Huron Signal, 1864-6-30, Page 1W. T. O3Z, Z liter sad Proprietor.] 1111 AO PER ANN. IN ADVANCE! WWII 414ke Huron Railroad Reports frow J. N . Suntan, J Eckford, Tibias 't•w'sr.tr:.r W. Fraser, Dr. Hawksworth, and W. C. Snai thAAAANOtM■NT. kuUng 4o111u [MIT. Letter from Ur. Reeve referring to Dr Mail. Are •.n'' Pritchard, was referred (9 Finance Com- UODEBICH, Dee. 7.45 A.M. 5 0(( r.r. V(,]NTON 8.2t 6.55 wither. BAKPuKHB Y. 8.46 6 15 ' A nnmber of accouns were referred to the Fiu.nce Committee. Copy of By -Law passed by the town BEAFORTH 4.52 6.21 CAItKONHKU01r 9.09 6 43 7 00 SATPOBD 10.2- 7.45 ter to the Oppu41uon and lu the cuuutry Lr r•. •a SEI K z.Y �:nrrION Th. greatest Possible Gool to the (creat»t Possible Number.'' w �:-:--_-><-- ,�__ (rODERICI1, C. W,. TIt 1j i q � i . JUNE 1864. ' (VOL: X V IL -KO. • TreaounP4o pay Over to eertaut muntet Ilelray elaarly an pubhely, to brine In • polities, the surplus money in the non- meuare asst session that would be ace •pt. resident land fund socount was final) able to C ppwr Cwow4i,, the brain to be settled I 1 and announced to Prrhuiurnt, he would] passe). heartily cooperate with them, and try to, induce his friends—u, which he hoped to Frei Tky Report of the Isyualisatio0 Cum successful—to swtain them until It bol wi mines was then read. The following table opportunit of prrsentln` their erasure next contains the most important portion of session. Mr. Macdonald replied that he cot the Report : sidered it would be es euual that Mr. Brown hicusel' could become a weather of ate. e'ywi.a- the Cabinet, with • view to giving a uarn,- Munw„wlma.. Aerys. r O+oat rr4w. cr4e. a ..aur R g•K *744(401 the e•ra'•su,ess of the Government. %tr. suds Brown rejoined that other members of the 733153 Opposition eould equally with himself give sewthat guarantee to their party and the country, 711aitt by enuring the (Juvernmeut In the event of 'onaa a uusfartor basis being arrirr u d at. r Ile i1,w1 fell that his position had been such tor many 110431 years as to place a greater bar in the way tet aeon SUOMI rues 40101 his entering the Government than iq that of 1144'1'1 t3un 26p a mai *1140 slwsas pawl wino any other member of the Optw,sitk's. Mr. ear Snail 142336 atues4 Macdunuld then said that het ought it would —t3u i e w be necessary that Mr. Itrdwrehnnselt should in airy oast be. identified with the negouetiun •11151x44 that efiu'J ntceasarily have to take place, 664141 and that. if ho dif nut himself enter the N Cabinet, he misfit uudertake a mission to the esen1,vier, ).ower Provinces or two Er,;{lund, or both. axaaao in order to ide, Iffy himself with thy action of asyp"at, the Canadian Grverumeut in carrying out the 4au1s measure agreed opal. It *as then rug. gestel by Mr. Brow and agreed to, that all await.qu•stiona of a pe anal character, -and the necessary guarani t should be weir- 1143",$),,, eir. 1143 ,0 ed f* the present, • the diacutsiuu tweet conoucted with the .vie of ascertain lvg -ata. Ud ahs of Goderich to conve • rood allow- pr 001110 wast P 7 Terier.rnp 412311 116611/1 soasw, Accom, v Mail. duce to Chas.:Middleton was received, and u :.ri r,;:niv ssasuusa 1air"miai to6a6o �T8��7RID Dar. 4.10 A.M. 4.00 r a. • By -Law of the County Council to oon- i,,1'°ur`;,er....... s�n4o ,,604.,t,t46I4 1Y' E.l. 4 60 4.43 finu the same ordered... NM to be prepared. Hellen wasses° memo ('A RHOS ItItOOK 9.1'2 5.01 steppe, MON 413341 uaav •t • mom P. McPherson tollgate- }' Mr 03aw 615,6 4 le3axo Letter f ' Kl'H 9 32 6 20 K B AFO Wail, IlOae 1{r3atl r• 1 a6a435 .3tl u. L7 sv w .r u i i gg PI'Rllt'Y . 0 r v Huai 'u .,+►sa u two• a ai CLINTONkeeper, ser referred t Gael 1( m k Pc r CI.N9. 5,60 w.na.id aiv4 slams{ 3arnu RODERICK aaa. 10.4 f.30 miltee, w wu also petition of D. Merin M,,,,r y *akin ofitiam to it• Going Easl counecta with G, d Truuk i g extension ail pa7 bs in d� b Tallur+t s Great „Western . cdncs1. .ser„ n r•.wn Going West connects at Goderich n Tues. Petition from certaiu inhabitants of ` ho1ioiWage days and Friday; with atm Huron fur Sts naw, .Godericli and Culborue townships was re- Total Imrpn sod on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday nil'Arr.« ,.. 640 44 33 2103 313110 Saturday with stn Cs,.diao fur Southamppt n ferrate Road soil Bridge Committee eau•er„ .. .. WOW *sun *e361 m. and intermediate ports: White's stage.dui I d111 au`•. ... 7u'm'sw 4111111 s0wa for Lucknow, kc. Wednesday, 22!rtl. C.ui,r 1101 y tate 1e Council met at 9 o•cluck,'a. m. sew.. • . mars 3np3 IMAMEklervl. lam 31v1u1 Thane Mr. Robert Martin, iia^r, loam ;14:::,..,.= electeJ de tet P 7 r,uk,.._. a inn e Reeve o gi)uron i �x e Sea allowe • luron in .place of Mr. McLay,,rrrlu, 4146 1v01at MOWN sew,+ i a to take his seat. Alt,., M. 14141 11x46 N635 gatwanli 1e roup 111111 WW1 Several unto were received and re- iiODERICH, 24e 1864. furred. Circular from II. Gregg of Torouto Tui %'*. -We hive not room for was read and referee our regular syoopsisto-day. Petersburg Moved by Mr. Me yet bolds out. Gold up to 233. Sales in Mr: Churchill, That the Buffalo yesterday as high u 230. be granted by the Council f ere seconded by mu of $2000 the purpose of building a Bridge adroit; ho river TEZMIXATI0d OF THE CRISIS• Maitland between they) nth and 1 h tuns. IN another place, to the e•xelueion of other of raid township. Carried en a di ',ion interesting matter, local and general, we by a majority of 10. give in full the document read to the Moven) by Mr Spence, secundrd by Mr. House by ikon J. S. McDonald, expian- Churchill, That the towu.hip of Colborne ■tory of the arrangement agreed to by a be allowed to expend their boundary line very large majority of the lib mal taenibcr•. appropriation in cutting down the hill Although it will Le vaso that t, the Tillage e of BenM dkr.— the scheme have yet to be embodied in ■ Carried. Bill to be submitted, we as reformers have Report of the Equalisation Committee suJbcient tov' r after ooa trace us that rt ! u was as nrcir4tl, read ad Jaid over till tc- long, long weary years of waiting, the morrow. - Reforms for which we have been oontend Petition Mr. James Stratton was ing are to be secured on peaceable terms. read and ite prayer graters. and in ■ manner which augurs well for the . Moved by Mr Mather!, seconded by Mr future prosperity of our country. We Memer, That the Engtneer.