HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1864-6-30, Page 2_. a
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tat, Jr., Ciee. Watsum, 204, Fred, for rembIn elf• TLs bwm wore eu from the wou - jZ'OaM - -- - -- Ifortig. o L„
Now Io U w Psaeslar (ir►ay Ytaa.- I WY cunelwsMan as to tb Proper Aicality iawp( by Shrnff MoDowS1J, " Teslald I P10° i PO.*.a would rho fresh eened tot W the I) µ $ ++*'s f
'Fire f•dlowbeg by . mrespo&Amt of the Uhl fur tMrMruwln said brid and in ilia $loTonalol." This wu received with! Joha/r' bata7 amd tJm he sells m w Aew the line amhaneodurs, rhu would prm to h the Qalr ib4{b /itis• tc„,s r.r,r... jty;,
Caloivotor 'w worthy of a trial b) alt I- of E ' { tl,,ra. r., N. Camplum, C. Bu- •as n41lwimv iia nMs rr rp girl° sad final is a4ur, to d his lMN nt li6 CalKull --- --------Vww--
t de laiws Quit: L''ucuro lour uerco g,af edI mroume wt would raovruwsod the town- un►x uadeJ merna0e0t. The worthy l9 .en tri.w rop&laod wit► d fol for-- Ca&mMrlalO •sd hue aruwnl[no. Kaeh L N t S •
( Y & MS &Ild lam auule Ter ice. an&k. • ehf Cuw,ul to tiUou tfie l'ountw' sheriff e.n tics o [Iighland soils W pwr '11°11°° , Jr, Oliver VaciNvery• Lu- the 6th corpse th•rded theca, drivioA envoy would make ashort address slid receive SIS' Remember the Excursion to Sag "Pwea a lovely sum"r s Sv'mi g
W P I P Pe I mC1111`TU!:x• tem wme di,taaca a+d furmues m& the left a witwbs r&p11 , but the four Cardinale thy° isaw on Frida event° neat. hull par- I o
O( Ila nature of the plum, l,eu s ►*.dy, acid 1 Cuudcd as lu elhuwisig the proper Pisco at feeliuo. of thin 2,d cur 7 K In tM leaf Monti of Jake,”
W rioted sad aJJrared could opt) be kw y
will mover coincide►all, and 1 auag cul luta .n, { - opo
f the l)cot0ibrr wartin' I Ir. Sioalair gave circ health Uf th, 11- r I+f. IAirrr 1'aoB:very, _1m1, (it.,rge ._ „• to. sad fur this ■pedal purp(iss, et whet w tieulan may lin had at this otos. Aad I mu.der'd by clic Mrnt.dd,
r ' the &proms, will uevee,ke i. j.red Ly lire frost. b __ --- - .
!t u • rr,taw pre.adatiro as►tnal the murk-Ij 1111 Mathes dctaew0oed tiro report Y 1., and iai a rely °cit spc,cla did (u!• Daiwa . Jr , Mary Iianx, Tio ttaCka oII Yotot6lar • callrJ 1111° sail°. Thera uwotr drby i•tM Neth lin brS ht reAl lit muuu
su sof the ttuh rub, w e a tun ,t t rel Life- I I • .eca•, 1 of credential. GaLLN PL•a.-We hart received (row : p
s d 4 unjuo, and illegal. It had hew gut rp justice to the great incrvice reudelvd 10 t rll.lne. ' The yVisalda tea °arras Od•mtof the \est P U'er NT head the &tau aero &Mains
fin' 'fLw. un tM Jratli of Leo \IL, in IB'29, : Mr `David Wakefield, 9th ova., Godench
11 ` Ua Lutb hill wd valley green,
11oouu ea y dii de d lir undle~bee tvr T Tear by a picked cowwittee dr irvua of burEiu \o. 1 IY lir`yl. l'. C'awerat,.ts } fir„ lye, I,Jac Somers, .ad, OLrnr 1•erk News gives the lulluwiny account of the ('■rd urls entered lhd Cu°cine un the TOwtuhip, a 8uo lel of sacro veru, the And lruufurminx our r«1 Yaitlaod
I g The twat wty r ,rived %ill% .. Ibret' the wuvrmrun uu Petereburg, which be has '.3ro February, slid it was mut until March ,
.ad fur ler , enad of tiwr, wabuut the the thing altogether. YanEvery ; Jr , NI. Crmpiuv. ascertained frim Southern wore"; - 3rd that Cardinal Albani, accredited egvoy 18M in thet0arket this season_ Into bells of silver sbrn.
dost:ueti+eandd tuwsgin iltflbeutesrltrnd I Mr. SPeaitx and Il r. \'°°Foray denied limes three,' and gmt applause. Arithmetrr.-Sr, C. Bucluna0
firs tM grorth u1 the eunmwa }a'""" They' M. Cuwecea.ful s.lscha have twee w•.ie upon by the Ewlwrur u( AWtna, enured the
an'b obu"' Yl he C ti+y to srvtoly lire tbat,thr eowwutee had brew a pirkeJ ore, I Il r. Lawrron said 1 need out tell roe. CawPiea ; Ja. )Iary Maon. Paunhurg Oq [our succr..or der■, °•surly, word p,ecioctc. He Md charge a( the R. R S --Tuan will appear in AnJ I yuenicltmd clic rine
cents per tae, and you h.d littler pre Sire the foruwr rerdin_ a psiper from Mr. Girt brrthrcu, ill it I thauk you cordially for ,9„r), y.- a at tM 15tb, loth, 17th and letla. Tilt first Emperor's veto, and used it against Caldival our next. 'Bout the days of long ago,
li.«rr, i (lel Et . i•a0$tcfl. was male Tats u, the alternuon, b 15,000 Severoll, who had bleu nearly elected. Pope
f ,, uaoes tLt •mount rh,•u °tel to ,.Ruin tbrw, ,lin, Irl° Roecc of 11'awnusA, to the tlT.ct the horw: you hart dune we, not only Ly t (;rvrn ! /rxpr'0uaatnt.-Ii. Falba•. men under l)enerrl J,gi1a. Hap ggw's,00 Pws 1'lIL Jied ou the tut dal of Yurewbrr, I t J.--Ttw perwn■1. Era oIJ '(tze had twu'J so feeble
Lattice cin:uii. of pear has ever Sear. T. y o. Aud his Iwb bad Wro'd to row ;
snJ uur.uiJ (unit, Toa wi.l wli,F.ed'whh tLst Ihr place indicated by Ur. Il,thbn the wanner in wLicli clic °cost Lae lies° Re, diaYI Sr., Uhrer 1"mEeeq, G,a, hwd then croasrd the J.Mrs ltarbr`; ad *os 1430, sirar w short pvatiecrar v( Isrnly 1rT l'. 1;, -At Luckuvw,o doe village
i I J, but with rc'•arl w the mast° on the march for Petenbur '1'M wcood maatbal slid eke Conclave Commenced is the , When the stalwat L.dian cLieflai&,
Ilia result. ., I was not the proper one. propose a li atauu ; Jr , Ed. Sbtts. attack was ,wade uu the tb[b. Ly the tar midd a of Ikca•mber Coodiurl Wiaem•u 1 situated at the tread oC the Worthern With hu coosciow look cf pride,
- - It appeared that on this point xma, m wLirh the brcthrm and the strange. A're;t:lfwx•-Miry' VollEvery, George e, rlu of llaueo k •lid SmAt. The third a&ys in his intertsnn Recollections of the Gntel Road on the Count line. Stage
foe S7caS Uerosmua or int 101 fir.- d I I 11'In its mirchen b ruby ratan
TLe l uuduu 75wrs, , (the '!Stu tea , m &' 0luapprehegsiun existed, several other present who have nut the honor to helica 1 aetpi attack was made uu the 17th bT the mmr Fuur Inst Yupes: ' At oua lime lire COnclrre ,rw0 duly. -
forces, together with liuruside's corps.- seemed likely t° close by the elev-11oo of l lu bu birchen bark der] slide.
