HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1864-5-19, Page 2ii I" a I M t J., '10. ut by Lis mirivalli th 6 ponditury affected by it# h1tv Government, ioran. jaur The poople of Sit atford are uroa- I'll. sam of life, charged forward'upion our l4o.k ovism, the waver sood not let Mt. It." be 'I'll* cpancil to meet at it,, Tavern of 0611- "'"'r mud moutimmund varmous adicaluistrati ore metts for try lines. The enemy owl but little tortilivery Y plan - I at &.amif, !a t a, or" I ilicutiligtheir public -to— Is -Ak which they missaarlead credit. Fur the'coutse ail moy, lolisioners 6loth that they were tied- Dom IT XIEH I-EAUTAILL. 4 -ill he ir a. i4aft HUM JL ad;oa laim0med with Ow smalmosid ballsocle. Slillor, on Wed:.evolay, the 11112 day 01 May to slm .. he ,Ftn 'ToNININ 1 1 items, lie thoogill it ally 011se sollo-ld ilboinak they he. puniaed R, tout trees, shrubs, &c. 11VIien will we rol- at I oveloolks Im. M. I — astir me ;-once it) the cienL in ammunitiou said could not. MT. Cameron thought it va'sta foot Pectombary II&\IlY SpI:\C44-Vf- from unprot'doed wad ullauthoaristrod York Ituads, tile Whitity Konsoll mail liarbor, Thm, imparelotiou prevailed at hould,lailarters', low suit in Godelich.. Now cousin, I utio quite solutizeld. to center with Cal-taiu, It " or may si#er I, T,. " ami'vall getitIcallool. Mr. Wt the Hamilton aud Pion Dower, ke.. tiley dw during the liq 'To own Fall kill to Ion. - "_ ; advome I -b expending 2310,000 To t Ithed that Evell's 04 imC of Ili; Vullicip&t Council or h I heated Ikvqu mi. started the thankok of tilt IlQuime und coutatry. a BIKTIIIDAY ..... We Ili U". Awme'. captiolin. Ile di'Ll't, Lcflvvla in 4rilic"fams Tile arlsol-t corps bail left forilifirt1humond oul.nday.' All Qntl VA"L."oh I I *i;ovsrr ihougA so hemor luch shmalal'y thill"d .1, You 8"IMCA Imar. 111.44 c las Jor fresh Colborne bohl on I'CedmilL6T that llah Jay a' dollS asavolsoatte, titt!v oI &to. Ile metal (,,I it) vxatokoa the'laolommokiial's c01I ptumousart, taken were from Luaffilloneti's said that., marangeivienim am lasting wadif far the - be k eie,y few ownt 'to a Leaned in (411*4 bud -1, maid cood, Y"t"dav . battle 1)(that sum) 00,000 saw. duav roklatimait , =RX"r— grictos ofival ey .. The random of the town we!* may mt I let'. mill ArTavmslm. Is ell;). V. g, )fill's corlao, but before lebrationof fler3lujt-sty's Birthdnyi oWheat 8.46 . hr woho udupwaii-by Mr. Item. scheme for sotalult duties in. It lostattial' coseElviall returned it he Load felt, us Is 8.52 itt4c Iteirve *4411 1111 I I, . tuatitat-a, milli lai what a 11,alling ull'it viam, probable, i ldl Gon Lou a onstre arwv said our udericb,' bull, hAtt nature of the pyo- Wm; mostly fail" were .1 Rot lie tow that certain ilimprolilast .'.g I stainless, as to tlo o ex I MO K 9.00 .64111A o propoetif, - it was quiterairAvIdelft 1, we, sa vvtwl tsMPsICend"Ll"Y"And "`,lUWbljleLtLtisa, thor revenue, and under the fr,iiu III, im..go scheme Mc. (j%Il pro d Aa who t Ire pitted toi threat stAL Legal areedia6loArill be or mander asublacant lilt do Lost kila and -tell I CARRON1111 till), flamer famour Ile f to is !1.26 'a 00 th;iA tile Willis oribe Year would be clitis IT bat thairlitial to failed 6traA, ,Jo.vsjtbVu1 a paral!,el in history. MITCHM 'a. Mr;,Jthvi,&4. T I or a illium, tor-cosir ovilletill aillim'd gill havat appeaved under lij v, la,ru he Triblied to impose slump alutiater fley rst ot Use aaIf a subscription vent rallied, he tile Wants of III,- be accepted Wt's alliministratio L 1 BTR&TIPORD 0.05 .4' bitpivailiv-4 itenicat Ill. -Ilut how that,wuold hiot yielded ut.mly a ujitioln or lto (trallLissid (],a, Maude wet" it, the A number of this SAKil blow people will ass Jill TIT is I fit sapaj. tolt the wo4t, 40 , "Im. i. Hot, referred to, Hr, sualdho colaustatly, Imarsdual directing. move- 'er oil tile would be tolerated to do law sbacts. ayatelato "are 4'. ",000 do' - 1`0 mandate sit Ilausiltoil. &lid said, hip probably lie 01 it.A dia od-tiiek, ecom, Mail. rf JAI I alleatithad by Mr. 6 ti r It was arriusmied %blat the violate 91h llmin 1860 '146211d at an additional clo.orge .($1600 had cut. ITRATFORD PLIt. K 10 A.m. 4 It(, r.m. -11that Njoyror amalid a subarill, we'll, 61 fromm charge the' vnemy'ai light fi.nkr go-, lAk tit for June Its received row 1the shoulders f w. I( I oItioti dealers; ill IS alloy be -.n placed oil the quill lay tile revent api, but pointing the move t ousiought an&& ill I rivis ' ouly* in thAt Via j- lad wime public ob Id IN dmoi,16 If Notorhowle­ It contains all illterervall- .6.411 IF NI a 4 lte just before darlr, it thit he fill 'lilt li,114 CARROMBROOK 11.12 aita rublichenefic, 14 'Ant,ont, 4041 Ivanevd wound call who doth moll Lim aA SKAFORT11 9.3 1 5 `0 - Limit in office theY -Mr. Picktair — hat our'sight flw,k maid most itigaccount tar the Cocalie, frade, an carrIard fur is.. a- I1110,000 vl I hhall It aerva, that falloff. HAILKIRUEY V.:;J 111affIlAl 0111'1 144 iMr. Mcdot asked fr this amess the first I'g a , 1, ill J.IL&e culatmans ter a 1—t &I'd 9.511 1"o -.%I lie did Out wi-h lmmrvmilu I:w,o Ili or tile .41tel ayell-lon Lise, licn. clobisalow thusaistal has Ib lot If lifluchunisn's oQuium:6 that varolaii dark stouggle. to break through our On jut -it, Wine inaLiug Mt Itwie;uue explained IS -imilitson of K. bad - W. 44 * by To 14i;.Wo thillars. Juirul I011npterd of Vitil llia!ig tile ou.tict"k. Ailit. 