HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1864-6-2, Page 5r jet • 0-, , „ ' • s • . , W. T.13)1., Elitar .1.11 Proprietor.] • _ • • $1.50 PER ANN. IN ADVANCEI • . . ,* . ' j Vs .• e • • . , • , . - • - • _ _ The Greatest Passible Good to the Greatest Passible lifItmber.' - 7CVII.--NO. 19 : GODERICII, C. W.; TlIURSD.ilr'. 'JUNE 9, tp64. A DAY'S HOUSEKEEPING. trowsers, and white Maraeille's vest, I was- rlife•le I It_t b nut dee meeting wi Well, herc'e an imeresting matte °refrain r el" lie4 e 1.113113 a Sittg____10 Man's Diary. 1 machine:led, setting down the empty crusts, chino' end viewing ins drenched germenta, through P.: at' •itir assuoirit which the clammy liquid woe slowly perm. • •° d' I never' eat% think of our first more than $10111t. Aied ef any pursue P: '19 21st, via Queenstown 22nd, hada panned there, et pecti euccese,but tailing to Achieve iout a 'In of merriment, but ea iehorierthed, yeasacurit:i.ahnedestiaLerift:i injures pro. 40,4 • th Putot• news unimportant. 4 was forced tu resort, to flank movements. ly, don't object to that I •••141IY Pre"' weth, 4nd 1"‘" Pe"Y• welrateud so doi„g Itre , which 'ems! 011.nd:et ritte:itxtiistet:i:eitgrelitaitoi. 1011,1yd:I reenn,,It 'Ile then moved by circuitous route to the -Aunt Rachel is &lighted, and, like violated the present Act or any other law an bl tbe • ti h the ••1)•21.-Breadstulis deli. Flour very. the south side or ihat river. 'f be Federal North Anna, but found hie aigilatst enemy on andel sense, she *ever relers to that force, shall he du et to smut. Se uts army, however, after a spirited engorment 'I'be emnderont old tioteeltlero- that ifu°a ikra • I 0, at% 0„„ t ar told her the wifolo *turf', Al("uull etteb the 'uJure Perw" mut 1"VA bonnet'. Corn heavy wired ono 2ns tbe right, the pamage of the two other corps 1 have my mapicious party injured re the part ieet,e ricated naaf he, dial and still declining. IYIteat fiat and on ita left, succeeded in crossing, w ile on tin, to the ver akin. 'If thts le house. k time small wooden shelf bedeaseeltly suet "1"111h, and hers kitcheo windows hod just struck t4,114 "( eertalu-1 onet get la1 Peale lit Pll nil that Out alter we're married I separate aCtium , rtat ta.band, wife, pareiii. hiuilli...i.i...„. •3t1...._. l'revisionii__ dull. Pork quiet. Lard was not disputed. Subeertuelitly they, were - i mpelegur boiling, before this lire all bursa - ---- . ... tutor, gustrehan or emptier of eny pers.,,, r"1"r• and fsl lower. Althea easier. savagely attacked but repelizi the assault, I ten. f eat thee!, just where the moving maple• out, se ,I've put every lump of charcoal in he t ve Remotes.% in toilette can wee 5. 0 who has the hal-it of driukilig to excess, may -- - - -- . . the lomee in all amountiug time themetual mem I '11110ri •igtta ___ 'capitally flavored cigar, aid redolently watch. made a heretic rush for the rrden 1 he . . --... conclusions were erroneous. beat 'of eel 1 ir ,- rig • g . rre ' I - 11 -the naticetre dieregerded, the party giving it .... . ., log.my rosy aft I. aunt. . was no botanist, hut a city law aml thither, heeler thigh any bee that ever not decide which were beets, an lost his wits in an ncreof •cluver blooms. - something else I Vover since I could remember, *lee had made Finally I hit on the truly a business uf Viniting me, smel it was the diem of pulling up by the r greatest Maury I ,ketew of to esi.ape -from ilen heat and turmoil el the great city where •1 Plgot trluch I c144/•chtred was begriming to plinths law, and speutt • .4ftble 1u. 'Plesti°•• week with ibis tnost &worn. of aunts "t not• 'Itottetiftial White - leaves interposed • castufq, Of emerald shade t • u o 1 L give notice to any person who Mill flit0XiCAt PROVINCIAL The elope proximity of the two armies, and ; 1 caught up • tin pan aod a kni , and - - - •babitual dminkard tato:Wailing liquors If NT. . dinner can't r ing drinks, not to sell ur• deliver to emit PlailillE between the pages of rut book Mud the•fervid • I could. GODERICH, C . W . , JUNE 3, 1864. Ow, brio( so action Nt•inot the talen' keef In the 1.7 realm, Ist June, 1864. For some reason,letjet unexplained, the • h sepaeugus wait eaudy fused au cut y but as 1 ee and the verdict .111101 nut out less than $20 Federal army leer the North Anna fur which were • • • IMIe t°4117 C°I°nal Tac. he another great Hank movement. This eousiat. bet tis. b. r. Wry lesd offered to resigu, geoions 4sPe THE COLLISION BETWEEN Tram It is understood that the Minister have ed marching the army about fifteen miles - - - - ------ nor more thatt 8500, ad the jury may deckle. t t reignation lad not been act -co- te even bulbous THIRD AND TOURTH ESTATES. "operate „ie. tilMore- uf the drunkard7_ the dianaget shall go to her ' • t ly mn. Postmaster lieneral. • to the Pomunkey river, and crossing in safety, -.ear White such an action.js brought by the wile tea apindling-oli, carrots -been tuireportial for the past fetedays, in-" • • . blyturuips-ce y ight be the sego- rt.,i The proceedingn of Parliainilet have " 11.111. LAST DITCW." eired herethis week. huiked eto;or it• . , m ever strongly the eulogiane of Gen Grant may 511'.1.1.hy Premier oi New lirt;48Wiek is • P'• 1 , , tO INTO nt r. contend that the loss of tweedy thousand men t ots !mud& necresury, they will de opposat on at anover LOC fend the etrstegy which sacrificed e thousand uot bee Yellovr withrtatehug nhe ins artably coneidered.tt her - • - to be sure Phe etraeeitii", rer,,,,,r,00,1 to the „o_ lice; by the powers., it's an °Moir Tve gut moat &nye !eft te P I ihity lectuie rue room .y illy sing , • wt. r 110,•_"•orf .0a .reperterl. and the I.ewislative Assembly, look back over the speculations called out c° 1. r or). . elem. yesterday , • d bolt! of I 0 here' to pummel I be flanking process him caused the Fide. men, or more, in irraming the 7siorth Anna, 4r -what • 'well "l IP"' in eon* news: uf a difference between the' - It is of•en a source of awn 'Dent to Sandford conducting Inter - 't inarried leuntles tor her by oft men i red -a beet wi sure as I'm rye(' Notlung• 'Ilia cause Sequisititaziee to my bachelor -consi•leration. . latter body ' Now there's no use truing me, aunt lltre Perwrer•Itel 1- .. o While I dug briskly aye, at my' hard won .. cigar out ititota bed -of glowing owisetwithinum. treasure*, whistling ....Thin,' with all niy Irons the /tea It meant that t Rachel,' said -1, eutptaticalIy, towing nay • might, a sepulchral grunt close to my ear 'I've no intention of falling in luT11 with any rof Your red•handed country divinities, whore ut•de lne itert e8nrulmrel.re end dnrP tur and, sundry, lau a accueepleshmentr are couliued to pies aud •uife l -- • patch work ladquite, and—' • I won't try to smooth oylver__tiss- wratter ; properly determine epten. I'll confess' at once that 1 did mutter One 4.00 , ral public until a oer . Philio ! I'm astonished at you,' .two uaughty r urds, under My breath, . But ' lated my relatite. ' lid nee tell yed, young • • TI is . f t t •rf \ who woredul whea all neighloir RoPley4 I was' " 4 • ra L long a20. as a L. of honer met of courage,. and the result is a beautifully fiuithed est..., - - . , . ... • leave enlisted upon cleiti tor harvelf, by chat- in a very short apace of time, without tive • Imeging a bold mid tlimesu.ela eltitiaint,reetigm amonance et any lisman lahor• The boot ti•iii into the 'thole moue, 61 h s pr. founder is then re ilatIVCO 10 htlee thv keel sliterl,cd-, atIratuistratioth-,N. I. World. - - O' when it is again brought to the machine, '' AN •At'St.'1 14,1 Sk:I.,11..