HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1864-6-16, Page 3. mg, _• .etTl venue es ma Hwmo a•/"•I LIMBS Res etfjruy inseratsd to Kober( Gibbons and Jowus 1'. Clegg. • They're gone again for a 8outb'ru sun Their manly brows to tan, They're guur again, ler they could out real Wbibt aberut from the van. They've left their home, for • w:diel's life Uf toil, Omar, of psi:, They've lett their hoagies to endure Duc. more The scorching sou and rain. And When afar on some hard fought field They wade tbro' saute aud diet, May pray'n asaud to the " Throne of Orate " For merry from "Tbe Just." And once again nay our heart' grow ware, Our soldier friends to meet, And once again let our hands go forth, Their honest paha' W greet. " UBCSOLA.' A Roos u 1814. 1a 1814, at about half - past 'levee in the morning, an officer iu • foreign uniform with a star, presented himself at the posting -inn of • maport tows in S.:offlaadI ordered pot borers instantly I wrote to the post admiral, Oat b communicated to the gaping crowd, Me defeat and death of Bouaparte, paid in foreign gold.sud,as the pretended aid dewamp of Lord Ca'[hcart, war driven to London with all the rapidity that the excitement of pot. boys, aided by the hirers! use of tapoleuse, could erect. The news was soon whispered in tb.atreety and although the fog .prevented lie hoped for truutmiasiun (through the signal 515tioas) of the report by the port admiral the joy was unbouuded and stocks roe. Before 3 the hoax was d,scoeerwd. England was then, as she had been for years,iu deadly war with 1b Emperor. 7 be duel between them was a duel of life and death. Castlereagh was her prime minister, Eldon her chancellor, the Tories in power, slid all sympathise with •b *tract liberty u unknown and uocared fur as the exact date of the deluge. Many dealers to stocks had been ruined, and all bad been fooled, but there was no hurrying to and fru of soldiers, no jerky act of oppreuioa• The 1.w, which is always all sufficient, moved with its calm majesty, sad errireled with its ioevttable meshes the guilty actors. An indictment at common law fur eouip.r acy to defraud, produced, befurb a jury at least, all oldie actor; the proof was staple, the complicity establ:sbed,ebej,dgmeut merit. Otte of the must disunguubed naval heroes. LordCochran, was involved, and though bas impotence esu an after yeah not doubled,still, either from the security of in°ucence,orfrom carele•soees of defence, hu COW as presented certainly left the qusetiop of kis-complicity in doubt. The' more prominent actors were sentenced to • year's Imprisonment, • Sue of LI 000,end exposnn to the pillory.. Kaowtta:r Worm H•vuu.-iter H A Pratt, Hsaden, Demean county, N. Y.. writes-" Lie knows that Mrt. S. A. Allele's World's Hair Restorer and Zrlobaleaoum Will restore ray their to its natural co!ur, preee•t tb Tall, and cute baldness i•d llie, lett$ scalp."- Sold 1lpot, 198 Omen - demises incident to the by drwtg.eta everywhere. inch et., New York. iltrtif- At Kincardine, nn the IIIt•iYkm1, •the. wife of Nr. McI.tosh, of • dosildor. THE MARKETS. GODIRIur, June 13th, 1844.. Ta11 likes ... $0:85 boring do • 0:73 1rats, - 0:40 Farley ' ....... 0:60 Flay, Ston ,...... 8:00 'W X.1 waebdjl•ib . .... 0:40 y unwashed • Pie 0:40 Pork .... . 4:50 Hxf, ........ .00 'fatties, each ... .. 