HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1864-6-30, Page 4:r l"i 3 • ETHOS Op/aloa. Communism. of the Army end Nal y Journal. Paele;Tildey 28, 1864. The hfuaiterr de !' Armee draws a cum p•riwn between permanent armee mud what may be termed "*ental" forces. It remarks that the United Sows commeroed fighting will. tie latter material, and struck such timers as were given at Agwcuurt and Creasy, but thele vas ma atrsegy and 0o lactims, evetythwg had to be created, and the only capital iu baud wen individual courage mud p ititiced prima, witch could stet make up fur all that was testate,. " Au arm, w mil .n amenably of men, of hones, mud of rinse; Shear ars but constitueet purtwu. of • torte. Permaurnt armies have a head, • body, • bears, and a soul ; they thiuk, they act, ad • luntel Mos Hud circulates iu tbeir"ries which gives them force, bulk moral and physical. The Americana ase i, uoru•t ut the real strength of pefmu•eut armies when the uilit.,7 chief arrive' et supreme power pro• grewnele, accustomed to autbonip and moral respneibilily, All Is measures, even the most lwiulal, are e.ceuted with • calm nese that Justifies and purifies ereu acts of .iuleueft.y. Politicwm euquire of each ..tber by what miracle war hem helet loose Americas' will, dwtroriug in so short a ti all right, justice, and libertyand effacing even ,'ty. Familia and rotten.. bare serer .vier. in Europe as they have done in Amen is toe midst of political passion and military s oraucr. There .utbiug can be • ante bet s rued town, abaaduned tields,aud nark* of wen .sate. the only thing capable of protectlh t a my. and this w proved of no avail and two hostile (aeti That Europe w:u Faulting wool fire day', earoade."".ibe General • observations with regard t 3:A " eat that where permanent for rd, war dces nut lead to the Int whole framework of society. Iw • InetdHte ut Connection with Rand.l's llenatah. l0 1742 appeared the Meseiell an otatoriu which has perhaps been pertun wed as many times se all the others ut Handel combined. '' /r� 16 To name the beautiful piece* in this sell 96 knuwu work would be to name et least five. k' Spring and SamnaBr ■ .A/Y�Q woods. 4 aril -twenty, e. rich'? is it studded with urs and choruses, which now but ll.udel could have commend. The " Hallelujah Chi ,us"• M1 1R I'u ,Ear r' a THS EMPO 11 Americus was • permanent rejected. Direct y weds hour of action mrriv.d, s tushed arrant pother. battle' witbuntresuh horrid crams of o wrote the above America points are maintain. tr•calun OI Wes are lef(to profemioeal gentlemen,wbo regains en Or reels, and the peaceable drub •itanta parame their customary oecul,'Ijom. In ry and we' both gam 4y this system, The I is not it 4irely d.uarrsntged,Cnd the last pa more scientific principle*, o a. • e Hew Atlantic Cable. or - A Land paper thug describes tl.e ne Atlantic Tel ph Cable: "1 he condueter a • copper aimed, Un - slating of seven s, tis ltd round one, • weighing 300 Ile. r nautical mile,im for solid ty 11 ('batt* our cuudpuund. Th insulator i, the old e e wu gusts fere ICid on in three cuverine and eei;phiug lbs. per knot; so the new aI� a guru perils, four lavers of which are ?aid, cm alienate!) with four layer of Chattertn(a compound. The weight of the entire Mauls int is 400 lbs. per mimic d mile.. Ten solid_ w' a the gauge 693 (No..13 gauge) were dm n om Webster A Horsf.B's homogenous iro wire surrounded separately 'with five a of Mandl* yarn, saturated nth' preserve re eompou.d, and the ebole'I►id apirwfly wrou the cordo, which latter -is padded with oral,. naw hem ',iterated with • y preservative mixture. The weight 1. air of the old eeble was 20 cwt. per nestic& mile, end of the new 331 cit. per nautical mile, or equal to 4.85 times its weight in wester per knot; that u u say, it would bear ie own weight in little less than five toilet depth of water; of toe new )4 cwt. per n*ntie.I mile, or equal to eleven times its weight iu water per kmd; that is to m7, it will bear its own weight in eleven l m as depth of water. Breaking strain in the old cable 3 lona i cwt. • in w c t the 7 los. 15 cwt. The deepest water in both cele) be encountered ie 2,400 fathom'. The eo tract strain of the old cable w.. equal to 4.8 times uta weight per beetles' mile in water the corer -act strain of the new a equal 1 e leven times ie weheht per nautical male i water. 