--)t. and Mrs. sOl..hee." it'll8iittlet repi7redtioinn it,Ifw.t"itiellentitincahnurie,r "shlich60 ..•.- *cosh. kiwis ,tr:...e.1.:,-e,s,40-01'11„1:eitee;:htit,t.elltsl.641r.ibldiiis:Lesnea, lionlis..ih.esndisheesseli_d elm for the ahapiug of the ... ;the Sesmith Miviiv.ii ay.:Mont, eillII• 10014 A fillip of leather ie placed on a roller . ritY • du!, or 14, llc.'•-, to ll,ark:JI 1.... 1 1 oraet. when au iron pattern or tinplate cf the erect who, they jearool, had 1,eme wemeidod ill the ft.i.o. ie,piired ,i, 1,,,,,,, j 11,,,,,,. the tboattthle.,a„ti :The vv1.,,I.diiii...u4eitst.uii..1101,..iiiatdial)...i..;,..11:70.-:,bilt otrit:44. ,,,,s.p.,:,1,,ie,d,,i t.be, ,41110iii•bh,inz, est einut,utate,o,ediss::1,1 . . they yesterday etiliying vboted the Sillli sore* iuluienae armottni of labor hit retie enveel 'hi wharf. A ler infinitude,. allereanle the stesiu«r the journeyman', fur the sole i the corres t . Jdferson steemed optu the ' doek, 8.01 stand. form, and limn° oecasion tv be (ruched with . . ing trear the bow of the boat'was the looked. the knife, except in thane:al pari operatioth 1he eut Miele beet' t Mimed me. how& on lite upper, and eel 'wed on its the manner before de.,cribed: W beliefs, thd- ft machine having,a oh t, and • imertry thimin *utile of its de, was. ••n tome years ago in this. nes bbitr•. hood it astuething • vrai incutnp'ete it, which . Southall s ingebuity neetu to mu mace, teepplied. 'hen the nf his. a race,. chine are ful it may prove 1 at :sit, 'Mr. Southall littomiado' the grenteet stride v e is Co. taken in automat; leatte•r workisig; sod Innal h is to he hoped the entor will be reward. ahnia tor .vilth the traits to wb his ingeauity awl iervercreuce eutItic engtts/sPoper, .fut sun, WI! woorided. his right Ism having 1T,, ..o , en emit ,..., at,Ive thZ VW, As soolkair the plank was throws Isom doe busit the\ e Mel, Mrs. lioedieh e• ran on bean! the 0.110 :Der, and th'iotticg around ter s neck burst iutu a flood of' rs with her head beet upon his Shoulder. •or a few erecotidliths re ars se a:reefing Nihon t, whicis the hind mother broke h ' where ia.yorr brother I ,., din ?' I f which was the action a the by tbe k ederal kleg,rams, ing Room a the Flange.- ammation than.' reliability. The' news 01"aed (loom. ihe subjeect uf the Press fraclu- excluding -the"Prese Men generally epeaking, intender] more for The Ituus, aUctetse.1 this niter's with th l'ne bY which P`"P's-d (.4••041. Rich. 1 r''PliPa. etheP'' ‘1 stun (ruin the Re • 1 ml commander to diverge emis eh- rids • frog pointing to a •roulle -wooden mond. Indeed, it bee carried him so far that e other 'tech movenmilt• would flaltli Mui 4oecand s- l.'s eeflio sobldri- The aftlictesd norther thee., be which are: td br hest 'beau was open to all flashed ihoo Canada/On t\he 14th of :lay .0.4 left lee ;he hand, ol the Speaker, a III,. th./OM• The miller ?" h f l - h• f hoc•kh • a ., f ' i tr• 1...e 1. alibi/US' . ..t. I . .05 mars ea 0 , I, ,, , 0,,,y , j, my 0 glle., et Ile t•os- •I•ittet al 40tilified• dist' the' Itottae vet,' Liaat wm. of the *gat kilted description, to exclude the gen& i.tme was in full itetreat,hin communieat ions . P."'I'd tu re‘"17° t.'1121lt to eooftrld• out or\ any, cluu,;. ,,,,,g,,,,„„,,.4. •rb,, 1,reee are ,e,,, Hie forces now, in part, are on the line which win eishol by nob bowed heads. .f he scene 11 IteportiCe trader u tit ' • • . y a • coin -MOMS ps '01.., ' (ien McLellan's troops occuried two year* I mu truly. p heart rending one, sod it can ago; and West Point which was then the bare 1, better be Inia.tint".1 Ikon elt serilied Moor of 'tit hour of easch ddy. were aevered, du' sands id'his men were iii,:l.,. • _ PPlies for the Federal army, still doubt I, the bystandeys were essuipell.di to.tur.is ats.i.l.., • ,. tem nitW be matte to serve tte mine purpote. 1 while •sititiet Iran cond. be seen itealietg ly -legitimate, but being captured', a d lic.was " in the last . .. --,--..: ---. But, whether it is by flghtingin strategy, or down the cluteine of el. &Vend kinefla;artrd far • • the,t,:entle..- ditch." • " 1Ve ha e 'tin, this pap, bet "T--.: ,•• • _ , .. .. lit ing• LOAN WAIL. botlY,,Gen Grant e vast army in Within twenty ladies pristtit tlid all in their power. lo cool. . , ted as part your pile on that !' telegraphed a brag- . • &ilea of Richmond., tte fate of •which must fort' the afflicted 'mother. set, it vote long man, the art of houmekeeptieg as nut to IL wild Over hunt Itschere undervalued. Now, there'. Itepilibeb War 'Pigs sew mutant; reh-the eseen• girl in the neighbuelteml-• '11°111'8 14°701 7 1 hol unwittitter left the ' Lelie need be a nice girl, with t t hideous "ma 1 . I of the " general tublic,".. were gart to Washiugton. , the tery pcisotigiti suit yea, tuy ho ' gate 0 we, mid here wee nay exec.:thug, great natne fielletied to her for lefe; J.1, shrug. ' liMea• S'''lley it•lome 1' - mitt . BIM. Titi's was very naturally' evilloutly believing tl ging ni shoulders ; but aunt I tret,Lieut un, . Here Ives I, iu lull about afte.r a drovrof looked tipon as an ungenerous And high• eluded a lengthy and .1 pretendiug sot to bear th igracium re.- Pigilleany nommen besmeared with mused, , , . -,. , t mark. and frerh mud front the garden, a lin pan ev,l_er t. •• The edittira and reporters then situation as follor 'Mill.. I should be • • brandished lei mew haud,ied the perspiration require, .tn theutsehsrge of their most ar. " will be able to make' a s .. - the thing was carried meal nf tbe Press being end The Toronto at,4, ' -- soon bedevided by • great end decisive battle, before the could be induct -4i to leave the Sale 'Ned Yotk Jane 1. 'ea of battler' licedecemwd min.