HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1864-7-14, Page 4; MI slatted* of the t:oagress of the Hon• te4erate States of Amertoa Rel*ure to the 1 xtsttnN' War wtth the Hotted blares. The Coggrees of the Confederate 'Skates of Aim* aokiewledgrng their redo ualbCite sisal Ihrn Jiscursul at su*te Ire th malt ri 4 t. tks opinion of the ci4ilized wall14, w the : gnat law of Christian pti!8uthroph.,•apd to the Supreme }tiler of the universe, fur lila part thew have been compelled to hear i, the sad attsc1acle at war wrd'caraage which this continent baa, for the last throe year., es11i1- ,ted to the eyes of relict•et Auuuuity. Sae es the pres'•ut a biting uccesiun to etcetera 44. priaoipl.m. the sentiments w'iJ purposes by which they have been and ere still auuat.d (tom ic habit.,ts of the mctrupolls In thio Mime, rod Lord llnlughsm .tale" that Lr h• . r,fuse4 du4IIlg the last three weeks to presu14 .imilar p tiupon from xarium mrrr,nti!e b..• dire, because he telt that the time t. inters veer 11.44 not Yet arrived, 'hhe iuLjt•et hu much 'that! by acorteipondrn't in our col. 1.1114141. 111 iSh tact, the trig/tail , *ru*1t of u 'resent curn4.•ign has SU patytiy'I) b, ought out the chem.:ter of Ott elwagl, thee. 0.4 cow sideration a of huseau,144 *1)180, onlookers ii resistibly mot .4 to intertera. •. • Tne rulisaa rt .J foi rigor.* lg •er(e id* Federal army w a prs.'.wang etch tatty rngnl,,,.1Ir m vies .3. points i.19 y 1 4. 1'he lfiro ever .L•4 p e 42,:,,...1 2%. :e,era Ito light I i which it dors not l tl, 1 ..t.;: sit, eL,cl eo.,*t eised' them to 1.,1,e u, *ewil ils,rtdu,un. M1, lea'e n'.. e• 4 1. in drfeuee of their rights end of th site i:uu- t 4 eotae.•nu that eour-try,lhe.vt a •• r . t4tiaw derived trout their arctuur. • mala analysis all Clauriearde Jesci!bed wee C there is not nr.g they snore a•d.n.. Jewry activist,: is t r..Yud mat ,gala,{*•. r, b • than p* u:.', a h^4eoi ver %lour rut ..y, by 1 ua,le th •res v:, ..at ala Lr t o iti ma'*II re'414:a.t train 1h.•ir 1111!.4144 4.',I•.xr tJaged mei the .l.44'.4it Ihadet u;'„144 ,t' ,44,..1 1 ,4,114,41,;:' 1 r * s ud Ixu.,' t pun 1 •Jell roof them w enjoy allt r the Frdr, 1 it,1u w J 1 p11aa the sMltcrinj prot,clro.l of tbusr herr � ra 1 a aI' boxy 111 F 4 J .a 01.1 us :ti titer, rights a,! 1'44'--, r her 1 1' t *..4 u•.d that ,em b t retie tlra ! I � . J jar Ira t. the bar .441 u lit the ferke of 4.ndni falJlw Order'tt1•. i. 4 . s alert l i t. chloride f •alit.• l rn tie t x •vd 4.u4ag,the night ha took rctuvr to rho I •,whot.N. Nest' •m r, wl two • eau tau wctr 1tuu4ht kp 4.14 s. l t' teal cannuu.,butt area vn the house At lett, el all se8m J ,,a , 1, u b.,Jr of wen stormed the boos.', n• 1 s .n,' lintse: exhausted, rent' . , , ..I., J,.l I 1, , . floor. Ile 14:44 �J ,e, • et w, and (';,t s„u.r 1, �, !rouse• a'.th err,•.:'J-.r„ Lr,4,'Il ,rad ,,.,: Mood 0s the floor, hailed J.•cripl.ou, ilk accosut of the woo 6;444111 la that Ire els between thirty wt.d fwlly,^ married ♦,►echt4 time. 1.N►er of ire (k14n'a, • henry 4Q' kw. ,oI b.an'ly►, ytllt.ahl -uli.t up t t •Iv 4 ).