HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1864-6-2, Page 1•es W.T. 0 3I, Elite** sal Proprietor:: $IJO PER ANN. IN ADVANCE! mom- 1lxp1C . zgn Ce I the latbrer meanie of the gold fields, the ru tirtur may license an quantity fur a yt WI.10I‘I4 1.:13Ir11[n:Y. The Greatest Possible G3o1 to the Gr3ttost Possible Number." • lands, which with recent rales will inclu BAD DELIVERY.•^•' may not be unintereettng to Toronto re to know that their papers ere UUUERICII, U. WV.. T1I1e1tSDA.ye.JUNE 2, 1864.' THE AMERICAN WAR. i moot every der 'flier all teams as fares ('rtersbaes Lr irdr.iaJ • Part of them came • ' WWI Ft httpg in Virginia. ill the wr} Lr rt urunJ, rby the w•y of Bsrltea pp p Y Y 1 g - i villi, whl,•6 t'nl insets out uf, the way.- Beene** fee of $t. There are various prtr ublL: virions is the new Bill shunt matters -p Naw Yost, May 25,- Wadhingthn, 2(th,'tllk9r toren; }e 'care- at Petenba14 (iODERJCH, C. W., Di 1Y 27, 1861. which Mr. IcUuueall proposed to deet brought West very irregularly. The IO p. sen. -A dr.patch from Gram, dated 11' mirk 1. Chea' add, old then to PAW p I monJwyi.L o f wakes a w of tweai'"'• • with by regulations which could bo moth- Gieik is Lr.• •outly a day behind, and the trouts% positi on rte the lliu tl t Ann (, Iur ! 6'le a+ie,, 'hey ars ill„wed drys w fled from time to time, as circumstances Lender most u ally no. The bad ooa- mg closely Lee's army. 1 to 5th and 6th' stake C.0 arch ui, ser thew don not rem TH B LiBERTY (1F THE PRESSi might require. In the new Bill there is ueetien made at Peris is assigned IS the Corps marched by way* of Flani.'s store to tO have «n r,ucl. bony in geuiog them up no *scrim of the right oldie (iuvcrnUle (er lis ru,d. and the 5th Cult's suzoeeded iu; from etvnhur,:. 1'ett•uburg u now, wJ iuu use wu:rwte without mutts upp wti.,u. illicitly alter Cu. aka• •Un the fitly- the wino d,q *hey MGIC ;u'ei.tiy attached. and et uta•tlwl metre L;tl' nlrogrede move• handsomely' repu!wd the assault Moho m'".teaussahe:iy, two of ire of "; cause. the -patter huuld, be enquired The United States Government has re- ; to gold on private Guide, or the right, to into by illi eVecung a crossing and getting pate w • all Or un• in the t osKsalon of the eently been guilty of an act of despotism, Ft It°u`r!11 the' pruyrietur refuseG. Misch res yeah ago would ha • Leen Crumb 1 d J t ore for officers The Railway AmalgitIDa on Bill. We d a Con!rJenus (rw,fy Ihut wen from le laeteraharg to Richmonal, attackd,ris ;uses of bailer's troops, Your readere will lea that $Low ' ales of the j that "(len, Smith's line wail forced hick in v I ;vomit will little revenue•. from e .an s a1 gree expomuch toss to us. a capered Som, pi deemed "poesible of perpetration uq Ghia I sad protection to rpeeulrwrs-who will en. Erervtbiug lona exceedingly far take the gold and pay w nothing. We earn from uebee that, th- • u a to in: > fat - continent Tho fate are simplythese: I ( Q Late one fight the printers et'gagtd upon probability of •tbe abandonment of r. Another d.-soatlh, ltiehmr in Bill, h 1 muvenawim of our corp., end 'pea 11 cods AmslgamuUon t o rat wa the New oak Wort! and ,Journal of j sbel: asabult lin Waireo'r position says:- can 1Ds,J<od with eouside:aole loss," sod I AN IMPORTANT CABS• Vuti.at I(at.r authorities donning it possible to carrrun J leisurely +.Ghia lir oma (.'uran.ertC dyed Mist purported to - bel PeY y 'Nur attacked with •reit vrhrlrtvucr'anJ V 1 ' fton,An important ease of wholesale bounty If this is true it is no small concealilo t .wrtule 'use musketry. ;the ruack rrs.Jted in 'r "" s}" I til n the vera:Mus Secre- ted Yress tainidg a 1 mclrwatiun 1 il ,t ail the a s account of try affair st • dispatch .m the agents of the Aesocia __ .out their arrangement on the old charters; Lha • never heard mq:r ra;•id filar, t. !her burr' d C U$e •• lie to ops bad.11teu on dory n o u ve repu:r: t, the enemy. :1t the wry ldulut" mach us that, it may be taken tke President calling for 400,000 men for lumping and infraction ol•the Foreign En- 'thq force of public minion. pu+ai r n• • ilk. I Le til uie.,ek, the ri!, . fur'rranpd Gist the m,urr is really mach Iprvtee in the. h, publish tion in good tai gun affair get u aril fur the pu money ket. informal* • of the gam, we sac at Waahin a den were to offices. The Partite of soldiers pective establish several days, notw the publishers did to tify the error es Cove This dastardly at the root of the liberty the boast of Americans ea - years, was perpetrated with° of an investigation into thec of the ease True, reparati a 1b 'lent came 11 tardyanJmu t t of a few days, the soldiers being and the papers allowed to appear • Bat the fatal precedent has belt' ed. The Military power has rice sway over the arm ,f civil autimri I'resident Abraham I.ineoln lies rho. the wdrld that he can arrogate to hi a degree of despotism which wotViirot tolerated Err an hour in Monarchial -13r Ma, and iw which he is lot surpassed b the k:mperora of ltumrri•, Austria ao France. When the W,rld made itarre- i appenranee on Monday, It containeda r lengthy and pungent letter to the' l'rcsi- dent, towarde the conclusion or which the editor,Mr. Marble, says ""It is enc that to pnel►aasctron stand accused before the peoples it w you who are r»npicuoualy gouty. It is upon yeti enure that history; when r,ci rding thews events, L. will affix the crime of e. disregard' of our . ditty, oblivem.ef your oath, and :1 pitiable 1 CE $ subserviency to patty prejudice and to pervaonal ambition, when the country de- I mended in the presidential Office elevated r The cele ' character devotion to duty, and entire IJ., in self-abnegation. 