HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1864-6-2, Page 21. - I - - — —a.— . I ­ - — . I . I .. __ 4, ,ft .111NN _"s__ - ., - _ .,— I I . -_ - - . ­ . . .. i I A t . . 11" w A A_ - I , I . . . 11 - 4 I . I . I - . , . . I . - ". , - I . . I _ I A I I I * I I I I I . . I . — . I I , I . I . ­ . , I . , I I Is I I . . red I , I r , . _ 4 - I 11 I I 1 I ii , . . . I , I . . t, I - __ . . I . . . I . . --- - - --- ­ - ---- - -_ — -_ - - - _. . . . . . " a am*" that ( hi- W. - - --- --- —_ — -_ . - - ­ —_ --- — - . . I. should so untoolurd event withdraw him swat, 'With tit* support'it got , . . 1. 's,tv, III 'eftheis tisruce, and Ur" Agnal. - Th* 111111,31111h Istru Tle"ry. team at The rate Of 60 eguits per day for ba . I . , . I , - - _-44. I ago to I'miland M M fertilize -dul[IML Courage, thou haw@ 6111611141, it Is Strong Ouve =, Ilg I — days'd.ill. . ­ I . ADS . — - .. 'yo young all their a rt the &rtl"iet one is too weak ON May 9th the Danish fleet had met i T - . ;;I;- " [ 0 A — - _-­ ­ - farmers. (Io to work with a will, anchow to live._ U I h'a he moti . oil wait adopted, Mr. jossueond only I. ,I melaor.ire site a drdacti'n - - Ifla"Millovel 'Ametes. .1 . _- is'EF"..ri ,shp.,."Jamble '. 'he iralificat, I allied German flaoiL slid secured a dei . ,q - . w .. the taverns and puppy love, rise early, and The Leader says —Thom was a minor in duw,,t,ng. . , I I - . I . els' !W Alliance frone Quabiec to Iiii 60DERKH C- Wit, MAY 31, victory. The fullvwmg om the meagre detail (;raw*, IglASdS Cwwzza,ttgwiss I . . it godo . 1. . . . I . . . end of an adclAttwi. . 1864- While YOU cultivate the *41 with like cuer- circulation to day that a despatch boa base which have as yet been made known: I Po . A, roesemen . . .. . . I . . I . I -. DICKSON slid the deiduction mijil! _-, - - - ___ - — -------------- r,ee­ --- KY, cultivate Also your ineirmels, recting received from Itm C.luttial Office cod,houg, so I he following was receiled by the Ste' " standing that the proposition of the Norfiboao ' . -11 I . I . 2 I . , . . . . I 1-te" %ads. Lq lavor'uf the furvicluoir, but It assured that a good crop a matter or pruderice, the rettution of. the i forithe (70100,06 on May 9,fl-Our the (juvelo . i ;11111Pi 14Z( , Ampoury be Not accepted. - I . . '. , rout bL Made he f,,vot of our MR. ]DIMSON'S"1111leftbil of' intsulligent Seat of Government Ili Quebec till the ilettle- I Iself ligligolimil;­ i Niuvi'd" by*Mr, Horton and H000lw*4, Thai I . A. - , - U, - . idents will expland into proper ferec.-Ar, neat omelet of the American difficulty. As this report . . . I , . , . I . . I The P't.4ent.of the Council b:jwr,e,. I 'I'wv P. tm.—Tb* A teirtu squad,uu, ca 6) I t I ... I:. 11 .1 . A, - ­ -I . . I . I . to our ilcsltuce of 166. Ile (Mr. 1 J.'i lmother column we tusks room for a buildings, and productive flormiag genet. may reach Toronto it is well IAL contradict it. I ties CI it 1:01"' led a. write lib@ Chair . aiming set two fingates, and three gunboats, WAS. Uu'lbo, irid"We .1 , .. . . I I,. . I L ou) vicauld memisicis sI I he guil:9 felocrojuction 'in f4ell Of the very able 111,11Y. No such despatch had been received. just restaging the Danish squadron, ettioresung Co., (hut the pruitenifl., , . . . . . I I I P theriviii; thi recePs, lie met on the Cars a Speech . oil the RelArecosentliticen 44clitilte by _____ of two frigates and and corvette, six miles ... Aide by tkow to the* Council cultural, be me. i . .. , . . I I . , I I - , fee, room ponfaud, who was ,An is,& guy east lit' lieliguland. I teitaitied, &lid inhorm the Cocipalby that 16 . . . I , I . . , Ch:rPsAili buy a heal, and .too to;d h;W1: our worthy reprcceenistivoll in tile Lower 117.1111"IT NOTICES . TELE ALAUCAN. WAIL. Four is. m.—The Decays have won The me arrears of iiitereat must be fluid forth I , _ . .1 , . , . hat *20 it, grvl- bscrliis paid his fare alo -9 f livase. We trust Cvtry'itiLwrilk-r to tire ' The' — - ___ ­ ------ --- I- I lion. One Austrian frigate As ia Holmes, &led - , tetv w tit, - a GrAtAd 1'ruu4 fitine I've tiand lit Chicrisgs. W , 'k ct igt if they- - . . . — I I I I ledi.burgh Review for tile current Grunt " WithdrogIM over the, she, together, with the other Austrian fril"r will submit a I­,positioo of sale to I . . . . I far as the mice then reevaiiing, was Sigissel in these Countiess, as well as those quarter is a number which " wends North Anne. River.", and gurilmilits, I. ui fur Ifirligul" .— the Colin. il . ..'_ . I d to si;.30 of .or monev. .Pit that Woe who read the Paper Without subscribing, itself to the taste of every love resevin Thel me allsolliPt in I,., I Ile Council ,It's I ... gird is disposed to instruct I I Ale I,vm Quelove to T",4u Was 112.- . r oNho *)lid . g ish water. . 41 . ., . I 'unsa to Qod.-v Ile I.ad-lo pay 15 centa W ill.cars rally peruse t,be luitaineous ex WJAIJINUTOX. May 2s, 9:50 r. in. -7h A tolsoilraus from litligolaud of May 9, 4 the town reprei,entativeire mt lilt, Co. B,ourd to ., . . - I "'- class (11' lit raturce so U, I "I, C'u"" ­"', " I . ith which it desk— hili.j. field. INx.—Ate official despatch from It. so. says.—A very wee -ti naval ftigaille give the nelecesuiv wher, preseloted a favorable . . . . I , . -s itiffictod upon this Vs, The contents ari Notice of a Lady . . I . . e.11tiff.iiii and Like Huron tv,SlrstfiAt+, tiou of lilt! wrong t the headquarters of the Army of the Pototwee, meot, Inciting are hour slid a half, ban taken support, Collsi-telit with their duty still flit - I . . 4 franc Su,tt'wel to Q,irlIce, making eou . . . , . . . A I I I from Seatfunh to QlseL.-(,, while to. . litueiwj ttirough the inadequate mpr,, Of Quality," " The 11 istiory of If ighway 0", ,at MajahA,k chumb, tell wiled from Hanover plaae between three Danish frigates Lad the intereects they represent. . . . % I 1, ., I . 0 of Our muiiev, this ini;lvr sas ctrtW tat jl ,dnlcde yeti,derd y 5 o'clock p. in. has German sistuadron. Al. Austrian forts, Communication from Jno McDonald, I . ion under Which it suffers. In all " The Banque Country," " Human Sacri- re 7 y .. , I . I . - tire alayff om)1jit*w,dt3Chksgj. (11hr, &batcs oil this question within the pug da It related that our army appears to he Ili themes, &lid as prod,cal" F -All I . rv, to ,h: lit) tT making lix,rusisecii;ls to Opew a limmil Not. too. I . 6 . -to -.) Acid this wall mg all. .1 be Jilingirl . Scott and Infanticide in India," " Charles. rill Sias of the North the imlicand, accommenied by all 0 Germa! I I . i We' Victor do lionstoten," "British N rth Atmot oil ''hursday night &lid neuved towards shilat while the leaned a t ring north- terati his private berrywiffifirtrundanij the pub. I . . I . . I I Truuk were williiq to coi wheat to that eight or 'line Years' "Peaged allusions . 0 m a so I . . - .., . I . I I- I. d gentleculgi ,;rill I roul Chico -a to Portland a rd ce in Ilikesuver to k, the place desigualed for ere" werard. I lie Cemetery. After?& AsturujI debate tic& . bare IsAvre made to tire ")Untics Of Horan America," ­,, itifi, () 'rigtand mt the Paw . At 9 o'clock yesterday A,telograin at 6 p. in. says: -The whole letter WAN worst to the CemActstry Com ... liters. 1, , , i . . 