\be and is feel that it would have been a grander hereby instructed to make out a plan and thing if the Reform party could have specification of the Bridge .to be made carried out ite own view• in its own why, between the 10th and 11th eons., Wawan• but still, considenne the imminent crisis e.h, and to let said bridge to the lowest in our history, we rejoioc that there hu tender before the next meeting of Council. beef patriotism enough in one public meq Carried. of both parries to sink minor difference■, '< Moved by Mr. Adamson, sec. by Mr A and prompt them in a npirit of mutual Johnston. That the township of Stanley be emersion to seek emphatically " The etedited by $100(1 or such other num from greatest peseible good for the greatest the interest accrued on the non-resident possible number." While we can look land fund, as may be deemed equitable upon the new \tinietry (that is to be) as by the committee who apportion the sincere in their efforts to carry out the moneys, as it has been paying leges to the measures proposed, we, in common, we Counties on the Bayfield estate for some believe, with every true reformer,shall feel ten years, and never realized from the end to do all in our power to strengthen sale of these unoccupied lands. the amount its lands. Assuredly Huron and Bruce' the Municipality has paid for School tax, have reason shove any other M'ction to rejoicethe prorpect of the future and to thank im who has been mainly inetru Mored by 'Mr. Broeelbank, seconded by t.afttd in inouring such a vast atri,de in advance.' COUNT not to speak of the local and county tesla. Referred to committee on resident tame. • COUNCIL. The nited Coen' Council met in the C House, Gode 'cli, nn Tuciulay, 2' 1st inst.,, 3 o'clock.p.1. the Warden in the Chair. The follow .g. gentlemen were present, VX:. Meson Mallough, Dalton, J. Whiteh\e■d, Spence,' nEvery, I'iper, Churchill, P. M'I)onald,A. M•Don- ald, Case, Brown, Morgan, Snell, Gibson, Rtropg,llovenlnek, C. Vi hitehead,i'erdue, Adamson, A. Johnston, Sweet, Parsons, Chesney, Sproat, Messer, Bishop, Creary, Mather', Cook, Kribe, Lumsden, ILephn, Brocelbank, Smith, •Gunn, McKinnon, Fisher, Hogg, A. Merntyre,ititer,Dobbin, l'inkerton, R. Johnston, Millar, J. P. McIntyre, Sutton. Chapman, Rowand, Adair and Gillies. After routine, the Warden addressed the Council briefly on the natnre of the business t000mo before it. - In the !lod- ging snit the plaintiff had got • verdict of $100 against the corporation, but by the advioe of Mr. Cameron the case had been carried to the Court of Appeal with a good prospect of suocess. No important action had taken piece .in the Hawking ease.— Tho Equalization Committee hail dis- charged its duties he believed, to the hest of its ability. They had done their bent to satisfy all, but of course it wsa not in the, power of man to do so completely, tent- pesially when the great dieerepeneiee on the face of the respective rolls wan taken Ile was satisfied each 'member in the eommittec had endeavored 'to'de jwtioe to bis neighbor as well as himself, Mr. Robert Brown, sleeted dep. reeve cif Hay, in place of F. Knell, having pen- etrated hiseertifieate was allowed to take his seat. Memorial from the Connell of the vil- lage of Southampton, was received and read, when abs clerk wu instructed to notify said Council that the Counties' Council esn take no ster in the matter, having no jsriedinko n in the prem ilea. Mr. Chester Chapman, eluded Ram of Kinloss, in place of Mr. Campbell, wan allowed to take 1»a seat at the Board. Petites of Wm. Lawson anti tethers, of the township of Stephen, asking for certain mad improvements wu rahrved to the to be typed. Grave! Bold (',0m Letter from Kr. Robertson, Reds, wsa The Report of the i nepSax of WARM! reasivbti, nod and referred to Fines. shad Mwwna nal reed old ordered le M I OnmmitMx Aid Ry Law to ath1610 Ha* Comgw J�r Krike, That a committee of five of the reeves. of Bruce • be balloted Co consider and report on the advisability of voting s selicient nuni for the purpose of building and repairing the principal bridges on the leadingroads in the County o f R Bruce.— Carried. Carried. The committee consi.ts of Mesen.Gufn, Odle*, A. M Intyre, Brocelbenk and R Johnson. Report of the Counties' Engineer wu referred tc Gravel Road coat. Specinf .VV,tiny.—(Wednes,Lry.) The Council met at 2 p. m , to consider the By -Law for raising $20,000 for grav- elling the Ashfield and other roads. The lillLLaw, as published in the Signal for the but three months, was read, when,after a very brief debate, it was Moved by Mr Goveltiock, seconded by Mt Morgan, That the By -Law just read be not passed. On the yeas and nays being teken,there voted ; YIA,--Messrs. Morgan, Piper, Perdue, ( Whitehee■d, A McDonald,P McDonald, Churchill, Mather', Conk,Cheeeney,Sproat, Adatjmu, Johnson, Snell, Govenlock.— Ms. NAT—)fours Par•eons,Bishop, Creary, Brown. Sweet, Messer, Cue, VanErery, J Whitehead, Dalton, Strong, Spume, Mal - lough, Gibson.—I4. The motion was carried by a majority of one, and the By -Law therefore falls to the ground. The meeting then rose. The Conned met for transaction ofgen- eral husineen at 4 p. m. Moved by Mr Gilberts, seconded by Mr Strong, That a committee of seven be balloted for the purpnee of drafting • scheme of Gravel Roads for those town ships which did sot get a doe pmportirm at the time when the present system of gravel made was gone into, and report on the 5me at the next meeting of Canted. Carried. The committee consists of Mugu. Gov- enlnok, Gibson, Chesney, J Whitehead, Bishop, VanEvery and Chorehill. A number of amounts were referred to enmmittee and the Council adjeeru.d. TAwredoy A fter rnntlne &e inem, letter from the Clerk of the Peels area read and orderer! 