HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1864-6-16, Page 1.. W. T. u^)S, E lit3r i it Proprietor.) The Qroatost Posaiblo Good to the Greatest Possibl• Xu b.r.'a $1.50 PER ANN. IN ADVANt)Et The Thirty Monks THE ORDER OF THE AVENOEN. The castle of lf.rhenfels wasbutlt upon rote Cif the Iu&iest heights oo the Imine. 'trot„ with a hale 'sweep from aroon1 the Ieaer hills aroundt the baae rock swept onward Until it reached the river, trben' it plunged • downward in a tremendous prec.picw Needy eight hmtdred fett above the river the stately %nils of the castle roar. With all its panels of towers, and turret.. and bulwarks; by ,day Ilpreadiug tu,th it. 8atut.nx harmers to the braese, cad 1.7 might aprsisiue its 'math fires tint bls4d Wee meteorsagainst the ske.- The road food Germany to Fn...ce pas d • Within a few miles of for came, ant •'ll ' travellers were compelled to crus the egyMti within sight of it. 1 am tolls which: a ore kri al upon thele poen 'e were euonndus, and • happy gas the emu rho could escape .nb the sacrifice of wlf of Ara tutees 2e.- One dada company of 'moil's descended ' from the opposite elle of the hoer torads the place of cr o n;_ 1 here w&re %Mout GUDERICII, C. W.. THURSDAY. JUNE 16, f864. }VOL. XVIL-NO,20 as their mysterious robes mitered solemnly, one after &mother, soidsts;aa before the Count •Who are you ?' he said, 'rudely, 'and what • do ymr want nearest the Owlet, se are bumble Mars, oe a journey fur i solemn purpose, and we wish to rem here 1,sr the uight. lie crave, front y mai Imdshap food bud shelter." thirty ol them. aiid.the ithiels !stem of. dont that cuvered them loon head to riot showed *lost they krd come upon a Leo! j•iuroey,- They were erns !oped robe, ot bluets eleth, which hullo ahout theta hi ample folds; their hors as.re 4,0/01 1fly CLIVeOftl, a) that their es ouly were ; the h-ery cowls t 1,1 over their heads *Towel to -conceal one y one into the bargeosud took OA. The ferryman, like all •ei sod bear tle• tom he 'come 'ese to lee *mono t a mats of' emarkilt straioht figure els AtIrstatea have been 'eon a logi 'Tea' stielthe mu 11 akile Iichaum and depth. mai be ou some impOrtant 'It coucerns life stud &nib,' texts.] ` 'Ads, that iw a 1101, .4 t 'aft!' sai jitha- -terry .1 ovi ninsh'd g4 thew. Natty of yriu..e. dor *ley, aeer •"‘“az OP' 011. lie • ter as Ilia breast I, tgri, at Ati the monk, with sonse int. 7,1,, each oil ar ti4s untinut d -the fiat rano •44.1 head, mold ag 'limit ars the luotmiot. of a p,oat or 'amours e'".• triode 101 gates.' \ 'Why ...Mid Jaterboi etriht? •ia :Wird the. b▪ ut. boor of them recuenised him now. Count _Hugo nest 'turned to embrace hi* son. Ile held the boy tightly in his atone; and et this clitoris butt voice which called Suddenly however he tooled. Tne soft eiredioos 01 love rod eraititude were meociatert eat, 'torture thoughtv. All that he.hasi heir tf, • ti.at,ite hod reiterated, aeu all the proOls "Take ili.•4.1 JO 14 to tha vilest ofeotforiiio, 'het he mow e.so el the dean laces the count, snd let the knaves have some his Ude and child, called aloud fur yen- yietuals. But remember." he added, Merely, geonce, Ile pointed with a stern vesture 10 •• %hie is thge that time and the low time that Cutiut Frans, and millet to the loettiatiarma, an7 o our order have paesed by age witicut •Stiee 11181 temp.!. r Away. you igs,-sey your.patorneseers, auJ Fr mut tui tied 44 14114 as deutlt.' . Fait 1,1 I- summon u.• . • t'uttiin Ilugoo,usereyi mercy 1' he The monks departed with.the some solemn eked, to a 11:411•14/ 11111114.110 soire. step, orthoLt• • wo and descended fan the ' 'Merry l• amd the other. oCan I foreesk courtyard, •here so rude 116 f.A re was *bat I hoot:sit 11..011?' ' • pe ions messiest fame" 1 m the count Roomette 'he the .sitereJ uf flim fug i them o reappeui whom seisulebre you ft As‘ tsu esti- elaiwtp. • noire hall est le'd with -mew 4•1'.4,414. Oho the boater ot 'metered or gay seeterfeei; and let all p.m - and twenty. ranged in a, lath. Jut 1 .t...ta h,tber I am toght or r , -left use wife seed elo .leith you confi fore in- Intod.