•lice 1 4:44taaLU;. l.1 •. (..•,:04411 . 1$11.$4.•••• Ale see,. ixct I..: •a•{., Lct r i 1:; Orhz T.txI"r l'uaYi •u.trlt.;.-1'I.. t,'�rryh' ere is the C4it4J Stara have their •hare' ufoartalcs L,'•t1�s a geurrul hen:are tlrii e et a,c 1 044 ... h r• 1 ,- ( w uu 1 r, , u' th 4r. L.f .rr. 1.1"' r• i. 1* tram, the a rl •s of ant eewu nivel w 1(,:d: It het I urn me 4 o eu ar.y' on fele pl. n•ucs^, to Lr f't 11 card .Alm 44ty toed,11 so 111411111 ui alt' , •'wt doss '4 their;uru crisp it"bey ree;al th b „, 4,r 411044 orf alm.4Le4e•y p..ini ut islave.*sot. •ktca.tifey he -been JC }e.1, ono iura•irl bards v ...lc -,the ops. all; of • th,• i Jl,'tf toff 04'44 to force, tube pos.1.ed (0, wail prewarc*4n444 ,.:s! 'a u top, tenst:o44 41 mux'. ou.OW. 101d to 11 c: mu:rd, and y ,1 •sire .,f per,* 1 I { r:• int •n•sla of rici.lsotron 74 ran 'I ! el4 die, thea ouf4 tele s,1iltetit 1 h i.. 1 hum otity 444th t dtii:el. of I i....: ' . r le In et', ,even rt Ie.,. ,t tl.1 f•rs- r.1 ,rives mu utrr4.f,t• 1. or o: the 4 i .,, i 11 441 c., t 1, ii t ,.t, 11' ill.. 10., 4 u 14,•111,[ 4I 14.11414 40 4uj h.urr,, y s. ,.,u ,1 o. I l 1 •4' 44 *' d , nll1 y 41 atm_; Y. ai1,LLM44.r 14t,s, at the 1, levying a tag lwm'd. ,ler is 1 one penny titan) e., uRtly Ie a that,: thttr hast 1, 't 0I'414ee4, a t... 1, : Iter( phot(r'rspb I" .pahl I•. 1'ny • rax } 4 r , AQr 1.1.1 1er+1,4.4 dew a feel.. , .,if d,.lru,l all our moult, t•,ly t, to ,'haat. 1114; •u I ,•i.rvi.,a,,tf'14 4-.. 4.4 .'1.1two 10 ,Vile : • •• or stew. 'bit.. ,w44vtw•1 *41.1 d.t444rr,,Y 1 1%14,041.44 -4pti.47 *41.1 yyetw..,ii 1 11 1,1 ., ' ivy , and 1.1 C lithe rr loel)tdowilr, estimate tl.s nuetU, re. 1 b, '1Iroa•,1.abin W task ILe .4.i. hUm '.t to et MY tried' 44 , 4i1h their rti jliatltt 4 ..sty. dilecthl a{ai:,el-I (4,1* ry, a AAA', t'.eir applynel4S1un. !Yarn of the pic4Ulr I ,t espifrt ur ik. Cu, ,,y, bas alro,dy i In; the 414.')44 r'ea 1.10 1' to, •1 to dfpurt tr. 'u 1,I00,'rap1 11 14,,0 L R 40.,44! ,,114.,1 11.11e airs, .11 tulleg.',. a la hail I, u d .2, at r ..oveetiri' itecerssea foru..'' ll„114 •• ,4 1 1.r,•1 1:1 .4 i' • .. t '"(04' t0 thee .*Se'seer 411 *''y 9:4i H al40.4l 4., 1 e. - 4:•:.1 1, .1',:i.'••.... i. i •• aY• I• b v*4114,4,, bat 1.1 bma,'e uek,.4t.itnrim•s' 1 h'+'410:. , \(,.,.. r 4411. . ,last .Almighty }a',rtecti'u •:Leh Iz411F',w,h ' 4' 1., 1„ 4ll -r ,1, s,f•Jd'and 1r toted them -;K '............1 1 • Toa W,....1.1 4114444 11 04 41 t'-4 r 4',I In ,►f peuae, 1.11 14.W1" ea kt n.he.0 ter, ii: • 48,411 each varied r" l 441 4 4 a .l •u I4 14 1, "as Iscildies tor J.fea .441: 1: l b.,anly of nate v f a, it.t 4 I 144.1'1 4 4., a'1,uteJ wan 441 '1114 1J 1•410..P4..1•4. 141.4:t.4 • • r. prlvalloo and stria,., of rue. ib,at44 • - property. of l ie ivied; ra 1 •r ilio i I.e .1,1,1,1 1,',....:•,1 ed front 1 r rom t 4e curs 1 1 ur.uie u' JtotlrtneuaJiud pcud:utl Stam sato which tu•ywere born, eaaaeve:the4eW:. be conIalar'rd. hit! on ear J enilrUw)recn.lfsr' the,usei:r, be,4,i', 1. feel that h) nits nae ! la Ir{!' We'd long 0r,w;b ; th .1 .sari an 1 h,, .1 .and , 444 treasons eno*gh hare been ?spelled lir a' fruieess •ude11*king.co,elin, the:.' own 1 nu less than dare, w•th a 101:1 of mons and exposing thele for mole time set 1+ 4 .1' I1, THE EMPORIUM! Spring and Summer Goods. 