HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1864-6-23, Page 3T
Coarulsutu et i. ens *Nt rale
a, rl r rat
D. KERR,Jr.,&Cors. JtJgT REc:i=1VED. \o1'ELT>ei of TQt:setsoN. lr'11: 1„
wit rat NOV •CLU$O or Ort
refuted, all was • w cur _ r `
lovely aria ••taw o esieuce and turn. Routhillier was'aned by the Recorder On. the IGti instant. W. T.Isepry of Ouse- r T I
, I l 11 h OOH,
.1 gni l.ed
Ole THt LoRD'. 1'ai 't❑ scheme to evert money from Ilpgneur, er.d At Arran, on; Tue*Jay. 2nd inrt., by the \4 . I ,I rel lis.
/M aarl of Latest ROW&•
There wee severe 8ghtia* at Petersburg
(Suds u( Itichwoud) om Fraley and Saturday
gyt, Some 16 pieced of Confederate mistime
were taken, but the Federal" appear to have
beam repulsed with au admitted lois of 8,000
men, A whole division. of Burnside', corps
u reported captured, _ Lee is throwing rain
ferti,•eata into the place. and 1^•_besot se
it really is, it may prove a 4117 bard task to
The Cooferrnce iu Louduu was extemlelf
to Me 26th iu.t., but little hope wee eutei•
tuned of • puwceful solution of the 1)auub
The Oorerumental Crleu is nut over, but
it was fully expected that • favorable run-
clbsiva mould be arrived at, uu the heels
alludedluiaasother ;time.
lair A Washington despatch -.says that
the House Naval Committee agreed to re-
port on the resolution proposing that the
United States do give eix months notice
of the termination of the treaty with Great
Britain in regard to naval forces on lakos.
It u questionable whether Congreve will
set en it at present.
Meleaot Las Moots His piss. -A coir
respondent of the South Carolinian wrote
from Kelehaw's brigade a pew Jays before
the coalmeneeluent of the movements lately
'eparlyd, and now, perhaps decided. Thi
occ*s,1Sru was a re•4ewmg of Lungatreet's
corp4 '• About one o'clock the arrival of
Oen. Lee was announced by ntraius of nivaic
and • matte from the artillery. •Aa ho rode
up to the colon, •1d4be meu caught sight of
Mild prolonged cheer,
his treble figure, • p b ,
taught with a feeling that thrilled all hearts,
run along the line and rept to the heavens.
Hall were thrown high, and many petsuna
[weenie *!moat frantic with volution. Oris.
Longstreet shared fully in the ex.:demi•il,
and waved his bat in a must excited wt:Iurr.
It was then a tine eight to gee lieu. Leu tele
futwatd and uncovering his 'nobly modelled
and venerable head, ackuowled,e, with Co.n
remove grace and di,(uity, the greeting. Ile
loukSQ stouter and heartier, red Liu older,
thau when we parted with him l..1 fall. Uue -
beard on all sites suchexpieuiuur us' 'W bat
a,apleudid figure 1' 'What • noble Ince and
heed 1' 'Our d'rtiny is in our bands !' • He is
the beat nun.,, the greatest 104414 011 1iols cal,
linent 1' Ile vies accompanied Ly hie toe,''
ILi1.-Gen. W. F. Lee, soon, '1 hear, to be
made u Major Oceanid Before the cheering
ceased, an old lady, with* kind, motherly,
face, peeling a party of sildiers bowed to
thein eaprateJly, exclaiming. with all
*mutton that thrilled all Lu L1•rid her,
'1 bow to you -I bow to you 0Wiels,'
• cos) 4
Kuiyu Awu • Foots.. -Eu •e Rarlhiiber
and Alaimo Uagnun, a earter, ere rakergrd
un 1ueeday before the Recoll(rr, Mutated,
with committing an assault upon ne Alfred
A potbouse politician wee buastigg that be
could bring 444 argument to a p'iut u quick
as w,.y man. 'You can bring • quart to a
pint • good deal quicker,' ob.erved a wog.
'Now, children, who loves all sten'.' asked
• Schnol•in.pectur. The question apt hush
put beret* a little girl, nut tour )ears •old,
•nse Bred quic1ly, 'A II womc14 l'
The census of N.•w York r'Ay it now 61111¢
then, 111 1440(1 the city coon -tined *05,561
billet) tants. From the retnr,14-alre•dy Castle
it iv estimated dud the prevent population will
uuwber eunaiderably over • d1i!lion•
'Iiia 1.% Agit 01' vire ItOd4$.' '• evert nes
u.cL delrutullotl Made in the nu44k0 of lite
I lgli.h nubility, titled and uutilled,1444 during
the 'fbitty 'ferrn War of the White and lied
Roses. In the %blotters battles fuugbtbee-
tweri York and lemeaa,er, from' that of St.
