Huron Signal, 1864-5-5, Page 1r
W. T. On, E litor and Proprietar.j
Me sad wake Hare' Railroad
*111111 A••AMCIMINT.
•alto •1sT.
r55 .hown on the Oppsibi side. .YfrefrlWWH ,
ILL mttlow.
" Coostitutioral Government" Is •
boon to any country. Deprived of it,
Farr "r anarchy raises its hydra head, despotism
IODSIICH, oar ft 00 A. a.
. LINTON " 14.46
trample upon the civil a
t1ACP('KHE V ..:: " 8.06 'k j entree of the individual, legislation sinks
BEAFOR1'H 9.14 I into a uun
em of meaning forme, and
CARRU 13E00 ......,. 8.15 u q
lr}TCHKtal. .. 1.53 " 11.4tiCe- is 10 aoaubtttantiil 1`hadow,-
WFRATT D ....... • • •aaa. 10.36 " Hetes " Contititutioo•I Government" es
teethe wear. , to be maintained at all hamar These
MIT HELL 1 sear• 5 13 •r ■. enterprising " gribi " are dangerous fel-
YITI'HELI. . 8.13
CARRUN littOO e " 5,33 ' flows, -they are rebels in disguise -they
would willingly sully the glorious old lag
"that's braved a thousand years the battle
and the bream." The friends of " Coa-
stitutional government " must ay to the
rid rthginus Iib•
SBA FORTH .,.,...... ' . 5,57
HARPURHEY .......... " 6.02
CLINTON ......... a... ". 6.;i "
OODStICN . \.riles. 3.10 a•
Iut.xl z al
rescue. if, in the discharge of our duty
• as Britons, pear exted/rw e, we have to
condescend to the use of means not co-
` templated in the beetowelofMagna Char.
60DEIlC1I, C. w., AYaIL 2L
to, what mannan it? tail is nmetwaiy
in some care+, in order that y.rl they re-
THE HAMILTON ELECTION. su11. The opp Bile it'ua ie taught by
I ri-tri alto o not thoroughly ult.'. sterid
Tet struggle which aided in Tuesday of human nature. Our
evening last in the return ail' Hot. Ince can • be whiep•rrd, is out all
Buchinan by • bare majority of 14 rotes that 14., r. i.e...ntnc, but
was, perhaps, the meat "dee'ptrate ever imnentn :lease a nob' I:,rui of
witne.wd in Canada. .ben it was bat inanity, ndrriug plriwwephent
aonounnd that Mayer McElroy -would tach; Ile of intimacy with
oppre the I'rorident sof the (:oaocil, an Mr. Lincoln,
easy victory was predicted fie the latter man," (a hard tome to swat -
We must confess that we alflared is the lues,) he etirhee h a tariff in
idate, let i
e coni ■
'ty is mot
tome b
on nun
e is a "great !torthern-
•11 for n
gewerall•y.exptemed opinion, ' at, em&ider-
ing the platform laid down by 'Mr Buchan.
M%, and hu opining appeal to the peek./ the city, it would be' ua-l.r-
to (App.rm lora But hie epoch at the
'nomination retadetl.Tbe weakuemea of tb.' cord that1be prawns, Tice -reg,
loan nal palpably that the pta.ibilitt• of goveruing • Canada is wrung,
'defeating bite 'with a piping eandidete bre again, what r f all that ? He has
'came 51 riser &ppnmt. We can well este to a Goeernwent-iihich has Iuy
imag,•ine the do -way that fell Neel the -fury emmMh to .pate to setup half • duan.
nimp; when o. Monday night, after a dinar) natuwre,-i -Goverment n wildly
•a ileat•Yetuentued t•.n6iet, Mr. Duchene. we. bawd upon the everinstiug rocks of " tun.
sd by seventy.j votes '_ be friends atitutlonrlity" that the eecentricitia of
•y[wnsutu4oaal ttuvernma7t tre4ebb01 in the 1'nv trot of the Council will Soil
rlttareeMM., but resolved to win no matter i about the sacred precincts of the Cahinet
ef►dtiu might cost. Notwithstanding the! ('baml.•r, ae harmlessly as s chip in a
tGovientheental in/sauce, Grand Trunk j brut -pot The intima British aonetits•
intense, and noes. ialueen generally l' lion propensities of ilonairwr. fudficr and
brought again. Mr. McElroy, his oppe I die french followers will entirely lace
nbi bad a hard fight of it, •o Bard that I tralrae the piton of Isaac* Buchanan's
his nuewity was not turned until after' Kimble ag -u.. .A sacrifice to Lower
norm uttl.e mooed day.' • Ecce then, oat 1 Petals m t be, wade, wine 0119 enmities!
of a pat! of nearly 4,'1(10;' liberalism was tomtit milli !, like the noble Newnan, to
upended from triumph Ire a paltry j"xF I prYt•m into the
"byes'in order
fait seta! t 40 regret extremely that i tirte the -political ;ods, end where could •
mtobbmrw didt''t /entire Its deathblow in' better "abject be found than the ooe
no (sr ed Hamilton as c"na•rnei , but we selected? . .
eordlalo join 10 the ceoy;nttdatirm. ex- Pretty '• friends of aonatitntional re-
seeded to the liberals of the omeetueney
b th
favor of the I-nited','
•g urn t the British (f...
enionent, he is not unl
runrll .oerrtitutionul) relic
Trunk•ly , Ire hag pl
public and .
mal) Goo-
le so '
WI re-
WVEK14" 11:1.11'1' ION;
The IGreateetloetihle Oood to the (ireatetlt Possible Number.'
(IUDARICH% C..W.. THU,ItbbAY, M Y !i 5 4
net aside On w ;Awhile plea as the one he has ;I►'Ir seal calculating That each truck will Luso Hakim- is nm Cosmo%$. Un f h"'r
act u •
corer* teem 0t 30 feel they would stretch dry the Earl of IA•rb on more took he
Uur correspondent nage, how.•ver, the% it r dietetic. 01 335 miles, and make a chain of seat iu that steamily whi••h w s the *t_ .. ail
hat leaked 051 that the..hj.ct 1 the pr ,rest track* which would 'encompass the Krell ie early and brilliasl mum sUf coast
is to effund Mr. Furey an eirese for bol 'trig '''tee 'd New Yurk. Alainy and Troy 4n en Lb";reader eiIl .r a4 oat u • e the gallery
his office without r seat in Parli..meut. Me • lle:reel line It would lake a mall :456 i or 1st the,{artery >rh.}'"h ,: c I .1 that of the
years .Id 40 da s to count the amount of the 1
ahticrpetes, it u uid..hrt he ce leagues will r Peen: Nu arch tlnnq. II tonal+hip nitric
be detest -d wriest they meet the house, .'rid ""t debt ...inflaming that he could count, 660 i the Houa. of Commons itself and amoolj tf•
that a general eleeti•,n m+r ,-.ii..w-+o that I 'r memo, working 10 bouts a dry and li i memlwrs a the Commons. R mut explain
an incident io curious, and p ub•1"5.
week& u extremely'. desirable., In other p10eedrutel. Mr. iil.'d,nne Itudget
respects the protest a 0 g.I'd d u .,harmless Flats Tali. curIuel(y tied attract large ■u b•o, Pg.
