HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1864-6-2, Page 84 • ,• . y+ eot rs. VrtMwu sur as Rerun '• Puwl.'• On the late Dr. et Oodenoh. And what! no monument, inac,il+tion,+ stone? Ilia rsoe,hu name,6ia form anuo.l unknown," Yes, pau'd away with ninny days., enJ yeetu.. And Time has keoeLief d up his 4iudred's team. • I - Oh Time, thou*rt ,mous, thou art to cod- venient,r Thou orueed'nt our gi icf to be so very iei/isae. Emollient Time, so sympathizing, kind, No opiate to compare with thee re find: But thou ail wbtle,and thy ways are devilish, r . Yet watchful oil' the unwntel:iuo,"atul so selfish, Calling is in our dui'.y hi htiy pl y- +' Where we lnuw ❑ut "-but amity, ua'++). DRY ODS Y GO STAPLE FANC& 4 r a J6 & Jt SEEG R,!PI TAILORING! At ENr r.nraw bur MrGxa'."Dau s JOIN RISLOP, TILEASERI THE A , ,.,,,^ m the County W Ha.uu. Thu u . EMPORIIJM!rue rhea,, r for ♦ ;;,.el eaarw•er, w eaelwir TAri 1V Twt-1 ! wrn,urt will tr' F grit••i L i/ZW ISI 'It 111, hlu l' IYt'tal1; 111ANK: r tddorw, Wr• PALNKR, (Inn tiS (aril, DT1 r r 71 i i$ ACCOUNT WITH THE 1 tM llWrrnus rneuurryrwral 411 Lar k Rua 1#(6 N H iron uwweuurv) bus. err it Wali.. swl I 0 Agent,,. 1 .ia•h, rw/ ►rm{( rtes lu aaecuto uvrr our-hrU u TAT ( - TrrV GREY. bbd uulen Lfwaf(fi( t.• him not sa•uwn i brrwa ll ),Ir F ' 1 j \,Jt Vi J-+/ • dew recsnd frcrtrlur bur -Spring and Summer Goods. Tttt SUBSCRIBERS HAVE JUST -OPINED OUT TILXllt • N " SPRI G STOCK 'Tis evening, and just Fara did su1,3r t htn, . When nature folds in sleep rich flower, • , _4.) :CI L 11.-1 I. And little birds are singing evening prayers, - And holy music breathes in soft Mehl gin; A„J Huron n play's I..lr, whom tleu,hcrou Je( p _ - • Has caused the Fido►''s idol to bleed and weep 1 ' The orphan gazes on glia c when thoe'.t rill, And feels he's fathcrleu-a mournful child;. The husband:ear (nab not her tearful eye, O,•en thy sleepin, bus.iet tp leazrv. That little speck t%I eairwl,ere her dear life Wan wrent up • • •' *ken a war. I:ut thou ghat.' soon disgorge '• when it be aid• Break up thy caverns and give up thy d.•»d." i •r.:11"t i am lintel 41g midst the tonibs or thew 1 W . k ghierly tabletbaa their last rrpllse la .tit lobe yard' wheel Trent ts. Brine • shown UY STB JIEPOT , HNER, Flt DINGS I TOY13, Nits, toed, Goods, Tobaccos, GODERIcs, 'W Of A1.1. ■IIDI. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS! Stn , at!►• CIGAR STORE OF F. NITcnz, West Street, Goderich. Fnzh l)ynlr'w, Sardines, Lobstrr•, (4e., .Iways on band.._ swa4 Ouckii cep Directors. February 12,1664, ed47wr EXCELLENT FARM FOR SALE FOR male. cheap, 9110 at .r excellent land, Wena Iola 4 anal 5, ton, 7, W. U. 00 .A,h5eki. dereun IW scree cleared, 40 of white ere nearly dear 01 .tu.nl,s. litx,IJweII,., sa,I tare' 1110 apple trees, 30 bearing. fru.-felt .,1 the farm .oto ifdeau.:'. 1t ,a within 1 utile of the lake Howl, and their arc grim oat saw mill*. ehurrh,w•b,el house, S. nor, at hand. Apply to J.B. GORDON. Yi,Jrnch. or to HENRY BROWN; 'On the premiss. October:i, IP33. w39-3i41•PAI'O Dr. Hrmttton, Hardware , Ready - Made Clothing, Pty :'j'K. n.,,,;, wu !atn.,ae' 1983 • Receipla. Tu twlrace on heel at last Audit... A. M. Ituin,Coeu! Treuurer Suit-reaiduut tai it. ,1 'treasun•r Commission " C!ergy Reserve Municipal Fund rt. A. (,0veuluck, Collector for taxes U Licenses, fines, t'ounty Road money, Mille Rec. Carrying on Business [xtens,vely •,, ...... $973 93 and Audelmp,.',yt.IY'l pet's.g pints.L guts er•t-11ew^11.4,.,,,ea, .. 