HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1864-7-28, Page 1'A!
• .1.1. 41.01,..10, el • V* v4, •ra • Ammo.. • , „ • er••••••••••
.$ • 1 ,) • e
W. T. en, Elitor and Prgoriotor.;
• GovElt rc ,..t icso''s• y )• '1
•Itntor, +in you tell Ile oh 44 t110 limner e.,,astt a c ;hid), Mi. lki Dom -tall tell/ be
of tuy, Waldo 11040 Y S1 ktoto a VitAto/ 0! 9 ,,,,i,,,t,,,,, but buscuuw
ti1e thitok the pre. -1;
lt.' 44Yea Ul.0 j il• illiii*L:y. Iii. ii 1114101/ 1 "
of the goistroemitteous wembothe t oilliii,iiirtol• I cut oltpooitkod coleulated to deetroy thb t
wig s. ay moatbette imitation to the clothe:too 1 etatlideuce 4.1 reformers, withuut vehicle',
of ibe tollmortatu.' Iflu, 143w,I i t
1'1 u--
6 *7,,the eooner Ateoulli.uee 13 broken of the
what 1 told lieety. SIto luv.t 1 it gee • wool
Sums.' • better 113r all concerned.
•.... -......-• IOW • -.01,OMM.r.•.• ,..', ..
Talk as r•.0 will 4th. "1;4 tnti„,toty it nes,.
*bele meg" thole 130 00i..........121,;01 lildi Nolt '11•Cyr.k0,14) NoMINSTION.
.'.A lady of ti,u ham, Me.. nd threeveorc
Ind ten 7e ins, wt lit 1.110 thr_ht id with Ler
hag, the other d3y, covered I, too k1ll u
Iorn drovo up her cows;' witted them
befo sunset, urn! retinal to mot &goad
illation far this • ' 4)u
glueott Cele on Toro I .y, t'
f The ioleat of hands* r‘dolied is. f4v-
uf 3fr. die tal$1,)-appointed
lirotincial Secrete d IIW1t»d
melded oil Leklf of r. M C.
4,1 .1,, is top kat the election
Mr. .41 Ode:tot. d HOS re .411•31,4)0
ton ,-.14nat.
GODERVil, t. V., JE
._ .
TB E•11.0ETS CifA3.1 0, ELECTION -
Wttes it trrtit twat.' tomatryaf. w
ago that Mr.11rown, contraT to'lois twin
pentonal ' inclination , hid consented. to
take uffieC in the New M1ukty, in order
that the full', Weight of Jai un btedlv
great influence mii,ht Li z throw; into die
negotiations • relativu. to the lutp3rtant
Constitutional Classes propos•l,it foectiteol
to be a fore -,;(me eon:1'140nthat mitk.).
Iii oor the relitha collevq. !I hu might
select erouid niett'with oppo•ithri. . Ahe
very nature of the coinyatet kilts:red intoe
by, the leader. or tbo two great 'poi -died
. parties beers out this ides. Mr. Johr A.
MeBoneltt, on the door •f,the Aquae. lh,
scribed ,it Os a muttol etonm.ottoi...;"
end when Mr. Brown hat corielu l'itil Lii
leanly speec!i. on the euli. et, thdu who
had bittorly 'Toot,' kids for y •ire.pioe.:ereol
forward ti Auk., 'Owl., :and tn eou; ilea
I bins in the usobetortiert wanner thee they.
urere.*illink• fir tlit tflive lei,,, 01 144.1.
to " bury the listcle.t ' nt.-1 toter cs.;isoli 4!-
• .t14)1.) thngreat"wcrie • cf 11,•!.0rli in - ••111k
hich, if carried"- (.ut aineen lye Sand vffi
- timid'', ivoull be 411. nv:oini „of tat ttli.I.-
.• • -Am a nowtera iu the history let ..3.n171 I,
end by crit t di incr.. 1.....1 unity>.f ini;i,....
tend to diva te our cytiot^y • to t111‘,S;e•••. I
position of ,-,, ,14.14,, 1 . N 4 ili.y, A
crisis had arrivt,l, atid, •er.rite 1 by the
exami,le of other countri -, Tory, (10:4,-,:.rr,
*tire and 11,,,form.r, s .,or ti..,..1!,:4 they
Few, in the anddetiadc:leii all...A litV,iii,..
•an oppoetuoity of Initig. aboit s
. inti)n, ja tertafe in li • u3tur4 idol,no.tt
hopeful in, it+ probable +ult..- We nr,
aware that a cOnsi leraeleumber of the
supporters of Mr. Brown th ,u,...,I,Out the
. tiountry deprwelle1 his eOur.e1 tleeting,
' to join the-Ciutlition, and woo hallo
been gratifted bail •lig.„J-N44 01 00,
ride to him': 'bot, 1411.1411, win t
bet ar that, when rIal conserratie eadt
deela their wirliogitrya to dertake
conjoint with Upper. Carta on lib* rll.
the great to 4 of torover di et...ft to of thr
notional dial, othich hove er, lore. to
Wed, the retorni tubers o!- the lions
ehould niar•ifet a di• iti-n to niset t!, 4:111
half way ? 1! 1.1 t!..-. •„!11....1tI...; 9.1..rs
made, or hal 4144 • indigr n114 .tp5ettel
the idea ' c,f- partially einksn' ol 1 ttarty
''• lines, then their orpiment. wo 1fiave
• bed It. cIatitling eruntent 'whist ho+e
who hal from. ntiy a.serted tbdt.