4„u,twn,w•••• 541411understood principles of a federal lead as„:,satisactory solution of the sec- • Toial Lir • 1161,2" (lout difficulty could be agreed upteree. Moved by Mr..C. Whitehead, seconded Mr. Brown asked what the Goyerensent pro. Morris be reduced in the equalized-tau:we I the sectional trouble. Mr. Slieduriald and meta by. the BUIL of $5,l,000. Lost on a MeGalt replied, that their renierly wass• e• rel 'mien of all the British North Amerie Piroeinces—loial matter* being committed to 3Ioved by 3Ir. Messer, seconded by leMil bodies, and 'natters being common, to Mr. Mallondb, That $30,000 be deducted a!1 from the township of Ashfield, and $10, litter gover 000 from the township of Turnbcrry, would Loot. per Cao Moved be Mr Gnrenlnck, seconded bythat he rirces use Mr. \)organ, That the towuthip of Mc- erelong, Killop . reduced $40,000 on the equal- oonider*l 1. 7 )sed A ent. . Lorne cnnsultrJ Ora Moved b Mr. Broclebauk,scoonded by Mr. Rrown sea when he stn ,Jar. Firete Fisher, t the 'rtofthe ' Equal- , Po q to l' .r 1'ar a. ixetio0 Comm(tt •� b.• referred back with Pfw Hcfurm baa:J use in•tructionll W she the same by reducing t, n sepatatin{ lite the tnwusbip of Bran 000 each, and that t added to the townships Huron and Bruce. Lost on *ekes to briuj im, • measure nest session, plan the three luta in the Calmest el Ike sed burning the bowies of poor people. Boats 'laic Burma Mren•y—Tbe manud aecognie f°r t!'e Purpotewi removing e:iati 55 dil6- dtapoa•I uOlr. Hruwo. of (be troops uprn;y stow t!1.r! Gri..,t has 110 of the British .Nalene have been Ind before �•` cull's,; by iutroJucing the tederrl pnneiple (Sigurd) ! puasible chance of t apt'ifrng KicF.r�eruuJ. that pariirment. The entire expenditure last " sato lyusds coupled with ouch yro•ision " E. P. TACIIF udorw. t beard one of the 'aelmes say that year wM-593,000, ($477.5U0.) The total " the Northwest terutory to Le " as wilt permit the Maritime Province* and " OFORGE 1fl UW\, "Lieut embalm* as reel try to. rake 1 1 aa nuiuhrr sf articles added to the libron in its ••l:.t AdA1.DONALD, Richmond." 'The slaughter of the enemy by• coutte tel the year, inctudin • 'news s n Merano Mme system of government. ADd., " O. E. CAKTIEIt, our cavalry is said to he immense. Ross's broa46id t,'engrrvin.e, maps A end miscellw- ;urrmme.I "A. T. GALT," ' cavalry alone More killed wee nity Yankee nese• peeve, was 107,741. Of cumpktel officers recrutly. wurl4 45,020 'were purchared, iO Oi 2 trivet the It b nonJ aeuourI Junc fy.) acquired by coeyright, and 1,129 presented. ` It has rlread 'wen told bis Grapt has In the natural 1ietnry depot tmenta chose • • ain reterate� f p 100,000 specimens have Leto added in tl e K 1 and stain chaugel his best. ,Durr. el the 7561, and Profeainr ' we -t re- l; -nit is nut wily be whipped, but eoufeegs it. puns that the pn.grres of the eddiunne -,s A little whtle ago he sit d he would fight it such us fully to verify the outlook 00 *huh out oat the Fredericksburg line it it took Lim the requirement. olfence have been *atonal. nil suwmrr. Ile hal uuce slunk res (10m ed The additions nnclud.• Lee's [tuna se, oral lie.. pfrsld 10 fight him. the North fere!r!. the Africa,' ea edniu0 , He bat iii tI s and the N, nth Aaser6 ro a ed Mm.rlf to for y1cCl«Ilau'e t 1 t will seek, by sending re " prsw•nt:Art..4 to the Lower Provinces ad " to-Fi"44and, a secureybe assent of those , Atty. Gen. Cartier )ben read a 1'renCh '• interests "Inch are beyond the control of version of the above document. use use:: Geg¢lature, w such a measure M Mr. Holton wished to know what wee •• will enable ell British North America to ee muted under • eueial J stature, based meant by the expression " ereording to the " 67on the federal priuriple ' air. 36,ow„ well understood principles of ]federal Gov then stated, that baring arrived at a huts ernm� sant." Wae it melted that in a Federal which he t.eleeed,wqulJ he generally aecenpt Legiataturethereshould be repreaeutatiou able to. the great mw u( his pulhicd (was ss, acooniing to uum r>T be had tawld, that u 1111 proposition was w Jar. Cartier eat th hosegentleman general rl' iii l I t a r t terms, m t and w r ofhe thet g el w• w sant b t o w u'te w l h w b mea401 NdC 1 kne t tel u4 d rd �. •, P t.I Ise Un•,the details on ed T e overn ent a thatprinciples of Federal and mrL t m k be , Mildly v g Le adopted, it was the very so did his oollea ue Mr. Dorian, who had gaia•rrl fecisg � of his fncul0 that escu�,ruy g must be given for the fairness of these detiels several times moved resolutions in favour *1.4 iLe hood fldh with which %Le whole of the federative system. The deta.la had moeemern should be prosecuted, by the iotre nut been arranged, but be conceived timet Auction into the C.L,uet ,;f a fair rt.preseota- the .been federation involYrd equal- fibs of his political friends. Mr. Brown it in one brunch, soil that both population •ted that he hal .not put this yu5uiur. direct 7 Iy u hn h r:4s, but that he ercri,ed ver and territory should be taken Into account ,lee 'y that 16.s Ives the strong peiuion of •in alta other branch. I►r,•e\moJerity of them, and that his own per- Mr. Dorton thought that with reference sonrl nn nuuu on the puling to which he stili to changes which were ot'thc highest icn- sdher,t}, uumtn•r. Gat reps 5(414, it'll' prt .1,1.1 the e came alone, hot that the Dumber of teats at shoull be fully stated. V. as the House l,i4 loposal bad�not been considered by their (o understand that, u in the Lotted ce'Ceagues. M,.t Browe.was requested to States, there wu to be equality in one state his.tiers ntli is point, and be re, lir'J bench, and representation according to that ILe Opposition erre h!( the flout, nL . I population to the ethic ? ought to have an eq I influence in the Gov. Attorney General Macdonald — Yee. erneirM, M•urn.• cdonald; Cartier, and -silt said That was tmf dee, but they would [Cheers.] ee their colleagues ane) "tate their views Oct Mr. Durion said that according to the onlay. 