loalrr e'm.mcnbny uppon the ubatiueucy tel i members having heard Mr. Girlie express to our order, responded la it. I arum. Esary.-Ist, Geo. Watson, 2od, henry The it lames i° these two ds s were ver CardiuYl (imatmia,i, when the Court tet,petit +
ILe civil war u, the Ci iced Sots .ted lie a different opinion. ou that 1 s ruciatu must sinttrd)' tLr T e I STtnt cryo Aue(v.-I hY been said TMro somas fruw out the w•ta
grtal lass u! Lfr, toys:- •' .{ii we luury bur I I PP Fulton. wavy, particularly among the officers. Thr r,terp°std and prorented his c!eeuun. APu- n'
ever, Ot this neo . lira, nulrilMuuding On Ise tote being takcu, eke report was I honor you harts door me in 5 •I coag me Y,/ -dal Ieaaa Someew ted; Olir r fourth atuck was mule u° tM S Ila. Fuur awo has been made to the existence of ibis :that it is hard to coal the " brceks from Aa it wen & wreath of mut,
yea. coo of clic F'edrrrl arm roc, and uo the ririlegr, rested wore b asg a tMn b) an a Hr Llander," but too lir nk loco o And I M•rd • std rcive crying,
tl a rmxlhr pal ulauun of tit S, abe. s States, sustained by a mrjorily of 10. Mr. f r the second liwe to oreuPy, the pwsltoO \'auEyrry. ott•werk, and four yr lire Jr•{•ante aasruho ibrmal &,t of recugnitimT rt Irost in three
their *.wire Isle ..e,er )'et Iereu 1. and wart- %lathers then dcmaudcd on sea of the of %forth )}aster of ilia+ Lodge. `tett wen made, one after the other, un the rebel great CaChol,e Pusan. Should two-thirds I lhghlandrr will souq low: kis b b if our "Flwting motel, will yqa list T
1:. a( ie slirn,lir safftc,e„t f r Ise occasion.- I ' { I /Z.aun Jl;slury.-Ben. Allen, latae Frew the sir Ib thoubast iovok'd aas
N'hereier • 1'. doral (ull'C YJr ! •cod, ah*.btr motion° grallUDg 1'5000 and directing tis eta orgauzauon Sa. r 1', ha+guar oo plVm. buten lines. Each caroti ass repuha d. The cat of the rota• ttntre on ant perwa, M`L at thieves els ant nabbd Ooly t wcek To uufulJPo lou • We,
' Ie En inter to let the work, with a rices, Y lin not ort ac cunt Uf m eQurts, uagr vn thio drJJ arsa.(uL Fredericksburg oora Pope, beyuud the naek of any rrohibi:' a farwcr liviuF Dear Godeneh Ili v0 ku When my brave and true red children
u Virdipia ter u, Texas, w a,taire ter la g I pe b i y ('(.iu rlI Cn'ynrphy.-Oliver VanET• un the 13th o'l l elrtM/, 1862, was noEbinf fury declaration. It So, therofwe, then 7M
' 1., o.:a.a, d.t,e r Cbofrdseru forte r' nal be said, of institulin • Ir•■I r cxJ'in'e but °sing w tiro spirit ufb xs. fellut(ship cry t„,l, a■b p,, oars ae em to be conrer is tote"Zone ground r lot oflumbcr fur aboard ince• Were The b rod of hill hod dale.
,tic the su'vower has °,robs beau futo i 6 a P b Al tll eml ref ld I Ths re Lel 1 7 g g
y After all the pr.•l.htaru of a•.utleern tahau., I Muvc-d by Mr. Gunn, rponded Up Mr• nla3itested towards each other by its .Istrimonly.-Ileu, ,Wen: cou ■r ems firmly beto ,rid Ycunbwn tel obauaiOW, nu weer airy, ui one v( thesS He nailed on a few of the Iwardr ao eft
uw, the raeu;l k_a unrri:.Dly Leets esi.eral.a> cuUon, TAat it i the o mien of thio wrwbrn. "1'herc is ane rola of our utder I Bourne, rcmugeJ os Mfure, iy pae.essWn of Suvmrigu, that his ambawador to the Con the rest fur the night. On oomir-t( t ” En the Pale•liee came °Moog&& clam
i tld,aod if i+ seen mwe q.uucal its I xp f ml -e- l 4' r j;„ 61n Frod. Johnoten. the Cun(ederows. un the l7th, ukmyy ad- clave, himse!t a. Cardinal, Ly r ei, ular •'•.. With the tion on hu too
+oar mt the torr Ihrn is tors its tLr li,.t. 1tc Council it is of the utmost Importance to I by which nu member of a lodk'e asks an ! -1•at« l YA;laNu H. FuhoO. vant::ge eLthe (act That the CoOf-2rau wonrshra his colleagues of tau frrLug in TM '', acxf morning with hammer and nails P° zas,
Y• lr om,m 1y, hu front had Isom, witbJrrwa W Court which here = of Tecl &°rice° a etioetd with his work, behold, name of •{nJ hu deadly firo water,"
i ouio:y du w. -aid, r how a'x nalhol a cu, these United Counties that'lhe prisoners I outsider to join us. Ile must °Dint• a$ his Grad Conduct.-IsaY Sotaen. Pr ' P TO destrov batb old and young i & .
a&L• sak Lord Ygriiut t.rnty n.i lu Dot' Petenlwrg, Ilenoral Butler whirl out from nolo Jaem taro is °nut her dr+mcUon." 1'hW, lhmer why go about like eoanrq lium
ty'o confined in gaol and setenced to hard own tree will, but every man,whitrver his . Good Atfswdlsnce.-M. Campion. behind his mtnnchment, aiid advanced toward un January 7, 1831, the wme •tilhol lIT r)s : :eery valley teem'd rich, f"nem,
the ailing bas taro„ 4uti We car, no Mu.r labor ■hall bO cm b ed •t labor of a ro natioualuy, who cowed hire tea ire the
•i,. b _-.- ___-___ muuJinx to torr it up. lfut, (°lure be had "C'anlmsl (haslrnieaf receirrd 21 voice, the seeking whom they may rub, had :ake0 F.very Ute sur 'all ofwng,
avetir'su we rhe -' ealtausumi " . i tLa S,.uth P I _
tMn m, to wLwwwn ter rt; a eta. a•. wuuerative nature, jts-onlcr tv Jeoeeu tis. Ilatouic gar, is nccived with a brother's, , got w work. a strung built, of Cunr'edenu another ouffiairnt foe elected u beicaa 29, Theo 'away clic whole of ibe fencing, even test• E, Twhere was goy and gladness
•; _ --_ _--- --_. -- r troops, coming down the railroad from Rich. Cardinal Marco: Spamish enrol, delicately in- ing off the boards already put up! What K ere uocM,u'd I rolled alon
-_-- -_ ' exlw•u•es • of flatir maiutrnante as well as lindnea, said a brother's welcowe. r -Ives TflE ADiERiGAN QV AB. round to Petersburg, rltitked"and drove him [rm&led, first to (iwalmiani's rephrw, Odva 6'
I - out of regarl fur the health, physic,l and psueoe.] )lasonry, as a ,ystem, his ex- back to Bermuda Ilutim". The railroad calchi, Then to the I - " Paces. IMl Slum next ? tr
€r T Naw foes, Jine '25. - The Lynchburg from Richmond to withho asi urt distance tel oh,ecteal to that r.um.rudrun." •fi.e result es_. ed heath the wrght) arches
1, I 0 • g {1A moral wt•R'arr of* the pnauners. That the' 6ted otcr `_'C0U ycan, and at this d,
g I asrs all ihr s tcudor with *.Lich it KrPxWic ,ice Juun ZOtlr,wTs:-On Friday' 1'ele`rburd is, Zell in (ell puwrrrwe of the r ignedl ut-1 inxl . an Go, ,- y XV I. n,J lits AIIOCuur is becoming dkily won, f the p!e u,J Ibe res,
"+,j iu;ttcrlc re.,rred to the gaol oomu.ittte pua+t P Cunfedoreces, wid of course, it they Lara reigsrd until IMf6. os G.rgury S1'1' nlannieg:\Thr6rounJ waew tftofvugnly NtMr tis 1 sr.d sparkling waun
t ______ .- - r(u•rnmm,a l u'cla:k, Crook ant Averill deterni I '•Ierskur• lhev .w 7bele are,mrung gruuuJs, toc,vinre,.fur..OI Ma andua'Jwdash
with An.l Power to act its the fort-ka6cs.- .pas invested a thousand yeani_a 1'he i ua 1 w hu J I , h,
waked wnh ain late in the a ring that
. n '1 Q ,cat h -A a post un near what is known u the I n•infmce tt any extent. F'aom .but I , au duh lir%i114 that Pole Plus, end :specially • P
G.DEit[C lt, ('. { ., JCXE .? , l„b t. Carried. tact that ihr °Elect and Lest wcu of the llaawc: l'turch,' n the Salem lgrnilke, Fuur , le&ru it y. to be their Jeeu r. w hold is tsbnnu, wuu J mnedfum the numuut:a r (hr prescul uninterrupted dry wrntlur iia Have 1 Sutra' u. the glwwmgl,
Moved by yid. \-anEven, acoudrd L world have Ie•lun sl to it ie a prey f tL.t frum the cit on the left of our lines, YeunDurj u 1 a+ poae,L:e. f, a eapahla of h s suctesaor ky r private cautw, w u to baked it hard, slid very satin, we great Tkru' the cul c'ear summer .fir,
_. - -.. _ . - ---- y l mi s
f , Mr.' Gunn, That w view, of lite very I at is b1sc1 up,u ih: scat and noblest of u thedir wart f lhel n, Iedrrrlra etoJirt w't liveta,rer,u•lid, ,tl, 1 l`oo ea he4dA rilias,a&ad fear, the S ring Wheat, u u which w 7o the wuJum O he Sacheoo
.r kere.a considerable skirmish occurred wish 1 I Ir, P F”' •.{ted tLa lOd.au ,den's pns'r.