'ederil armies. This die Katment Act came 'up for examination by the journal@ id quos were entrenched e.4 in eons ,ahle runlet,. w.r.v tial Gu r',cairochea indicate. Dli'ti Gov itis( . Nottoe to Corrapoattenta. • I ROY (1, -We will be happy to place your of gems heart de.. ten,plution. (1.. eamat. 'Il. I.. -Interesting ileum of local news tLiny mda-n (Lau • nadir from your township and neighborhood will Parochial tducat;u a, and h;. with general. literature' was be o"l' w. 'e! ta t, i.•.. n age: upon our list of coutrtbetors be Must acceptable. -_ I might larva been cilia •ted from i iZ rim to Beaforth• • Iprivileges. indeed, a pretty (air phutof Ili• - . aucceag act b:+ awdies at tats period of his! This hiring Village Is' rilnlliMa rapid0 ai gives la the very, flattering' trotimo,. _ . L,_. strides!, a bide fair to become, ere long, • which he lies, F.t r;th Lou u, this country in , •lir• tuwit of colo doable importance. A besuti• 1552 Guru SFe. ale\rb, his former te,lehe'; ' Ir'i, fel EnglfA C 'torch qow nen its alae rheic tumw:f a'uuul .°t iu mdiq.u% aha ia.s,'a.J t6•"•10•,",- . ell other buil&t A illetbudiat Cborell as itho 0210 warmly a.ttrched t. Mr. l'aeteron rine, wich • approaching eo teflon.. A well attended front the early manifestation of l :s supe.ior see' re iii lhg 1 +,. School is kep t•T 'SO D.,rrence, and a polish- url.•rNare,1•aen sins 1 powers tuJ'prowiw of future eta:;en(•e. itlyedter i t tie. e..alemt. „ cd education is gar n •y Mrs. A•kite. Tay•, 1 I + 0 ,1 and l'ul fr(lrnte titura s ill en, li•ken,hutchc,s Flavin; art ive•1in Canada he h•trrit bite. I .63P1 the u::! side !hero wee • & and Blacksmiths are ng very feet. A se''f to teaChi: +, fist iso tf.e l.,ndun Hoed tarn of the perprtwdy.1 slaver.", • ....in of ,its 1'rtri,' up o1' len., section Nu. 1. ' a1 s'..p if Gi darich, aid .•tber there seemed. t.r hello 12,0+11 • o hui J t;Mev „ ulttmatel e in ' n 1 ...t.t,l .ScIoul ie Tuwa, in eve'•+ to undo that unholy rummer cont.. • J e ' to - - - - the m a lura Shoemaker before the Mayor qts l3oderieb..atad A. M. • tweet' the creek he lovle crossed and the 1 •r l 'as matter b far, however, is Y 'How they go it.. • rtrrr soil w.,Je a erUuaclw• resaatr+ ce a lb.,' re .ilia Iu the. 1•m b.e amount rel rl Cn• Rosa. E on Wednesday evening last. -- kis outlet, but bcturc J.uk he bad tura dttLrw rai t sew' i'is all l (:eu. ire may have rt turned out to be a bar Etat ' y q e Lave received the following reciaue p e d or aLich b' mayrem tall expect and their tumpetitiun by,a scamp named now. 1 young man named John Rmith wan S P f their s d dei tb r! tfrom two. oi Witco r Is Rell epistle from It firm in Chicago onions. !r a iptd that w these engagements.' •anent rp . from ear w . a, em t ,e ` u 1 , charged by Elliott flouter, a Volunteer, pago: g. sl k rt Fire ' makes merchandise re of influencing the e ° tr a +. u as Ira - , th 111,4u:titer f N i o«I y w Very g 1 ''u"0 Leh ' -that Gen Johnstt'n had at has sun, Pringe. Johns.) ,non r it appeared, with having eindoarored to induce com- ' sa -Wq •re dtrprow of getung Our losses were noontide's' dile. 1'Le'rel.ea 'hs;.,.al shire wetly ase'• +30,000 uncle - Urd and Woodi are prep - !limn tele. pianism. • to enter the service of Abra- Ful l**• of parties .in your asesiunuf Canada charred ryainst rt artillery, and mffereJ .r s!:wmtn, of comae, h.s fully ns many. the highest figure ilei pi act was „ent, byfu'71he' use se of r a'circular What s • u'R t• c A dispatch -fives.' a at is ser,} it, fortified. It can ba• g g W tar to the Constitution of the: i:nited butes I &kali IoN. Dick- all exte:.d•ug over a peri,.d .;f alwbt.mght lir i ,u,an, Itichardwn, :neve yeah The trawl a aril me of the which a Starr corm°; into a (ne cut•, .howl '`• ever ouch los ntSy havE sad:red in egdesv.'r ed as u val to $ ivr I` II iIi he taught b ,ietalple testimyny to kis ;1u to reach that free state, ii iuble .tn be ce. 1'. pains *', eth'.rienry as n teacher, i, .y tinea and **wiped k :n .r. outlier since,. r sc t Lad the that be both. >rne ge guard ♦ oC • t 1 et Wed :Le te.c progre 'n, see a +Ivep'y ; rlecrestin • r ienee, nit !Jill. • , the duties of the s •keel t. um nu r. , l is at tie head of the hew Lincoln •s a private Filter. The p- {{ cc • h J t Ems„ to the lately ties will fou h 71e to"s•nd ace w list of your uh• Gigot, dated del"ca 1 i+ snorting: trier Ce 30,• u00 tnwps against • d immediate! of A evidence of horsier ,wu to Y • the effect scribers t t e \Yve:Jy.Sirnuf to 1µe for the I cors retsirrd •ba h states :-'1'be(well bee•°,,•'t Lk t ,.e times that strong. If nth- Al r. Cur,y ro Slrippirig a 1 r i3 seise the offending that on the I tth instant 1prtwuer and b ed d, h • " (ill.: hack front 1,n(It Alma, and w" a r u+ €, m act p .,L.L a t1 ,, that the ( oaf •de• tl9tbrr. %anemic, !trot, b out of pis sot ..rgron who h,ve come m at Ix. p y bot !use flue 1 b' sea i1 Ito- elt1 ' r qt old 1 I was carried out po.sesaion of *.lam and held them I tending 'fife feet IbS I in their power me ILS itrwas dile pr""aar• which atrika•e'; then !me,u dad him to `go 'wits him by andbtcause we w act to connive at the t flu. t 'st ' t e r way oflido Buffalo and enlist m t h h hse bong rWeal,'subycriben any. long fcJeril servo Ile Mai to get $700 h. sl iaow rbuiutf.' Snait' was to trot $200 from the least IOota each, b r' 1Licbamndi rt' • t.