01, Monday, ut'balf•pest ten a. w., explanation of the Attorney Getter.' East, Me q,. Macdotaal. Cartier old 6611 called in on"branch there would be equality of on Brown, •t the fit. Laws Hotel, lied representation proportionate to population Dent. • Bruen r«juiced, that this stating at Sir la P. Tacks h returned to I end territory. tet ba acceptable W the people of Up- town, Mr. Brown accompanied them to -the ids a• • relgqelr Mr exlsungg '.ria . Prorioeirl , cmtan's room, wbe Mr. Brown Mr. Chatter said he had already stated tiered the f leretion oral' the I'ru baring been eo1 t., explain'how \:he propos.Iris opinion of what was involved in the ht to come, and would come about , ed to arrange goal eepresenutie�n in the I federal principle. t ,t had •not yet been thoroughly 'raloini-t, replied t t he de.ircd to Q• under Mr. Dorton said he ha.i not naked the the people, ono thet even were ' etuud as meeting fu members for \Upper opinion .of the Attornej' General East, but there were so manypartite Iola chime and tw , fur ower reply. o •M: wished to know what • • At aJo don was uncertain.—• h had been decided on p chime by the O nasion In re I , Nkun. i the then asked about hie'femed Ifar y by the Government.. According t6 the , y, Cartiert veer std Galt natal the as ss related James but irnot dangerous there. II he u'tbe measr Attorney General East it a t'. e ecce tr I c:Ina I m. v ble tot th4 i CUtalllanal, t I 7 I"eir ,I o the' l' P r ui r l'u • et fur Lower i u hr ails lura rLta1 , 'hypo; g y II wo l ted be Pm ii a unit , ar Lower r 'aOaJr c' 1' r c (. having r a etre r y a )aids. they Lr;ieveJ t already afforded 6 laic populstiap he may laid i.e.:* a water mirk, told he m npulaliun, 401 out reK•srd ample xnirantee tor, thea seemly ; that but a larger territory than Upper Canada,\ capture a barn—a .pigwty ; hot he cannot between per an, Lew. a change in its personnel would be would have an equal representation. 'tike cities. Re have ,pates upon the James and Carrick $43, er Canada. To thiiiboth Mt. Macdonald and more likely to rmdare emberrnumeet than Mr. Galt—No, no. that he cannot-ccarry and cannot pass. Grant, lir Mr. Gott stated that i• was impusnible fur &issuance, u the majority of the people of •ie short, la a darn Lis hi I•* ebit4m,coneulte q' said amount be them to accede, or any Government to Lower Cr r d 1/011i y` 7 t 1' all PI' d • Atty. Gen. Jlaedoneld said Mr. Dories h' (e( ,7,d gipn,Theuse 41•.41 in the federation •price le suggested by the. leaders, ,Lich it wvu;J not be desinhle 105 " the w II a tierr,tood I f federal- IJ Who7 rat parttcitstry in by only a small portauce, and in a crisis like this, which •Mesad. Macdonald, Cartier and wu second too a since the Union of the that they Lid, of coulee, under pain; that Mr Brown should Can■dae, u to til results portended by it, vrrnmer.t, that he wood not everything which had been.agreed upon track on the 14niu•ula but est ant ab' can bounder, expedition, and cntlrbutfurs e to of great scientific value from the Lamour' gain his position. Ile changed his base to and Er.tomnlug,cal Societies. The depart--, the White House, and is now humin r for men! of auulogr bat h,„ ennched by a the J'sera. " ., et w.L5 matter ,with the Ilnati.m from lir. J. flowerer of above men . Il'bv toe, he ren about in tilt clan- I lo seer "'• - 160,tNW specimens -of colenpturow meow*. Nr Grant is at raid of Leen army, ifs has , largest and most uutrective 6ceea•I00 to 1M • • come to take kyphwnnd, end is chi. to tight entonitduticd department ever presented by he aver .1,.r defends :. A .. . __. .. cute imli.,Jual. i ery large additions hay • 154, t0 be a11rc. 'Thr Inc it 0r the Armee -•, n, ax maim moiler t. nu or 41.41,., nUna,t air as a hue el operations against itch !them ma he mentioned r 1- 1 ectwu from OM meirdti• now a hatter of ,ofeiest. Will laku tel l;alilee. ore his proaects •,f -leisure Ride litre7 So far u aethurity can e, tl t0 the rr •au garter. t o that ��Lttnt s t lir. Or ;r w gJ•tstion, its weight le all on one e . h is hetet from side. Mdereir the map before him, et. 1 Caplera when. he safely landed (11. illuetrfoua �nr Prniniada app ch --C ,wmander in ('h•e( gudst6aribnliti, he called at :Caplet where Lt coin, Aderd, mung in fari,r of ■n 5 wsa rceeivrd 1111 acclumatiinu by • grate' • dv�iice from tLn l.orer huppalannuek.— Cul multitude, who serenaded hie a,.d really Crest 1 mond by t • The: Duke df Sutherland has Leen gavot. Hurn itkebu same ch as Hope to the coni trammeled b e, with a live nation, chore Forder. - seemed to think he WAS the greatest .F:u,luh M his base . Hooker tweet oat jbe "'an •:ive. Regarding ,h. • berm1er. ice: Meade rel ',Aral ter R.,p,leu; d. monst-ation5 u proof: of the sectl:onn de v befu:e bin. time caw, e,eertrmed by the Neapolitans for their great an 1 uurab,rrassed and unen 'le!rverer, they pewee a certain degree ail the pre,edeuta 41 1 c(y0umeets prooiee 11)1.1 rot: though moot Englishmen lu''I will mine that Are ()Nett of them ahoult? iS • f others. i�2t mortal up the old ro •nesse a manner here acquired 10 41,11 • Richmond, then {h the Wilderness u! 8eiAlli1 of glory. It must be sold 1.,JUll,te lu unchangeable Cuu 'Lien, and ,,,,sea h I hi. grace, limit -tor, thnt he appears them uuc Laneerble pampa to stick to that ns .his u; hly to relirh 111e hnnore which ale thrust true awe. Ntatar.fleftiunupon thejut-•l u; nh:m; and that he almost es,code. ment sad mi:itrry auiy of rill these d the ecru ung 10 the:crowd in Naples Y Gal )bossy Jaime* Le, atter all, the at. It has been .hiwae was to :cr c ord in 1pmdua. the lase choice WWII true m'n whom business . o it was to make the best chu1. . Tk••,�, strungI{` inference b that .t is the Inas .d wort; alter!. many atnrie_ native. McClellan in hie wit sty, p1. hard but the (onowt..e the James .r Greet, wh., Mee • et ro5.�,ty-; much reeoected c thousand aleu to get to the James, was u thiel n • heatitnlriver ; but the w Id wi k understan Grant .ant may sunny us fn AT 01.11. Mxtn.'