1�IIE 4t'RSCRIBERS 11.AVE JUT OPENED SPRING t • 0 U T THEIR STOCK TAPLE & fNcY 1111Y GOOD y t icyre r t4.44 the pit, • . t -rwo, t. 7th.', n h 1 474-- 0,C •'`ItIEii, Ready - Made Clothing, BOOTS AND SHOES. t r 1 t 'ri l udj err, L'., w by t.lute ,4 1.1111e01.,111117 ...1144 wan., : ' •1 0.71 e44.'i, 1 l 4,(.1.1,.1 el wry err Ly toota.nide. 11 r tees to e%plain the *aped .try the 6 a •n, 141.. rWln/r1:1e.1 4.41 raw 4.s: 8404 be O. c31•CunhJ'rsts 1.1,1. Vie 11 it. to dealt with •To, ' ka sign 1.. 441, th y n• .1 I: h . I :, ,f • ter. ,1 '1 iC, alt •Lt,J fit '3 a l • t . le :hetet ia/o•th}{, ort ,t 1 fl pl. to the catastrophe all 9r. 4oci4• e' 11114 i i 44.1',' - it 101 that dii. the L at ilatlin�fit•u R., ,,:;.,T. iI . kuteru, ere, not t *.eek 4f the In 4 of err .' 1"i'''''.- i" 'I •ewae '' Sul ray i,00r wh4cb , j tawnier by the des:,at:,m "'.1 end .r *K I twit 44444 ., 14) ton,' 1 44..tne cosi r.'re us :tun 1r. 1 T l•anrr i. !' .aggress!vr Madre upon the :i'4•rtk` alt an. 11' etch Ahura 1wwr,er1 it eah,44i14 lit,' t ser and kmdr,'J fE' 4ple? • • 1Yii t icy .heI�1.4.0the .s4 4,414 1„u �JlY u th,• ilei;;lr. •'TI.••, er ' piing by longer (.erie,errnce in a Mashies/stein id•iy b' •ot44 tluut.1 (,rihr hob : it °I 4 hope•es4 4Ullteet. 14'. make stet continent, wlhy e0en a ,le •tlrai.t to wr c,ls444 lar a•' biro. 44,-1,1, 4,, h they so lung boasted to 6e the chosen ltiO4)141,4 ./:• ..3 1:11 .1*1 r. u t Ir4 tk . id 1.4 I; 1 , ; a; 11%d i,.,. L 0 i. •... -1 that :. � ' r'% v� : 1 1 :. ii,d 44.4 el t... J �".vy„�-.+ raw �.,i.�,,.•, wv�. W.� A 1tN1k ASSORTMENT OP -GENT'S, ABI CHILDREN'S HATS. • ar rah ' • and • most c which 1 relsp.s i and of the 4041 by the These aro will-decidr lo stand edquitte _ frorhl, ea well as Justice, of any r prolongation of a spirit of the age ea h knowledged maxims of America. alt hr a ,uIJ leo,e , . manly 4.I4,.1•44,0 u. t ( f T f Af ! frs 1 I j l 0T.• -27t11 I rs'�� f P O 1B A[ U) 1 1' O'7CT� . Jr Y WOOL • d 1';v1ly and aces ,rarnment of peace I Luri -0 i. tli•atar, "4_ el10. 14 *4 4I c,,uc,Ju1 t +th 1' J:1!4)444. 6tic m ilio;' 1 t, .,t,•I, nt.'^ i,fLer civd,z44t:oq the theatre of the 441' gurenuur:,t 4r xu,rr, 4- a. -m �. • t7 J ewn✓,..... +4•lestl anJ pr„di; 11 rRu:�'o•rut h'oul t,411 ruulJ'i!u toe rryae:J. 7br.yeG news i Anoth.r sure .i'i•i6:� tale b� a 4!. .t 444 worts has e,er s (4 of a yir111441 ^Lr+044 41,,4. w•hctt 41yal•oe'!C 1, be .e.Aluig to ( (1Ndi*4s.14 ll'$1 4.cltutra tut:ue'161"r- e u the brros(iy a of the ruder • �sar t,•,s, Thine Is ti L•rul: arra t a! u ere' Lt tyre, the l ••v 1L'i+. found.' f t. •struction of cnn.tituti soil tree- ' /1 ol1n,:line". - l V x'ea and 1. r'1t .'tui lot t I . }l :: iT1ksc 111111:1tS 4 :, yo.; 1.(41 x44:tel, . THREE D .e.4 I a Ju ( ex -ab :1 *t...roesofusu4pedpower? I' Lb •r40,! ,,asL''i 11.