•:a. Atter fili•11firy 1st nob Finns rats 1.0141J1 • est the count, 0.1 1111 is side a 1 ' tou'el nut haver twee no 1 he er free a•116 as po' these was all ex wax 'wink :En th saieus bob to tell , form &foss. usaiiy etfotto **Iles A ma ...WI", mid the count. " Thai dex 1,0;ci. 'Ile count 1.1.• to njestortch, end thiy The dog ri itte:.1.1fiter As nod ups. woe th d in It ,.k.ith a • ." Perlutpe VIA) have teacheehls • tail ol it i.11•"1"rr'hd 1°1° '•eicreev, Joel. 'soled the ersent, with a -serer. . • I tinted wit pro; ; one uf e.sti aver, leave the. 11•4100 lowf4rni. Il'his r• soothe gen tame.'" he lady 5141.411., h•r fret. ail. tr1"11 She lieiked &noel., at the moo' 5,1.i sf this. monster liod will seen eget-signed the roont. otitis at a SI ns. tv.ek 10 With 0 ire It 7 Ism eleeli 1 beetled, the count was r.std; Tot, - the presonee of the restored edotif, red a t kmghts who 'he'd ace Arra-bier) Linz ri W. nen imeo The'iontericie tasta lies to Mt aoJ wire 0.18.01 1111aZ.' A oar 101 and tooled 00.1 PC DOM 14, 11 worm erapptieshotto Ay. i was literally covered with the fined fruit. 1 let Govt. -effluent are aderetly I uoh of I The bed which be -experimented with is • h . would not be well to parsue this course II DOW five years old, and ho intends to eon- li r1,:r1e.., the ho tinue this course with it. Ile thought it 1 ' often fisaicwrpirelEtthat ho woUld it.e it ,hi to his there were -many weeds, as in that cAse it 1 5n kave tire iThite House at the ea would be easier tu sot out a new bed. In ,olipurt talky never to return again. eating a bral,he would trench 1 i feed d ' . and 'manure highly. The rows shourlirl;beoui !e.,eeT ? i:it tfheeetr'ioitt"aart. ' 6". )11:thehsPitbottlist848beinc:: with diverted the atteutioo el the maitre, 1S ittelietr to twU1Cet spa ,conaideroble extent, from the appne _meadow. troy. allay . Railroad have txve, until very recently, a for at by sees tit to mkt position behind hi. fartifica• Tic Soma of th Buffalo4 Tr NI SUMMER A we tiunS? llurrworit duet then be flow and hul- los. some, fur the seige of Richmond is no kolas, rliost to a robing COD 1114 egoue NOTHING DONI__SINCE FRIDAY. tt HAT WAS DONE ON FRIDAY. mien Vitirn to have Willett:hut at every point ! &- The Coteli.vt.t . ‘1J Ala and for this 14.40 Wilt. se:i it .1 0•11.4 1 1,12et pronsoiel to ceptainey, acid is" ow several tines, lend eti!ch ti014 th••ir were. - • • • • .. . a t 8844 an /111 cuttelustob that Mr. Lincoln must b • turned and kept in office until the ' their CISIEST. JR4:: ,INre •4/ a.S. 6.04 rat. tl`e Republican binders ehonge.their t me.1.1L.At ilit;;;(*N1 1111400K 13 ' 8.66 fill .1 PI so pliaut a tool as they tau AIMR peal) ans. 10,03 Gums Ati,acsora.. LATFORD 08.1004.M: 1.4. 14:11,1t 111{114.14./IVIlit°0111. 5.01 9 32 6.10 oppzatcH ARK. 11.110 6.30 4A • • Contrary to his own coneictio 140 - . 'tut was right, he issued a Pruclem of Emincipatiou, end tea.. lauded to deka by the left wine, of the Aboli poky. Cookery to his own convict 114;811 enticed " at by joisrnaliste u fie actually elute to believe that r.belt " could not tiler serious 0 s. The sito.tiou of 'Anil the opposin! missies' • battle may he considered imminent: I/1 . . view of this fact a Intel topograelichl de- scription u: the hattle•field 01,1 nut he Intim Death of Marshal Palmier. The death of the 1/uke of Ma'alcuff was so county, Milt the North Anna og 11* north Gala ti s U. Grata, is nieshe Meeltememille road th that stream and Hawes' shop, witti his 44 • ' the tributaries of the l'ernuntey, and letvarku. educaterI The military •eho..I i.f St. Cyr. The surface ut Rollover comity is hillfmed, himself to the study of military sciebt-, retrain Vedimenta tits ..;yeraTuna Mau a, Inv. the- • log ha connection 111111 1!).) IOW 0011.011* ourt House, he county seat, i• tnemor. vagious minor prommigns, he vow 182:1 au , Army of the a *0'4 ,war. The same yettro he WWI LeC4/111teit with P"t°°11e' lune I able the scene of Patnek 11 ray' r aideeletotty of Oen Grui.d:erojii the Sseoash e _fith c 'rot hurl 'a The object of Lee• will he to pi soya lue Ferdinard of Sped, keturigine to Firo•ee he viiiiIi.....dlti.chmond_. lie Ohm fur our mese shut them down at a short range, t 11',, 3". works. I hear loalea must have be i fearful,- • no; of whom deo a leg. re ,sses. , and North Ante. rivero the t te• ris the works of tire enemy mot lie os o st ot ille, ta 11.0 a turn- oi tee the dioniesel t1f eteti01111 McCPI Prsellnd'!: PR' •":"'"; enstl:el• rood jolt iu the "'IT "Ha vaned thee eouumunisled Itultifitsl‘r.t°f:sed. ee, The. %MI roe 1 I.. Lola Hotta:241:880dt I moo sig we tires roe s Genera nut ,ree, d,. e be ye met without listeliuotion. • "11"h 111'"ente"t l'°"•r tru nifty Csitgots hit° be much of the rave, • I 'law,- 'It- • .41171.41g then) ou • ard after rinOing meter. 