10.40 C.1.10 in spend u("itf without knoviving t&mv%OiY I &***I* hati fleciardantl massitill this I Th* =Oliltkall If OL:W get the burlington Canal and lines mud omish upon our supply tarkilld, then in California, tht Glasillisig ,;m time ift %l$$ till" the Itself &aid Dumb Asylum. Ile would To ratell Ike it you tit,, Going, Ir';tvt convisros Rich Orand Trunlis 'what it was lor. That was wbv be ovilabod W Maine whal effluent. as 140U!lsI j'.v,t favivat nitchad I -Ii. lot lowest Ili be Insetted oil the lol"k road to Pickens' view btory, "Our NI utiod Friend," 11olloo cl eon. down fr ail amisater. Frealk rickshurar. a submit the the Consideration mi is. bit Ay. I never Ivor yll ruAmoils I 6reast 1five. "ll, the Cost_ (it or nd spitha portrait f the author and great Going Wert connects at Goolvarich .)a eIs Mr hUg the re"aue - Mr. Buchanan, after wiliting a' winute, Tivit chaug-A Gain Ilurwaidt' your loutilts I comau am vjlj,7 won do' i ratings. In 462 the two. Tout and exclaimed4­111,.xodallouss! Seen- he lareateued v. ariety of other matter. And oil ate you may altm at, lit itue d:y,aud F. idarm a ith otr flron for . at lilt od.r the Iola A least cureltr hoold 114 grello, .,rup \fr Lomoustral, was opposed to 11m9ser ,000 'm . To sizenri;- a IWedn"44y. Tlu,rod,-y 'and so film Culcoval %uA 33" . I it, -at Laughter.) the enciai's extreme -Aight, -bill the Gtk I - id utherar, tr it'rionsial to ilia griAl soft Lie I V-1 For 1. lur owa lao pres" ilsstr CarAJ0.1 graill. lowt1d,,IlAk and in VA43 it w" 306,000 dollars lie '' ran said lie dall not quite ut.der. curt* charged his right'colutic. as, (at Recall AIARKLT amoij folotelin" of CLjolosed. ally R14'r ill,, iiionilt cullitcW11 land iucrg&kj by fii)S 1114t L1,614111 Tell, -diew permit. Witstai's warth "the town should' be be Mr Mail* ,'e ha! a [million. , (O'bairs.) Pulled lie meant it wall scandalous. five gUlIA and t st,week for over till florn Ili& iii.st list@ ofridat and interm, land i Ile V"Zidentf the Coustril. 116 "mil iIAN forlAiclatiow, Ler. Mr. Lung aerich eAct Fares were 86rd In ass, mud "a I. it that ilivy That fur 186: lemij would not - allow him to ex jig III ill Xcerill at last year. pronall of Its vu!uli" prkin.— thres,thousand ximiguers. $10 1.5, beil lf,'tun— You. t f course. A certain [Laughter.] fourvUelotains, loolveriar, "flose not put to tid';rs I'Ladilld to Ili,- grist Ime - the talsor W been A; J)oriou moved, in amis ovent to 'Law the robot* mussULLIvre. Our morn Were aud.$500 it -N titan Stratford. T11 ItY AXD I wal., of ex -salitisra, for rad IIJJg should be done to asilast tLetta. The Ill gave tile r4stitis L. in v r Q lom %oLm left office. the main motiou, that ilia Speaker'slut assit fillfral about, our inkiwo all moved to th"car, guest. er4crido of tilt, business done In the' M t"It DE It. U 10 it Tioletter assim-Liven ru!erredto this Filaent Ile reatiopa jou "satirousible. for 11441 ? leave I Ile chide, tint that it be setioll vt*tlk&t Rew positions imassatla, ati-eured fur ovo; &ell!- wo, to a. , The new town arl"Stratfitird The inutiet.crmil4ior - by 11 ;ss Sm reapolaosible for the this House molests that 441thuuXg it 6 devoted polar eor V,. Ithw woby Goderichiia, On is fast leaving the old-lown of gate jollity. night, t e 30th ult., some' 'is eute.eall,iotv prestiows utecomarmary to nkaiutaiu tile public Oredit iq ins. ontly aw.4utf4 durin oil the long la,uni tit Xa. Kyle samot larlat too tile Assessor maid Cut- yowl dv-kot Xomiliter loose onto taxes Ili or&r to invitit the public h'a nift h-eutaintle. eateardly villaind lifirtoke,1filo the prewines. welm made, of Archibald lurr * f'N th E th order a octal IcAlt. There ex"oliture, ilia li*xecilency the Gover it thevevasional walit, of . ........... xyli";,:"w .1", Ppel SWE91CH, C. WIT' MAY 17, 1664. the tcudeti for 1h* fill 11,94 li.cr , bilma,11ell Lei Low 14 .1. nor in h w loo kept a barrel ss, I., tar oil t at ;&-,I ad% "aid solopm. Onmedal had larval advised to owtivelion 6e"ures if was quivit, up tals mm'clu, k versify, lacciont 1',r new rope. IT., it, bout ;lust allow 14oldecit T& -!Ik Ii &or isle Iftelatt , 14111 n A VlACint 41 w it" pacsd. , I .. t * 1 vi itruse-tae. Lit, Ile had brou;ht Ili an fo r th-e- purpose of' molvaring the canal taller Tile Killoard tol',whiAq. Tile%, nattit. luare known flasis, colovicil hatate agreed on a d1lirsols 'a bf, oftelvinge, complition that the harbor "at nior Test it. mum. : ..roo t -1-814,4e tile torittlitio Ault I.... e would vimetul.er an withutiftiptaissining any currvaspatuding witan It uu,, believed that the encraw blul msuflbrVI Tti ASIXICAN W&R- trust that the immi'i tri'd that piano has iticuiucm) that pro- tigm laid h. sair the- glue fabilkit & 14111 peraiwisign fu omg la.e. forameteriolv that'lle'atould not im, hism crippled .% appeal they load brought with thew a The X -mol aild Committee repocartasol 1 .1 not 1"Aitnon lm; it, I I ic, comainj a ' V, mool then Lt. 1% ova %Lxr.) the deci(W amillwaso oastatfour gallon keg, a jug mud ba', And the Not withastan'l in-- tit,, vndlk-Ps disev-patch 43v . o iwl*r comploo- '"'4Itural - . I Lac: "it 1, 1. 'six c.lmoo. (Laugh. same with the other harbors on that.- aide I That this Violin I leol9mill gdho ,Lad gained. 11.9 othmna it vIams ttniv . : " Were aim) amrn ,d with l than -12' t; t law -I be to At law the last (w III maroon. from the seat (if war, the poIsiti-on' of threl lea the. locult'lla be D,,L Lad attempted &"her fivia. but so of Lake 11' - thowing plainly how fair "rve.v-, by Mr. WeAthenj;d to) arliumirticed his sru . st ing detected belligerent lianstal ill fitr froin be: cle"'Y fortheith. 2. That cedar peace he put f the 5 loan' Ili 4"ll or or, matoolm wa stifl, III, ulv itic his THE AERIUN WAR. utexactly; oily vaiii1sel navigiting thirst for that ;is Oil; newill' cr1,rj!rrc,_ Toion la*rr side Tilsit I.-adiog Ili 'fail's :11 -,a :1 incliti thick, 11 be of to,lra%e toe -tri, oevered by Sheii,lan &.ad his n sic h now roil rs. all Retail than&" I tile Lailts civil fiod uwplj acoonstuladati coloulaut will lead a her.spilied 41r pinned, 'milli fmiji 'i o4e, T11+. 1;.