—We here heard old al'lieespetite of red md•4; is decidedly in favor of uhct ss of unfortunates : — At the trine some half 'ntury ago—when Greet lir nein wait threaten.' by invasion from efe - ,nie•reret r a exertion were' Iliad, In sail ,a R ✓ Iuiilte a in [ser kin o the doe. 31, � kingdom. pe on culling on r111"neetScotch msidet, tett - mature mai , . subset', years,t , it a sutraer tion on t dew anizin •n to ' d clot ■lot s d g i 1 f euuna 1641 to net in i1efenee of their eau,.. was effectually ' dried up' by the slits• d IMgc's menthe reply—. Ind . sir, u nu:aids thing i never could n' a. -- mysel', and t am nae pea to re lug (leorge 1' - rt. Git`iwvtt or Lenten*. a—'til• Inc •suggestive a-ticle on the which covers "Iwentyfosr at city adds to its houses aid a year, .and yet ,retain.' ural beauty of country erten u ds iu b s nu tuber of • d (04,0 now i,iiud,a a .r ns a, ,o mar 1 *m 141,1 tan s e y • alms at ams. enl,rmews: { til f Kincardine, carry eueh a meuure d that unless a basin Ea+iish hal implicit confidence in their surely did not.need to be informed what man of dseitny procirims hie frdr.e to the The Report wan again enbm • to the Council and finally adopted. Moved by Mr. Brocelbank, moon by Mr. Gabel', That a committee of five .f the Reeves of Bruce be appointed to Con- der and *Ore ht of draft' Port legality drafting g alt Law s be 'fled to this °� Board during the session for ate pu.poae of sub- mitting the same to the` .ratepayers of Bruce to afford them an opportunity 'of' voting upon a Railway bonus to ba offered to any responsible company that may offer to construct a line of railway through the County of Bruce. Carried. THE CRISIS TERMINATED IPi The Result of the Negotiations. 11rr,ze, Jerre 22. Attorney General Macdonald said that, on behalfwf himself sod his 'colieagues.he de. sired to lay before the Hour • full statement of the negotiations which. u the House wee well •ware, had been going on ever since the defeat a 1. wt of the Governmento - n Tuesday week. e • e k. 1 Tn staid miseoneetion or mistake e, • record of the proceedings, dor by day, had been carefully prepared. 1 hie he proceeded to reed u f,llowe " immediately after the defeat of the Gov - eminent, on Tuesday night. the 14th, and or. the following morning, Mr. Brown spoke to seismal sup;x,rterI of the,,,Administratioh, strongly urging that the present criers ehouli be utilized in nettling for ever the constitu- tional di0icultirs between Upper and Lower Canada, end umnng them that he wu pre pared to co operate with the exiatieg or any other Administration that would deal with this question promptly and firmly, with'. view to a final settlement. Messrs. Morrie and Pepe asked and obtained leave to com- municate these ermversation$ to Mr. John A. Macdonald and Mr. nal,. On Thursday, at 3 p. m., just before ti e S1•ester took the chair, Mr. John A. Macdonald said to Mr. Brown while atandSng in the centre of the Assembly room, that be had hen informed of what he (Mr. Itrown) had stated, and he wished to know if Mr. Brown had any objec tion m meet -Mr. Galt and discuss the matter. He replied, "certainly not.' Mr. Morro accordingly arranged an interview with Mr. Brown; and on Fri lay, the 17th June, about 1 p. m., Messrs. Macdonald and Galt celled on Mr. Brown at the St. Louis Hotel. Mr. Brown stated that m,thing but the extreme urgency of the present emirs. and the hope of settling the sectional troubles of the Prbvinre forever, could in hit opinion jn•tify their meeting together with s view to common po- litical action. . Irassn. Mwedonsld end Galt were equally rmprelMed with t .is, and slated that on that footing alone the !mount meet- ing eet ing had been invited. Mr. Brown asked in what positron these gentlemen came to him— whether as deputed by the Administration, or simply as leading %embers of the Ministeriel peaty. They replied that (h'y were charged by their colleagues formally to invite hit aid in strengthirtg the Administration with a view to the settlement of the sectional difficulties- of ilficultie( of Upper and Lower Cando', Mr. Brown then stated tit, on grounds purely personal, it was quite ibspouio'e that he could be i member of any Administration at present; and that even had this been otherwise. he would have considered it highly objectionable that parties who had been so long and so strongly opposed to each other, mm he and same members of the Administration had been, should enter the same Chinet. He thought the public mind "meld he shocked by mash a •rrsagerent„ bat ha felt very 'treacly that the present cri,ia preecnt'd an opportunity of dealing with this question that might eee*e oeear again. Roth political parties hid tried to tarn M govern the country, hut without- sueresa. and repeated el•eUnne only arrayed ssetioeal mynntiea against auk ether only more strongly than before. Another graerel elution at this moss.st prwseatad little hops of a moth altered result ; and he believed that both prtiss were mail latter prepared than they kad air ham before to look tla tris loess area the difbeelty fairly ie Ike Chea, and endeavor to mettle the representation gamier Mia equitable .aid psrisa.nt hada Mr. Brew. added that if tree Ad.i.ilretion wne reposed to de We, and we !' pledge the. report of Sir. Browns c mm,nre, i did nut appear to them likely that nytbing could be settled.' Atter much discus 'on on both sides it was found tbat a comprom might prob� bay be had in the adoption of federal pain. ciple,.etther for all the Hritish`North Ameri- can Provinces. u the larger question; nr for '.nada alone, i it h provision fur'`the admire r mu• si.: .l the e Mariume I'mnncesend\ a 1Surth- wes erritory when They should ex rev the desire. Mr. Brown contended that t e Cana• dian Fe • ration shou'd be constitute sot is older aka such 111100 might be take in n• gard to th. coition of Upper Cana a as would satisfy l t section of the country at in the net/reran' • with iLe Lower l'roninlEes the interests of C • .er Canada would in do cane be overlooked. Further conversation t ensued, but as the bus or the meeting of the' House hid nearly arriv an undemanding. was come to that the neg. )abase were such 1 as 10 warrant the hope of am ultimate under it standing, am It was agreed hot the fact should be communicated to l'rrHa ent turd an adjournment naiad Monday asked or. 00.1e Friday evening Mr. Galt saw Mr frown, and arrangr d for nn it (crview erext,me in; 1, at wb-ch Sir E. P. 