%'t` •"•-'**illi** cud of the month. yid !!od ismer see term with each of rdcruiting ants or ,rocurin • him and.spade in some.. other rya rt -the Siynrel •aye IS y. ars of lige-w garru u j y g un do f procuring11 h t d b' ambu'arue tuerketni must iansamalso a:der - .w , illi u'•hi • wasthen to assist Int to desert, on the 1 n r uw.1 an 1 err purpose N M w Y•!: l sh r a•• l s a l•t e rn' ' I u f unr l 1, 'nndnn t1 a idea of trit}f their steam 1' u p about u, a rises. ' r err wl ing to pay a n,u°lar e' Ise Irllin •bark to liirm:'rad.. lith •+ vllival b'i1i hr,t a Ju ahrn.'at.'8 army un the Coosa Wedues lay 15th, they raised yauto a cnnvrrsa%m client am mot. and at LseaJrl l'auada mbuey ora dnp.nchn from, Lesurluarte.',s My' 1t'arren„oil Ei"m"''.n '11'4'1 1r.t0 na'dved **torus high, aithout the 'lig', and Duna in.rCanada. Prisoner said reaiut ofyunr `tier: , l(urnd} 11.1- 1Ianeock. ale ppush+ I'm ud t, tnr,aln the 1 1. of J•,1 •to, s army to abieb'y} remarkable, as thee w i 'n We refuse to eotnply `with alter Inc retreating. t1'anri1ca lured G2r'1'"r' L lief, 1 reu,n 1 in acct enthnr• *12en is 11211 pr0401t, all of who d ut Lilo -iu away of Making: gty t1.t the r m••nt is satisfied that thin it the sitter** reque4 btcvU+r' We believe the at 1;'•>d number ul p. iwuers toil err i , , Lul t lertained Wilk .diener and supper o suited a(aio restnnd to harmers**,. It, is tw M hu wibras:e•. aIle.[ pmol lad• t { ill to this contest fn ankh' ul+oath America. with whaleeertalam)itira 1t Wilke (e fraught, whaleaer sleet -beet Islay tM 00111nil- c'.srgcd•.lyd, thstProiidente will diem** that +ern' as 'lie merry ut atoaeawot for al' the' mixt? shall. he i ,. '• u ams, (ou nae udder deep rgorsYub.i it :use. '•• to, m:Glair**. and that. this issue will t•e .• t .actlaleut, aficb will place deist' 1•,u, tedhn^s of the . re no 10, 1 Hetitis.ene 1 e year Ti tie. rudcaich black rYCe iu • cotel:thgt of tre,,lom-use that acre ea- I b 1chof ilii L,u k ..f •L t -i e, C oats,• sod emalitaun which' alay'heresfter Ir: d to' tile, by ales'nus •ol a lull s tis! o rt, i.b,ru•i o p aper;Iy hr Ili" r' r rml' yin•nI of Ih.l: r- hwtel er+, b so demo** odea Janne-Ito those lulha, 'therty "h1,11 the C iud Mulls 1ts.e i" in leh ential v rt•c. w ti e Lisa" 1,nutr ilio M cineol u the most sacred pnnriple f then., :eM I p I J Witness, to order to draw h.tiled Loreto count them velum,. main h a los. ti's a1 "v e r gee:. it may he taken! f ,r ill ! i•1 role Bride's Hotel le t .applicants? are ii se :of buuab K ser e!dhiru•how. TI,•;(Swith), PP g e em n : a d l• •e, • a i .I,rn '. ILr• nodi i t cavo o e ri..k of g+ ri ltsalds F •' lt.cucoek w• aurmiag ride Tile uu th1 aejr t lb Ov.t stile. !( Uit q y. iI d dee+ if a criminal i tit- rev. r. Lwt e.euing he •Feil t. k tie "'i •tile t• r•e1: Lee's army ie cow brio,; uperrriun. • Mr. Cull ul the "Iluron 1 urea 11x0 Arcot 2OUklippen,. drove I.,-tuur•(1, J. h: two's yrterao r5};irnea1s, ' i$ en•:tiw ee iuui uf6cd and.sure victimizing of our p g n r6d that i(n '•anis J••.:ed receWyy, in order tiepin street. Thus Downey,. Egg.. hY to stye Its. I n rh,d Ger. Juhnslo,f himself and *Lehi* hirer the rebels tido tl.e riser, +herd they were fro wn Itca ! a o extent of at ed. til err u reek eaptrred some ufft, ill afters from Hotel J,oainesa a U P r "n 4 • t.. ,p1e *ill he found a.ear :nearer tbeatariou. IllesYrw. Stron• P ton'. must be awm, who h Mrs u otlicisl order u.l d out .n the " highly 'red cona:Tien • Bank 'lep ra/ ett -encouneerby cei,ed ht i•, em, .position. • unrtll UIIU11.' t is raided that It 'num 1"• u.taUeoue ,1i lim ;n atter li i• ; and left to the eoau•udin Lewers lis work uul tin hit' in.ten,ul c!.a ,,n iq the pest rrohlem,•wad I, fur me part, wb•'1: d - him o(Lu suuauun, ke left think at a glt•at midortune .if this cornu r should be obliged t• au pfram nt'ro1-F: hetre of benog agsln re• rratinutto take a put In the prevent eur.0 •: ', t iu • mar• -"""4"i'''.".11 It may be. that the Ies1% of this contest, ti,( beginning of wed, ti we all deptored, she eat: • Ietti n •n TPA A R a ee. f h1h r all -i Ir • t tin e ,u our • . " u Mir Y a t N ▪ out . 1 f bis Iwbk a °nte'"l shut the end .ifhs the • hiablt mea see that $ul, . that **rile**, that Jet• treble sirtc of i &rely t r.j icing iu bis titreOkr dwliehed bow nmeng firi(iasIl 124 , p'.rring. .Ile ,time. • (Hear, herr.) Ne el)e rfui coed •' h' 1 will ave no un •rtu o w t u • ..d t•. the ranks. DLerliau was this mFederal Duatter Cotter Butler. It 1 k' k L Milford rl f V I t we becoming pNfi ler t o Sergeant a .