1t will thus be seen that great int roar • meets have been made in the new eable.- • cdR d W. " \.lienal Autlem,'{ at whica Euglub •alumnus em r�� 11 F: �l-B�lnit[Bf:RS HAVE termly rand when the; hear 11. The origin u( the cu.wut is thus sated by Ur. Smith, in a letter written to Ile. 7aai.g is 1780 :- ttN hen lluulel's Huffish ■u Rist per formed, the atdinlce wu es aa'y Mod; and affected by the music to g 'send ; led 1 •lieu the chorus 'trials up "Fur the lord 1 God Omnipnteut," in. the " Ile lelujeter they •ere so Transported th.fibey all settler. with the King (who happened to be 1 et), staled up, t.d ,remawtti aW,Jiug t I for chorus ed.d" It hu been rill Lid hat DRY Goois Model's Messiah hu "fed'tle tun y, I si FiNcy clothed the naked, and ftsteied the or,Y,Cn ' STAPLE fur i1.i. generally "elected se the oratorio 1 be prrfut red uu charitable. oesanotis. Hospital, �, I Fi g , 7 C' and *del con du tedve gs° to the has Messiah theta onuele en ' Tri l i I ' CO C trPtorpo - oeetheiwu, bonging to the charity • sum a i* the out composition, except 7lJt)T OPENED OUT THEIR SPRING STOCK W xfr'• � tk..,..,a. � a � ��rlW,tO N 1,, 4 r�rA i`lio.T Z�' i f&II Attest 3t l i i i £700. the trustees. to a 0Wteeha1 narrow spirit, wanted to obain w Act of Parlament 16 secure to the Hospital a sort of semi -cope tight in this Jmmortal work. But Handel wrathfully esc!tmtd io his Germanised Eng deb. '• For ret sal d• Foudaug taut mine praturi6 in de Parlament t Mira music sal it74 go to di Parlament 1" It may be moue dusted, m a matter not altogether without ititere t iu relation to deem at the present titre. that when Handel first announced the -Mreia✓t tot performance on a charitable °cen*ine, he begged- their lady visitor* to wear their hoops;a *melbas Iwmtble,io order Viet room might be made for a greater cum- ber;-Froo ' Oratorios. • ed (creat Masi. ref FeNlrule,'• iys"t Ill* •911trrAltsoei Fundy Magazine.' A C Edt:Ars.-The Kingston irk. rah Americus says:-C.plai■ Uelu.e,ofthe CoeMaente army, and lett on the staff ot, Gen l':sly, arrived user on lie attorney Pier repentla.t ereniuy and u sojourning at the nett 'louse. Tei* genfemao visa minor- the spar 7 the Federal' at one of the betties item S s Intuits Court House. He was convey- ed r1 • others to WMbieglon, and while the transpol was lying seer the Mbar( at that plat. he s vojeded, during the night, iu drop - Opt' Her' andswirmiogtothee-horeem- perceived. Ent. be punned Lu journey gamely to this 1,eJJed e 30• ay' a about tmoJtoce. Land Se ' 1 for Sa1e, iOR A LIBERAL ('ltt iU11 GIVEN m, paynasu whisk tuts 4e elle w **Crows Land, Drpunne.e w Ltd Ow ,p See''mrd m �.nutbercut.w. - .- �_-agsuY 014 -- O..len.•b. .4.480. 4Dew27 0 Ac ;13 o int d IR *Iron les. ft,* t:.., sod 0,.nh Rounds e F..wnsmpad Ha,. 1.8a,',,. clewed •.d • f( • wel,u,g house erected thwr,w, writ situated fr Eurl.rther p..twith o.wlsly to E. C. GRAHAM, 'CyMM rm. 'Mash DA HOTEL, ON:'. O AVM. ROAD, • w XETER #a S s • -gee' wMNriber, ,o tu'r,ing thanks a ter* i rat patronage boor to palate for the very li 1f. d epos him-_..epeeatle w le the boos* was a 5• as unOmi.bnl rate-tekesthi oppgrtundy al sp- miainw b'. many friends and tui. pi AO.. generally, ' of the fact that he boos, 101• Edi acavmwo 0 dation ser nor n Rene t. 141, CO e, end them- e tole truce that by • proper "unto to tr°uneml he will salt enemies share e.f pion re butter* e- bestowed upon him. Let no rage -go or Other et it r all the au0e • Shiner ytu gu to ee re wary, herniae nut u•ly as his a,ien 1101 i 1h5A II plane. bin is 2mdeswreee by ear flied teat,, t v - p .Idle; std Iberelose trarsler, going to Beano Teesside', Walkerton, &c., will And '• Revs Hotel"on the man privet M4,1, shout • mile be- yond the linger hoard pointing to Wruseter, end eanexp•.