3 firs., do 0:. C. lichens, It pair0:25 l Ijcks, do . ' 0 40 II deg (gree.) 4;004 t ('l.rruts, Qilmils. a ... • C 25 iar. 7t,rni1•s 0.124 (5 bitter ..... COO to, I'rtaines 0 60 (2 Mooed 2.00 (e K to ... ........ 0 08 (l4 (¢ 4'a (131 (9 1.00 0.00 0:00 0 65 8:50 .41 000 045 1.75 4 0:60 0:15 0-:10 050 000 :00 0. 5 0:1 0 00 8:00 0:00 fllutrre.aI.-What dull at 1.29 for FBI. A. u• 4•pping Into $4 e 4 05; .ares 5.70 a 5.741 for Pole - Now Ynta. 1th, Coad. buur 7 23 to 715. Mr common,' 940 to 9 0' for Red lb choice extra.- Whest 1.19 to 1.69 1.e, Sport'. To*nvTorteh, Fall W brat 9O to 955. !pep 7.5 to Ms. Oats sewn et 43 a 50.•. Potatoes 45 to 55. Eggs 8 to 10r. Wool Ona load *old at Sets • atm RDbtrtt8tmtnts. Wks' g►dvtrtutienti i. IN SMALL SUMS. S10,000 OE.TYIota of ply FAtoRM PEOP . Ap A. LEFROY, Wrrwee, Cud•rlrh. J sue 10th, 1184 swrP,msusi MILITARY REVIEW A Grand Iter iew OF TII(: Volunteers of Western Canada 0 T*a1 rate's cm NOTES LOST. THE puWw u hereby cautioned agatr*t per- thee errhes the owlets t►• uderoeobeeed awes of heed, via : Anda variety LOP eacy Articles, such u Ono drswt by C'harlee Leen tie $6000. die he Jaru.ry, I6tb. • J.tmee Derr. sat.00, Robert KYe.ell. $2750, P,000 Feet of whams', w'uuetmg 0r peptic to air other MONEY TO 7 Ra0 air IMPROVED d West Strew, otke over t Kw.(h'ethe twhI11at( / tl FOLRTH DAYOt JL LY`NEX h w nate .« 4 the tail Loured Hoath should tu40( w smut Forpweea ghost w., Ietwaror l'.:'r•rrMreet pYaM of Woking the some to Le denrped I.Y LEND ! ABRAHAM SMITH N T, Merchant Tailor, , MAR= sent3R OODERICIf roas 1st resew.$ a large AWL well -assort. FARMS. .d stuck of * ply w D SHADE 000DIJO Solicitor, Dry Good Sore. Oufer.rh. lune fah, 1St .. __'_• ,,, ,._wa._..w-.dew-._ee...,. e --- - _ L the Surrogate Court Q}(iDERICH FANIfiINa KILL R. W. KINAWAN B Y -LAW or r*s•AND LQL LS'19 'it e►uss Wv1rt'.ia.uis adn.W United Counties of Horde sail Bryce. Paamp Fe4trtory . a ' w L.t. tie n Tu rui.e EJ rug uj Luruw alit.brt o. $rd JIIN ,NEXT• 'rowdy Tioemaa*d Dollars /br tis y.. -. TO THE HEIRS AND NEXT OF KIN THE SUIJSCRIBKR BEOS TO Nal 'HI Nr TNOMAs.wl fres frank w Alu.lreal, who posts fAbeiw mentioned. a of COPRA() M°Yt[, Iota of the, Township tbt IaMlr ta'n 401 ata Couat,rl of Huron I w mtkur anautsmeate fie Swot es ty hyudr of HOComatt L, the Cuoa t of liuruul eu waduen Ce Mei be w hit Mas$sauna', lead has 1w0 11211 rbE VS'tbe Curpulatiun of the CD ,• ,C ver, deeeamd, you are hereby 01(54 end u ' n u.YJenrk. Slav l7rJ. 181:4. •w -4t r1l Counties of Huru• ,t Urecerhee ruu,r..l regnired.to apI cueilher w penou air by your ` "` to `rslk, *heel Yid improve wnuia ept•!t ARuraey in fist Sarrou 'u of tb SUPERIOR FANNING MILLS aG PUMPS. i - ,RrJ ki bier r. with the nYtvtrl Elides tut OD United (:vuuLes of lima- aa•l Beate before rte wvd.l pW,wlsrly drat' anenlr.0 r, hu queer Yithiu OA said evenly of Uu.ui. the Surrogsly 1i er. t, 0e, air before the 51111.. so he will warrent them , t0 lire N' he*l bout t , I I LI.. .5rw•. carr'- Kulp' aa:e 0 order ` And ebelew the 8104 ImprurewIu1 care e-. las • o came wbf Admiui0tr t' f b GouuIc of lead wartuntatl.• Wily *Abut the Cuuay ail Hulon, rod tl.e . • • . ed to Thomas Gibson of the said Township 104 (usHta AFD(. .,f llitmus laid the lotus .'delft ,. be mid I y is of Huwirl, pun*tet 10 the Statute iu such Morgue.. yrr.u. CW made u•d rru'ldsd, and we, We4 order Al•.,. ■'em 4 r the ole of if or au'. i 1 mrd veleta t CLTI vA run. wb,.h by L..er Jit •ma l:.Ll.ty uhlu.,u,Y44 Ile rate tsiunal:• .' .tool$ nes he made tui sl1J rested iu the ud..1 t.. tot. 1weer•Is•tetaclo.0 la /amx.a who lllutlu..84 4..1 lu'll's• «:1 "mei! op. q 1 •, r . liteabt• ll. ,.r:y- Y,tu..t :..4 M.. \..YtIS : . KBoas, Ruat*TC.oras. Ea coir' Judge HENRY DODD, of our said Court at Oudcrlch, this 30th day O.slersib. APO lad. IY64. 