'melte and Mr. Car nr i• should be present. Oa Sauuday, at 10 a.m. i a other engagements requiring a change in the hour appointed, Mr. Macdonald and Mr. Galt called on Mr.' Brown, and after further w discnssien, s- second appointment wits made tor 1 when tNe r ail leen named, •teed with ' i( Ise \ i . r 1 Cartier, r ' met m the r' h Provincial room, Sir E. 1'. Tache being out of town.— m The consideration of the.etcpa moat ad.isahle for the final settlement of the sectional diffi- culties cultic• were then entered upon fully, and a 1 general accord seemed TO exist that, se the 11 views Of Upper Canada could not be met un trier our prrevyt system, tee remedy mune be p *Dight in aheadoptinn of Phe Federal priuci• It ply. \ir. 'trowel then requested to have the L views of the Administration, as exerc•erd to him., ien:C ted to writing, for the purpose of bein; submitted confidentially to his friends. c The folluwing memorandum was then propos- .m ed, and haeitng to be submitted to the Cuhia• 1 et and to theelovernor,General, Mr Brown enquired whei`berany objection existed to his'Ls Piecing His 1'ac•Ilency, whereupon he wu in- a formed that no objection whatever e.titled.— I p Mr Briton accordingly warted on the Geyer c hoe General, and, on his return, the mercer. ! a sedum approved by Council and by the Gov ernor General was handed to him, end 'mole • h • 1 C shake re ►417 way ; and that in approaching the inpnrtnnt 9ueallen of settling the section 1 al difficulties, rt a7Ieured to them essential !that the party led by .'air h. P. 'lathe should have ample u to:a•,M that their interests have • be protcced.which 1t was feared would 116 the strengthened by the introduction into th. Cabinet of the.Loner Canada Opens:tiuu. Mr. chanald stared that an rc a.de1 Upper u V, 7 Clan■ in h n oin� . u sen � the reduction to two ! I u(Iha Molitor of gentlemen in the Cabinet who now presented Upper Carted* would involve, t� ithdnwal t( the runfidente of those who 005 support them in the House of Aseen:l, y, but`*hat he would he' prepared for the admission into the Cat,inet of three gen- a tt in en of het they Akre, on is with. the a countie lined th+t they bold bring rich, them • L4{• gj Al u oleoma equal to that now enjoyed by the 7oeenlment from • Upper Canada. Mr. owl wl.ed in whe) meaner it was proposed h six Upper Camala Ministers should be o le Cede-wi.s eioh :party i'o bane carie Glom ern su1_estiny to the head of the Guy rum t the names to be rhnwn ? To whieh Mr. Mc -maid "-idi«,L, that as a matter of Guru b weted r:toad Mr. Brown to be him - elf • m her rr the Admiistration, u ITording t 'hest, ilpot the only guarantee, re the %dile 'un of les friends ; u d that Mr. i)ncold, o Sir. 'frown giving his consent, n . confer ah hirer's to the selection of f;p pe .'.nada lhollr•gues from both sides he7ter. d be Most Acceptable to their rel s likely to work fri� � ••n' not bar. p@Mih , Uniamie fa the cat object which alone ould jeatify Ib arra • meet proposed. Mt. frown then en ire: what Mr McDonald ,roposed in 35;a: t the Upper Caned• cadetship. 'Mr. Mc id said that, as far M he was concerned, he \, Id not with pito. rear, or without diminish his usefulness, Iter hie foeition•t but that was. an he had len for some 1. m,•, anxious t 11 tire from th iorernini•nt, and wopid be q Grilit6le arra, 7 100113 by dui nurse he cruel Ont retire from the ent without Sri' S. P. Tactic's co cn1, frown then towed that without 'scow .g h. propriety or rrssonablen•el of aha prop ,lion, he would consult bin ft sends and give n early rep'.y. (in Tuesday the respective artier being occupied durinyt.the forenoon in (insulting noir friends. a meeting wu It Id t :t p. m., at which there were present r F:. 1'. Tache, Mr. Meitonald, Mr. Certier,Mr ;alt and Mr. -[(m wm• Mr. Blown mated that rt friends had held a•meeting, and spjirored if the c•.ur•e'he had persued end the buil rrived at. and authorized him to continue he nrgoiliations. Meese•. Mcf)onald and srtier said bet they hid recriredsatidactory ae•uranre• from their friends. Mr. Brown then stated that it wee now for him to,ennaid• er what course he should pu Iue,enterteining, as he still did, the strongest repugnance to accepting office. A further meeting 55* appointed for Kalfrsel eight p. m., et whirb the'details of the srrnngements in ale Mr. !frown and his fiends Accepted effiee, were dr•cuseedet much length. Mr. Brown core tercel strongly that the Government should concede a larger representation in the Cahinet than than there members, In which it sea 1v. plied that the Adm,,istiation believed it was uite imr'n.ihe I0.susfy :1111 own (1(0040 rah a different arrangement. Mr. Brawn then asked whether he could be sworn io se an Executive Counejllnr, withoet a Depart• m nl or mixt, in telditinn to ills three De. pa .Mental offices 10 be filled by his friends. NI McDonald replied that the principle of 1q Icy would in this 1ise he destroyed, and he wu 511116.4 n could net be done. Mr. Breen asked whether it was • vac gra we that he shnuld himsr!( enter the Cabinet, to whieh it was replied that, en secure a successful Ione to the attempt at the settlement of the sectional d,lteodtks, it wu considered that Mr. Grown.' areeptae t n( (Ake was indlspentah'e. A meeting wag then appointed Env the following day. On Wednesday, • little after 1 n'clock, the evil perties met when Mr Brown stated an hie final decision that he would teeniest te the reconstruction of the Cabinet et proposed; hut, ina•mneh ea he did not itch to assume the responsibility of this Government hastiness before the Anse, be proposed leaving till after the prnrng•tion aka eh^asidOntinn of the •eteptanet of noes h7 himmmll sed the awn g entleman ebo might be ss14,1d to enter the Ad.inistritinn with him. Sir E. P. Tache and Mr. Maedoselel themes stated haat they the penrng•tine they would be prepared to a r n pnnctp ea o wor 10030• nest in repaid T government" were. They were exemp!i- °Calmat.x.t•Tz'n n.lo'to r4Ta:Ksara. tied on thio continent, and included— (From the Petersburg Etyma, June tai) equally in the upper branch of the legla!a- i not . ra e the town nnr.did he expect infantrysupport, else he would or bare ad,unce to the hills opposite 11•5 reser- voir without it. w H fails to tell of his 'own louts. which filch were far\h[arier than nun.