- yips.. e w u minter . w n u K t suoceasful aecum lis anent of w ateb ILunt• . £ • P rt tem . be in making irpruremonts around their testi** meg pre establishments: Capt. Csderrtai t C. r u to m; t. j , c c° the I P LATEST EUROPEA :NEWS. \u th ,atehe• bare h• evened todr trues f a J h 1 Fed Fri Inc act of wafdoder the eiperieuced• eve ser wastepay ;smith 0 out of•1'x$700 rr f k Lew C .v• $ 0 It b rcmo tY re. s ., 1. r i CY`1 t n a f Y (ICG R!!R t c I n,wmr et St tIe n *11.•rdtan and none are 'ted.fur t r _ ' . S • -in n auetint'ofbounty money. -Tfa. w ke only two weeks, S •neea un'il they reacbe told llunlw,he hid take at the ,saule ti incites by Mr. Came at !te intended. all the. hole job wan to By the arrival of 'the s Cr dna, real day+. 11.111.Lt+tion ►ler bale 1(001 1 t.• r s aid [ n , vnd's (dries rmvunt w rccrl.cd i, dry, rec!rtinl ;i6 the pet ,rm• tlOiil'! .Th 1•0. ,ai.rislrMu Glia l' mn& to it1t W pay all we learn that the House of Co )1boRs had soca G'is Grp **core I cel. rwe,ei ^, Ise • slier.: Jit the other aisle. • a debate on Mr. Biring's Wuti,. relative line te:..;iam dated .w t. llud, to tier wc. a . h...-: a' i1, suncn, afar 18. irHrn Miser W the adwissioa of the, pirate. (ser >;i:rinlo a•f the, Navy, status that +a.t eight r1d ,aiur. bli.h: e ed and `ma to boys 1' emeses della ! versation --Jan hie the \ day "ill" 1nr eitAa+y atta..rd aur 221020," I1it'er.l lerecy. Ttte Atty.-4,, **aid Ne 02 bee is„mel}tlrpu!s. d. .t d "patch trio rllynter the Governuaett could .net inte,rfcr , and from.C+ulby, dazed Mer le, see •b,• mouth of •mc (be generally- defended the liocernrn ut's. the‘ !jiver: stars the "nu_ traul•a•h'''.1' arnri.d at $.•u wee, Pua yeSterJsy, cid .• n' I h °n to • course -..lir. CoLden denounced the enure° ser eh M oleo -ea to -lay. •floe army is in "'. 1.r 114'• of the t, d1rernment. A Hamburg deeps het ° c••ndru ., tha•, expected, end t,ll_aaon r s i ti I • goys theproposed.vi.it r1''thfi Princess o y 1'rtteais' the •eatnf war will not take Owe. . erpeol, Saturday Evening. firm and- ut*ch,engcd.- (N 1'rorisi'Ins quiet r and dtclininE i rh - -- Marltora. Dna Statist:, -1 sae "T Signal of wets," -tot. e o '.ink 1 erelf in OW 'dai.horge tree, as a itVou'ig to H - we f:4 mu •h.tha oto 111111,114.'13 ftt.i,ws,as pane o.my,ihout the b'emi.h *4 giddy folly,- - Dutatrous Fera in Detroit' oder in all that was R mol, eitLout the -, 'r '41 conceited be*-in'v which. renders ores $20,bO0 w«1Y/r or raorkart veleta? to mrpr benew'leot phos fur the bera,.aad as aCh,i.tian wnh.,ut the utry el,;sit turns mike young mind red e,•j'rmem► of, g'1:'01ne re- lten',il ani,•ianAsenetatioa' , •act 0,1C• "ire ' !Leakier he wba'e('eriod of its -yx- •l-Les Bible elms is the l .414 4.re 'a',1 t-eAr citation of wounded the 19th nut: that you, as will the Khmer. • u-a`p.r tp+eii• a,., lire thousand of oar 'dine Hrriere, art eotsipawYrefy ignorant ea diets wire as a i, a' u• i'• i 22nd hlued'.on to the shipping aaeoatsodsGuna ow the ahoetw der. al r.tt. wlc a of llecimane E,nero Swore of lake Huron. Any vdseel good of e • c• k d w+ o• J d use miw ti Muted to was going Hunter ;wrested. Their we tak 'bail, for the -prison atmea assian,hiweelf in L'2 ties the cum cif ; £10 appears rad two a ch. •. We are iutnr •td of nung men ha 'man simi►ar to th leave he County of be ser dy to lea 1110 tile nitre ul'enatioui, ii. , 1, •e t - •--•--,r.,.. --- ,, 1 'IGECu' DELT' (1' DI.I'UCITIONS The Fest Lessee. o uaeie tiu • the Lake two find **bunds of atW1•IS ba Iac4 to within fin s q I Tier aro no dongc,r Rater at inrerburon pier, ahem ft/sleepily ( m'thes ^ kern n large remelt. after taking on limit Lf their Iijaa. caryoat Kite iodine end Sortbampton,, 6uish Of our 'Yo their loads, es was the case this swing with - the propeller Nigger/sr andsehouner AlerrGt. he *511•1•7t" Glia a large nt4 be Cotton mar been induced itt_aad•tuffs B 41'2°1 OF L1 1 .1\litritAN'1"3 - If ►nve+huron had • br4rk•water bvilt, it members duri ig • The 'Ito:.. ; ..r co-rrtpot ' ent states that ! ...mid be second to twee 1111 these 'sakes. ietence. •, He ata don=ilea- ('orae`nddt•nre✓fthe New York the' lo,.,.u1Ore :oh Federalal,. cotp;sincw Can, 1, Pie•h}•b ••• . .day 5'.b, s ie.unts in killed, w ' nia.•d and I•veiburow, May 23rd, 1861. . '• (our _-in that Ode baial the tine he •hunt be Ste,- lu the Olabe pat lony.ayo. I noticed heart. wh'eli 10 111 00 unknown, wns then -utter wady. Lerd Soir of hist *wooing aim th'in aba're 10 Prod e loorlad stead • s t.,t•iii ia jaaner 0,er the bete I. 144 ..re 1•4, tith, the federal ° • C0S0leesge • ^aff 1 • I potted 4 e with stru and elf4cti‘e reinforce- 'other ei,r, tat" rota,' two the luta Itre•_'ke .11ge, hassi,4. defeated Sio.1, has 'Jet.; thut it se rase tke casualties elf ation nf Ilei II ,etn whether Ortnahlered in vi.4 Of the merit of Ilinory Alone. Thank God, by ! eunibers gathe °ft:together. cri the manner • the envisions nf our Comtitution, not yet .1!1 Which they tiered • into the spirit of „IA le abrottated, the people sre mon to cejoyment.expect d oh ,sich a day. The, TER woo ow, the 12,1, !etre, epithet. loci culling names. to 5,1,721.. • The • t tines adds thee num- • ng us eolonine au aceMput of a Teach. „ ti, ,eet or latth rg rraremem er et atei,.g i a. ...r tits" tent, hum the Conv (ion ield in some „:1 t e tales et reedy ..ebstrem ef a.ntlinelitt and 1.1. 