39' _ of May; 1864. - - - Is.ued Oh Judge's order of use dale. L ds for Sale • 8'd HtOH JOHNSTON, __- llarl111rer ail Sairog•la Cyul t. 1i7• fol 1. W ,Le WO cw,. .,f Au8a:d. Coems r( 1. uit.d Counties of Hurua acrd Bruce. Ii Nor.,,,, r.mo.,•.Ii s0 acne Himont •r Lew. a..0 w fg jl 014. wait mak o(tbe \',I.ea•f Pun AIWn. aid „e % fro» I:.d,rra. 6.•J Rod, Wsl''wlurJ std ►eeYwd 1bo.dl.u,.l.g tan t ,M n•re. fere Chao !r w u•rYY ibe• NOTICE • a oro market, t Thm Vetel rood in r •nw*rtMss.,, 'wnatu .mks., mdw lewd gmrh tied , a.nctytWa hew«..w. • -,. l.) lir Y. la taus 1 'ruwl5h„ .A tt'awa.wo Gouty Yf N.M. horny l6 an. clew. 11 WurrraJ Whin from We mnhen, cosset Rawl. FOR SALE. - Jensen. 18.26, „ All la favor of Robert Ma: refine. no value kms• Dry P(Je and I(atleraat LOMUCr lag been received lair the ••me. Y THOMAS BROWN, Wawa,wb. F. ROBERT McQRE00R. B part.reta re, appy to Wan. Stotts, Ouder.0b. eudee,ch. Joao Kb. a1M. w/t•alsou )uw 10th, 154. s,r80-•5t Shlrts,Collars, Neckties, Caps, kc., Ac. Which he b peepered to sell Cheap for I. Cash. • Makin.. h. Apr.! It. 'WC. vel, prestige* *110 his bump, should meta meet. Imre u0.J ,herb. BOOTS AHD SHOES ! FOR Oi FARMERS. dIO, to 0tuGOOD NEWSBPI1!G WEIR James Colllns,Sen.'s S ! .. [[\ (iXTO\ N'r., 1;OUaRIID. S AND SHOD A CALL IS SOLICITED Pairs Men's Hip Cobourg Shoes, ' " D. 8. Calf Boots, [Congress] 800 " Girl's Calf D. S. Copper Toes, 720 " Misses' Calf Boots, 2OO, 44 Women's Calf Boots, ERY CHEAPFO CASH A T D. HERR. r., t CO'S. w■ •et sow retiree or out elves OF North British and Me. castle IO•UT$fl Co., ( 1861,' fur the foi!owmg work, via . ;oar. in 51r. (Jordon.* Law CLambs^ I Building a Stone Pier JOHN HALDAN, 7r., eau D Yd Wr •. l'•Wn w Nan ,ch'IN. u. el ti•4. Ta .. ba*uhfuliv h.r...d x.nW. coin/witty s.l •'tele ' WILL tae rece,red bythe Count Surveyor, Ih. Y.narn, u Yael Ro*d ,yt..I. 11 \ J1*t• µ • 7 T al I, u 6*rn,e sea. Irw,w \..use Yd tan. ahs• m .pre .et,wn•'r•u Ihr awe.lWj, .,,L.0 s noel! 1•n. u101.xr.rt x to and et•o Wniy,r*one 05, 11 .4 *, .yr. a. the Mani* e (ir*yel 110.4, and w.Ia°. 1 ..ale.ti.derw►. Al.0 IWO eir•Ilent Wm in INa1as a..4 J' .me. Iow.Wrp w Cnle.,m.. wh.r► Village .o s,nrl..., the Ils\.., the MuW.d fled a.eoltWe the Town dei 6.4e or h. rot p*nVslaee soonJ b, letter poet -paid. to SEALED TENDERS on the part of the Municipal Council for the carted Counties of Heron sad Bruce, until MONDAY, 20th JUNE\ rk;r,.' TU Gsdencb.O.•wt.er 13,1553 ver12.ler FOR A - FEW DAYS ONLY. FELT ANI) WOOL. HA - And all Hinds of Hare at - COST PRICE FOR CASH. D. HERR, Jr., A CO. GREAT BARGAINS ! • DRY GOODS AND CROOERIEN. .".t1ay ire (01)traine(t in 1 it N our intention to clear out our. EN'T'IRE. OCK OF GOODS (J N nit It I- I' I. THE FIRST OF b.t.PTEIMal NEXT. W. H. BULLOCK, Photographic Artist, &c WILL REMAIN IN OODERICH FOR • few day only, whtrb those who wash Yves<• C\ass V•e\wres1 Take. will please tear Is mad.