' Would accept of the reforms tloy a Iv. onto
ed tome fnotai trlitt optartr 0.7.
and it might have been sai.1 of went that
an a +re -6.11114u; -t, VIM ,!,,., it.
they preferred ploy It; *r•itit1isettioitt :to
e welfare of the count/y.4 I Lip. • ,
twin out the definite olj I.', for whirl* it
was fo sued, the 1mi.i..7 11:441.1 01.4111'
Coalition •s Who a heirtyunity of pot,
pose, we tri say that Ia.! eppt4 ill el O
Mr. M'Dgl IPS,trth Outhria j. tots.
calculated to doaway witil thelastdrey141
of political nspV . 11r. 1111Yotig ill s as4
chosen by Mr.ltro On one of Lis 'col-
league., and the 6 ore:dive party 1.
morally bound to refoi \ forth oaawing
him. It is ttuo thit Mr. 'anseron-bases
his opposition on nurelypre rt eroundm;
bat, wtt ask, who. has ream . fe,ling to-
do .with AC great now k mrd the
county ? When J. A, M'anial ' Otlt
and COrtier b are evinced -a desire to re-
tOot I.. •.• t Ins!,
1.9,1i4. r. 1.11i91 it k to Is Ind, sm1 1-
qu51.I, up to it, unudImeark of exe,Ito net
Foi Kau ttt 11.14 r ffiL. •
litA• 1 Lw .fr 14-ostom.-Tho
rottura.iy s ill it di • Gov-
' 'crnor tientx 91 It ts4.l en h .1,110i, 0 to 1ii,
/111.1.04.•11 i•tti 1 ill 4. is. 01
itt loth s..ptemb-r tiext. Thd rre,
• /*ttss'Auty boS)., tl.dt as 11,J 0:5v,Ity
9 these revi i woh. id!' uit1 . brat .rs
are begtuotag to realise 444) ft(' i, it
44,1, 8, f 1 d ty is not a ray pl.
rff ar tJ1 4.4,1 in, fl is ten dy
*doubt be loud ooly e.0 . 944
by .the railways, but by.all eho hart th
b.tug...212101l% of eliciu id thodsvleuel..
, -
• N tient E'Wto+44.4 IN LW
s.w Yotio 01;., ,•• r 0 mil Iditd. V.•ry j s-ty
of the ntlinis-rs of it ed,Ie 1•001.1. 4 • r
•1*.t.r_k who wart front .; A. le, iia -IO
4'. q, for 4 oc.i thvo forty citt. Thor:
-walla...I...this 111 thin -sitivictv$1 C r I
init., to keep body 4111 soul'
1.00s.litoll IZ14.tl4, .9
It 1/11,114 •Iy p 41 and Lost by any no r. •
ev. rlonr 111..1 %id. Tho
04,.•• 410, pt ea1 *onion \go tInooist •„to.,1 9.9
9.3.4 sy w.11 r4tb,.4 tlo.it -the
1. .„7 •G oidoet:
vsn's. nre. 400,77; 1.4 it. 9 w ts
atto ov, t 111.14144:11. . 'f t. • ..`,4t4.l o
lien ;las oey hot+ 1.1 the NOt
01.1 4outb, t •10.1 Up•VI It.00totat vItintary
etrsioc as a deced ,• •
ir• Y '
.ting hoiden!: t 9' s 9.. • :
--, 1 !
.t, 1,, •of tho. At 11 • •• s
were leaf loin; th!. -
1.47.11. I, ta flyer, to 1.-.• •11 I i• ' 1'
111/11*.2, Lit form was
Valk ; his, (Mot\ firm t " : • .
strholi I d 4., . 1,
erutchts Anil the 01 k of a strea.1 arm .,1
friend lie: elailly,,,:ueL-withe alo.:41i.h 7 -
node step at fiat..., infbut .
It was gall aril binerness t o Lion .