frn•9-li4,be. i ha1'peuwl that when Lord Ir. ,hy came 44Qvn
The New }yd World - thus dlr.ourire orItothe 11.."noun'I'hu,,,l'y h.-leuud' T$`'mnt
the eridir oat aid pro.p•r(4 .d the uunf,d st.ecr rthrr in the fears . •ry or an 1by
THE AILEItICAN WAR. erste Suites : - " Int us here done with .rat. where Peers are abuse •1 to sit bei"w it,
seusel91 deluri sits. The South at the end a'd w, not wigiu1 to be +
an excuse telt 1, could .e,te nee for • pew ' •)4 a Net •
on the heroic e$$rtioes put forth y em
e• the mossion. Another such battle, we
are ntis(igd; Will e a drfftre*.t result.
today CC Ig n
ten ! Prete friends itdoe4 when their
sew ' 01*
In 'ttrl,
'Vw eh
rick thou ere cannel refrain fair tepee. candidate 'es his dOc4a1 was faced in .n
agony of p.ek.4 to ex Ilona " 1 Acte a tori
'lferr/in this t/.rlio.w more Mous any owe I
in the er'•wrl even Id/!!" Do the Minls-
erstwwt indeed, who nrfnire,L1 be bribed
into voting for. a member of ■ " 00141lite-
tionel'L Sabi et by prom:ere of extensive
w the 't of lawil-
,. to I
C U •dTM
tagyT .
deeieg it Ile raid, \
•' fierelesren, wP knee had a
11y myury ...l Le al*att igineo
.t Tautest ;
when it is
decl.n d 51 a f w drys. 1►e ewcUua hr i {anal orgastitrirderm jmafiine [hat by cal-
ea•erd ns anueh rs97eoe. &'men '-'Frolu- b a evade bymine of
runs haw•done. A attempt was 1DbCte rt aR iia het tome they ran
this '49914'• to upset society. (.'been
gran..) Au 111904411 was nada to rap •
the t•.uuslnibo,fewnely. 1 has. aerlfieei
in Oct eled.on more than any one in the
crowd ewe well. (Cheers. (knows sad other.
seta ; "'.sees, • that'. s.. old (.411., 7°° °°"' that ey area single jut& more loyal than
I here ovute.-
tt free 1
had .. hired y freely.')
sad the elediun pretty
malar .Lday. 1 Telt sdhervirts of the liberal patty! We do
that i emit" not be justified Ni alldwieg Mr: net belicier they, think asytbing of the
McKtrny a heat me. HU i goo,* aro the kind. As • base said before, .bey
mountau to-neght defeated, "1 .ould hart
9.000uivd a own personal feeler" and my merely wi.h b raising paltry cries of the
own pence act mood ; bot 1 fent►at I, sem b" kind to tarn pubh attention away from
your interest, for the luler00t of H•a:Ju,n.
the real tharact&r of the mm now in
"heel .4o nid light to the lest, and 1 have Mee
so ; the bale has hada severe. 1 dad not power. Such bolsbtt?ag up can
web to continue longer in puhlic life. 1 del succeed. The acts of\ the Carter -Me-
mo the truth.'
not each d „lice
to wore F'' ) Donald Mini.try are 4eih, fresh ie oar
I accepted ..lice for your ether; 1 could am
of Plymouth, North „('brei an, u in a Pence curdiuui las 4.444* took x stet ih the s41k gallery rte .
1" u P if ase the lrtl o1 1 ie s e ch .n .. f
Carolina. than it Ear been at any prered•ug peril.- which hr could led he M . taadt •.c
150 FEDER.\LS KILLED AN 2,500 -, like ourselves, it has got user the u,sm Hi, lold.hy, u arnr ,Y;Ihr few ern wh . Ise
• - CAP7'CRED, 1 dillicultws iuc Plant to the early stage; u( a "'cress -d their rrpulatiuu whim 'rewired las
I Ila C err Hume, hal 11 may, parrs1r hrvr
' I greet esu. It hu nu longer fh9 mu•huury P.
-Aare or Tea Puvnn ac, A{+il {. t„ errata b wnech ams rod mil I.rv- ant r uce,u•rwl W him ss he wt their that Inc w •u d
1 1 like b'haht firs haUrt uvrf x„xm ott the
The Web... id Method .l 0.. 32nd y1 ' plies are manuta' lured and iu p pul.tion dour of the Ileum of Commons.
the lulllwmg despatch bas been rancho)
turashed with clothing. It lute eat bar.d such
Urn, Ilrrgg:- a supply of aria that hereafter en! maddest. Ctluts le Ks:m u te. - Som• dre dhd
Plymouth, N. C., April 10.
shoo. wilt be ..eeess•ry. las w ion tie comes.,•Eich one bed feel hoped were inn
71 Ureteral Braxton Oldgg:- w,hle of ser tr.Uun to E.. Irnd et the
• T.Vr,o* and Sts mil;Lary .d1• rplu,e .1 the (»' ( I'r K
I lta►e'etorm,-d end caved this plate, 4.. he slit. 'three. yeas' burse .•Iardi,ia frim slay, 110 reported by Iran matt, At Fiskerton
wring sore lingather, 1.fieemesi, mites, assd the
derrl goverum• art has .,'up) lbs ores Newark, res ILchard Perkry a bulrhr4
-:, pieces .l wintery. - , Soutl n, Iropl9 f im any hoe rung 44 r comma home has drunken, shut- hu aged
( ....d)'- - fur the Union. 1)ain[r 41,rsr' (hire 'ell ,,. frlhgr 5 , 4 in ale, (rrausr they rebuked kin
It F. HUi(E. tby ha' known it out at Y pirnl•etor but lion fin Irrw ll 5 h.'. tae .\ 441191 •11 Luy: in
r Ilei . lirueral. 1 d.elenur avenger }'h .e 1 u never la•ru 11"' 144,', 1 a:r Hrlmmal'•rc, nal more then
K !zit hour i,5 a the tr;;umi.ig „f the *aro when 7 yews of are, .trlP»"1 the sclou neater..,
.\ ttlrg,.m sera ala re -tread by the Prem. , thele rwaulut ' *.°1°." .,h.,ti•iate mrd in w O he Geo*, had ';•tnwted •.im like r
'hent fire 1',d. J. T4rlur Wood, dated ityckr - mu r "wile sew 4ll' " with the
Jomitsh r t1 tis now, Such U.the rr•ult ' '' W+•'"'
-4nunt. April 21.4, seise( bother par, 9ulats 1051' ' fns i tent, roll coed not rear till the
.d toe crier. of Plrmuuth hy., the Iowa• en- 4't,, ..rare y•• . rat waged ser musrkre' d,.•d` ' dine.' .t ,1,..#,pelul, &young red
d• r Beer Hoar, ow, lav 1 u, operation. He psriciad. Ne air u(uy hard." Ute xbris 915114' s •eon ta'f utd lyes mseositde un hie
.us that •1011 2,500 locomen erre taken; 'Int mane them ors stout heated. It u -4 t'C• K
1 V ,419 ee had the m „et eon... e te fuse -*he parlor, nth hi.snrle b?yk.-n. his chest sed
:100 oi.4110 M them lie:ro n; :to pieces of t lulls 0.14•' r u aired Gd, in a' lord. in
troch. Th,' ,lelsio 'whirl ,have Ise•. n sat . '. J r
✓ ,ullery, ltl0,0e0 pound,' meal, 1,000 tai 001'. 4.P1wtri,.w:7.prr■d 1, .the Int *1* lnuntl,$ den_erill ddea T.0 "gentlemen" led
N, nor, &A a lull german outfit. blur hes sew b had 4111.5%., J to he M eallrn upon hit and hocking the.leant behind
r.r eat- r .10 . , r.