'eal'orib , and Brue.e.as illustrative of' the in,qua and Francis " " Kirk's Charles the Bold," (Fridayl murnin Slairridan, with If* lot acid ) I , . I . __ ­ . . I a for 20 Cent ii, l'bushel, % Ili e from S I lity none Ii, . . - I 1. \ . I ,- ;DA :to Montreal they chars"i 21.) Coati, a bushel. of the li"PtescalatiOn Of Upper Canada, ' - - I met .b fleet is at colachor behind li Island, I Tire Market Committee reported, rse,,,m I 1 3,4 Al Kwou of c valry, took poa%"uu of The fire on board the Austri.re frigate s - " I , "m A . . -O&dY So much for wiiut %cut to be cipected from " Reactive Life of Jesus." datiol"or ferrInau Hanover totem, - bad - meledi,-9 ,hut do Mr. KiA.z had been Cam . but the luctiorculceni4l. ' illear, bear.) Mr. Dick- but never, we believe, bus the truth been to f lical I been extininishod. She lost her tu"u'mt I . I .4 . rcik soil them vocietred to the great watil felt by f,orced lips,, the minds of th legi I Toronto, them only r? polled to throw up his tender, . \ L fll .1 Chewitt & Co., of 111 to vidette. T e ist . , e' , . lall . Mesdrece. d Imosprit. tbUU of Mr. - . I .1 \1 .at did not want' t)' I:,- his corAtit Otnts, of fucililiesof shilm'.n.t for; 6 8 stand have eel t too the current numbers of 1 iliell-so of tile 6th c3 arrived at 10 go. in. "i Austrian forridatio, which was in distsides i L - I I I . L I ­. . Lowe Called& in .lie iota. thsti 'that at thrs -i3omint As of the ooulltry too comprehensively and I Al now hol it i Ar plate with appai force I I Sludin be accepted. the Boom to be 1955. After . . . r 11 rwi,k acid staid " .1 all a ludg,debuits, with te,;ard to lict mariner in . Lon -Ion Socie4" and the " Churchman's I of cavalry,/ infautr all artillery to remoust killord and wounded. The Raidetzky bad 25 1 which the tender% had ts"a put in, Mr. slo,i I . - . I " is - . . I I . . wgWA 'this -- We respect you, qr ecaet wilithAeld bee4 elide4% ui in. to load I k1lisilily as by"this-speetch of Mr. Dickson. Feamiji Magazine." The . upon heal i .ad the Selleararaccuberg. -olifba had IQO ruirn : I I . . . -/ 'esu I 1,)OerC& do, for the juslace. .ilk 1 ?.silait first of these "'be 1 men killed and wounded. The courl),ned .. . I lstasho,e to the n,-i;hborh,),Q I . y &else It ei to in ' . . By a great Toinsty of ecompotrignems, from to Zliamil.t o I e c is reading iorword Prussian and Austrian) are lying withdrew he*, "e"d . ' . . . . . " .y sce., s, t6m, ly,i,Ag DO d Mr. Mark Whitely's (025) 1 1 . - ,h d -1 the I-elesint'y gi Oil JLgol fr, Ad wite long the i"4t. The (;,%ernowr.t the "I"'t Of CouvcYing A bushel of wheat of light wit val ity. I ( . . - ; cut ill ion with 11 - run: a ffw A,* i,,uccvufit of devoted principally to the highest class , 11 d,, I! was adopted imet--mid. I I I . I - . i " which )you 4 If coutims, it litiortwins " i A I& .11=1 in Hol.do Dallas . - . , I I I I . till coutims, 0 I, had dereiied liberal oftheir half d,,!Iar wa from 'Scaforth t literature, and we con' herarlily r humil,_ rogsda, The . ,a Qucb'Lv up to the ,. alme re r despatch, datod M shick church suffemd "wereely. I . I . / I , to n I I bull of o been received. It reports that On motion of Mr. Leoulud, it ,wass resolved I .- . I . eel 14 slid me have a ob.*(-tiuu I o .hewd .0 ad it to thbole' who love &Ile* AtfPlogram from Culachaven of May 11 to have thetrown bell rung according to Rail. . I I 41011, .2 tietr,tiainj g-ecionfincly , We ther clear . . y . sere fo. imperovemews, nullifiers tuW *`1 ice broadest statement of the disproportion kitrLS too well to devour the 'trush poured. &,Ad 'co -A The troules ca .0 up Oly &I'll . I . .. ,look i " rection your language, )on reli ad Ship their .1reat as A,W oiwcpk;obi mak ... g, . walk :' UUC IV 41,111i BULew SIV0440 of no pr4c.sion fur hailoolit-the Itell:f1ii 1114e, between like population and wqlth of on mays; Tho Allied squadron arrived here ibis way time An future. The Council then ad- , - hi . Z rlesin Ties ,schwartAtuberg not only lost jourated fvr,twu weeks. I . . / fAVrC1 . , . . 11 frowe the American press. The latter Ili grew spitits &ask the army will beyond r 0 Acogot an I . - ...a. I t f readre Our eqatis , 'hlef , caud a they lost 5 Celesta a busLit .Ju.their a htilt on 1 them Counties, with their one represent- d howsprii,but sailtained other I I . - I , , \ z, , .: I, 0 stret bi Out . do t F- i actit6wit ul the risk of ishippille. lit con Ill.' should be on the parlor table of every the Primul,ky bulnuore * 'news, The low to the verpseadr.t, in I ---.--- . . I . . I . I . . I \.-ly could is Wtort. W by all,] 1 . I A All ' , fictive, &a CoInPAI d With a like number Bmelienrisig is a, Hantever Colon 10flocce serious I . . Y '41d, Since he would jubt sliji tire* : 11, had qome I., of Churchman, it being the ablest and most wi killed SO2 wounded is ITO. . - . .. I. . . "all'- 'SO-" that - great milmill c . rill I a rui iioll, I his lismot, twt to disk a,v wd,ecc, at" for the , twitle, and their " r preceeollrlrteiv ' Ill a force variously reported from 30,000 Calebratforn of &he Quillstina Blnhdsy . " 1" elogaut magazine of the kind published, ti 00 000. Wickham's and Lmaidn's Liq I I .. declared it, ­ of perol,le-uhir anwuld we be ii: bed and icapu,tant s, -t tion qf country to h.c lie ri,pts- . I . also I here, $led the des- I - "' . — . tad if itat v%s Its! " re'll'"Joed firom making cloy impr vement, both illustrate I 'hru c t)a?n4 the British' . in Zurich. I . , - Lowrr Canada, and even in solliq parts or They are 1. , ish over the . . - sourej, but -to Nick only what -as ti ht, fair, r, beautifully on ladees of cavalry are I AZiou 'fi!tiViam."IsionsonAwtvil . / we amels wiing tile evil ­ r the principle bein. adhered t. that it and.h-lutest. If thry, tou!j n )t go, Ill'$ f6irl the Upper itectiou, the greasi was haul tintedpaper. Patch further state* that after willing Ilan Ill all -nous', that grown amembl . I / I- . vigies I! to be *opt hat :: wili be exactly no much for U1,14c, arkada play from the Pr#01,L Guse,ornmelit. I 6 ..U:d meredinto the dullest and most prejudiced I " Is. P-rf.(P-,iJ.t__ three to - b Ict""k, 'DkA`zFJl"`xal-,—WiII you be kindimough- , . June contains over Ferry yesterday, Gen. Turbent captuiv,111i go I. 48 ctee% - . toombeneir My the la— Asolis and so touch for Lower Case a, I Atlantic Monthly for Ch Ole D iticill" ". * .1 11 : a. thion' o ptw them to the itticu-st of big power. But i member trf ithe House. M r. , I ; 5 cut Vol r v, " Including &I a offi,e rs ;, that t he ; I k ecI74 by itte wh r eers to; Still-ficia.m IdAAACe Ill Y*AAi logriely, circulated 11, , I 'AM soul& wee! to orest contested "regard *.,I diSt-maces to pv ,ulauem, stad rvlletaewfi fbuc Or any -,Iber Adeclotm, . . Dickson amongst other 'readable matter \AN good Cenfeder;te cavalry we exceediregly demor I Ine' . now"per slid Ql1P4;o your humable.se at, . I trillulm merve:t one representative in this lionag.,.... I As 4evatlibuji,le, tj the rovemit" ek enoc4k to Irin, dome,'& a 'I :bad 4 that - &'izvd. and Moil before duis'ou every vc*A. I __ __ -\-- - __ . ; besides lotting Odin ri ,F L 1, A the patriots of the mcrrc am= , I I . . otiose of the M . I.- C di,idna ife of Washington . i of ibis =6 ml,re6 -ntatibn'*, all thi I. -t -us gul-in for'&. " ,iJP7. tI: a good Point when he showe I ; . I 'h"..1c, AU&I 1,141ul, ald=:.ith fir . , . much-careeDged Huron and Bruce . - , Sion. . . - th a from ,,,, Ministry took 1 " thimisna-lut the ispolile of 11 .0 that to , an author who I!; embalmed in th 6 A d4papollich from Gem, Sherman, May 2-1. Very Kind -Hearted Landlords. i country know how ner Majemy's.11irthday I . \ " eel '. evvi" "tit it -6.1iii in a measure thAt jh here ne'reLUpper CiAmmila 1 have Paid up the interest on their L de I i 91 A. in., near OAlagge, reports that the assicany; 1 i Visa observed Ili the d . doleore dris - - ZZ I - - talling village of IC3 and tro mi) e Lower Ca"adia, but only on, I ; iliv,the favored -1 raittell boro bt rice of all hatiss read his works. Sofsfi w1oveiing his ui ve to form Altootriumarched A lecture was last g,i Zurich ? The l'ilkie w"ar My con hie it gave in '. let4lke prup:0 of Upper Cootoadoorget 411 -,A Canada, 404 wh ,b Old do I ­ tice 1. punetu - , . ' d \SpIrredidly deco - I Pam; - 0 - -a p-1 . 0 a of iter pipers will rep "Isset our torcese at Dallas. ' Our estimates I k to a large numl germ to rated by the citizens, and by' stelii,ek the 11 ",let the rilemer about one wile cast of the 1 the uei'glillevrimsid o " I I 1 .lem, le'm Creek, and we pushed the A:i`.' all lion to join sit the ' b I I it .. 