4to his e74itri•to 100 that eectv1,an 1 o
.. Ii' go. tin.; w t .4 4
‘1.tLier"ttotji'dLin. 04 41*14444.14. •
fight • i. -
Um" 11.0 Lie1.11103.1 /:•:14/.....n 01 • t
4.4444 If° • •',( 'ke:Itn.11neen. 1.1,10,10. 1'
tot,t1 not now refer, will !lecke tiro tit 1, •
-ten Iii,cotalusion. C. tdi 4434., et
noventento of teen^ tort,..ten h4. pill very
) If -40,. 11,171: off, we
4., :10 W01101.0 in finned, to 4.4 him put
hi nbodtr to Work, cud I.t 'It n: goot a
shooro the lenCritog. Floe 1. eing
b slm. lt• 44 .I. 11111141 ••,.. '9.-C.C11(111•0
'go all personal eau..i‘lerations and_ wo
•with thd Refttrm party to necoro what
they emisi•ler a bo.m to .4lie epunt4, i. it
manly, or does it sppne fdli, for Mr. M.
C: Cameron' to step in and epdearor, by
all means in bit' Peer, n throw an ob-
stacle in thr way h;rmoniuns govern.
mont which must, A 'eine' be &lode the
Provincial Rocretary. thrdw ti. back into
a state of anlarhy on -1 confti.irin Mr.
Ill'Dougall, we aro aware, is persolially
distasteful to a h.,...) number shf ednie'rba-
tiles, but sorely not more en than 0,1%.1
Messrs. Browe sod Mont ; and, indeed,
we beliero the latter would hove be:.
opposed had there been any chance of
suottess. Should tho enrping, and quib-
bling, and snarling of a certain section of
the tory press' have the rtr,rt of defeatiig
Mr. M'Dougoll in North Ontario, *Irak.
0)) of the Coalition woolt1 appear inecit-
arde. Neither Mr Drown nor Mr. Mnwat
could 000143 to e stilton., in taro under
anal eirenmstaneo•., and they would bet
Mortified by their friend. in washing their
bandit of the rade They have
done already Fill that tI Party require. of
them, and *4.,n..1,1 the Pmeince tall bad
into *von worm alien the old mats of anar-
chy, no blame can attach to them, We
write as we hate done, however. not be-
• -
• Addis n B..kin
1 WC 0!.40rerr by 11 o '• • •' • I: • • i • . - 11, ..
1r. Ald••mtn Ddlern, nes.4 .1 o:.. o •.o
-W 1' 411; %LW% ,s* . ,
pro.O.,•,•,•••...1 iog hot o 11-•,9
t af, elelte-} for C.c City .61
fo'r the Tiod •r
elected 044 I4,0 Lune nerastan toot-
A el, toldto 1i4.ej. lre ire fartherincedmn
that it is usual to appoint • ilte Seal or bliend
of the City of Load" for the '
on.ly ..124..kllerex for the tame 'ycar
(114milon Times.
ry. Twenty d...\:ant a pound, for 9 batter:tit
the 11411nj [nice i.. •
L.V. The Coen. 1 Railroad 134.14. %roll
the If u.14313 at Moor bat bete commenced. '
The toot amount °violet! in the e'ty
II0IT$ 011"oin (lb" te fur the Coln.
re Stolem's ass t,..3,073.83.
'The Wiiherore l'Aversity at Xenia,
Gia 4., • r eo'orefl sit4 aisty•hour
students lo,l .ur tea, le,s.
' Capt n flet C. Aldatiell, eel of- MC
unto nous John Miteltel!,lyt 19 4011 P..* 1.1 root.
mant.of Foci Sumter. Reis okif 25 /cote
of age. ,„
Cje 'A Connecticut farmer 1.11 41111 discov-
er•d OA his cows hese beau regooll1! ly milked
by black lash,
Tho 047 roilwaysill'hiladelphilt Lave
rave 91 the fs,e to ail latota, and, judging hy
Ihe 444.0111of 0.1ft 1401111 will. ...tacker
• •
. George Wathitiglarro wore false t•itth.
flay had been totem+ from other le.opho's
mouth: snivel* ranted Is an ivory plate.
CI. The ineehmery n0,1 In
hrmourriete rosermg of 04,9101.0 hoops le
Nros Med to braiding 'throe alrin.rn, •
1.11111•Itoratioe ttely haeinj been found neces-
Rattler, Aret nest,- We learn that ot ter
sadden* neenro4 On the line Of the
111fIloi0 and Lake !boron It.iflway. $'0!41 te„
miles east ol Csledonid is 1 the mo, ring of
Warty last. It appears that th, re boys were
travelting on the road, and hal lam down to
alevp Or1 rh0r/4401 night On the 4.aek, and
the train coming on, run over two of them,
hitting ono end rutting off an arm of the
1▪ 111; 1. ‘s; %Di
1•1111.1 111.' 1111 1.1" ; I !..1L.
4458 I,,dlidd utak ,r
fhg i'reoulrnt Con:t9.11 fVubo ' '4.