1.1 .1 11 Mad Fiyiily1 shit tar Ilona' for Sa•iiisoud.,. e .,d on 3j •••dov, M..J..e., ley, Thread gy hare spilled upon the toil of Virgin triatiole with •tr for.odose for Suothatrotoei All this Led midi wore 31e. Lincola ia,;41 j,,,lia,;41t,re ports. White'a staoi•a'le...1 . line, tied yet there ire evidences • . • alien like' un the part of thole who pl :1) itito It _:;!..,"turiiiiii. his edict. and- cricroaeltments upon the 'old Cvnetitution hare not been - WW7te ttative bluAtitota wilier renders. him; to a " .-.- .- - York Trantar, •1.icia prayed -",God bless ".‘t,t!t."....ip-tott; ea"' the eleteee- t.h. in . "he "C.! . laity, out" an oppoottion candidate, and there esti be no Manner 'of doubt that if 8'1'"i''n t••1 a .Pt -'"1,- ei"a2 it; 8i41 b‘. de' unite egainet Iran, Abraham 'Linouln„ rived of the C.'ntrid of the House.. ;Ito: ir des, and trains run Ito rly ; ion; c tract. that there is ia. New Turk, June S. rolaheselitl. It the L er, The T. meg sitecial says of the rebel attsek stst"st '1" "1-e, on Sunday nieet • -The reiels mado a.. 5. [Lou luas' well a defense. the Pei.. 1 oould yield. But the us -mit) ortituse in the 'sew Tb" S'.012° ;rave wet* stillorposed to ulignimion. More 111.1'1.°Ihne".14`1:1e10",i":: were beardi.soon all wee stilt, and II tee doya . blooms were thrimu in to . ries apd shrieks into half d• is et utter fieehursdred bodies cif ar oe ted in. • L oder edger of 110. fog the enemy advan,...4 strearaleta, runivegrawo and uld h 14 .f.,,strol in Cie Upper House oo the Bruce ere a yeAr mouth b". heard Of DO minty Town amendment, defeated on the mon e mid hiwtry. The burros of attic Baltimore Convention, however,which At lot a ninjoriti. of two on Tues.'', on r. . Lae nominated Mr. Isiticuln, will du much' 'We etn'n'iment "he 82"4.0 towanls collating the ective tympathies of me, 11 'es" e.I11114Dius 4. • °Peed/ bre" tle, Radical 11, publicans althou it is so now in wcr,-while an. the .9)1K41• he seetitedet4inined to Ilk, there will be hertehes, re noun .c, i'l.it'';:..pil:""a.';;J-t. '', :: Heal, :.abjrct. that Cuunt )lege lel ti. A 0. 1...1 th, oe. t., co Aim, .1,,,,,,,, be l'so,,,,,o.,,,,, sr I ruel, • I f ism ober., .tnottut coot ratters stlreed,_aini Le ads Lt.. .11............_enacruf.a_,;:st1u., lotosi, • remade al./ 6%,.. meek. ore; s„, ss; 1 •xprs mi smuf 4 kid. 'If you fetus., my wr•b; ` ; i • , iies front thirteen to lee. tv• was • just nod en turs*sis • Ile never tri ik "do ir.. . - illusory/it ma e eft j 7 et 1110Ie Inn I egg. , es„ i.histo a yew after he 1MA. lie took rinetut.si tn and, d 444194 ILO ilW 1.°444 t ' 14"14.1 • suit ef expe.imeet lots IVP/1411 that not.only; • " 4 ly g.o.s1 f the. 'salon oat* those' c'eoiretition will b! Gehl in Chicago op the t'ich /eith w`Juid hi" 4th ofJuly, and iris probable -that Geo. n. e ten led out by le !Abe I pirty, the 3leelellin be the unanimous tubers of which WV a MA rent " ebnilar to that which hough adopted by a di •11, extremely doubtful wbether '-e , secured the election of Mr. Lincoln,ehould etstancee would hate been r lly coo - mid lino of the.liet;urran,ss of ile• no . t n with Anieriein polities. 1;01. *A fll yet the Millisteri. press I ion. as if their misters, hej•I le,' 1.bove all criticism, *hen on ! 1" give hektiCtw°°Phamill Dr the ilein We shoultlike very much to knew John bril rii‘*t' "Iwe(M4 tile PmPrietY or i 1.