& Lout aO9 iu all. Colonel Rice was &mune; • . r _ p
Irnu•.: p.• .17 aspic lure than to acne IL•au had the surrender of some
the 41 i1, 1. Two ',militate were .Yuki •s. ;'Use country Err toe ter CU 44., Ilrt is I''""rt 11d r locket; r .rlr brio m the ca+e, butiaing s ciw141 i,,") at li,.11ftu, uu lie
other d,naled, and souther small steamer I I bef & d a Ern ih was win, I a 6 In the
p was
The Italtimore cot -i puedrnt of the -New
Yurk timid writes of the 21.1 :-
" The upends. us of Ihe Coofederat&a in
•i,e vamping* of 400.4 will not be confined to
the movements ut la'.d fume. If their plum ,
are carried oa, neva uper•tiuna on • large
mete will for a •pro anent pert of the exer-
tions they wi r s* fu th. W.tbout including
it furei• nicer ve-seta, of which 1 will
Ips g
speak presrut y, end excluding also such res
eros sa We tieorgr.., w Gch &rC urtdrmrrely as
Stationary fl,...Ung battle/les, then have built
lbemseites, ,wetly Imre their own l.Ienals,
find have nue at their cymmund • fleet of nu
leas than the.*" iron -el .d tweet*. Mule ,than
twenty of the largest rod Weed roomful 1'
three ,reels, u been de"musir•ted by
acW1 e5letlmern,.anlel; capable act cart- ,
wee and elver nertgatiuu, end are th.relu,e I
capable off takin.. • flit t in of wire oat al I
waiter", It 44 inure than likey that Tits
eleasent 01 strength on the part .t the rebels
how bot entered very largely int'. the plans ail
the ea,n`pw,gn tar this year w4lfeh have .0
Vaned at Wrhington for the 5,11.4,2. ter m
that the fou related IArl'Iw ere • iher s
koYao, or am not, believed there. Howeve
the nary he, certain it is dist we *ill expert.
ence far mare trouble firm the (.urn.,4r,iu•
nary, helot'; the year is um, then any ei.e ut
W... Otog1011 etpects, •
•• fhtle ere liar uuuelad ressel* 11 Shreee-
p1'o rt, on the lied river, 1st Northwestern
Louui-,ns. 'fhey'reil., t doubt, take • tart
iu that eoua;;ement loth be'al'tort s
cuncrned 1 the premntlied eretpedt
it the .etest repo to .l the letter „ t Isco
1.4 -uveae as 10 cruse an al , o nor u( the
e ae on In the r 1 re &,e tat iru,n-
leeks the Valley of the Penobscot for trade
end.up'pIies. With a proper spina of
rads. Bangor would .o0* become one of the
.largest and must revenue cone 4e New
F:u•lied, eecomd uuly u1 4mpntanae las Pon.
lend The &UIJ' el hes been premisted to lke
Messer haute Legislature by the Gu, erne, of
!tame.- Hollow Commercial Hh irttw.
The Growing Savageness et War.
From the New lurk Albion.
No metier to what direction • raid takes
"Noce .ah,n and plunder ere 59* considered
to he leg,uwste urde,• of the d.y. benne(
up planet ons and farms, demolishing gnat
ankle, 1 11 los ung helpless inhabitants out to
'sleeve -which aught to briugthe 4trp.et11an
die •h deeds to l'ourt Martial• -ere trium-
phantly quoted es proofs 01 •slur cud Cuter -
pi ie. •
It is strange. too, that this atrocioae and
impuln,c 5yetem is epprured bf a people who
hue ahowu themselves. so far, addicted to Tei Ntw 1f1t1Ca Pear. -Tb. P.rif
wagon cruelty. We here however, no besi-
tatton in snooping it ha di.grr.etel to the • of the Daily Hers sys'-
arsaa,'aad ealeul,wd las b,iug (II will upon tb. The story of the oew plot, the existence of '
un and oast Gulds-
bor vessels * et Kingston,
Luau, un the Num: rirrr; 'sea an the Tar fu;;ou••n that hila the stents of eternal but this versiuo writ icing considered ad.
hatred are the dr berrtel sown, e w miwible the
w lb,. IrUer rtes • the
au the o era- were arrested for tbe/t.-
rirrr,••t'a p„iut Erre t f 1
11'imuL.brl •Id t\'eidou Hrilnad; .sad, ser• tors of tbeie exp int& ccnlradict all their Out of these facia grew the tale that a box
thin., two (.ir:tI.ree, it Abe. las: one retc.lty prevrow ameruue. thkt the South was uoirer• full of Orsini bombe had beep flsnd is the •
Tuileries, and that arrests bad beam made
1VOL. XVII.-NO5 1/
Bo.... Greeley, on Tutmily, was or
rested ori • eon of attachment, remit tag him
to be brow((b* before t1. Ree Yurk Court .1
Oyer and Termis r, to ea•eer for • mares, t
of Court, le peblishing • the New York
7Hbuws a report or outset proceedings of
the Court, 0m the 13th int. Rail of $1,0..0
has been accepted for Mr. Greeley s appear -
Grand mother,' said Ike, wrbasly. to
Mn. Partingecw. 'hive you heard tk• report
that the Pried of Wales' baby has aril gel
all his fingers w. nus Mod, cad that both hr
lege are not right?' ler bleu ase f es•
claimed the old lady, Sties low meld he
ever wield the sceptre of the realm or walk u
he ought 40 dots Ike, huw.ver pretended
not to hear the remark, bit hep.s clipp•g
the eat'• whiskers, mad grinning to disk that
his grandmother dad 5a see that nobody tad
all his fingers on ole hood, atm •urb•dy two
right lop.
tru5e 01 1ke North, among the Nur tit s mut which the Mowitewe denies, had its origin,
ab.du,g Needs. as 1 hat in the following
It win he he'd, and rightly, that the des- When the Archduke Maximilian tainted
ucuto of rallroeds mod er pubo. siore. sod the Tuileries fur London, be accidentally
renew i an county different matter Isom left behind him s casket ou•taining none
indi.eniu, .ate spph4Stein tat-tbrtorch. wells of no at al
not the Ieadisl. glee. -with which 11eee je r1gee value, and about 7,00
Heyns ting prat area desetihed fully leu francs in money. He telegraphed for bis
out of ' assertion, that was ,s cot property, and then it was roved that 41
u.' r can he • morel purifier? There u had been appropriated by two servants in
Sins. humiliating in the .viral that, the.palaoc. They rid, to elense thrm-
soh heed, of thou..nde of have men a selves, that tk,_ wen under tM --prase•
arae, a nr u.hould' b- "'lied upon to sloe that the Archduke had tett the box
h»nese n 4 .tate. Neither with its contents u a prey of for them ;
admire fluuwin -mulls laid so .s1es and bapppT
tads should nt b.
captured. (*t: urn u. I pr,.lu.-wf,` axed for ,!row that! e - hy- ill•
r11y of Ihe,Pu,teo11ae, April 24 tautfatt.a to tie.- ed States. lewd -
sally star. in,;.
lhau„ke river. 1 hew 5er911 train clad gait• of the ewto•naye of the evert
boats u. North (..mhos are uncalled mem y, A Drs oar r. BILL PAsnxo -A divorce
at present rt te_0 for the 4 .0'e of the iw- hill the New l0rk House of A. -
A p4rtest rehrondtom Wihningt'.utrtRlchmu.•d. ''embl sv .Agan', which rovidem that d1 -
Richmond' papers of the 22nd In the Hoes of Ik ntstiid Tt\set \1'14.:-[g1r.Pr 5mtio declared f til •td o order w prevent Mon truu(4. air vas . Y ) Qrzn Vicariate Inas 51••y nWiews who
may be decreed an marriages die are mixed in Continental id -wh.pcccr there has hem • wi
tad ed d f f byo f ate erase
illustration rt the .. in . A Yankee ilealmnd, or of a husband D a wife, for a en r gas q. Her n ass
rsl 1 u urvi'atiu• thus^ are step sea arcate at,.