11.# , wage win re 10 give 110tie 13f•Iliej.1' . ,- :: ,,,,,.,,1 4.,,,si.ed ,j,1 • ',leper at the tact 'bungee iii'lliy DAN, .t.ti n..., lite COUtillence.• Countic , At that meeting venetitubjects w hie h• most on ea. th rewire,. Atepossession or.,J thind and the ;Danes on 1.1,..y al slat ,ri by -thoipc . wbo itntethe- hest •i.i'...,-1 h ,r4, de e rkto if Mel ,..14le 10 '‘1‘,7.2o. I-• s'""" ° -of-the Cberch abore. expi non. The allies Will ,.r amain im rum ii.„,t. The then o the niohject,...as tl1 tne teen,..e ......... ted the tondaiumber .0.-h,, . • . and dismissed,' relating ,lo reeler coLt *Itutio s •in Jutland, nor ite (..;•••11. Ie.., a. ' • "'hide in..Vellitai 'of Sigel 11, ' nee. TheAilock e of the Gutman alry•un.Mr tie,. Int Jeir to widelti ht. fume. Otttrapit ...Tx co, t's I oops le ..▪ outs. Tim•dgMetdiatutrous tire which occurred Attie eiy for Wecret retes, broke out in the . 'wring 1011 and Soil% Visetory of IL Osseo, Maclaine Shop. Atwater street, last (vet.; About seven o•e•ock demo! rolumer of thi.•1. blink smoke Were wen ht. time from 0. • but it eras some mometits14fore the vd out. l'he combustible nature of ever), See:alarm. e were peen. mid the engines turn Mal Unman!, and short tide not sully the pliining ▪ mill, but tbe '• ..nd 0,1 inter. -A: spee.dily as 'possible the steinnect tab: nd has got le wort. but the Ate no much /today, or rather the communion the little was tt •for them to do lad este, •"7 411.8 the place whim lhe hroke oat, describe ire - • r. bamir time tc ref out, he engine'sfiet eavieoneragiiie In* plate and it th 001101 amt. • itheut .only 'leen ' to the compote id,•thstrefore, be the !Mild. ing and two !ergo stoves, which enntrfoot her molars. Coeier 'lodge A co, was at ono teacher,• which, if 'done, . On surd °ecotone if there e Yeatiee to, to the earnest 'fetcher 11111S1 betel 'CO 14 WeitllIelui.ei me: • Mee i,.. twee of no small beeefit. , The idea at once ' cr Care/tiro wapenence,ta nadera streak me tInet somethime.,of the kind, in -Our it W3110 him and the bile lernmo, d _section of the country is greatly needed, not ihrbe.rtion. roil ta' deities If-thlim, a o noir n,.... , .,,,,,,". . nulz for the Porpoise of stirring up the dor-tele/it tto more, Eel tir Mr. Ste.tus.M.E , jr., I,t,„,,, rot ot the Con tonhoie work.but also for themiire..acifish we tatne,for the emits?, IPA .151' ''i s) pa. mant ei ergies of ,leaeters in genend in vela- 1. nos.' in • foreig-t-i, Lind, efol a •Pw rthe r.<, bat Item a , in the course ceded' pertmal benefit,. I cart say fi :Milt- diseppokelnl • in nur %Telef..' Tait hal maidejces along the petieltee that the ezehange of thoughts on e ..,„lerurs thin. Nord can never Te rwitetorW• , r.r...s, the. fences, desunr,,, sehj-et that , 'want ao engage. our' special 'N, e . a ,,,, ite eCdeedetion is seen attentions, is.* no Antall benefit. Our ale es her of the chu• a. i vr nutty rears he wes a aver, and, look a very actin, • ",,,. .: b...., besnii, oilinerorrty,. wiry ;''''.,....re'' ge eta, PO that the lois beyond that el ., views, the fertilty of dria remain:es, and • his 1 be 1,0111 *Mott by Mr t'istro MO' he as lie hnit but a' iv* months committee, often Idled thion.with tweeze:nem ro,•nmce mpurrechh•• the fectory ind lumber yaid , rind•deiight., 1,1tit his lahms are ended, 'and teM of money i new machines and lumber, deplored. We lei twen credibly Inifornied tumor en the neck in the Etell of l':'61., ,atid 020,000, Inn 3431he fIT of this IR covered • Iry initirance, hat not et trefiepirerf, as; Mr. el his lose will oant to little lem than \the right of impeachment . yet remains to Very ;iron after 1.41-Irrheo their *repreeertatives have the right to untY 11. n°Y1' gal° speak when the pen is struck from the sunrise the streets o the town bekin to ybtrel.nt?. 21.1. -- . . .1 w It ri.il'ettuoil rat It :chmorn ,th t Sige Lad' A c -.• . ,1 .:1 flit, li 'oaten rr . he 1P.31,..1,0 would be. u.dezed tu 141 sroi. 'tittle IP, W.r1 ot Pr ltreo,,, Ilan smelt: to the moires,' 01 hat latter) nod that • the.litue 10(1:e nt Swift flu.i Gap, twe,,ti :iv.; i• ‘"*" 1 miles *est -of tulperper, 'thence acr.es 'the en elan at them one 'Mid, and so conireyt '41. earl li.oleral Grant's iight wing iseitr,S,..1, sprains, • ere muting from Mmth weateri irgiiiii at int of ardor. rohher , uf churchet rte., 2,* thief, en.route join •I.ee but were giagn•rati 13nt atter seeing these Wged reactimg. the. Sheitandrish things with my ow eyes I ant noo satisfied The propel! hands eif • freeman by the bayonet '; wben • present , a lively appea anee, the fartningId0od4the mornin tili lyetg 1 the Bastin), once broken down, °"- tba I. erlinmanity,from far an near turning out • 4.4 fe^010. ant k•0 0 tia killvd,a either sidenf the, Allantie by .the reverhe- -,,•,,.. ,,,,,.",, to *no 'tile xna n. ilea and monk. Inter racial of our Revelation; is reotinstructed • o'clock twO refeirate train. " brought pp, a says abet them 14 good at''''fil!i7inycet(.57 tie . • wit which an unsuppressed rebellion enrol,* ford, Stretford, Ise , the or at* ituroa' °Immorally terms lilie these, ts-nid 'dangers great number of Excursion' had beatily set in motion for another purpose '.1)11101.