• Parries having u.Muked murk In the .nut's 6•cde are request. d W cell for the same without delay. Udwrk, May 9th, ----awll`tf CO t HLwdd, HURON .11,•,12 rti)eet is the . Court Room, Coderich, i •COIINCIL :NTIEM COUNCIL. for the alma eif BRUCE, ca Tuesday the 21st day o UNE, Mi. Godench, May 27th, I D. H. RI CHiEY• 1-6 i. f Cosa ; Clerk.' wile -7 t JUST ARRIV \ TM remoral of a stock of 0i.4w'I will be cleared cut either Is whole or part m eery l prICN. '. A rt'( L AND Corn. 0T1 t,3f14)1:J1.41(1iait'18 H: 1./. lir A I A," r'R I C' E. ASSORTMENT OF SEEDS , D. HERR. Jr., & 00 I.R 151 Godericb, 14th June, 1961. wl Friday, June 17th, 1864,' AT Niagara Falls 1 ! Y Pen..ee,on of ILO Excellency the Geeenee ILI General A Regiment of the Line gid a Battery of Royal Artillery .111 take ph ■ the Review. A general direr of 11 M. P., aNiemled Iry a is Commander on Chef. will . omm.nd t the Review. An Excursion Train 8111 leave Order,rh on Er.lar A. M the 1711, hie the Seelew at the Pall.. TN are, - - -!#:$.lie. Poe Mntrob,s, w Mlle, to he mitred tn•mnrreer, • Window Shades JRIT RIBCRIVID, CHEAP!! f "1 i f tlyiil t 11` li ti; (ill,,C }yt ililer l'fh iSI Heli b9 1Flt lei • For Cutting Down a Hill •T WINGHAM, And raising the Gravel Awad through the Prairie. Specifications maw Le seen at the office of the suehcnher in C:wtis , on or before the. -TWE\11ETII day of JUNE. The time fir 6nui,ug the °trove work will Ir the 15tn September Next. [Signed.] A HAY, County Su,vevur for, tlaron . rJ Bruce County Surveyor's off,..,'? Cbuton,julJ-n, 1-L1. 1 Hdr1n, ' Ana .helese tocelrylntu 5 .-,:1 'be 18.1 • refit'$.lyes*,it wu1.Leumq*..,.rytor rho w.t (.npsrahlut hi rah tire -mw of t 011 1 _f Thousand L .t1ata:u iL.l1. 1Y.101 ':trot.... r 't1 meutiuurd. • Ai,d steres it will rr•Iwis, the Y, W of - 1 Three dol ros.$ two bw•4..a d .,llr,s to to r.i.ed aui,ually by special iota for the 1 a, • I seat of the •iia loan or delft mud auto/est +a Mau LL,viwlter uwiotaio.J. '.. And %hat* 4 die arOOL11t'.(l a *Sul* rale. I able prupe,yy of the mid Slaturipr:dy u, tsps c- m , !limo( any tutor* tnl're00* .1 Um WWI-, taloa •bleepetl,.e of sty 110400.5 so Le ..:e. it. ,,t '• from the temporary roam:weut of ,17eSii.• iag (urea he.enWltcr air-huu,.td, air soy 1 is. t ' •thereof l.ctoad:lig to the tut ir....d ..ets.• Irwut rolls• brn.i for the )est nue aroma, of vieht buud•ed ami slaty MM.:, a+.. ei,.i.t CO.1 million.', three Luud.a4 N.J u.owty oil lLul.• ots ' surdtbrwd hundred waif totty8t. uuilNo. I Ami s14enas tor p•)iug ere iutereot •nsI ' 1 treatiug 541 equal 1101,10.1 Siding tYSd for (f 00. HAWHi51•J, 2 WY. HOHERTSON, 1 rr ,. 1 iu. Bin &sitsuma uf'l eenty thotaraud dui. t t 4 iuurest, w hvray:wtter twrii1wu.J,-,t Port AIbert{ Gaoler, Guderieh. S 1 snit wIM110r!Dry Goods... wid r m.* r(Lay11ml uuhurl'epeewl res 401 - ws.wso IrrOF Pr "a Marro surL taN, four tau of a wail iu the *foliar, i° aJJuwu u ALL -TRA - It all tet _ate _., -__._ -.__ ._ ISAAC FREDRICK 14yea, J _. NOVELTIE.i •V TIIE.SE ISDN.-! Be it theRfur led by the eel 110111/60111 ' of Um United Cote lee of ULrua ,WJ lino*: .1k.y weld rile porlwa:as ult.:It...a to i. 1. That it .0811 Ile elan for the Wearie... Ikea ata k ca4 i for the time Lying of th id tart ilmouu.rd 'CLOT H8 ANDrTW.EED a - 1cw'1"rnrH,.°' ie ret air Ly ail 1kru,l.uw,y i p.enua or prison... ta,rywnau, .f wbr•I they M -e. Lrl'er0•.,nmew, his.ea 1 who m.y b. sill,.; to 14t.... t1r Yu.5 W1 .I*r .WU ; ..J esu,. 4.'L•t:1.d .J u upw,: ale cretin of oro lbueutt.... roit.sb 1 ter mentioned, • suss of W.n.ey trot 1 J• TAILORING DEPARTME, ' ::1^✓ 1e, three tro!e the Tsvutr Th. .1 Dollen, and to amuse the esu. to lie 900 w 145.0 Lwlsew, 14.1' •s •r I-, _red 1. 