4 I'.tnt.l lnxvT.-The business of the great inconvenience and Imes to which s'iip' principle's. I make these remarks bmiuie our c:ovalrr; ter der ImlOden. In tM fi;ht very heat losses oil w its addition w what Crrd.ual Bonapuru .ere voted t..r, i+ iI much dependence is placed. will beyond •
sce•iqu is icing wound u with li •bUljug- g e
P b owners and others yr. iged in the wcrcuu- it is sometinil`r nacstiry, to correct lir t't enemy gsoutd some advantage ,)win, to we have A'ufT.•rcd befvro we take it. '1'hie likely that Ausuot or France would h,ad ndrwption. Thr Fall 11'hrat eta de lire • Rut the casts have s ly a,ter'd
liken iJily and tiro rcra•ation was to back the rete wlrch w hl ,ut one of the'
a P r e Ii!e bus:uca, of the Fsa,ttrn Coast ter lake impre•siun that geli abro.ld with re-_nrd t° "ihr !uu of our Burs, tory giriug way Mf,,n they) will uudw.baedly Ju. And it is s L,inJ 4 :4rirro tar ,haste, tiro' Jwit bride,, +
take due in the curl rt e! the week. uron arc rx' din coratt•( ucnce of the our ter a&ia,tion- ltbou,•h we w, well + lhartr. 1'Itt Y•wkeet were promptly at ltichtum.d, toe, that W L, 4_ thus u bring rets r""d drnastr of F Wr the chair u( 'Jmdr ht letter and in some places rotn-
P ) Pa II pt:roe I _ , ' S ha•krJ by our infaotn, nuJ retired Its their tlune, an attr avec rill Ain ,made of gat LOId ;} St. 1'eur" _ •-♦ -- i ra a fair y i:IJ. Turnips and other ato I LsElanJ m ha rdw►laniL my itlf. 'n J
- Tbu exeitrm ut caueeyucut upulj the ditheuhy tet' proeuling atiiatmee f,r vin: feelaLucrnutieinbw.iattJktsplace iul.Tlr Butler, and can Gm Off to Riclmul•d. I
i J o,i;inal itioa Lt and ihr church, T T DLIIlaII YLLOIIott ' cn pe are, of tour«•,' out yr the yueeti AnJ you au u n tM he
I• f rmativn of [he Coalition xas aubsiding, ells stranded through Airr(ss cf woathtr I of the lodge. Those who hlun., to ie P°a 1 ELn t. nae 1'rttpburg falx, huwrier nld the 1 y' Aa you wauJrrin jouNouq
1 ■ird the indication Asn•, th t lLr urw 1 q,ag our wog ,Jed in circ fight was Raj. F,de..1 army La, c,osard th, A,.PyWJrtox, UIIk±± sur here rum ler soon. \I'e treat
orothrrwise in distress, as well as I,,r reap ils benefit±, and there dtr men over, had •d.uncrJ tv,wr.d+ D,ur s Iflrttf, tb. ` '1:hr currelpocJrnl of Ise I uitJui, ?intra, a change will take }acv ere lu0
Uo:rs, rcpo;teJ morally. T e P B U(wy cL,IJren, I as&'J forever
NImletry, If it maulfe•,ds a sincere d.sire to ' pe ps ' y\ye willm frum \ ecna un ilia i Nh ,tlsa•e, - _.._ -
, revcnu. purpose, tLu \1'rrdcu and L'lerk wbos heads rlu argent an Aare U 1 Sarnia' murrain: at d. i ht, flw .', rOfrJcrate+ li,d.rre at iota 'M s, tech - 7b lira h• Huntiu Graund6 "'
carr out ihr r rammr amuouuceJ, will t weakened fl the 1,saav it will have ■War J I s&ys;- PPT g
/ r ic, insttuctc•1 w peuhivm GUvernmrut to passe(I w.w cm &purl from t sir hearts fieuy y. u,a,ng lit °atilt° r eu ourgleft axd weloie le,taeaburg that it wid Uu lvtiger be Its ill of riwon of lLe L„J 1.stan+, : UO FLOST -It Orrtauil] wundt etraoge to +s I awe wJ Lurri d hnmewa
In a eery suuug nuc. glace line of the Govenfineut steamers on and say that ii is ihr hal ,and no test in ,e..tro r. d thst the fight woe be;m,, ■rel Grandy power w captors- laic Wood wills al Darncoh iaulirrs carr to the tic) too
- - vii tall- of t•rtw•t on the th of Junc, but .we r)iw►
Lake Il urou, W ba statioocd st such I Al lobo° [lint h ain an eaistea".. I e ay 1 it y bv!oted d'art a general enia,en,ent wra strop reinferceme°u. General U. -e, it ruzst 'The-werfM, was upp,ra l Kly, b, t, TLen seit wD aper° 'Hong 1M trees.
UOIJDTIE9 CUIIlt<I IL. rte s , • It ,.ss awn ssce;trfned, h,w. g herr to rocnrJ tie fact.. un Saturday -
fY' , P :r•' `:u a' rid, hos taken s4e; mrrau ,s na will mo bo s '.1 •error crowd toy waunt al tAr 9tt L,le the wit u,d geutlm afgAmg
1 __ l oiait as mty be fou0d °vat sd fisaLlc'.- far wys,lf tL l if I ia! rti I-' eon I r.rr,V1wI ,rt ora ,•sly •n .trul.ery Jue', auJ \
¢ ooly secure. the aha„'ute solely of the Nnsille \ter •e•nl - fpi:toy terminus lu Hien° tl.!• .lust ihr P,I u marked 911 to ... dcgr,rs i0 Of a mild, warm summer Meese is
(SO facts LP,)- Crrrit•J. could not desire for them a mora cs l vi, t, I o i"xk a , iof.ntry wra b,oulta tot,, railroad, but whjgl wau(1 ,( rat:f imff,: rilihd pour 'ora.■-. uap cued tuLe,frti`4eJ na ihr °hada, axd un Sunday mornlnX Il wY Aod my w,ul wu C11'd with axdness,
' JL• ltoftLe Finznee CumwiUes aYipueitiun thatl I hire 1ue JiAin_uiehel 'u'''• Slantly after this brae ilia rapi1tY columne..f hunter sod lupe. ate w•sult °•torah Jt ;e r. . (he ca ,tires fia•1 s
F'/l/U.I } . _, h r. 1 extremely sultry. In the afternoon, how, Um my heart was iced • weight,
,t he d.scliar'ei uec-eased and t. a aaar, tnu,t Le Ili at Geoerxl Grant will be reduced U, mwt■rr r ort of As I(10 torn, , Lut tl.ey 1'
and Ind ado ted. honor to occury to -Dight. , [ lrplaux.] ern' of 1rosletr minced with the hJaratl 1 wen ailur w ewiy*.r. r.th d.e oc 'rsLu cv.r, a cloud of duet or prole souse in the As i Itogered in ulster,
P _ I toe rmeersity ofhesoyu.; Mclmv,nd rf duel 1 p
P,(itiou of Robert Gilmour end uth,rs [ Larr (ecu icd every osmun in the gift carr m tti'len. About the Uma the esu my f rm, a 1uce ss abich will re, uire wan dis • ed a ki dncas tel 6 it %lit,b wsa Ire y 1Tcot axd the Sind, which had. beer Wer the I,Zhn lid Lu fate. ,
S.1 I' trn.u•: 1 r p I y I'f 1
of the 1'ilslte of 1'auley was rreridrdd, - office poop!e of Gyderich, but•I ant- rrm adorn•,' uu Iwo lines of bailie to C+ [,c u S our wee!°. lAus wme of the re+sous -ali Gqn. I tou.Atn . Th co aeJ rgun weir ' )qlC blur in_ steadily frum the S e he .,sudJcnly - " USCEULA." '
read cud referred to the !{Jad'and`Brid •t Moved by Mr. C, 1YAitclieaJ, irteotftied tour rnU c1 -%l, on Ilio left of the tun l t. J.J not :,pposc Geaeral Grit's torula to 14td into the binds oft c&ru e,
e W +tat • that I wool d rather lis mater of; ,,.ko, b,a• e rel•ulsej. Alain they mere' rhe Jam• s !t v. y p I t p 91,a crc A to \, N., irild ao • w th it a, cold a 1\
bye Mr. • 1•a iF.rery, •That the Cuuuly • w a s a„ead • 1«LLn_1.t.- of whore . re aLSe to rx r, tau it l•;44tl K b
Cuwmittce. a v , thy Lodge taau h•,iI the pu•i!ion of )I..yur mlacd w rhe , `rga, and were s;ain driven fieuc.al lirrr.t tim!s Linsi c,nfr,utE: with S im c• InprekrrviL'e Gr,mn. .tt•u4l hoof way s,aup :O cold, ind,ed, that on Monday