Qo•e•. O•e
wharf,wl •0 a 4u mics torluw H•4' *11'ow•k o(• Commiaio,ar of 1 1.11 rrpou 54 d jus, ruvd . a chirpier, and wap idling fivrn 1 tl r.r" seal std wain ,54.u- l ie ten casecutivo an, Provided there is al
Esme c t 'I a Iw,,.0 4 1 w It "draorrd.r'' •• Pretty .m'n p w' K ri P of the dtiugbthe maned the Dake of A51
") 1 not M• 5 I:ur au off1M r, taut skirl' IR *u cuuC Ytr the ret rr. ace ail then law. nets hue the"lime of the t of that ac-
J 7 [nseoberp the claimant of the Delhi'.
We haveages up IJ
iwe From the Iowa, Iter • wb5nmxl • cal- the Aa.•ncy's mum M,•r auuellun n then I o \ •e tweetaffairs. A M
0. I { on Thu•adry real the bol report!d I ¢ tele trim ad.woun,t u0 that road t . t ►err ,
a.'u th. IGcbm.'ud Yertlnd, w, h in. I hr Mr. week urns, ail Rahman Ire- the, tie. for th.-y bad un-uu•d a new .,ind act wit, a" 4„u, ,rims Aha warier or l'a'nhco nouud. Hut I.
•lea f hen. despite of the Dues d
K--. was the wtfi 1 he I P d
tune 614 of the a vmlee he the. Itapgah•n' a pert Committer, to ruc..t•ge input a Nee Turk 1,a(r, leh•:y published ,m exc•.• ruin, is n.Niiug in their cutout/coon *hick l ematlnu desertion o a wt e her H b I haler heH 6 child
T g would gretrnt nary Ir m g g Y he mrd
Ruck en Walieneley, m lar m Houle/am reused. It pro•idra l:.r Ile appno
rip l
b .i
1 kola sw .wA W he the rlrance of Hurn i, fur ',ceei.r, nt Stair. • atter we frit the, rho n.y" dywa , a .d the ruve•1 thein M a cool in ClrrT noir, t -
's a nl . r a :m rt honed is Fred other null 1 mimed .res of the charas out T E the' no living issue by the marriage. Bong I&arpotd, of Bi' t44. fs to( 14-.h s t.
't41rd p• h . The re.,ld s.'v.uon pr. rids hat em.f,ume up. Whey err lo, wash guns act ngliab maw
- - - - uncle. and ler eouue (tis Dab of Rrale.el.
bYrg yea .dry that a -Neel 0l 00 vessels, ,ria b, made• .Ihr ,u, e f rmignmts '.f for Mors, and Meetly 1 seed another of Meet • The Court Joer.a1, describing a f hon
Y , ss ,.' f Leopold's oldest son sod heir) r the hwland
sand t ;carts, were Ili the mouth of the ,till e W the,, ser fur a armee col .h,41,n1 ward& the fireplace. Nen heAve Moncl vessels at Mobile, the able London e•rMr, sa s :- r
up,„ t ,{ -t•a , tri 1" J of .n Austrian Arehieelees, ••d Ai. dsapK..
tack. which •hail u re Oen ter: alar ,mud th mayU,r rung and 1 ire Ile 1.54•kIn '•X fiver, Cballcef •, and he one in the Z.erua• •• A demotingminister becomes. convert
au rum r that the total vers ). e u 'fh n 1 rahbrd the. 01J n under ! ' n the wife of the A',bhke Maximilian. Was
. quiro sifter urinal Iii etre country. Ihet p' K .. nth rirrr, were Ya. so at litotes). described to to thurrh act ; sod hanag ea paw, ere/i.e.. TEs• tee Que... as
n..,.n bn at A• yule Creek.- thud seal, provider that the Secreta. of•"res grin and the b.).y . r t other,' and .,11,e Skold • +bun true ' , that 1 need uu, , time noire'. a .chyme of his own
md•s e* rice, sere .e e,rt 14.6:
F 7 T the Mechem.. k Ie, so 4. sent of the
tM l !he '1 vroom y pry ells•« the ton......................
a gr dw41e
stetted : hal jars u 1 grit to the dater,' (0e: d reterw ileo. There are nd@a, at ('uarlee- I mid he 1,ow one act the largest u,d
Eng IYtir way req are1Ydy, I un American v the rat pering &t „w the . fluor brekwnrd0l• tun, two wertnl non-, led steam n Queen of Denmark ; her ngn 4. lobe4.44.1.04.ier
me d ' of Wr tie. d i bares
!b tri,, rm,trat I Thr h..W1 „ tm with 4 r claw to tie ar 1•t, 1"' sense, i.lret attended places of • orship in Londe,- nl the daughter of the King, and herdasgMer
1"d I Gwnh seethes Iran That rat •wi r.m end t' t I ae'uf which r tumw.udrd bjrC.rptwn In;cal fle rduras hu person a ith the most goer -cam the wife m the p-' - o . -I of int atiseh to
the 1. ail *La set nhal" frltu.g rolYlfy h a•l'i lou use. - 1 jam fame. \ carmine. rod .Imwt a , ru•cI'n in splendor
., .. {{P K poles •
I. R.nng un it, ire {j.b.e W miutary hty, during thy prr.rnl• 111' J bar go over the ' tie ehimrey,. .etAt Ricnmoud, ud.hetween 4,hrt tiny and ' to the fi•eq of the Itumuh t1erT7. Hu ,
the 16t to the 2Yth - The 6f.44 seely pr• ride* tor the•es-stoat that ras the IPsi ,14:.14,°!•f\ To wtyalisr Fui4 Urrrr air leu Iruu•c.ird vwerls, eboir i. u(sinlular eRtr:iury end sin error
re actt tiyii be. the lrbll nt.d'.acoffee (rm1'ru•rnin V,•r'lbwdrs,hhthhe-petaI41) ILtoifl0'0Ile lorry ;,ort tt4.1 mown ....1, tided )(boll. Of,ntcas,oe't
h irs f k•tfu• P p t [i 400
It w
lading I
The verset
ed W he
basing •,who
The beige whet
Pym1u,h tr to Sin
ue..t.,n-a•.Itrd •s the r•
Onrny. 'n. Wt. -if e. 84..) a
W,esela and he Iex.e, 1.
The eyes o n u
t. W
'rat eight u dooFt. sr the mu
Wessels end lou 11014 retired
Imo, and held t unli('m„m, 1
en117 in *even de.•apenlr 1•14•11411A,
said to he 1,700, wale our ler is
Gene -al iwe..eb, *1d gaioisd well dela
In the *seer drys fight beTa ',pw. K,cbmi,i
made in lbs &Nle einem heroic resets*
.ilk he little bared of veterans. Severe
*eek. 4,ncelie exited for S Oe0 men, dating
e' w , I
in r Mas n sin manlier be
t that it . u d
inpea!ble to hold the city with • lees number.