%TTLE Of SVNDAY. wad rear'catmaitantly loarralatil, Ist, our, d TU41 tile pfcpsmed grinvel:41. can the fron"a lll:4144i would its Godcrich Harbor, We 'tmnt it wrill II poodeetp are Okat Lea -dscNaW It"on his is ,I, )fevot lie amst surmituder for till hib Is last. i 1;,r,,K-verul migiall foreviould t. lai,:mli ouiu f che L mail': In hostile as he *cents delormouril in, 114 be until the harbors or the sister n b3cl-warld nnreh tit Richmond, he in , at '19;od Aw , W ar-ommem-ed seen as vendetta ovtd in Xii. MR Tois legal vir n The correspondent of VilsoNvow York Iier. tland tile latest accounts on the field of earn of eosl;be ieceii,mr4 (Or the two faille collard by Mi.. That he Mr. Jullas MeDia . 'I; frwAic rate I,) do. sincerity jrm ill 11111 good A ;t4te.—Rd 14- d(loredationts, and %fr. urray 3:1K, ald, writio., ft,m the hir jo],luartc taithe If n)v'lwr lay the lit so humble a strife it must noijbis supposed 111t: flight in 44tvienti-ams, that Spottwa,lrania. On the l3th it via$ r0iijaract emy co 1.4. I'll tbelt-th Pays: be taken. illation esusims Ike severe.& pasirwhoves4.. Our[ varioultO with to InAT7 touldc Ihet o., eect-v lr. acb- on the str there ii$LtILiMMI a risibing that day, mail coal. tobas poruln the -u,k th"aw sW. -.iaed am I he crel! ill to A.,N:t 4J_ I; b. A. McDon portica . rent minuten that lAc a mayor.11 onto'. oulf.cartifival. room the on, (-L ollt-*f t I's Ibry a.,k 4 war till g6to on. losses Ili yvista,14y'd fight a 111rait. in 11' [A ball"ity thtmot' liocLurtlAl I Is been heavily engisged than it, &law, or tht buttit a .f tile 'prseoi it fulf retranit-to time -North .$,am! anggiren 11hari 4, any it (If Ile imam ell Y. ; 5 I tors 111ijitb g.i. h.1 neightaij e into ingy was I Japetter as 1. tile asimountllf.ports' doue from hund oswatid.1 n.-Andthe Audit Ha as c. TIT- -.1 mud *ever"% contest lif *tIme sbay comosela,156 busts; n forgot, I Mr.. Murray (who -esh federal trocI d illell in 1:4 Intent A,' 4, Itiver, that fi were, `3 into to times. 4. Th t ^100 be granted t6 )fr in by J,-vorph 3,11iller totinombetolarid it tar. gulf I y I it- force h 'otalr todpl. ation for Our column warelsed n any prVistious battle, and a very large l;tj Cbegtu,' 14 Mtt-A. in Itats's taVerms eilmose by) gut Up, pursuit, ahal tile 4Confederatell maerc fAlling to pay Nr That $15 he corshmi, t, Ilic larso ifir the sum of Vt' I,, Mr. kish. tLoal. aiI wad the fast to leave, the eva. list puqlps I 4:19 61'A, 47 Toilet' went ofit favidt obserred a light in his Islas volecepo'll floy tit'r nonvolatile ere the WW" of tile wildiar, vau ale,but slim in I., that lie of the -m iitv,a!:v maloarmi to a rqtalar route, thonsamado of ticem -et near -e' as ,grAittedijoin,tordlis iumprur;nj tho,da o:6 -,ere a here 60 plogi It 11 G a The. grividing! the a ohis via the biia. it. Me It L I') tu u rad first in that fight t fies, oil faille argue rty lightiam, firoperty on c,)IlJitiINm tit&& tbi -ol taken IV I itot.e Ferriby at 11 colvitot liter tiddrtilifi, lilt. Met, I q4.- u niateb. lie cr lvug to - being captured. To oatunter-bi:11-inift. thim Kir. I ch I car, allad OR onse. rorawbAh:iv6 &Led pound thit.60 avialiLoarmal. ite I I IT Ili 'If inarlarl the fi..9 arso i. t fighir-lactiv. I . I , . I tem, nl, however, the very hall Fedral: peorle i-itere"ed-a yo t ILI had lal f0y T41act);,"hon . Ire it Lid, Ito way (Taradol's slid deall 1. t tho million Inizist 4iiinviv .. . . — \ — ards the the lose it inside i L petition at 1tv mraWs-all lo'ke tok.ral olonuall" It' I 4o, Incersain taste been the ammatching a I I hiell P'termtA the' Mr. laagworth said the tLain I 4rdt*3 -1, . till Irumn traim; our I,. am livillijifivilvarriolo, wish the'lootvact, laela watell, vshich ated from what ie.spo, line lavel-To last raovorglm v 1711CITT FIT" RA( Any.—Oas satur eTowns 11, ill I . Ioil eall ;eor tied r. onfolast ' led a tatiut, anti est- have been sup ifllucl,; )t day night last nuvate wretch ent,,r­l or -ciog dowrimi the I "" , oppo at jul4 tod Yet; Ili-- elluct of graii1ell :.a It w ce in he Tar of rvGuc- wher we arguld me of be he'd I-! Itinier reeis so wad el.to lisAf. back at all, it famout %&to% live his property#, 'The next W. T. Cox anii And stole two oth, that f llLee --lo that "In I'livesmili of t of expen-, e,m iny. A iumo'r . viii. that qnly emosj lAbo4T at( in -I, may (If the world's '+ lit le, shasson a UA 11 sod ri !e. e toU._.4 it.L lie lialligiat it it I ciao wallim-11 tile outside vicar to ith Caledona. maj "Ids. I lwv-ItLi)II Lit DO elain tC ilosttle fie iuilo 'or 4. this Isdohlinave ow ear Ile lowcars thil he kutivor Ilmm w by their have -n tj to a-fresl -1d r". --rest d tance. There ip every reamou td ba.er ds e If6r. the filiet six waillaths, but not the rest of tit* rebul &'rut amere or tit ell e nobly wel cLnaeit death AN d I l.!111tvJ 91 Tre -arded &I I pulsolible a s. tile ad. are 11 voice.% hictiele tile li'lit vals, atfuck, Corilmittee, . to It anti motive hat the military power of the'k r., Itimmiariman %3,id the 11 pet wounds. fee Iethe Grateful flut.crs fore" on 16'.1amajowl. Ittiel .. - aLcom widened ali tout list laoij The traces tirevv torn up when that light went, 'mtruitit lie their which MI. 14nami-rth. Loose a bow,r. Ay by the rocatn and carried off--knhly. ',Fv- of . ou ita ill url),roken, and that the red. introduce 111, 11101letrie davit events devit:oped stivilifruistatAtato .1 isste majilisa.z.1 the rejection f the old scheme und I'llreq alow to hoill a anti int r;lo4,LQ lant then , r 1. steatite, slbi 4 fac hall pared Idown is tbe adrsi's asav -- 'It am, beiias aIY 'the be ial4iturar ral"the new idea. Five -of k;.,su ptImilille 'a-attrunt, -,, for I soduce an!y site Pi""w"hv.ruukt amostour gardener wijili ji I"g. 1 at le There had been it fis Is front tit )-out Ile ited scare-ly' oil md which, t mope, "I *till in the cupture cl , met total. *a that thi, in one of the thot, Iof. vaeolf.imml ,,vint )suit it day locl. I i. to adjoUrawjol, Ju es, unit a rel4n t racname"ury rillrd A u bI coriveveJ with mill oAllow a grabs %hen one ot"the I It r won Face a r that rdir ea- Iry a I some atto;ery he, then ..,: -, III. on Will point the Ill J'Ailt, and atier wallits, Ili i f fortloolls; the .4 -moli I' III shimbbient comistj -1 clt r, of Ric aties anti unwital lux. Tit Lium it 4,arfu'l all on the (a ewaft correspe cost of the clocamom as ti, lad maivil ber Ail inettablaill ell&lid priAuc,vts.sA;,I th.