•'irbamforeeee4,'*ttl;cNirth 11, wa Lot r1 '14.44 • 1104(1rn, w•hicJ4 our adver.ares a 4 m11 lir the pablh r .Brune, 'fbu, i*oI,,, - ltiunaltF.n (inti.' 'p ba(.1:,1w1,,,,4f4. ,41.•t,.gr, u .elprr• t• hMlurey the trio* t,, 1 of 444& baser. re0ressed. • ThaVtdl(d *1,11 w be alin1 � ' mitt:4t'ro-1 two, tImi Ltoh.-I'r If-.r,u in the eye, of.l*mniscie,,,t - the,1144 fl mien dining ti. .,:o'•*i,;•l, wbi.It ,, ; J- r•.'. • - . otinbi:sty tom the o,t in f half, mow cotapeoseJ t%st ii*ve -zee '1 dr , eta, •o contrary to the . 00. t is no It? the traditions and tie., the Federd Ges.erel "Wit -1 id many slew least (Alm pu:itltal wy,teia for ever) mils he has *dem •el is it 4iuuld • . Lave cwt a rat**y „ uv d Is. Su - On this eo*tinrut, w -Atelier o,•iaion may euu*tr*ct a Lew over the sa I 1 - hove prevailed elserhers t hm-ever hewn Atli µ the whin, *411417d y, •• 1 held end ,ulkuuw.8Jg141 b all pot nos tbnt the inrader vibes o) 1l44 it x'-11, ,. , GoVer'ifmoat• to be hie ful,,,.'uol' bwlvoudltd 10 thertsts,J:uuu•i u!- Ott 5I: • r,,, o. the consent of the ',irons 1. We 'neva', We h)ae'bu4 11"."' or the.. 4,,•.cr forced to d.,sulve our federal c 44e(•44.41 with *14171114 7(1141 oil, as 't w, re, I um b, our Tor mer associates by their a ' rN/ioui ,i, for • het we do 4.. nr 144.18* .11441 ala lh th, the fund:twain; principles of our impact of 6.84444)1 t{,ey e4hi4i1 in the 68441 Luton with them; and so doing-•) we exec- ca140,0ie•U4 04 (lien the hitti4ud. .. I � h•( cteed-a n;ht eonseemated its the gree r char: cum ?minty o(sentnn.nbwhich heeds them 11, - ter 01 .American Lberty-the right .. a free ' 'r with any pn4r.ron, and to d ierrlul'y people, when • govrrum"alt prove. d tree 4i*e up not only the luxuri•:a,-het the oecesw- tire of the ends for which it tri caabli4 • cJ, rine of Lh_ to maintain thou 1a.1•• eli4rucr. tJ recur to uri4,1,.44 p,empire. awl to leant, tc Then' is a al,'"i'4.14'. So„d1 that .a""` -'t be new guard+ for their security. - The wipe • • subdued, and it kichnluud c•,u4d4be taken and independence of the State,. as s,,yoreigu an l0,e!td to the ground, 110 Contedrratrs coequal memten of the P4Jwal Union. had would carry ca Mc w,rr, with scarcely never been surrendered, and the pr14. 444on of lninirhe.1 forte, and with 'redoubled torr. applying to independent commit .i!iew, so constituted endurgsnized,'the ordiearf rules • • of eoeraion, Wed reducin'K rebellious subject* *Rtes Yerslatence In Trade• to obedience, WWII *010: ism in terl(s: ds well - is an outrage on the prin.:plea of 1'ub'ic etettherg CurlwepnnJentof the N -•,n 1aw, r ea, tens the fuilar. Mg 4.0-1 it rt. The war ra:u}e upon the Confederate Sinks • 'tie' . 1161, therrfne, 44'h,11l'04•44.ol','4rn.'4 Jt,, 04 * that mitt be chart' t•', ire/ .as oar aid, it has Men seictly drlerhAve. Born_ oecu, r.11. to:erl..v.