PI u t . c imoP•r, . 11• '•C nn. newer• I » II
r• i ,, oto. Yurk Co, u be t '' : J .; I T'f them the Mao emu„ No t s the lar,,:est aid, wgtship{w,- r..n4,s n
• air •e•. ' ' `n It•h •n Ilan the
who ay sir contrasts- n inland t uu*' ."wawa Gn 'triable; !ler rnunnn ail cu. nisns u a ye.. a.1 wrreboc• u 0
. aw1S Torr • w d not are to b.rd hirnarlf
d change the thing itw'lf! Do they really.
thiuk'that by a continual harping epos
Ccwt.tituti.malism" they can humbug
people of Upper Canada into s belief
help it,' aid in the language of the Poet memories to allow os to a t meat to ad.
Laureate Tnny.on, 1 may ay, 'thank Irnd, mit that the leaders of tha admti(ti.lraties
we are • psrnple yet.' None We so well
ase entitled to moeopnla
loyalty or the atateamaasbi
Tinos of Canada
plowed at my return ei offie 54 those who
. at
Tired against me, even the Mayor himself u el
1.Wtird. A great majority act thaw whir
voted against 511 dd .u,knoeiiig that 1 woad
Toted a slid 1e tar per.
• sleeted. They g F
venal objects. This election hae roved one
people hare had
thingto tee, that r, that the parr{
an up)prlltumty 41 steed upright .rid vote u
thepleased. (Ikrisire cheers.) When the
pollu declared, thick will be in • few d.ys,
then i will bar. an opportunity d.pskmg to
yon a reeler length. It Pisa the ire now
u speak to yea .he• theft r median excite
bete, tie,sIww f .x14 ay no mon 4. you .t
When the ntrte of the pall ode.
clu• ed,then 1 will speak to you .t much
greater length, end. -we will here an Op47 rt
nit7 of 05j0yt es ourselves." (Voice.-• 1 het'.
eon .t your expellee.'
The Hamilton Times of Tuesday a)s'-
Thu ..ening elo,eed one of the siert hardly
coel.M.'d, and at the seise timeliest i041wr.
4 41t, elections ever held in this city. From
y8.teeday' vote, we ked every reason to he
110410 tut Mr. McElroy would he elected hy •
ka dsomo myority. Hut Government in
d wiave. (tread Trunk interference, and, over
and shove al, Mr. IWrlanan • mune),pr"41x1
r 54 Ther last
ase meet' in the protein u.rrnc ,
nn some other Gets/Atm', for the Liberals of
Hamilton. Mr. RucIan►n a returned by the
small majority of 14. Htaretrn, however,
reflect& no credit or honor on that gentleman,
, albeit km .. • Minister of the Croom, for h"
11194.14 u 10 be ascribed solely to the power
of mom, to open b• ibery. Under thaw or -
confidantes, Mr. Iluebanal (mono' be coo
sidereal the true representative ot Ilam,lton,
and he election, instead of being an honer to
hire u real) a disgrace, end ■uletentiall a
defeat. T Liherala of Hamilton, with a
few exe&ptio.a, 44.00 done their duty nobly,
avdjf they have not achieved • veto victory.
they at Iwt deaerwelvt. Mr. M ..':Troy, too,
may feel ao holiest pride in the hearty and
holiest rapport he has reeelval. and ,n the
feet that test for goad he mired a that mo
meet have been the of Hamel'
the They have laved the way fur future
victory, and they may console' themselves
with the •..rant& that Isaac Buchanan can
sever main be shore to represent the city
of Hamilton.
" Warty in the ..r•ug, *be friends d (kiw-
anten a&1 Goveremset mese 10 work with
• wi11, s»I .*.•milt the majority of Mr. Se-
lelr.•y woe mdw9.4, trail et throe n'cln' h. five
Catar$gm Divines.
The Hon. Mr. Campbell has been •rn
eel for the do,nn, by a large ma)nrity ter
Mr. Brehm. / 11 the elections have n
taken place. .
1Anrkrnorl for April is out with • most
enticing table of contents. It holds its
place as first amongst periodicals ot the
Atlrt*tie Monthly for May is a good
Dumber. The article on California as a
vine land, and the Gold Fields of Nova
Scotia are alone worth the prier asked for
the book. For sale at this offie.
town, Portsttu• ail emtgrat IU he 1 d for by thea t• six Ir,, n.,nlely. two heavy columned' on slippers, aid • muur,..,ratnzaar full of CM
*lib description d t f
the'"" filet', Yoe the !moot les the p
'.(. eaiuun. •^ fhe remissness ---e.,! pima rnudr,1 h 11 11 c 1 to but t the conclusion f
F KFJ K 1 r7
• a u rt - i aesiblr.
le rd o
then no rs.4'hrll hes office 1
d w„kr thin at
who a interested in the 111,9 of any LnAa, air I • ••• g g 4t P
in the to onthing of any tr.'wpurlMwn direct- I Surtw's'
air ird,r.eily, £c. - Min ('a&s.-At
'h9 cum d 025,000 is appropriated tottery ' at .Uinta, lona
oteguiO4 pruvwiore into effect. more than two ye
, oe1i a large nu
`- - land hate ami '
PtGY SOtOPN• men,
n f ,e•. T
than mlu q
•1 r'notl ( molted.,
»rid &hall trr. t t again. Irr•dlnnd tm it '°"oar x' q n,gun at the bow bruidr , Our damming Mend opened he
rnl p these each a t. o• ern Inch rifled 1 17 x i
Yes no Mai n at 1 e e ern been acus Y a w pre nae, • ,. ant• uaon u
tally "111!1" lintel'd projectiles "winch 1 every immure delicately scented velvet
tieucrr' Ptek,wbo asya he had Riven trental
W.w•Ie ell the. a•.Ltxnce io his toter, in the •
mimes ,IeMo anner hoe aid spiv culled
lot reiufnee.ents.
It is reported t1.t the enemy has I' Ply-
m oath, and are no. munr.g on Wuhim/ton
Kingston -un the N.slee lieu, it 4s a.eert.irred,
moved W..rds Newbern, rod a expected to
make an .ttrek to • dry or 1.0 more. Gun
bum and reaforceln•ru are immediately re.
quirrd bereare 1 at•ton. 2 companies,
1 beleagmg to the 'led North t"uulma Union
11 Meatier, wen 5.uig the r. ture4 •1
Plymouth, mart of who m weir taken out and
shot he I enc r u
r he n after air fasters had ser.
rendered. - All the 'Negroes found w uniform
1Prr also shut. g
The funer•i of Commander Messer takes
plane here to MOTTO..
The rebel ram •1 Plymouth. -whieb ean1e
down the Roanoke. is expected 10 act in cum`
cert with the other rats in the attack on
N'aahin4lon mid Newham. The carries thtee
small demand one 64rp ounder.
• With theaelof•4 w asst e
t e /unbinds Ase s
f ram
c,a14 remotely be run down, a their sea -going
qualities are had. 4' .der the co•er of night
the rani e, Ply04oa'lh suck 2 of Our gtinbate,
bill it 1a not eroected eh. will attack any
res ec,•ble auntie -r of gunboats t0 the day
Preetdeat Llncolo aaa General Grant.
(Frew the Se. Yore Tore. )
It i. as Camera as s. 1 4. flu
i hr future can he
Ask Gen. Grant will move • sinal in
K Leet a
few days, and with all the •lmogth 4l is p sai•
tile for the admin etr tion to impart to him. -
There are not tyro 1060 ,n the country .he
• are 4. more perfect accord in sp.,it and pur-
i.nd plan, than President Lincoln .rid
utctantOaem' Grant The President
1 6 with unhesitating conlideoce, remitted to
lies tai Groot the enli,e sa•ping sod control
of th campatn ; and Gen. (4,..,t is justify
ing th confidence h, a boldness ofeuace•-
tion an • methodical directness of action
that au u the grandest, results. 1 be great
body idtb loyal people remain in thea two
servants oft Iteluhiie, each in his own
sphere, the a e confidence that they repose
to each other ; stall the attempt* 0f faction
to hrr•0d distnut
nil discord accomplish no-
thing. but to make faction the more d&Meted.