i hotter frum JOhu McLay,' E,. was Council raise the sum of $-(,00U b etc- I bora; .act courrd ra de I•w. Forty of their il,elicua r+ oro l Mrs• e..trr uu the su4lh side lortwetu [hear: mrnw ar:J ihr, barrucll+ ole tLr t Wx:[lII oII o 1taR•
1 • of Gmderich, or, were it presented to per g ui •ht there -was o uite a frost m the hoek (t
bentures,to mature fit 10 years and to be I Li.led were IeR rst he field, awl wme 20 Pii oflhe Jameslt:.rr]than those lir left behind litumalle a aria bnndjuiurl lire procts- h 1 _
read and ordered to be f Ird. . -)
} the I :irliarOrulrry re re±cnlalion ofl these eirKK *.!ren. loci mg the 4r11.J and cn!,-
Acenuait tram Ila. llamwoud' was re-Pd'ndcd Y Iulluwa : 63000 fur Sir Phan I P hiW on t;e nuah si•k 1 Lr rosk :f ,eathfng wcu. a,J I• red marches rfiirh ■P,ra,d to ,IOwaalairS, -- _ Mars 36.I eq in eke YairktrMic 'n tally
l cited Counties. , Great cheering.)- fared, their lams was•,at least 250, rasech v Il. chwoi:d by wry tet Mrleen, Mia, au7i flet aQ.,nl .;rattiy(enowe w ILe iavdw-Is yru:c&, - ^ E,bt (uliuwtt.g story :—
Mall Road, $1000 fur the extension-ofI• 300. U:ithe entire II it was asceriri,ea
reired and ordered to lie over. f And now, gentlrwcu, not W vocupy your C'amral Riwd, d'.tli,u:t os :t woul.l have hecn, I mwl of ahur wtrc man we'I'adranttd iii NF:11" 1'L'1:LIl' A71U .S• fLen ■w • IrltOw Dote °tapped oat u( lL41
N red b IIr. Perdue econdcJ b the Hay Ruad, $:i'SaU for the Culbornel lira the ene"'T a tum las l i torted •w Satsr and Aluudy os wou'd kale lare•n the road ran. Un Wer arnral In tM C,.aa yard of — Juin al '• larrrn un Ihe M,uw.pl•1, m, n,ng
o I ) time LAW) lwttg,auuw me to thank you agala J ui,•,ht. The battle- rotMd waa about 1.■J
• ItauJ do the Aohfidd RwJ, iS:50 1'ur T g wuu.J La -e Lean but rli J', 1.!11) wuga,td, ilio crosergse the U.lura re,e du+u up its four N'r L•are to thank Sbvsn. C'Mwitt f ('o., to walk a mile Yr the aAoie to the *.rat uv -
Mr. C. Whitehead, Tuat the sum tet wort heavily ter the manner iu which the on I a h'a.f miles s•wtheeat utthe city. .aitL the lost, he has nusr to krt.kea,uf.,: cCa. rows, 0...I e.ch Of trwro recei,ed as • lraeot ti
, Aahfield Road, $3✓00 fur Win •ham , r _ P of Toroato aur ihq a'arnct Mabe s OI Lou cru. Jwt at for t►nJu, f then ls) a ,air, ur.e
1000 be anted far the ut a of b t A-le)ut 1. a,lack the totter an our ta- in' Ili, h(annd Ivy .•y of Ptlei•Lars, and tante the, menn'rl Wl+dK-(VaoaA ane f'oi rel, & , Wltty slid 1 he LhYrchnomou s Ma jKlnr. 41 the rt,,a,w old fYloot," whalerY—a ra(l a
gT p F°• a Want has lIl rn,pusedaad recrired.
buildin a bred ro across the River Mait- Hord, $ItW fur cafurlh Rwd and ern° I,gia crrtn• o,wneJ Aea.ity with acrd Dau.ys Btufy. G«penal its wai r■11 r r.e (aliwt s 4:a•luh menu). Afar V. von wall lung.
C b . [Applause.] ' ;cry, b ,t utter a fie cin• duel uf' twa boure the Of th„ fact,.and able war rhe Gen. Grs it's Yoo,g+r&f uqT the 'D h ('u, wl. lituerul, 1'hr arc hutA Mwtilully d:WuruJ end the ', Wrll, the fallow heared the J."ord my .
TuwOahip of Iluwick, $1CQ1 1'or tiro Bat• auks
11oJ between the fiat and xcapd moces- e ,ewy we.r a lru;aJ and °lira° m the army wa, allusttd D. °tach 11'il ws's N hart; had gnem ds Bunn t„Mach mn T!w wh,.le r A:cal execunun u ter w aur. The.'
field }load frum Clinton to Ba field, in 1 The Chairman then 41 ” Pre rid moil° of ) W' to ho a aft sues s go f loos, red be is g ml•
n township of Merri±. suet on a I r. YY P I fi•'J. rt l.h,ut dulratlrfon. I Parr) wt do , to w inn, r compuw tl of wap, rtadiwj Mauer u u tnpl,botb amuaiq j sad w hirnsea; 1 trial gu forth wJ sea tLu g eat
dlr tun. . township of Goderlch. Ruled ouvoil i b the Municipal. Represemtatitesof Moron There .aa a repelI ata So relay ai k (k+al i.b" `and pea YestenlrT murail'A 1:,0 ,t inmucllle. 7" solids and let mint eyes behold the timber .
ste had eapt:.rcd five p+ecta of. artillery durimt; _ • tl a P,:sousra a eer.t to Comore,, in eleven the bared of awn hat► Mwn. do he
Le er from P. Ryan, toll -gate keeper, order.. rel Bruce." Gro Spmatt, es l., of Tuck IBlsettoa of l Po e• I it ass bo }last .i, Ticlaor t F' eldsi I s t on .t the lower rod. sou bed*., w ambo•
I t!.e da,: but we were On tMe to learn rbelh r P lion r ,and ui cue duruoou tl.e others k
f The committees inted for the art, ersmith, rea r, dal brieB ,thiakin; turn= M Fr w u.. Pa,fadel h,S Pisa I Itoatmr, it lirfurs us Cha contrats which
wY lea a0d ordered n, t fyled, PP° P I 5 a land ° f,und.ai'la or nut l ( i ) wr4t ;tic 511:eburs. Iete u%er the wuod its pleb fair time. tet
se will re rt at 0est recti° Of Cuna l prcxnt f,r tLe-kindly fetling wahifested A burly of the enemy's ca,a.ry made a de- ..r.-- - ice u raricJ a thea We iuuieenu , *.,elude u h• ralk.d up, tM rw walked do.r Y
!lore b IIr. C'Leane , sceooded b F" P° g ) TCo Tara. SoTeit u• about dee wme axis. W hen M Ot W the.
f ) I in,WU I'lon on Ratur.lx uq our extaero ren,rtwn can cannot be eonshsreJ a r
oil. toward• the Ludy is which ho hmld a y 6 oboe art:sty Gum. rack Milers os U. 'N. g
Mr. Gilaso That the Treasurer be and i alit on Ib- Lexmgt.,n turnpike, &:r .tet fi.e tett rroceJ sga fur a Sovemien !'.ince Hr oris, }L.wthurne, Sswz, Lon f 'tum, ,end of rL.• uicb, ►e found IM'1 wen ptelf) \
ishercb Ina °ted iv over to the Ila• Case aakrd what would be done• °tat• w,:.+aro:n taw city, but rn,e rr•,mptlj met wha, m :corer, Las always. Iia s outuUs, g,,mr re►n since, tin .Lieluf clic di+tact, J: • J t' ser, &6,4e, &ted its sight M a ta•rrn; es, be
I P117 ' b• t tme oi' our Mrafrj, sad ea■ity eb,e►eJ. wd tem a li!e. Yct•t a Yiu■ the \inch Eprer.m."*.wl Mn B. B. 9wwe. A!1 the
with a child Icft by its mould ata oII• ill. B. Tniuer ate "The Clift,' , P I )lscicau of L", hbury, had a grand h.tntur 1■ndrd and walked ern."ha lata clic bar -room
I respective KK of each huaici feality the R ' Th • operations of Srtutd.iv. while tier err spuLe3 o iit that age, as like v 10live eamxmu. T„ gears lite bsurny L.s la ly uboic Magazio,s for at th,s office. he 'ted ci,me out of qM general mmcne"
amoa0t ILSI ma be st their credit for gate o0 the boundary line of Hay. I sampled with the nawcs of'F.' Rattenbary !v a!f,td partial svideoce of the spirt of our reign mail a ew wc:Ys IungCf.. ❑t• wY I NU•tiJed with hie on!y child, xn i.,isnf, ihr., .