-re tol 14P influitry witaillipalwas. town ii fill., .1 filar tal r*repof for tlmqr slier -ill' work an inottAloulabic tollwith. the force ot tht! Ulu recov- ,cQRa;:4;oj 1, vtrc by a iving tilt. It i , I ly, Th mattor"Rao laid be le me the' k ounic 1012C.-u-itril kaj ig plsrmieuj minutes of I'm mer 411.0. it a it lie I Pilloried Wilt. ilia 1610 from I's ra *,list Is fie us it is ident thalt, mi) fitr from f`r tU mart 0,90uffl. from be incorrect. liorlevol.i'll morvi to 'their late and Contact lifiam autherotrad to t -"w 4 elfriselso ismil Wia,: rel , cl)u:i. moil slid or i caoso: tells a Inch Mr. Piilt was thr)-i le ft 6 tir. (ims I lie * itoloij a myself ;f of 11, i at."- f . i r t h ey -am In creJ hitontil'and ttmk ha'IJ of the vervan- lg ingg hear its all thcc vwpoa ,uj sjg:liut:o be made. lie &,w undit"taiod 3er. tr'UAr1iAmRdiy welf"Itjod l6iilme ruiltivive4fil lie Nor. to fie ififfromij to'op one !bat part dvasucin;r train T,.hj towirr" on t" p :1, the wo. t . of tual, food Lou Votirt H,,uoo",Jour ramai. svoloo,ivil) ur imum Itichustand has but, I., fill 1 Lee Loo.worth to say has was-eisCAW. tu if" lounish. d.11 post !!v support T pints, oWAX110,mark e4: itox o .would v.,v j"ilot bs;1% 1, A of cite iteirrul struggle. oded n is origin ill n Of -t it na whether Mr. 6sit, buid"not alone amenti, or oment. ' .1 succeed tit far.) cover"I with latst, au %'a main He did' bi AtA la. tvierets 2?) and 30 crafts. 'tow Yale L. e,:W rand, I 1-tL Poulin., liilt a, fte'T it a n,% N I I t, 11 F I T —The ij him Lad so htli-lim 1nk I'losits Sea Up I arIts "n Al. &I d a. rAmpAt r, had v;-! 444u's 4,viion—the fianif. Mik-LiAsn, tile rhxi b, civil d tl r private in His .,wit mil, 4411 q, ithlbl. dr'sring army frr :itile or Moill t.k, a Int we It'll, sttek, motirl lwt. M 41, 1) llown on the whit pAillivil In away,'fro Isere ig maujimme if we going to rule I Wj,`ur's report t 11me.pyietcd: to4no. *a order 'daty on,t Toccoa There was hill d' art Itivol jpof ; and ll.;V 'I col, Lariat I I * . . . 'ill d unv' rnrro 4 A of preventing tin factiala Isit navw* drust di4 Isla thir )it, was , I ru,k An it. I' full.( fi lit nvot that giant at a be draw* in I.vor of Wou. 'mulal- too militias the cut siete iiiantpla their'tralur ItI'm tile new it will an The MT' Ltmostrairchblor-triews exiijIsly, t providiscl, Ili Uroutd r built wery, evapiltn-, As ui passed d6t be poltd.. shell- tittere, - j. till let. . K i,i d orthem ,lot tn kin him,,, its junctiou with the it ritstat auluiary'l of$. he to Pearl lbe SMMJ* 4)* ft "T a. le ill,] the) I'll I all I . . ti;e dity it, collect. alsialocid Ilmotajvr Genef;loll PIT toil cuiura'a of General Bi; er. Iqcuuelu- we off"tatfil'".- a ellilia "Iler ilia" cu" ltLe, harried at us willm greis 11, Lr alhutuan,uretchem. till doubt coulidootirg egrestaict Warren and xtuff were adraproli' of own the, maid' if r It arelarge sumouisr of v%l6w44 property, (Ijear, lvlt% Its eI lie U I :Muil4ishod thoeilf work, full& -boloss, Ill-ts, old n, otaw read. IT n had Lis. huts, th* . fo Tile (sic my retire within t t dc!'ences fif (Ike salary; at the foliscrto' a Tabled hr t train rrivem in. G-dellich at 10-40 as Pion I may add Lit t in lito voitA ill Gerl beer.) Mr. lemoo, base rjo iuf 46 V! e4, ill '411 ire Litt himselt colleett-all z Col. ,lwot_jaaom worth lied Irt lit val tit a *u laid 'it %ws Rot K_ job Ile U" 'tit I'm's or a rot r ck v Iola. a er of w.uld hare sulatimill:, it.( jonetral, or" hit in i er'v dessert the committee, and should not' liamor -fif ' Lk2o 'to ail in-rep0bali the striprusicli- Oft he 4N his smassioltzal't a Limit thtbe od-iii-partst thr.,w4h the vilteum; anti in 46,egrtmano Richmond. 'title defenec VKlk tillash,arA 01104 t ity I olsijrc to its doin c)am to the toot that *r, the clateCk by a frat!ment of shell, iLdixti t',flat a 4mro uli\, Nul an far us ; withi. thefli, 'ulnu the 411. 1 - I Outr.trolitil nof %olthe weighich,micalc in Exeter . also an ;V I so wi Ill flilatl with which wit* aftelf- was, heit, inMT. Wallace Outight it wwd be better v : did not progose to de -d" lit' gle,11mars, a severe but, not allanittituouss wound. I lie ell, Th Ar . ain't re r from the 11,3 7-4T -John VeAttlaur, be- .1 1 I orvar"I' 6 4, lit farrui of our custotars tartar, AI4 4o the iz t' I of t IT ll slower, issarcla,id lit. jimnsa Lusitusma\arvi. returik hontso fm w paign, entrualted to the tree , under "to buy Mr. property at ouce, as at ver I ur-in 1;,utl,l its tile 4.1joitiiii; field. la-. travortiviall; an ins,'Hiditiarar tomsoul withdrew., ch2l'XP 1-orlinativis wall given W 1dr. Throw; who *it, iq purt paymelst of 'his clo why he refcalined (ion, 'If. Ill,. xerman * missiles Wli 9. isHaute eftl The oIll General Beaurt-gard. Gen. I.- , is be- it iolmuld only cost 20 or 30 ponnuds. order of V 0 to 'kr. I'Am, * ear merfices-ams oh'i lie would grist. b"wever, show 4,11 f,,rwasy a "t. hertnal eas I w. ke nRaw" th-k c fK. tC"Itse it proick uucd No 311 urrity'. and are quite evil 'wild will ba, title( lieved to hat, ai io % iew a morelnell lit all Me, La-,mard was out prepared to C,,u for "mor. the amics )lot adsoced in I'm6! for o'com- usiticir occurre among.. true o by tV tight in older to mi, 1 is. e I Liar oWe ale jl4e to) who like a* out is, IN, reasons illuchj Ile s'as entirely different direction." sm Mr. Wallace. lout wou'd jim' The followilog' parties Illoitki iinorit toAd it to'4nore, vvfmeou. lit had foliation wo-r(r. '.NO IQII Peen IIICUI Ck- it of tn*,r AmA!vra cir I'hus it tire hase n,,t I a gun siric, the! trust ina-boe' illher i's we I i:t The Federal lo. --n i flat: campaign to to formality of buying 20 or;10 firsit A, z let it so 11,4111fbter.il miclaing 11farray then lay Tom their asm,"Imscutr wit in,) Jay at the nor ..112 C 6"1 time until it' was all ui,.