Federal Debt Measured and
rnwn,M Alleni Arr..
Extracts from remarks made by Mr. John
11, Fair, on the Irish *'stent. before the Demi-
! A.ue,a,Inn.
1he.Natioal I)•ht is sea to he 64,000,-
" It hie ban mid that the de is so great
that ,t a tan .at for romp/eh/Oat
I. row
es a pra1se.4 wean 1 prowess to wet it and
neaten it that we may thereby o 414 •
Imom definite 440. of its ienne'.ri .
"" A 'Ever dollar 40954.10* I,,1 4nehe4Njn
diameter. IP placed edge to *4410 will ma
one foot in length, 624 lin plao'.l will 'make
one yard in length, and 642,240 s, placed
will ale one mile in heagth. The earth r
21.600 miles to rirtumfr11nra, it would,
re ore, recta s912.344*.000 to go one,
& ecoid it. This vast mew 11051 110 multiplied
by 4 awl 4-10 to stake it equal the amount of
our national debt, winch ."old make the
silver dollars go around the earth's cameos -
foresee four *55100, and rover 0.640 moles
herd.. Alloeing a silver dolls* tO weigh
e a eines, la to • pound, 3.000 lbs. 1st the ton
oar debt would month 136,000 *ria., and
weeld misers 126 ship of 1,000 toes betides
oath en carry it.
it would make 62,500 track leads of 2 Mos
North Waterloo Bleotion.
The declaration of the result of the North
Waterloo election took p4ere at Berlin yester-
day. We learn hy • special telegram, that
the member elect ea esc'M9d to the place
by • large number of his friends, accompaa.
red by bands of msec. Mr. 'Bowman, in •
neat spee.h, thanked the electors for the
hunts, they had dor. him in electinghim a
their . Mr. Foley spoke for an
hour. H„ opponents of the tate struggle
came in for a great 1.d of ahem+ from him.
11e entered • protest containing eight count"
spina Mr. plowman's return. The chief
one is an allegation that no poll w54 demand
ed on behalf nl tin manlier elect. It r mat
e ) that this objection will help the
defeated Patmater• General mach. The
Moaning Officer .ppinted the time and
places for holding the palls, and that of itself
e "efficient, whether kir. Filey) heed an
hody demand the poll or net. if be thought
Riot hr opponent was nA asking • poll, M
should hare ''tarred tie Returning O16osr
then 10 4091.m him elected. fiat having
allowed the M0/arning 016rrr to appoint the
time and plane for the pet mg, •&d h•fi•g
alerted hn.rl( to the ats•o.* to pet the
y)e.(ly at the polling, he hes eo right sow
Ito teak that the verdin of the people shall he
crashed throat h aid through •the of our . are hooded mead by twelve zealous ro.e'
an7A1'Traa air LncoroTlrte ,+was ,run o I..d 6.:rta, ar d they h been hers."
u1,0, in Georgia, & 4.4... ,krdr of 4110 bards. '1 -hese ern irun•cl.d.
here have tarn boils for «iii play an jmpwtent pert In the drlense of ; A country schoolmaster one day annoan-
s per. During the six j ihct.m"rid, it that city a attacked by wry .t I ced to hu pupas that the examication weld
*r of machinists from, Jeeps River,oil men the mouth. But it credo soon take place. " 11 you an examined in
most probable now that we will first hair of I•geography,' he said, " you will be surely
them et the mouth of James Riser, its Hump • asked whek shape tile -earth is, and if you
just k snuff
ten Meda, or-perkape ecru wi:iug up the should not remembey J . ori 5t my as
Potnm•e. I boa, ,o remind you it a round," • Unlortun-
"le regard to the iron -clad vessels that .tely,the schoolmaetar had leo snuffboxes, e
whisk moo ied on Sunda and a
aid one h t l be
I tconfederates m the
a\Y ',n built Ion the y1
•Fxyrlleyl(Ie. pore ti (;rest Britain and Frasier during the I purr.; that he carne daring the week. The
r polar,. u, lesteighttyeit months, my intermit' . is pwi- fatal dry having arrived, the dao was duly
yl to the 1 lite that they will find their way across the called out. and rhe question asked : " What
'1k tl et 1 Atlantirbe(.i. the end of June..• Arrr.age. is the shape of the earth 1" The first boy,
27th A aril.=fie ('sty of Bal
el th?se 1.0 places,
d out ore rapid m 1 r
at war un ne.rl!
k4 a wok
ase se id t F
ou,I't frr,.. the
, 1111* care are
a' 1 . all tl 4o uthein rolls. en
e s wellth'm.\•
North. I .wagl<r car* and
now iwwg Rattaa t of Sa,amnQ.,
tireenrbinontll acid et two• ot
limo a • nred here. 1 he bombardment
of Deo roues It ,e, awed gild the
Dann 'he i a of n treat. \le,toi,dtan
pro(aldy,mr the I ggl alt., for Mexico. '
Conferencen• rssenihleJ. in lie.
t the 1216 instant. the
H"utc of Comm
by • mrjurity or 8
on the Mina UMW, v\seesuon. 'Milner
Gibson stated that the ras co immediate
intention of placing light . rupia Roe},
where the City 'of New Yo as wrecked,
bit that the light/ at she rot to Cork.
harbor would he tmprovd T aribsldi
enthusiasm .as nnuhurd. HP rias used
'•Im own u , 1
1 for hour, Men .tun
vies impl)cetrd in • recent eonej,rsry.
Morning \Herold s,ys feed Clrrendo
mission to l'eri .0 10 metore amicable re
nuns and dispel lapdeon's irritation ag 'ner
Egtland. Maam,li.os he•Itb is impruv9 .
It a stated he sly! quo Maneillrs e4 tome
tor'Mezxo. April 14.6. -Ile has made 111111.
drydiplomatic and n i e
di l [' ,m , lienar appointments'.
i he Prurrae euoti,ln.d • ri4oruu0 b ll e•ard-
sent of hu11'•eL it is reported that the
tallish tire was very leak, and that several
batteries were eileneed, A Flensburg de
...etch say's the Danes were preparing to
evacuate the entrenchments. The I'easians
in Jutland had ashamed Anther northward
and drove the Mines out of H. ns, alter a
shoo engagement. Hmadstu - }'lour
neglerl.d and irregular. Mt h t f a vert
limited demand; Senor Had • 5d r
email. Corn doh, end some i *enrol 66d
r mixed 2ds•21111 64{er 14
The news which we pnhlish this morning
from Northern Mulles, 1s cf eonedetshle'n•
terse* and importance. The ',hellion e1'
Vdeur,i, the tiovern.r of the two Slap
Nuevo !,eon and Coahuila, against tl..' N, Iron.
al Government, ,s s. 'en end. - He left the.
capital of Nuevo Leon, Mentercy, nn Mrreh
26, tinder corer of darkness, with a1' his
forces, estimated at 2,000 men and some
toontyseven peace of artillery, and took the
mad t.' Engle lyra, in Tela. He en lest
heard of** Morales, • few milee f om the Rio
Orend,', the 541411.17 covering fns rel,e.1.