.1lbars, ii, 1455, to that on lteJlrlure burro,
near Itoswortjh in 14&(3 -in uiuu of which
struggles the Yorkiste were the vireo's, let
they ultimately lust the. great prim et Bos-
worth -them perished it fight, by murder, or
under the oxo, tau kings, roar princes. leu
dukes, two marquises, one at(d twenty earls,
`tau iiacnunts. and' w•vrui*nd•t'e,'i,ly batons. -
Tu these may be added tae _Mel prier, one
judge, 0440 hundred and 1Lirtyciinc knights,
n:1 noble; four huncle dawl fusty 00resquires.
the eldest eons of knights ; sad • body of
gentlemen, ur uatiaorf totbility of crMharmO,
a Ill •1444(17, the numb.•r of whoa is ran
1 atateJ but which wither,
b.(ng incbr
portdi1 with the death l011of introit Soldiers.
aselli.1 the great *141141 10 nearly eighty q1
'thousand nwu, Sall was the cost to the
ruunl ry of that e. uauy'n beet b:ocd, she! el
a quarrel which, atter al, elided io a wedding
by way ut compromise.
Begneur. The prosecutor bad sot 55000
or $6000 on his person,a,d, hem! l n4\Gten4:]
naltlwl." tern. himself and the prisoners m.ul trip
W St. John's, C. E. ttoulhillter Id I:aluw, I lour Laid J t' n.. Lin red \r lis
,yl I! I r pl. f 1. •I y r "t..14,
PARAPHRASE 4da'rruD. 11 a t
aro call hero to have •rruugrl •
OM loan of FARM pnop. .
8,000 Feet of
I10,000 Fatl'Y, Apply to Dry' fine and
Ilutlr'rnut Lalnller
A. L}:FKUY, k' TH I*IA44. UBOW Y, W aw.n.•,h, Fur
Barruler, Ctakr,rh. Wfi•. w+n, syp,r w K'w. awn., 1:.441e„r4.
Jaw 10th.Jbti4., ewe Pfmwasa Jutta 10114, 1*el sw,0.r51
t Ii
Photographic 4rtiEt,&c•,:
wiac. RR,AIN INI;IIU}:Itl/'11 1)UIt1'
a kwJ ),only, wbi. +how (oho `o`
, Takeo mill please Lear ar mold. kat U.rlut.uk
u5i1(st rd Murk 441)111 naive* bald. are /5.111-.1.
• - f--- - I .d to earl fax the sante without dc1444.
l3owlrr.rh, \lay 916. IhGI, ,wSl
ppb. Pairs Men's Kip Cobourg Shoes,
imp '4 • `/ D• S. Calf Boots, [Congress
• app ., tt • •(Ij al's Calf D. S. Copper Toes,
200. 46 Misses' Calf Boots,
200. 4" Women's Calf Boots,
flo Ec and Vegelabla- Gardzat
A 1 .I 11 1 :'T nr
Stationery Warehouse!
t1.111.: subscribers alvei re'' 'n:imalr In Ihrlr .
l rr•I.rndecta, and the Irma'el Wester. i,..
ado, that lar( are now std Lave heed rrrr;ems •
since the u I
5 , meanie d Nail-.ro ar•r.tw ,.t
rl, 1
t M
a!I ►„war ul!'A•PKR an,l"E\ ELoPEBhm.
(heir awn
Al....Joon the
Brattfory- and 1)unda. lap'r )111:N,
rmhr.e ig
/Mete. 0d N-:eq{rne Palen, `,ii:•:.;.
Fll,o Staudt, frown U,Yyr MI.Ioble hN Tea Po-
pers; 1)rluy,,Ifoval. tnnw•nal. P:ephnxt. ono
doubt, Imperial, 111 Brown ,n4 M.l.u4.1•rpwn.
Rag and Straw Wrappings: all sizes.