— (The Empress also claim! that two pieces bf artillery were taken from Kautz ) Lure and in the lower branch—reprcacnta }se d d t paw t h tom based .poo population (Loud cheers.) The Atty. Gen. Eut, however, had prop crl guarded himself, f p or he soil the 7 g't member for South Oxford, and himself [Atty. Gen. Macdonald], were all equally opposed to making the assertion of repre- sentation by population ea equivalent to universal suffrage. Beltway Monopoly. Frain the Hamilton Times When a railway company obtains from the • Legislature the power to take the land on wbich It runs and 'receives all its emeriti -re privileges, the act on which itirformed clear. le entitle the couiiac:in; partMe to the con ✓ ying out of such ranwer in aecordrnre with � such act: and any attempt either on tile. part domestic if the railway tel the laird owners to de which mus road sea.. ACR.foleLirgoexST.—We have to ac- knowledge the receipt of an invitation to join an Exeureion to be given by the New York {'entrel Railway to New Ybrk pity to the Press of the State and Canada, but owing to pref. of engagements have not been able to give ourselves the pleasure of being present: It will doubtless be a delightful trip, 1 Prof. Hagerty, who has been lec- turing for the past three or four evenings to very large audiences, lectures again to- night in the Victoria Hall. Ilis teachings appear to g10e great public satisfaction. Exctlaeioi To SAOINAW.—The eta. Huron gives an Excurnion'fileroes the lake, r a"715 leaving Goderich on Friday evening next. 07' Thin 'II be a splendid opportunity for thole 'overt who have never seen the Saginaw Valley. Mr. See advertisement er interview appoldted for G pen., \1r Brown stating that he did not feel at liberty either to accept or reject the propoeilinn without consulting with his friends: — 1) Confidential " memorandum.—The Government ares pre- " pared to state that immediately after the " prorogation, il,ey will address themselves • in (65 most earnest manner to the eettoti• " lions for a Confederation of all the Ii,itSh " forth American Provinces, and that, wait.. •' ing • succen.ful issue to such negotiations " they are prepared to pledge them elves to " legislation, during the next session of 1'rr " lament, for the purpose of remedying ovist- " ing dif icailtira, by introducing the federal •' pnneiple for Canada alone, coupled with " such provisions as will permit the \laritime " Provinces and the Northwest territory to " be hereafter incorporated into the Canadian 11 tyst•m. That for the purpose of carrying " on the negoti•tione and eeltlutg the details " of the pr posed legislation, a Royal Com- " mission &ball be soloed, to be composed of " three members Of the Government, and " three members of the Opposition, of 5hgrn " Mr. Rrown shall be one; and th• Govern- " mint pledge themsstyee to give all the in- " fluence el the Administration to secure to " the said commission the means of Menne- " ing Me great object in view, That, mule " jest to Os Mona permitting the govern '' rnont to earn through the public liminess " no dissolution of Puller/lent shell take 1` place,' hut the Administration will amain 11 meet abs present hones," Shortly after 6 p.m. the same parties met at the same plan, when Mr. frown stated, that withnnt coat motivating the contents of the confidential paper entreated to him, be had seen • suSl leant 515.11.1 of his friends to warrant bim in el/pressing his belief that the balk of his friends eoetd, r . einmpenmiee, •eeept a mammon for the federal union of Colada, with provision R,r the future admission of the Moritims Provinces and Northwest ter 'very. To this it was replied that Ibe Administration mould not eoassel to weirs the larger gn•stioa. Bao after consider able therm ,ns, an amendment 00 the ongi nal rampaged was served to is the following t nems .eluent to the approval. ain Monday, of the Bahiwt.tail Rie Eredknee .—"The f penteaeert tin prepared to pledge thea '1 EEC7Reffiel TO BNITAto 4Ttt Jtt,T.— e B. & L. H. E1 win give the ohespest ion to Niagara Falls and Buffalo advertised from this place. For lace see adv exc that full par AIT'LAN LODGE G. L. C. 112. t a meeting d the Mellowing ofoerti M C,Cameron J R Black B Tninbr Win Pipet, G N Davie, 4cretary .Rev Mr Kert Ch R R Owen.... S D John Henry .1 D E Honker ,,i I G C . Vetter ' 1 T71:r. sits- We are requ ted by the Town Treasurer to warn !hoe" whose Cemetery Notes ere neer due that if not paid in ten day,, Gillen notes will be put in suit. on to -day, (211h) re „duly installed : ecu 0r W Dance Lawton 8fee map of that rt water slivery, and convenience. Nor Ten 10011 Tit TIll'711 —The- rejarter if the Detroit 1' ree l'ress, who went 1. rrummondyille tu the review, says of Cana la i—The moot superficial observer cannot all to observe that complete contentment and apputese, with the bleesings of puce and' quiet, reign throughout the provinces. There ',.. is evidently no desire tn change their present mae.rnsutreh..nif Mtionel liberty, guarded %7' form of government. They enjoy a ler rotor people inAlie worl&-e• larrede has as °al an education systeeh 1111 en be found anywhere:. All youths Atom • twenty•one Uwe the tight to attend the uhlie schools. There are rbout 3,000' teach; et employed, of Imm a little over 3,000 ere i ,on abound, receiving msteriaVaid sod en• eetiregement Born governmeut. 