On M .rah 214, the advance of the notional
fortes molar Col. llrlrKI, occupied Monterey
and on the following dry Gene, ins Qurluet,,
D•'hlado and Anit;Ion arrived, accotnp0i• d
by their dir.sinns, lin Apil 3, President
JawrPL b,mself reached Monterey, • and lees
received nth erten of jby.
The hlo'd!e•sa eh tory of the National 1 ov-
ernmenl over Vdearri seems te 1ndirswr that
the Invaders of the new empire have but t.w
friends in the Northern SWh•• act the Repub.
hr. 11.55 the Free •k &-coop from Mexico
nest, int, the people of the !tarn of Nuevo
Leon aid Coahuila hal *linnet marmite!,
or by an overwhelming majoOiIy spprnve d of
the treason of VIMnrei, rt woold not Imre
Mom difficult ter the Leer to eollerl aslllfi•.-
t force to msjn,ain himself for s r tine,
et at against Juarez, who h.d luempley •
lug rtinn of his fore►a to there the pea
Fromthe .actionel Neils Ilia flight
From M temp, without eves the ahem of re
54s&.ee, 1, oven hos went of ennfdomee .in a
si.d,50nt support of his cause nn Ila part id
I the population. n,. prn•4Prs of Ma*lnllt&,
•r sinking hat hreliapt. if the maim of
11,011,, in Europe should cane the wt(h4rawai
of the Fmnch (areas, res 4( !mires %kould
seetwedm rine( se udd,tinlr to his Menten
*ray, • " towage logiee " ssllk* ,tly senior
•m and able it, rope with the invading tinny,
the days of the metre are they to be num
i he -rd. - V. V Trihwnr. 2 4,4.
Oemgir. '1 Ise 9510 err sad.
ppss5iating, gtblin_ and-iniaoW,,tal
a'stinguiahrs the• Irar'tt*rr C4111011 1
e ra rrilrmde. Ita1O.`tennt of men;
suhn*1.o*, l comfort they are. said to
Jan could be desired.. - e
Itoe Stow at Demise -The fret Irish dog
show opened is Bale,. on the 2611i. Among ' rues nl tided to will re1d them 10 a seaport
the exhibitor" wee the Earl of Carlisle, who 1, sone other country, where by • process
" 'bow. .rid re know. to maritime practice the reale,.
hie terrier G
sent { T F
ealso0openedthe ralunitiam. The pei+yes w
of i 111 'um+etinto e;y come the possession of
the pr'ze dols ranted (rem e100 to £10,000! ' the agent% of the confederacy.. 'These ressrls,
of *tech three are shout twenty Tor ali, are
L500 tors •very common figure.
buret cap.essly tar ocean Oavi4aors. tied some
of ahem cue rl the soma elms as the Weiriur
itok• The Queen of England, says \ic- mid La Blaine, They are d' constrUtled
("Writes di'eharged every indebtedness the torr beet ttjannrr sty the most expseerienced
N"nh- mous have bean Made for the lransfe of appalled by theippesrsee of the sxamin-
ettd tb :easel' that were rw
built fur ing committee, felt embarrad, and glanced
0l CI: li to partite who cannot be identified at the mate , who at once pointed to his
- with the South : and ale, the transfer has 1 snuff-box. " Sir," boldly answered the boy,
been made, the goyertwsenlA of France sed I "it a round on Sundry rod square all the
England con no looter interlesewtth lhem.The rest of the week," •
who ,peuvtrrtren, an
Victo 'a It . DO debt.. Sitepsy's her way fxr wpe.jor to earth •g now •Noxi in Amer,
as an bones woman should, and in thin ran wat.•n. Th9er acct. *ill prove rn
meta an ex Ilett example to her subject., dement et slren!,h n the rebell,217, th.
or her m•-
ed notf h r u■ ern „'« I
UlrhIxr ee t lite ha I over.
She i*distin, .e b, en entirely only P I 1 r
whi the administration,m nt.nn iu
id9np•, but ■1 Gk the liberality ch ty to
they gine her thc'a me of tiurci.iryg.-' utopian negro schemes. Waren them vessels
Only the other day .be sent £I000 fib tlic reach our Moues they wig mit he u.ed for de-
funJ for the ndirf f the sufferers by the ('ria.. 1'o bre,k the hloe•' 1 Charleston,
0.1 . gton and Savannah, will
inundalial at : he4eld, caused by the
attempt. And after that it is eel
n a water reierdnir. She 'g tl»• «
bunting { pays; y 411 attack some of the cep,
G 011 1
ch incls, in ' 2 1 Nu,1 ,•
as wbh rn .' t
t7t• rs.
rn irxome li e
from the Duchy of Lanoamtel loll he Them ns la
a danger
the t
Parliamentary grant 0f £3r5; )00it11Wut.ts I 1 Moon would to -4a danger from the 1'0
he Duke of Kent, ner,(ather, who died Europeen shy,
she mai only nine' months old.- aheable *feel
lidera, plated *n non er
tun Ihoeunr.e that defies
rooted with armaments
their Ent
cud that
•ie tl.e
to £410,000 per annum. beet Heel of ironclad war sirameril above
_ _ - e named, Or e,en frdm fifteen or twenty of the
largest iroocled ,e,.els now in the Cunl'eder.
Here area fee curineitiee of fire immeshc9 rlrtw•ten along the AUentic nowt. If, Fn
414 F 44,. .asked by Fr pehle tussle ore
1 rnos•queuct of th9 muuruvre11 blwnh the
frnmihe broke of a F10nrh t',4 In.urnnce \,my u,t the 1'nt"mnc and tien.nJ 1,ee, the
company '(I.) ,gentleman ..0 a40nknrg Ivrm.•r rhoald he coo rested to 1.11 busk fur
had•*MAttbund the defence "f V Al
two once
A rich igen of Springfield, .,.ned • number
of shares in a eorporetion 05 that coy, ...d for
the u ase of avoiding taxes t'•u.terred
them into the name of • nom resident. For
a numher of years he has received the divi.
deride, hut. now that be 4s deceased, and his
monies are to be settled up,his heirs cannot
find the penin to whets the stock esu trans.
(erred, and hence demand that they shall be
considered the rightful owner. The torpor
it views shout
cion dies not cwncde with the I
the matter, •nd'the quelrien 4s to be decided
h t courts
r he
Tris DANISH W Aa:- I he London Spectator
says : -1 bone Englishmen are odds made
who an read the da'ly tidings from Denmark
wdhoa.t a stilled feeling of shame. The brav-
est of little kingdoms', the only one in Europe
whrh eon claim full kindred with ours. Ives,.
visibly in the death throe, struggling for Isle
with vain Reif menthe.. and uselem heroism
I 10 justice
s•grinst • he who un&wen appeals J
by the brunet, nisi, • eonceaon by show-
n despair
t nuc
en of iW deb, and mgrs. • I"' {e r
by ordering up Moro ('routs. We compared
Der mal% last week to • queenly woman
dying .nicht the wolves, hal the eomparson
dad her injatoro. There is not a scream in
`her whole frame, a cn such a lady
set forth ender the same circumstances.
nothing but *hat stern silence with which
siring men fight up evens* a nevertheless
wrong. The people nee that despite the
• enll fink, and the rnmpwny tall I e stn " as mgton, or 0 ort My f' ieml.hip, ko gen whxA that be•a male
C,filo weaned.*) liar the reuse ail the ' •ear (,,neral Lee amu ka that dty during ouch eonremiors, despite eke such wonted
aV T 1 A let•ed • 14*' y"nr, he will 69 •dad in the aUat'< by • I regarrrl OI Rompe for 4u own publ1c 405'
pow the 9110411,' for 4nttrnstO"ate Janke
e►tele English Le1w,&l, peofem W 4.94, they.
anmabendoned by all the world, abandoned
the i
rrnset.(J - Confed,11le ton -clad Next.- This contingeney,
Ave of mai s 5 SW" which was oyer improbable es 11 may 104 a
99, still passible,
'. Theao
rea.a4(hul to ,"modern and P
and mor occur. Th:•re •-' no obstructions
nno•e moap•ny .ed the slur ,/f the ver, nor .. ..