16T 89 •et-.iud 10 111110 w the fits experience tsarina carried o• • !T is 15 .„e lA harmer salvias v -ly am .ureerrlull tit Hamdtuu, •,..,.... • eq, Irinry,alfy 10.1.1 tort 40.101et., gn,1 harms tetra. e 11 41 ('utter to our o1' the Rrlu,•y,al l:,lat,h.hinents ,a 243 2b '1 EwhuburCh, n,'ott9Iul, he Irurknsly •tato to a dtecenupa imbue 1hp linos if ' CLOTHING CAN BE MADE at hit est.ddeliu..ulrtfurl to the bra Eittala,h- ' - Total Receipts 11889• Dabsraensesfs. 11y emit expended on (Wads and Bridles • •• I'aid to Schools t .. Salaries, feed, he - tt tt ' A. M. Rou, Cu. Trey di • For Priuting, klutionery, 1fusLees. is. Eapeesee• TO RENT OR SELL! -- a., . Balance on d • Ian Mitre, (,lrnrh aw9R We hereby certify that belougi::g thereto, and fu I)r. Cote., BOOT S AND SHOES • LATI OF STANLEY-.CL»NTON, HU woe Koad. (Mr. rhenium,* former Store July 1, Vt. A )'INE AC!I(1RT11f.N'r oY L&DIE`S, G On the pale face of each aeplltcbral stone. • •• But this unnoticed, low and uumatk'J . AND CHILDREN'S HATS. Where saFW\the beautiful, the free, the beast i" \ Where sleeps the tidow'a friend, 'tbe sick IM411.3care,d ' • bad Wbo ever'eeer'oRere'rNN-ir'i's'-I['g vi Ct I. I' Ir. 1L 1.."01:1.."01:7:1O' 1 I). vhat ile to spare, - W ben sleeps the one whUe Bay aid happy AT Di? OBA • tail• `JOHN 1SETLOR & SON. Threw sunshine round h'm-rou us all, - Cuderich, April, 27th, 18i 11. w12 Whose tenderneswaml nuLlsrR•u of`gtintj . , We often,yearn fur, buteo ,eldom fit ".Well, alamaerWy"-thy viruses toll ihall lin, r And to the world, its sweetest incense give; Well cue not for the "atone to mark the al ' spot, Where' thou art sleeping • • • - but sol faggot." , A St)JUL'RNE!t. WOOL CARDING t IleCO• Cie r.r.rt....ra,+.•..ra 11. Nlrinto.n. M. 1). C.M., Dui ',lei SL'ItUEON, ie., (graduate AM; dt Colkge, Mit•(ies111 I.be•enew, 'v 1ew31 ►. !@'. Stetaho8, M. I)e, LiIr}LEU1'ATHIC Pt11'g(CIAN, 1.1 r:•,v, Ste. Re n once at Mr T Er \ ,slur Sinter, C't.ww trees: October 8th. 1863. • w3 7ft Ass SOUTHAMPT LINE. OOAL OIL. AN EXCELLENT TAVERN - TANI)! ONIISTiNG OF TN' ELY E ROOMS, with large S ..le Shed,pumppand large garden, in the Pillag of Illuerate,Townohip of T'urn- berry,and kno thy du) nurse of the BLUt1- VALE flOTI , and i, the occupatlot .ut the proprietor, ll. C. Pt'OR. The property 1 has large additions improveMeuts, and is worthy the notice of y man alto is seeking Treasurer's :(larch n -" - 1 nMn1 in Toronto or Ab adreol. T'(oderteh.l•et.30.1%3. swIlw4alr 5334 01 Y, LUABLE FARM ... 162ti Ud lJ 5U a • 10,%27 FOR SALE• 876 62 r 1 1/ 1 'ICKEII lvx.,•Ilrnt lanhl,hrinr t.ot No. - 177U9 4l l J' tt ,. of Ibll„nur, s mites tulle Ira a the Vitus' R.rd,110 acrrr cl,•arrd, log • uu.e, barn and Komi •hods. 1I.o.en rxc,Iknl 0 hard 0f the ch n,ent Trutt. Therm 1. • rear•la in; creek manias 'brutish the eeutre. . Apply to 1OitN HAd1Ue, Proprelir, .•r to w ee etltmined the Treasurer's Accuaut and- the Vouchers d all correct. JAMES Mt•NAilt, Auditors. l)CNCAN FEROL'13UN, Gee, Grey, - st. i '61. wI4. Spring Arrangement [BTOR. a v Dans TIB y ' . n .ALbn..IN r YI (TI'RF R A a home. . pA c - 11C ARD \ 3 G UER1C H R.I 0 • . C. PCGII. i A7. Biu•, Af. 0., lonjtrn•'Ttos..Ntcnor, nuue e r Jon. Ewa, a, Si. D., New York , '1, env. n94 ru,u AR • A. WORTHINGTON, PuY n lt\ S RGE:ON;,•ae., will a•l it ILMI tarts •ularly, to diesie,e el sad seminal ops u 4 :lain the eye. ` 111E j 1 rl : 1 t,..,ha and ('s,On:. 