•oa+.r,.iu: freemen. and the .,desceudrtrts of a gsa*ut d Tomer 1114. A e••rgi. YeNtr1, we lied no option hullo bund up in 47 our rifle 4iia, 6144 m,». J ! ,� deli•*ce of our invaded firesides, cf our dew, • s t 4( tut waving * sate psl,t. r4-ty bility (bit 44. weld r4 • .', n to I tali -•,r s'. ,LI"i sari a -,;rant .4,.4 4.r. a'1 h. •0,f, The' York Ts It mny 1 r .1n ie.ci•1e eery no:An-tot 10 flit}�utllrn steppe out fru tow ,d r rated altars; cf our violated liberties and gotten of the pro hr1'ght,cud 'of the prescl'iplire inritutioes any toum4•ut he :h,44. w'e4 guard, Sud plots(! 'beet We bur* to him h, gal beek,bef not .,,Irrfcreli, nor du tar wiaL in any the :hef tnindfal is, tho..:wr4'nin:, whet ret, to Interfere with the internal (lease. 'Wiest y.1u rl*hrn.• 4 .a/t,1 pr 1.erily of tlse;3:ate, a•rajoel ib hevti!i- • 'Nis,' earl. the reM-1, '1 t w no paper a ly again 1 us, dr wifh the ',Mat d•ewlo4$, ern want you to go 44.0..' .. - tf th it d lnrira in any fret of ceche. u! • H'l'h ain4414*r lerver •nee the a-:: of poll r 411,1 may thr,k ; roperera ar! ,,.t 't, 1 , n•A• 1c••, s..t:.._. hesl.clr . /144548. r<. u * see 414 ..4,l '+ ::.7o4. Lr:o't ry..:r �, l r outsell.* and to be eft id' tar:. w'. , i !lav,. *.:t1 1 w .t t nj nme' o! th.,.,e 1 - .. . .. r f.. ^ . hln•rty, ad the par:.: '.r r . '*d7 tier. hove a..t h oar e• . moo, aoe44040 1 4, aN.d r l.y*a m Jat'403 b,4.44,' 41.14 Iher •e of al tiertru1t-:J' .•iN.•.r:.. avt*n•,gr.• ter: .1 eJc4:tui4••.1 t.Y :;re, A BEAUTIFUL ESTATE FUR SA U111fl 44 1,- r. 4 r. 114 1.1 1 . 1,•44,,,t ah, and to 11 •117.43' . twit er 11,01 fo ty tur of A life, nook- els to be the .1 she ar.le:al-Culn I.et them fort which remits) *firm,. bitre eror been will in enter Intl- gown aeries. in • spirit ea pe whole body of obi. people, -1,01 s re. the glAtittu* protecti,,ii of Ilea., n, not afraid t nvow *sincere 91 4 re 4., tin 1ertas consistent wrth 'colt honer _11.1 permiessens security of: our ricks. an ri.eft.11, 'W..1', • rumor/it to the beneficent pot/hits of indimt r ton ir•(••51 had of tauto.11 intercourse at.11 ' it over. 94)4 if our Ivereiries...041.im el au Ortiy the .r of boll, pre lemq tra.1 hum inttii- try the pro- .*Iten we welt inJelinitaitrcolonratiow or the tc:ess heel 'az/ to octilig them he the. traponsibility of a decision sa ioy man, y ita li ,Isciter 144,•;114.4:1412.1., ant ro tujocious to tie • :This lime the :genera:int diwirdered itaogination !Icon of the estr.iratance which cou1d dream ,se the cons with one tanrd "to die freeraeL rather then A reiniirknhle event ta. Intbly It;,-,enei in Wee wagel Riven that:, nod by the eyed wonie then E;y4siisn 13.3 sd.sze *bat awaits dem in the event of tiwir sut,j,I4atiost. WA *or porp wag, Ira commit our caner the enlightened jediniebt of th • 'world. to the so'irsr mit of oar adv.?. therair.ltas, and to 'the sheen sod 1 o be up std on the f )Ir lt'!4rlu r.4: (* 41•le al 'r DE111 OR Qc SON. '1% 4 ARDING ! would g to.inloro cfc c4et,lul•ra and ter,' public that his neer prom RS FRO THE SQUARE t of June, 1,4r tremae to.tb Wool"( I:. •• 1 l t In,... n: no in cuunectlln 'till, his .00L • Croat he- incsawill'be puuctuailyAtteGJt I. & J. SEEGMIILLER, SPring Arrangement 'PAIN IN. 1. 1 t s s DEALERS LEATHER, FIR DINGS ! ,a, GODERICl, C. W. Fr:,ru•ry 13,1404, *4,470 , EXCELLENT FAR1i�-FOR SALE 'Oli vale. a•hra'.