',They V- .. .. m the Pnlomrc ri there . ».1..
nun iwr I of In ir00.C1 trawl than th parr wad
Which would here any moo, effe• t ilte sides we".."'w i" th' I"''' "i'eu"t Ikaki
beelines they are wee
111.•Y are doing their semis as mmo *MOM, Vidor
clogiee mod the utthe lade , froni a boy's poregun In tb la init. like German fide Ay,s metier of ealor
from the Ohio oi lax of 'leo
•i whe h played. lakes fire.
en twelve hanciee the t
ilot of the little boye The
consiony paid this retell/ but`retenetl
the •i lenses 01 the coati mat `the fib
SA arming from the effeets id the fire.
even worse. It might have ',two) good p dity
The Ereainit Poet with a her ilgrest
!tHihileLttae"ree t"."- rm. sm"h:nriiii.:nl'Ihdenirl"ndel:eh..t.h71...Q""le:juhtiti‘ilrnnegiling,eballe:tis.c1111."ohor41°"`;d1::
"seed is nOt an anemia oceurrence in War
ANNIEVAT1011.-No mite hat blown rnqre
about his Myatt, than Mi. John A. Mee.
*ma ring passion. Not so the Poet, and
e European and North American R. It. those *h.. are now !lamenting for OW enforce.
410.0.1d, Ind 3.01.111A e0wIlle not entinily free CO. 11 ObTsUlted • KOMI 44 400 000 move of Theta 111 the lest tr mate 1. P
inim the t.ine- of dillif.„.tion, It wail an• Melee Nods and the main ot Ileager to. to he horror istielsen Wholvilkle murder le
noat/eed 1111 a public meeting at poi tameeth 0500,000. • Alin ilte-..governueet MoW• 1110 evritement 01 Contest, prOt
t %Mud* evening he /Mr toism Itob Semis have eica • gratuity of 010,00 *.f to convent the same hideous .ernme in cold
moon, • Man 1111tWe 111111001 tehatten mile for the
min be places!, that he heard Mr. Macdonald portions of the li
mpleton of the unties of blood 01 course
within its borclea, WOUIPO•t the North who ean petit, or steno -
Iwo. in 009. ndriseete anneeeavon to steel, there,. oimeted. That .i.teu...s tie latio " ' • :
cloy coleus i•
sai ing line of bwide Playa, 10. Tbv,i- ;41
prates of conetreetioe 12 other heeded Teo.
milt The stunt Beet is of 26,1130 bureepere•
er mounts I 324 guns and a manned by 21.•
esti woes. The New York Comeserend
late towards lbe cause ol Italy as due to her
jealously dislIkieg tel me this erweavoil dyne**.
ty. amusing her eatand-peeitiee se Mime=
( the relent of tlie teaser.
1•1/111 EllIGIAT1011.- The 411111V•6•• Ones
Ireland to Amens& still sestina* te Mamma
daily and was pia( es oa a vest see. on
the 25th of Werth The people eau* to the
mabeartfrom all ports ef the re.
Mayo Constitution says ,-
" Another feature le the meting muds.
tioe is the fact that the majority of penestree
lave been paid in America ; sed thee the
present want of ...lee of Americas paper
tends to 'rutty inenese the tide which
thereon. to leave porticos of ear Weed •
howling wilderness." The Esrey Poe says
grants who left Tralee aid Killarney foe
.Cork, beend for Ainei4ea. was fully as largo
as at any time in the height of the suites for
emigratles yam."
Tee Puttee or W•tas sae eel Tatteas,
-The Prince of Wales, it la asid, inteede
ieformieg the etyle of amide( costume,
which for spear& of fifteen or twenty years
hes reposed the British swell be the bet on -
frequent experience of being mistakes for
peritant. he hes-eo they say at the elides
-designed a mareelour torment of Week
mime of the eost kind erbium tails, wheel'
he intends to "sport" oa • meemsieet tipper.
minty, the example of his fume eubjeche
during the . Other particalere
are added, suggestive r4 eves seem startle.
HORSe THIeF ArrESTED. A cooper nam-
ed McIntyre, whe hed stoles • horse from •
person in the village Norwichville, wart
very cleverly detected he constable Basker-
ville in London Thursday lam, ead com-
mitted to jail.
ward W. Greem the 111411 Postmaster of Mal-
den, took pima is Lowell to-dey, Mime Atari
Hoar, of the Supreme Judicial Court. Tlie
indictment charged the *tiro reorder
Fronk E. Cotonou hoe Teller of gm Mal-
den Bank, lo which Gaga pleaded godly...
He was remanded for eableisce.
eceesion that he eon, horn -dole *het 10.11gait rngland.'' and reillaire 10 the [tango/ Ilie. me/woe* all 1.4411 prOlae. 111 (0111/11 1140110 wb0
gr.. 1r, .1001011, hal received him birth untie, chute the nude whisl Ilia wide estak• " Mo. IMP iis eattorin ; hat it is not tailed epee
..b:mt8fu"it:thel4res:hneltniadthit.nnilre;opell"fitl;tert7inet:tedh. i•n "mealtime; it. yal teldetwsni calfrvall.,ey.",ropomf . itheallee.bmiSah.: nJbeactiiihni inal ill', h'1"'wenpa"ra..114itattek:"I'l ""1"0111::"C'et:"'"illii1 lete:" 1611
he ie 1*.• men to talk 4 loyaltypi the British ildfaeival "beck emmtry ' to. thei medieval-. have sow the wattles* lemma, "Pe alieuld
&iodisation In the United Stem ! And rot 'Adam • fur moles of Hilton Them il W. emend by the t vilieed world ; sod 6111 110
1 Mel
A CAnADIAn.- !IseaMAN, &With Amer -iron.
On Saturday niglit, sheet 10 is cloth, a sea-
man named John Welch, belonging to the
Detroit, and was drowned. His body .116
recovered cm Wednesday mornial, aod an
inquest held near tho relliaina. The deemed
resided at Mond Faa. where he leaves • wile
to mourn his Ices. He buried a. °My shi14
shout tee "Puke ago.
CHILD DroWNED..-On Tuesday stteseem,
the body of a boy named William Johnson,
Moe years of age, goo of a shoemaker mid-
ing in Petersville, was found fleetest in the
no..., near Bleekfnarmfi Mr, Letitia/I.-.
It le seeptiosd he fen ie.*, AVOW forbid thie
famous, end thes trot drommil.
g}t The Earl of Dudley Wag espeandly
isspooseed of late hy the reread wife of re
Wined marker to pa of his Imenber, the Died.' Ward, seed to oneeply. _The
woman heemaila imputummee, the mem se. -
dared her set, mid, es 1110 rattail to rt.,
pet his or* mead her waist asoll
to OA door, she twist' whisisais the
wkile. The kit end far es esenatti hell
dos paper eseelees shy there elemed smit he
emu lemell rum* he raise Ad elbow
ism pop* earestelly mime% War midi
Why am Massif