- her 1411'4a a pf,:a re-nevhernt ire"4' wn'Int 'Anell'we4' 41'rt::"."41:1'4":!' i the ,atttokitup, sty at Sommeo. put they ne tti ., . A 4ihellc viler& itt t ha na, It would have been • malt hand width , then the\suppreasi.ni tif rebelliem the Machi• accompanied by I fine brass band, and, zry.,,,:r b,.,,17,.i! il, liai "ire. 'all albti'• ,lie ee tii.,conituuti • a ut one delueb p. m. the• iundian , wafer was fro"),',„1-telreithuift,it'eld'r,e 4 1-te "d hled by On et.oe.,of etnihs nttint.1) 1V11111.1ek1t1, *It: eche. b ornaments cart -14 j Mello'. watt laiMelen; Sp +nth .e.rl: it•mi.nha. Douhie Bayou 'midge nery of ju4ice ,• who had iivokedagaitiat the ix, isloyalty 0:dreier§ the retribution and retires. •• ., citistin re 1.1 that limo% These er. eine-, seer.; e'en f. end oe c Alma were taken. ' of the law\ The &nor amok • conflict -entered pert from Northern to in 'nod '• , Omuta w imra.d-mot Ail' t'.. .14th hist, : Tfils filo: .it I rkria.d. In he knapsack of ef s is so fa passed. that not arenas prw eilloges with a' large carge'ol liu unity, Dreadful larder Deer Ruggersne gi,ters f aides could no 'lead national Safety as an •-•••s• k 11 tido° proireas doe at the ooe of the So t,nth army,' (wive was feind excuse tor refusin to dO justice **lima to gaged the attention' of the Heine Mill:emir days having broken in upon the proceed - last, the Queen's Birthday and ether bolt- ing,' to a conaiderable extent. At the liked. ,accoant a the Sense hied uoder eons. e ideration the inert of the. oemrnittee of Nothing of great importance has en- being KenerallY "own that it wuuld turn .1 ..._. ,nensing the' erulutitins of -ths sorra, it 0 Pori,. hp hr.d • smell indniwteleitcy,reairled tt.ipbot rde delimit' ot hj„ jr,ioia, e,,..I ik..e...erti, en.1 etro Share, with theta in thr• Southampton ham'. .T he Rifle Com any Colilehridge,uerir Bradley, nen Huddersfield, •.es tie, il, w of .feutpepice; the lank of them. I isi.I •do the enemy the juittitte togs,. out at that hour. The ertillery company crowd of npectators. Ie the afternoon 'a fired afro ficinie at 9 o'clock A. u., ut .01 S8t3143,72 lee "Ith• iest.,the murderer being his roops beiri,,... we did not have an npportunity of t - fired adrets de joie and several volleys. At, 1 through a number of, intricate erolut 12 zt,ntonit, notnonacter . whin', it went: lit WI, twaketirrd Ms wife, end asked het te the • 'scale against "fel. SIAS \was denuded, - till4 1/Pen, ll,..ao iieitatste end eerard awe, .brit hein‘ view 'ons. Buret ecrisi,,,,1 moment . bast or merepres-1113 tun. 1 can vouch for nom expunction,. .which the used in her ewer than a el•oussinal • ame, ed him, and, sayMg that the diJ not )40 'intone's, beanies wo whole spenk the truth, strum: „tier. She rail up ai titter...1'1'o( six piece:oi„,nic..h,..in fre,Uc' ja of '''' net' tr°iI"liredr847"1 stens t °Mete her uncle's' Nilflectielf i ,hut Whit mikes the between 4 and 5 o'clock, he rine. ird•essed ep and help him to pray. She did so;hut mid comeelled to r rest. His 'se is not less ! I • po.• sohller AA,. admit generielreanad• • iOhearelliee,s end,a•ege theft' "Wen 10 do mitt,. Sere thry licre that di , orders ef their irenetels eeverele putt - tor.' prof lily, 300,000 more say i-eit e are anon to enlivened by the Musieal Igraine f the had another meeting to -day. The nub- mminittee which wag 'appointed at ft run neer, but, ''. w believe, were mo a hi" vistir, former meeting, presented St lint nf prop,' frightene than hurt. The sledge-throw- e r:rose amendments, was adopted. The Parliamentary Reform Committee ‘. . Mr. Powell went west a day or two ago. -nig gave opportunity for muscular mused' unbounded R°11311°111;r1t. li the variety of games were entered i to. The foot, sack, , bell and wheelba latter, several. usgue: ky individuals display, but s attended by nome dariger, one &lee throtedmparticular sending' the teeing another r m to sive himself from linnet wh.eh Sigel.cannot reviver. It int'ot b. bisdin:'f.' d‘urle'dle!;:',"..,l;li,.:1;'fir:d,..;:;r:"1.,V;I::,.::1,1:e!,!,1.;1,;(':,' steli::::311,31ati:1,'f.,,,P:''',:,i1811;t:i ' hearthstone, tamped on hit head, disfiguring Inioo lina cavalry had been .brde d tn joie '''11i111;;I:a:'ail,`,40';:n:ph,;st:',.'f'slit''';:;,ftaYli,., tnhribtiii'l'ts,'7,,lisn;:bil. d"wn• and 1'9 l'T with fug head • on , the ley. The atonement merle ten d a ago, thi his skull. Ile' en wect-dcwn stiles, procured Si„tel was passing through thoreuglifit Gap lit. r. fetehtal imt of bed Police -constable Reel. diately Sifter the de.eat id Sigel, Imbodeu was 1.," ' who had been told o what had necurredrend. tended .11 Mr. Claik, o • Iluddelafield ; hut tug oafs. lee en the rirer l'or with the whole , t9 011, im ' "' Mg. Heigh etel 0000.61 beton' the ottigiOret0 ma hitless than 20,000 troops. - *f*, 1 10 bed 11 'retie afterwards he wits • It • is stated furthir4 'however, ant imm, "" 000.010d 10 ill. ,tuity poli.:0 °Ric* et andthat Breckenridge reautied los' witch, '', 1""lisl:'", 's• *1 heh,b,,,47,1,ide::::::reeLfrue the fri,ghtlid injuries he h seaweed led to -of his own and Oen. &kola 'troops, The I ' 31 OW! forenoon, and remanded to Tuesday. Some teo or three years soM"Haigh was under Haigh ruck the old men, • 'rho ran Inter about tlia, is the tact that't is %blow hierleath at &quarter to e ght the same mgrit- reinforcements thee brought to Gen. 1j...earl,' 4" Kir": Behnke fn the meal iine 'Potion was at- and on the Ilith end.17111 succeeded in - j..in JPint emp. ., . bowl of wilier, *Italie,' off the blood .4 hik .:. .., caking hie„pist and fracturing- Lee, and the statetreint made a\week An tufa j 1,41 0 Ne.wrainrket eo watch las ni"..e*u". IlLv48.1.1. 