'fils,_uid nave his Usti liewter suppurt. .. "' it 'ablished by knor I& Fields; Boston. I -to J` ,liffe" 114as, I cli "i'"Uniuncirs- 1 have not only besou able throu ,h Jib , , 31 =WSJ MT As 6 " 111AW40PUre that they %m E:r,offii US 6, ; if I . I A a V f a 6e;I P rou ... its 3T perttegwd * Q we by, L 'Ise ' 'I u , return. Acid' Z1M.f"1hh,'.;hf 1, . gins " erali f th h - ,o,;,rX.=..,. suppotted t actchituald-6,-note Admenistou'l L be Cauesdians, solid junking hiel-,cls, setrivi to U"e" A . I g air . 1. - i PeOPIO came cruseding in lroca\evoty dire* I ,on. be felt much altgrievoid that they bed no "\mAo One COMakOt . , pond,raling weight of votes -to ,&Ins ofptudeu",ard . yg cr ,Jibo I . .. s,-COUtIt!1, -hieb'rihall I , chronic J " .1 8 ca! . by mometili for a mine fellill i1jell, of *0 day.- A, bold policy for %kid ion-edyi,q of thin great .I- to-opete with the United Mates, with to. I_ times the amount we have, VL he . -f - , men L , be sbsrut three miles to the point where t in day. file dwelt . I —_ .1 . but ha - "i , . , I had There wait a grand echisplay of Kalith'.6ocapimems I I . . i"juselice. Hill PSAt;knjvrlvd, J, however. flow 1 "i-spect t -i al"he ehruicists which go tc c _C ----4 ____ I —_ _. _q Manotta, Iferc , IV on his subjecL,sn As elvejusaccer I 11349 -11111111i'listratio-i did talk of i lite on- r On, Posting P11116n. , actually unjt4Ld in sending mean to Parli — ad fark to Atlanta Said at rout 11 iI , . ,W'g,eat nation!*' EL.uticti.elts.1- . r me, BiWIT104 XXC'U18I=_ J.Ionritiomi has chollear a atremil; hoe &ad made 1 a visi le edwet upon his all otto- -When be who paraded through thio'villsege, very much . beat 840114,tiese Coast 4 Bruce !!i,,i1, 4,.,4.,,,,D," , , its., n.t ad,l.t -bid policv. the result of 11 — , I went wlioge strongest reconimeatiation is .- I - hasty hat strong parimpeta of timber #lid earth. had finiAed, an animated to we ' a took to the amusement of the crowd, slid oil ale. , e . - " -;;p pi between him and some 1 ) loserbomor aimprovenge-ma. Th PI 4t offi-e 11cepartaltat Ineirluenti! :Rmlill'surd 1 ,who' foliated us Ucnit,raj Shemis, ' dosto , I I I Hut, as regards vur ill *along 'uuuld :cr?., t. Jcbly Iv that , u allsi6ed abilit fr) relieve theta from . "I" i Is * t Dallas. th '411111 . I tit and pakriotic speech from General it ,twoor empierie,sui:4etone,rover, ho Ili ' mg7ui emto'thirck, Sir,' said cam, Itheiii -tbeir learler, after which - III present Mitrisirr, he found that lite -*lid some If %morning camp: it's that prople wit! Ivrist in doo.1i" lip, y I que . th ere soul] %A16 . Wit their presence oil the 24th. wi re cent! e about fle, Is. .X `moLr`fh4 I I Of J411111, 140, tile Filumuce Mitloolet had the vier an gobble us up. jklear, twat-, slid 4, returning eithyr principal or interest to I I I TL . Veen Puffenburils, . - to Pass t ell by a Ili, gle par I the lablic chest. But the a . I . an the ice motojers lite a very imported - . . . &*a fit t place si.cling e diall,lar I.$ tit . toict. I Tisese deli d e con, yis.mogifelywoodedclowlteroken, Cos . . followed three beemorty"41leggers for Her Majesty, . ..M an- tesse,ts,rof any consviluence,- .. . He bed &:ready tou afioued that 'Lpecele Will glalcej with their trip. One of lite 1 cf 1! , r L set, but i. e call. I w,htrr.y I , coudctaommts\ SaIftbias Ilk* ill Cis o%u\lvrsorc he rvioick nied utwe-thirtilIto 1,roartice4 not orily frauds; oil the depArt. Excurettitunists, writing to the ExIscueritur, .'-%'e 1i loul, was we sam not. N.w , d I i Meat, but easily deleTted. We are i's 11 speak fi rr itself The opportunity Which' I ,iriw.,tf c8re, we Whocribe such " only Briton" kPOW how to offeemse. AU I I . - I I of tile enii,6-popmlii of Cooled&, or a4body 'sit .1 i . clothing AI&Qvire. I sharp encoutiterx, I bet Ito a benefit mile h d . our fleet repactin-d to the op4rt grsourid ,where the I , :1 . to. -Well u support the Miu-: ,if people colual in coalfield lo.oue-fuui tevreth formed thit, ljy't%ery mail ra'rge siwcjaiti s, CIA1161 it fiarth was a very favo,rable 006, 1 , to Jet two Oc P, eels, various gamirs, Som Completed for witirgentat _. yea . a .X, delludiches from any other ,fied of aw y,regularly. ' here had n , , I . a( into * 6 I I t ., of Q orr C nalcg­ ' that we 6re a . "Haeriougf aneel from 0 Tolin. , ser4riations fear# bee.n\rec,i-ed today. n \ Or lifter pattiols returned to their ho,wei prince ' 14 * or newspa a c rtt rcred 1. om Great lirites to think , Ir *Mon., us bellindlea d d 111i the hole. canto slid good ficellag. (idiom ow*r, Am- . ' . but bereaL:itplu.17 Z Ili, - - 11,, .Iarni, r Poo ent trS point Six, ter a not over crowded tout , I 11 . ­­' . winter.' . I A . _ Ili ,Mr. DICWN said be le,ca,d al\ cma.6 ,. - bee On the floor of tht House very pleagaut to e, we arrivied at Goderich I I -But bips, much -do- you put my a week T, . ond else. 'Aim, te ill - t stisolp - 'c"and we liel proud J a RIZ meeml."'I"I'm"Al' in; the clilmost Ruler of the Vni,crse IiI;r the 1.11 -ter g"nille "'I "eel' af both seader Al would - - . -from Ili# f -me. meemillsorJor Cat-lestaili Per , of' that isrje body of peophci, it Pit an ifulli should go Is that the Post office.l)ei Who was able to liclead Oureausee wftb su'h at about halt Pact ell, litid being ccccprtsrd 6y J)eath 0 asked threleenum.r. . _. mAny-l-rilvile wee bestowed on , been an 11fritillict . it hraps it moi,lit be diffiren no matter grew hisew or P;U.14eut mi.lit be his c . 11111411111l'i if key ve I kd a losti,isicile. . rimicutes, both . — . . Peace a work, Sir.' . , subiects. - - be youniler ones figured off to *1 &number of the 6 erich people, we went to I t ; 1 ;,- To*" 111 6111d , f ". :,Z,X Is T ! . . . J ! We learn by eleg 1 the Hoti - does your club hold its in"%- Mr. 'I'multhitra Itail it.1m %. t,ip it on this . I ' I :Vy"' -',! to 'A. 11dise, but no Colife,al' Is cre . 7 4 t f=toe too . a ps os!:l:,1 I b,,,l ere &lid abroad, orici" telling efilect. .. The plain,* unvarnished lv n. ' There ere jbirg was bustle' an I operteleattell Hurva toil I'true'lle.t7lelt, Who .:al ris . 1 4 . Idafuutor hat.hon..Seti 4 - ! .­.,;,,-.-i,--.-r; r 6, Zeiiii,.;e. A -free, i.:d oll erAls TrP d out All Puts A.i told by a plain man, in a pal 13W &old after a pleasm, -h I if$ ", . JUMP, mobighwas strains vf * l 'in. rules, if observed, "` . Pit Jiwhu# R. Giddi 4 ited - Eteat"ge - Congo 'i kmeklesul truckle to in ,; 9 'he&' .Uistrt;!uf "tea a C . " A So, , "), , ,* . , I walk ab.ut.t I . , !lie. 1 ell . I boo land Ila . I I ,oil cc ,,,,, ' , he beauti :It ii,wated, but lily, Genterak ill Carded p, At the 'King's IIVA tire' . 'As- I . Z _ m;h wvu!d, A - - . I d * , was %be *_ 11 . 1. , - your . ,,I' lincell,rit 16 thoest I Vet kindly manner.. faust surely infinsfacce ., '" " " ` 0 not clam a fig ,& . lit TOO'. , L,%" Ito . . . the actions of any H. M ...... 1. 1 ply.1, ---O . I * , I ot right, &oil f. in Cealobints, - but* the most uc"pr;- -lid made preparsia,vies for he SAOWI T be I .voinini, slid I I ist why do yove hold it at a Public' \ I . Units eo .force compliance on ( anatter that they b " L 1. Never isirritl I, 'I ticereepa' r. . - i intsing men., a9d . we,trust that in the daw pero.risiume for the eav's. I - - . - .. 'That was the way in wh 0 , le 1 , 0 us 'worst ,COTO age lately "apic Mr I I - like aggeft* Nifith.cli -" R . . . It 3h: 'jailittion, aul to I IrY ." 0 t a air* per Uri Giddin;s was u well kuo.nthouw? _tblrt'v . ill of 'be ['a .1 .. II, - at "' a`p %..' 04 , , I day. asking things tW In I, inner Vol" thalk ..told , we , i;, , . laid out, towu , . , . . r - . At rig Snell obioad o J I . , . 