-t ropenor accommodation std • hearty welcome at any hour of dry u, night. Our stab - het is the most crmmed.um on the county (city hotels, pima,.Wec.pted. ) For ■ view of Ib. hoo.e ser H W. !Lennon, R. Mine ted L. Sut- ton's New Map of the County. 0.1' los provided „' Summer for he fishing frond*. CHARLES DAYS, Th. various prucesaes of manufacture we watched with mueb interest by gentteme - invited to be present, from the breaking u of the raw material, uta progre*v throulb th the boiling Boum, the muticalors, and so on until it comes -to be applied to the wires, and after going through a eerie' of coatings, is posed on to be examined and touted. fhe met u 300 pound* to the square inch. and the table u manufeetured in lengths of 2,300 yards, which are )aoed together when com- pleted by a splice similar to that end in join mg fishing rods. The splice having �n eBreted there are two coating* of -wire over lapped which aro coated with gene perch& 1- thew of the cable. After poring throug all them varied proceeeee the eighth is the sent down to Greenwich, whore, at the work of the co ray, ('ate Glass A th outer cos 'mg is completed, •Ad the cable rendered for use. DIIInCt1T rues 11 Qa.bie. two s's* uidirdnai persuade you iota ' that .4e-1.. h TO RENT. .? a CON FORT.MILE Cot• A TAOS; with gond garden, its • on CAMBRIA STREET Apply to •MC'.C'AME'.IHc. G..knc h. May t. 1964. a145 In St. Itelett et t, 9E Roth's, a fire 00 erred between two Med three o'clock ibis • mo g, to t unOnib dwel.ag hone belong to Mr. Omar l allow"vedor• the Intel being re ntateri iujurcd A fall su p ,Haar pre nted re erdamage, and it .pualble the fire .. e.- thruuel eirelemneu on the jean o. me titer employed to the b,iilling dun the da , be fore. To ds) at noon s 4r. broket in th r• finead"ouni.g Enrollee, above in tinned mop oeed t, have been caused by as spark which had settled In the roof during lhd fire of this morning. The flames spread nlydly, a strop; wind blowing at the time, sold id spite of every exertion the following proper ties were destroyed, via :- lteleo Street -Jean Dery, .hnemak wooden House ; no insurance. Pieele aril, laborer, wooden hou e, no,stsuraace Joseph Picard, jrnfer a \wooden house. -- SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS. Vetted Coee(ies or) DY virtue of IwoWnn of ,Huhn• and lbw., } LP Pin, Pada*, Tweed oat To wit: ) of Her Map+ty's Conn of Queen's Bench, and to tee 'directed ••ta.n•t the Lauda and leneme•'i- of Aba- ttoir, Traynor, at the the •rots'. or Domes Keel, Jam • Ikewell Stevenwe mid Arol, h.4l Cook $nth ,Moil, I have *need ad tains • n 410.0,1,on all the nett, title dad ,•teres of tie said ,kkneanl.,n and Io 1,ed number'' it n( •imp iw ilkneens.d Ranee, wd. ley Puny, a Ds gree Id cwuxrewn. out of Ibe Dprhem Rod, mid e Thinion.ne •d Putty *the third Maw. eolith ' of the Dorbam ' Road, •11 in the Township n Brant. in the Cmnnly of Bruce. containing line •c • 01 land each, more u. its ; which Medi and to rats 1 *hall idler fue sale at my°Mee in the C'w't mase. ,n the tow. of ()minket, on "reek dee the binenth day o(.ept•mber next, at tam oar of t lye of the cluck, sine. oo win•• JOHN NACDONAI.D, Sheri/ M. 4 P. or B. "attn.-a, poly 88 t.l. . linen Aloe, ud•rkk Sad - we. 1 4 w Thomas Innllee, *ter ore, brick home, ratted; Mitered for £300 in the Royal. - Thomas Lavaltee, stevedore, woolen house; insured for £.00. M. Pelletier, laborer, hangard,and dwelling, gutted; no inauraoce. ?largueri(a street-Tbo.m Cenhi'e, ship Inlwrerl woodey h ,nor, no insurance. f tan Pi a drbooper, boo len house ; neinsnrance N. Pmts., coupe*, wooden house ; no Inger e since. Frs. Plebes, printer, wooden bone, gutted; no insurenee. Cyrille Marceau, car- penter. shed ; no imurmmer, M. Mattbirn, car , no iaurauce -Quebec Mercury, 1:1 A Ccatoc CleoTeSTAvrs -Rather • ear nes circumstance has been related to m by a person ergo is thoroughly hcqueinred with the facts of the ease, and we do net know tact we can do better than