1uak us the halide the T.cowtet rer thu up ,11 lerµ•. Ise. •1, :.. p Corner of :Hu.R.( Squat. awl West Kett. I N WATCHES, CLOCKS AND ,EWELRY 1 Oudencl. Apr„ /6:h, 1.0E .wt7 t RE.tlRt:1. U5 SHORT NOTICE. ' 15 1'551dlr11 .tt 1.51.0* ally nowt.*' a l.4LeYli.t1 In the, best Style & Warranted.'. bas Wwlr. t:or waL •stns* of tl:upey r. WA. • 01100 0aen5rr all or lb, ,r.d., l, Uel iar thou me Lu,.li.a4 ilk..• .. •a r eat14, 5 %Cul 1Le oleo • aim;I 0 Wf'bele: .toil At Plated Jevrwlrr, R'aicke,, .11. ek,elie:1 *ilia 1LI v of .f the .sol tn..i..r 1t.•uunt:y .n .red ud0w.rrtmrd .. br a nprow•ed t:0 a, gut sizutd Ly IL.: a.•i.1 1'.. .4kt.. ,1 uw..*oeh,. i III. 'that' the so:d D*L*nluleestrati L• wl9 :t I ,:.drn.L.l*1 Xenr.mher. l'1811."1'"4". *'/..)1 - __-__..__ . .'toads leyab:e to fru ysiIn sl Im thew tacos - the day hereinafter un uto•utd nor Ora by Lew las tale affect either io odun in 0..,;- w Ira.' load air Wm0 piste Ile C.1.W1..,' IA, llr.i_- '14111016..1 , ud.d is MA oral I)Leulsles, .5.4 1 ham - ti - auualiad W theta Cu61ea1I lair too p w:0t ' - .1 i:•tma4F • f y. •,.: .I FA 1 11, That ;tie • mid ot.au w" And raw Stationery Warehouse! .. !poem alhrll M' mea u tau wider 8teifii;• -1 ( i Wu, )' air P slued l WfnLly 01 poi lies '1 HE sularr.ten deal'. to :mosaic to their tor- ♦ .+... 'f w ' - I fosse, oh the u111Wu uC the e..4, hpdrlr its re 50nde.ds, and the Trwe..( Welders. Caa• I h. - .its , tlu..1 lb `*Lola su.uYht o1 mod 'fleb.1 sly, lh•. met we now amd.Olive bees realv.s' ° ` i.hull uul exceed 114* Irtmd ro I,t10 wd-. •u..t store tet .perm' ..1 5.* g.ton, tore leaks w '. .1' 'Corsi). T huua.nd Dollars, and the/ alma all Lind.. ail PAPER sad ENVLLt1PLs irons Lear interest a and 'flet be roto of eta r,. \, their own ' 1 I ' l"' \ APER MILLS, AT YALLEYFIELO, =w' I► , ' - - Raab pale anintiot Leyiw Jammu t .i,all L, . 'rryah:a tea 1b lit.$ Ory uC Jammu) awl Cow . ' itoy of July to cash stud nasty yeas dunug ON THE RI\'F:R ST. LAWRENCE. caw continuance of the mal Iw:Lt11twa* at HN 'FAIR *ars, p.5 eC135S _ lie NSW STOO-8 WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER, WEST, ST., OODEhICII, Next door East Of Mr. Stotts' Saddlery, atee1LD,m.. - a hitt$ CuWFles pl.rta..d, lue1ler ur;W.a with the ubje. t above 'ec1ar4. ` hart'it .looi.1se lours. for ill4t.J. WHOLESALE PAPER „Flower and Vegetable Garden. I A TRIM 10T or - the pate 514.3151:.0.-1.)14i11•MM. Wu smolt, •Also. from the ' 1 T p,av Lli. Brantford and Dundas Paper 91IIIs, Wail ,! ,COAL ! ! '. That for tea purpose' of forming a. C Sinking Feud, for the p)we. t of the u.I F.ybnc,og aL .:us of Wr.ppeg Paper. Small, n Ma WANZER&COBS lkbeuWre', Sud lbw wWral 5l the vete Floe Fmeli, ('rows. they, 1ullatl4 he lea Pa- A LARGE Q U A N T I T Y ernes/aid w Leco*,e doe thereon, me sepal Joutue Impar, , in Brows red Manilla Pyus. s•..eirl isle of Four -moths of r wGl iu use A:oo. `L WING .MA! HINL C t tram Ihdlara oll ruim, luiell ar , often: miss awl' 47 L" vv ii l7f Vi111 Ii r7 R d trxu Ls 'tired, los ell apd wWwcle4 w assn. and titral Wrappings, all sizes. `w 1 $ 'per holly upon 0:1 the rebrat,Y Proper y 1,5 Hsratakenths First Prizes• tiithimtheiaidCuNd of u....durIlq We ►ace Oleo un ad huge eluehe ail prmunr just merited ami •. or e.:. by - T ••• rari Iver ares O1'.! 8)5 50 1 Ifok aad .