- If Ceiriedlon Star. whole skny, Beraldrdspatch'from Edinbari, Sheusti. Can Gen Grant take it ? Ile is wenker •ous review of the recotimiasatice in forte now titan when be crossed the Itagnidane vrh.le : " Whether fce fey ud the enemy 4.0n0 strolg in front of um Oen Lee is relatively strtinged, len Beaure- e hate had very little skirmishing -bp to this gurd. by an mirable stroke b relid his retreat,- time Gen Butler edema, and left b u Lee; while lieu , Sigel has sent f the Southern county in w raileaffords deltas at' Rooney' • --b-iiirTed his column retrograde move. roes the North b Central rail- r'n connet which will will pro. rg - Ihe Tritnint'S die 'etch from Holder's. co- • maw youfthe accepted lo er &asp. '"^ 'mu f4ee-Ht tur,rentite•ee°•ted h ours duties, tn seethe newspaper* of the retuninv to be seen. G h. Sheridan ha operate with 11. at" r • d 'I'm afraid you're ut destneed to thesm • nivoy gol•-•ith cheek* tike oreell dist s (late Sigel'oy army sayi m e f ?ur mane. ja.t at reeeei, rosee, aed ,e0 paw, •„,f ati3O,11,1 _Pro' vince from day te\day, and the Read. '1 already cut one of his li es ef-emiumn- traits was fired Mt last and one of the guard wourel!..f.Y thu""n" di. a° Tile d°. waggon. ridge's defeat of then, aunt liache renunked I fleinurely:- ahewl• hag Room of the !louse, is the only place ",iation with Itklunond, and Burnside tinter arid the rugged natu joymem of perfect The lowir.r. Confederate or,rem Ioutdon utiltsion a list ut blorkudemonere, and their yen oitutiesi flout Nofetulae, lie!, to 5141C11 I 0, (mato le,64. It appears fros this seatemeet that. reckin • t14 steamer" hare hens. en -rag, .1 in thi. busines... 01 there 14 were, caittieed or het we the first rat, ; 37 tutee have captuieill have twee Ion 22 are snot rounds !mid for t a ever. Of 121 aftrifipts to ion the bIockadsfrom the single oef Nassau, 393 hire been iinewciestel. aides steamees, alsodt 180 sehoimers arreved at Nassau, from Tonnes confid. mato trorti. . Alv falling in 1 e with a gol isanied•Ilepai• ,1„1,; k's• se,dleY itt h°01° 7: , . yea, 1 eerereed, weafeg anea.apy w. here,,they can c..inveniently do so. They i " ought, if the report be tru Vibe nearer. (thereat's, O'dered * houses of two proini- the armies must km 0 be. But 'ever, &tee se a earning. • . . dit eerteMioniats to be burned, which was aa formidlabie as tit Aind Rai 1 could not help laughing St &round, as the Met telftrY-.ft.,,turdeg,red ericini.41 anee neretolbre esijoymi the privilege ..ft'Atthe_r .1.0:1 capital . than bah 1' . agailiet which- ' th. 1„„..,...) -g,,. i„... 1 inao, ,,een a. „b„ at -tempered threaglt the gate. --..! fli'it is, Ws, free eiltcY tti the room. and hence *11,7 felt " t ough he should ,,be able to m ike pest 1 he ,Hri%dds tt illAhlrellt_diSliateli stqs: iii :vain. Betides this, t burred ay to summit au. imperative knock J • , b 1 . leer very , "justly indignant at being thitist out so'un. " It' ceCape, he has, in all htun n probalk iiiiiriari/riito'iame5ii,tialiorooartr:'nelood4O put on the latent ot the Federal army - .. 04.10,000 eta Anna leaves' intact the Yirelu et the Old door. I settled myself comfort. 'soon; Wotet.enti walk in P.. . '' . . , _ ., . per ecit. he'll*, I.:detonable after 1 rle I ; also, road, with its western and tout • ably auk Cilia. big roeking ',choir, at,d pre- , %by abet she hide tilsat efierty,yntiath aiiie. ceremoniously. They were, fugyever, f.a_r_4". ility, It the. lae. t. df hia,trium lis upon pi -alai.; bow little du ne penettate Into hsndkleehief •0 erten • all sha the. lissel Gem- being nelphms, They 'could sky ' the fie td"1 irginia. . Though- ..4euir litviat thetrelechlTfr.,,,en, 1,44 ...lied /1r. ti.,ne. ben.Lee's line of defense sy.s eroncradenvill nut be extend ahnost due north and sout • din,.m,yeterr, of tb, ir.,,un.,i,,,,_ce, .....p. eyrs dance ao woguistile, as she.' walked oy my Out of.-ttelleacting Room; and our of the " may not disorganized, it is d IMitod_.,,(,:rj,“:,",,,t,4';a,ttb,',"1 I -ten ity; \11 torpeaceful &ding and reverie. . a".1" to the.- bow,' I. it c"rtmoll 0" her 111:17iitg. ton diapatch ea'', tect the Richmond' and Fredericks esee,g,,,,hef look- very pretty, but still I Couldn't %tinder- Reporter's Gal if the Douse tui well. I " the fea ul conffiete (Through.- w 'chit • the Central mauls to Iftchinond. lei t, the 140W Lysaminseel a Byrouita ao, and. railroad cornmsaications with his arm and ettentlintal. upon, " -has passed nog the ' last eight Indicatil,118 that 1.pickiliuns.,0 will be the converted in eetifimentol nothings,- vi bleb dichnrind and the Booth are vit.. secure ova old Mt. oh made her laUgh mare than eter. cuodidite r V'et '• • .1.• tho Balt' 11 a tuinute Au and anitaie. Such a Oily, Philip This the plucky Cello and for two mortal dayi• hon It• mei& `l.. -and the Con dcracy .6as' neither u . . 0.s..... 0. insure , i".invention. . interruption. Such %lithe preser.t posture -the hill. has been tok s4,1,4..,,iy ill, Slid j , 1 showed her -Pilo the hitgin4 rontn, and bers have had •'the pleaSuite of " w w •'" mew nouthe m ns to furnish fo affairs ; and. as tbe Hankie% proven on --. they've si :it for aie. The• other neighbors wititilre• tu lieeure rey !mete aud asparagus their sweetness Orion the desert air," no, " anothcr. • Onall s es the army is. clo. - T.., Gen. ...n. IT lut'i'"ft"n• June h. turned Genl.fe in the intpeetgnOebe position D ' t se.th a distinie..: arid I've haul • as I est,. ii, lir r ir 1 Jain .rotri me garder., 11011411 6.0,0,- ITheen,bra.vi e4. 11,:it tutelttii,ence -t 1 • ' .h id tee '0,1 Ail of their brilliant siyings going f .rath " 0 rourriMiim. ' Th. t Vrant his struck i'la worm./ ''' ' later than at tiittliy venni, elec. coo not carn . • , . ' agloicsilly dcsul of eilleflelMe. it/11*w iwideo in. I:widen rel prompod nie to talc a 111 j..eep re(4. \ .7 stoats ; and again posted him so strongly t testerday at 6 a. in. An oZnal dee Is Pott: at Hanover .1unction that Gram dare& not ' • - \,‘ attire equate ot loukin; :ilia thnt Seth Jenne, to thc public through tied MOU11111.1•01 flie `.. tlie 4eatlittluir 1.1045; , nfedorate cause, , yea i .... ' *piton in the direst a.;,my..uf perplexity. • . tereat Jupiter I If I "he! *teen one of iMr of *bowing the Muntry hum much it iS . 