'*e hs••e al.n on bawl 'area r,.1.. el prmn,:a ••
papers aur news 5,1,1.11,1. NO. 1 ikw+k Ind 0 filouel
ryes, and love rer,•lvrtl. Ilre sprint Carie
41. ►.,1 N'rningC Pude.. Ittne .14l ( reo++ 1.1.41
Ful. lyw., anJ'Cnpr, ILr•. ...Alter, *In.. and
Palk Klulnn,,o; I.rgr,44nd .: 0'' Puwl'awl JLnldr
Ca)rrot;4nil Turliin
Envelopes. •. ' -
c...o) 014 e : • 5001 cr l of Env.',
11.0S /1014 Jn:1.ee rigta ' epee 11 n 1., 0,04 I r I auto • d
TT lldl oft, 1eu,r„1nil !Note ••,,.• r:le4r own m.,.•
"% f3 Z' Q C A NNcl. , Nb ar,• el.. rrcl,rmr sur ; Ipring 1. •
p.015nuu• n' Fnth.h end S411.1.111
Sprung and Summer Dry Goods. Wi tinge P ers i
wnuw to, me Hey. P 1
• 1
,, , :..Its. variety, quite new Fry lea.
trumped up) • chsrge of his attempting to Rev. Wm Hilts,.1011.e.M Lemeien Esq - a 1 1 y ;;•, r
1 abotib I our father whodvllel6 i4Hes 1s, ening them in the Federal service. -A en. Breve of 11... Tiwns'.1,. Arran, to Margaret •
] i *o mg u the spirits • ore m the matter wee offered fur th Brlhng44 I Brekoq ut the same p au'
T small consideration of f50 Rale Re rneur
MINI !Awl k f b' i
premier u 1 a !•
Ivy *Tenet tat part,. 11 nr altenl,yh 1. il'ar-Be
•III•,n.i.•10TIN[IKAMw.luInl1d l.cnpronofCLOTH8 AND i WEEDS .na "
w. I t 1 r 11
awe ww b 4nmg a.WaJ • n. t. 1
o lbs let all 1.-...7. •pd aur De even, hTACT).
I t 'di'''. aud !k I Uu
e 1 r J assaulted nd-La.1 h t TACT!.. (3 1ZOCL 2. IL !moi I , and ► •. R4 .
Groat I IMI I lti yI -44440,340
It lis rel ,era ^+
11 l 1 tw 1' I Ike k 1 llarbem lk•.Iu, and
120, or two months; and li • nun CO. or one ri h township. -aged 31 years. 1
muut t Ian c ur near wn J.
of U.WaNI
•.the 1 lh inst.,'
mhs, •y ung.
,uf the. m
Be ballow'd thy name, O'Neil names that are - b 1.6° 1 1 g ltrg, h Its the I,wnd , , of Ifuwiek, n the 13th
du ease beteg referred to tee Polite 1'uart.- In*Iant, pear ever Ame,la'
I iar them ul tb Foderel e••rvice
•1 ,
d7411g lis en.
utter',, wife
Let earth's feeble potentates bow to the std: F d i'1 years.
Power, Troth, lure and Me.cy, adori•gly
With soul felt devotion a.crihieg to God!
Montreal Gaza! c• or, .5q., age .
Iivast•te Careeraoree -A 1,.. Mary
hider ut New York, oho has I , • u 1e4i4,ng eau;bier A 13 Fishlr, Ea!
fur several weeks l at EisLLia Llrudil,t. Fisher L Ior.
And all Kinds altos at
At a Louis , aged tight o t"' COST PRICE F O R CASH.
Minnie Louisa, aged right rho .1
• y et at nn early how
lbs temente, by cutting the Ibenatr oft hRr
two ebitdren (.445 respectively 7 mid,: years)
►ud.heu cutting ber own. The *41 was
committed at toe house of Mr. John ('•ince..
Iter husbd2 a,Mr. Alexander Miller, i. e•p
gaged m an oil hour. in New -York city.-
U. Hiller has been subject t4 slight ripens
ofili1anil7 since last felt, and 14,d been sent
bf, ber 4urimed to Firbkill Lambed; fur quiet
atld•)rpose, with the hope that the effect
would 6e•benefictal,both mentally end buJ•:y.-
Day after day let thy bounty provide us She is supposed to have been suffering from
504temThe raiment, the food, and the rest wrequire' e of thew ittaeks *ben the above blriedv
Trusting io thee, limy each boon• 4e suppke'J
Soon may thy Cwgdom,u er nature extending, cummttud • hluulf d d
01.4 every a one, w,th unlimited sway;
As world rolls o'er world in succession unend-
Bleat b7 thy high immortality's r•7
Lord ! let thy will be the charter of uetiois
Thy wisdom and guiedee each statute perrifd.
Cnwrasted by despotic eacrpretenuee:
As io heaven, e0 uu earth h7 thy counsels
Thy wisdom sees meat Wr each humble dente.
dFed wlek•eontentled. !ler husband wi. la
1beloab•t of visiting her every Sunday. Yes
terd.rye remarked to a friend tt at 101 rite
rae impeuing considerably, and hojed that
As we forgive those who wrong or deceive us,
she ecoid ,burs 1,e fully secured. Th• y were
Whether from wantonness, error ur wale i much respect by • largo circle of. tr*,i.M.