$!/' Tr t•ir : •
I . t . . I r •
11)4, 4 • •
No", - i I I . .' ' .. .35 ' 1 .• s o : ,,
roi..• 1.! .11 ' .../.1 1, .1,' t . (1, ...... 11.,'
1',1',r!!...1 '11•••:, • ,".' 1 '.1 .u... 1 • • . ..i. : , 1., ; 1 •' , • ' ,
• e.o..1 • ..il,.1 t . i 4. 1 ti 11 l',1 : • •.1 i . ,,, 1. ,,,. t. .1 . . .. ". ; , . •...1 9 , • ".
to th.,,,,Ot I- WI, by. *en .0 1'. • '1 1.,...49-1,i ' •••••••• C. -.- t'.., . u. • , .. 4. '1.. I 1-, .1 • .•
ii.er. b .4, '..:1*1: Is I i .. ). I I ,I , • .• . .. 1 • 1 ', ; ., • '; . .1 .! .4 7 ,-,,,,, , t ,. 1„...7• ,
1.... 14 • ••1 O. I i a,: ' 0 1 .:1 .• .4I. • ..1 ., . . ,. .
.4, I at..., act ..ti 4 I • 9
, • r. • ! .
• , ! • •
. to
• •• I. •••,, I:, • • '
1 •.•
.1.1 ....•:..1 4. U.. 1.
1..1 1. 4., 7; • I . :1 12. t 4 / • •
01 4 I
I :4, *4.,,., 1 :t. ! . .
4w, 0:4._ • SL rolt
, • t .•!! tl• •• •
• • ti • ..I r
*4 4, • ;' a •1•,. • • \ • 1,
• 1,t..• 414, •
, .1 . ; • '
• '"
• . 1
• h ..... .11
.,1 * ' 44
. • • .
. • •
•4, • . i . . •
4= • , , I
au: 11
\ • -
.1 .
. !
• • ' 4.1
. . :.• .
• 1 • 414.0 s 1 s,
1 ' '• .4 1., 1 I, • ..1 :1 . • a
' "1 •'. 1 , o • * .1 , .; 1 ...
" • ..1 :. • 1 .1 •• • . ••'*". • • •
/.1" 1 • '. ". 1 l• • • ', •• • I • "1 1" ' • • ••
I .'. 7.
. . 9. .. . A , .. 1 . • .
0 I iii 11. : r •• .. ' 11. 4.ilv, o X Pc 1,k.i...
1 .0.1'f. • • 1.•••• .1. :" •11 11. 1,4- .•.,, ,
410;7, 41 inrs,..o; 11 'el. 1.11 le -1o,--. .nt., 13.....st, Id.: e, ,, • d , ,
h 0 • .
ttT 'crel•.,
olt o,./IIII 9.1 ,..,4 1*V.. 1•Ca. * , ; ,,,er , , , !
!I , • • ,..1 1 0.11.1c7c .• 11, • l''.'''. t' •,, 41 I ' ,, , , i .
,,, • .
I411111. 84.1 1.• ht'. 111.Lo'liteS. t.rey ' 1 1 ▪ • ,
re. 1r.tre011;,,. I to 11 trotlittie odo
111J I `'4
•r, n ,
I 11 .. 'Ir 449.10..111 .
t•1.. p 1,, „I, •.„
' ; 499, c.,• • .4 1•.On• • ' • 1'.; 13' 1,91
(Otitt, 111, t 1 t' • .1.
1 ale S. 1.. t
' 'Mennen re AV t' etvdr me ;,..*
ol 111 1'1.1,1,
.r.14,1.7.4*, 4941.ty
.1 a
Ay of W.0. Alti 0.1m; ,n114.7
on I 0.'4 lof,4. 1.
a 1.014o:141h di ha
diffitmliy, hi. ctosi,a werveohl,
rolutszt 440041 a• 1,41'l too s
mi....mkt owl. r, hdirste7. •te11;9,9
PO 1
1,1 10 11'111' .4'11 001•0,.1' 4,19,),”-ty., 14:41
esiinely. meta • 4,0•11 to1111,111t 4 4 t't•
ve at not Ito the matt 444. those: who.
own a 41,14 enStied, in • li'r 111.* 1.1111.
lecetved k blow tochich 1,1.4).,,. •intotonevoy.
.4 pers..* aro iveti hoot 911 Tin, Y„),
per 1,', 111 Tem tit, to ica•eh of Von enii.ok
eh I (lel it Innbiri,u.s.d
Free Prim.
; • • *no,
orst anotaLue ein..hr Co.
I a 11,41044sd.y Loot, On 111.1•ern
po u. • r on OLIO %Iflilt. fii.11.1.,;011:4.
00.1101 1).1,1 1 1 irz.;e,11`,11. 1. Arlon. $ 441.1*
ono :Stelonyos nod ono John l'aTinith sod, of
itennerr, were rlii6k.n4 it1 It/C.0014i it. t'ke
nith 1110
Fax re The no,admerl no oh'. %etre e4mo
to the pleee where they we.,' 4rnhI,p, and
••wleavereit , or, 1 how hasteold envoy. Iheth
Ilt•Intyre a.i4 C h InItt1 her of. -
They hod a Turret. Melnivre is ina,aicsted
'0the onerre!, but Carmieitoel it +horror!
with ha.i straoh the wahootonato Ells... old
4 bettering hire edit a wick No
!too head 'i til life ii.41eNtinet. 41.4rteraloy
tont not A . mon'* hrains. S410/king 111 are
ihe ellost 0te*4 oriult, 1,4 with
rt`o!” 0lf.i9, et -rare ofi'l gyor. At4ra14alio1 1,1
the fo,d tem Pita rerald henna lido, and
mac chialreo to hewed his - pi4. st
eor..apes holiest h'.s lesto held an *4.,, body,
sod Car.nieh:.•, hna li.en committed 40 4.1*,'
his trial at the ensaise anima in Prith.