1,1, tlai_.1_1°,..c:anni,u,,,c1;,,,,n,..1,emill_a:tieem to J.on errant are thus proved tirhavis en 1-• In oi der tO Understand iterfectly the delete I 1110,91/‘ Plc' `''^ al medical treatment for insenity.-AlowcAtaler remembered that all this to.sk plea° after the • 'It' . Mon alik.h this fect carmen hem, it should he i "rte.?' 11-'' '11. "TIN; w h t h S.,,i;ut 1:,...t : n1 , ye 1 Twit Paiute Sitzuen.-Governrir Sep. of Ilaneock's eorps and their capture of guns 7n -term- roVI mniii•,. of the State of New York, " has earl on the townie , rind the subsequent re -1 route t W 'doe or cis Ide mon he • P. 1•4 rwshurg sled now can ptinn of HIP 01h been Neither aid 1 my Jed people who professed to the land er fess eit corm. to save -eh Alto's belmi,e that Many el semi,* of the burn - with the view., as it is reported, of testing heavy tool right into the crowd How it 41enerrilthip. The Ottawa members ger. aculoum In the enurre of the afteril orally are understood to he a I deal the Huron and Coneadialts pare excursions may get the vacant twat in the Cabinet. - They would, it is sein, prefer to eee Mr. paCron' isea-". In the event , atm, the Bell, of Rumen, !selected for the peeition. Canadian took out as many pie tis Some other., motrover, who consider their eould find standing -room aboar for a own chums to the vacancy nuperior to those moonlight mil._ With the exception. of a of Mr, Powell, threaten that they will be- specimen or two of rowdyiam everything norms independent member% in the event d oft in the pleasanteat menner, caps nfewhttirir °lair" bming Page"' "er Pi? hi* lain Rowan and Mr. Rumball doing all in Mr. Cempbeled Gold 13111 wsx rrink,d their power to enhance the enjoyment of twal provisions ef Mr. MoDongell'a Billa. work, took phial on the square in the The Cmwn lands in the gold diatriet are not to he win unities proved unfit for gold evening, after which the firemen, in full reining, and if seld and afterwarda gold uniform, Marched in torch -light prwas. a Nine; tea Crown , ly mann,. thorn, risim Ale°, dine ending the day's preen_ moniebeerc haring the parch/saw for thn price paid There WW1 very little the Ida it . An nearly all a able diming the day, end the hest of her - the pig hinds have already been Pohl to mely sea gond feedbag Wilit insatifeseed elaimatm Crown Lands raw* pay so pet „„•,,,st, en, in arm of en no waxen to feel sahamed of the wiry in flsat by 50 feat em largeand 10 feet by 50 which eheeherred her loyalty to onr noble feet on email street*, Am. Cu private Qtioen. re rewlj imlietment against all who ' were enged in the wistre of the °Roes of the New eh, , Nene by Om f.onfeder. York World' end Journal 'of I 'emmeree " ▪ epwriseyt 1,141, *WO int llatiiside's My) Wm t.4111 Richmond *ith the . ne in procure - ing an attitude eat in oolliaion with the Federal 00TeTR- OR the lath he made • 131.11, ltth end 15th, Gen Grant, f,d. since them is another mad lam. Mire is a mem Whir+ place* a Sta..* Govern' of masterly inactivity. • And P'en• in slightly retrograde „ An Trish flrievanee Petition, to whieh 400, 1177.4"lin.4.• n(7, "'theme:v(114" r•I'"ini'l'°rRerenr nlje,Tu. orbtene7;:taritil ty ...-if . onelm sat broil* ePar°0'1141rogx T°01, n°0 lignatnres ars apnenoe.el, hoi,Asco pre piss today the game position that it held ei hi matches. i he gararmarat fair tat oar The petition sem forth that Irish manufactur, 'Suring the last flee data too, it hat *on , hut we rhshente the *Mid to vented to the Homo of coo...oa by *ha Lord or ten days 170, on the north side of the rizrer male•"' jos. industry eaten by partial legialatime thet heavily re enforeed. both 'fro. m North Caro. clai'd"nhail:nigeTritC,,,,ant:,:rig-t:geteeitAie.-h rAe-01:lut:f0,"IledriPsturnligibl'i*tith:d0 Mayor of Ihiblin at the her rif the Howie.- Po. 1.800,000 nt The people have reft " the rad line and from the West. The vale* of Su . sod " la the last 20 years, and that the chief lees operations Selo* Richmond maY he en- in tilnri:nk7md.,7 11"Ild' d!lierit41 ltihf "°°Ii MIMI 0f the latter calamity te the unitettled Strred from 11. fart that ereT eines the 5th L'-ni.,..:,,.,;l:,,,,,:: ' sth.earireyilele.71"reew"enlet riassal"itTr7•1 i maw of the relations between lendlorti anti Mem" datachmtmts of Cenfedersta tr °TT -- tenant. front North Carolina here arrived at fir7^41 'ea° ew th.."" 1 1.1";" tb. riar4 f'r fie t g in that superintendents, though in rather a quarrel - Lome trey, are beginuing to beetir themselves. Why should we, who have ,the educational interest oh the country, to a certain extent, in - der hands, be the last to maim an effort for the furtIterance of that MAC, in which we are all more or less engaged it us not, as otff