Father. du thou in thy mercy forgive u.. and Lad always h vrtu. 12a1.' y tog«ther.
Waud'rers-nut outcasts- beloved of thee At 10.40 A. Si., l our it which our.iuha:
runt left the scene. M
but was pair het last.
'Suter us col to be led Ly temptation,
Prom 41(00allurement* our 1.010115 restrain, SCI"..."}: IN A. CG,URT tIF
For thine is :h. empire of boundless creation,
The power and the glory forever, Amen.1 -
)Mier dole sureiste1,
Ti1F:w 1.11t1' ETi.
Guu(utc'u, June 20th, 1864.
} ul I reheat, . ... (10:'•5 fir 0:00
adrift; du •. `0:714 (.r. 0:00
ley, ld ton
Wool aa'I ed -(1 ft
f• 44war1,,d
1 eaa
:1 rj l:\rl'1 li 1; 5'1♦O(;h- OF (.001)
f t►lc:, inch ( _
•e.rY•, d',
,' tic►ens, +g,p,al 0.25 (a 0130 -
Pocks, ) .... Q40 (m 0.50
II des ferret') .. . 4:001• (a 0.00
C'o'sh'„y bo.h.. 0.21. - (i , l n0
InIrila.... .: 0:1:{4r '0:15
1•i to r 0:00 fir. 0.12{
I !ntora 0:60 (a 0:00
2:00 (.., 0:00
0.01 (•e • 0:00
... 0:10 ("'0 000
0,60 (.r • 0:6
11:00 (n 0:5o
0:40 I r 0.11
02 lir 0.0"
0140 (a 0:4••
t50 (0 14:7.;
:„00. (r 4611
t. /3 r. EG')
030 (.; 0:43
D. KERR. ,Jr„ & CO
• ditty ix• ubt:tined in ' -
As it' is sur intention to clear out oar_
'sTICE. t(,.
1, -
tun. lirxwarTis. We hare rtceiae•I an "coma of
Ashfield, May 2ad, 1864. • / scene which took place at a recent m
• ing of the (Court at l'prta • Lnprairi•'. The
• . A'iate on the bench, 11r..1. fitarriek,
SU.. -
Written for the flume Signal. roundly charged ope of' the )unnA::,w ith
VIRGIBIA• }haciuyc perjdred theidseIres beefalse ''t oy
•bnru tt i0 a certain verdict. This gr
Ila the (twine of Vitriol'', 110; tonin I. atoning •viae ID much violent talking ; when the
heft.; next came On, a general ryx commenced.
Tie *tient hours M meln:ght, are .lowly parting The President of the fur', Mr. F. Bird,
by t being Admiune, 444 a witness, left tht
The p4..... of (84 LA,n.'n,o0, atieteh m.tdy ..d Bench, and his place was taken by Mr. J.
era.. Garrick, who, when he beton to *tate t1u•
And father than the eye ran •re,eatend un every lenge to the jury, was stepped 441' *la AT -
Dom' torn/ for the dcleuee, on what ground
WsM ■weeper n M
Io the nunherar,Mier reach I - y
p many whore, ' 1 II we know not. !Rhein in the room cried
• )'ar le 1115 0*04 the moor. run 10 Inert the 04 •.n'.1 out that he ehnuld go on, and then mewed
nu, 0 scene of coul'usnnt and disorder, in. the
The steep end rugged IR..eendge begot. Ile, midst of which, aril in Toone way of which
wertrm lan,), we are not informed, the preehling maple -
And south , Old t:arulln* lakes Virginia by the Irate wan drlvt tl Cron..thc bench, and
4mno--,, i frnt 11414 kat in the Racal Council et the
r,rmrtunt. The piniplo• up4therc hacc
No sound 0 hesnl wdhrn *he woods; no voter 1 very prompt, det.rmiva'd w.ty of dealing
upon tat. hnr./ ; I with their ttytgintrate1; surely ! And we
must say, on the other hand, that the
Nave n )dry n mournful flashing in the Mancen
of the tree*,
uIterancca fromttb, Bench appear •tohate
Nae deep Ibr .n,,,,..wlfilldr, ion..., and ahll l
life .erne; leen decidedly novel*.and etartling for a
It meein. a torn • hunt In kua had neer or rel- 4, Court of J ustice. O t. were, this roar
den, been, I brought the proceedings. tn.," etand•.1III.-
!Strange "
I,-Nlrange! Wet II ...he u.k of man, to rhos scene !Next day the voting liar a new llaglntrate
wu.r; (Councillor commenced. &oras. of the
Xnn 'hire tiItmrnts.
';kit•: 111.% 4111.-1-111N
F •'1
I.ttr n,01
ren K• iw.y,o,,,4
4 t .r
1 444 f *' . 4. d
11115 05.the dal.