publish these Gaeta in a few brie) sentences. It mems that n few day. ago threw women living in the township of Raleigh stated together through r•e woods oak visit from the 10th concession toast acquaintance's house some two wider diesel ; when they had passed over *bout hal(ihe distance to be travelledn diispmtt arose among them on some trivial point, hid a regular quarrel and open row ensued, In which the whole party got mixed up and con• aiderahly turned amend. indeed, not one of these had perceived the point, of the cos pass ; yet, notwithstanding this, they each and all, their grit being fairly aronsed,wnald not continuo 10 walk together, and so they paned, each taking her own road home Amt len contra the curious part of the story; they all Net their way, and continued walking abut the woad• unable to and their way out for about half a day, and when they Aid coot• out they all appeared in el.annts .t points n ooaeid nalre distance from each other I me bare the aa•ms of the.* female., bot think it beet not to give thus to the public. The moral to thin narrative, however, r , wom.n, should news. (p.rm! with earth Mbar while room( swam Tote Ihrm'gh the wordy. --Chef Aar PM.si. Tag la/ef er ?RS Pans nerve -Tim R.f AaIA Qaw►.ter Nye tial If Yr 1ine.r1n M ,,••leered, the will be the last Presets". "r 4b Untied !flues. MpaaYw. Is5titaionu moaned survive alielhe► Is,0w cosh .dmins- /raNM," idents : ssurance. PROVIDENT LIFE ISSURINCE Asn INVESTMENT COMPANY. Hardware, BOOT S ry ZSR L 9DIE'S, 0 Ready - Made Clothing AND SHOES. Ir' A 1101 AMWRr . el Mb 1 I I VirsolgerEDp J & J SEEDMILLER, Spring Arrangement AN ACRNT to County t« Melee's arIan 11 - _ un.;' a the County ce Huron. This le TAT" �t t �a ���j� y f1L ?WARM t, runaterritoo w01 Sue girth. .na,amer, m enslaeir r ri Ai" ltiii et e7 T. SLINIAI Q Dfl1CH, 1I AVARD E ER, Aeetf 1 Wiz l 235 Twain* T laea.nl Ag.•t,L\ * waw 1 .Moa 1174 nestle. *M. L" R S SOUTHAMPTON LINE. I 114 ►�.!! T JA]!f[IQR 6s ! 1814. �r�t 188•!. OYSf89 IIEPOT,�,,,,■,, moo„ Fruits, Fancy Goods, Tobaccos, Lie ALL 1101*. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS ! hc, uthe CIGAR STORE OF F. NITCHE, West Street, (ioderich. Fresh Oysters, Sunfines, Lobsters, Jr., 01way. on •anu.t swat Business IDinctorg. te., Ste 6ODERIOH, 0. W. IHn eg IS, MSC sw4lw. EXCELLENT !'ARI Int 81Li L'OR mk. cheap, f00 erne of eaeelk•t land. L beteg lot. 4 and 6,euo. 7, W. D. of AJ6ehl. There to 100 acre. *eared, W Of whir•h are nearly clear .4 stu.nlw. (loud dwelling •d fern. 100 apple trees, 60 leSr,ug. lone -half *the (.rm sold ddwirod. It r within 1 nu** the Lake Rued, •nal there aro grial and mw mills, 'ketch, school buena, kr., err r at hand. Apply to 1. M. GORDON.Uylench. onto HENRY BROWN, es The tinniness. October 23, III... - ',30.3m.pPAPO PHYSICIAN SURGEON,-sae.Lea St en TO RENT OR SLI • Dr. Cole, LATE OFSTANLKY-SJNTON,HU TAVERN STAND! ieIy4,'85. CONIISTfNOOFTWELVEROOMS,with It. McIntosh. M. D. C. M.. l! largo Sable Sh.d,pumpand large garden, x re4errp'ea'rT.°wr ;< FIYStIaAN Sl'It(JF:)' dm, (graduate iotheVillageofBluevale,Townshipof1urn. Cli Itiilllr Or ikl> p 1 MuOdPCulkge,Muetreali) i,cca.uw. Lem�ind known TRL,? the oath' ottbs..NLU6 v 16w11 YALE /lOTEL, and is the occupatiu. of 1/7 O 0 the proprietor, H. C. peau.. The property • A. W. tltefnlaoR. M. 71.• bu brge le*or, 14. Cad PUGH.. b. property i. ' HOMR,OIfATHII` i')il'SICIAN, SCR• wurlhy toe roti'* of any roan rho is.eeking 11 Dada, lee. Re•rlsor•0 at ,Mr. ?. Ee. C home. .bed's, V.Lauru Street, t'uato1. H. C. PUGH. ] acre, October;�th, 1863, t. •w37ft. ^ A. T. Iy/ar., M. U., Lmnd..n; 7 mon. Nil'roL, I M. D., Weems; lone E,.La. M. 0., New York • -- 'y. :4 -bine. LANDS FOR SALE. AN EXCELLENT son Road. (Syr. Thanker'. former Ikon, rh.1ir. it LODI) An 1E20 1-.7D I..O . (te:rrtretc - remt*•...snot Godcricb, April t27tb,• 161. 