4 er;ry de - in l,,,rr and Sheet Ir, tt'are at •n x.n 1 , w I W l .1 t•M'h A N West lR Ytl Yr the idle , Ie • LJABLE TO SELL R 4..'n.a.eron dr lCwood DARRIS1'EItS,AT'I'ORNEYS, CONVEY 1) *twin, •Y5. Go(kYich and Clinton. " M i' CAMERON.' -, J. Y. ELWOOD, - Oodernh. -. A:4m a. Oleo tut C luiu.n-a. ew door. north '.4' a 1`op•hae•, \v14M7 -iWwut P's'taaer, ' •, t . W, I [N •r C • CT )R\FY C r ey get CiTOR C►amt y, wvey ace,', .ka H dJ. rue, U - • • t l r .'e. I6n15yIy • YAR IUT No. 10 r n •won J Mai. roils. 'or F:tg are under a lush at claw None dwelhnp• lame orchard hirer spring. rrtek ru■ two miles term•, dr e.. tor. (hderte on t t the rut Wool Fa• ry ► RS T • .11. 311d IF . Ir'"•L(41I.a,nfs.ttr,kn. (WI Iro,,C, per Brass, Raga and fherrekld• taloa In ea sera. coeur.. •14042 T • I8e1. r- ;.(( -' • OR's• I. • , Township M .rte. ,Ij'7a acres.,.ry Ian rah llaa BILE,* Y RY OBELI' cultivation, with i Ar„ Ulan • CANARIA ✓ O a barn and .,n1 eh.d. tnul`tnr • netdrla.bnK • t • a I ,: RNtti• t(Ntsi-rcr • I IauJ; :rl nolo* Mold IFdi shy D. ROWAN, Master, rdme thereto:, Time mit K 0 f0 M. 1.'. ' •menrn. E«L, 1,dx i 111.0, ul the ` r, San. Mone E'ur ur• •trer,et the lindens• in c,,,n.r inea wait the x•u4ts uypfy, nrT B. IiU Ir IN, bei TiIO' vs' LU(,tN. f in • u1 Late -Yarn sailer r, tiu.irnch t , N M. SE}-}IIN'It 1 co. r f ugh Thr 1 tug r ,1)ER11 H„W arms d fr.l with K.x.l 7't ori hued;•. t h. ori 1 sate. F.1` I;I n sJr lar• jou Ihrr,art a' tui dao C'lJ• \ d h,♦►N, Heber Inh3 . W41 -ll Kn\•(U. WO etwren (J i, 2 s A jJ ,I SAGINAW, r v' r fn•4•r NIAOAR'A, S Ct,67, 1a,7 , Hoar liar RAILWAY r, between t'9,4 •1TiUN, ( rich, for $!:A rat h. Chicago .1A t I, Five am' Credit mini slimed for r.. • a ,saes,* Mae-; 3i'.Y IERN. Cnd' ith \.::I nt.1.(1..1 . '1 ew6'2*Yl• vi (wird and - I h„ • CItomho. Went tterskt (111'I1. F:NfiINBER AND PRON. CIA!. %at Lend it4nevur. (°Dee and Kwhko-r HamGton:.rret. U.4.,*.,. v13n 1 ea Aieliwu.all, visitESL'BSl'RiBERSwoutyt eoto;informhucustomers and th'epubj lha• -new m• T rCFS3EDAUCTIONEER, BAY " 4. lips oh Emit tint r 141 n ltyy of Henn,. Salee•w tallageulrl .t7rtwu{•rueatedt . - wstyre,. ' .---'..1t;14-0----M----.14•.7.- .dohs M`Lm, ' p GISTI;Alt COUNTY BRUCE; OF'- \• r t, f}rtwrenur Street ..IutSwpteti. (\,nlh.uti4 n, Mara. 14 w"4t1 .. y r 1, Itlyir;'`.,. ,c D. CRYE1 ),f AND Cloths.- Blankets, and Stocking Yarn; Denuoi,: • THREE DOORS FROM THE SQUARE will be opened on the 6rtt of •Jin , Tor trensoeting the :Wool Carding, tlotb Dressing and 3lhnufacturimr Amines*, in. connertinn with Iris WOOL FACTOR;•. where all dries and . work in the above businl•n will Le puneto5lipaitended to, Likewise a %wiety of A (lull Run that the Yankees will.never ( nese -Wier/tee R#H,sir--This Comps. ay, with its Thum 'iherslityt 5.w reduced.. tS•- fare from Guelph to Detroit 14 53. This very commenda0 .. Through tickets Fro n'•, iaued4y this rou to all p,.'igts on lake On. tario and (fiver S1.. errehe - - via Ter Ado' I and lfo)al Maid steafgero a: sx,reruel) loan fares, wording psriieia opporlun:tyt(cow. Inning pleasure with bush aa.