u( tbinw■ I'wk 11111 • lade •bark, but he
red a n tat t e' Moved b lir. Gunn, seconded by Mr.' and Win. Store . Thos eent!etu,n men ZnTe Yesuranee that, waren eke Arufe ftJ•fuurahrn Iecl•J to the ti.vo, Lut ui fLe,,n the r msec rrmf. 'f ha d,eq Jnven LT rhe
18tH a0d p to )e r , a h h I . I S y A rl..,,o EI tin, T.- Vo, J P Stour. ,(°cent i Ioulctl ILc la4d!o.J steal,!) uo the face, and
Sutton That said infaut W die d ofi bricfi res ailed 'n fiu'n ,,, esu, its t.,rnest rhe rew!t will be a victu'y a - teen yean.1 •a then Le has not hal a bounds. and Iemnwd ii, by sunrw,d.n rucks, bu o', 1't., .rhu-•• I hac 4scd )In S A
g settled in 1;r pwq way.
Re, va m.y be abk t° pay the partial P°a' I P° I 1 g terms. as tomntete acing tel' the war. gm:et mr tilos»tst sou rots°. 1'Le terulOt.un 18. s lu • parruw pYu : tS;c uuly vuUrt ihr) AI e I Worhira iliim Ile,torer and /.rtubei. I " Pubiosn," w,il ht, L:andly, 'tare you
that havtr rnntracta fall finished Dow, by iir. Cans as he sees fit, or lar it before con:"L I[r. "b+_nn. v Our fr:tods tet a distance may rest a_varrd ,01.18}8, w hick subet tied tho;'repoblic&n aur I cou'J find. Herr Ili. chief hsJ rhrnl ane carom a n:y fur • ■hat sew, bot tot geed of j gifted rah ally twin brother, who keeps .
I !the Council that townshi ,-1:arricJ. T G1 that L ncLhuro i+ rt mfa oma as it would ba the p,uiifical rule is tom ;and door° Lim of bis men to stop the Jter froom raw . i Dot similar sized tavern, with a du icoie wile, r
sod are anaAlef0 wadf their money cul P Mr. R•,ss oposrd, `' TIt` Outrilr :site t rre not r l'aukce ntaia & ihaurud inb,etik, was ihr fist h, ry-blu'r su.,tri,:edI,L,,aimq's rushed wlehauchiO auoe.rr,thot Iwt it waJltal. I) Lulr win IY',.u,t cud I P!
'{ vin r rh:r.: it is 1,ow Moab tLucktr, hm ceased a'':mporun,( wood rfk, and eormpoedmg
aaea/ meth aF this rd, ovided (Laughter.) { by the Pope. Ou how fe.0 , a ,J tear since, lye. ,,r f,rr, color r,u'd i.ut end stecod in, M. lireW ly F., •mile O? Irom Dere T
try{ pr Lrclhren." Ir. 1Y. T. *Flays rcopt%ded tailesof the lily. iiU '
•Iwa 11 rid some °11110 bo ro all ex od- A number 4 feportx of c,.mmittees A goo, rl engagement s °°'filo aced an It ...list hit.* g,IW hug to fi himr•If myin 1° ilia ry to °( tM monn•ur, MjK!enu threat t" fall, ird iedored tv its' e. le l ut, I
1'he tavern ke• fee was food of fun, sod me
I 7 Pe - ar:J DT urusgisu reeryrMre. Irepot, Ig$ 1
in a humeroua strain. Ito did he did not' °ford m IAC Faenul C'er mailary aid etiSJ Ise man wink i:utsht dea11 , bat :
rd u the townhnc and ccrlificate were read. { Rundaj. + (. ;etavea hat., Ne. Turk. eo.dn,gy .&.d th■I it .r just m
poli I belong to the Masons einctly, but h' Doer A 57•,31 arrived here on Sa'urdre Oigbt slid Got" Frx..ce. C xt come Ili 'hdercnteco I I,rn„snroeot wa+ a,wwnud f, s rlutipi..g lir , - -___
•• Aod, publican, h&q wu °Moog jour Jry
! from the Reeve to that effect sir I arc pre A grant of 20,000 was made to repair belonged t° the (io°d Templan, which he reputteJ tbst • hardy of Y.nl”' emra!'y' 700 with Vi. t,r Eumnanuel, toll,.; laawe almost scourging its the lace of the clan , which, "' (uaxf+ for tM emtrrta+aaxnt of q•ao nal
rented o the Cowrcil at next lace 'o .and I badge° to the three leadkdL roads in the I understood was a nod deal i 'i'un:, record Alrxnneler's Mid, three dile s se'ered the tic of ulyd,ence by' ch ASa I those teu Lel timer, wee amsidrredl •deg. ad-' TLe Prcneh Uoveinment &esysw dispaed to , purse, and ■hukry Uf live wme ease as that Of
of of Bruce. I g Ike it.- thio .fide a! t;rm;.bell C'ou,t hoar, on Ratio- suLjeas spirit wlty were c.".et tcdl w h tbe''iug •uiushmrl,t, ft onl tiro the 1nwr,t of impn•t rah as well r■ttih Irv! lire Yreaa. 'f Le r•
thst-hereafter the bot(ndary line app ria• ..Coy y (Laughter.) Frew what little hr knew d., e, , I' menials and the wort of ensues. The ,_oa Muoster of tLe loteroo has .urn d an Even I7°rr An dher'o
e ,iog, m,•on( ird the direction south tet 1',1 rel, The laGen warfare irdgld i' and I And tie torn. maa mid that, Gum tboI
ern shall 1)e paid its o0e sum to the t n• I The Council thea adjourned until Ihej of Masonry he believed it a fineclevatin•• ani raitroal lu cut floe rairwd a:si,,, l'6n. which g*.e hmka6r,11 to the FAinT f ns Mur.iEtur &t r na!f. cnnr, w14eh it is rte
Mau Lunud ■:Ili ui er, snJ hricin rel-engr. I r' , mg o: Ike eon b, circ gmng Juwn o(ahe rile,
chi un circ certificate of the Ileevc lir 31d T.ueaday in Dtccmlxr next.. ' 'Tia scout reported that s body Of 200 of Srrdioi.; lilxnted ilia Grand. Duchies u tie rushed forward, plumed the tenderlo- i.swel the• pubirc will hut, t, the rxc.u.iun of 1 !.e bad.
p Cmatilution.
. . - -\ - ' the`ew•my s r vxlry were •covin, on IM i vwany &o.I )I,A#.,a, tra.+fe,red }wft of the. Slt, The. heir of L,ebf,nrt, frum ri,e IwnJs a,f wser pwl.ls. We doubt c., the public not Tbey tock drunk., token the strange- mid:
the money Las boeq actually !spend - \ )1 r. 1Y. T.rCus, b:ins called upe0, also', 11',xtdsb .Jga r,rd in tM dueetion of Dan. e0atts of the Ghumb, as well] at Na Its and hares• much Estate for cold diel.