9, AND CHILDREN'S HATS. TO[BASiilt FOR eta.8$ OHN V. DETLOR A SON. WOOL CARDING Ili arc O • dC O nB . A. WORTHINGTON, pllY'Ii'IAN, SURGEON, lie., will at -A GREAT_ BARGAIN tend, momently. to diseases of and surgical. . _. •peratwu ups the eye Mow.caYILLAe'.Lee•16,18.3: fw47.Iy f 01'161.4 pert ofot 17, r'ar..gt n R, Sown* IG sop� 11Clwood, 44 •hip o('1•urelwrry� .sta,mn, •l.. 150 •. ns, ((• prawn y the land belougmg 10 Ih lase Mr ARRISTE ATTOHNEYS,CONYEY' Aki.n,k,Orrbmi) •dlo,u,, the dart hug 0,l.' antra, 6`c. UoJencb ad ('hntob. . • Imp w ZeHtd. in e•un•eq,wnre *the '' re- C-CAIa Ern lie, J. Y. Cf.\\'(IIID, •iding,nt °fine Province, the sulw•nla:r • in- IJuderch. Cnwuw. lrurtad lu taae R7 pr's Erre, con, °r • melt e CYwo-. kw Were worth doh* Por Mew. dyance tor pen r•eb •id: o•I•eafe seer by in - m12 - t. vlluy mon age. memoir over 3*S yea's credit. e r • Med' her u, NIM yd• ale oil Easels nlee gas 7\-Wfllasm IN'rr.rr. quality ad very ehpWy situated l Chancery, Conveyancer, ate. trifle Toa, Aactiooeer,,Appraiser, he. ATTORNEY -AT LAW, SOLICITOR IN A to ip M.'tK pply UEMAX, • o Co. of Bruns- v16enby1y. f' ..Z Laud Altera. 0 Thomism 'Weed herald. Oaderkrh,Jolt 7ths,1863. w23 CIVIL ENGINEER AND PIROVINCiAL HB SUBSCRIBERS would beg to intorn\hu customer and e public that bis new prem) ilea on Eat street, THREE DOORS FROM THE QUARE, will be opened on 'he firm of Jure, tor trneac':-os the Wool Carding, Cloth Dressing and anu(acturing business, in connection . ,h hie WOOL FACTOR!,bare all orders and Hpiusk in the &bu.e business tunic nctua .v a'tec'ed to. Liken' a variety of Clo s,. Blankets, and Stocking ‘Tarn, -FIRST ,1 Ell kept on bar.' etcban;e for too!. Hoeing this year added snot ler .11 DOUBLE CARDING MACHINE to bietestabliebmen be will be prepare.'. ciente farmer's work to any reaooable a nt on abort notice. C te *emus to the!adore tbemeetve• fill be promptly attended to as formerly, olid p elm attention .ail he paid to these from a distance wishing their Work I1.cpeditlotasely Dont, N. B. -While thankful tor t linen! patrooage 0t former yearn in the above buinese, tike rob•eriber b.tpes by stilet atenu. n to busmen and .paring no expense to meeting the waste of b.. costumers, to still receive a are of the same. tr Remember the place- East t; second door from CRA BB'S BLOCK. THOMAS LOGAN. w12 \(Wench, April 19th, 1064. 1 P EMOVAL. � Store former] 1'A R & HA'1 REMOVED TO THY . le 1 ATTLE, pied by Tv, N s' 131.00 1 11 ey & Black • he., they hat. Where, n edditiop to their anal 11(av apply of Drage, Patent Media on ban i.rge stuck of AG R'ICULTU A L -S E Imported directly from oueofthe oldest *11 moakreliablehouses-inGlasgow, ?HRT NA,,(R ALSO RYCYIRED A 1.07 Or PRIM' DS TEAS, COFFEES & TOBACCO tt•hi,-h they o1, r at very low priers. Al so, wrrrM. arra xa xcatrams, For Medical and Family use 0Oi)ER('H, April 9, 1861 \ wvIls:yly i\URON FOUN l^` Land Purser*. (lire .ail R.adeaut, • Hamilton Street, lames... ,1403 10. M.DN ERWAGON CARRIAGE LICENRF.D AUCTIONEER, EER. BAYFIFLD, County of Heron Sales in village a ...awry peeons*/ artedp w. we.l. rw Joba W L.*', REGISTRAR COUNTY RRUCK; OE. Foci, Oroa*e,. Street, Bo•tbss,peee- Puulbamptu•, Meeh 14.1MM'. • wIett OOU1;RiCH Hay,A.. ay, P ROVINCIAL LAND SU YEYOR AND Civil K•pm*er,Clinto•. Jet' 1, 1: R John Denswn, ' Civil Engineer,onate. Srrv+Aieg of every .Iesrripin, and Abiledrral Plana erred; Landsezamtnrd and calmed.' ��6J,�.'tt�R t- aarraw.1003. -' •-• L_ JL .1R. Haulm". tC E1fO1NIER AND SURVEYOR 4A•d Agent and O.sr vemenes , ameWiIlem preOY•1N(:IAL. LAND- SURVEYOR, re FP per` tAT pini W MCea ri hit Mo to lry TMEgbeenlwr wof111 announce I, the.p,ihi,r of Huroa wad Brewnt that he has on head and w,*m.he to order C•rn$ge: Wagons, Har. oW Sic., which win 4* scheap for rmh or RP/Wed*edit. • JOHN PAI>SMOItE' Wisteria sum.1.6e1dartas .Arid 1M. I. • • we •o M. T. Cuata.d URSERYMEN,•DEALERS 1N FRUI7 WAGGONS AICD CARRIAGES. and (*names's! Tress, Shrubs, are. of R dery ply encoded to • , • 1.1' ' John Campbell. GE. ERAL COMMISSION AGENT C lat°nerin Queen% Bench's lorakn •$davit.,( nvevanr,t.ke. kr. Oacene ear, PM. (Kinrard,ne.l'.W. .t! oho-1Csene; . .0"UMMISSi ER iN THE COURT OF 'tide's'. • b,ConveyaatrM, Die,- Alice' eon kept of Farm ad Torre Lou ferrate; par- ties h•vt•q Iota for , s, *Lorin to porkier wagoners sedRAl pet .'mans. 1 pnnoe.peb. In. 867. 