-d up. flimarvit. I eiaoved. in like ftnion a*,. Ite jro .td -i in rffmal extriactes 1--otill AA we adv of I' , eue, -k, I Inak- j see to tile it is? dkirtWili" Infodic-11 fr;atulellt the 13th is ebtima!o," . I.Aj 'a Dd at - tile craorfiv) ing"only CiAls, asA::, u ; Mr. Gitj thou4lit the drain would do tbif camat-41i "ad parties but tit, rl;ht 19 bill..( -I sp4ch ill 1942,mult to, that fiscal travelling frogman ifY- [li4'ih, odo being of a Perinuts ell rv1fjc'?:1-- 'They 11I.- ;;Iiat ev tpratriely lietwotorm. thl!o evalled Till. -a e auto a — ; I I . I . I . a Idirt d,offlut. *ere then vAtO Off number of 45,UUV! linve Into siriss. '.r Irtain L deal of good in the natithborhood. &aid it Paul- It theo. will tile ground lie took of about a twelve Getter-do—Sedgivick, Wadsworth, ",-That C. l'!vut laj tred Thilif selml a filleila limit' b-!rn 0 it 'A 'A litther lie S le'lar quite llTo The fliso, .4 th cite while Isia; w-ulid, woke prbeil mmoesiuiI volmj Ajir tj'ImttJwmst thmarialifficOltv witb Il -Cal tier, lac if a lucid 'AW e%fie \ilr hoWaillserememberedthat itwmuntio r Mr.: it was the irovi wil it] Rice killed ; Bartlett, Got a ul own Ito to I its natural clanolvel talk I hr int;i(ma tit 111oving'a 1111111 - fly, Robinon. 31,.rri- and Baierwounded, on,: Fanc 'I'm ago x advaltacing. Tote wasi It ae propOrtr of that getitlom Ill111aviltaiiiiaivally It"prver, 116, wasuhl, read orlitelm dir4oxhl uc a therage in 31r. a a reffir t;jaoilual, In too Shafer prisoracm. ' I'll. be aid and Reymour said I, N!L;e Lot 144 iillK mir Z;vistious, and apparently' 8 interview with Uountir 'rcasucer. (;all n Thai aria 4tion aticanal 1,4 , lin f told utak. but roll n Iii:u3k.f.1i it was loadly.frulen, ore. while Ali! jac ate'rrvul the 'ez r til authentic 'particulars of the battles urth said lv sagwed ,f the aietapikir a that would be uljade 9" rr,can It rip. Opring Dorf, den must new 'wertlar. thsarman -lied i oTown Lori Ill iin l9lin, luvr mujj it has Au5_r,A ran ttvutl .I t of motion t , b; Auto- $roll *1 ue of rinate Tuesday realb us, our as ridm t I itope lit lot? "wet f List It of t %IT. Trow tiols his infia, rhatt ad -i-14 It' po"miheirso6 in patteoce. The fol- forgot itat lie (lir L.) had islet be Cltl ;L 1 1,17t or is" 10m. istabe t ill u t ide &not fie first deals. tiolusi oth,"torolve duties I"lemassiml lie to, The proptle otr..Id 'halli att-maj ilia waltistatevall" aif lowini; relates to tile fight on Fridley, the on -a , pro ent well prqAr - fee om' in which )it. GoAlt had "ri Itouse, itoaral 1.4 i's airtain on1jr flow 4moi 4cellf,"li (taiii Ul)tari&rA. IT Itilto hiA tet ey Iler fillitilt Alm.tiflag trip',"td.T. or ifile condamet of the Lindatts m this' lJoil.t. mtout 41 I rle, a 'arcaver, And. two 13th they ml4h, -ell spi -That the rourvvil now adij -Hare, Thia. bat;!e line as fornmed 'to hcr raining iA tintated ' I -) I . .. I oll wlt flanjami"g f,,r rabyrament of the thrile, tile great ficsi1cioAtunt ,hr, thorrit-ill- talmettalale all tile tight, Clefterit, IIZAIK?UARTstts ARmy of, irlIX I'VIL­ ha I.e. of Ivilluric" due tI,-tn %hers our bonds were at s' art -ifthu re lid o - off to), the:', a,jI I.:d 11.4f14', cry 'goat - &11 t1iii C att-V lioultimmilla"r "to _9'airl to, just nrlaw fur both V all and lavar, May Vj Tile. Alto I'the Pasionvac man at kI ar it should At 44" raratorin. to fn ' The arii1lery Win 1. all, we tire ere Other side was biov=ht be. ed _t ictnry t knew be u.,bt ill prm4_s;i I ",tho g4mwy Ifierm, niast Ile tore fled. Pull oft lamt, he hasetbier lie --rarate it' the C. rl!01-TY, was now located 4c grist Our rir -titita sam.r t I lvnt 'Ile b an rellulude'l ou'limi unit 'atuirday. !a.! !will be propa, Ift v )AW! to(; for parties to- owar, afternotrie. ill' tfic -Ile fightin do". ter.,i Rod vvmsm to impose Rare! r arar 11 sced (f lbor "t'ct'mty of iiat ever Testa Tile Lattle (4' r. IV: f, It mcarriouneount (at t.ozatio., A. sfout'll meet I fsepju , sit. LFifth Unat is Artillery store Mtal,!" (of cloolvir In ell, a) -lot, t evil Almi!t -tory. WmiLXT OF CON&IDERCE 201102. rated in hi Yesterday is acknowle4go,.1 to W the Leavi- Ma- liadillworth. in perhaps t it;, robbery anJ.awij4. mlit-gi that he aylight T llCIA Of ail, floating from .1 on the might fork of the r imuct- cdlomand. ble-itisirmen halt is I lie had alailianest the Imeny al-kets no oily Garicrtonect irk I e I amr mloi andifYing -iclorati-its. pro- It roll? wi!l, Ime in-14a.gravoild var Lim flost on five PkOght In In )14 at IU,- bid 6-441 prove -d fro -telnel lisittelie,i. They Ramat back dark. renewed hbout nine I-. m. iom itteir. Ile- ( MT hiod strat'lam en mal:mod I of ci. ell i j ill* . of be. anQl Ltn"! May I;th, wet, at, for the Ith sc fic a I org 11 near L Iv ifire-. A. gramm tints it h on Us, marel. -if MT 1wan invents -niscalt wait Mr,11111oltsel F4:d that vilmen lit'. ()ail "to. sources to w.h.ch he ii;M not now again re To thl, egaacion ill 01. , , .1 . . . — . I , . press of a fair a" )Q In- if, io 13a. eld will I t. Ile be, 'lid. th A Peaciial 111421jeikill tmill R*ws "111611,111l thriaAlh the had dotbitm llsfa Ills seat the other tovairoz, Vol friends um.mt lirnam mularruitting ech a x4eme (if to, p4oia, rt 161ts lie -a colitendin, "r ry. Are p id I I , Albert ber[Mr I,.] kom The fine if hurtle v1draneed Ica oefruit 'near t e Latin isi% Ir good. - flow tile lxme."ion of a line of rifle fro .:,at I litl Ile twooli-tred i1sat w1utt file flothati,did tile., with ilwbrarmad omapp, I IISViog driven, thlyr ell ma ell . r `b have given wow so a 'let Overnmen, wilt mtlearin.-, . to To I,- vaor rare, and if dayl. Wor lanno,from lime'lierlio, morre-ppomnlerat of wifich our in had drjvco tlme a stay Ihe M"nt: Tholat lli'4pp t was mbWd has 4 other iliAt in supplying the G ill of i . iL " I we e.