JOSIg lI DSM-i09LI DII,fIE1- I r if. aurae, siod buuodiug to file rtnl, is s 1 1'ahlicrn, 'that ar' twin brother ulTurn
upon the Townlines, without the neemity ," reepoodcd. alit°, wnh the snpp•ued in cocoa tel urriog RicJy,-lo the newly -forma.°. ft ngduM of kaly> inurement stU 1 upon n insctess.h!a cliff, pro -- + - I s a m,u,nty tine loan-• veil foe man in -
of the serrral ac^ounto bcin resented to I A clic Richmond .pd l)anrilt road. end ph,ced t ,eO,r Eroaanurl'wrn the choana; I jeiUnJ u..a •ht wa4`r. 1 he aril'a ni u( flat %In D'•tarA M. GI x's IiaaTxtx W orsntn. I deta. teat, du Tou know, 1'M &(n,J M auf•
P I 'Friday tve0ing last the mcmlxro of I .1r. Owen, i0 are e47op0cot a0d really 1'nnffi.ul ioformatio,t frum Lynchburg Eave de•pl) affected the }'ores hralth, so I &,toward moiLer rd. chief at the a■(ul jno- - Lnrut. fol. ak•lit$ , of the 6916 New York, Ian a ituod deal with Chicago d,phteria."
the Council. Carried. I Mai ted Masonic IoJge Xo. I 1 ?, gave a I '- flowery " speech proposed •- the Yolun,, stat•! that the Yankee° Ofuntit were over• doubt, and the more w lou they wort { p lydv in which lira on'y child was placed_ L. uth,.r of the Ileo 'I D Me(irr, war *entitled I '• And what u duty" asked the toddy soek-
}loved by Mr. Bishop, seconded by public in0er en the Maitland Hotel. -r, teen." Lieut. 1[oya responded gallantly, taken un thrir rretreat at L;berty, and a lur3e w lheef ct4,f Mira deal ntnjta:-!'rd • i-t+bran j Lrymiri i to cahaak Li+ wlu a d e 1'rtss,eJ • i utantaCt Ixtbn I'etenburj om ilia 17tD Ier• it is when the truth nettles w firmly in a ,
number caplu ecce ted, retain foredo m4rnale home
Mr Mallough, That a committee of fir° ^he site dance number -I about 3U grill. Sergeant Clifford responded on behalf of, P 1 hisJcep.1.ntrutl n ha had u, a moment of ex• I than Elliot nails of it ever eomes out. Cow
.,_ be appointed to report on the legality of lemen-ju-. large enough, and composed the artillery corp+. iT,augras, ems Axial or Tea POTOMACt mtatrments h&n been .Jopted •ted eeh 1'y citrmeet inflict on his cla &man. Tha Fan4xRlr. ox IIALITix Bases. --During mon doctors, o f the catoipi sort, call it 11iu', .
oolkatin lire oils Ile wa the are col• of circ ro material to nuke thin'+ fhr Maitland Lad c" m Jw.r 23rd• p. m -TLS attack upon the 2nd many oft.urr.sn newrmre F) ,already SI •) Other replied tL•tthe only c..nditirn on Ute last Moray a heavy frrlrerl Ms Men per I When 1 left your brolMr's confectionery,
g I l i P Pe a g P 1'0oed lY ,.,,ars on Wtdoesdmy, near the Weldon road, late u;wn th. wccrt n to t ,e I' !,s y, °vein which Ice would 'Consent Io %hr .estituuun rtrated m, th,ee honk+ is Hahlox : on the bare was a alt et hos door, ■Mei. M sfecl•avd
iii leafed ■t pt'ese0t. Carried. ,pees off plow Iy. The table was aurPlied I Il r. James Smaill end responded to in a dot roof malt w disretrouslT u was &t fir.t to the Itngth of w)ing that whole the Hri'y was, thea Maclean h fmacit should Doe hos S'nion to the extent ter $1,000 ; Nora ncoua I wr a Dille lung. W,II, pub.,c&n, 1 walked
Moved by Mr. Mothers. teconded by in the Malitlan 'a finest Style, with the brief but pointed speerch by lir. . . H. sup 1. 11.awf is yn liven;, and ve)th h a copuz.,ncs track to the cord, and tv, pu!,ligly Scourged gQ0u lid ffa!ii&x 8720. 1 he signstures tel the raft from bill to tail, from his door 10
i11r. Crak, Thrt any balana cs remsining kin( (het money a culinar seal un the Uetlur. ' I he line was formed bI B.,rlow'a diriaian nJ c. °°root • s i,t of iulorm l lir PDi'atr u kin had r erg. in deirsir the chxf rnnxut- ,ho Drms were ren accuraely imiutal, so I Toun, No. i knoir my UMe, r1' I'm jtalt
T being on ties left of Birnty'c. Mott in rom-', election of Pope either had taken place ter I e.l, Nywd Le would ruhnut to anything, if dust U,e spunuus chceLs could oral" M Aden I a good for myself &s fur a hors, and baitok
in lite hands of the Treasurer of the boon- part of. the hest °0 provide. I1. C. I '- The Bar of Canada," way resPon led to wand un the centre. turd (lifeboat on the right would irnm,+tinrely M held, lid tL■t it was I hu el, hl .ere but re,furtd, Tu the grit ufied by each firm comparing[ their monthly for (ha. any mn you ever did wee. f always
da line a ropriatjooe, coming to the Calnerun, ca . 1T. II-, u led the ,hair ; by Mi. Sinclair in a,sl,eceh which we are it .as expected that the 6th -corps would not imprubahle that the cum i..ued support ui lid alla nbh me lit of Il,c clan, ?tsc!can bore ,,mnvocf ua.m wt ihr hanks nemrd, with the tralk •rode in ri&cll) twtnl mIn&M o0 0
rl PP 1 , P T
. iki. u,sa. a,d sutra',° wwe t,rmprYled, firs check hooka m the,r puxie•eiun. 111 ■apes° I gonad road, and 111 M DNved with w ono
r Township of W&wanpsh for 1$6'.,JA,may , supported on the right by the cAaplain,; sorry we have not roam t° give in full. •hose eotu,ect.•,1 on the left rtlh }h•rlow but Ysb#M a IIs would Ito securod t. Ere P&pl
ain election of hie cnusm, circ rate ,U sed lost tth dansmnn mu,ht °•turn from h,s
l 'tel vera That quote •gap was le ,into rhich T that the torsed checks .oro prcnentrd and loaded ode d 1'•e Men morn t winulss -
la chs to the credit of rid townehi 1 i ,na .hand poo it Y. Hili'■ reMl aur entered, esA beton'-& inieJ Cardinal •Ifonarnrtr, the Tuungeatr °allow atuauon w ich ihr .n n eWr(. Th y g rP g eevep '
rR P' Itcv.'.lr. Kerr, &lid SKer fl:iicii !• " Tbr Press" wa rc. dad o by . t y g r cosl.rd on the tali d: of Mar. corrin Mre, ate in o'er the bldmed lop
as a het towards in • o ff a art of uta the left b CAM. Whitchcad, es and Ilit. W T, Co: to Abe Sr nal. s : our men were •ware of it, they received •' by •tar, of the whole Sacred C Camber., man trgarded hum wnh a smile, of d«rnohi.c at that.
P Pa) b P I 1 , I 9 •olleT Gom she roar, rhrch created a panic I Whoever thinks lhct Pius IX, would mile* r•vemdds. and, lifiin4 the child high to the RuxsT Fxnatu. %1,ISraesTII.-Srnnt)r ____-_ - -
their indebtedoests to taw County. Lost. 1 lir. \Yw. Storey ; Mr. J. It. Black " The Bart and Ilostres " was the last in our Woks and caned • rapid retreat to the tion any act so irregular os Ehe private elec- air, plums. d with hint into the abyss beneath. , WivOai, the C'h•irman of the Senate Mil tart' • -
Petition of 1` m. Woodward and °then I graced the vice-eb(lir. Ion the pioFnmtrit, •Rea which the assn .Dash is ks rear of tM 3.d Ji.iaion. Thu Ilan 11(11 an•'feYOr in tM 1 oars owq hfetimr, 1 Ae sea closed over them, wd uritMq it is CummrTaet, ncent} mid ilia, since the 17th intrlliRence hr jet been received of
of Turhberr - and Culross, 'was read and The cloth been • removed the chairman retircd hatin o cot an c g lert the Bank a( the 3rd division unprotected, boosts lints tet the character of the mat,, or wid, ever emerged from the tempestuous' orUctober last, six hun•lred th,,urnd man, 1htl lent mu der by Ldiap Ihu ■firing.-
) I X g r xtcedinX plea+ is over ill* S stationed st wa, w Lake, which
r and the canny taken ad vaoDr a o(fq cMrg- of the cuatnmt and lows of the Church of wlirl x,'11 &rot hraltic cavrrua tMt awned '. nut hicluding uegrc es, Late eulwte'1 ter re-
• reftrred. j ve in succession the toasts of " IM cant evenin g ; us over t e 16t hae in Iowa, wale eat f a
1Gindt. IYhea si: h red an monarch es, T
° eA Ihruugh anA fairly iMo our pits, ardenng I roclamstion d •rued Ihewt and rue he sir ened the urea• !enlisted in ihr Fe+fersl °arrow, end that one °coot oo tM 16th, and were attacked bT cep
Mooed by IL. Italloagh, errmndcd ley I Qaecn, Prince of 11'alex and rest oC file _ ___ +4'j be mdt, ss formerly ie erieuccal swlr■tor on the ahnra of the )hilt. hu„dnd and firer fire mJ!nnag u( Jolla° indigos. They killed throe nd wounded
-- -.--. _ 'the :nen to surrender. 1 )
fir. CnureLill, That tAis Council rant ' The trod ,however, left lire tnnchm sad not , ' In Ruicsl mart, vire fin Rare (the Two nen living is the Southern part of Af• Lav Men exlwnded in boor ties &race that
y R Kafrl Yamily," which were gen ed with 'Ifsslr<1Kes gCH00L irzel[Iae- p Kin a dead, Ion hire the ICs bot where q I p y though ane wlduer wu neveroy rounded•
c fel beck rapid h, but wavy mf them were a g S ;;)• I ria, Md a uurel, and Mcame butter one• j *.iod; that within the ; mt .oar morn hon- I tole, nd then moo ared to make their r■cloPr;
X100 to be expended on the Lake _bore rounds of Spillsstr, end the wrtional an• TION•
! ' turgid, mid quite • number listed lid wnunJ• ahs H'dMNd (rratsoorc M l" uA°'lie thheuch mics tai etch other. After . shik one of Ared lLnuseud wen bare been put into the The .coca night • boy was killed neat Chnyy
Mi y, lir ge abem tQurid a little girl bel.n,aing to his one• , field., , D
Road in Iht Township of A416gdJ to rc- them. - od, gg --_ rAkr, an orapat un this State, in the nein -
1 ! TAe examination of the Gramwar! The numM•r °(our los+ in make ere f+ n• I end Lean ...!. dotsys meurtid whack •rtuall) a'T in tM weals, tome durance from Aer - - - -
Lair lire }elle on tLc °maid lid Wath Bide' Tho Grmd ?Iteicr of C'a0ada " was father's huas . Ile neia•d kir and cut off Mdk A Pnoteoasrxtm rex Tar, B+ttct Flalxi. boyhood of end a Iarro He was °hoe wick
v , .. OC Port Albert ('arri,d. I hrntNed its trac Ma«inic et 'I••, which is i School of this town began on TueWay,the ' ported at LOMI, while wme make Ehc hgaro a PiusaV 1i died one tihe 20th of Aa osl.lr2:f, T.o buiw rd n arrow. 7liere is • roport
ht •her. Our Iry+e m killed and and wnunolyd I R lane hnde, and as he sent her home .creamuog —TM New York Tiraes nye:—Mr. Brady ckrnal that a military post at Pembina wee
Moved b its 1'ariet]. , ecconded b 121st loaf., aid cnJrd on the Freda f,l- ' and I— X11. *an not electe 1 his ■ucrea■or with her Mcrdmd wrists he said t° - r, "_ the Now York ph,dopwf,he,r, w he bss Mau
y y better hard'than described on pa , T Is probab!y 1,500. until Se temper 2i. Ileo flied k'. lituarr 1n Mn the rt (°alai ht ick iturca of Tha burned by the insincere Soon after Major
'. P have had my rerrogc." P g IRlI. ( Retch ev&cealed it. -Nem York Nero.