1, dellin sArie-e;,­rU.,. U b the 1.,.t:-;- . I ctiesed, \to the either man, jLptilleii im,kb S _ AW . I ., that we,o a .2. N:1e . . I I . , 111,11, , mvwtey.i, , I Me -is ry ri ne-tiowerelielb of the Jer a I menced by retiests oftb e mifi. ry, &lid knew- , ro save marter, air. Tee lasentfl, d \ . — . I I, wrapper Oil end eta 1-6 .aQixeo for liberations of Mr..Brown's committee we ingly experience %hat a go, hurt. ue wber for .Cadeton, I IF r butt capons W the c Irv-mouir %beat, each F. 11 I ,athrou.hout-ta-erica,kild u "verenelly rfo icectcrd I A r is 4 I , , . with h he . th,cort millimeters . . . I . I . I ipar tee a display or that"spirit of United volunteers -is" care sAy t _,t , our I lie was fur many y4ris a ading po.stician I war? kind hearted' mau;)ued bou as bait the 116\64110blesti011 heft on the 2#ti.wu a . . . trIDID heir WeticPA, ot .1 ht. t y accurdscry to the comes of 6 1, lasunj raised ZL 1"ar"i ' b ol unit, the of the riclun, hayi&A nearly r- thirty years, room for noth,ug." ' ; grand affair, over 1000 people living aw' "[- . . wanted. But because bw io(V11'r.,1o'ie,sot.)1 St. Z'SH'ar't than U . , .,Lllriorego ,,, .,,r,),,- ,epay, y %cent a sup. ail perv-s . . . I sit eilerted he 1,Tiwr v Cionadi-mism so earnestly called for Mr. ' bui also - - I .1 , ,A#, in poic,ted. If this be .,:i rifle company,, ill art 1 tv; mrr ,Zpmacnted one of the NortU ithst,scis ' 'I'llatorems all very wep', butwhatavyOus'VII f.ala all , rtic,oftlet surromselift; cosuertry,' this wen orviI.1h, ' P& . Ile" gdlrw `, with -110 Vote, rehhutigh represent. ' r 0 an spe,id at his h.use I,& the week?* mAquilmd the Coo - ., I I . e, . yinedto t . be detai ;',d. - ', I I . , Jcctlift . Dicknolls, We venture to PAW$ solifthmi,ill"'Aill sigards, -c "rrect e;tic U hio Ili tile Hougus a! Repre, ati,es, 3U. of the r . I . I I . '"' 90,000 people, ill. wis.cr he got ..a. -I bJgi ,, .I.iuA any publicci - vt\iw uts for 4. Ye -e- miritt .,)OISisli, the pa r anythia, '61i . I tank , precisisen in their -movementar, thgt 'A, have i bsi 1,01'sor,is be left it,71he oldest in r I ,turer, . . . I apicuous elbows the &doroM"t& . now 014 because Laws, ' swedwhised . "beta ,'Joehaif of every ever men. . , _: . . I I . ,e does Ard the glooriousee AUA Flag'of FAS. , I *' . I . ,- - - 01 Diek.0, You ca,, *t get I -, — ir , 7 r itesireatntatirre , if"about a shilling , V I . 65 a mind rod is 7B.'uZ. but the address of tfie, Paill to also ", I the Hours: He %#A always in law I t e I !%Vrll, one with another ill&. . t I . hear, and laughter.)* The.ldoupl: of i1nurbi IT no. , It sn't. I 1. . . a, It 411-i . - , ,so , I - I I . ,hignercrament in'this constitil thou came tiet-Atbictic Games, compCeWid abolition of slii erci In Pie gumIed , it I: iii! A wrii q " . . . had borrowed $300,000 t he thed to get me'justiLe fur b4a as:itu I . 16yer 61'ri. - Is ., .1 .. I I Iiii , The hill ill the rear of the Station I . I . clikust in make I - - I ,I reemning,jureepaij, onck and whiceltearroF lalli mmduvwr! : but from hicerI4, ' e i This awilver, tl e 'lecturer know pettect!y 'formord a beautiful 4pectaele Wage, her threats . , . I' , , , -the Buffalo mad 1; Mo of eats, End asked or' t5e improvenion a 5. Never eiri -4le mirtfl CA of any dcarrip. I - - f , so . . . .. - -%for Ila 0 ItA'i!nlly 1111unifil IN lion I ency inter him, noble effort to present otir refecing, throwing the shoselder-storce and be.,vy &I . in in CAgross ago ; screll, dKt4reJ by tLefixtessnIn modesty. limit a gissualed, . . - . country, a e C t of Drills, ANs!er i a me a.;,lost th iftsely in& I poetat.m.and I . - I " these I ts es art, striel tot use irl'itis. true light bel'bre the assenj hammer, sood-Liciet. thou, ,h not least, I. betog: b,A,c.te,1ftbi gie. ix of (residual I(, the are " us,& wtek would b I . i the lid bitherto,'unlike other bar harbour air ill If n -le paper vilended 16rissinai-. . c -i I . I gar romeneaders.-­ - wi . 17.0 defk'4 have tit gh or roa-cic,". ,Ile p t, - !owed o t, the; ' - crow at probably have, , . era -from the Municipal L*Ea Fund, they it' I leme4arit inlerchice of I V papers eir bled W'isdo* ok f Cameds. . i ,he Insist diffit-ult, climbing %be 'greatly pole. : e bee I !is saitisfiction befiore be dird. of si far Or 'r the mark. , , I Vq6` Th- Slisforth %'olunt"' rs, - .14. C"lemse, " . I I had paid their ei2lit per ctat 61 yearl I. the Attorney Genital II'.ast (140 Coger I., e . 1 IL . . I I .e. . I @ m. rY 9 a , he had embraced trill I 'What a pity it id,. h- r Ir"Ito have it to sa that me e% r in._14ce edi mphaut. 9 ,obftrwf-d Itheit .. I ld h beenance to iv * . . - ____ __ I Brignitu,ed ,carried off thei Ile "All &PPOinled1to the post of Coliew; (;ell. I 1-9 be , or IsAmi "wen do not ' Botild, and fired's fred do juicie'st noun, after - I L ,ci mill ­, Prize 01% of the L J)y our war I I . - ., ) most 1-16 ven'll; wil Ile full 01 -sers ... . . — aft VT I I I lunctdal ly. BuL, if there was to I he Ito I b III rather (Jacques C Itii-,) . T...." C,r,1:.',m,d L Pi - i . curai . I 4;iia r'du wa C- 0 ' a ornrclond up, headed by the Ileme West I "' " W` -If'- I .-f lyh 'day, Inuch to,the theigrin 51r. L:nco!u, anZI discheirSed bin. UP weirood clula., whah they went thirtAtijis a number af cycle. y for thus state of restraints if the _— :to'ehileeeiveL bf. c Commend theit, striolt o '\ rated tests in open in Town, flithfully to Igrountry we b. too jusill of your o I wrl for yvUr tiu i,i very creditably. J:verythmi panned off . I y ... ` mt. - -Fr" Presi. . A,, AN EXA I 110UNG , 4; ,de,rieleatebs, Besides the sousil to the, , , ' L I -A very sere. A k mer strong, F ill M 'In . * I ­ tolore by every decorative Goternmetits he "" could be have it ? (Hert-, be EXT)KAOttipilskitT ACI IPZVT. %43 99VILON. i there was sit, Kicurition sue, the lake,,Aii vi,Cansda. I e W ., .t . . slid lau.1ster.) Ill" con" I I "' aver 1.1,11he flu - You won be much more comfort . I I t ,;l w if, H ' . , ! phisted such " U"m to I "" I c - %* be trusted as they had been fr t mcc h .or U'r ? I . t I ge'Lland get or .' ' i , I L I should 1'"I it to be his duty to t0l them to ,ulld 1, hill asked people dt! I . - I asicoj'availesi thl'Ifteel"'cred glad t6-seempse . rn,sf deli,;htfolly, the poly accident Instill; , , Too on@ L or tOOA Place in the Ouse of Mr. I. We had the pleasure, a rew days ago, the crowd. .. . . - Mop paying all that Joel, 1( go ill, the country miles est of " ,cc) Rftipro ity Treaty, and was ever ready. to aid It on are at 11--ent., — . 00 , H ", let . . . I iey i,,to I the public '. '. Jafrrar last Illuesidely, which had wel; " - "I Becur"19 its C*011tiremance. Few men .Pii ­ 'Mulli a ' Said the coontermonger, ifterew clys oureTaire- d by one elf the racing jockeys wh,,A6 . The meun!ler represtratiu. Cobourg, ,eel for 11iti. Ion und ell' a' h piu;csd fatal. It ap,,esors th,st there is ,''of hisopecting the farm of Mr. John W. At half Imixt Six we ectiorted for .1amer,'aod more "s.5arted that, he. Ile dies Insurers" , Y* Witlei trot re"ury berc,'Idgy $2 1a)k I the member ore mr.uiing Mail and the tribute hictieky taxes tO-4iWrts* us -if th . r oil talk in t at manner? Le. horesse'Intricei 1-im III-Pild first over a fince. - i t , S.* ship, End with- ,:7 :.1'l:;.'14Fq well ; bul he, -1. as twinber , - , ' membef * reezoeatoij London, came down Country, and i 1.1-"pfused,ilieto a fill - respire. I i I A solicit, license, tialt, pre,,m Elli is of Goilerich Town arrived in time to'bive .,L duc',ing. All PIE a!ik, by ibe,kople of this Province and the I . . 11 . . " T - A- C", . of I faTpily, ,so grvot harm was done to the , . Holds - ? H or Ties , t I , , I I act locality n ,,!Out it - - H wishing . iqvidioulle, -t ider '"f real sapiens. ])store The p ' ' 4' , ui. . _ -, - bery, slid , courtesy and attention o: gentletwooll and verved.