% - (at ail I 'Imers - i:lv) file I tin ! , * the am a c of it 311 lit himself (Mr. Huller, ny pumilale deficit Illb point two naliti set) It IlArwer book ill the am a l"J"Tiolarti. tAX.sm S.fti r ifont t,t At inormaing. furcial pir,hed them: maid 4" l'is'llne tbite'll:. a irliular Filipati. the fieUdritattloothro Juvromielft. arm excellent told that the imm gentleman so in uplift of the maysKeTWItiC effort-' Of Us' our 'a'ar, ni.)t may frcival actual obaterwifitiollo 0111 tit &,aid unless lost elect,- If MT Is"14- he wiviiii if the day vl I- The Confeldrornee K baciL early this, IIfailed t', re;JIZ. the militl*Ctiationalmoli has lostl. ..'Loint parties in England tot depreciate our worth was allowed it) @in t ) ilorre lines of ill* earmy, file, rt Clefill and It whole, we think 4 wouhl be V -Y wr it, a Item, ewhisth'; if I*- morninT and alsivivolihing is at) 'Xn'n-- I'M dullic raropeatesPy,'thart lsc laill, I as shrink m"I if tiastrountrT. I*bo Hoariest Milli, list nd eartlam lit- tpfarmallent frooto 4he e'd be ws% was, ntl latt tile for the n 'danger Than that of .14 an ;.Isio,nit instantaneous effoort in roomIt' Too corps ',or thv of, in flor trtvps folldowiN i1j;ein Up t &unfit to) Atli ad fr) his du ten, sho' it partial t .d, oinj *vnail thinjos. raising car mi-cu,itiori-sto wu as the in Ili- bell' n i .r lie" inemy-L%fili'r &lad lotion pstreeti'im flat! un, The a to cul a canal across flaid- Tons nothitan it liewasis out dular &.ad g,-.!ce trenched tile Iher side. Iladip" (terwardia isseettaned; were awmaitlrw cve!.grarvin in this vallf Oft tar aWoods. V S lit) I cululap.iled 16 rroin hii most. lei lie 'on all moll Yet, nomi'llto hokif 4k, a ruf4eat'sVitt; latou-in a' atchavale #If oequal is ,, I all $4, 11, too 61,11ft"ll The scone presented tAny I opnoto The. iiiillit was ter,J)!c. , J:oe rrmrofri fditoi I 11rodits If tile I'allic us treativaj tit* d enti two or 91AIme, partly e6sil; unit i,,nj in the Aultirrit, __ its"t'no' ebeyond deocriptiton the de -id Ah Yin yibeut %cold its'sh roorpe-lieneral at, lGe I )a Ocean. Th.cauld dimemions to allow in frunt of tile brestrot worlin art lying in 11 r 1,,nlw ort -iiijiteriall fursillitto he our moicurromma oil this in, 0wen 1.7,`Rnd L hatfid, whim be 01r, lU,Iv,n1 let-. ficst.. be t a', referred lia- Parallel "ould fso of sufficiin the, to ride rth,A: the latter tic*. calls. . tr founded by lien. wrouldits. pilem thre, and fot r dec it wait clot I I a- by -%,it eal fourinod, Likes aiK% lie4 for ilia murder o N F. large Alops amia stramers x10 lien through it. p, 'a Marcor said Y 311' mission %ticks aAo. -,,]'be smoolo-vas otr thaw! , all". I4i, tlir#at 111 1`1)411 out fly Cover - horl I Gi t mJXht rapt I'll fight bcvomq general. paid I in Illeicatinher ii.mv. Volifliaill, n gnilty."!, in witefal p4lits V! Hr L wgr;ortim as a littlil.'plifesin'try. pruplusitiu;,* voms title km -,t IllR, appeal to that country TI, Yissr fig imars, Negualisd loy, W A. Illarii". flivt Almost Nninark, i -an &N'reely be uiver-mrs. mositinfactory Plate iolo.al h %IT, it th 'it of the ll,,usy should take a 1&6tt '.-AT IllImillacial itaid Hr 1oargartarth cortl It ol,asid d,,troy 'T It s4:2ilas to the AdmWitris oat:,, 11toollon. anote the chairman Us jf that of I (Imi trisiort; loorlisted sugaill Vy, keeping At tin djor, Injeting of mi;aary lismal ar'. All mileunded -Juring the hed *ell is 11, I'll va (I'd not toor Oo the newarartfoiers mij XIA Chifil uq opened F le Hill Ili(- clivigation Tariffs, Rumitia and her of their dead and vio 111111 LAY =,is* thAnt toreble lbeir"Awnlotior. _It loard of' tile far t le Ira, Aniesf this, influence ,,[lit discuss priviate msulsolti, thet'll sn'to i in terly r . (ia't IAAv1 bro , "dd ahig;ht from portius ofthe Itne, but them arlm iorl which could noi be L pruvr n - against c- 'nactive 4 line cuuntry Ili t& -r vIry 'new laid frommIntus thing for 9 Milliliter Of amill A, unerstood that ill(! reammaninj corps. The fisoll eaua* WON ITOw whole Nor*mst Ili Europe would pass wen places where thq could not tcaj V(vmll at A piece in lla limmmoht To Of Ili* error- m "I blid, taken tile vgad Y.. lasot. issue. ()olkility the I (k' i li;f., through tile Galormian channel, Immki the Itunciarman ear at flat,' lk-aid. lot . Then be; had deffniii,­1hi, 6rdi. the ('r'f,wj,. flow h law ofChaticellorsaville. for this poin were Isoms an muTuser and them, theit, lay as thick be Our own. isslutnin Too I was rn11, Twometia the swo r a littlotru- pranel.% It W29 G;n. Iliviney'm divisiolva of the, A lot tisse d,scu"joll, the report s or ic 'of I" year, of two st.d.2 half; 0'rettamon "llarliumment with a li-l-loebirt It woulial mt do, to'he driven of Mr. land mistvi, sold tile session Gor flavIgatirisir minimal mi, ot. Ida total ieficit"t4be prov'rical (AT "ifent 'If hein, hfmtiki. ovq hy NI jr. is'. smajormfolded by fare *0 touch &At,) render Cur-Tosho, nd enrlet *Which chilr6ttil thin Ii and 'was #all lived soll I rot threat- Ithek, &mt our men 1`6*41iA stiff; a desperation, Wjklkero, i rdine, wilts burned off 6un- j. V.. bir also of we millij When te to-itioned Mr. JOlIn A - 14ei)00614 kl* "ll, victim . J. V.. t filler, mud -1 Palo loci about 700 hills. Every -ro thoolams, IL to i lIVII lialmiloits pira,ilel y thoir timanal' firm coursilre, inamorata giment in natittee w: lout -ne4 an - inch llin,ir showing toil mu! Iligil rAcimlt shores deseried. libiloo so IN 'lout fullest oppotictil ion or site positina of%(. aim morning. hc,ord in rill -lot of smalvill phy trills to kile,kiog- fie r file till I I ? r say, rv.h 'Mr. limit also dc laiuiodl having uttered y a Colon' I lie (lerk*s walane'l i the division disivri hed iiAl". a bold Amid at a aid the toolitary morivarjospalp of its frafte . that falls and ill* Importance of huldinx ilicir the our Chat c the lims1Ipam Arri.od we or- dow, a Carroll was wounded a second timp, but The Council then adjourivelf.1,, f"Ill-Itl PLAe I$ left ill him lasrid,moolm &,.Ypnehthrent. Whoth