-(Guelppt AJ•I vertiser. e Chicago is a plate of despe a morals, has the 'met ungodly set of sense 'moil Ioe*is' that infest newspnfwrduni. Tho I ilea( m the Chicago Times, n that of a en n who stole • little boy from his parent., after eery' ing him a year or two sold him fora hon dollars. At the latest .Tates the di.trnciilad mother was searching the cit for the lost boy, and determined got to leave until she found him. see -John Bull Itun. • rirb. JuneOth"`t 443. _ - w31' ad i►e tint- ,Ise .b.)ee M"'"(,111. AliE. I. lu LANDS FOR S (tart ., arra twine a e A7' GODI:'RJ w4.6m G. M. TRC' 'YlA\, ' ,0oderieh Sherif is Saleot La Haden) Connie...I) Y v I ovist * tl'n of Fier Huron ...J. Urn,c,ND l'1,-. 1 -„red ow H., '1'o Wit: 1140.0.1041 't W.1)1 bun !the It (,am..•.,;4 n1,..x. owl , aa.I h• at J, • - •l • uta llu (.and.ondi run M nal g N herle Will h u Yuri wu, i1 the .not in Adrrt A.l'havl 1 hat wised gni l tale u. Eprubon all the r KAT, rhe and interest 111 the idiot,' nainetIt.'femdwit W u,Mor- \ IMO VII .I J Iv 1.01 number nine on IIx Northside rrhar t t rel the), illose ,4 K,,,, -.sten tr n1 11111) ,r Bowe, r w hies (ails and leve. 1 1.111110M r • I ,a a at „1 , uh e in the Co H•uer..m she low u 01 O,,ler. h, on Tue.. I d•v r Noah day 1 pug+w ural, Ill .he hoot .rl'r ,c.,4 tI t l d.. noair l JOHN M.l('nuNAI,iJ), • II Myerrr, 5l•;Ji Br.t 11t1.10a ,Ii.. ylehe!ff Phe,' d'- • qu I .Tined, a..._. VI'- mod, Dna. t -t told SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS. ' Cu.lyd ('..unto( •'1 0 I)Y virtue 14 • tor• 14 Huron and Muer, ) 1'multt.t.n, Lnp.eies end t Wit: - 'Vann Far,. Ian re.rdue u- • awed out oI IlerMeir*y'a County Cohn of the ' I l'oru.ly 14 Aloddl ora, and to me dimmed .d arae* fr1ten lends 41,1 tenements wit.► were 4.1 Jose ,h I'}!ara• y de wird, al Thr tune i411.• death an •Ile Ihind. of W,'lur E carry, adnunutreu•r, al. We ' snit of 1 1 1 h l Andrew*, 1 tie.e ses..1 end balm r (x - e. I n,- rr. hl.Y l to rev! intrr- a•a 1ab • 1 .1 n 1 ret n1 1.01 b. bol 21.nlrr Sloven t.. 11. 11.,n1 ,,,,n.. .l.u.,t ,•I the Tuwnbip ,..1 t'•1+sur, n the fount) 1.111r0e0, containing • one hortahI-tl a. rrrw tit the Inv du1Ka there.. • •+-wit.. 4 - : ,dd And •tend 0 to 1 .11.11 'Mr .ei.• at my - . odic a 14 • Court H....., •1i the l',.wn• .4 d,'rich, on Tars - 9 I the nor 1't ,Ib Jeer 1 day. h 1 s y a da) at} C anted 1.,,•,,r.•' 7welte•ofn,., c:.,.•k non! JOHN M Y(I,VNA,I.D, .'hent, H. gt I1. fly le Pollve L. Q -i .Y Slier,d. _ • - Yher, d'r I nit.. , l iodera h1 A1. !IOIeaU t •• AND ,GREAT BARGAIN . GODERIC r OT I6 enJ pan 11ut I n vn.or, R, towre a-}. .. Nelu o bi,•.• 1 p rt1 n' of thea l br t r to the late 31, .otlerieh a Asexaasr Melted) eft ei ml thtl flour .huK,‘,1- ! and one • wet!: ,tit - Pro 1 Marra J 14.40 1ituilwr ),,i Kat ,ul w jt ) . 1 n• ,Jin} ,Ml of Mitt Ptvrn,a1 the •ubeenlrr .e le- ; q, rrL+utnl aryl rcmla l - .Iw•f.4 Nisei. e1 {{ea? wore, aid., or. • •Waal!, 'nor . N 1„) ,duns; to' .'ae. nthanee (or part._ N I a I tela 1''e eoeen/al l.y , "1.0111‘.‘11,: •I..vr .vnnorhon 11104eegr,runn nit v 3 1.,'t rear's t-rad,14. Told, • ell- M."1.'0 Wei d6Iiktsher -n .,,tt "men. are of eice'Ienl • permitting .qu.1•ly and rye , at '1. r• Appy' w 'u l RFF;M.(N' •Commene g du Monday,IB • 1 *n o('lxdan - to roma i cavi• o.dr bras re- .'I t('ae•,I nn' havn,3 I..• ••.. r'• \t . t aver. 1 1, t • .., %.‘j.•,;:"1•11. 