-ras avIth tefieenee•to the only e mese One It t . n the report of the Kingston 1 n op Ministry when it &eh itself 1111- Pato „V, of April 12, I MI, Of. the p ntry ar• h a atrong hand. Ile was kind noutioation that city,. and_ the other g c to • my on the Govoritinent of the ugh to tot that it was honorahle and from the repo of the proceedings in t ( re.. when the vote was 'Men on Mr. Melon uloii0i1 11 non confl. .. ce, mid !he Govern .ed with ertlifite 'on ..to themeelves or • is leader tym fraind to h • Only two of country. What i &co the hon. ineiririll '- demon like ofthe ma er after being me. ronve. n terns 'anis A. Acnototto i • in strong Bee t hat t'e,aird suer eeded in rea• ! before they went diseovered by the &demo.. i Warm than one @here* of fire beldhed fen , frac ou.• rooks in front and on both (leeks g the enemy. In about half en hour; be fe baek legalise the ground covered Ink dee arid wounded. Oar.loist Irak small". The Tribune', Washiogton special artyir b, at readoet. Tbess 'water co ,,,, space uf about seventy pooh in d 177: 11 ; Frew emb inset of this esoothool,, Ca d Irate extenus fur oboe( half h mikes Tli • the *tithe stream i. covered bf • 1 ••"'"" This trig hue! circumstasce aroused in.Patis tor, and 44411 an tlirouohout the hat of Eurinoe • oio 'no left White Rouse yesterdoy &lie ...10,1* two wielock. She had oe board shoo • The Ile Itfe correspondont 'says :70 hoe cow rens nearly parallel tr the Chick bootie, in its •ts deection, but is exceed ri4ht centre by Wr},jhes corp. and the lea b The tight is for neL‘giTy Burnside's corps, th Heocock. Wariest e corns waa moved 14111 aiatlat from the old imaiticrn on the right of th as a reserve. The IWO compact and im- number of rein urcements orrived on th evening of the bth. Our reinfv,..centents out number our losses, mid more are oomino. lialtimoreeJutte 9. Tile C onvention reassembled at TO o'clock tine morning. The hell was, H possi e,more crowded than yesterday. After with the Hoodourirters Army orate Potomac, /one 'i.e. Richmond paNra of June Stir are recried. The Sentinel of the 5th anounees the arrival of 1450 Yankee prisioners on Fishily Imo, et IA1.4 prison. It calls them an uncultivated e• and b 'rigorous 111:418, Le. It MU/ that nn , Friday, fiurteen tumults r ere made by Graiies arruy tot the Held of their line held by Kflaalf, Hoke arid Breckenridge, all of whieh were repulsed with great slaughter of uhertned, It acknowledges that we gained . • as spinet Breckenridge, but hey stileiequent'y recovered the ground lost. t stye the Yankee lose was very heavy, and um it at from 10,000 to 12,000 tn this en- ngement. It alao sap ihat they took 1,000 risenere: The Stotts& further says that Irenta object was to gain the strong posit,oes round atone,. mull, open tne road to Bottom '11 bnuilee and connect with Boiler, but los - ettleet bee been signally and disastrously de. d foaled. I:45, p. tn.- To Mejorrien. Dix :-.A des. • tinnouncea a victory by Gen. Heater over the t cooredomres beyond Staunton, and that th,e Cursfederatig General Jones was killed on the .., battle field. The &vetch aa follows: - J., The Rich Sherry alwaya oveillowert mid hemmer! wateren the river se very low that men ,can t ' They are bare, agel anything 1001inj upon : • era, upon t le ground 'wide big it. .libt anee with the strict orders uf be eumrnatidut • Meer. Three years later he was made a fiel usurabal, lett' he was made command. set of`ohe divieiun ot *bolt lion le ilied till the Mealiest out of the Cittneau r. is in this ennfliel that he won his ;4,81 . sod on he resomatain of th -I er wee mole borders uf those plains, huge 'hills, in sone irs !WC, sor. Ile took in the princi,41 me , eases tiro a•id three hundred feet blob, I Leo, 1 e yriine., a, d was due, 1., cern_ 8-. 1 arrh.ruc.t:.y.,rmise.._ .7.,1t.ey,ea.rit, the.ot ....r..red. ..tr. ri 1 11...