°1`1114 A T THE PROVINCIAL EXHIBITION bid- evuliuuauN of tLu ..,.J U*Lc,1$•L0 or ra.7 • and lore ',Mired' tela c na In e A .r{' •sEC ERY & RUST l.i L1:. ''r P P r •Y ... Muotred,.epterebr 1414, IMI, Int►,and HirLor Ly1ay. Goder.rk. def Item. Ault f **dole'Parmrnj Wes 1.4 C'rcaus Lad 17th, Ik63, over all others; and also at the fro- stay 30! 1441. awn • ' ' That chi. I1y-Lie okra tots' e*Trm* Ful. P ., Ood Cap, mac, Bu[. Wb.:e a5J vina:r, Ea\Incl S3 bald t° Kingston, September ! dr' Paul' Stas age; large •oe0well Pool anddouhle 72nd, 13n1, •nal eaJ'16th, 1563. Pnae, .1 a - QWORKS" R 'ant . into ohehruoea u ,dei tire brat Cap Prcoun4k. mla4 dm...ter Iv* re also .warded to u1 .t the NEW MARBLE WliltrS Of Ju, lasjyesr of out t..,d nuc t11401W1.d Yruyu.r.•I Fa Ii4Awe bold m Tor onto m Ibb2,and elabl li yellt,lJ trixty•(uur. , at the Pro. metal ExhibitIon held si London ii, cert ; Derayi flora; l'aperl•1• Eleph*N, am GENUINE CANADIAN PATENT DI LIQUORS LIQUORS 1 \\ Psi RI .CBTON BT.,COD[RtCM. ( 1 1 CLOVER & TIMOTHY ° WeI.•t b • i'1"....."9i1"Eavel. •r'• fel \J, tecri. and Turnip Seeds, aetnrc N'e. .i r.r,nr1•trPy?uig 11.4 R. tile; WAr;zsx anNr \ I. Itltlb>I Ie l porton.. of La h sad :*dews KIRK N•.M RCLL1N0 .Iri mai WHOLE 51 (lc OF WINES, tRANDIES9 GIN &C In 'Wood, 1st Coop. fisr (.,u's1a. A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT .-r CROCKERY AAD GLASSWARE 1s endless, variety, quite new Ptvles. JUST RECEIVED ACRO, r A (II Rork oid1 deserepion of ' Gi ROCI1ItIEf LIQUORS, - • t Writing , p►ers l.) (''rao, en. L' no 1.+.J UAW. Pepe ruled a Ir , Fu Poem K. ue and C,, -r 1.011U.lute and w•i rend 11•nd uiL,le IR )u.l. um, 1(11 leo and Nut. ell.» Blue Lad. end Im- rer 11, 1,w.. xud t .,c 14 i'0 0r. 0 b I01ik of STATIONER h large and 0411 sacra.J, tit : Merl Pros GUlot'a and V,1, 5. i'. male, f r Black, Pe Deur, and Dovel''s puke, Quin, 52st, Slat and ('earl,, Bleak Books. M0Jmm 1)rinv, and C.n, .0 erre' wallets; Envelope., Cream and 81uc Laid Lauer and we Star. ; vannas *tyke •J Me turendu.0 and Pc" Wok., Pocket Books, and Puilnr.nag. ; Mortice, Pere Holders, Ulama 1.14 Stand., WINES AND FRUITS! WIITE IND COLORED T11'INEs. Pna.en' C'v.t. 'rep 6aril Bost J, ""'""ng Orf ▪ Ordere reryived (or all tiled. of PLANTS AND Chins, 1 1 LARGE LOT 01' GNUS LT OLD PRICES Groceries in all their var1ety, very low. • CALL AND EXAMNE t Agent for Labatt's London Ale and Port• . ct IIIII • 1 1 r/WEKO at Mad:, Enamelled and Colored.. THOS. RODDY & CO'8 PSIN ., In kegs and cans. on Im1d I. : Storks atlas No. TING .INK Ham.ilon. ABRAHAM SIITH, Agent, East Side )11 riot Viquare. r t/rMvrch. Nov.17. 1113 rw1'twj, ALL ASSURING WITH i ROE ET -i I'I.AN wtelStbe 2:Oh instant with COLONIAL .LrF ASSURANCE.T0.. lee TWO team' ik.nue at the Dr Uses! .1 Profits -x a s r. m u l l W. 51. !RAMSAY, Manager for Cauda. RICHARD BULL, Inspector df Agencies. For Cato and Pr times, apply 10 D. BLACK, Agent. " '.1i' . ' lip:'Lan • i. t ie ropy ail • ympu•. J l'yN., Ya., nkouss y ceI*.n..re slot T µ yl. tet w,•r►mawh.p hurmha♦1 ,e •r lig Law b/ tie eu lub,vnaiderrliou Ly ▪ L001 lhdim, ,aid .11he1 weµ glee'*. the SI4n,cipu¢ty o the 1•mta4 t'uuutwa of LILaral redw•o.n mak for •'melt. H n'pa And Ilium et he County Court liuuw . LLL 01:0[DS I'LICTCIILI 1TTIh[i TO in'thu 'nein of Gwler.h. in the Cusuty of ur•ien. of Monuments -kr. ney Le Maria, on the lawny -cull$ day *l Jane, seem a IDI- ohLy. •1!,'61, at tlet.huur of tea. Wauck las Use eller- U.dari•A, A,r.l U,InW.