1, -. it a sec , 6 Or , C„+a(elich Ju'y : yrs ,• aArchitecturala• exerutc*; _ - ' will le Grit ml h:,nd Pr evil, rad.led another T FIRST-CLASS DOUBLE CARDING MACHINE io hs establishment, he will be pref'stedeo ealcale tr er's work to over reasonable extent 00 lhnrt'notiee. Customers (••ming 10 thrrfartd( r then ices shalt' proalptly attenled to as formerly; mud particular attention ad1 he paid kitten drum a diataocg minting their 'NV w- lc .Type- it i4)it 13 ' moo' •I a I ettrittioh to business and akaringN. P. -While thankful tor le littera! patronage 11I n the above eshgerib, hopes by r I )i:OVIN , ,\L IAND SI'RVEYOiI, d. , yy r ` tlunedut . of •e td Pia aetltwd end valued.; • I:. r 01.n, IViJ, •• w32•tlytk1 iTT & n'haT a n * »fT w ntr \1' . a&tI p:rHuron I Leanne. //'t1Y lL EV111NEl:IL AND Se %J' Land Agent and Conveyaal•et, Cn.tend -t Cit.• h 17 h:, 1 • L usKuY,Ytsg,sI DEALERS 1 FRT ,ansa., ice' l' lad lhas/tlt near Tree*, ehrubr, C. lit g the want) dem Pr n,ptly sited•kd to I1 .1 nt \-1141 Apli1, S C. L A 1. _'. unn.I -- _ Si1E'1#IF--, -G ' at'7. AIITIF:.. M.,Idu, of •wlren,os t ills.' 1'ht.1 ('oons'.r. ,•1 L)Y) . .• Wed of . • ',a• 1 Cn1ar I. r F ^ r. and he, O.nif sur . an Her:. •n.l lku.r. (r 11 I'•-n4gh.rm yw,a•s and '•`s ay N ".1.1''''t , any '4'''''''''• exd 0w ' •,•1.+e : ' ) d.al,1 1 1'11 11 ... n••rdcr, o J iia ' ( o.• t , NYr,r t'rk Ya1M•rlr'r ( J4' p, n K J. W. E1.1.1(IT :;," Coen') nIt t',»,n ter the 1'nv..l t " •.: f -- • • ;: n u vtt' -- IULLLILLaAa\Ilde MONDAY AND THURSDAY EMIRS, • Irv«,,. by •;t, Met, re.,ir. 1 1 ii•e :weed end Wore' isresieetn, ,n..\sit the nolo, 'Ale and interest of ilie middeteedsat ,,,1. 22.. ; 1 Mils ) der I te mite et my afire sn ,theo.t.'..ertSherif; II dt B. • Bruer aril 41 inejlirei ted moot t el II; o'. he k, aril ,ra:1 t. .uuet 1 5 River Boat for Detroit,, YUI R. Ii • sit in awed [ ►aa , p Is`'( rr-.• t!►0• NI I c I Port Hun n to ry of hi. costumer., to still receive n Ahem of lb( dame.., \ jrj- Genie tither the pinl;F- east. Street, second door from C j -. John Campbell, - GENERAL CUM)tL•ISIf) ► AGENT Commissioner Tinsels IRnrh, kit ukia ,. race berme ■M m m.: -\ 9uffalo TUESDAY AND ' FRIDAY . Ting ItiCiraocrtr TaevrY -in the (loose of Representatives yesterday the original re. solution authorising t Presidentto i t hC give z g n otice to the British Guverni,eut of the Olden - lion of IT. S. Government to terminate the rfeuproaty Treat', and t0 n p,igt Commie.. element to negoti,+lr a new Tr&-aty', wr4, on motion of Mr. Stevens, pbstpooed until the D imond Tuesday in leer.ober, y a vote of 7N against 72. The vote was a close orae but It gives reason td expect .hal -Congress is prepare) to treat the question• in a fair and e quitable manner. r' ' -1'01 l..r•oai'oaartnx Of' MoUNT FoRESt. '=A meeting h0ving this object hi view was held in Mount Forest nn Thursday the 12th ins. A long discussion ensued on the respective advantages of brig, attached to Grey or Wel. lington, after which Mr. J, J. Carson moved that the riL'arn be attached to lire County of Grey. Mr. D. Youmans moved in' amend - Men that the village be attached to Welling- ton. On the vote being , taken the amend. went was carried by a considerable majority. Lois AatlT: .L correspondent cf the 13ostnn reareirr expresaes the following dtfinion:-"General (Irani is witching for Dodo opportunity to take dee ret n disadvan- tage. There is no doubt whaterer that •Lee has a small force -much smaller than "wee supposed at lint. (hen. Meade gate' It as hie opinion, hat a few days since,that L^i'r nnnc does not number 23,000. Oen, ;rent, it acid, does not, give it credit Tor more 1hnu 60,000 since' the recent battles. 