-U66t. .1 money together r';anythiiag, of the iiind ? roaramme . S%rl' oi swith the Mole T to - Was [lot even i In L'rm CA -IKH sea te a remark ich t I lir occ . .1, r the 'house, bad bee 'i . * proswel tbourvielvess hilfilLpleased Wish the notion wb'kb be so 10111 post,riouctilly slid ably weari to iii up thi- each the Rome %A,le, A,.d the "i I IC ou t to 'make . I 1. r "Alhu`A4'f,'I!Ac esea 11A like the I""'k;eL of Woo iolicsi jlicle iditiv,goidlery L . ..:. '- n its ill ohl,ging office:a III charge of the tracer, I , I , L , . . try'of the clay, I I _. .:,iz,, the cire " I , , , . it"(,% ,.A,il i e lint girl, narn d I tiacti ese matters, -, - -- Why, our rent Silo a would be more title , "is co"C:a,fed the from U is@ with big load I r : O'lAar ' trade upo , when t4 C.) I weg as with tile has it ible mmanner in which , in -;&... S . I C` I 6 , Ifurou and Better hounit in, this weri,, . 4200'a your F I . . \ , of gay' and happy, testimonials from the . trai X r , ;:-;, mancele., P I - I 91 toa -end % o It he hot .1 I . . nnected ,with Mr. Elliotts I'siendrest die.ead ee 46* liae treated us.", tgotwilk.aArrRAT ATWi;oson­'T o Iris: .'too say 'said ill I ,ill ' IAk* City came d"hi C . contest 61' " h (f liar That we- think \ 7 3 St a ' Kest. "' - ween Grit fee . ...;I: _ he e -I to ­rIy, peca I " ,4#'KSON,sdesd he Ardiali the (imt q . . _ a -l" fe , ;b:l; ,-llhrj W mare weight r Ili "ric,of the Alibi ii,y Orf e,srl' I I l!"t get !1's , na . . trait Advertiser 'says: _,*h,)rt iy after the one me ifljll 9 Past, furcittly rescuield - . tI00 fo. 01 ' Levels Il"t sure if ,, . Ile ... !, , - _` erminatioll u( the. eel is week vri'OsI7,' ,' ':'f%' e -!es lortutight , I . thieves he the Munie.ry af t ",'he = Jimmie he -the It and:uj It dreadful " ' *he'll hit! airilt . ii oul d III beneficial to hy before our \ , 21laroffit iraddles. . ' ' elflrat orrof if'* Q"- ,art. literwarte. Y'd ing -lid settleri of th "groat chan, I I I be, day just A, all .0're Lot,* thousand or JZlit . - . On that account. (Hear, bear.), , Worm the )"* 11 , .. d L , y 11 I goatwb- , forefather would ham gone for b e rfeei by tire e,,e:- v I I I hi.th dai at Wiadeciii, enter about since 1 IA3 1. L people of flOron and Bruce always to Joe ' hch a 901.6sr. .11. I — 'On. a .The laccel mad, the o;9 , Igiepgq s PlIpullietion, f r force ,lion Led It i.,,rarilo, am.,, -tic I `,A I . ' h i together and f iR too tijbieven pence a Week , lion by my aftertIA . f r 1,.rf I I-rs: i ;. rings of sketch of what we i b M'Ch satisfaid . tFrAib!ss.TriyPPvcqr . neggribeliabsessichic -two I vocal with sweet mures Uri Z the ) . I note u - i6d itAretesed is lessoldred a year (or y n common, rel-orrs,,uke truly, Javities Cartier MM it wit ON aid of the I ca. 1% the saw i 'T "a -2 'new It '4 tea red' mly',te"A" 'late intAll 10 st,le"t, i'ent. I will pay fire buridred; I -ill pay L the ovening th young firelVenj,iyed ,the I . the Oporto of wooJ and drowpi oi water 4 c 6 because, if I 0 no a . i young a 0 birgi With, the farm is far brane f trade Goderioli, &lid one, too, two V , c of Z.9 a' L ... rich . U . those cillaod, Is 'Were the iphabaLasue of the" sc lur. ((;real hw4befer.) lle:(,Mr mr.11il, a the W'641,hshf. suc .f III C;.Ml) , 1. . . ila- - . I I I places never. to be CoMrsilillose1% per, their tfif . him t ri row being cam of cultivation. -,Tke usterTartt"I. Oms. a memlier Yoe pruvi hundred a year for repairs alid taxot t Al ,$eIves at ; (;, wed Helfand sup' r in -Knos's ' *- - content debta,ew - -forion) however won not asking just now , cuing Ile ; ht e t of -fill'. or, Ali " which co da be. ted thitiside of' of this. cityv sail this other a volutired IlWad,ed more -for fuel Slid gas, three le . III . L . ustitusats paij their Repressnatiatio;Jr'by Popuhii pure, slid a . " n vas d-rec,,wertAl n, As ' hi ­her portions of i are stic light that threal ,9cotl ' "I . I 4 .. . unifted 'About fIA0 Was olistributired to wi . of' . I I I q 9 W. '0 "ifiler -fillio, . a- Jbile billet, her overcli UP I I is %a le ' than the tran!;- y itergemsent of -the Is . 14 PulictumilY ? 4 Wait he imperative duty Ina t , 'use ob"Iet " years of "i I' it (' more' fur c;erk and servaretv to hecip up the "a "What be agelikoll r for with". e dill lColif "lit d'- Sleirli years crop. as the ma ritj : $ corn m;63al I ilo, L-g,klature to grant . -lor,was a M.-ric once .%ledi reso - -of'our farmers fortuatio ali v Hurion 'bitefiih into and a t egr"tam ,.UT,At Stencil, I'late. I will &flo* you due handled news- . 11: more refire CO.. I to off Jeff6roon Robinson; *era I paptricas day. I will leltow your live bandied -a phis"11\4migoed unbounded amusement delfitig . . F . it ! itl tLe (1111fierent gionrici. The Calithmn to that large drad import ad ,,,,v I ic I tly Recured, a"Id-e-Y'litte 6o-'sluettheiroperatio , would complete- , ' (,,,. . . I . 1% Their illortbis were Pan, Mon. Mr. CAUTIER-Stick to t I Uoi I i,... r girl-" cberhtion re, seellent h, .. Our 1*70 n, Thens. of rer d clench, and Ifianch. colva,wh, )eEr to parthase bo,AS fn yo or li'va,y and flot- day.\ The ( U[IcwjL I@ to list of the " . - I I Ali' ton"i A, -! a good - . - I I was . I CZ1134st it. Heft Mr. Elliott succeeds, - I As 0 , " - 11 rig , Roday A Cit. I '6 to, t , pay Itetterem to instruct you, I drill then hann ilktbe y,&M , ollc­ sea " . : :KSO% said be woulel' dt thi.,' I Coto I , lit ;I to tely " ., rL 7;2\b).'1 Cah3llrI` a jildleloull ro tion ill getting "t Je a 1.rge belief of wosid fund two timumm" yrar me, ai id In .',y,;c9.., to his saliecteari and it wait (Initor imi4miscible to.- till eletche, ... C,,;nt. , v r b . I- ru: or weegreo, plectiq to - armed -it, . ertoyour toeSt I - a t;, I I e gail . . %.:",;,h I 'cial ly mice i t hr I As Low on the ledwill a m.' I properly to rojerobient these a Bill d Were mr , 'ilklen'di-I .crolm of' . out for something ,, 'i . I 11 e 11,mosse, which proposed Arai ' cs ,Iluwign the in jux of Wi racing wheat, , , . let HU4111,ingiump, J Witten, 171t; 9J inch. I 'h ""Wat','tiond d copper lion or other. I Id almost console. - hagre\beep d,:ow'n-d I in P"ol line, have struck upon he original to, r, iieflictiog, ;a feared. a fatal wourul,,colliall, 2,,4.0 GordDr, .1 7,9. stand* W - ) now before th to - I lit occurrcd,' she .ek Ale Me W ierrif . laitX. Z : . - - it "ibis, Sir.' I 1PJ i"MP, in '. ! ­T pai,al . I . ! ' head opdu t'. Ilit.dipth of about two inch- 'le -u!ate it ymeormself,-yto "termoniers .11111,114111111'ree, 11-19, 2ad C Gordon, 1,5; Three to 9'vi 6 01"Prob,'r fvr Blaces, the population wite, he water in the wici ' while at t e game tilbe I Of wbidb was ',(Am at least 30 000 . d get a polwhi,tiou prel:on rati ' ' I of eonmiderklol I !h,il, Ing Mr. Leortard's itefigh ta le ess a Gordon, 34.5j. 2ad W "I depth, and, in additirtif ' At ' , le, Griffin Smith sense. are genorully very quick it figumiLl - Lie lht over I at a C prier. Cau.sPIA4 he shoul 1, in fill 0 r (,t%Ar troubles I es a to 111"e. A] ip Iterep standing jumps, Colin " I r emit 43,r000. I . -"4 I 'C.':' t e head of S I"Pulati"D of Ifulon ..A .I I' , _ `hh, ' to liuron and her clothes and bad, Ire t , t C Z's.1 ,eii,-W a aded ,% a process which turns out suVb a, lead III ca,th ad We& take-' UP SPP&MCIIIY Tbl.wam did Jai and found to his great Rallairtyne, :i2.IOJ; IL hop.'step and hear , did loot. in thin B1;I ask fA,rA.prrWlt . a Itiuce cheerfully vote, if tie slsuul4 I hf re b, ,,el with it. 0 d a:`r n T , . the-suit\wbtel., liar . , old, acid trisk blood. Ile " Plelow.roo 39.91, 2Q A ,on 'a calculation. stated high . jump, T Fos. 1 6, 2nd Was lial. * , opu me d ,imply. All to tht Hower, to give additional aremix.to lo cover. !t Ili or would lioa,ois, fls soroa, . , as it 1 ri-A into so.. ni 19 elf Mag itiple.' , I f ! rv, ,,,,, "%'rig '" IA*ef ('&O&ds in Proi!ortioll to her r.2c'e" As is.'now it, a r.ir way I . Ard, tie iI isjo-Alkey. . Ma Do 11 , ul re, I honlynes. 4.5; running hif,b top. 1) I)oewororcr, r ' , ion P I , 56 se a t P her life capped' to I wountla were do* mice I e%e;lt or ,lILAtiev ",; now donc ou.1,17 rktill. I I he to I cited, &ad Par W" (At- Nelleas, 311:21; - U . 