$l** 88 00 ran•llent land. T I 1 1 •, ag lot. (meta s,.• �. 7,W. u. w A.h4c.J. Thvrt(a e I al Y S l e,re4 cf glad, U, at tehu4 air avert.'. ries, 01 H•wans liwri{wrurl.yy awl torn, *4444 •pOr 1r.•.•,. .4,1 branns. l.lw•s (Is •(tba Tarn weal if da. ft.*, 11 is wit,. rutile o( the 1:ake• Hoed. u.,,l th,ae are gr .t anal ..w thon-h, r.bo.'l honor, a.. , h., a ..1 head. Apply to J.N. u(Hla,N,els 'n. 11. oral HENRY ItRUWN, on 11114 prr114W44. tfe1,.her 11, rhea_ ;wJa•3u.;pt's!'ll' LANDS FOR SALE. A GREAT BARGAIN 1 114.14:,...d p*,, u,i.•t l7. , eo. e..o,. 0, town• .,y• ut l'w •J.•'s x,a•o 144411,,$ ah„4411 "Alan rem, (11 4. non t the land M ala,,* 1 tare Iw4'41. Aa-14tuJer & 44.i) sdro.n,u the 16mrt.hu.a ,,I• leo 4* Zrtru4J. in v....m ,w• 41 the, brim 4(4 mul•4Entt 44100 Pro,.,,-,. 114e 41,•••• l..n •ln,"*ru 10 141140 $7 pet a, ,v. - b, o, • .11,111 sld4ent01.44 ,o ! 'a b oral Ir'4er 1rr•al,-,l 1 t roe Je.akd lar 414 ser 14,J. are.0.:11.'..a.,.. 411.1.41.1)-44$411. Very eh*lWv h J Aucttotieer,.1pproster, t: 1.•u* Aar1, G,,4,it'h .1 117th, 4843.. • w�.{ ~,� .it II :RICH t N�6 WAGO IMAGE SARNiA, IiODEItICEtr'KINCAkDINE •41 SOUTHAMPTON LINE• 9111 JED s1► a. ISG 1 r r� ; 1861. CANADIAN! D. ROWAN, Master, 411 4...+1114,1,.411 44111' Ips Buffalo sad Lake tiaras Itail►aay , ' f. J h r1-/' ! .'Ilial. anJ 11,, sir+!•ole.+ y 4441*4 ;er.nfminer H I' HI,S, w {,NI.•. Master, 1wr.• a weer h44we 44 GODESICii AND SAGINAW, olid o••e • wait moth 1'+";4.11,4 NIAGARA, C. 44. hr., -.h, ,11.,.1, r, I . tw,ru I Coderich and Chicago . .11, ;Oominenaing�ou Munday.18thA 'il • I P 1j r \4144 ''1tj4itkrablur•'oi111.smpluu et err flu*. J t 3i*44s..1 y 1 .0 .Ja. - 1..1 44••1 4y .l .11 '.4... 1144 0.444 N•1414. 4411 44.444M. 11,41 .04 1ha.,g41 444 ,.1 s, het. 411 144.4..4,4 1.g1'4), 1 P. rt t - 41: (au1 1'1 W , * whole 4e4Mar.)' 444,1 4 14, t., 41:e.. j 4'.11 leave (Io*rr. el -•all.+a 'i.*.nd 1',.r !Line,' r.,ry ...JI HARWWARE r G OCERIES Crocl•ery, Liquors, Provisions, Lumber, Shingles, Lath, Sash, Blinds, Doors, &c. ( ' Aires ter the mal@ of GU•R• NEY, 1YAItl: tt'•{i4,5'PLl ,oat Blacksmith's Bollows For mile by , Sesta, - W. E. GRACE. MONDAY. AND THUr1SDAY EVNEING, aa.lenarl. fur. n. 11+01. yl•J4 .1 411 h' „i„ , 1,.. h. 441. W4I's 144 se '1 alt.4 IAtr il..44r (4. wadi - - -- - _.T 1u�,a - tYt, • rr Ills 4 N • *son 11. r, , sz� OR � nAVIB TUEDAY AN FRIDAY. \J 111'FAI'Tl'RI•:RN Ann IEAt.RRl n. ('.'l . nal r1 4,4*' 1, • II„L 1. , the, .• r 1.1•.1x. T'n.l•1Plwl soul Mow' fro• •tat u •d 1 . .. 1 141,.,. I ,. 1. 1140 State Urpol, M,•., Sten,, 1 wrench. �'' Y - II--11..1:"..' -t 1 1 f , 1 ' x,.r alit ' ,. 1 .a• •401. hi.. 1 4.r,r•s 114.'4'11, 0r 4 COAL OIL ca.'..:, ., i ,i h. ....... G,.Jrn, 4, 1•, Forlan......,4,••1 - .t fr....l l 414.1,•p,441- tfte:.at(h1 LAW re. kr ,k.. 'OW IMO. CeF per. ter sea, Rap an' tlhee,iekue aura is 1 ANEVia1;Y & RUMIJALII, 1 enan,•r_. v1� �' - ('•earn. •*., ffI, •v, * . 1 A C: th\14 \l R a ,;'l�1`f 1 III It*.\_1' , 7VSQ3344.22iOt02'•v V1 1 I, 1'\_rlt.aIl. ;h*�.vl 1 I-•••••01 • .t 1., -1 la,' Hti Wtr4,nler w.