1 his in encouraging, for Grant has an immense army toll, and its spirit i4 unbroken; 5.1n The (Hartle F,.rdt/tiger learns that • daughter, of Mr. Daniel Harvey, who. resides within a short distance of that town, on the Sunnidale rout, was badly burned on•the head and face, las Wednesday morning, while carelea. j playing with some gunpow•. - tier contained 10 a flask. --' - - i - • On The Belleville Intelligencer says that nn Wednesday, Margaret Hogan, • criminal lunatic confined !o the gaol in that town• for some six weeks pa,t, attempted to commit to e rich, April 19tl., IP64, • R M"UV R 11 (VE RK3oOY Store formerl occupi I'An V Where, n addition to their tieing!' Ir 6 r CR. VLVV 4MdsyyyC,wvevancerr Str. See. Ullk.'. nn B.ar •• . Irv. Vijiere or RlncalUine.C_w_ • itis (rpt of Fenn end Tow d.04 for :ride,: tar- enJ wit, n.a1 , ar John lCame :9 , ,MMlVQr)aEtIN THE COURT n TEndo., rY p, • •Its•.,,'r F1cn(h,Conveyn. tier, kc A Bile ,4 Heronawl I tI I,x4,p tn., own' -Lately at 1 beam, . vJ ono Z 'D 6 O Jt` P P' y 1a f - r. 11 a -. ..l Trunk res u Irdu, Minot. l \• H. -T k is tan he . tired (nen an of ^ "r the anent Fro aw per .I.r.ne Hunan (0 - DAY EXPR : r sura are tr lu Usalrrit h (h u ! le r N '^rte a.it i rilr,i.q' 'freight; .,,t.....,.„....,41.-,.,.,„,....,,,„ ; .. mrars tt t tar 0 r a. Ian ten. n hnal 1 r llae „Her s "Flit-.1.LXUIU. I.d.- V ANEV);RY Q RUMBALL, ,'lisp furtt(rhurI u,,;r;n•n. •: 'S.MOitki, , t , v -1I:\t,►-W. II , • I`.1,1.I11It'lh)\-.1'. \I 111 : rt ILL,. I' 't II 4,',.: NIsI'.(R- . r,,. Ise. YI rd•h,ts 1 r oak 011 desiring te,pur, fosse rows, \,' , ani .rti 5,11 f• •: 1 'e rrrw! full pr 1 coas. ! sores rJ on I t.. CATTLE, u ,. uaon.P•6 911 s:a I Jltil F . bluer 4111'7;tae. 11•.'...' `I rltW.\ITJ)1•.It .1 N.) COY1311 SIO\ :,: Ansi h'• • . D TO 14H) 11' \111 rhatll?lar•eNl"ae., tt W. Note* ells. - ,l • - I,P L- \ I,cn S 1 'i rl lit"• y D I rr\` a rollvrtel. •, Ru,i"'111 pity LI eh' WAGG'O S AND L.`ARR AGE& 111\-J. A. Borweeh i 1't• Ili :.r .\ - J. W. byTWom y & B CI{ tome bun wareceive promo. attention. 1 pu,ppwlt er40.1•40•11 .1 _tel e T y1. • I . utra•nrh.,'flilr;l 101 ax4. .wwrwll.0 , v'7r JIs:, Alr •,,. i-, 1 y supply ..f 1)i•ulf•, 1'atelit Medicines, Ike., they bate KENS Tt At eTN,\EE.onItv for•nrn,144 U1r:KUN t 5'114 a Iar_r .1 01 of IJ en.l Kara- 0.ks panelntd. I AGRICULTURAL SEEDS! Imported Directly from one of the oldeettnt 041 reliable houses ilt'Giasgow, lc.iland ' THEY HAVE .51.aO RECEI D A WI',41F PRIME TEAS, : COFFEES & TOBACCOES. Which they nlfex ret very low r ' es. Alun, WIDE AND L m'Cr OAs,' " For 91.7,0.1 and Fundy use aunt:awl). April 9, 1853• w,el3n2Syle' ILCIZON 1-410t) suicide. She succeeded 1,1 ioflieting a Goole. wound in her throe& by some instrument. sup found in her cell.. tn•al Gazette says 1-" Mr. Disilkiii"a Tem- perance Bill, wittka le* further stanidments, finally palmed its third reed.ng in the Home, amicht the applause of theldiverance Men, who have waited long, and, labored earnestly !commie Ruch lenislation. This is a long way short of the Maine liluor law they eon. tended for some years ag,,, but it is n practical compromise, and ell lover. of their country will•hope that it MST be effective to check noti I•revalant the AZ a II ir 414rr.