• i 1 P.- 4. , 4.
.. '
• 19 I •
;VOL. XVII. -.No,
0 .r. .44 411,41/14.41 5.4.LUONII enien Of
1. , , 40 min t hon. et r, ia that 1e1.0
3 etch hitt, whielrhos funned , 4, st t tu•11.Xad....e, add the tvellnewo k
' " t . ItAiug balioed. She! y, fss
'• • t -C5 • , tts
1.99 o 611 1 1 . Ina bteurnal 14%0;4
t t: at all Ft tot
I o 4 4. a • f Rove 81. Honor. in
; • .. o antd.rposse, kwissiewaig ‚44. .t
foo, • d ,
1 .° 1
1 r • L. tO
totem . f
, • ,. It ,I tsd, ipso vetatitir 419:970
a mot se
in., a, a
, , "9.' . , •...* /I .N.10U4 ,.•
„ . , ,.. t, i .. • . .\:•••1'.'"sle*/ 1.,n,,' 11....
• ." .,,.,, .... a li .. ,I, l.a. 1 1"r thlr C.
• 1`, , . • 9,:_,, ..,,,,,..1,:f.l.o.
Ltr, -1...,1.0t"31.1.61t.1.4\0\
-4 . t 9 9 ; I "I. It+ l.. 4. 0 Ili'11.411.1.13 t ...
. • , . .1 .• c . •r..11 awl pt Iv •
. • • • . ' l: .11 • • not of
. .. t, r.• 641, ...I
, • . t: 01‘. fa..., •4't
, t,,
, i
, . 1, 0 or* •
r. • ..1„...1 1.1' 0:1.1 414. 4.59
.•.. 44,, Oi 1 .• lo.toirct 1/11,14.,11,e'r AU • I
• r 4 ,:t It I, he Nit ain't:.
• • ..'a 11.7.t4it/
• 1,a1.1.,ti4,.1.1• F •.
• . '14 , 114 11, 1,114 t• Li lot DI .0 11140 *V 14
1.1.1 ion uo 1 r ht. 1 he
, !.119,9 191 ',lott: tt* * roe 1/4411
. . ! , 1 1.. 1 . e ItS
, . ..• V. " • F...: 10,1 •,, 1.1 ; aul t1.90 th- Mord
1 . 9 , - • oi. t le (',5',I414, *-.1.1‘...* Oliae 114jeradt •
1 91 1. .., . in d ; . docg.d truer,..14
t a 5-.9.,, ,i.,,,o t f ay.. thdt ahe
. •t 4 u, t add! 4, itaa'd even set.-
‘ 4 , , 1 • , i . i., ; ('.5-1.41 ... 1 t•Ly 14.5..' 0,,, i,„1„,ej •
' ‘, ' ", 1 ' 1 . 1 `•:. r" ‘1. . . .1.,:i..,,','', 45.4 "°,i''il-"
,1....."%"t u4
1 •-47----.---• • ,, 4.. ,. 1
, .
r. . ' ...1 , , • . d s . br ',co, . 1,,,,,
- • .. , . . I . , i 44, •: 41, 710.1.4 11'0 .11 nor Soar,* : •
• ....... , 1. . 0,, .. 4412'4 , it,' ro tr,y I ..t. in,epr.rnouent.:
' \r'., ! . , • _''I u. A....., .i., . - •.o. I. ,e con,. ourd t .
, "' e., r ...*. , to rev! -'1 his
. • • o ! L toot-, 4.1 oht
, • -------(45'.'1,t
•r, 1,3»'e 1.1, 11.11.!1. % • 1.1%
14000 4111110' '111440110W fli4d11011 to
. • .f.1,1kilas 1049.r41 Ut seeidi Lee &MI.
9. 410 aish t re:erkser..the toincileace
, • u ‘111.140 te iiony to ISI/ I -9.4'7....3d -amok.'
:1 to. 4sm4,er, dot* ut,t -.rem to 4'44e int
tou, upon Lir 1*0110 she
• ' I , '"44.l rbk le, • •t.t.a..a. 0,1 th. idea 3.44
....sr Ler, tool 111..1;1:.19/1 at (tits'
. • , • *n0,0. I. -gal 11,11(4,444., TInt ul..4 toga d ,
, • , ' •.' 19 rat t_tl, •., toline•ty tar
1 „ , , . ,, gted, 14.14,1444,4 for loan the holy
;., 7 ..J•I have so 4444 ,4.. ettietence,would4ave
• • • . ' l', *.j4 , 4..• * r • '*4.4 iktl,' 61.-40t 04.%P. "'4. it .