•tYd nnulnln•its ih p„�;r '1'IN-...I:A. I .,0.1•111 4'1 Ili .uN-1. 44 "ewe?.1 •kn.t1.r,n h L:.nd 1J,1•myo . and nod. 1nak, tl.r('mesio, r,, eta,;.•• ., Her• bol.,,. h, A,'.01..,. !•e 1. .,110.4411-H n w+ Y e.,, 44.11 Ire �hI . I:d4rp for , y.h or JOHN P,14. iM 111h; V t4•lerle Eftrr4:t, 1 1•. _ . h. Aro.: JO. IV.3. •- wi'l4n: WAG610NS'AND ::ARRIAGES. • 4 -i , wb-te .111 itsde.• and to. Li'arwue' a 1.4(1014 of • Cloth, Blankets, and • Sto FI re ;sin i't J) hand t,, r . ':.'nae fx.04JJ!. - !x 4*.nl4 441,.4 71 4 ST -CLASS DOUBLE CARDING r4:.'•':,htnent, he will be prepared ty execute terrain's 'work to ads re t notice. -Customers coming to th, fact:,:‘,11,001..e. 0fll ire prompt a, ::,1r er ., and pl.-tarots? ettantioe «11 be , a,d t t ;1, ,n a.1.ata�ce • tavi I7xp(dit Iuatot1 � l ng Yarn, :dila:, • N. iI.--)Y;.iir 44h*. nfai for the lin •r41ptlrona.•sof frrther,0ar4.in the oboe. A.,� e Otte h 1.; 1 by . i4 t uttr.ti4r to 6.4)1.14•/ nod spat ins mrcxl.rl-v l , t.• 411 (4 t f 1,0.1 4.x44 ❑ y, to vi1v ,ceche :1 *1,al0 n( thy Siete. .. .. L' , . w4e� the pt East St:net, second door Tram rift \ill: l : 'r 4.1 • THOMAS LOG A N REMOVAL. PARKER & cATTLE , .y. I11.1101 ED 70 AGRICULTURAiL SEEDS! G STVii NA- TS in a 64/1:11.11.1 410 Which • ALL.KINDS CON Y WORK FIRE A.P.4b LIFE. • obtaining, r•rst Clam SAGINAW VALLEY, Contecticn with the Lae - tinple Sec 4; . . Losses Promptly Settle.' :Without CliehrAlle C0111, FOLLOWING PROrER TUESPAY AND FRIDAY 1 Ur Very Re sonable Tunis! f▪ ierti.note o15.1 l'..1. tit th t, IA IS.,.5e, ...W.O. e,....1 !ilerrel K to ii../4.3 a•riJ lit aliertoni Ihe F•or further pa. tiewlart apply to • -. • nee: an the town or tirrle• tItoreral It \ . Fur .clical 411! Flintily use 0 `.111 't 111.t 1410 t got TO RENT Olt SELL! AN EXCEL- LEUT , C Manufacturers of Grist and Plouriv Mills' 11.1. . 0' 4. . ' 1 ' 1. ".11>r.`,1,;.1, if Y./ O.!: 11) ITi\-1,1"1 3 T II% A NI In , .4 „ . ..., a D,..,...., • lianatments tor the Federal Army tit Ireland. , WO are glad to 6n1 'list the olevervanoris Ma Made the *thee nay wi.h referee...sin the ettedieW between the Iselhgenrats le America Look ret Thossisy. .• Thera ean be nn 4,0i ass dm (relies in Afar or ittwww.ntiott frowii.g &Geld him pre- emie. s petition to the Rouse of Commons Ira IALE, -vat, RATORS .,AND HORSE POWERS, hut w lir Iteh vette anot:ter, t !long *Wu Intl', rests:1mi, ie.' • VV 31. sr.p4orrt * IhrecterwO t• kill hie *aft.. She • heftrti of it tan ViONyillg :ma Reaping machines, Wood laws, Coatings of ahy dettoription made to order. Also, MI NIA. of m..chinery tor, side I COOKING, PARLOUR AND BOX STOVES, • Alirsr. on hand, Seen? Kettlea, W1gOtaan I l'ipe 11..110.1. As nor patte•rne of the aline. are and took refer- in • sunglittne. home whe.e. Aron 114vver *hot the ottihh, • ' iin'N" 2. ..,`.