'What a wonderful change Fiats: t'aken .1.1 t au. r.... fr....the fro, th..1,0r„.0„, ajoe ll 'tains, of General.. StoneM1111 s 4 °wit- -- • denote and al good old holy ghee' hetore_ me, Isieting her up in the Intel 'Porch. . . , • - . . . • • • When you know that i-eir uncle has finr hires' Won Allow' iron, *ttlt trharrottil dust gni and useutbe'ra 04" Pnliament that th ."'"'" ' • tit* het the rebels intake' us at 7,30 p. m., Strength of the Rebel Army. • . - , • \ coluaed levitation, my face couldn't have ; A ti A .noecte... to the over .wrought stcnograPher , place since that was writt,en ! Leels wine 'Thole just the tuespon for i milt to ask . Thy •dintend Enquirer, an art. e coreermnim, axiinilittionted hisiront-ire, bolds th in the lowing anent s---" Who is thin Ma: endive, what is 'his empire,. that we 'bur/hi milk hi notice, and intim him to give uOi-,cool cut . Our rovertiment has existed' Rosie yearn; h empire M net yet quite born. Ouch hair st em ihoticalle andegtork.us id cannot Mk. and' must be carried a deey nuree's arm'. We Imre tor A the shocluf a helot st of tr. ent rbible that- the 00e tenth eguine: hitn would sweep hiin,, lA into the Alla:lie mem." tacka bat—. why don't' you -ger 1.11altd,f41 the one Of or(y uncles • hits 1,a.9IS," heed daily journal,. This wilt • have the effect • • liour.after hour becomes more .apparent. A .-...sitesterdti; Joe, 31, at Kengstem,reports renew the t, br, four oisluittit this 'nutmeg, 'make an areault, we presages he will now and hands in thitA &nil (honer haert't been ashasourrealiere the loerspiratinn had eusorsed • ' 1 ' had good while tive r71,..oisd near,Mrarietts. be washed kitchen tire tulyelviwiledPeastord scslunrl Mytielf, theo walked. of three whose duty it h vbeen, at a rest ility " he accomplish you a statement of the organiaettion. and , toutuuntions are perfect, he needs not to slid* 10 0Vibek the odiair was over. The „ enemy was repaired. and our line reached to A corteapondent of the NtmOrorteirorfd r. . th woe. to throagh it, in 'dime! etvulets I look man annrink, afforel tO '11Se with the services retreat, apd contrary to '• human probab- writes '•When, two months ago, I sent to o t to e al days had been the pur- of tho rebel aioniea I was escorui to pies to be up stuirs; embed' sty )1ov, brushed cut me sacrifice of !wild), 0.14 the' 'Tem in. hid adversary turned awaY from the ,line pose el ti Sherinite's movements. Add' avoid z.gge,.....ion, and only e curls attiredMyselt in a (leak white Ittieli ' 111 get the &user. aunty. too and put your bonuet On,' eitestb 1, •itli the beghnoisg eoursge that belongs uoly tortotal inexperi- , , • • t Nonsentet, Pliiieit I' *be said, laughing in spite of her trtut..e ; • get the thither, . Inkling to tont •that ithumel.eeping thro* the Amt. -hard -writers am to the few' •- 11' RICH. R.111.*AY - i° ateleante down Sgain. • a readable shape before the ma . he pretty -gill hardily • knew Mei she *Ins country, as in Britain. it pu which he was going to walk 1,1,0 itiew t;u0nIal.,t;:rr enuldn t might the evidence o er venue. um . . . (hi noti i mond, if if took Airmen .Nuntnter t' Yeri- P " rious that the flights of legislative or ry`t,ly, truth ia stranger than fiction. • . 1.....ra hem alve laughed, to sure. '. Yee; said I. are direct:edits much to the outside 'Italie ' ' , til•lepotteeseel told tier of all soy trials: Then \ fideed. . I should are te ere you do such w ew 00e e [Heti Jon.% possess ! 01? . s tbing.l' I met acknowledeet het I shall be A lilt e „eortesofgentlenseu directlyaddreanA.Fitney The . rat for.l. Ervinii**01 sayu " the Lon- • •. He teaching hirreand additional that I was sure did not exceed the truth. It • is no longer possible to doubt, however, that the figures therein were far below the reality. , N. Stemma'. This was proved by the defeat of Banks in , 0ouisihns,andby thAs number of troops that OND COULD amts. h". been from 'endue putout MUCO the be • •ginning of the present month to reinforce N TARO:, Oen Lee. The authority to which I allude W Others Ens as. . • The ifullo g comments on politiCal moveutrnts ads which we exteact from the New York. Ti ea of.Saturday ahow us how we appear.ts hers.. The remark+ of the Times, altliongli mewhat exaggerated are not enttiely devoid "truth. The follow.. iiitt is the extract :- They appear to be grad Ily drifting tow. -ant anarchy. in the neighbore inevs• There is another 'Thu at Quebec. which makerabout the teeth May,1-862. liver/Ai-rent leaders haee been st 'fur with- ' Aud 144 not ?' eith 4 C001 minified when aunt Rachel eOrnes home sod then the .,clogrin..14...the....luna..Mr. tioshogitz our -do et yr above, coinpantel together and sifted, and re. in these past two yeam to -mid Ws • ovei.nor "" 7 a" ' .10creal'om ent of jecting ull the teatimmy short is not credible, General ni corryi hith .rt of o Ott or alarm tit • the propotio&- 5e5 16,4 "• int un 7t7lh gives the .following as the actual present 'Three of !levee n.a'n4tiguesin "fts1:rn srAsdhao'iltthiti infided...111, Which erskleiAly iny t„Att1 „„,R, , when he divover. that spiemiki peocis , a thin*, that it retro ei 'the, intedvel of WW1. . hog the its:tem.:ship of Napelociri to cook st• ' 41 i er ,I• • ' • 1 could he homell 'the dm^ to dieh.•it .. • tbe Bowe. of Ateternb y will mem came tot •arrything fir a cu ' mused my mud.- •-sidently coraideriiik aai Fit make usmermorectudirdr • . t emilmety toed's %theme. • . ., 1 conducted Iva nillie Amiy dolisoteient, ita klue.,,, anirreshire. to Ille Feu r th E;t ate jfistify ;Lich enticice, , ... '1 . C'till rat. 7.1u enaht,' eehnart .1„.he,rittniag and stood loottiog tel In speec i ma ai inirs. i, , , , , , , si.,... 1.,,,,,,,....6.0,...iiii,..ii, drew en. her 4h,frea riii.;,,,f " ors clierusueu privbege of luxuriating for of the .,,,,•il,weiarr• will • to feed /ter it•I‘il-Ori than (Ara on 'be Moonehine question to totally,,lota ..11 -ere the hazer ryt chinc,411,yain Ilut 1 bf.(lartd pose. tvil al:y. , an admiring tindwippreciatIve postetity. f it proidic,ie end she. *I cen remedy all that. -t. All &nem convideecit, however.' we thi tat tell me where to Cid the Milk anit eggs, • A the Volunteers to be Husibugged 1 Ily -aPecial despatch to oar tivirning eon. te ries, via /earn that "On the Vote' th grant for elais A. were poetpon dl.'' • As passed 'et Cominitters of Supply, they are iltua stated: " of the two lines. wiliell,':.64.Tii; ii I.,,,h, ,,,,,y . obt that .11tchmond Under (len Lee's immediate orders '. 4trength uf the rebel forces :- . ... ild o• prte„ a dangcrou ' 441 tot eiet,O.V.tr nit II grestest peril to- tat _the river I5O, including lonsg. e)VAI MS We .eornot SO , t. lifh n h ,..J..•... ea.,,.....d irioe,.114 beginning , street's conpa, but not including ' he made during 'the preterit week,. 0. the .01, . ry „pc:r a4 of do wit,t,, , f the -war, ' 1'. wisp nit 'ninon received ' IF any recetn reitdorcensents ' • poll:moan: the LegisIdure, find. therneelne . t int the este. ilvt...i 3tav 14, states dist the Under Gen Bemires ed• de ' is, that no isi.ovision is meek .fur Inc puldic it • or M at 113,000 sirong gnough. . 