‘thili,rils. s,,,,„o 10 eue,,,, ti.e last three Months of the yt eeriones the sw.a7mp ant! rival?, This Chickw I Fes. oh, eervices, „Is treid ,ii by_ Nspeo e From the tops uf the talk on the 01h. one Lundred•thoun.ei fomes; while (been 44,0411 ihe swamp to the Lill pti a oil. 0;V. e pounder oiled. Napoleon gun ern juin about !'selre ,u....4 or th,, .,,,,,.,,,y. From the Fresiericksbureg railroad crossing' „r„iNiliki,ie,r,,,walleLly,nbil, 8". br as be was ke an the Confederate.worte ere all along the hills 1, A,5b ma.) fori, .on its is uthern border and be re, uented so o men to throw- loin over t le pinorme, f his • Afthent," said he, " the commie, oill Sure or It was done, and the fearless mat \ wounded of the Nth Corps Pum up orer 1 oh. tat. NA, hoi eni„e4 eney „how 00 in one day'e fight. The Oth Alamo- , liquor from hie muter the Emperor, to whom ' JI ;se with 600 muskets, has but 9:3 men. c excite, which left Culpepper Court kla.,iii-Lraci fitte:nimit beeleitnlifu: ,,,as;c1m4totre,ourputbelouspritisvyr. The ond ll'erniont, wlitch had 530'nins• ;council, • tier, president of the Senate, arid . . (item( Chancellor of the legion of Honor. ••••:• . 31 ichiga , which had 2/7 at the first fight, 1 1 dales ell• the death aid fooer al of Pelissier. As yet we have oat received the details of,' ode and a n ohm eine* that dal tle•yohore o • toes' 1,y, Ow ate1 1144.4 beesitsw. fut ranch e,,,,ner, of, 1.••••tr horn ea 0401 the csat'e , , tn osre•tanment ,e whole 4 -Pt.., bret,I ere mid bre mon. hen'thy thon when fi'il eitri.wey. o \ .1 Imo, not; 'Vr\ie ll'oie oristl: ‘I riel'Whear The ehki'h,„„„.„ , ,„ sI;eve so,o,,, .11,, end whichehrl wi'l he greed,ty emtett. Another pea wet 4 ti through the open thing in favor or mantis for this toontiv, o. aiz oh of tome. *taw s. tttat Count I max ; ;nit ee bit sst„, „a b,,,; j soe osiowiebej that the Gott 444-11 not injit•e thrill ' titer; others soy het they am s'Otwis....! „mi. but the m is confined, hue hut the • Ade is But there was Mr delay.. ,A • free. eat &wool everythioig.' and the knights, Without waiting to 'Had wit Hugosno• hien& oho cold. n",z upon. t.htr,:itten nt nrins. •111.. latier monk.' itt they were iridIvidually as ant -hind, co ' feeders of et ety reeitary art, nod whore t* fought ea thoogh it were sport, arid Me+ foes were as children before them. • • • The-ioint. after a Mimi 'menet • of raze serprim, hod thrown himself up.sh his y.. But the struegle teas over in a few 'Most nf his friends siont nee, wit said the hoopoe% 'Those olio it': could do nothing!' Who could enter and ask rprestioua1 teen( Frans keeps 11.11100(And Ass no 6 ieAe rail within -110 fele • mystery. It is 'even years' siae• Count !luso left ; and I• think 'it his wife and thltd are dead ;,,ie they a .oir sill he.' The Monk bowel Ilia head.low, Mid • halte, en hied gif coot or green thirro it matte, to. they r„,.,* .may lye s'izhev 'nailed, wheel. they enn be r'. " the weeding I. trostae thee we?;clios car •to.- (Colonial 'Farmer. Mei:won't! cove on Monday night, an; ..Withost a votenor i donate, suffering Another defeat on she pante CALM defeat. thel Tx mid of ?Mt tind eatne to the whose' neat boo. wee eutronn.led a ith 10 men Who r,rn form • etronger Govern. meut they were not tom of norecoefideoca, Ino 1411- lila floverument w itr Ft.t1WIL114.-Durinpr tdc on Toothy night f Will he resign ?- ilittitrY.d):yfoeni• bietiounm""ent "hued' er oloGoe, ant'', 11 in Kongo., end' the track- Will he frankly odlnit the weakness of the ' 11e0 j0111 resew, lor bold who, begioning with • it'g (4. l'°weeneet thP 03ng Ministry and hand over the reins of power oig en() Govem majority Of en • Hence of 0.raie• Ford tha rummer of to..ay speaks of the deteet or Gen. W. E. Jones, by Gen. donee, by (leveret Hunter. twelve milen bo- oed Staunton, Va.. Oemeral Jimes was killed n had held ou throe It C t. time si,o,es had eeareely been leader `to Prim the '" no it was tor) _that nothing bf the kin3 will be done un• 1 strong Ineurh. ▪ nrrsiog thei, client ? IVe think, judging from the put. i_mse sea Rol inittionotou opened fu ma the r complete , the coed whit h reached the th ked at one en/oleo eilence. The ferry. i re hre seord ens. violendy et•tick Eretttr tO ;” nted, amd the til the very List. Mean -While, the ' aurrha4u.9ideacr "teat.' Irsai°ril7.