A I n.*1«,11
11 r W e 1 l0 .h rf .
•lin rs.el 114:11'-, l
auh•rnp14on 0,5 i.rr
months, In Ante.
MI erey•even.ne, In
Ing W, -.t on the Great
nor. sill Ise Iklegr•ph
- 1 w•a nevem!. .1
ark 'd onlrend l.m
1 w Pn a _,a -
1110f0 11 44I MAIL" Roy
N 5•I of or 1 n aft.nu
.f W\YItar of
•apuni. 1.751q
e - ; ON OR 11EFour-
pan. 141 .r••.+1 v•••••11),4
TAILORING DEPABTHE/ r I Itlue Lad Lllrr and , S.e.s ; oorlol N114 +
\Irunrmnllu+n and f ear . •kn. P.a•k•'t &.o;•.
- • 1., l bed business, they■ a re cared 144'nisi-." •"d1bnupnts;e'; 44 , 4 Pen 11okten, tit,or
- up LI arM-.lea ,pile. I• 1 •
Ink Taro(.
(4141 04 received for ell Gado-ol'PbA\TS AJU r • 111BITE IND l'OLONtA ! TWINES.
FL( nt'tatS at•
Corner ojAldrkr! ._' „err sad Ilia/ eY►we/
THUS. RUDDY & CO'S Ovdenfh. April 26)6, !vat- ' Dw6T. ' Privately' Card. t Ran .pn-i..ii,o .,r
,, • j (4610.. !,,,,„., K,,,.,,nd ,ldnod ',•1.11..:,
'ornerKm1.ton•Street,PAli•.\'4•BLI11P.. • fI PRINTING 1
• I In kap and cnua. ,
i ::r Alwry...i4 hand lhr10 Ftocl• e1 1..- N
', uuu.l J4rtee 01 'rn.nd Rah.. .
IJA111•i lit N TIN A CO:,
, K.
11am,:,on,:; nu Mae. Pott): w19 -h
I •
arr6q:tO, 010610 cud.
11.w •rn il. A;•r:l '4 , 1.1,4.
; rc7t-
f c' ■ -
The rerenval of • stockf P_ardws•e will, be ;Need , .t e,t1criu elude or pstt of witty
i;rw prices.
44 ,Alerich, 14th Jane, 1864:
t'03 AC i' I' • 1 i. 1 .1 ' 1 e 1 t---
D• KERR, Jr., &
l -
Victoria Street, Clinton.
Aid W'auk.ale "awl Rcuut Ihwir: 444 '
- r,a.w411,..1.. - km,.I,pre. -
I I'.per•llsegntp, 4t aw..h 11,,,.C..
IWook.w I'm. 1
. r.. 1.111+ ...
00,4 ra,.r.o..
I1vrepl1 c•1 rn.• , 111 „n Ips! I•rn`i 11,•6.
a+ +01041. boots,-
'r+rwta4 tl, Olt V'M 51.0,•0 1114.AIL
b r.nnr.l a*ere PTII UA o0wnrar. •nal ,nisi•.
,,,L,• 1111150T5.11 11511/5 44 145 •4+y -Fah .rel.,
j f!e•. Nlwrl a an Metter. Matteis, Ace hy.,
a.rl 1s u,.nthl to males suers et
Qno Doiiar per Annum in Advan •
The N:ee.:y 'f.•m+ ,. t! han;r.t end b
'/ler ul 4;01 01.541.4.. •
Afire*. .11 leper.; p •I p.nI I
•C. }; Sfr.WAHT.tCO.,
Ph',,.bo(. 1.1 F:r•. PM/ r 7'rieer.'
• Hammon. C. W.
Te lout the tate or nature, .ad pol4Nahe remise I'orta;;F people are now htrruagly be fat or
ter. of Anne:ation to titin eettlemeot,-:1-
Thom leafy arcking bimetal! they prrrrr-e unser II'rafrr.
Dern 1
And the ehimmrrlrty changeful maonbeame,-no
tales of horror tell.
4411,, would .0 prvine 1•1 vier 5.1 Ihie Deeming
peat -rot land.
The Woody Imes yet .re fresh; O< Sauk' •go.('
hand ; 44.
Who would n.pp..w Ih.1 u0'4,rneub, In every
abed y n,..:k ;
On the bank• ret many a neer; Iy the side of memo.
A brook ;
There yr thousands "p• 0 :hmwn0 id clam pad
deep rrplu ;-
Two host. Mai oft .n Ido.,dy n.b), he proved
them deadly l,e.