'file consemenee• tit all thts ',As." f the miller ,,,,, ,,,:e t;irce tee iekilari'ginpl. vett in We de- Richmond, and oseently.engeged ' ..tervice• . „Sueh .mattern IC110101113 r$V1IsttIODS 'ail 'the 11 care- • 1.,nee, the &moo. „elude*, d not exceed sgivinst huller.. ... . ------ .... -tdi,000 are changes! with eoch change in tire Mints-, •sot thous ind.nien. half of wh' were called lenbudert'a Cavalry, istsvver. th the out to elerik theadvance of Gra alSheridan, Recently soder Breckenridge aod . 5,0uu . try ; such great questions WI the Ifeeiprocity Treaty are pre smite.' for 'title:nein vile way liold a Canthet Council together--tw them entirely fiailtd. Reuther t bangs is ....„,1•.,t0.0y teratetro-g„-r.,6",07•01(4,31,014,10,n, ..bereeleeves over the roundest, pestinist of a few .hOure. (mob morning in the' Beading fix", we thiukhe will '' ' ' - ot dorm -foe. life.-. -whole drift of it is to , , Well, rump,: tam • my as nt.. • ,,,,,f len), in it oe eartlein bowls, with a danitinese of - e0rni,i,f ,,, a ,j, i.i„,„, ..1 e„e0.y,. I my 1,44 onnnipulatio. that nearly d -eve meeraay.- ' - --:- --- -H.-. mu ••- -.sew,- .., Trunk the control Of the . , , ,stou. Mt, Mr .1.• ' Liry;. rernember that the -, . . isr• istfirsimilt 4malioit zakts. •.. Lake Huron lire ; but it is h .T11.... she emit me out alter more chits*, end • hre ete,,, he *kind,- 5, eyeeen pre iety.,..... had the fire all a-creekle before I Wen. whin , . , it\ tr\b, , sod, Plorip, you Might t a little aspa ,us. tur'"t and rat di esp.invtru. iind 'thou ant - : 144'114ml aren't, ara•dretirred apigy mixtures •1100130, N 'ee l•he Gra that this ti}rch bould -bele artily been' Echols . 20 000 • tO:da and anutlem wity to esiorrew ehr Poll some nice freeb ete in the fr„ ehe was doing. Med she washed -the " The following is brief summitry of Mr. ••• the tory. preas to admit- anythit weh tory to the monopolists. • ..1)011!i Cregt.1 ih• ItellA IL ,tatOta,-11o1 . 1010 the sweetest Tattle tea; of 'author that thine" a TerY it" •nt liquor hi , ts i . ... , sure -that the custard pies „do the, Overt hail ever reechoed irt the rafter), of that old his passed its thlrd reeding in the Lower . .when the lire is led. 'They • u tbe kitelten 41tyllen• . , bynthkeriacpiNiXi.aratNOP75•Ibrri.•aGkellrik: nwit7ad ' - .. • , • . llomerOnd.wil probably become law :•-••• . table: all ready.' ' • . ' . . ' . ' Whir what 08,,earlA are theme r . . It tOnsist4 of two Invite, the first dc4oted hey itne radishes r , • . to proyisione aa to laves' l'iololetion, the aro Idyl agreed to plaee hie proposed stanip ii .. • .. • 'Ail right,.Aunt Itachel,""resio I. ' Beets, emeit they P. , '. *.1,iitod., l'hilii, IM partieularle c farmer Hopley's ant ifs tbe road agent .otortting.' . . . . ' .1 won't forget.' . '' '"Now; can you tell me what yoq. intend to do first r said aunt Itechel, at 16s close of e- 1 neva' all°1 . that °riling un volley of directions. 'drat the. garden gate into the riven when Pearl. Hie i are hot -pull -some ince fresh petk,.. dimples, udffaltoo agent!! leptheed, aoreinittir.wyeurremut...it. by prier Bragg, who ow commander of Riehmond, poi:1.41:11f nel dernita- men an osocapable elbowing. arm .....ieg them to sent th. emelt es at the • 1.\,,,,,t, ' to lie enlisted ' t the miliiia, the ur , ber.ig suit as to de awl the CO0C..11,114. 0 ti .mal.• citseee 5 isledu eaception. This preslieces1 •senething liketten thousand me ho; eldest to' the abrite,„ eight denims Ile aq orktai/..,1 Militia, COM, 14,1100 ttron4'. mainly con% ed of old (still to a small rif_, ,_•A. . former. Ity the (ion clanitn.of patt.firat, 11 rs instead of II•40 and upwards' ail origioally men . talt.,,s. Hui thesepreparati slyer° mg teen agliMet the dresser tor impport. . ., l•Conte.' said ahe, gayly, . thent4 no, he'p etrieted that Any Municipal Council shad irttea.tod a eue„ ai,„ wee-. ny „.„„• ne , mole a oviimi Ilion real. • Militiii,isnd for•it. Wi. tenet roitout and get the peat and have power to. pm*. Ity-Laws pnabibiting the a ,exioull di ificulot-y-. -- - ,-..-., - . a-. -a,nlin'ell. 1 mlv the whin slid metal t, are nut • 'note me real beets I' . . sale oCiritoxicating liquors within its i;ounda- • , :.:....„.( ,•e (Jitney. ii., I. I. I .. . amen a , , gi.•' 11 ,I, l'.110•1. Morp oril I , i c,,,A ehadowa01 die ries, such law, tweeter, shall not he passed. SI anitehing half eo much as .. . -.AND 04 TOBACCO Usrns.-The in- ' that moment 7 ii.ltutlerof ho had just landed, „,..---•••••••••-•— • • ' than useful. Ille prs"shability is, that if ht s, with a p tty Mee. ilremiles and. ',idiom ono month of its first rendlog. harl,nftme a rapi movement upon. Richmond with jhat of General After Creased (tidy on Tobaeco came into foice ,' u,,,, up tua pail tee ri„„„i,,i.it 11„,y ere. baked,. times, purel accidenb,coming 'in contaes . _1 Should th.ty -unlit to do so, twenty ejec i much higher, A pipe full or the weed will ia•trn by sorprise. 3 rue, Richmond wets If the article rune un 'It".14,11' n'Inn° hi„line. opposite, d .1 white little hand having:primed it, the Council may "rder 'that rnt the 3101. ult. I. SherdliD, the whom ', et!, Would have been kiln'''. the asparegue tat eleven pee.e,,,07,,,,g wandering mong the. egn leaves, and some it be suhrnitted to the vote or do. ro1.44.- , answered I, with bewildering volubility. ' _...linsilip I' groaner! aunt Rachel, in des. intereeting buein , and our mutual SupesTm. .. _.... tont may upon requisition, Cal/P/C 11. poll tit be _ • • - 'de-nur;a ; but net the attack of an illiposing ' prepared beforehand to resist • raideor coup ... with, mine 1 hen the %belling was • tqat . r i to beyond the' reach of -printers qt leint. - . tendinice of the eiMitery,and the table settinji. opened. . If the 111.Law be .oatteed by • ., . • force operating nn two sides and bringing to ' Yowriship %ill be required.° ,• -- al rev and a power u 1 1 l'e• ie •Ito°pbaraisnsgut al° a the fact that it N I. dian Sicanishi C ' r sainking on 1.aw, or should. the law pained by tiinm be from Liverpool 10fh, via Greawastle, k trN &Ad 4 h ott airee that the rebel capital would p o. a pao e. I. On ith, . J i , . 'hands' ap- defeated by the people, twenty elector* may . 