'ac, his t i is" I I at I ace st men fr, ,ino;ii: or the genuine Finnere I I, ie famishment., that the lecturer ..., I -, , le - i tivilebre wb is -m cor-el. - Cormi he . W. h .1ifi,lyu ye"re; . . . t im ' . that the kentiest Set]dchm.in whil..t par- , i Moctreall w rig P60 to three ` C 'roci. there . , -"-----, . Ilosec .ei)re""La- Population. Itut it mine U11jusk to Huron and of. ,Then a, I the taking of the'diedle would be deceive,11,viiere! mv.d 0,11tesert.' A WAS I e imel , 2isd T Ilrocidloot, 4. A; t rowinX the &too*, . I L i - ' '"Alson, 20 3, 2nd Jam Fox, 20 0; Wheel., . I negre), ce-i every 'its; gnn- I oil ple liri;g along tire Mho" mencher, and that, vore ,-,,eedar-oo c J funliIn, 2nd . i feces . c Iffetiollotion. , -, I I @to- tot ' ' "' race, lives Ile th*se ree-land these peop'e move 'Dunfri Jet- r. , , tirto co.sider'*Ie are.V of rich but "i he not altrare of tile fact. The had4ies ' d boodly w 'Id it ca - __ ----* ____ _ ,.-- - ___ CAP Brueell-riclailliso large a popuiatmer they . I irculated that GriffiAi, 1) gilen to spend I -tie I . I .11 ffirl' be killed b , ' than 10 - , ' , : dr - t1ibillIng so largely as their did to the rs,Iirrore, , . , , I , fellepilt. A rush wee moddo , 'Pologh the'llor"Coller, 'row Taylbr, 1. of Like llaru j make it could on.y have one - _ , , _ low,lyin vered land, to order V off 11 like hot cakes " to local an . info , to I '01m. & elanuti, b .... .. wh I . I - tinj tht-ir seliell.4601111i 4114.7 should" have nothinj returned to torctu . and'den' h i::,uld'11,ig . Coleman Robinson ___ - ­­ - ___ ___ - "I" b; remelt me*, W Hathei , 2nd ' I , Arumptiy, were entitled to a second "Ictuiler- lor*impioventere-4. lion. go en. Stimulated, *anti ed uioPt favorably an to their . 1. 11 , thoy a contr o an INC", , , is Agppeale4 t') the ression and aCervien oppos;tr, its vie,im , with & tat&, firelli,l. It I a It - Tiiiz­-Quite overry Lis taken .0. , and Pri — liten any"Icts mers. and rv:ireconm at a distAnec leave pro. I crowd upon the two- 2.d;rJ ,;.I, lrr*"UdOn is a bahit which creeps the M1.1t ,.,a. (--I-- . . Joicrits. I -livid ternid the Cream 'of ,- h:,.,g J flurf'oes; rival race 20,0 ycic rvrhc, J t. 2Dd - . .. scam ,If justici, .11crin furmedy they administered tile 4;overb &I fivellitf. t I I 1 ed 0 y bandied. They we , Ack . Hich'I lhllon- Men's hurdle race, M Dillon, . of tater geuiliterester, f, um 1,,ower Catuala, %*j my wever, by tho'\'lli magnitude of the . whether the wiled, it"Juesed people to go up and Gen't The -ice, &lid Pnarir L t e il try the article and be 1 :i,r,Q,,,.0Ub.`,,rAdm and seciviry6ittit I con \ I , Vicious, but it leads ti % .. I ;I le skeptic I be hurled go,scitist them. place in town in coneseelucenceof the Action 2ed Jnq Noll! A y'o root race tender 12 years, "' I tma!ty at it at ill, 0 les in his W friend convinced thit the Goderich haddies are to J I.,jewden; ind A Winters; for Callsothoul. . I coo young A number a sof. I the ovum' in resevelving' that the wn alliet'ition their fiendit, fir promisinAr. through an Older step, of 4111i,ears in the'­A-iring!, har, a, , __ - I diers fixed i1seir bs odms, and grsci It. I bell rung in future on . - ' "' A ; rejected. Taxitticin without mrom ., Wid to Itay 82 annacre for old. If ri 0 ing miss I t ithin thl, pan or ye )ua­ tel pians, A Steirsorti; Coy. . domand could be ri.thteously eVreelity or BIUC0 heart has pai r, C , C I * i . uld not get Justle", is, C-uncile that one hu!fdolleecr a . 'he JoU114- as they- grow 'older its i Plishqf \ teillf hasie impaled theirleAroes on the & I .Ai - . rid(licroy time I I was robber, J, *,oil, I I he cu ; just as and filer cheaper thic the l florese riterrinfien for all borm in lice dounty,, I he should fisi-I I lit f cImrv, form cles bit . 11 bin duty to advocate asdill king the& 'Col to thal of a *hidovus monveir I : rio moeiciol x1._\,.9oo1 t , , ' Id be a enteresnienee to tot state or poll 2 dAriou, Would he returnod for we n, . ith I ,'a dou it won wonders IV, 'tIkulli. I impor oi,., but the crowd *04 Pro large that they, could J, i ter hosts best ,in 1, parvie of $15, Th; i . ! I limit csiske ce for bio'constif. died brielfertion that county. Ito, isfie? they which I its them to destructi,n i6ith th,i;; labor, the Surface of large ficids ha's been __ ­__­ -L tot near them. Sram horeffeeierted wret I r. d the ficarolung public it) Nsi 1, Sintrudi" trottoof match, J in brute , rd i I, "tile there On ill " * ,mo re. The\ idler, the speadili Th. boot in is 015, Joe Brydon a -1 Israel -" waU I "Wou -a Islould , ba *,%I'd 10 "Ey that it Prince M go peop so to . Ca . 1'eleared of4err and stamps, and the crl) approached'& coloured-praw,:pperentl a j , had fje iec:istury of its own# so,nulon mad tile Carticer-Macellonald at p6milics., , ,and lh# d,u,,kard, are SMO,A , I I I'll f2earsof sgos,and with stick of .ca I the regular time changed to suit the race., do $5 'Win Clement's ',IF* ' Prow. it Its of cleaver,,! olfille it, the latter its effectjo I , drew from thiiir is klement, and appear in the roo,tAid rorm. lie knows flourish in the\ irgin ­ similarlily treatedp%d all, fiergil'y driven to can the\Ill and public Jlfilat e a4ript the — , . isice .1ty itself. and they .ca d bc msdy I, C oil 'il, se Bruce should be Separated and in uh, & Geoves"llment d,-I,b,,r. e,5 Partial, and barley whiab too-daY rRO , ?"WEENT. - 0`41 felled him aeonlem. Othem lie ; regular trains, but th lion in, will or race) do S P, T Knox's 11 Holdhim ji" yon' - . )!hat =11the 6,dor in nif." Ildi got eats' I riohqe.qq oflue soil -----,--,, ­­­'­ . ­­ I —1 I "net . . I =IIY 0 enter a larst;r still wider tiodon, be Ise,) . p; - that the gob!et Which be is about 1. drocin,is thus reclaimed 4rom the wilderness, ,are THE APP OACHING CRISIS. the' witimity. Gri a yr r mowe , b big i - I fe0eratim of the 11,olrinces e into the trap, Icy "lli they poison, yet hi revoll,,wo it. He imoms, (I — - L \ * as mic'e1all - e,mIdnot bet the 1 4 at fully the .... ,r the young farmers& bent reward. . frict,sh, to troit, &old a late hour I t J innovation\ If not, the conericenalt,nees fe #AW- The Peterburgh A Review ' learro, Plidiled. [171reers and laughter.] Mr. Dickson t Ile mone p ansils 1: I j,ouricall re - Mills Of thousands has pointed it in Whca Quebec, Mai 27th. ",I Itt was. tax Ii a ,con Ilion_ I the business Ikublic might be more achoulat that oil Friday but a man wimed George r. he ,. y (no . I fi, 9 , n . - )CAAe litictstics,11repared by to prove4at the co'untl* mt B Wom P"lu'red OTS"'n"t COIOM that it wilt deaden all be, hoc. tile drains and improvements which exist There is considerable' excitement heft I is not,@ ct to recover. than missing rt`fi ornirg t. -min once slid a Mitchell, repiding in Cavan, commitW pruceeded J`J read 9 recount , I , o, Section OtL In that new to.wilabips in Huron, tworre , ) lehe. pdor is __-__ \ while, b .f. . dangling it . So gentleman Who took a deep intsocivat `* &I'd the allied, take the strength from bit battles, and in Ili$ intelligent brain are earned a d' h t gathere strength that X.