And Ihounand. ups ,hnu.and• who wjhserer
wake .oam,
Thal .n lhor treacherous woes) -land*; Ia
have been .lam. •
Yee e.nnawa weaned roll n•r, ,n that f11e5 calm-
ly sleep,
And the .binning eters above them • rust vigil
Irl earldom wild runt usi.ro, they 111 1e.ltere4 all
The rustling Mugh, their canopy, their bed the
regged ground.
The tombs, ranee woukl know her eon, 00 duo -
beenmed they are, t
•, With 1Msgy heir, •n.l wasted form, worn Ly the
Inds of war;
dune among Them who have breed-
ing.boeleni feet ;
, A oboe Ye
"thou 1,p1 .0d food .ppwr but seldom
e'er to meet.
Malmsey a youthful 'soldier, .11 el and coil to
W,th ek. moonlight on hi• 41,rehr.d, and the dew
. prm hue heir;
Hs young rye's a 105 And glamor, and the Motel
'poll hie Mead ;
Ho reveal. will * him now, no tingle tweak
his reel
'2,111 4--wd yet he a but .4411. -Il ,s .n ea tort
Then i• many a lrnw .e rnld •. hu, and m.ny
■ r4eek e• pale ;
Paw yereldsy those deepen, home, in hauled
relents* Mood,
Ari nk I It wan. slang4'.' red;' fem,11( of blond.
Nato% them not, hot let them rem. for e'er to.
mnrrowy morn,
The living hemp will spring In arms. rouged by the
tusk horn ;
And .*.o -hi, in (be took' of Math, reuse the
Wordy wink,
Wats ree•t1ni.e'u .rf hss.a woe, WIN *i141116
of hie. /'
When Mien V,,W,,,'e wamt4 from
wee sod gore!
When 'heel 1411 amok* 4 MOM Most &ear M
f dnmbi•y attnrt'
O Mat the hater,* day, sem.ld envy*, when wmnda
aim abaft tea** I
Welt the ball..(Rwed*m
1ua/. 1,11.111,0
H.11en,Jue IAh, 1044
fa the rod*.
Suicide In Europe..
:1 eater wart received a few 'lave ago b7
the Academie .1' Mrdcchue tram !1A. 1A•g 1)1,
I)Irectorof the'OtTice of S'teti+rice of France,
011 the number of u,ici,te* in Recipe. .Front
this laborious work It *pnrais *hit maieid5'
iacrea5e in a more r►t•id bolo than plipulartoe
and mortality in general m IJ*.nr a, fkuo
mark, Frar,c,, ilanorer, 1St cklcobur4,-I'tus:
na. the kingdom of $..noisy, end Sweden: -
Sureties see moat frequent in Norlhern.filr•
many, and in various parts of Ilenm.rk.
Sweden and Norway, though belonging to the
seine race, are proportionally inferior to
lkntenrk in that respect: t,onerury to a
ger.e'ally adopted 'opinion, England *tends
nearly at the boltom of tae scale tI, and do do.
Itelgium, Anatria-end Itp*in. Franee holds
an urtermediate position : she wuu:d rank
with the three last named countaits,'were it
rhle to eliminate the suicides of Pali*,
w ich aro one lrren♦h of the• t. pal numleer ju
F Generally, for eve), 100 suicides
of men there are from 29 to :t0 of wamen.-
Th.'Metter of 444icid,:1 incren,re with the n.r
of indihdunl*, at haat until the age if sixty.
The noreber of pqacides is generally lowest in
January, and hipjhest in July. A* 10 Ibr
cones, inanntty and physical mee,ing ere
shout as metre* in predating suicide among
Inc? as among, women ; 51 10 the fret, the
latter yield mare to griefoccariontd by moral
cus(* than mer., mho are cbledy i1ected by
materiit alaicrnn, loch ea '-lows of property,
bankruptcy, Re. frunhennes4 and &bomb.
ery only form an inri,,I4ificant item among the
cures Impelling ;Yemeni° tubercle. In Oen.
mark, 81n.i11 sn(I Saxon), the only coun*rl 5
where It Ilan been poetihld to obtain reliable
informalifin on the subject., merle.' penplr
u wb
are lejclt 10 COMMAauicid,,*red widow-
ers, on the contrary, are mM\ hnble•te it
hat tnicide0 occur most frequently amen;
married people that have been divorced or
separated. In Prussia, in the enure of two
years, there were 15:1 suicide* of Protestants
per million, 41 of Israelite., and only 41 of
Catholics per million of *soh. Suicides are
much mal* nil.aeraas in capital f iters than in.