-- tortem- , and now bolds the 31ountoins between rth4metes that no hospitels et atorei were 00.2,1 by Gen. Hunter. cupy Station. ' ther-session with ca it *nu wondered, but said nothine. lle possed gnat p, and; whirlinj thipngh the flUae /pared, simnel th onl build- . luoms up r ipidly. en m et bar ° Publ•Zd, "Iff lii70.77,7;e:e",* 07; , him, hurled h' 'to the floor. Gwent, Ile zed cultivate lower!' a* long 1111 be rem ofse orembe,ra,,I,04whe oirroune r bers world be degratitar,,ourss and go on. One Ity one same/11141a IMP last. As- he' lose "roan uttered& cry, and eAleered beck. ! dem I.. em ow. sm,e,sees; RH? „co, 1 e reed noi detote even n little /spice to them ? • opin e !votee of the Ode( knight, stimmoned them They refine, they elevate!. Canal Piens Von Hobe, WM in the haek • and the kigiohts, sheathing their I freak recall -4a" hali ei la° eatikt• i 8" 4 lar" gentler. (). e liv one the men retooled, and, The Cleyeland 'Leader has information ! leery and richly (emoted 'treatment. Rap ano tomato. the cry,. promiemg them TRIt'RI.E (IN Jottesoo's Ist.0111.--1 hine rapiendid arms and armor, ornementa f rare material wad beautiful form Ora The count waa pima the hall. Ile *emir wet nn, and he wan arrarigiag a plan f i sateck up ,n 0 village not ninny Ini 1411 II *Ay, 81 1 11 1 a0 bustle of peeptratinn foe the eaperlition mend the ehief knight's vnire her empty,- adder., roughly cone'trumed, three kiii,res 4"t" resounded thvoirehnot the clime. The mount shin le,ca I. WWII end more intensified. wm•stout man, weii soon; and mnseetar And no he ehi,,, 40;rbs edeeheed toward. .notehed into Aura, It lot of bed -ticking 1 1,4 frame. Ilia helmet lay on the telt* by his her. eree,oe sser amsoy for..,d, h. A..1, from beds, tirree so as to be water -proof, a eaeh . toile. so Ono hia hoot mod fee* were exposed unfasteaed le hafinet. The lade 100eeo revolver, a dud lantern, wide out of a had i to vie • II a t lick neck, Irarsh and ••,1wri,1 and - 1, iin4ly, with all her soul frnit cen, with a aole end elide in one end, birmli grosa face, and Room Joey op.*, that eeemed centred in the gam MO Se kis helmet 14114 and three lifepreeerrere made of tightly- t. walsirtg • page entered the room. At h:s i.tad •ith mottle real at tb. Isd./ ki•tanS remelted ,41 a esnvite hell. The 041h01114 rititt anuouneement the couot sta, Led, s„,.I ,,I ,,,,.), foremd Into hie arms re? a low moan, that his elenched fiel upon the tattle. Was dieeravered through one of ttio prison. smell said he Hooks h 1' ill os, or e seemed like the oethurst 0 1 I the long ree. erg. His brothir rom trained agony of yeam. f 'Ye& my lord,' replied the page. .Ruito nolo, my 1.,4 y oe ! i.,,, h. you p esperated, and made an ineffectuil ettYemeplt- ,Loit°°°0. 'Tette them down and throw them rate the il ta'' arm', emt h'"""d hiS hP °V" he' 'The infernal drones l' met the enu II.- She sank upon his breast andi folded 11,.e to hang him. has At thie 5.-ent) a murmur ran around the hall ; MOWl-ten---'0111' STRAW I !URA.- bomb ,rt,,i nr„, ha amide* added, 'I here an 1 he murmur deepened into a cry, the cry into At a late meeting of the WsItham (Masa.) nation Ass. Isii thiLaentiodnils In - I hire ea Was, a ehnnt , and, at length, loud acelanistioes • " Farmers' Club," Dr. 0. D. Farnewrorth d this eight, Ill w&rrant them. let then) in. Teere 1•11 1 he some use for them afrl"--' beer uttoe Cb"r"-bbilin tb. ''''Ca', said he lied been trying a sew experiment 1110,4 rethrn. Re wisanwel his walk np and dote the hall, On heating Oda (*tient roans looked np. L A with life grawberry belt After Ms ralieslat,ng and /noticing to hloverlf.- Envy, hetted. wrath, malice, sod *very evil -27, e...."14.4 _,..IITt.Ig' ,ho ift"rd It et,• tit,' Pl•• rnmors. 111, t6trty monks, dressed het fear Illaa Irtroograr thin aft. ija 1,,,,,fra4 patine, arrel the rfleall Wrall Oat the retied r in *loch they had entered he furore. h A. II . 1/ whieh they , I hrlefandringuieary, *ere revelling; mold notch, Ant sired 1 "0 ief meek stem. d out.sit More than fifty of the nett al Anna IV 11141' rrnall deetrnetion the boom referred to.- this the shore he tureed dm flotii. The othott. plot: tairken, Niel the fe•rry ma 1. The luriouely preser41 by the knlottlt, fled 17.etery Who dorm not loco flowery, and who nal curious tare, and with t le roves wf we, the rebellion. The charm of a fow flo bolo:nag bound the pros, Witched the heart of ?nen whom no mise A,t.acit est fleet sod the metres ir Myr the turn. tip the important (rent, ot' I dinged to illot. H ' *mod so, distinel 514 TIM ("rent IVIieel which, in its revulti• : the Ministry acted 5 ! Su lid terial. But never, in our . tar, And, 'ma'am*" , ion,. did perform' a more Ptartling II..Pi • M'. 