' 47,.• ' 1', 1'..'; , ' 1' ...f t .• ..... t o coo', .. I., a, i t .,., r
. .t 9. , I., : I .4 1'.a), t', ot .,,at 19.e 4)-..,! 44.4
. \ ' • : C 1r 'i Jr ilt:Pt ,±f- Mt " ,4' 4. i• 4 Ifv"posAti-a 0 1.4. 4.49o tu ., too,
- 'I. . • 1 .-9 9, Ili.. •04, I xt., on •iy et ItiOA
..11. 11 111! kli., i
.. •
Ut to a y. i..• the rf134 1.i. •1 • II t• P..1., -.4,4.441/
.:.\,. : , , .
1,4.. izo I,I.C.O.1011,0 1.1,.•Ir 1111.0t a.1
t ', ,4.'tt 4e ,roi ra.•.h a
. . 0,4 , ti to ; o . I., es on 4.0 1.,..4 of the ;Intt o
• . • tfie (1... I 1 11.1, 0 i .* i I .i. 11.11r on t iii l, Of t at th..,
,.,,et 1 o. 9 lor. • '1,41 ltio ..1. ILO , •, II ..1',1,•y. ant*
- 94. t a 1 r a ...0.4 al -1.1 af 11.1.. -ho: i b .V, ilk.' ,i1, •
11,f tn. lo ..• ,•.. +es.) s s.tte**,tidi 1.111.. Ile., • 4.1.1,
t 't • . • !. 0 .1 it inn 4 ectroia of N ,..
. 1 • -• ,4144 1 %Inen..0r 01 .114. 1.01 on
1 194 C., ' I ' ... . . ' 1
1; I 1.‘:* • ti • ..
• ,1,. 1. 1 • • 7, ,., ,o• .1 17 1! ,• • ' •
1 11,11r,..i. ll,! , • . , ,„ •,, .
.,,, p4t 4 919 , et y t , II ,,.. I • • •
• 1,111 t 11 4444..,',, 141 It .1' I. 10 0
444,4. 441KI ,n • I brit". 1, 11,o of • '
I.OIO lel. 11e 1114 • 111• 105, 1 It' .is•sle3.1.1 110:
't 1. '41 ni.g.4 n.010/114 141 1u...,4 (110 11* •
.9.1.1,41S I $6 0 te. ot,s proivol to It,
of eft: I. F.-.
• .a •
thi 4, iol 41niteift han as n.e4')thellIN 1'
' to 1,e -o,1 117,1 „a 117 1:40-.4et.re. 07t. 1 •
rA40111111* 1110-01,,•4•••11Y4 1 ('4!.)1)I. 110144
C.4.1,)/1 in W000h4141t 11 tft4 11. MI. •
a Isrpu'er Man hidnng7,,,,','
W, 41‘ per error. go4,4
ilsre been* 71104e V 191,'”
1* • .11
, 0 ..r• -.4
trey t
3 10.s•orritiesy,i
oans*. Atha,.
to rev. 4., 44', ley',
II o) • 00, f4,141/1`.9.9.
eil not 111 ,etio la Not
The iferold It Foot t rf• 4or...04.Ln,' •
on: s 111it 11, 1.•4,•* riortol., /01' Vskin fed ...
elm 94...411 (4he tent now. !
111e 'nosey lo ova attempted 11 4111444m4.
.1a80e14.4"... 1 toe Cog of nowt levat 011.0
.91010.4 .. on 4 tr.,. 19.1.e. h000r
If•UNI, town eltiog her to otote n to Iternotods
Ile ol P1. 11., 9•111.141.14
ly aller rAn VInItot Ihe boat 11)41144*.
ly eikeapiog 111411411h h ott. 1/.r itt.niirn.111
otne hetconttenEr niNk attendici to three
11'- rri.uotek 4.Vdoolo1o,4.tot; aPeviol "ant+
Wo n Coon entitled 10 cre.lit 10.1
Vent sr has 11011)44,4011 to be ,•
(-«.74 .4.,, etr.troomi tho deponwoont
r %Vnom t'i,goae in C0T••4,1011•1* 4011
hitt .4'o+ bet lootts orrl 4 ftt
ropcnt MO. lien. Wtiht, vtho kin ch,orle
ot 140 c,11, l'141 04 10 parson the Corded.,
net, few.' ilk.- firm ilerly •ntl I est/rated
1011,0 invasion of Maryland. (4. i, 171.3,3
s, •
• t,o•I'.11.141.11ti ON. • •
by the it •
-a 10,e t7f . 9 •
I re'. avat I
a, 1, ,
I t
• ,
. •
j I
••• • j
' • II, 4.,
• I
. . , .• ...4 •I 1.1r
,„.. , • .. 14*
,•I 1 Mt
• 4 • •
4„1,,.. ,, 1.ct.ielli s'1.••••
istoi o.Lt 411Ltdi
1 .