- wI$-yr_ nnon, at which limo roof place the ueuebe,• - - 1 the Coulil *er L.11b(`' • Ligtd,od Iv ad W' Debentures For Sale Of :Le pulp.» al r YiU. . O5F. K9 wit Is .'tettelL IM r. h.lrl+r ..n Cosayhn(:stir •- Ibprr04w w 9541 wetto ei 1)r115nn.re. 01 I , .County limit.. 08i.., •y) ib., 5r:tua. e( Fk,fmvnlu.e, kk.nR fy/ tie 51100 4)40-'e,i.14 Iptb $w.:.. 1061., • 0.714 •-haw ail ■ Pglrr: t' 1 Irry. The Ltohe..1u..•. 1 , ♦ 'ere p.)01•Ie .8 (05 :stn Janne, y", 1 6'.and hate, - - ..- Coupons slur had fur um min,}e p 1,11•dw-1 hall ♦ 1r9t yy ott the 1.16uuy of Js.m.ry 11.4 J•,:y- or SnEurF 5 SALE t.F LANDBi .•.0,<...r. F Al . 1 WY. SUTTON, II eve. A,n. Coe, l4araL L. 19 H. 1wCOK iih.Aad Cuuhdee ut?f armor ail twuWrile 1 i I .. • 1 ill Iii. VIII 441.. sswJ sod 0 7 u Sett . a Iter Map rij'■ l.wot D 14 ' el, 1 1 rut 1' ` I t1 re, 4Ml hue directed i■ J 1 1 1 1 a .., al WO Lomb arW wura,en•• w Ale.- aodrr 7110.015 at the toe *aid* 01 • Jabs. . Mull, Jam• Omorm lih•yroke Mad Area, i')r. , T. B. MOlitgol 1.77, , Y.t C•".L rihlir.Ii.harI h• V,• w•mi a.d ISYry LLj j b VLLl 1 j a Eih:ufiun o.; rbr nglARabliY 11.1 n11Rr•tulAM .am i'neemas YUV m '1 •, of Y•a1Me OTWc' . Corner K'Wg.ton FL's,, PARSON'S BLOeC. bolril Se .*tut &mol Bloke, Ik 4 1 Ile n CASH PAID FOR BUTTER AND EGGS. DR. u.{CDOVOAF.L, Medical Referee. JAMES BC\TIM t CO., 7b 17 6 suwatcAL 1;p n. th. x„od rr«.,r uJ L"t Fory. w u•5.5d- iLMt Finset. ave w Je.e •rod r.,nee•O..... tell, 0. lel &Wrlwd Itu.J, ard (1mlench. A lied 81 1414. Iwr3 Ilamdton. t7,e M. IBM. CLIN1 ONBOOKSTORE V•„ ere. ,.n• rnrKrnC• morel, =) Victoria Street, Clinton. CD CHECKERED STORE,MART SQUA Ee els Gnderirh, Jun. 14th, 1864. K GEORGE LAYCOCW, Y- • , PRINTER ARO BOOKSELLER ! REOVA*..\ fresSUBSCRIBER WOULD INTIMATE THAT HE HAS REMOVED BOOT ANI) SHOE STORE M More In the formerly •eenpi•d by Mr. McAllister, on the 1AELET SQUARE. TWO DOORS SOUTH OF THE ' SIGNAL' OFFICE, d.,. b will be happy to maim his old eoslnmetl and the psLlie generally. Wm. DYNO5.64AN. AT Tet .aederkb. Jens 16th, 1864. ■' 8IeNAL" OFFICE' 81.10,1* 1AT n► NEW PATTERNS ! rte WALL PAPERS emote wedas ererosibleI'.6D W FOP. CASH, 1'. 1. NOOSHOVBZ. Ged•rirh, Jen. SNS. 1864. .2o • RECKIVED BT W. & J. K4Y! elle real Aro N►, 1114 r l5;I. Aid tVhde0le and Retail Dealer in i l8 ,rhm,1 R.Y'r., .wedu,roee Rn.\•, En.-eb•pe•, Pap.'-lunpty,, M.m,n.dem tunba IVre^ rep•'.. %brown( Para ,n.n and .lm Honks. 111.1.• and frrsm•nt.. Wrote' rapers, iern1mW .d Newsnop er.• fli kJ.00., MFamnr.wtrel1d d•*rc.ya"iTln..rtawr.m •. \ .1J tz;ce ewes Antall odor art. °•=:f kepi large nuion.ry eNd • AR paper•-• err rr ans a,. 11ore Melted uardor , 55 .40010 .mflv, ween., Ib' Nyy.at*1ra Periodicals and 111.0 Newa ratio theme. no wetterwh.r. pubitshed. reentry etre. keep?. minuted 0111 Pekoel Rooks at u t Toronto lt'M1wk Poser Re •%en11. nam h.d. I bele roll Weeny Wraps./ tt J Roefr Papers! Room Papers ! ! T1s afro end sow .,oldie owl, 00 Mee Mown m the r..en,y, 1w0"( obob oil! he road .•'n. wear - 6*! AoonMn senmeenthed Pawn at puree wramolly fl*e....yg M'n 1o.'.t eery ra.'e.my for r.014 they ars .hared u 0e p.hl*r et tree, tioNeme. PHOTOGa1PH ILIUM!!! A roma. ••,.raiment of P„etor. Q.5 0* (1.Mn., and (Panne Alison. e, ,,.145I10 Mw pewee. they W.I.. been ,nith. wry le, o.14: ,. .M Anw.510 narh.m.