9:9 Prse, liar. 7'ORWARDF.R. AN COMMISSION 11 leereb,nt, I Taos. c.w. noire and Ammons collected. Dust of nay 41.04 eF , trused'a aim will receive poo rn attention. t' i w40.1ressa Ales. P'Indlep. ' • T 10ENSED AI•CT10YR , 1(11R0N LI and Race/ Sahli panetutTler a1 _ to.. Address. Selene P.O. •10.1 ! WILLIAM NMN A. di Commission IAerchants, tiRWARDI!IG .ed Owlets! Agents, 1. Pt. C \helm*.. Navel, Montreal. Arena for sale o Wheat, Flows, Ashes. Better, Pork, and Gene- ral Produrw. Also. for the Purchase ofOrocmtc; H.rdw+.re, Crockery •d General Stores. Ad. veSew,u4) o•eoa.gnmerta .w79w44-1v BEAUTIFUL ESTATE FOR SALE. et 6900 Aviv.. in One Ill.,rk• T 7 y (. A R' 8LY IMPROVE. and **,.lend. ray t'.the Y 1r L of 1 hank M th. r4r.r ManOd, nq,m,l. the Town of eh•na the (trate rich Patron of tae Ref - R Ib,ren Railway, C. RI. - , sue, post pant, w. 1 R. OORDii*. RRQ. ilatriw.r. Osten**. C.W. • \� WO W. C int' Z 'C H.. A,� 41' e. MERSIN(b ORKS R. RUNCIMAN & CO, araNrbd er'a t to of 1'4'6 Manufacturers of Grist and Flouring I. �ll THUD o - Cat \ )RONTV•a1'M 1 At • ras.lresl?: Hon. J. Hlllyard Casino, t!. E.. *01.010• etaaemet: LIEN felt.1(f>jvf!>o.'LL IIC ACCIDENTS are UNAVOIDABLE, D *eery one shook! prow de •gams them They are w Mops* Ike. according to the experience ut English Corhpenies, UNE PENNON IY E4'F,R? 1 WELVE IS IN - Jr KED YEARLY HT AC, IDKN'r. ACCIUIGN•I'N �ROAD, RIYER, OR RAILROAD ; AC(•I LH:N'1'N it Um Bub, the Streets. or at Home, may be provided agaonl In tnk,n( not a Polecl ma's Companyrr Ta nnn,* for ay won, with weekhr .wance m ear 01 deanement; en 1d• obtain,. on ew ppy,/,on to J(IH\ HA LOAN. Ir„ k Agent, (iur,e•h, Circular, ][clay and Sash Saw -Millis, i I Applyy of swig Cwtlerela1 1 .iel .liltckel I,C•W OHN HICKS, Pro. urger and beet Count nada. end •rherlrea' in whrll. State Proprietor 100 . Horses ad Carr We S est It Our • etor. This i. the I1daI ,e- Ween w es any Howe ood raWing for , for Hite, s , 14.7 S Ii�AItDWAR �I�tAIMHIW t MACII�INEE1e SEPERATORS • AND HORSE POWERS 4 f Mowing and Reaping Machines, Wood Saws, arrxa�i`xvr.e.Z�g;, C�at�NCA �x..c TQ.ix r limas Castings made, and Rl.ekamohe' work done in a alit and where list manna*, Canting* of any description made to order. Also, .14 kinds of machinery repaired on abort melee. A large atnck of COOKING, PARLOUR AND BOX STOVES, Alwey. en hand, Seger Kettles, Wagon ant lips Rorer. As our patents of the above ale of the most approved kid, we would wlmlt on inspection of our s .'lt fore purchasing elsewhere, a we are offering the shore at the lowj'4t Iremuneratie peas Gus MTh, or or spm proved Credit. OW .ental, Brass, Copper, and all kinds of produce taken in ..04.004'. Mandl Mod. ISN. ,ewyu40 Oakrieb, October, It41. .39 FARM FOR SALE LOT I, Con. A, Township of Rnwiek •; mite Iron Mroteer, airs THE GRAVEL ROAD. Lo, hoess and ben, 92 ACRES, RS CLEARED Apply m P. W. THOMAS, rep., R. M. l/eMAeh, Pith M, 1RN, ,, , wps.y'11.1f N if SAW -DULL & FARM H. () �� SALE. IrwVlt. N.�I,Ir;e THY seb..nher is Awirn.. of tellies a gaol ACRES of Lot No. 31, UM the Was S.er-Mall, misfired on 1a.1 SI, (110 8U flo,d, Hay. awes), nd th lee Iwk. Pharr., Pia.ty, 7 .4.. LAND e below aw�Irld �ke l ,._gar lee resinous RIRST -RATE obi ed...e a tthkaeee�s N.. pol11 ied by i Womble a creak. T •w 110seemet 1. elss id yymy• geed � easel rias with the min whi. ww1dR1 r.sM rr11N. t M d4Mred . Mr p•wlieser Theca r e red erased en the let. .. pMyelers, phis, i. apply en she peeml*m to W1LL1Al1 MA 91*14.y, OM.I, ISM C Ilh Timm wry. sppitxr SAW SUTBSSLAND, u. C. CAMIROlelries. • 'fanninly :41\ Liquors, Lath, Y -- Jia tV �- tam:- CANADIAN! D. ROWAN, Master, to cotangents with the bible sad Lake Mures Railway' AT GoDERI('Il." and the firs -class paasee,er .Stonier H I1 RU N, t0. Cure, Mater, tw,rr a nevi. between OODERICH AND SAGINAW, iced esv a Herdt with I'rupeller NIAGARA, t'. MJ n(o.h , Master, Irfwrevt Coderich and Chicago. The '('ana4,.,' hoeing �votresses' for this mute, ovrrb.uI d awl rr6Rkd In • superior mea- ner, will ply .during use meson of aseioUoe, making the •boar cosu«Y,uus, (w.ud and scathes lernnllutgo • Commencing on Eouday,l8th April, W,11 leave 0..Irru•h foe Q,.nthamp ton wren Mon. day, Wconerl■y, Tturulay and Saturday, at 7 u'rloek, a. m. Return sane alteruuuu, 1.14 ,ug • Soulbarepyoflat I o'clock, p. in .,r•allies ea, 1, way al ►mranhnr, Inverb,ruu, Purt Wain, laud I'l, ,Bruce when necessary .std prat -terabit a sr Will leave tit/Jench for Saone and 1'o0: Huron MONDAY AND THURSDAY EVNEING, .MONDAY 10 V . to 4, urnvwg In nese 10 vnue,•1 wits Kiver Bust Sur Urw,l mad U. W. and U. T. R. RETVIINING; Will leas semis and Ion Hume 1every TUESDAY AND FRIDAY, all o'clock, pp t., imumsl,ately after the moral u1 Ile C mul•'rrunI.'rram Wail Dalro,l. N. B. --Tickets cell be procured d from any el Ibe weenie for Saginaw per steamer 11uron, or l'bu•ago by promoter 41agara nom 41.8... 8 For particular.** rates ut Dr.ght, Afc„ apply 19 VANZVICRY St RUMBALL, G.derdk. • .A,, IC 'N T 9 3ARNtil•.sW. B. Clark; INVE1011 KON-P. \M •Rae; 11:4LCIN-W . Il• Ituby; blNt'AK- bl I;- Van tarry .k Medea: .''t TII ski 2. 71'141-1. A. Burwuh; 1't• 11441041-3, W. raempon. • Boiler b, Aped In. 4564. st•t►wl1-u ✓.'1' AOTAL Insurance Coinp'ny FIRELIFE. -. CAPITAL -TWO ILUON DOLLARS. Aer'untautni Panda A.tg?,$5,o0(i,000. Annual lama Exceeds '2,5(10,000. Itsr.reaee..rectd i•`I::E u..tuhD•Ea't!' r RA.V441 eowiwrnl "nth wirtg. Life Isesrasee-Inge e:kN{1• I.A101 100 .170 RATES .LOWS 7 AN 'Oar 6Sfili.11 r.lrlrl..r,- Losses Promptly Settled Without Referenc to a Board of Directors. CHARLES FLETCHER, Aje•l. Oa4erei , May. 1*04. ' w 1D E 1I to. FOLLOWING PROPERTIES THE Sr'lt�(CIti*FR BE(iti To AN- _ - A mousse *the Public generally that her he. .erummenreJlusun••. hit Uade•roh, ono will keep u• hand who Wake to ander W ag3-'n., l' arragra, A IIT088INCA•" •00 ALL KINDS OF COUNTRY WORK it ha line sweated oe mon nasis and at reason- ed. prim.. TrPlo.pe nu Hanptline V.. I ietween win. Hotel wool the Stowe f Meow 14r1.,, & Rem, formerly oeoups.d by Mann F I'arrm.ro, .AMUS MARTIN: Odench,Jns.Idh.1002. wbl-1v.1 FARM •FOR SALE 'IN the tied] concession, the west half of ley emnher twenty -Hirer, ,n the Township Wwansh, ronWereg One Hundred acres,• w, about forty elwrrd, the teat io d hardwood la nd a sever -failing spring onrhe lie. There e a s 1y, a leg ben .rad a .mel rrcbanl the•rs. T e ,dnppehk. Apply *the proprwtory 1OURICE DEVEREAUX. 11, ria. 10._ ISM , - r wl-3a,erS SPRINH TYLE HATS s Mr 7:1L La 1 !Blinds, c..411 war Agent for the sale (AI GUR- Fie elte. Blacksmith's Bellows Fe. maim by • • S FOR SALE! c, A very terms: NTH ONLY ! VIII MOMS I•1618 u net or emu!! ARA eta of laalla Irmo titterer at per TOW NS P OF MORR South South South South North North North 11 in 2d Con., 100 arms, 20 in 4h ems., 100 acres. 21 in 41h enn., 100 erre% 23 in Sh coll., 100 acres. TOWNSHIP OF HOWIeR hots 2. 3 sed 4 in 15th eon , 100 AfrO11 es. TqWNSIIIP OF GREY: n litt in lot eon., 1 46 mews, Lon 31 and 35 in 4 eon., 100 erre, each, lesta Al and 32 in 6 eon., 100 acres each, Lest 26 In 11 erm., 19 sense, Lnt 32 in PI eon., 100 acres, Lott 33 anti Sh is 10 toe., 100 acre. aseh. " 101,111 or TURrARRRY N.1.14Sisiesm, 50 acme. or to the oweer, THOMAS GALT, FRESH LIME Very Reasonable Terms ! • I s. rotting Village of Leetsdale, ta the County 01 Deuce. Thts V•Ilsge is cleated ea the ma, road between .KineanItrie sod Welkerkee, the County Town ro line e. • %mat pi, !Leith self of Meehan:tee' Ammo., in the ow,' nf Bereardine. and leds47, Sole, mho 75 and 78, Wes sole 01 Victoria /greet, i• the Town of KmannItne,. Counts. of Bruer. Numbers 3, 4. 