• , ,..c.1,1" [14,44"' 71;014:4104,111Wk.411 1,!e.":'4111.1.47 h'elfer fi‘trat.
•4. , , , 9 t ....4111111e.ted lood soli of all Itis rilhot in 1,i . •
th tino, .1, .!,,ati ale.... fly 1.tr find e.euAkat he mien Wok Itiancit
beizisItnthliit.br. i.43ak
, 1..1,
r ;1;
• 1 I
• ,r.s.• •.; ,r; Ow 1411;1 01 die, 40 11 ,,4.i 11.• *ill 1444, d
1(10449,4 41,..1 • 4*41„4..• N., 3;010 10•1111.0•310111,Plii3li4 11111/1; and seettog
1 • o iefor* •• „ 0" • , • fokt floe.. 1444* 111111104 .10 favor. 1.0 3,4.
4,1 versdly'. eto, .frudeatlY smith lit' 41 its
i• • '1' • 1.1f 4.4.404.11••,.11 l'y 1.1.111144'u; 00,00 111,416
• • 4.1. I ,• ..4 r •,, Ndt, .1. 1.1r • *1..1 e 11. • !., ly no.o; d until Cad
9 r 1 .. ,e e. cod i o 4, .,,ont ....e.**ti• 1 •
" ' ' • ,..'4,'4.Tor 111:111 14,017 .or int 41'vota he
"4 • 0v-40 11.441•4 t ae• 911o...fon the f C143,111••
g... • • , t. '4» hive 14% al rt
41'1' ' 1 • • • .?o_
1' 11 ie LLtros
- • , Lyn,- tl,,s, 1,, isoios
1 Pio h on Mil
.1 14100. 0144 *5 0)4.47
,•• .. opp. n 10
• ;•ow. t *XI
• it., 1 wo ?
of -It Ltem•
. '4.41"0. 11,11J t1.a
1..1004 tItor• capital f
•*,d 'i•stls, 820,000
o • itt mike of rail.
•• •
D'A .''.‚.y*' (.,44.
thr ad, 11.1'e r• t $1 41,044. •
• i n::•••41„ .11,1 ivy:, * 1,
1 111 • ; 111
..., .1. 11 .1 0,44 1,1117 1'011.11) 14.rt
S5 1.1' CIO f•1 70111Ctilli11.4 It* • it
1•1••." hl the 12 tliforalin or 5011.1611.4 on
al thoe
1'. ttb,TR1h•oo.e ••.,e,.•4•t•1e1•o.,1n 1 , .,i' 0tw.., o•1/.ieo..I ln . " 1 lte•'• e,S l.,ol,,eo,1•w
. 9 . . I toI4..
. . l '
. .e . 9 t d•••I,t eo•r
.1„0444.1 II . • .• 1. . 1 1.4
0.. • ., 1 . - l!,
auoin1t. l .dt
trash hoe ....• •
41..opt. 'of al 4. 4 . ,„; ,
4lho oth3,1 or e,.4. 1,i.0
ort Ol Ii0 lob and the ale.A rei101*
maw +de. ,opt moed he th. eh 111.4
ofii,,A.44 14 ( in)ktrst,eer4
Fri -4. l'inid at t'ins oll'iCrbol, fl
rantd nt ...1. 00t mpeth.oAn
nI ne. *r1"1'-ie"01•11.11e
Weein ..10 toe 0,1 the ..et alrto
hog maera otilsereniy: thy "ee eliven
41.44 hoct,.1 11,4 cin,..nor •n
ore 004.1woe ternetfout ItI our t i
4 4441 10 ‘C. lonel 11 tnbio, wire 149,1 ,'('
r,„tio, rn,' hen bd..11t ..
bon cool Viy b•701 LI 11;.
mco 841)0 lm% a smalportin .1
III*'. the sill a atl armed
buckrInd, the rest in norzet4 Vrying l('1(
lb. hulk of' a golden. half-dollr arto moo
of the value 1410 lo•. n .• or the
eon, rroin thpopr4)4111.411449(01,81.111in1ln, Whie11 he ham d9aitoullodttorotts for *014.1,.! 1141411e14, sII*,,in nilit,ory hrase erdoltiane the inito
-11 014t, the ouppnod diecti ot' thc
a'o ,I 4•0nI
ftit., vein, .0 eto &awit
3.rettt rlIt•I of the I. 'Trio. I 7
44*44.44 nro. Reenii to ho well sok.
n:d with the ivode,,.no 1 that lo c.414
hove 4 thou-ni.2 er Rl: or+ as
144114 Pe nod hs chosen tn
plc ioe notre. 11. exhibited the plunder
to a nuenla‘r of gnntloonot in 101•10, and
there con hr no doubt that it 1"4lolu:49,1y
estehtiettes the presence ef i
• • elan 1.