* suicide b7l.h i hi mccelf. It appears I . the c.antry . ut':tJd 00 the% tbechappmeasirvin fits heart I , , to , ad general thing ,h 'L inside be fits Coo showin the PrOAreO undli of W,ith foul discame, gird hurry hi's proofread to a . I ' isc.rJ*d &red Mr.Powell fultele . t on n my morning conme little family . - and I siiii. anul&A'NE-No doubt of it, &,.d in dishunor y t!librikeinsion it anti . over one hundred acres, I nd he will be itia or General. After Parliament rumn . ec encs -had taken place, which so " '. f B'si Alveen 1849 Mr. INICF "; yt t Ot 11 i: azlicee of twenty- d wy OpPromoe' him Mt Elliott will have a superb clearing . - ' 'k, ""' Laq Kaelbe It Lid a OIL we do .lit ma"th t a 1. fr 1 Ii it WON a we iderme I ".],K1.44tolood that Mellen. Bell, Lyrrorriese,ii ' — iterates earlier ringin ( the bell ca do worked apron " that in the evening ho I 1 860 it had a rilul-tioll of' 27,944, monlit - spreles C , terhapor the finext specimen or the ludi-' no in . "`- 10 otheresionties too. , . Vel= pe , l' he milliliter o acres cleared was Mr. I)ICKSON said he would spral to the that Ill which! fairly on the road to richArs. His Pill Wrif.hl W I oui Me, Ili, Ministry, ir ougusibrel GrOus ever .esetrideA i'R the following pie- any haral. I, wrote on a Flip of p*r, Ito I ' ' ` fb ce to It As Gold be meri It 11 .9 5 * Cows. small C" 0, Faid I eap,i, he J-3.11 Ili' .9i :`-fl - O; the fair plow of hill. ge!'11'swill, (role Lostr I the tie 11 fie. sh yet, h1ve rlie A to year ' with the to era . "I.. lure of private theatricals in India - I /// . % alue ,If forming lands's"'.26.5".25; "b'o value in, W hf flier after Pmmircen; these pori,plF to 0 'd have, been got in intact The Oppose I . I ­- ­4o,­ - — ful to me, rely race is ruri and titere went I of willes,le Isselds, 8:001000; swct,, $624,443; Ireturn ones fourth of the purchase too icy Aid, ciliated 11- _. 1. ,Y-p I care, and or c,,urge could hardly present a Sol# t' cdL till .were onxiout tq inks tho " Nov" ,hall I forget " (Aa3 s the we itbr) , G!wm& I legnereta, $130.123- %%*up of --- —_ I \\" notch Y Wer at out of the estimates fully .1 . . TOWN COUNCIL "t'into the barn and attached a logging I milip., watiXtotionge site '15 lwa.,( heir lands for iroprovemprots it . Jet to her appearance. There is one paint 0 mis t if I 4e all I by madmims, to - prove the,.gett'ing up of I Macbeth" and to say — \ chain round a befin, put it three times of' ' VS - -Asgi , . the round him neck and ;,,--d off theboom, I , S.i. is 06il. Ith , the crop and.Otboor prioducts witlidraw the promigglic, mad' imithe mm C::)' Nfith"an"" lls"thorher, the w, -Il ki,Ilro , that stamps were town narr. the it was got up :meet respectably At the iiertinj on Friday evehiing, I , 6 90 -the 1160, $1,030, into the Clonso.!iditted ' try "there died on I'lowcooday ma,.ui:,,,, .%I., 1,0, like to dwell upon. .The faren-house is , ' Mayor accul,ied the chair. Protect illa'Alite,ir where he was found"i tle evening. , -bole repreftqti,lg a so'id goddil'or, Aware tile I Revenue, and at thir at Pivnion"Ith, ,New licteric;mbire. Ife Tkv, (iovernment, in c' rd' and Mvitthew Loocke's nu.ic wax d . A cre ' Arlutal 1 hostre r, poneeseents lion rcc, ord %mA pattern ,Af neatness, the young wire hall own 'y manner, . A mir- I I , tatted, weallbaffbe Province of flu I - ? I ,11,ar, )rear.) 11, noppinx 'Are Plymouth in the ,,,W W,. a, a evide I ked out of their s1r Pit of Wtdne4day: ably performed,under the superjoftendem d Councillors Wallace, Runcirreart, to ___1s__ ... ' in, I .Ion is nty a taste for beautiful floterm, Th temerityofthe ov . ard.Humball, Lonjwortb, Smith and 1 .""3' . or (Rear, bear.] I.A-PIA-Fthiv, thro,proph, (if in journey fir the bel-efit of his health, and to lit hatchet owin. I f ' ' ' WhA was ap eloelletit-must , sihf.s d fri;enPF,M.b"eemd u 161 Lis conctitirs me. *he opinion is that t In ­Ypperig, - ff";Itt , DirrTitARTNANAFTOTIPEA.-ReFT. Mrs. ,F. "ruce had `ld 10 the Gi"verellue'"t for farm I , else% had rot the shot. advact,ittes with re with , Fir - PmAident Foons"' while the barn -yard is looked after just a Ministry wi; I 'an. " . \ i'ligiand rill* in cam I I,, , ell ' body Macbeth,r was undertaken I 'on- C. Piedras, for finally years Missionary to age loin, 81 1.446109o, two contrite Pierce. psfi& bad leren ouffs-rin,ii with grueml, c.1rel*ully. fail I dossill.tion is not ill,,, t prulli 'by Anietry, Fan of the celebrated author,6f J he Council agritsil in forego a sum due Hayti, I L uterp aanup!ly to the costa Record tie varieties, hiferpre enjt!yod h the peo. Implements and Vehicles sirge T ; (JIM A acres fili a Coati .-Free now of Martinsburg, N. Y., (the elf. We to,ease,of the to ,if The E'emern lownshille, 'ke laitpr debility far &.,one time, but rptireirl I- had till carefully Loused, every pound of magall Prow. , . the , Bath Gaide., -body leconw,- i - taxes. . I Provibev a Asset ._ W@d ad 1 Ever) by Mr. Won. Mills for beceli taste having Seriously affected her hair and I'lustrai (If 11W:1in; like 11170,009. As an Z first r 11 - I injmdt:, a IlArt, d)no to this 1100 mAtketA Ili Quebec and ,lot so,.basle 01111', 1.0,1h so, well as usemill. A(31,, pregetrM, stables are ilt it I 1, how rapidly the beard grown in a hot The Finance Committeie reported, recom. 'Cal w t !-'I ba,o derriTed much bonefit :rcepcould Alan _ iontmal A on )win led up set be P- ri re d1heir produce &:ipo to pureliandi, .; morelingt however ME - cliniate. Ancitecy'n wall Qne of the black. from the notill (of Mrs. S. A. Allen's World's , Carpftjtuenet he fit mele"6011 1i I e ,gird IN woo found dead in bit bed by ex President mending a great of $100 to aid in liqu.clot;n; wr,'t, P..., M ... c oil terecild be able 1. send it t,),Il.li:.E, .2 the whole " 'a " M' 001 I to lite ni'Mi"eres a miry, that Pierce. I ftery sioneerefilence, and around lrlssrepmtrbcs h e been t'Aait. here feet tint, and it being a worm itiou.son of the I the debt due on , the Drill Shed, providing the flair flestorer anti Zylobalparnisto. I have I . . . the meme-m:6 for him,pretrom ie,romercti,d. me 1,.te,c il'spi.l. But he. - there exists an air o(tuffincial-like thrift. the impe,ridi Geller meet he yet I trie-I various other Premedical, but never any to the last rc:,Pi . tion of the Cali a peat ernment I year, before the fourth sect it town has the.uw of the @am* when not woo. thing that so materially bentifilted ines.' l,noT S-10O.-Oaft of the St. Catharines The in t arkabio Net, howe so Ion,, an to tender it neturilly remeregary, I'quirod by the volunteers, and that I ." Stil:l ,ysil.,011.l I.L'itw,-I,? Beforv,he went a U "! I ! reo is 12.743 L"i, 1,rnntefit, .he (iould some r.atno4 &Mount I .161, lead grown no .11ZO.S. 1 ia! ."a t is brokers lont'he &boom in (7 rein. Ter, 14 Quebec peadmIr the issue of the American, " Xsebe Soldloydraltsuieverymbeire. Iterpot,198 4,470, r1f. mil,r#.(!U% of Quebec. Fridqj tllr,Qtlgb A ineiialplembentatba ca her connection with tile Joan billamelf, and war. The Qtipberc ins'% Al I It d thilet a , 'ady ., thi' to t4have befinie she I ,i be entered for. . reenwich It., I . I I r for West N,,,,,,,, m 11 ;:111111 toll mote tho Socialist; the mocr bcrr (or Ni444' 'd I e us I a . Y. . . Hand 2o, .As arre nger. itch to point tile irlonew Oct.-% men are doiji,ete, , red in the Afth It sea,.. llogwevc r,ao 0 1 ; 1i the reirecil'yer fur ff,,,i,tq, uer t It, &'I( vs' lolltillCloorms Lo hole it see Ile went &-bay it) 4 'here ' l,';' -d ellh'-f (iloweires p V . b 19 . 096. sent by the (;rvend I*runk to Scallsorth. 70".rostal A `1 I . 13 whore we w event d,jes not know what tde,do. I In r in t it Ac I %I,. RUmball, o".,mled hy Mr. Letrogworth ' - - 11 . 'r " force "'Anclelvel of The Ministry from I And office to "c,prt la e nrlold, ; , It bell' Al I enem, &rill there woo -so I mo%f4 that the soul granted Ila #12.1, that WHAT WE MAT DO. -No homes being ('e'"ado,the vfevi,who bad calsoi t pper a hat did they thilk he -as charged ? ct,etlj III hics was told it .1. 11,,0171.110 to our young farmers ; When 2 bay M r. ,I'll... ir in the room appeoperileted to. recancen can be isolated end Reif civultained. 'rho be flou", t he i,n%r' I , . N -11T syli had been 62*4 for the strik? ' I re -117fetlitsm bushel Iffecier,be4r.) fleli stood hu"11for'"Ant 10 "I 1081, me [,I'll h# Flli tt hall tile'noisfortune to lose him right oniV,4 the flarrulton Electiont Committee. d ge.i n hat AnAtey ordered a table with t being Sufficient to clear the huilding. st,cogeolt and bres­at and meet hopeful have ( 41-1 oled a', aggi,egale of 57,870, wh"'llf call the reltsIdtion of Minister (if Agriculture, ("14 the broker was the cloomion. 