20th, has purred this have been compelled to surreoder,' had the would not be Lest to allow ber eve.' half • aunt 'Mc 'el from the other. . to the popular vote. It iii provided, huweser, Quebec I 1 vritroot 20th-bi point eta itt to combination I allude to been made and carried iek. ,,,recntirtiittth.dt sufficient Jegree of energy &ad itasthand again on.regoisition CIIIIM it to be submitted cowl 10 general provisions irrespective of the duty -upon amounts of SI011 and` upWardi the we both tau hed tre had th keep, the, gar en gate shut -those 't 'Never mind, istonte-it's all right. There's To be sure we broke one teocup in bur sea , County Loaned, twenty e'ectors from each heir a welldri!led body. of infantry and car. EUROPEAN NEWS. Werke cared for that (little contortion of ideaa my bmin, just at - present, but they'll all mettle after a f hen her merrI multh mind roused ale once more MO be ncreouri.' - And I bundled the shawl round my nitwit. wm one o'clock, • superb din ling relative's Ghoul:We, and hurried her out the table, Uncle /Wire and hi at the wicket gate rise!! judging. that• it Prcachin from one point of the My Sheen" Dr teat. If the Council tofu Is 11 - gFATIIER niter, June 1.-Tbe CEDE- military men to whom [have 'spoken on that gripli.-... Cotton itaIrs of' the wee were . second for ember tt.111Ctillo l , • . Now promise me one thin 2t, Mr. Smiley,' that two yearn should elapee. slier the repeal I sat down on the doomtep, thinking it Rau mid the miry. or defeat by the ratepavers, before a vote can 47,000 bales, including 7,600 bales to ' royal,Mit'll tee °0hpri7rattie.).;o11:itriat ren.I Iletmle1:1.4iSt • nice thing to be a housekeeper. ' I'll promise you forty,' replied Le again be compelled b memieition. Thee is speculators and 15,00 to exporters : can „t he entertained for • momerd • the 'Now, if I was a woman,' soliloquised I, Setle•117. . .., intended to prevent t tonfireion or onnoy, market wer quiet and unchanged for resehec of General loped on hut front. teens ' I should be teart/ mound the h01140.knock. She blushed charmingly. i Don't tell theft', \v, bk.', to emu, from sn attempt Mimi, American, while other descriptions had more ittah suffiuient of keep the rebel chief ing down chaip • flirting np dust with that helrl you. lot them suppose you a t polls permanently open: No tepeal of declined id to id. The prospector has tale at respectfil distance trout tbo capital. Mettle!. mocks...peel broom; tintil ice wouldn't cool me I As it 10, ' I don't Dee hut that I keep housc very nicely 1 amented, not at all unwilling, juin' as my \ with no fuse ht all.' Runt Bachel's foot crooned the threahold.• She \ 1 lighted my cigar, balaneed myeelf in a stopped short in astonlehment at seeing that I mot not alone. then a anvil. of recognition Aondortable and waited for the old to fire the srgnal gint for my attack on flit" .", her far,.• lb. Imo( kitchen cooking strive. Why, merely (Isn't be mi,laken-it -flepaihab 1 My dem, I'm ao glad to see earright--nine-ten-eteren r you l'hilip, this it Miss Ilepsibah War- ' Now, then,' qttoth I, 'fol. victmy or 'enn 1' death.' - ' Mr. Sedley ottd1 1 are eery well acquainted Confound that fire I -it teee'dtv't barn, in alrlyy, ma am,' anid the young lady, de. mum , her long /rill -ghee hiding the ens. • *Pile °trey coaxing, and chips, nod blovriog, end puffing. My eyes smart,..4 „ith ,,,„,e,_. (+retires eperkle of Mime harel irdis, while I my nostril! tingled with ashes -bet the fire called Mint Itachers attention to my maater. declined to blaze! piece of a dinne'r I 1 sat down and contemplator, it, male vin- What • liberal mee'l of P^tise 1 reeeiyed lenity. p„, a „ro„ute or. Iwo 1 had a wild for it -how many undeserved compliments were paid to MP ! 1 don't know which en- . ides of getting up • conflagration ont of my stnot's stock of „infer matches. and cooking ioled it the moot, I or my bright eyed trim the ty low can take place until twelee bo„ • i f • i ' The ,yinion that Richmond might have been flunneil and the people. neer the ordinary track of steamers, snch P Y . ' larke.sen'd1411..erne"MI'Llk aumgard on his arrival, ' rwhich took place a few days after the land. MIA also publicly elt• niont after the Nursing of the law, and then - . noattnartelegraph stations and light ship. it mnat .-be declared at an end both hy the Whoever, emurstry ter die Provisions of this lui off Cape Race, the vicinity of the Sicily ing of General Butler at City Point. act, sells liquonor keepe it for the purpose Islinds, and in the English 'and Irish _ - - . of elle, than fee each offence he fined $50.- Channels. Capital £250,000. The delivery of intioncatiag liquorsin or from A Cop- . ' . town dispatch says the Prussians in uP 1 : • THE FLANKING • PROCESS, any place other t n a pnersit dwelling land refused to pay for the necessariee or hoarse, shalt Ile prima facie modence ille• lire during the .armistice. The Danish gal tele, sod the deltvery et loptor in or frorn Journey's demand , the return a private dwelling home neatly other plaCtt, with pannent or prnmire of tr, mont either hiesekhele AS a re rimed fee (From the . ., .Aav 3p.) o• joorroo, Aire -filled with glowing is of Gen. OmtiCe sacceasfui flank expo -seed o: implied, shall be d med prima the armisti frt. • raw evident of guilt, ..... , prince s s es ma e ... a ' f ar ireach dor m.rinve4mieliaits,,,oafaidt:esS...1 reillii ;in ei.Ossnhotr,yd twhamst liniis fen its result*. With.ut attempting any cri. The second his pearanee MI a public ,porkker at , ,Pert oi 'he 15' '5 d''''''t-M-The annual ban. tiet of the Royel Literary , 1 " thst them. flank movements went not liciAM of that gemerare strategy, it is oar P • " Fund ; he ae en chairman and acquit- ' aFehoire het of nerresite, and that they have that prosecutions for the Intro/ curter 01 in fad.. hl If creditably. A Vie.nna tele- 1.0,trely ded to seemePiath the aml P"'Wkwe'ral at"&111te eln'" nit 1h. lit" "4 f01'. - thost the ecrew compete- At Wilmington ainl Petersburg, end between dune two points Under toJohnaton, at Dalton, be- fore left tbat point ' . -At Charleston and Savannas, lines Reaoregard Inft \ • • • At Mobile In Atka's; and Mis•ourt, and Eirby Shrith, Prise and Mamie -, On tbe Red River, ir Louisiana and in Texas . Witten P son T dere .tion of 11 imin epte 'eon had eei tr.iiips to VI that imnindiat y after l of Butler on th 15th, from 15,000 to 0,000 troMits from Richmond force Lee if he should need them. If these machine, at one fourth the pie 'wet cost by A...4 from one scremng, cutting and tooshing ' weather in thee*, part of the neaarin, it to the South Anna river,' to be ready to rein• against Gen. (trans. I been Needed. The fah grain never gave M. believed that n till arerage Of lend hart statement/I am correct, it would give General - bend labor. Ile stews in fuct that lie 1 iti a bee 175.000 troops with which to manoeuvre. contract to make 2,00e pair iif bluchms, the 7nit.rere. ,, ydritittiedig indl.