Dfr. Spence, That a committee of five be 3Ir. M. Gibson gave his inimitable lowing. The pr%ics ancr of a fits wan' _-_-
P r 1/ wlxcTox, Junin 2•ith.-Anmher Irltar, 1829, lid 1'iuS YIii. Reit sol eICCItA Milli Ycan pursed &wAt, the Iill'e girl Mcame Igee.eras and tlicur Staff+, scene., b:aeteries in
appointed to confer with the Engineer as I " Tinlalcr r Waddi0' O' " which if it waol fair and their Pp.giass very satisfactory, fro. the arm Of aha Potomac, dated near I March 31. [tins died November 30, iKIO, 9 (ylrsiian, arid hail grown Op to he elm to t acti ,O, tie, TeSlr.daT_touit some pictures of ' -
to iothether the site for the m bridge I not ter relevant to tiro }Dart at ,leaf I lgdtrd. Fac m shat we Lad ihr Pleaeure F'cursAur Jane 13, A r• m , asra : - We , slid (,regory X1 i. was elea tr Cen February I s hang woma41, when, one tiny, there ,•ems the execution, snit allrcwarAN o(o batter
r g. 2, IS31. lire lir diad em .hire 1, 1916 and T' Corrxa ax Ftxre.-TCe hart Men cohown
in Wawamosh, a prop sed by M r I )1 th I'' broug ft down the house." of witnessing of the pmceedingre, it is have had sharp sklrmishi ;all es ole eom Pias IX.. wmgel.ctrJ nn Juoe 18. 7 Dal I headed old rn na wbo`i ked fur wnelLing t I rlosre which wound dtM hoar hd wY riidmtT averJ valuable specimen of copper ora, pro,
t The °bar sir late° an I R g' coreA room the prop(rerty of Malcolm Mclen,
evident Ir. llaldan, the form ,, Uses tmoa.l excAsn In ehnu Sl.4 frequently ,there may M • 1•pSe n( mnmhs Mt■esn the ln1. She at Lnco knew hem r the cruel man I ile did nM neem to mi fir, bowe.er, list } ,q., Iteciet of the Townshe of frinch in the
ars brtwcen the IOth lid I I th conrefaions, ' The Gvecrnor (rrncrhl," are• iced with I -
is the proper pl.s c. c!irers, ■nJ res(auddd lu el ywntly by' C•eIcry cxrrtinn to forward tiro edhealional l S,ict( off men rel ice, Pe, held, a thousand C ihr Aot ilii arra;° delaSriS Doors mouth. t ""ho cal uB Ler ha d+. SM went into the fni■hed line work. ry fi mf end Pill pro 1
County lir !ltnemenl. P . Ffapt,er Lnntre-
sada diaant• y fhut, lid ordered the arrtant to take him some have rksmintd era yerT fine, lid will prove &I, has reported %cry favorably o the apecr
The wrdOO was carried. Thr cors, beriff Iic(}unalJ, who ri•1 that though mteresta of three rammitted to Lis care, , T } wino &uAwitttd to Aim (lir osamdrn °,having
l Orem htant. of 3-bv4n 1•'ie is boned on I Th'riice+alio: a • i he d m ae in t,. , Quimod .Iaeud aid milk, nm much ns he conld cut. Md u! Beret hutorlrl •alas in future times AR
mittee at b■Voted for emivted of Meiners. ' taken unawares he could my that his F ar- I but we are torr}• to observe the very indif- the rebel Laneri••s nen" I termlwrg. sad e•ert ll ' Ia t down .titl watched him eat. is gniel Ihie mnhling, AI 1 ebngrIV new go- dnouvead it filly eolmal t° IASL trend ss eke
va aEvcn, Bishop, Adamson, cpcD* and I adleney had given much satisfaction to the ferrnt Countenance he receives from the moewiog we are tre■ted to • aplendld attillor) faced, no C Amid c Il r+ithuntil th elec- i 4t .h hid he fiw iota from view nd'hold• &ball have I lent def news for d Isrti •oJ 1 n mind' C°ip, an I eceutteant ex-
t I ironic and tardiint of lin f ,L. i r I P 1 ` iota la IM Iowahip, end rapectiag to a
• J. 11 kitehesd. _ I 1 }°vino°, ant was • eery affable pellein P >n p' P Is,ii duan !lion hu Mtn msdo. All. h,ercuarM with Ing km up before hum .telaim , ";1 have - - " great scalene it Ming came on.
On motion of Ii r. leumslen, tiro 11'ar- rnenll It aro hien, the sheriff The wr&ther hr been env wall wpr 1 and world widhon i. ri idle resented drrunr r
' K y C t ) li °auto the higher branches taught art oppnit,i,v, lid ennet of .0 utruie •re elaiI I; ioaervi,1. 'rho fa Sxl with whack the Car. hr1 my reyvngt . Tf a mal wa °ver A dal suss Inaght l,elween •tavola\ of - _
- j wbrlmed .rill sur;.rise and humiliation. But Minorco to ihr Washes uh•er mines, apt tnn;1
sir° ead Cletk were inrtrueMB to petition ;great plrasnra W see Lott 'tl onek in Grad•' unusually trdioue to listen to, of d,xr tills tmumrru+a•. r&duSll melts' dtnalc sre terreA, each from Ais awn dwell' the bksatd Saviour hod a dd, ' I( thine enrmv • ar lith ,pickaxes. The cr•mIt•unta were PSIzs Coxrmn11rr.-The fallowing rose•
e 11th rrcawl front aLcer to t s Every indication 11 nm g y . half, is as e>erefoll examine,l, for fear a I fetid ane rod • er and advanced to tM drum rm nwarried, s silver blurt, bT Mr.