14"4 ' ionhuil. ii1 8 (venni ind from' th,ir conquerors, laid thnt a plot of the rebel prisoners confined : grates down their , arms and ringed theinaelvem on on in swimmers' and terrer, Resound the room. 'The (ellen Count looked oreo-Jem gundny. Ieseehts ;het a Johnoan't !slant), to escape was dpi.r.onvh• '1 mid The tally laid teemered from her fainter's+ at in nee' of flte conk-honereig the middle of , . . posit the first shock of the contest, end graspino one of the bareleka htl'i ke'n reint'veck I. link er son, fled into a cornee,in wtieh she keel', and that a tunnel hid been excevated with ; politi neon,. and &emote bee boo•oit o„,, .1,1, art nutlet beyond the prieon yard. In this i hi titi he sett h..1y. Hut ever and anon eltelnimed hole, winch was lime cnntorh to admit the • ro,,,1, `1.ran,r 1"'"5 e'rell'il"7.' and Itt ear+ rage of one man were found three - such e man bane raised himself to a 1 now wo had ha cal world, up to the date of his nomY feat that h., or 104 toi I er Walt he s man of literatere. To ;7;44:1 nian•hip an 1 the relations held by groat DITIOna or the world towsede ! hell nnd jokes, or practicing The Troth Leaking ottt. 1 not been for the ve - '7 Peeulier ewni- On ortnt !WWI that dorint the tenors', ,sr ons which. reflilted in hie election og.,,,,,g „e lees oe.dt, In* lore, ll'ir' 7,50° In has form of character, Is Ivey to the end of hie dep. Me co ilt be ii t -feeling that hie stelriettplaSharapte toe (yes 111.1,. What ars in tn do when he Mit- to haft die/tame* blows sone ett• army•in brat poeiti•tne to ruin over great 67eetr0 1.4 t„. day 10 day; when 'he "I"'" „Id ji is side Of inieraehment.. A bottle 14 110i t4.1 LO' *meanie to phew* the t CO il.1t. It Ism Wets's& and still that wart whi •h in the old wot1.1 extras glittery petition into whiedi be hse a vieorable vie. that ran too taken i f the aim to d-euie the pespe with .a se lbw s o shoot by ambitions Of 'an ninicd in h7 the abbn is, dist r. wont*, ef bleody, hut indeci 'vs ever:Amen Helios enemy hes shown mite ta ha,* taken place. The been chroot,--tied op in red tape -twieted ti If andletettI19 Its,Rell • Storma.-Irettens from Island, at Charleston, le that 11141 the cent 'Meek on Fort le snit twat.? demo bieg that fortress tilem to with.lrew froin the active. The d had holm torn in their deelte, eunspellin4 rebels tee evidently gut s 'me new ordinance elled itteh gees or 200 pounders, and their hfiurrin: oast steriedinoly aretrate. They poured a storm ef shot and shell around our , batteries, but did no harm, not • man being t Journal soy" t iv reported 'hit. eat , nrder has bean issued removine moll another utnn who hes not faltilled the great papycla. order heti not been published, nor haa it yet e ratite Okra." We present. *hi, points to * genets! Dut'er.- Hoehn Jost -nal. • beislitat..Y..rtniroirdi,o-eji.tion.7 paropo,:d.opr.dditatedtiomis freewill :I • ew Ihrispahlira modem's are the bees grit. es A Miler fees the army asys that of ton rano • heritted men who ream is with Figs 1110,1 aims Mrad kged. and *hes strappili and et hat Mir rase . Harvey er Portland, Me., in brother. Iles Itnebetwl we. espial. in the 7 ed ta the memos battle, sad le I Drowned.-On Friday, the Vtli aft., II Great Storm 111 uosssetiest. . ` fine, promising youth, s inn( F. 1164in, Eeto, rchant,rwas drowned 10 the river at thirt illsge, 1 he poor; little fdlow hod gene, is . -_-.- company with another boy about kis own a , The liartfu d Ti mire e nimble the follow iag : On Wean -clay afternoon. Jen, 1, th intense heat -90 deorms-vran rapidly an every indieetiott id a tbuiedo worm. Tb • • to the bank of thgt river, ahem he observer • * bird sittin; on a- ern ,ked sunup leanint • over the eater, ellich he attempt. d cetch, NI thereby klieg les balance, and, tumbling into heaviest pn.tion pawing by to the Noith so Fault, Rad the other Miss on the Seuth. Tile separative was a.