• 4-1 • alho Th101 approver! kind, we would ariTteit an inspection a our .tock before pnrehaMng tif produce taken in exchange. when they c-1 to h s door Ls hr. 4 moor them. ,11.......e.4r/J1c. prooroe4d erch. iot. lemitai,I,.nraPA,CoYmr, Awl • 110 tins ge ol.roa • .4 It moo TmenottIP of V/ 441100,11 I SALE; SAW -MILL & FA R Ha 44114111114 Wilin Still Isidore the door,,,,e1 a ret,ogi, %imam karma ....fop. AF..134E,:i • s;f. 32, East Lake ryttog 4144,111/11 of .0•14.7 • pool I 11.1111•10•01 below 11.4 Ateelel The mill i* in first folic runn Some of the Iseviegers hooted thern.rh... t.„ bona. oppooite, MA fired away at t ;WOWS house, and revolved' hie die in irinoi, itntin4 4,440 and hoeing soinuwt io the oneree of the day howsroa *hot* mini bitterly cold, all Lis *Mlle., wars bl-oktn, ene •, orr roe* 64401611 OWL ITAWKIVM, Wa. ROBERTSON, htu.I41111,k, 1144, wareerm ere r. on the pr.•rninea, melee, it there plenionl aopply of limher the amoobtoohonA. It P4 Nd by • rood mprint Mott. 1 hew err lie 'eras et lbw rowed land in 4.011304 -lion w.th the wh,,a will be volt onth .1 desired M, the northistett There is • 'owl ipply ea the preemie to • LANDS FM SALE! ONE - TENTH i).NLY mama emit ti erkrThr AAR 7111 SU APO' k Nis, Equal 1nniml 11141,51mvat.4, North i 24 iii 4L con., 100 senor: Lots 2: and 4 in 15th con., :00 SIOITS:4:101 T1WNSHIP it EY :I lilt 34 31 1 011.000 sties earl., imts 3:4 aml 9 in 10 ann., 100 neves each or to the owneo, rireehrmee tot II good ~lime terrnom.m01 he given. TRA (10W„-”tro• •.1 the mobwerlottea pay chore. end hike time away, Itst 11.131, 1)61 0.10104 AI;11;$044,S Oatiltestore emiuresmiiie porrrn r1 It To Restotv, Gr.?, Hair 7411 No Original l'onelifoolColor ilIallty ale Insurtulte Tummy es In ?moth. 41.14,111111 bus en win& Me lady's 1.41144 Is romp1.4. Mout It Mold by Drunatats throw/bend the World. ERIN' PALER rit-rttes 198 Gretoivich Street, Neo -Tort City. FRESH LIME : S0141 At A Demionable MAITLAND BREWERY, Mee. MottOMAi,1), a. • It .10:1111'111 in emel. tone to enaneet t Grand Trunk Railway at Stratford, Great Western L-ilway at Paris, AO the Wellana Railway at Port Colbo:ne. TIME TABLE ---APRIL. Ilono.v. Weir. 110 ,▪ e Wcy..tewTserwomItt A. II 130 Mt ':11.101:1:11.1‘141..14:01:1: hem SACV!: Wm f. IPIt lehaner, P.Nstela vtinrtriet and cheapest rola. -.• linora.lparl.1.14.:anatta to ono from the "write, • rt the 10-.1 Pr 1..44 win Ilk Lakes PaissomMe ami oho limos is medians., Itie ,/ tAlPer .tortlactt.ry SII Mho may otoet Farts LOWif \than by any other route. ceerieb.Apre 1.1. Vli.11•11101 III IA 1.1 the vrty nol hemp MA. II. :ht. Older; iwoiluhl to hi , 1.1.1 Ammon I ltivittig IZO AL 0)1' )1NreKeTHARE111 net e.A.titrotgerneot hal Wes ed hommetto in tiode. toe !VP, nfic-hrll (:arrying on Business Extensively and r•ruf;ortnp 10114 7,111 firsl, Ipso ttodeonowart . A. helome• nix tliorrrence L.141. et lemming rubor that lLOTHING CAN BE MADE el MI e•tard..1.1.reno etc...11n the two Ew•hioh- rnont .0 rotor., or klon•ie.14. . bliorift 's Sala of Lauda. 01 wit Wwwley MVP rionean awl to Lei oviinher oleo on tee North Owfw .4 Durli•on rtreet make swede et Kraminhee is nirmo 4 Moll otter Me peer le My Alm IN the Poen House, IA IMP 4011441,01180441, 4141 TINA. LAE 41,0 Nitta day of Anew* isett. si die heir ot Twelve of the eked'. neer JOHN le A CDONAllq,