-eations titan at pres- uppers soul leather fi.rthe soles . supple d to I tal with,fine grnwhig weather nktier • ' b ''' eon le of hoys whom duty is well Minted, and heavy, and tt is hardly , / ' chants have to pay .ranal tolls. in the .00y 25,000 ' one iireek, anothor e eek ebety are eatrMet, and the public see:urines, h.e years.s,-fnut leo pre 80,000 MiUM are today • lettle_mbroe 90. The exertionti rustle, but seien companies par- gomprising two 1 ticipated in thp review, whole thing ,iii fast iendireg meanie isharcisy, 20,000 aa the Provinciale theditseltee %timid see were from Sandwich, L'aptaing Caegrain and 3,000 they net hinirlforinoles. . •,.. 11 right, each iltt'inen ; one front Amherst- ! berg, Captain Wilkintion, 40 men ; •one , 15,000 A Be °tin/ Sbot and Shoe liakerby 5 . . c /team Power. ' ' men ano from .1Vindeor, Captain lao- ' froM North Ilidipt, Captain Wakortaff, 47/ \ To Oiiy clothi allowance at the , •• este et' ate pe to rorpo in • ••Class 'A.; tor t • year '1+42, leo der the provisiu SectiOu 3 • or the A:ukelele 11Viitia Act, 1st; " 7 14Id Rattenee. 2,742 66 w d-Fout A4 tillery C '"'• • . - 14 Troops of Cav__::_rmyji.„..440 0:......._____•___,-- -114119-Vinpfstettett. -12,03-1 00 - !PIM Od • We have not the debates Mt above Item* inserentao, but the fiset that th helm been - '1 testpoied melte remarkably' hy: it wee reported heat week that an arrange ent bad beim COMO to whereby tfie grant w to bo paarieJ ioto Conuirittee, but rejected. OM 110WIP, ad, if we *Mistake net, a' letter tits subject' appeared Ift eur ministerial C011 poiary the hionette. la thie really to be t e esse this- the way Col.:he:elm is to fester eneemage and tender elective the Volunteer' NI dins, without eny additionaLcoat to the 4.••••,ince? We are very anxious to know, ate/ think one Volunteer .fritende should lee toe thealert,ielm they may be done yet. Whet, will Cartier care for their grieeancee or Coma plairita if he mairairea to put through the Sem slim, relhining the helm of power 7 Ile and Joint A. cody•helieire in promise Made t.. buishag.'1, .-Tba old proverb " pronilere milks piedrunti 'made t3 a broken,- ie utterly happy when applied to them.- Serrist. ' Ps 0 roa rut Sten -Titers is rsid\ farmer pshire, note or his grillage& and hie ketos k -out forgone hing witch. he may turn a y, honestly; or ( isn't part 4:Wart-the reve : A little heel ago he bemuse The posies,. ver large\hog.--e It was loon Oohed al , people began 19 call,in on the old an to the 'smote termite." A geritlem Crum uthamptoo witorntopping for s shor time an t andthearing. of the ./.poreine," and urn. 'said about at, desired to ie. the sight, bat ing,_obtamed directimaa an to the loco started for the spot. Arrived there,..he met the old gentlemen, and inquired --dtboilt thy anneal. °Well, ye. " the old" tallow ma, "he'd got sich a h'og ; mighty big 'an y fiut lie thought 1111 11,0'40 him itheas. Attain' for lookiii"-ot 'him." -The getitle looked ot OM' old man Mr a minute or pulled the desired coin, handed it tor rtesrofT. 'Aleph! on,- says tter other, &duo.' you want' to eee the hog 1'' ",W6," sant the gentlibean, "1 have seen as ig a hog as I want to see rod off be nerd. . • THE IIIVIEW4? WINDFOR.-The Rroiril toys :-Notwithstanding the 00Au mire under lireckinbridge and Echote of mutton, wise In:might to inieil by seeing ' 30.men. The compelling MIMI placed in the operation °Tibia very ingeni itte 111.18170 battalion order at twelve' o'cleck, When • ea aleatory, of the nisetine, which,.haf. -dOnaltl, 36 men ; . , . , . -- one front Chatham, Cap. ' Total • .......' ... The aame authorities agree thdt the recent the other end maim of clotheit him/ roasted Ito Royal Canadian 'titles, Captain Iftereon,- gee in position have been as follows:11:a . 160,000 ing • dwell put into sone end, tanned out at - taii Smith. 40 men, and a company of Ala - (led to join Lee, immediately after the a the inventi et of Mo Southall, sr eh..e. ty, e t., win.cied,,into line *Pt( ti f ' Sigel, leaving Imbriden's caValry to keset sta'vlir „Igo. A tbf. four ycirs t ,:, es We , r --te .e's movements of Sigel or ins succes- lenient study •and steady persermance, he h:e '"e J'"e w" 1.'".• • old fhe general Preacall lbetween the time of the moire& se.Cceseled to. producing a Machine which, ill '010.1 Attlee given The battalion \wart toevend te time that Oen .Sher. e,onhinati,,,, with lip seniog notenioe, &mete ' cohrfihmder1 by Capt., Benson, of the Roy - HOMO lid. Kinriton, Gen John. likely VI Make it COrtiplete thaliga 160 pre. al etitMtlivu 1.11fitS. from .20,000 to 30,000 of his sent 04,tem a leaking' booheittsd shoes, for ' • 'ni• tot reimoree Lou. And while. an ordinary workman will, on the 1"Illt (-17°117t.-The moat ebeerInff 114i:emote° and Letreat iseersge, niake tent by hand One ',sir per eouMs are morived of the critter of reib Beauregarl sent day. at a CI•41. et shout 4A . Mr Smithal crvtr' thecriptione In this ',teflon, and notleith- b Ina own invention produce I CO 446r rr I standing lb,. prolonged contine•otre of wet Oilead, at leaat in the court of, Gideon the , hi.n at •the ntitlietilln pri. e named. Al tl.e • — -is- \ There is balm for General Butler, if not m • Grenttral /JULIO!' COIlle tO Judgment. 'v._ ' • i th• -- Surrogate. 11e lism lost his bnither,. Mr. - attention retire,. hy is machine ten he in,.. cereals are a:homing rapidly. t:raas is valued at two miltione of &Wars, is be' Mail 11 iasirrird uul-in a ti.if.1)... Male. The irs a esceedingly encouraged in the Andrew Jackson Butler ; Mit the latter hal martyr of Bermuda Hundred( There .0 ' iii"agb a " machine i not much -unlike • do .11 apriglt quitathed to the hero 01 New Orleans and the p Mot' A 'bountiful hareem', after a left behold him a will, yesterda b h y roug.A to ' ' joy of his inher probate, by uhieh medial( of hit estate drill, occupYing ahem dre 'feet in length by one in•ernhh. A cult of 'briterierbe Is place roe.. however, withant its th recession, of adverse reasou*.-- Kingston ustrious legatee by the inerit ' ori the id:thine the end peseinf.-"impett _ T writ iah America'. .". '" '"'' ' Tilt CITY Of ATLANTA SOW di • menaced. by Gen. Sherman, is looked upon . nqui y which public 'enmesh() will insli• , 110 ' • -.. •.,,..ii rerfaitlilljii.t lifrirve co' a . - ' • • • 0"11.. in Europe, as well aii America, am the most 4 maketh haste to be itch, we ^retold, shalt not ' thread le be tout on the sire.' ay polerbly be - i ed a e i be innocent ; and as it is very generally eh. ing retor at VIO M V) Cat h Id site changinta wheal toe impirtant rplace in poeserision of the rebels, tete into did origin of hta legacy. He that increase or lb...renew the number al rivolti. 