6, on the North 01 Vie bur. Lam Market Square, in the V.Ileer of Kineardine, County it! Bruce, 'eonlautong one-tpieraa of an Ale. loner, b and • rot the Curtis ni iot 15. on the North e.tie of the Durriam Moen, te the eselt,Oentety cream Ions 31 end 39 oreWrot aide 0 1.1o.een "WM 111 the Town of Kiticenlme. Pot panieulare apply to aid • Barrister. Godero h. EN'q airRestorer. Awn "a great nett Preparattase for end iseeestug the !Isle. Rentlering It aft. oily and gkay. Allinvelag It in scalp. arresting the tall aod Imparting a healthy and amoral ono ta To Restore Grey Hair TO Ret twin ativelly up.mi timraela 'of the ma, ening thew the funeral neat& the whs. menew,flossesor draft/ the Zylebal. IMMO has an sepal Ito Wigs war is aorta% withal Sold by Druggists Utroughout Lb* World. PnYwrIPA SALMI 01/711C11 1,2 G1101124 Street, Inr-Tort City. Mr/Pt:Alien's' Valuable Farm For Bale - l) Township 14 Colletress, enth Sfl WW2 04' cleared Wed, re 4 pee MO. Of cull item ion, with 14 Sentra te1•11 Was., • intone orodworpee wren of fond water. also • never•iadong Imin fiedenelt, no Ow Norther. Crewel Road - , Or nil the property to John "OM Ihneterein To le wid sheep, sea tins yea, 100 pert 04 the mower Cellonme,11111G feat .10.1m At e•re Ge RAND, 01111 Sold al a Reasonable Pries N1.111 THL • alf Mee. McDONALD, April NM, 1144. esoll13•14•211 STRATFORD HURON RAILWAY OTI('E IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT 1 sppliestma he mine si the penman Atrsatini or Meeting 41'101MP/it, Ito an act to mete* ta charter outburst..., the constructor,. ef a Riot may 'non elinstierd, in the courtly et Perth, to seumeen, Mahe emu" ***we, with branch- tultimardiest mod Owns Sowed. and prossama ItiTANI'PACTCREkto AND DEALERS 131 III Ahem, Plough* sad Camases or event es- morfaialle Tin, copes.' •ml Sheet Irma Waft, et Me eh -he krpot, N rel Street, Lludench. gdPeCoal 011 Lamps, , ate. UM her, per, »ram, Zap 11101 Shisepritsw takes POI NILE, VLIIT CHEAP road. leading thereto. Time wilt he gees roe a' gar pane:Wars •pply toJ. R. GORDON. Lego Sole out, Gods-m.1.ot to WM. SETROUR et/. lleinisch.ithoNobsember for FOR SAL T .OTS 13,67. to 13,7f, mar the RAILWAY, •14 STATION, Gtedencis, for 11160 Heti, At Five Year* Groat , or looger required. Apply . M. C. 0MiroM011. 0 E D it 1_)AIITIES- oestrus of obtaining 01•0 re ...poi.' .i. any nosegay, sod ua retworable tern*, by apnlyieg to SAGINAW VALLEY. In Connection with the Buffalo & Ili Railway ces, DAY EXPRESS TRAINS,. ; Catlett( Cott, 12 A 711•R permit' ag,w01 Wave 00•weil fur SAGIXAW met T *WAY ANC, FRIDAY HONDA AND THURSDAY, Aro meg MOODERICH le amete time to cuaneet with the follow tng morning% train. Connechng with Esintes 11110111.011 Grand Trunk Rail ay at Stratford, the !Great Western Riilwity at Paris, And the Welland Railway at Port Colbone. TIME TABLE -APRIL. ietherrne• (Welland RallaraT) A. at a If 110411.1e (R. I 4 OD Wise to Jo The mer.in kaa been fitted web every re- gard to roe touter' 04 Passengers. and is consad- ered the beet ere haat on Ihn Lakes Paseengere the Duffels. and 1.311. Huron Railway Cum ay the owners 01 the II °erne " 10 establiai the r oite in a mailer matisfactory to all who MI Int el it. Fares Lower than by soy other route. E. 80111.73.11, Agent, Coderich. April M. '16 -eon TAILORING ! iprit.RNs 4,40 ttINCRHE THANK. h for the very nattering efirnoramtnart he Ma received •onr.. be rommenced bonne* In tied, - Ir. h. fw.1 lirina Mile to esetute over 01.0-161111 • the nrder..lirourght 10 horn lat weals; having, nose sectored Noddies for Carrying on Business Extenswelp An▪ il e• D. A . belteres hie experience as Caner * Kilintnirgh, Sentiment, he foorletely wane to • CLOTHING CAN DE WADI . , his est•hliehment 'mod to the hest Sktablisli... mcnt In Leeson or Meanest. Sheriff'. Sale of Ueda. ti Huron ...1 ne..., Pam. owed owl et ISM i ' wood Cnttnria nt neon • *A Reece, and to no*. reeled •ge own the Lands awl tenementeof Ofilliem aimed mei teem se Exeromea silt the now, Ore sad ierevest of Omaha.. nenteddareedantS1 =No. nays end 10 1.01 smiler lane se one Serb nete nt Durham !erne In the soilage ol Kinalarksa is the County 0( Itrwe, vi hoth leers mad teme. wont. I Wall oWer inv ode It soy *Mee in the Cour Howe. se the WM. ablederteb, say.. davit. Math day of AN.. mat, el sh• how of Tutu of On clock, lame. JOHN VACHON Re le Potence, tleyery AWN. 0718 Art, OM