r,, tid. Thin olnilisink fight cqrsitnencood'mou, i TillrIFT—SOIlle vacraijadarel broke inlims fte)nwl dr it,to I vide for of (only about, site Govern"llt would convince the lion" Read Ito 1-irfeited, mis it hatmoviday flight To still ifeepla on dun-. ljormist of therC.11noments I sit. tit. lit the Afternoon thert! vorm a iii.,re'.01, tallipp of Mr. Collins Therviday.1light . ar ;hw,l),*t thtr- oold no, lca !M e6mmnd Vve ps' be' COLBOR14E COUAL; sisovd a uj; fi-lat"I 'It hei,,9! strife meverml pai 111 cal wedeema'it rot loe,,nmA woul7c I - : ha f a milli . I , ?..,I th,;t And ilia- country,lbas timaywelf in the tight- ,, is eel. I sil the" two was. eft are now facing bro'cight in which could not Mi.. Melmall Zall-Yous &AA That you would aliqn- of other battles, the Fifth still TH Of to place to llnor a rest of F facto land, a toof lion anorr. is hich they lied all.' In, the ener"try. lerailgird. Just before ;ight solle hitcomi voterm be taken to bring this depreclatat oei itolikied IrVmAhi` .1irmare, said wilitouL before. oF the Xun,cipm! Ntanee of tints iteut;, . ; What lt would Tge of the almi %ill corps went to the itemi n I'st ncof I coutorl'in ilselft justice uniber of guns attaptared is 39. Counc;l -.a I !it at the Tayem l 1'.1 t,hi firm, courpot, anA, with (his exception, the Fifth ILI I h Ill Iva V he. iih I Is 'mi - I sod '*,,old Ohio'- I he Krf IteltsWC, a lending !,I'm, eclairs ItIve been t:aken, but the cup. face offliculli, milli of a 'oils es"poisfi. %fr. Holion Amid thaw Tae wonlid lklic"14 fair is ock, we I with I-,rgy in Is %a"ian ofiames that such %scheme y lion, ashielo'b4d 1, -tilt AcciforT.-This Achr 31PITitt, On Pn itApril, 1861. Present ilia Reeve smod ict the no el'usixam tering port oft Toc-day bitFerto impracticable: toral4id retaiij them :tm trophies. CA. -Smith'& 111111, ()It 'cLtarday, list, 16LIL i did &3 the evout :`n 'arvocifil, brigade I oical inimittoi, he, a- their paranoia I other flenAml ook a nuariblur orprisou- Krooical )Iinima *The closing struggle of the city wism, if Y Iwit ran into. the lifivol, it,, of his tit"% mt To t I,! analveyest'lloal ifflp torm lit A lot till er tile Ilistaish rule. astern ' rot acre not crA And Atin,li rclolore this m4tinin, f councillo-ra. with of of $,re weria entonvallilf t&iiall that ce Tom Uld t4: , that the thing, more desmerate ilia* the oil* of the Canadian inflictin; domitatip!, -we are to advance the apo ituall imlar I i ittlitawild to he made. )lot ilimat paper , III Mr. J*ouoz hr, 11"T"Itilimmed to, fertile I,) tor A jet, at, grootleffle." - Jillivii"Im. While mt, taillcarom 'Vilyphthist w, Abe country living in ilia me- a Cglifederate regim.nt viiiisth they our- hat gentlemen hot de data f lbrot ltookiLlf" 4114 lleavb were Pont. fiercest effort w" Inside bv I I loir 4 At 'lliverb, morry to my, to the extent of several how troa siogrill "(Do ."gliAll in Mr. Ithyniss, That tire salsomossism--ht IL):l ;a anus ho -A' mild get *1 doTA4 c T. "N r the Girrinans, a complete rind in it pirestut'sucloods, b*e thil; coulatrar was on ` ; I at his recent ultavlion. I a never to roil,". 110 me iis Y It Township, [Item,- 1,eins! so &III lihs, im gow:d tals Ili ploo bly It could not evermorof , to a wf n b"air 6ula the oatiness and courage of tin"] mentialhe time been called upon ondsmor lury others d made without delar, so '1111T 13th it am milectoplei-Carded. matel everall r I'tArotral his Lty R% trh"e vTo*t of the giants slim mesa ropelk v,very effort. ar SW on thte altsermoton I* Fridly, the since -taftioll lknl,)n.!At tia, we trust tit hed., ill doctolirmairar uport the best Inelastic, for Ish -The und to have AT aRRAT cOdl- Divior liallin,; file roll - Iot A TLiA piettromary once. goal@ through, ()ill inod., smt Cos, nbratrok,. a. 3!ise ILI oal6io to do the 2 To. at. (nemy fire Iroun, - bi the the Timiarts of this empire, there alilt "Afti Mu-mral by M;. ap, nifed lat r. Mi9i"alf 'Wi bare b"le. he it is been forim. T Men back to a new line. abandoning th a R re4 four thist vital porragative of ther lyi `Iavvj anams Of _fir I"a so an, of - Crown or 'I. t byfa Joint totack %In varcAs on -the right mol apparently gettialf Tat The 11 -eve should spiTy In lbse 114D mr-1414 cold be debauched and -debased for a smos, to -fly I unkniftra, via killed by jaimptsts"off itre and there aC1111116di rOM,Wly for 141IM11,01, of rijilt Of if) -wE vat 1,30V:-- a. rointo -"itkin 1`0 r ver tile Our le.oft rare milskill , I The ocatitimentas enflorvilied Ifichooll listri(stissim to t ke up all than thervill, lit nurdi,mion fp l-ther cout-1, ably taken the by Mr. I*-'- purpo- am it had been halfinro, and mi ,lrrottita vrhil n in rivoiltims, in t ot a ve lt;ud Across luts 1 said 6, um she :IA'sionews when' h.ta figlrm*4 an thfto low" lbrestooloved it would be sing and wo%n&d.' TO ltrimi ha- I vided she Provision Ueoc"itnent vaill Saw - C aresolution, mill we hbelieval, I or Is) the, ersicipaive migniew time possible M-- ition, I.I. II. -Carried. state r. wearamad the flAtrip they dotted camovisinalled by a fruits f Alan in lie atirin. Th'* TOWN COUNcIL. fle-uhl rnevied'aguism- , Real know sW Tile, Bill infroodhaira.if by Mr. Dick - imovery pervin ill Godairich who) )ilia h I deal % ilb the extrionradma least their cramma"iffe" Moved by Mr. Young, solaranded I" Hr, tbo4ib M'I'IbiAIM"'thftt ill let to.%nid the Proclamation decl4ring A"Invorg Issil. victim, That a petition presented to ill* of figurito by wb:cla Mr. (;at srehours' trimerh strami-hat eers. amended b1s, Or" thc I"If-l'olre 4 tile RequoilitAdic of tile hiekicu 1, sucls][ ihatwili bodone'leasmar- prevent, the Vayor,ilooi I', -eJocl-my 'Vall 41r. l4immissiOn replied.. Ile denied Ihmt Mr. 