Potliameest for the restoration of the Lind I each when he visited at last year, amt he I P I P rcleft uess • away wid the nnrnrng rout■, nd by "ted day f ^7 duo ker, (red hum ; if he thirst, give hiro P R ti °
Tmprocemenl Yund. believed he wa also well Irst:J with Ibe We oar jnclinrd to llelirer d/. l fitter i. the &* hent h he,"' eble• written lir other cmnmundc■lino be concealed - - attack mn • ives si al UM nn fl +gler of the circus, at Edia urgh, on Mon -
The ofeinine of County Solicitor in be' lac° and ilii le. lie conducted him. cine in ton many initane c. Pueh a SMte !tomo teen wen eapbired Prem heir ,ear. are ithre'scheaithill y.hle Dr'Fhe (ii+l nada Tnt Ol.n ARM CRAls.-A young enaple alowly, withhhispirk ii anted ready to str k ; gentlemn enttrrii■s* l ked IM Rmp.lor of
ukea a to tar pmLriely of taking legal I self well in the position he occupico Y the I of thing► ahnuld sol eslst, for we apPtr. ! O°al s when the orbic got i''t I hrokeil ° to elect • Ps.n done ars called
enol beak Minh °lobi+ Aattt, of Ilio 12th r I jou °•corned Irom tAe AnneT mamn,at 3trdlet, Auf wAen tM other snt within about two AuSlrim and the Emperor of Russia? Weave
ast1,w lir dantsgr. againet partuw tanning repninentatite of Royally and he hoped bend nu parent who valaes IAC falnrC toil \esu Ymk at.ill. it M impimibla to It!I tM • 1'ondove nn all Mher cecssmn wear itowhtidge, AtcidtA °vena hoeiioX Vbr vette& Aa ouddenl) hurled As •o}pen M hit IMy •ro tion brutes, with • Pe1S bmtween
7• when asiemblid by the lope, tkey eomp l". otd arm chair repobsheA acid restuBled.- olSwlymovmg sntagreniat,mnd the point ifjtting them.'
moiswe limber on the Sange,en River for he might be long spared to reign over ter. fare of his 6hild city treit an a matter oft with seturet) how many were. • oCom•i,t11ry." We need not hen de• Thht difficulty wait he*, for grendmw seldom him un one eve, be .lit knocked nensel.,w
AllWiarg the same to arculnullbe on the [Cheers ] small moment the proper training of his IFuOVt °°rase Alley lir rw►. POTmwtr, I scnbA lire form of •election, but, under ifs rattled if. One day. -lien IM mid A■me woo end s4itnaih he wilt .ftrr a time recanted U, roan Ttwa twit i,xer.-TAS Federal
blip a the owtdile of Brant lid The Glce Club, which sur more °coil°, mind. [n fut'Ire we, hart l0 Soo a touch I Julia 23. !f p.m.-G•'n Flerlow w•s marching Cerhn 1, wouldh he al ec nMpam(.■ialo rivet° nut er the way, the choir wee Sent to the rp- canar,oasme.a, the tigAt n(Usela w a .uinod, $„nate as passed a ra■°Inion pn•vte■b
Zmerwlie. oontribated hugely to the pleasuee of the Iafge•r attendance al these really interest• 1 "&Pi'lly toward+ lit' IVrldel+ nileosin Gib I c Z r b0 ll talo Un gcaa ir, ao attar° ly im wed • n tet wet his idair i dosMfnl if M eosld admrn,l io I Hoase,appm tors ng • e gr at
I breos follntoe,l. TM lmryps faired m ecMlon caecw, to ile rleclad Pnpe. •tell mimed Mr ebair, lid Hgerly iirrpaired toes wool°& his injurirt - - - o(• million for repairing wertco nn IM great
!0 was or feted ao (early lulary a( evening, ahm gave tial fine° anus, but 1°g rxaminat:mns. TLn prix••4 initudet)
Fslreciaily di icu f if able direlinal warn fur n. . -- --.-.. -' [.I,.., .,A one heodref thousand for t►ooa
fi by Aiefeion. mre to wAnm 4 tr, rnes, er'Artris ■
°assumable in tharge of kink ■p house el I most laughable fvwig " 1Tc era cumiiag for lite most proficient ahellare were given I M.jmr Cruwoirierbi&id, of aM l,t Mwo- (f p U, i've newt it wry, to M eleanN,' cud Thi Greet Fastoro has bawteP mderad eenneelSd with wDAnn nn w►ry&rde. tet
ebuxc4 esvalr ►Sd 7fM wounded men of • pied the role 9v(Ipemethat P,r}ie Pim wer1, I dutiful Toroth). round b the Thomas from Liverpool which it may be well, in lM woe& of Caplin
('Retro, Father Abraham, which wa Ioa l o out am -wiling to the follnwing list y' ryf dant►mann to de. All tM L&rdunals ie }Gxma r'wId , ' WASt r' aArieker TM hOTgM! dd IaA), where the Auildi of imn oaks in Ao► forth, "tin make a cote."
I P I pro.winnal Arigrk, clan rd assemble in TM Qeirinal lace (wn!il (ie
The Eogifaser was inrlracted to Lave a pl•udrd and roate"rvri, c1.Arece. i"ea aR its rog,mwaw •osd tnmpanies. If• vm'ier, lata, ilio VatieA" ran the ls".) I to the sum foal bandrad xiande in bank wota& inside far the 11tonnR of the Atlawtie Tel-
/ut n1 Depw Q f••aght tM nMls an the right n( tial Plnk nd. while the Cooel.•t !.reed—literall I b ihr oeanng!' h able In wait!° , will immrrlistalT 'nb"1 tat erdeee,' Said the "I'ty Zng,i*b
/rr sun °tel mid° of l►a °+°link DiNnet tt (ln&d Ilaster," re- La(aa.-, r , Gee VNAmisy ; I ot, .I r , j 7. A mtesengar was amm&diatAT A&op&teled egieP fT maslor, •,f T seAe! eSl to drlva to b -I '
meal at ilia I ranrc.rnwa bald(°&. 6stved (If wmnirlly. yr. Btmy wid he was C. IW46nal, 4411 S. Ha1Ja0, 41x11`11, Gee. de'd' len. deer Aw o, aimed nn sum exhsusl '
at, knld,n witA dem mixed valour c rhnl& mmol'& Mw Paps Ito tlectaA-1M admnistn- to ah. • Ando ror'e Imo the chair, anA rt sur caMttsen(fn. 'An' man •o' 1 rill' ger Mehr: easw+led
liepaet of the 0"calmiltee SPppinted in sorry Ito coal l not Pay a (treat ,le I fc• the wSfaos, If polirws. • krgdo ofjrebels in ehtek. in the men "'a (wlwer &InM would mm is the han4k SI p Pat;•Mt et Man Owewsa aM if i reek ysa
j nurneA lith tnuan ams sally depot
IM .M,n.l Ck.m e,laln, wl.e Slew to O&r•
,rlr"yxiw title Ates +Ns far the tem w. ref.e'a A+d oaeresefad In Its" g Ae itad In IA& soatinR. A girt sew 'r i0 IN tetaolM in in
PawP041"d grotlsrmr Lonot • i. He was •right gourd Rank.-- Ill. Kay. l«.w U h'wit and Itsrto.. TMy wan r Ainwl A!t ►r i. Da..isq tb snllrig of the Can- Sort% .Mr that n old pauieosl res ("ad the aeigbMwhood of y, end
va1`y, . wet~ r nor wrm, bat Min Int e1&rw, ht seei4es his own crying, and is arimed met and enol nod to lM "&gAmg, hot the ffirdebanin unlss rain a, M e
It 1{'Sw •, b n•LrK+ed .■ fidlewS hNuw, ►alt ►w•inets mt t■itl•ati,itiq eft A.d f+raroA. - Ulirer Vans i±6Ny wears g d
D Ihras Crnlin•IS, called the " Heade e! Id dome rasrced it is lime, aid d to R' f cawlle gearmtl+• gMir
re. l e, eel+1 prw-enlrwt him frail, dosing hi+ .!u'y no Fultrm. as Matsu aid1. A of the liar of Thaton, ) beeeen t '
1 ' ' Ordate," A'7 eke tArw o OIa'1d Dear tlanwaade of tilt oaf Merff an reekraosed That lM Hear lir M}w+4141oltl eo'
w&re gwi0 In lake .Avamlap of it. Tian _ tsptgs o ►ar ".Zfbi,d g" a aghatr • sage 048 mos„ it to a wash lid Letwliwg wilder "a
rhe Irttin; of \1'owaocah IIridKa wwtU idly tr M wowld sun dnaSt have Aen• nn -I rarOLraTta. wao little ►&ed /statue, and the seen nrMn in lM 9aty. Cmhe of Rithniie pal pecnlgromt+Ttd in tM .efsl-Aetwl.-iris kr aMnv MCMAant suit% ith bal b -
ouch firtlt u we fan arrive al I •ifi•foc +,par other ciren•xNice r ` F,cfid.-Rr., C. Ansoll-ron, M. Q11m- nor• to sr Mfnree they -ere (rally prop&rod a rr'r tl and fJvrna,. the gnat Csihn!ie dol PeN cam I.iti .i(., sod twsntt svm wiA bald hssM