the country. The general reault0of all these
investigations shows a unlvensl'and rapid
iearww of suicide". The author ie of opinion
that this te attributable to unlimited competi-
tion ; to the immtderete thirst after width ;
to the progress of public inutruo ** which
excites ambition • to politiaagitation, and
to "peculation. - (41aft*wnwi.tt'
A bold thief walked into • large jewelry
/ton in Cineiohati last week, and pretended
w, regulate hwl watch. At a m:•ment when
he ems onnhs.Iewd, h q.ietly opened a doer
of the show ems, abeir1Ct.d a tray of forty.
eight diagnose rinp,and Complacently walked
Charles A. Rens*), • contention merr4Ant
doing busts.« at No, 1211 Pearl "trent, wan
teddy 11Trgted on the dtwetinn of (len Oil
sad rntnrai*M4 to Fort lwfayette. H. w
fehwgrid •' Ming eneftro4 in the hlork''s&
Want WeiMmitie
11.illilo)ww- Shades
J CMT akctivtp, -
AT T11►
4, Y. S. KIRK'
14 \'-vv 4F:LLISH On 1119 VI,1101.1 .1..1 k ret
Tia Wood, Seat pill ia11' ( flail.
it variety, ve • ov1:.
r] D EX. A Di IN
Laaatt'8 London Ale' and Porter.
STORE, NI .11t .AS(ZU.1111:,
apt,2e'29t BOO
, •are er•-;111-4dr. U.
and It1*1111
'thine l4nee with
(who h**\lapel} mrnl from
.' Chile •I%or* l).l I n lever . k hnlr end
idiom •lrr!•I. f not prepnm to F'$+li o ' ask-
- s Boolre..f all k nd.. mu yid .01 we hand
.- r Printed Headings, at ten earn* rhea!
chine pounto mere. '
Al/tools Of ..wane ne vol going eat 'sown will
•e repaired free of chug•. •
Qissrohtion of Partnershi
- c
O [^) RS
CD 0 r -
COAL `. 0
h 1' I l' 'l4
ai-.o-.w Newt,.iastn ,n,,r.
4.11 •shstaruel.a a us11) 1.'15 asters:. 5104411,41
, All the M.g.00*T 14•11 1 4mn ed
w .
r. me. fed Yen,t nw. said
). 4,4 au* 4.K is M Men n
.mad 10 ea.r on the honest . e vire, *AMP a,"
-! YI 'hatter, I , marb-rwlrrr ,+.!_5.11.,)
ALr. lNarrkpr.n •.., 1•h. n . + .har0p 11..144 4*
J P T tante •h•Jrkal• Priors
A larks 111 k is rhrnp 4l'rnpp og 1•A)en..n
TY Kee. Pa rel Raaw Pa jers d !
Th. ittrnat end n pl L 10,,
1hr t n Ittnawrns 1- hr 1»••••1 Isms.. beau)
.-.1 Attorney t t a ) p• at , 11,•!11 ,
;.,w. ea (1 1.411.14, , , .h. It
• . .d 1.Iha 111.1.1.• real leren4144,
111.1 verve, I,t••nd for 0111' ' .
t'O4KVEIll A Iti.1114.11,1 .
11a:b„r Qu.v ll.aler,rh
Slav 3Mh, Imo. sue,, .
FELLARD, of Inettennnd.
..ww -. RIVC$TTONMCCT.. CfrODD•tt*IIC H. T
,i/.•$QC)V /. ill Lwl Imr..i4'
".s' , 1f1JN1•111:•N1•N, TOMNNTUNES.
it I tt. .u: r.try •d ala 'n 11144!
ill idyl* ,sot nornrhlp loris+hod on
1 *hod mNar, and •1 the In news 0.1.011,
11.•r.l441.) made for ,...h.
• 1
' N tt . 1 t
to en is n slop ►cul
maim. Mtsulne"te etc. 101) It
caw rel ship.
•.7•h •
a4d, April 1n, - 4•12-1(r
'0, Leslie's, and .Peterson 0, for
,alp received
At .rte. A I lot lr
IY ,
' Hi$
A011 '1
r TA1'l7ff. m*de, •11 41(0.1
IP Ire St MM... tour AND.• IDE STORE
Onclorich, Join 9th, I 461. - w20 to the store formerly occupied.hy Mr. McAi ter, son the IllARKET SQUARE.
',erre he be happy to receive his old cnstonies aie
E. L. Johnson's Picture Gallery,
is ready In Pen vt
_s!.Inderich. Anvil 26th. -
the inhabit' no. of the enmities Moro,
and likepe that lie .11 null Manorlartorini. •nd hoe
ott 11001 o Number id his
Ooderich. Jaen 15th, ISOM.
the Afmr.rai!!;
Wm. DU
Debentures* For Male.
am he swill warrant Ilwrit to free Witelll feon,
vita, eqickle. OA Pumps merle to order
pen• i ragoolo,4 R.. A.
ed.., seeet for the sole of Nevis Ws lareromms
11▪ .1401 In 1$0.1. unseat sabeeeenen le Airmen sehr,
have used them.