•, Bodwir P. O." w•3)-1'an0 • i` Caution- to the Public., 8O 7L 115( Insurance Camp'ny herehy_e•utem ■red !rubel any fpr rem :or a,y}tQlasve.n 4.c:1 anything on r n, nay: rr,(eGperftent Heemst;aptl mat not ie hr re-' •p,,nelble bar 1Le. wine.lrhe 5.0 .5 len my' bed •.d hoard without CHR CHRISTIAN BONNET. '. Tnwn.hip Hq,1.W tend, 13th r,.ner.aalenl 11th }} .1.,'. 10(;4 IS THERE XX X IC AMA, RUNCIMAN & anyt !Inlet ut WORLD'S HAIR RESTORER Manufacturers of Grist and Flouring Mills es*.x.ov.k.N. •• 11 4.7It, CO Carrsla'rlu r, `,F:A711'11 pein1i nK,w, enOel 5,, AAUI'(AW every - TUESDAY AND nr -It1t, I. M1i, a. a it, :l.,,t'rar:t oeat,,.,,rnn. I11•:' l' t- 11 V 1 1Y I : 14111, S.(ti 1 .A W t, , rnlll: K II 11 rro.rt. A j FIRE AND LIFE. MONDAY AND • THIIRSDA n In the Pew.* mmere117 an' ••• h.' CAPITAL -TWO MILLION DOLLARS. 11""tolf "T;(44.814'114) emeeeitme 1.• rienrett race meeneed loco/tenet., Gnu w, 1 keep with the ifeloo. oto.rnieghs into, . ts•ontieettng OR bend andaneke ordcr Wiggins, terrine. • • 'Grand Trunk Railway at Stratford, 'ALL KINDS OF COUNTRY WORE! - n los Ione meeeted *not onto,. end al .41.04" #A TE?1 allotment wait onto y. • A.01 Annual Income Exceed.; 2,500,000. • Well,' Holy1 ilin1 the store of Alesnr, 1k. non., formerly bt, Nlertin .... otornee -Ample Snell • Welland Railway at Port Golbo.ne. Peroprietor. This :.111 the largest and best C000tty . iffloo in Western ; tornado, end modenate es any 11Aree in Minitel!. niose Proprietor. i tom! i•abling for ITS) Mmes. Horses end Carriages for Hite, sn, SliorleAIN of ice 14.1 Circ• uler, ▪ 31u1, ,ay and Sash 10v C A. Bummer. 1I Asonnin Tresini.w.knoriA*0 If MN, wenn: "I very ch ity add my teatime. to that or waswirmis fraZrt.4 Mo. great rah.. of {Ira A Allan's World's Rate Remoter and Zylobialim. freg art. 111 a 'I) L Ittv WM. CLITTEllt,N Y City, "My belt is Arm* sEpERATons HORSE • remored from being grey to Its natural and Wow liner •as• In lb* inset liberal wee. Tbey beef restored any balr wi.r• ries held, nod, .besi Mowing and Reaping Machines ViToocl Saws title with r.. d And 1011t1, It kw". eat as in Ione." Valuable Parni leer ',Jaw. --.•e- _., brass Out ingot made, and. Itlaoksmitha' work done in a neat aed nul.elantinimntieer, , , Et, f.of No 4, &sateen Milton.. 7th•con , • • Casting* of any dencription main to order. 1.A Iso, itlt kind,. of ?ilea iitery toe, ” p al r'ott•on... wrb HI erre. id r,epaired on shot t notice. Vitro) stock of leer honer.,tore Mini), stable.. dri . only mite* 00 ING, PARLOUR 'AND BOX STOVES, /rola t/A00,11.11.0relh‘e N•3111••• I:ravel Itt4,1 - Al way• nil howl, Sipisr Kettlot. Wr...zon mil pipe 11.,xe., As our pattern• .4 the shove are P er forthet pernriil•m apply to .1• hinfon, of the most appro./ k RN 11',111,1 8.,tirit nit inspection of infr 'lock before puraming it len h 01014 by Druggists throughout the world. le. ill Grteawick Street, ley -Tort. Numerous Certificates E'd "" "" ''n ' Len 31.- elsewhere, hit me dire offering the above at the lowed remunerative priees for rash. ot or ap. as above. • Bertiniebn, T'• be bold ,hroet ond 0401 °roved Credit. Old metal, lirsels,Copore, and All kinds of produce takenen eschro,g,.. • • FARM FOR SALE SAW -MILL & FARM F 0 R s E. THE GRAVEL ROAD. Lee sad tem, etACRES, 28 CLEARED , , We're Se re -Mill, ammited on Lot 29, (110 below thay4WM The mill ion, ern rem ninnies ordm, end there ea pientitel heepply :old., in eieek There *re SO *ere* 14 Inc elearoirl 10nd i• ....noel tom lid the sem. h win be mid watt MtI.LIAM MARTIN t, ine erne, STRATFORD ANTI ACRES or I.nt No. 32, tut lake 'HURON RAILWAY FIRST - RATE LAND Terms nor. &poly to DONALD tirTilltItLAS19. nn premien, or It C. CAUStrial Gantt* Apra 1.1% NH. wig tf Losses Promptly Settled Without Refereno_ to a Board of Directors CHARLES FLETCHER, Oroderieh, May, 1h64, , W15 • • It,4 Au Iof Il, .