worthy .Chief Superintendent Ism truth. fully tiaid. an set of parliament, or' • certifi este, that can.make a men.respeeted, or fit to hold an erffice as a teacher unless lie is 'odor nua:ifted for.the business. Nu cer- tificate e ever. make him in, and those natural •trilit 'sided by .01,,,,iro • mental culture. nod ufwarration. Let thee, tly if We Periled get up '1' esprit de corps end thew to constituents that d the fetter minis. tem, waken anti atatesmen of Ceded* go forth from theinarma ' ler unqu3litird. it will not be for want of exertion 011 eur pert. Other Continua, other Townabips,in faetheve their centhetionuf meetings, met of these yearly. Why nut hale ours T All I • tirtle, wi rooky 'Wain that we need one, whet, them would ask again, ie to hinder en from heving either a County or 1-ownthirone, to meet either neettlily or parterly An yr:or columns do not admit of lengthy cOmmunica. 11011111 shall tl.aw to it done, hoping thnt our third class friends, for their num kroitt, will thernsel see, arid expecting soon to hear from others who are willing' to 'take *tire. steps in the matter. either through your col - Goelletelli' 23rd May, 1064.. ,71) Me Editor' Vas Ibises Signal ; vs your obituary notice of our former mutual friend, Mr:. Archibald Cameron; brit of depart worth, aud aa I had aceess„ to his mind hi a way than was peculiarly intimate, I hope it will not berenimulered out of place iit me to rol a few statements ter those you bidet already given to the peptic. Yowl eery trnly. C. FLETCHER. Hose with us, througb a little are 1 . Of heaven, rm. having wandered far, Shot on the sudden ioto dark. • Cameron was here in theadalbeem. Seolland, on the 25111 December. naequently he was at the time of .-aemsfil to tell MI something of the pri•ilogre we hay. enjoyed with him hart life hewn spared to him tied tut, anti an very short that we are filled with grief that nur fond anticipations of earning good as the rood* ed hie pet) end seal Ire destnead almost all to he enjoyed the world us come. tt•. .r11,1111 Wel eltara"terivoi flash e‘' led to belivallisiCii-elzirliiliee"mstivelim4 would he of -service, Ma lihn, 'Sod with. this under e entune of timikin, „,.,,,,,heg h, r„,,, rot* the commencement of n 'lotion wo . were led td inolerstand, Om rot ran,tement - of them witli• eanaileralee I •yrt:-. - TIC re had- heel, entered iiito tots:eel' he Omni tented te Canada in the raft o he same year weifer,, tt,,i!„., c,,,,,ps„,..„,1 it, ',sign a • looth'imptered ilnd hepeful er • speedy ear*. s...me of the Lake TrofrIlers, tiv tl e• curry. • These hors were pa:6411y .rerlized dining ante ef gram el atinnUer, however.. he •Iotd a series of settee accordance with .1 his, at root gem• e▪ nt. a corn - c°410, which Vittluallf • retr•Cm1 ii''s Phrlical inencenintit crap mad., and tbiee or four este , strenith, rind ,q, tl..e SIIMP NOlurlioe gave !goes deliiered, which were ill dies cenme foe. Trowel. 1n 'his din;i1,1e and directed ita fatal wardeitto Hamilton by train, to he thence remove the tempr, whi,11 it effected, it ie nue, preioit le, ft erneed,r by dnereitelett tho - but mile confirming the dioase 'of hii Mugs, breadth of their dock et the north end of the freleht boom, and emoting'. in the greater portant of it, -evidently wide the estamiation thnt the busiaeas of the summer would le. twirled by Ow Oran.' 'ironic Gompany. AA le the cadre of thia twee ' proof the arrange- inent, wo have not been definitely informed; thought it unnecessary to epee • birthare heard it sl.twl to be orng Mem* Jissatiefaceion on the plot of thit owners er titulerly shred 1114 higher interests, knowing the armed*, with the tering et the contract, 4:1 whem thev are to be ensployed for the te• was ill 1111404 for such emik." Short'y 'before s --...mine .tree. -amt.- his death '0,1 lee 311,1.118TIP 0(11181opt Ile , .1 He %An II Sortft 0i Gal.T.-W2 hare desired the 14th and 15th chapterof St.John information from the eoentry ahem Olen. al * 'tad to hims which seemed to 'toe hint vial comr„,t, N„, ,,,,,,, tun ,th era" eci,,,,, mo rim that the tall wheat there looks sem Ids not, he engaged audible and With rum "Pil'inti""g• lin't it ia "timated OH" 0'0'4 , .poinne in 1mq,, theohhig dnd r„r eia good. one fourth het been kelert oat. Men! fame,. nem te him hitherto, and paying theist now be me pliming up • hole he'ds •Itil %demi( sods .7:dtahm,...hooth..haia mwaky,iiin .4ei,,eth, ran that be arinic °1144.• 5""lh 4°51. b"1""" Thwia woo d take hina home to Himself. Snorthely at,4 1011"tr."1.it 14 0, rre" **or" rmarai""' hw•nir•ildpiiviedis,h 'hole Ils,titstirf tyon:nitigiangke 1 tennt,11.,,iyoenr.; 4,E4c. lithal then 'litt*:',,,'- id*I".11:::-)11'*f el juo;::1 ' ft,'" ollfor'bi's.,"": rb...a""as 41.1 a struggle entered into the presence of the ...0„nt .1 13 poun• ds gad II "ow▪ es of &re* 1 helmet aed answerer of prayer. 'of' which he died on ihe afternoon of Salibath *h. mth May, emient. Dining his Intl( On... Caineron said little about hut ; there' was no Maittition or doubt in hie replies 1- when he Walt qiiestiootal respecting tt. The day before his death hie mother, eke,' bine' mother, I am not afraid eq..) Vbna another frier'd remarked hen that he •