11he sym by an sigoident which would It nirctlee­isclocu.sgifi iapt todony that Powell looking -g I'llers, Companies bait given, largely of their yet, acknowledged or sonsocknowle,rif,ei to I r. lhecke).') ropmeted'd, actiordialor to tb I ho h tid always iseenraxt-oagailmewe,d ,he, Thes. broker, of raelfhow Apencled o* Ili ,,. promi,i the Posawaster Getteraiship.- I and his shaving apparatus I '"t eirn us, 7 -423, a Jille-renee in big invo r "Itercolornal IlAilwey'llto this fleet at I. &we wait to be pill" ,on comes &lid monoy in I trrictior, and sait themselves, acoustic at hungry son yearn - if or ,, l:od IostsSitio'ber"m the wiltst, , t of his age a helplem burthen I hit IA All bosh. I the icttge, where there, . .1.0102-so-tw1ifecombegre a lead wCold I* Ww8,Ii,,..y' t1irown noose I be Facto vie that,futerli I Was evesil kn,)wn that t"h,,ei'r"w1"rilJ invol%*d much ll&gd for cam inuthip and sympathy. For brould bare sock be,',. ifit cost 171 retests a ti t carryl red.- I. Cathariate Journal. oilmen their families. Not Pon, hrocirever, in WAP4 1 r.i,n,.ed the wesell wage a ntrongeis\eurrent. In maliceniiii I :#'ethic thre Upper Ciscilmill. Ministers sh-juld I . . bagi; vy'llocip hiam'Pi,nitt, he want oft . whrilt from Qigsbec to Secturth, how Reach hor Apporters (if the. Government ko pleasantry, some 6. Joe rang the prentrepter'n I In" of times, he. thou.ht it would be weiting r;what wrockninif humanity li" f I of the Gatti W.'eild it I. I ,.A,- 7 J YI,om .14, ciderter Pomemomed of a fair educa I I . ll. ".ese and ,it at thus I Tive police haviner the largest Circulation is, Wee in t ! ,,,, ,:J, Arid, Powell had tossirrondorfest claintio, 1 bell, which was tloi constant otignal for 1 to Wdle t"#m with Any further oapenso . "I"A"i Horton a " Icicle :tmwn about us. Youth wanted for the mock . firue*.'k (lcmajjht r 11-1-141 1" At Qoel­ ; to the, world I% now Said to be that tatted by tion wl`,i3Mifigq into Pection a do ing semblance of friendship. Athift at the andebossives) Thissel"ItOLOwgirCarlooda. abeo,t half way , , ! Ouly here got 4sesserelarl C mmn. It is an eiufiri 1,,,l C wom=icr- It it a very p"t'? quarrel &A , nds, and','! drainn,f u th carl. It was lanptl 1dr- I-dicard iiiiiii ,hot* .. . bill before merry of Chance for tha grasp of a frao, firm I " mig ortit p accomp , y a y;. Ise Fillallest mini"', - - and coasseq,, IXY the e,,st of ble "unt of good commom-seemete inellelli- e"' Ill. Ministry nosmill a not of annoy. do End Parliarri to pay for drill allies& which ornald hitnd, %rod a kindly, Inviter heart, to counsel. I hro:ll f. "rp"""t,d .A! . 46 ." Issid Pollillicistaileft, toOn It snpporls [,()Ill 6e AJ onels. Poweill is olsid1wratts. and will take an It. lite, ormber for Fiber eonvo mlel, when the evisee, ' ,be I the mants"fit I Ill propi " *(Ad the in k 1141,014USti'm bhd the Union. It is affecting to agool how strong is this ymemn. loishello, ( evirml End, rho onember for four Illiefir.l. vi be 75 cento a 1, . Renee ; but, share (all, bit-" with early opportunity to retaliae. oll'the whole memembled fetishion of Madras I tnoi this cam. There were p"r widows and tbftifr, 14,1145. Algh other Provols, the farmer I Jinj .r.ar , 8 ' Torn Ansley wait exhibiteed in the am: hard worki*g pecor.plis in town -h,) could not insi so f-tal to its possessor, if not guided ' 11" [hp llr&mflt*n 71olost Reset., that ,, a I indomitable forest of chirmateer, which, me Affer rho events of loot vIiAhl, the 111pelicitt, illooly, suet, a lif"Anchor is Safely filicesed.- ('40*6 bliffinclay, to 'Cl. ""' 1*0 Lower wOuld flown to give his wheat far nothing, it not. fAi'lls"PW our Mersed.evvill,l, q,,,t, an &,,,I ,Mr. Diclifyin mays, Ise " better than malfty.- " position is escamideml be Ives. Their town of A Lady Maclissith ' in the most I afford to pay taxes for reach It purpose. The 'o ',i:nA loft!" What a tcarody may he hw- . of the fellow r,,th. .4ot. fansda oP wit pay ,, ,,,A, for Lk.m 9 i -Rams to work %ith note much hicartin ell 17. Irlo'clue mPredir,dood am bouiritior.1 ,lend the $for, tie part of hiq toilette. The I companies had frot a grant belfstros, they re I thief little word. None to labor for, I I carriage. Illei,ar. levier, , was doing ildrineithoo, rt rardly backing down on t a preasni,ii un6minina , , 6;0: ignp" olk"'11 loot L411111vida her cloth-" ('"','ht ("I As d (I &4v@r" motion, prove$ that th know roar, the agonsidervig of murprian and werri- 1 waintoil anathor now, and it wall hard to toll none to woop or smile with; arms to cam I to- bean, lime) singly had n do Ma mt 0. siticter. rible , n — 0 61 . . . (I Steel vial, I'll I'll @%art of the lion. Mr. 111111"rIKK-A.'hon. prithima bee, is he (It. tiuck, is ff. I only Mort, that hill remaining arm can awynialialt min that they cannot control the IIA`Umi crisis Meat that mixtiod are beyond dowi ' whothor lim In" ,1::n'.1n h1go', secret A i welin co,txlo. . 0 tmud the offer night that it,, (1,6nd ax to got r " the 11,10011 wb@n she fell match at almost any, kind of labor mt the is now etinedidwived inevilahle. tion. " p- where the thing *cold end. Her Would not kind worell or a At to an also t I"*"?—"'- ("loot* - Nor won Tr= carried (ritight frod, Cloc go to Port do re 't burnt to Cinders. A Government favorite wait yesterday be doing jairtme to idic rometittionto if he .... po I 1"1 It- - ) do &ad, I alm I .. 1, .we"" *a,@--( Ili. meet^" "a' Is"(' at 6 la -for figure then from. I thick, Attedly Pit sorress such Prin's of hfei how 141, tho 4.41 , , , A, oligeolost hoind evolphnitori an the farm - He f.ressid on the flarbor Cquh,glievion an opera - ._- didn't raise bin voim against it. -Als" boa it b# -n the plank to the droversing I I A I a ' "" Tr ca I I 34 ('4, , n to I I I d h y it , be f h urru \ I. i I I - I I - , -1 .no - dl,cd of-, 'I, can A I -tic' '7 i `.'.` " \ it'h'", ` " 't *V " C' I a - ..""a ' ' - tggp id ci - re We , recti wo .be d . had re is 1 4 '-O"' I r ' p'r ,ew,._`-' "he- "'..' ' cre - o, . ,be, ecs.A'Asecs res "' .1 ,he beeter" " Io \1e - "' no* , " y 0, , "", k "" r "" "i", ",I'm" "gic f ,bid "" I A " ry . ..... -In pa - 6 - 'y .a -h h 1b ..Ili "b" 1-11 , go 'h . .' go' - hot I y an ,. ' ; " It"e"'.1.) a. - .a I_ or ,utigh rep..C.C.g. 1, . correct ", fac , ,.t .a— d I I I f I I I I I IlItIolicitor Get. , ? '"PrO ontrd I The 0weiffell, to Mone"al. ""Ili 111""llems" the,- Addressed an in. can swing thin ittia, line the hoe. build a ' , ad( "Is .sent 4 Col tege"ant who ,odui"d :7 -ow Th* QR@bfc Morsoluents are indignant, Tyrato sm between eleven mead twelve will. Mr. Horton stated that the Artilleover (larger- man, larkins which be man surely arm ..If a Pin me X , 14s,-,,hA,,.,I .nd wom 'A'r ri,A( ,I doleselt to 4c,lp".,y "P," -W a mo,bi,i;W " 11,P, of VACK"ZIE -I?ut ill* '(Painter hlm4@lf in bei h., . - . ,V a lot@ hour in rho Morning . Ill probabl prntftt through the medium liom of the inholichollsounts of France whose pov- pwy had given $140 to the building' moved it - A Arre PhOU114 remember that ("hime, "I"all to rile, Si 11 he., with this verry, twat. perrabod Throw, merely. we Judy boom and it,not in Ilm . .1 IS" " ,Slr"` ". fail 1-1 riong Dom't at&, I in It I macoginced in the world, *4 of the Board of ratio. on, it each that they arge unable to test* -a pace than Idea favored Asn ourselves. I they* ying ,it bed all do,.,- * f='asea'a Krwin, The Ottawa a" now we that they made a I butabor's strat from a" yearis rod to gli would be JI ham too make them give 'no"' 'base "ale art waiting for nor trywrotlemi I I I a. rest mistake in opposing the bites Govern 1 officer. Mr. Rom explained that floge Rill hgotim, the i-o"'Mir"ition, I .1 I sure y thee rising 'of t( fwrmw"l IM", ff . I Home only contemplated lidjussyst .( N*Alun 11' I . . . No - . . I ____ I ... ... 1.1-1 .... ..... ........ -- 4 . i 1% I