•In•nH's 1011011 1+n, Meld SHERIFF'S LE OF LANDS. LANDS R SALE! I 11I r; 11(11.14 1001 11 1 1,11 1T 1111 Nine Equal Annual Instals • • AVMs ,steremt at ft per cent. watt shims anty dewed. the ro.t vonel herd.. land and oryer•hel oprong uri Ihr lb.,' Very Reasonable. Terms on. ' Tate. 'absent**, Apply to the INoinetvtoW, e 4g.ige,,,,. 1,7, jp.c-toit, ren, 135, 1 in, in t.he Mill -110E PEI' cnr..11- X. ...1 . id riming Vollag,e .4 Riveredsle. in the nein' Goderich Nursery County Town 01 Bete e. WI Numb& WI, "4.111h 410/0 of Mechamee. 1 IF srl Sr MOM he ' ' dale, aloe 75 sod 711, Wriat lode 01 Victoria Street, ruble: that hc*nrepared to none* ' to fleeTown of Kincerthrie, ( minty of Renee. 140 ot ; inhere fr 4.5, on the Norosin the Der. ' CRAPE VINES, • Of fll tt1 Itotwl Pttahtt with the Imil. me. thereon. ikon the North dnir of the Ihirearn Monet, in the Atm lotto 5. 6 end 5 Oft 1110. Ifie horn Koad, and let memo with one ,4 the nuot relishielKeelere 7414. i IRA LEWIS. en*. not no 1,nfod in hit own 0,.1„, parrehasers setolletory manner. •We'1,41,e ..n bend a I• may rely ell 114,11g their imam* ailed in the sleek of eompreeng VICTORIA, LINNEAUS, -ANPARAGiUS ROOTS,. , ono: is urnrov 01VEN THAT of a notable transpleettnense,hoth Wine% wolf "'Tele *I P""*"' be sold rivRMEI. 1.1? The resent erns urn's:Hsu:trio has Int MOO a (plan- k toy or the shove mew* at Ms Honorer,. ALMA BLOCK, GUELPH. This tit the Ineit, she shoOtrat Roil elWapet mete Volley. . (0.4 na 41411411441111 014 -II 14,44115 lite Int lent II/f1 on the ewner• of the 44 Moron " to eats maihe t route 111 .14 Mallet •PII•11,1•11 10 lin *his may • l'are3 Loner than by any oilier route. .10* Kincardine mid (Owen getind. frort folti. !•Vroon r Wilms PIO a. ere. Mere , oow, ber,n1 eon•iiher- Ode olearin•• thereon. T••••333 113333,1. itmworirr.'"'"':A:,•01,W111614.,. mcc;,,,,rocrr. , Orders by MAil promplIN attended Is N. T. CIISTEAD. Apply to 1) SHADE (mining°, Lawl Scrip for Sale, It A 1,111E1111, PREMJI:.M GIVEN prtytnente whieh ego, tor mode to iltet rows snorter column. HENRY GRIST, I Rout h 1 in 1st con., 50 acres, South lot con., 90 acres,1 South 11 in 2.1 eon., 100 acres,: Satoh 2i in 3,1 con., ItiO acres, North 20 in 41. con., 100 acres., North 2:1 in 411,con., 100 Ilierne. North 121 4h von.,',100 aereeshk TOWNSHIP OF HQWICK Lots 2 3 and, in 15th eon, 100 Wel each ' TOWNSHIP ,OF GREY: Lot* tI4 all 31 in edn., 100 acres eaat, Lots 31 ate 12 in 6 can., 100 acetified', Lot 26 in 4 99 acres,. bat 32 in cot log tierce, TOWNSHIP OF Tt.710:RERRT Apply to (Inset.** Wfalstlt)EMI.,Goderiek THOMAS DALT; Nal., 50 Acres of Land fete Rerot East ed North Reneger) For Sale, Cheap. ry ASH WILL AL SOLI) AT A BARGAIN For farther particulars apply to Tp. Godeeicb. lieskrrth, Arid 17th. lett. swiekwIS FRESH LnktE i 00 115141, 451) Sold at a Reasonable Prirei ,1 111 THE MAITLAND BREWERY. nit Mai. MiliON.111), A BEAUTIFI4 ESTATE ;0;1.'68:I'LL 9000 Aere.R-Vs Ann"...41:Itwoel4k"." ery•wh NIStInt. of the MO.