- Twee . «here slew esu= •.dly-e•••e Alhewr.e fnnrem notoder,..e su1 ars i pod. M .'A aa\• one lorabee') ▪ e• l the.. ror •I.rrA elrm.f Vo o' * ... Y he eerie .ir.q1end en tee, Y lee lawvr, can el .n r. r .y r+'1 Alert .n 1iY& (TILT MOULDINGS ANI PICTURES. A r..0pre,e rwb kdoteys ea% liondand Reil. 0.100 A Good pans far Bast Job Printing! Job Printing ! ! moss .A LoT 1 t b t21 es• ado IOwoolop of •"' 1 y eeir Irrj,"t l"-' l. Villa ?Ants( felon. At ollew he woo .. masaowt• soda r M f ,eere.e..m A r rat kiwg CON tr 412 A71•a. woo WRs' r •r. w r seams I$1 swe• t•ew i .1 haeyf r•awi- r ie• A,mpw rad \reel wolf o n, •Ai.lr. • „ village Wheal" M Camay owl " at ' LLT D. MUD! (1014110f0.0110Rf1EFr1•,g, wire fads Ne• (i•M'r r1. rem* •rest CLW • 11•trwo-h, Aped 1.1i, ION oil d .t. HUGH D LOP,• 1110116 81 3 85 syr t r ' Tbirtc•mne owl f• I.V it. the bond 11.ir,••. •.a.* .1 Coe !harken, N.uJ,a u. toe Tuw.o-h01. or 1) 1-.7. N 7' I ' i '1', 11mut.ia1 .G"1.n.y ,1B.we. ,..Nie'".e 400 w lend e*. n •. Ire*; wulek sued.ml 11C i`Chatl T, .1 g1tlUl•, '. • essuenls 1 0;1,1 Wier he sole e1 u.♦ mare m too, ID mint..' COURT HOUSE S QUARE, GODERICI . G. I ii, e.1° Nle t.w..._'ro• 'root-m.6,4w Two. m the i th°btanu of (Ltoerich ''Illy lie 7huteeelhdat w rept. WLc, .,, Mott Le teat he las 161I40V ED totem shop trotter (a0.m.uerar n. es•aNY•yi•..-s, 'I,,,)„wter;.i'.1 L.e cls.:►. n AViNGtaken eJnuta,e of the pl•c,a- . iitJLLN•3:i1C1BK4I.D. Hbeta. M. d ass E. L. Jehnsea's Pleterc CallfEfm Linn ul di pas •hn4d 1 y, Amu,. a, IR l, BMr.r: A very' large ■red select riot k hI Jknei lade I, et 1 1t)' • W meetly red,eel prime. ,s now erre ed to. el' 191.1,1/. ...10,110 tSS.l,alth f P.n wo1 to the proir,elus nr a cad. 1 -'+Ind thins. lt+e3._y...___-..- r• _ ... neer, 5114and 54 et rr.rct nue 11494 a.,_ppptt d P obi, ' ads 7:•.. Montg,.nrery sup.. Ile part. -alar. Nrenlion is lie h0.luw,ng \IA11 I( 3'T WQL?Atas• 00 rem he hes • Imre. •nppl) .l SPRING & SUMMER 00005, Very writable for the (lodencb Trade. wh,ch k•• .w ready to sell et THE LOWEST CASH PRICE. Ooderleh. April 26,h. I h64. •w117 MITT, ROBERTSON, rielitlitTURE *reit Al ▪ sots., Borsoodo artimbett4 Nook cease, Notte•oireet CF111., Tate., &oaken* Tildes, TOILet T•Ides, Wash !bawls. Chaim, •841 many olloef 5,11.M• too •onterokse to .110111111111. All kmds P romptly 11110Vidied UPHOLItTERT.i.•11 its UNDERTAKING, &e., ur. a. folly kluello• Ile 5150Wrialeoll 01 .10014. =OW 00 wee. er the bee ma- teriel art veadunaadat, aid at ruby, maenad mom can sad analpare, col 8. tat_aled bale. gags eatteltarta 1: LIST 01' PRICES, wk..rk are I es'b•n he I.1 the tonne' p pr* TS AND ' CDIRDIAtiB. FurlYl Upper its.. Vstreosed elk lei •.pv. 0 Ru ter fro\. _ -- t . L. -el \ ' 14 AN Ii„.1.2...,71,,, I t .u.,.,,m S. Ism: l rY•Irn have • Ie. 41I %11'•t 1 .s ..J kits.. up lha •• 1•.r: es mos. •ba 1 a' •. I- or ver h adh.. m. bank 1 01 c Fleet teeth to h i " lord ;.rho 1 1 se i n East Street 0....a..i 6vld f . rete . . 7: " ember lilted, 1, pM np•d.. Lairs, nn, it" .. . ......... .. •• /or eepeptioo of oak err . The es hool tv.11 1900K OX1.1-,111.:1 le tromimel. \By maim of References aft kindly Permitted JO. Ilrie 11 1.. Elwood A. 31.11,dci P. nelinsiner. floes. doe 1 11 I. limner 111 Lk Tonne, .1. IWO, Itoseo. • To Sabbath School TeaPhers II 1 re. le au pub:Wail.. ieleted 10) IN 2700 TO LOAN JOHN DAVISON! were. Mee the osimi lon•. i Ts... mstelookoselo ea ' ootsa last, a who.. sod red Coes, abort two afta. IV,* 0.1.Imee. man °A 1140”1.4 4* pay eltatre aad fah tarn sway L""'".4... id -its