'casivinly Town of Brut -4-I was Ith show that so far f,,,tn in at , . . I J flat! C it - l Franc moil Enritiond vo eon- Ct nt ail praying 0irm to abolish the Wards effeet,id fin * he no loss GAIL find threatened file Ill"u4st and maid it Rev. irearlivinan.nithrool. lie its irolc , ill I a II sail mirmili, be, built, to the im- an' nd "Licill,.r. S nEvery, Wallace, of tile lownshop his &c"pled. thr.e-lould 4c1Imft;!Y beef) an istairst I 't wall Mr. ltol,nav who, thresitterreal* when he is read -a visecoad little An the .Pill. gentlernittv an is aticholmat," in if as true f Germms y and to the ITT* Ibuticimera, ilwat the Award not al,to l%ATTLY. file I L "14Y. olit'llso benefit 111 the form, end while, nectar lip to Moved in anatindria, t 1 ,. as , -pared wath,liar.l. A, stair Ion oft fanned. It is quite poesibil. b&M, I'llstypow add I Ilan" went .%-r ties li The fl,loversonsiont were he i1madials of 4y" c9oreh, fire moil", condood toy %It. Hussey, Thai ivato THiiiii. be -A a allativolveli on. to*$, 41111,00. long, almialthislassal nmage, he will ba merri VAmmlrs 0,11 Ace TIre,r:-rk -mi a letter fr" Y i -trOAN A04 1, 1 he lure All I'lle'd to "Vellts Io dervolvati. tht'-Zu Alone Goatiftich, will It's a' Toll %re -ting tin feninvell tioit to m attack T -F he will is roaring" in thom, committal an Cortoli moms, laid orer till 'e" meeting Iilill'AlHe 114, hotailint; or iolfbitiltion.: matilves. Illeughtitr.) Ile eart oft i in it few (17% At lessixt );A,ve tilt, 26 The off" t that 10 artillery c,lfmPa, -e, m rf", IhItt i;.e ormintry had 119AVILIVANTACRA ANNI 'IF 1119 PATOMAC, F1014Y "emst st-if pres into of this canal, in ioh ease its existence -Y hall, The Mi, to gave tbal cestitaA auto in favor III! h" e for that ? Wilts if not T"Ife!" Few its im.oportior, fountain The eormrmc..Iofk I, 1. hr Their livallefifeell by thot fivintleorhan't; carrying met wcl000dr.y. May 11. st A. M. a"& idb@ approprist"Il tompards slostimtmiw '"dissine(ion of knowing that he carries in (only a (itiestion of it man the interiesom (If of the drill shooll, *ad &ailing the Milloy, 4 Toy .11'. 1 1 . mic,io;4-withou reelinlitim, conduct estelouty I he most to thts fiev. '%. . F. Foongtish. Ill hope to --- with him the serialist well-witshavin nf ail im"Inunirrve sooner or Inter prolvag liver all It, ring I Joaving provid. 8" proveliml We while in flicat. ail the yet fought was Aease war, This ed %aid ramodc,intir sensitivity 1111", atitill McGivolatin, After *name rvmstk* I" To sueedonce. te'lia ate; I for securing fie payment (of Il.viery, That the I , &Monpt whom he )lei labored. film title- y iborstoglailare wom!4 piece Germany 'Ada" wit tboo 2nd tainactria he It 1.0 to nearly eight oil* ion* in ell* you, to 31r. he maill, had oll"'rty f Ill. rsoomber In dogged Waierb,cal will not be Appointed maltil the to R new itrad impirmun; ottioldist i fr)r an ear - ova flomailioers crarl lit- To. 'art (,or mailitum.A4 for lt ,i%jafion wait fAn,006 in relieve many mfinto v t 0 ot. The"Iltruee ftestiettr slasym:-,' ('&tile oft sa, og M'that boolli- the balsta" Rllll 4" on Ilia - IIIIII'dilig, loaD.o Art I In as or mi sooner and Solfairinn rele lateforis, the ton it mine lit the R,fle Cominamany havi.,Z roo,adistod totuiha, and Llmm approaches to the storms, tin dollars, A4dio that what Mr.G*11 admiftei for proeqodnd to "t Utinsrafeanferm",w)iieh takes piec("i" odran"'ge woll"' is "intoto- ,jr'I'uftdoq Raterinno'l 4 of thin "y obligation in lt"vo to mt* that the Adminisitnaii,m t,*A 11al,ravol lar"Ittlas into is ; mpRt;%- of the od"o on a he fol. dying (4 in, grociat nitirrabolow in ibis neigh. ryeril. hn e-mlol as a favor hours transfer kin -n banal f tile NO 91 11*14 made into sar, ve*v grade, th prevent kvv+t" A At lintomodso*. offroom field the . la of weeks. Pet foms one we to the th--r, whether to (160 *nY,ehamctprixod Ion," or the 'ammew. fdoe coast tensile" to 1.6 it,, slid ;Idd *fall to n.O" dollars d,lmn­ vis""o "ele an"I pstiny sf lit briviscood. Some rarniortt )fare )oatt am many a victory Ar in effect assure "It met. jut. asidon itifluntooraliml it number righf7 The bill must fith corps the cnatro, and a(If the, ions In Mr. Pon, letter so entirely Ion at Illenswillar's P. 0 , an or ho.riarval the riall in IM41, fi Nf,. , vsta, to subsidiary lines . the 2nd opsthe ]mt. )vir how stretched fit Israel 9 horad thip spring, owing, m Evautrik's, I PotemTro.-I line thingv at any raft, mi%. may rest sivievarmid, hich would never im, mre I d I of 6 corrupt urnevessmalitl2am Of I W "A'" now in I T )IT low, J. V. Grin Ililiday the inisrection 6f the am t as bas frivoler who" jorms.ely It, offite, and contrast- mi moleat on the northmoses, beak 4( she lldamul , in the garrit majority of comes, to Told, WHambingin", New flampabire, *Tile@: hit if the German fnind ones takes a Arm in favor Ad the Into Ad 1 1. "of -Ims! simal. tar Th* finwrootimm lien No I A he mall000 nrarop onjf.tlos, asoillaat harric &,tit rsS. A. Allon's' Jilisparmatiorma, W-rhl's 4,rAp of till$ idell, of a llolAWin Alop (Andill, it p,npmtift tra and *4 aput little the (,4~,l - corrivied. h.en (of .."In 'If as tit "Mro I moll, with Ilow, onto was. slowl.1 lomy the village if thol m 'not solving Proper treatment I treat Resiorer and Zitlobalmanourn, are Trolly will anterior lot if go until inot., fully married later, M, Rartron-a maid mi he building It wow a4ramad the Cimmedloor for each I-Ainit to Mr.. -4 -n inielvot it,, %be, lots Adwasiniftratim- A too nor Artillery oted a frorioll tar r of hare Owning catti hnuld ill charging the hat, to its "Murof it lonfory may Woor result it* to** Allseen taken front ilvoo bli-I 61' And -used shot Anil the 1, X -ape va To s f coFlold air the cluw._Mmuf,e4 Team iret likely to be a , hIi, la, twifirt to the he Wind Itimmuld flommil, now astraplar. Ter.;, t I" as Mgt from ilia privarimi:ol trillion lay in be." AlfrainiAtrij MWA not ri. ""T' then ranks. a- they, Is till dr, lie" Imulaul, 199 (;Icel fitnurbi 6 Citamitter .11'suld he 11111mottinted lot such are air"Ite of npland;tdril., %be a"., the note learning mi, Is street, \cw I ratio.