•compenica isfu,tionaga' of wind. Hut to the No;tliairl hist of th city it was riot all wind ; there wee h el -on such hail, to,,, as we rarely rm. It eam down in waves, corerino the Frountin Pan, plans to the orlon of setters' niches. Itcepe diets of the hail 0444 p41111 Op 7 perticire • In East Windsor and the towns adjoinino they are desenhed se knoll); tom the s tot of a walett de that of a butternut. The des somewhat serious, but ca. t now .te este m tied. Fortunately the tobacco crop la not yet sufficiently advanced to 1-.(eive afich if,ju ry MI it wou'd hove sustained had the 'norm happened two or three tweets hoer, (be dee- ouetion of the fine stereo not involving the min of the plant. Gray, fruitorees, she., were injured greatly in "ware Twelfths. Glatt 1,1 Moog -she p..1 11 of the etorre,for miles. the cotton Iscorries presented e expos - North end South,. he of glass 1.1 41.414 i4 100. Rock, New Eruelai. w id ether milk also f s windows broken, as lid a the p. 'vete residen . The mite d he storrits nut yet known, only a me .11 gums con be triode ara 10 Itleal Of y dieted. Tt ' think, no 400101 4 •.41Pr41 )1144 arier Om 1414(in, aborted stores hat were Steil of estmonlinnry size, e the over, one drowned. Althouoh every ex• a eetho was mode t snve him, before life was estiket, by those who embed te the spot, and • three of our villege physignaris exerted theta' Iselves to their utin ea in his lieholf after he e nal been taken,out of the ester, it ems fuendo • . Olathe ass too fee gone di be !mimed to ✓ life, Much credit d te Muter William Craig, of this village, for hie preisewatby ' ry!is, awl being the first to dive into the eater and bring the body t the surface. His rensoins were 1,111tOfed 10 the grave on the Rorti`lt le. June 2 -We were ?hiked hitite • Storm ever known. The had stoma & roe hum half an inch to t inches iiidiam hadog the grneral share and appear- .** of • peeled neion•and wei bed some of bent, an mince and nver. 1.rneitenred ono, uttn2 the storm, and meatiered 7I etches in ircumf..rence, end one this morning, is totem nu,s eller the coins, 'hitt 'Immured hi inch- . The Poem lasted some ta Petty n metes, attest this vicinity, within the- memory of he oldest iiih stotMit. Omit -nos ere alinost noire), stripoe I (tom the trees, eill0 pears, odes, and foliage genenoly rut rt R. ambler's, and fruit. Stra•herrit are gerdees 1444 1.14 as tre• so 00,40111,11f4, a destroyed, and all crops up neely dee meth tipen them, net owe st kuown to el oily hen in nee emelt her Inwheurd, lather ra .ir•I Mai,* kormsall,swili was esormily wooed trowel. inhere.. plants ero beaten entire! 1844 *whet, to r• eor hIna to Me nee, bs was ape abed he STEPHEN COHN-lib Council suet purtuant to adjournment.-- Minotes of t•wm•r minis Isere read, ap proved of and sighed. Franci•town having re pieste I 'hie Council to either pay him a certain tain weekly for dead, and h tee mother has foreeken him ) or oto have boo Indentwed to him. Resolved, 'That C. Prouty take the necessary step. 7 2. Wheremiedain parties having\ 'hewn "diet tomer of one Denim in this Muni. cioettly (in conecirence of sickness.) el io went for the necesearies of life, Rewired, Thot Mid fatuity receive front oet of tho funds of tho Municipality the sem of Old, pendod on roads towardoiropreving the same. • Rewired, That the Council DOW adjourn to meet again on the frit Salm*, its Anwar in John Oke's tavern, Crediton, 10011. • A Coot Fr.u:ow.-The Now TM* rinses tells about an eshibitisa lately given in Jones' wood, by At, _Ow% wherein that fellow finned hilliest tees. fire. A bower of chips and MAI WOO wet built and ignited, and elm, is Ma Jo - gent girls, Rig. Fore stepped into the our. heor the limos Houses, without Mind.. AM 'heir windows hesmoveomi. tellose thheenseer:o1e quagdito soy all dashed in in Alty- los did not remain at all. The A nwirioas tho wood, it eseam, woe ram, as .11 lost three beivdred dollars' wort?. 01 '1414 8^1 henl cleft° Mee Mae ▪ aad other mills is research*, what fallow Ns a liffle " re". in. Tim Seeotford pimple see wee • • lie