W. Ai Jr: KAY!
9...f the norreheee Of 11110 worn of 11Wheelaw.
the Village of k1114 being for the pnr•
ye plank. Oa 1.10 Welt Usury. In*, sim haert
ent1prtratatischeel foe tee payment of interest het.
reariy ort the Iffth says of /saute and doly ID
vaeh yew,.
WI. SUTTON, Ree we.
THE PA it Elisltle beret
A Neer
Mire te
iv dim duw Vs erl
ft re 'ller.nsnts doe
111 40. *111 10 /511011,151.
in entree 01 the lsniscriber. et I. be
ooderieh, lime 1.4,1858. .4514.3t
C. FULTON, Proprietor.
$700 TO LOAN ,
Mutates, dome 16th. 1s4;.1. isw/40f
DEN1.1 (Sr lit Ye
Dr.•T. B. Montgomery,
mecum a A s.
11111.% INI1 token advent fy0 of the ficfrocia.
•"" lien 01 Arnericen eliteney end pio, limed
wfii !Yalu to The probession in a
rnivrtner, 51 pyre. not In he r omprte.
A r4a 4 a1.... 1 u,, of A•. y. a (.1.n. M.
14hkvrt AI►trn.., flI uteri, I1oroly a+w, et. the? h* nr,
oho,' n,1. •orstd,••ot,11. 4 w I,'raft r..
-I -• •a th I'.1n and -4 t.• • nn..
114511111...101,. 11 I d .•1 g
-44011 awl ...wet. el Int • 1 t 00.01 ,10) • ,, s,
. wl P . ..Ih end pr r s1 .440. :le rM..
Min . .M9 r hue. role« rqnkar.-
u' d. d 44, 4444-14:11 m (.11.4184,
trrI I,T .tilrI'L1)INGS AAi; PICT'.1iES,
A r:auplele o.rk.Iwm, ,n 40,.;.0,! (.mita Phnp
.Job Psis Job Printing S !
Al mealier hr4n 144.'...1 Village I'nnn*g /fit.,
✓ 1116 where Ike) t k 14.41k
, Ik And. ax
I.r1.. nm►1
} 1' r r
1 • fe e1w.Ir J .1 1 1• .d rtem.••1
11 t/ )rr 1•A u I w!"rrr lh.a•ng I. weed,
• sal. 41•'I J.•, 1 411•/ .i 1'e4Na nor
,'4,n•n. m•to.nr 'A I" r n,.t' borer every et.
pre . n1 any otter v.14r^ Mtn, In tar Cows'
Lands for Sale !
,.,.1 to market, apd a rare 'met, yowl se minielhott
.5 turn 'mi. /Mit Notthentairneel Revd.
1,44 atenhee/ SI 31 ' ven',444. Ale 61111
Ake tWoreleelfere /Ma 11V1.. 1104 VIgn. reyendmi
1.441,15154. 11.1. 11014 v 54. .51 the Itataveryt
mut prel.ra.d.
,...,, se. 50,01 n Muni Next 4.}or East of Mr'. Stotts' Saildlety.
Wolin ohms., moon, coganalre. Oood suntan, Mr
I•odeeleh Mar 23n1, 1'64. I If
To Sabbath Saul Teactlets
Solicitor, WestiLireetonm, ofilmeen:..er ft Itooth's AbTAI;°114.1"°:1:".h4C14:61"17;11”"e"ril‘:114"tr:64:
D. DECADE 000/010. James Collin° s,Sen.'s
10110erne 'Idea, Vial
• via mere,* ted sues" te the termer ints.
not, Iv bed finm etbscriber 20 r rent
A Good Farm for Sale 1
OT It in the Ith eon. cf the tnenehip
"4 slasisi. county of If neon. et111-
11,14..400 400,1,0•41, Moot no Wee, h•ving conseler-
rim n
Ilienternett, %mil 20th, late.
lower loan the navel price. Their plar411414nar
win he found intern. 1,, e, eon...tansies 111111 ehesp.
teeny of them home am -rialto odopted to the use
of Stahleth Schools. They afro tome 0 large
quanta/ oflatenrhaed Literstere. the
door ript.re ostslogne *111 On application to
fiedersch, /gee 611,.
(4,Z IN AT COW:Come 10 the subwr.ber's
t.) alenre, near the Railway Station, 11;10e1ne.
rel• ate okb, Armes with her 'um . A.> tyre
pay en•rgeo aid take them elrev.