. • 1. •1 11
.0.'5 Id
, ..• 9, . 91. 1151101,,
, . , .
• 9 ' 'd 'Airs
. t 1oen •
I r tO
oth. 7 Lis
I n
I ,,,i ,1 8.11 7.41.144 ktf.'11.
••11.11.0. I tedo.rd ao 011 ievaluable
14 1.. 4',499.1 1 y a
• . 144,4, 1. Om:Leith 144101,
. 9 , • .•1 06.1960 0 ic rods into
9 , 11-41 was 421e,ene,
44414 :91:t.o1; toi7a4:;:g110:11:.
0 • ladiest oo r...dt 411
• t 151 090119904.,•Otar m13100111•:.
If 'w',, thre 7 )4 tun lathe real bal:
5 1' .• •
• • • '
I 4 1. • , .it 04 1 , •.1 .•
ieloo 01.9,414,1* C ;it . (tit. .1olto 4.541 1.
ittc•of ore,
1- cr,.." \...ir. Vrt.--,A aloi n11.1 fatal mei:
! • . o tied, to.emor EA pid. Omar 011
I • .... 9 . 1::114, 11 1:1114941 a Toting lad
4„..,1 ,r , 4, 11,:os. Comte potent,' live neer
fi 1 nr`'S•Mil'0, 1 r1.11:0,4iie. It eta ears dint
II IIIII*11,1`, ot! "that to:.. 4„4 icon.; 10
.', .., tt,c tooth sole of i. :.•. 'MIs,
1,944*! i,, t.,,,,,t,r sum, limv, ti. a 11111111111,
turofetoeloor out, •t heyond ta., depth moo:1z
w •111,1 ,trami,Wradmarr.
11117 04144110CII • oti,, se rrarriTirm. ........„,
to the 1,44a17 retell atifl th1. IT. 4.1 i era of llek.
%Alters 110 11•1j you'd n ot I e todol trail neer
ort.ho, Aldo saittd.tikialy v4tit Lg.-Breed
„. •olow-..----
to K ;73- V 1( 11' loI.NIOLRATIOS.*••• .1.
western court A do reeyAy dcided- that A
17i.• 11 a yard e. ws.de, silos. it seems that . .1
to4 bat helot -- th.me old beetle...Q00,y the Ile
*0 004,4 Lot:1404AI any 1st you can 61 a
•-ofhotel • 'pang, hl a pony for a hie,
7 oua oletssodUcar 'IA the offer, *A
an. e oho kiwi bet the 411,011 Old eurmode•••••
,..oe; tpePAinz itto ovIllat•tr slme, re ar. or
1- -,,,
0, 41104 1,7 14 r.,'t of tho contort A sot
• .,, Ileoefote entered, aiol 119* jiwi 1101116.1
ih d .1.. yony or na tale. some:dim ihoor 43
• +. •
- -
t.„1,::?...:rn,e. m lb:R.:ruse me :ir... foresaisfamnaksesi: :
adlo nee *Inch keep CM all CPA es • Oh
flow 1117 to r..1110 the wood
els As sit corm fs Wares %idyll,
bemired tod drily thowanad daLsooe. it
haa aria cowl too tire avoreactse ewe
rids neveral,prtentris e.1 ;On.
' no' • .00•1 emtue4 it sit .1
11711110( 7. a 10.d., t'ae is; blewitrao re.
494 1, tteo 1.1ntwr :keno:eon, *oho neli
• I *I' 11'.1,1 Coat tIon 11"10,11- 161.1 Poi-
' .• 1141,11•01, *NI .:ti
„ .0 'Le, ..^1 11. • yr,. 1,1.14 t ei.111f401
11,e . 114 11:11..err, lob* WO
re/ f• d, of tet.ti, wit c161,17 gine/0k'
mod eacaoneds • • •
*Pow le 1,1.1 11o. Irt. root of my heat
en. .0:7 of) r t. t•• Pa' 411 his
od a. •dat.ed to m to els imooedi NO: ...
0, 1 44ctiN111..9.1. 4111 0011001
191 •19,91,1.
19,0 0.11 or, .Io. to .1119.fr !himself 'Ton
tlo a 4*I1911, 110.1111.• 4,4 III 01 I .11. 041511 494(4.10
89.01e, not od h. .91.94 11 re a, .11 4, oserv.
the btely was et 1•4. rani
(tonne 11- Rei, **.'.dong heated hood the
...tr. re, • kith OVA 11161•11910111 • elector oted
ri en le' headrine• tem. An,r, essoliperie.
I • 0914444,44114.81 ;palmed 414 44?., to dm jecy tof
the thvioentewiel the wh,•le afar.
11174.1-11t Groan i.'crerevitas Aroma+ Gro
no's (I +$3) a M* shal l'eortoo and
governor of A. invotdes, ant .elateol tan
slim. a,eettote 10 OM of try fries* Um
*4471 ,10*?."
• •
-4 •