot come PArly enough tn 'to �ilvfr, it ibelsovis the public C`Tlo Its which be He did Still k how Of Ili,, draw. 41le. 'I o:d loctritte OfSt me of some one ithariving up hill bed-ronal stake it their bilhatinicam tn prowl athut n o to Pace that all pull mosq, fpsif pan( laces, I llday next. fill, I Vnistrill ell lhaU4ht if he $tr)pi-,d berarpIfecogniso-din reconotructingthe Union. I hare red* in con4ravolto Oft Perinuotly alliact gram and g:sin, both of which toVt be, r WeDutr4all caripluall ilbe (in wait laid boilers Mr. window. Mr Coo Ittaftard np and tic. 'the dead houral of dw night, breaking into 11. lant'naral to coorand-op qalorlows in the W, co Per ore,] ill ex,elloilit oidt,r ; but rho, a change of enterin to judge f!r6m. Mealy seem o think ra I lite tax Comas. There 'rho Istrasswerit, is sold many other either directly or indirectly 1 Of colarac, that foram me wom a 11 Wallis! till, ri4hi it, The fit famplart? at once over tile lifivelvin toy Mr. Q,etalr. mended " wh(;m there when he heard Plores,and rotessling frota And aboat Pri t"_roorny, well estil^ted early Potato errip is call ah partmentA live it for ths-i here. The de. "What go 4*n rr+ will be very attack atherwistoo, are made subjoct to) tile nane Mr. w" no bell to . Thl enxine idu not of am. on" splegrarl'aid to (;rvsshry that torms the burglar retreating thraingli the front houses every article of ilqe theq can lay ; -A W&mW; and if the drouth continued many aalatluq� 14 Coalsin of election, *aid we Joe of boamatifel doolign at- reent of ldeffill-tion, otherwise, a g have the Wt orhy (?Arid, ",ing that he pair. lie do nut knew the rule to ,a savild Prot -coo a sotd*ment artmental blocks rie"oul P Ili hth gatta. Running tn the windor, he saw theirthandia on. Commencialil on is small Ili#. contractors have had secured a the borld 40. . He never got a Copy or the as, 101 ctionstruction, to vvit­ out I i�sir S�Svov villeys. ft will NJ" coca fnr not iows alarm for ilbe . in is two Warimillips ousid The fail and Complete restoration dair v I the undertaking with g it $11sill WA Pat- Ito reach e; op. Already the if a, dirlaillail is Are "tab *lie 1114 ruble millorl'tr ION bwA 11) borritow a time lab,,. Thero wpm, ill# the man di.-finefly in the brilliant mom-, Shale, those pilfecirrgA. his (l grolih . in fre. 0 Iras lishand far tilt. sionveniciviss and beitefit ,f election. 80 fur rads we am team, the coafte, we am drivers lit Riallarn,,old when be .8. union, in toal its 1prralorml integrity. light, marked the Appearance of his eldnfh� quendly and magnitude, sairei Shift y apposm", slid even forest trees slilove, until vloo have bow grarat is the want of rain. Its the " i1sly 0 LIP It very Aoillintio, win ro,and poswd porthims of The county the drist ill the re" is r He bed biaratirillinX oall @howan door, ThN of slavery by ibis a eed. infil, &c land then riphed Into fill adjoining Isnitelled a State of &fairif Under which no "Ir"o"R more ilian six inches &"p,makinit laacefstalliam thio and it is right flat Iny F.r the sake -it 41tostases unite, erdicitraix whfaeb abould- morna, or the compact entered Into, III# t "Is' MI. t:jm, The . f4l i's liq Its tn IX-levare estanty bar of that public shooli Parfaire inU, h1c][10t, urber Csirfer stations that, tier. while 'isolipeeteamg the proplarty rights of all room for a 'gun, which, unfortunately, ill" 'Man of business, Amateur gardener. 'at , REWARD I,ost or .411tradists from the extremely unpleasant 604 filtil"Ifig (Of Tall *111 he "Pleradsh member of iat The Is" week, siobm finarts" 70604 CIA"& 107`1 0#"7%ffald People Security against an- wt loaded, doe the nef-160901 dooriandrel linuseliftipair is mile. the in, assitievs, involving the inureits or the. he new he win thran p- ilia- smansafted to tb*i,,Nftp@ from The other Saw an Itartant Premusall of the' 4criboar a she all Av*r arhI boa.ut. Aq the city draw -s large sop .a f twu �11' A\11 to iy o41 liety land la he he ttoil itaitaparst of its *.all illooleat of flower! orboolia hence, we hare Answered O;tb the giteraiderits of n do 1`040ral 1"hy, Ioral roust"d to &Wr homes I" At,., SoAsilho would have hod x done of shot to pick onto Ineptice, forces itself us, "'I'lit ratio IAS maA kit MA laills, his brilly. fr,irn that counly, t is deeply interest* I cable �as r"larwide, 11 there. not V11.2 I the Qaebot or am Vicinity. illLo,,ele&d to safter the is, It"'i of getting I All persons shall r iv� ties daills" t,,o 10 its Y*k o Pent fr" tas be did. remedy Stild Must the unprineil-led and bring him halt. FT* Vt Stands cast. Tff War.