11 cannot n 'interment., awl dietracted country have t of the .1 nieraren metesomn with the poli a▪ ming our own incomparehle system. we ortowed 'Merely and liherally from the moth• rght have borrowed some additional feature Mr. John C. Donoran, of New York, re Melt to venture Iteroit4 Ihr occan in the oyaire. She 1., little hermaphrodite brie - rigged vessel, 13 feet long. 41 braid, anti 21 imp. Ile la to have nne !Ionian (0•01patiiint orate and presume that he will touch at 8t. ohnii, N. F., en that we mey know how he ffie Custom* authorities at the port of South. mpton received ah metier from the Lord' ommissionere tier Mejesty's Treasury on cription to the effect that it is a bridal 11 om Lady Tering end the Indies of ow null' {Velem to Her Royal Highness ths rineem of Wales. It measnres about 8 elite in width by ahont 10111. inches in depth nil actors, and is lined wiso rink velvet.— he casket is ornsmentrd 'smith toroth. of (revel, anel the key repreviente an apbeasen n mu, the whole twine of solid gold. Tbe orkmanship is mostlibauttral, and the chem. Ire of eureeening riebeeen end Meaty. It slued at .S.700, and the deg, ern it at 17s pe.r ounee, would assistint to quite 1100. The peso present from the antipodes Ira relight to Sotemonpien by the Peninsular In• ch arrived there in the early pert of tau erk with the Anstralian commingling their breed with Afrkes are k open to this drnadfal objertios--mhse w,ll bornme of the Yankees? We hal amered that they hays never weighed the reneuesee. Molted oat tor ovistencel Thiry boa thane moo] in eitietminate the Seiath, m▪ eat of the semi menus and villages. ise fest as it increases t lings and inhabitants. I eight parliementery retie end boroughs. 166 panslies, and 130 square ilea. The Star says it is wonderful and ple t to my that e mong the homer. of three milli,' • of people, • •ithin a recline of twelve mile there se au much variety of surface and seratery, marry green and airy spaces, such hAeltbful dirt and noise On the fate of thewtap irad the rag.. of the directory there am 'pole of more pictusesoue lent and sylvan, rustic in the purity of. ahem here, and urban in all the oppliamee :of part from such set, mutt. in equity, he ,unrdrrcd a violation of the act on We elmerve the p..01.10 of Goderich, at the reception of the Preselent and the officials of our Great Western Railway there, es reported' in our enlumns, clearly mere that an amalga- mation of this Road with the Grand Trunk Railway actually ie a auluersion of the Act • Perlisment on which the Rutter., and !Ake Huton Railway watt passed. All the teeth is diverted by Stratford na tiarnm- rad (rode. rich, (which may have contriler0 touch h the obtaining of the Art) by the &melee c matron, actually • doomed town. Under li theme circumstance", it is riper that such mat. p gamatian is a breach of the existing j3w, and e should tot be permitted exempt by en Act of m the *acne Legieletere whieh created the tom- peny. e are. therefore, glad to see thei his principle is shout to he cerriral out, and an Act for that purpose, a portion a which we copy herewith hes been jatiodecral he Mr. Dunkin, mei hm tee. trait a mi.cond lime. The meet,' has been fiirly aroused to ilve 1 importance and necessity of such an Acte'er we may, some day, find our hands bound by fr the subtle (hinge of 530 an agreement, art we recently published in nor returnee, be. e (seen the Grimed Trunk and Buffalo and lot, In Huren Retirees.* Thrs out of Mr. Dunk:a', I. will forever prevent retch a coulee, and mist hem e;yead coneternetion through the ranks a of the Orisnd Trunk %ninny. We shell be cunoue to see how the Hon. dew Ruchenan yrtil act in tbe premises. We seemed; think r even he will venture, ehould he he so long our menaber, to vote against it. a The following are the portions 0r tbe Art , - referred to :— The Act passed in the sixteenth rear of her „ W Majesty's reign. and intitoled, "An Act le ' . Treasurer Grant can now hardly be said to be nit ng • deslarete move. Hie desperation elite itself at Cold Marko and ea latter Reid rennet itself hereafter. Certainly not o the south side. He begins now virtuelly a new eampeign, and flight ie that of a de. hotted man, though, lilt* McClellan, he *ill net seknovelarto it. Various IlOrmilias are afloat so to his neer cement ot operations. The *net popular of which llama to be that he will mak* • grand sanest to ad in three alumna, one on Petersburg foons City Point, one upon Drury's Bleft from Rannoch Hun- dred, sod rine open Riehmond from Malvern HiAll.pettlentan from White Rem reports that berme stamen left that plata re the ntght ef the lIth, Ionia with negro soldiers, being ths lest of Ganes 11110p• at that plies. Pio replete ligent's troop, trestle demoralis- empower any Railway Company, whom Rad. Way fortns pert of the main trunk line of rail way thremehout Province. to mete with any other such company, or to purchase, the 710751te and riXhta of any midi Company,and It repeal cutlet,' Aria ffierein mentroted io MN • Act passed in the same year,and intitu!ed. Rat whose or tone But sash validity, intep isgaement beret or thing heretorn Acts, eir of either th via the Acts thereby • fr n Act, to extend the previerons of the Coreponies Union Art to complier.* 7 ilways intemeet tho main trunk Imre in places, which the geld line Wee a T hereby repealed. al shall M no wiee effect the_ g wide, or of any metier w twin fore or. ne. in terms of the wild N. nnyt h eathos Ira nArleiur. g.ahnitt,,f:s.rnedg"t 00 Pit b er 4 1:0 att:arre'f' during !hie 4.1111in agreement whatever, heleefte tete I entree, Any tern or mere panies, uelesa in an far ite the 101 thereafter expressly sanctioned by Act of Perliament tit that Mahal, sh tie operate the union nf any tem or m owns) to any railwey company of the corpor• ate ((smelliest, right* or &Illations, nf en] whole or part) for any terneteh:revel""ling t(emn other railway years, tn any railway rampant. of the rail. e er property and 'Mute, nf and miter ailky company, or of the Ime thereof. The one hrimired and thirty liat section of the Railway Art is hereby so ananded Se to limit the doresion of all agreements or er rangements, bereatter 10 be made mat, saskrity thereof, to tea yews, is plea of t esney tem pears, ea thereby limited way eon- w eiat eail