'ohinond not excepted. nor his brother, Mr. Andrew Jackson itritler der -mood that neither Major General Butler sere* -Al1hri b'mn '"'le ""1")"1 anY he'" neolcd\andiNliniesipoi, and the tower' don, none. The dim -Mt only rid the thr*t, but tit Jim of Sherman's march /manna with togNet,,driven by their masters from Ten -- 'f he eountry on brouaht into their joint service af their be'. A rrhin lint lioving 11e111 the mat nine, . I d fore country any extraordinary contribostion innli' inis°ne '14" th'' 'CrPw .'"I'd i'n." Pa they einadrew dowh the *he. and forde the - Miring temente& prey toasty thereen. .. tain' their .bonsted manufactories'. Rosie •,T southwest of Hewes, and 20 or 30 miles Mom to "%r ee the hoof f: early hater!) int. • prolintOr that the crop can now be mate ita mut holti.r, 44,liel. frmil ide 11"' l'" '' •ritlly impeirMl. On the wlede• our Arm- \ meek y mistimed ri in hoe of rritioad. of worldly goods Me BremlelPti'" cam°5 well awst the hoot rather thee pewit ste the leath- ru the ma fail to arse in the public mind tial the Gen. r ; an enormous amount of preesure is 1.11.4cersgance HAi rile, and hmtversy the I the boot b a ned •r• 0 in titlitornte- *Emil) BM, 1554511 the mine's. The Salt Franoiners that there are num, who wei• toxicating liquor* ofseny-kinri, in any locality ea of the people of Imdsiants during the sober second thought, there came a brig be ht gan to mospeet r. or contmry to the true intent of the law, so mantled the uomplete autonomy of the I, w ids eat whore he dirt Not has. bad something to do with the amissin/1,,, 11' - i • • - 4 f to each. eta y• 'seo who now tell, withal' all - Isdhartdenhtleirtmlie%tle, and with the parts bein raiktin .. gram says at the Fitting of the Conference ed. If lien lira" fiank..d (I" I" SI SP:114. taa• . • • ' . where no Wain tinder the present vet is in the latter forced y.irn remora hut domersatien on the Gulf, may . . . 'how matters were afte & ' I ith, Auntria and Prussia de- , sylvan:a Churl linnet, • And 1 jumped up and (fired irtto the sooty smiled togeislilf t°1"'"If. • of the law endiplained of, ehall mit the de. . ' to 8201 'It i 1 'rn ' ' ' • - entirely water- proof, ran very sem. . in , ,, i.sn'tc,aahiall.d af it:a 11 a" a".Yliaa;he :fialn7ce mot averow;1. Nilo in far as it waa intim-led cleilm5^15 from !low 0110" MVP** 5° lHe towards his petitions as ereditora against 64 ith ir pressed together the bout becomes p 0 or, .nd n„ , the dinner thereon at all hazards. Itut, with patriot I However, 1 belie... aunt Rachel forme-.41thout the Itemise required by law, On the idea -charcoal I " while eeperielly when ahe discovered the soon as it shall appear 10 the magistrate try- Duchies..., their Personal union with Den- tootle There Gen Lio• bele! him in rapid accumulationof the colossal feriae* I . • 1, 0,-,•••ve, see retired hi. the posthumous partition r4 eltielt he is now with an alertness that even eurprieed roy...oir. l sal reallY goioR to hoo"kosPloit, eote,stoe rebuttal of such omelettes., shall convict him. 9, ts .1 trill aM nceition. Alit latte ' t induoed b h".k w'th "ng - I- • • ' 71 r:bmielmttiewde,i1;:„.fiZ"cutri:44S170111:14:::7.dine ytarh: that gr? can""t irfa °a $th'h°11 6 Richmond. In war, it is trii/., Mat MIMI,. TIM Sur opate's office is steenniv 'mot to move tlwe distance at . • 01 comae I What, a blockhead 1 um not , to think ol it before.' disca;ded radinhes abet the empty charcoal ing the ease that the / . harm) I hhe said not a errant, howeeer, of the mark, rhlkterisl guarantees and etepecinlly /Immo' 1 ham the first to profit. It is tmderstorel that several , . Dy the Federal Diet on' tbe satecesseion inioaiiente5,7-ee""ptIGe1!4:71teetn•ii retre. at °TOY evidence eafficiently eatablith the infraction the maintehartce of the point of view held 'Let um see -what nein 1 pondered I, my corn hook, and haven't a doubt Ant th 1 The 39th elstise provides that if b,,...... Baron von emit to give hut adhesion to init., i. thiek, he, if if am eeereeery 01 da, ,,,.. insfs.,,,, of rmiomitire ,iiiiti.,.. if th....1th phinrot;e:". ";15m115"4 i" nnii" in 6ght' awl filAill in *PftealYPlie isatite"f's' awl it "1" 4" • egr ' 1Mthotit toeing toacheri by hand. The P“re,h,am,`,,,,, retail droop? store ..,14 81).00o which it wait ,... , • - stir ASTI nil it riliss Moveletrill. meelinitively. ' Oit I -the piem-they were shall sneered admirably, out I have engaged keepers allow any person to get intoxieaterl the Germen prommition. It ix namerted ed Rttclar In this manner, in &host leo minntes, , to plisee one st rew :ism an^ther.ii- ,..0..h ivied of the anti shy moventeat in tin Ility Well..siii this happenool three months elnee. fondant on hie detenee, sod in default of his reeesiles of hunt Rachers ehnrcoal barrel, to be put in when the omen arm hot Wen, Miro liffaihah wa,,,, a, a het eompartion• on thee premium, tt mid person while so in that Prurient te not averse to this proposal. if the oven isn't het ee., it i.e.,- 4,11 be, .0 Tam Inds reennrited to her name -it bring* (Mend arminy.tran 1:700„filifteit..; ter,. tilvempnr.tylotiNhnin. ,whhileredli Re.rohithral.Ris:ffile:thillah;lwou.:4ineriginfrwinisendirptel; b°n°,11'1:,h..iw'Sa..ifir:11:Yfli.4:::tend:tiono°:thi::PP;°:::11..:1.::".4.: 4hetineloir:imar‘l'illiodoe:10713:thaf tnt6t::711:41:1"e. .8.14sta.g.h.":""."7:11"111aaj1.7za•-t: biro gall . whra,.e. is tool is broer to set t _ .. fee poo. mid far better than any The Qneen's Birthday ism sprat very uf before mt mind's eye the prettiest vision drowning, starvation, nr other aecidern, the tic • usylvania, the proem et a and eolluaive intortion freon tine riti'sons ef Z;ii:"h":":1 tnxieated, cornea to his death by suicide, Th. „whir, of -• e th French Oorpa Leonia- pee•Puilf..":". ,,,,r• arinerds the *dee is f had wan mippnaed a b o me. y !hoe a, dimple*, and natin braids of perann irt prolonged until May 13. The A vietory over Oen Lee at thai State committed to kis keeping, ahonid hend eeei"n t„oi Otto charged their nick) contents (mit my coat, Shakeepeare, What's in rams Ny verdiCt shall be for not 1mm than.$100, am r. Australasian frowasildverpool clear. there o Otlisomsttb• edge Istrielrened,aed • bnl jinn P aisan tl in 1V alkerlon. .• • • ellsetance. Coneememily, when both *h. eninenrwoon hair, enee an (attester for.- principal and agent alike, shall bw nr *ith boars,. Inks dull end droc,ping. Rents,. ---piae; w„,,,id have Mon far more coverlet,. now become the nermilinn and (nrninh the ke being the order of the day I two, po„„4.1 4,404 head, and I am ready tn etelairn with father liable to action for personal wrong, and the ,,, rev 65. SANDY II0011, June then it n•'eurrerl •-ee e for Riehretemd. M means of fhtimg upon . decisively the e the proper form brought to bees. against that non groat gees battle seemeatiota teem wbieb, if inancent,h. should • •