HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1864-4-21, Page 1N
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W. T. COX, Zditor and Psorriglor.7 . - The Greatest Possible Good to the Greatest Possible >rwnber•'' - '
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-- = - - - --- - - - - - a I► ►.f t e
VOL. %v
:1:b01'NR ANN. IN AUVA LEE GUUERICH, C. VY» Z'iiURSllAY. APRIL ll, 1 .,.. .............__ -...e___ -.._____.._..--k . - '19'.o_at.
the mune] charted for good per. Sbum How could any Uenei►l, llirb alundred thou• Arrival of the Steamers Feran" awfl A Milawk. a banker W ttai* owWry oleerors reed nut fter that he or h. tollgauw after his death. He wan lying near the arrai 0+, pMdd , Tea : a
_Ro ' -_ upon an admnatratluu who wrill instruct Their I sand pain of seven -League bunts, move any Btua Anl6meu,:Al calculations concerning a aa• would soon appear here again "king fur their footo eXwa"w with SAO sem bawbom s.
•' - _. -_w_ ._ _ tools th" to reptdmt.. lot the people it army through such mud 2 Tae s.,il was jest tional debt of four th„risand millions, from support. (Cheer.) Mr. Macdonald tepark bar oh by back_ Alter Fleming w"
FsA How. warmed. I praeucablt ter Covera, and, under gnat show Portland. 13th. which it app"n that if our obligaw» should ed that the party which did not art with him quite dead, I heard Hawthorn d d the nad/es of {he Sila"L
Ard yet this is Mt that beginning. The I of leverage vaned good driving, for ambutan- The stmt"lhip Yrrurnau. (rem ir•erpwol ra•eL that amount the column of dollar had av thmuec"i,m acted in a kinJty noon in the place uteJv't' br berry f -r him 'YY k ~ r•a' /wrsv (n uwfr--
At the foot o(tTe hill roar the old red mill, government have also refused to redeem one I eel ; but fur tM p assage of field artillery, lis Slat, vW Luaduudrrry lel, rrritrd al 12.30 would be fiwe t6ow nd five hundred sod a- ner In not ul&rin( u, opposition to Ilia rlrc i Thin wan an aclilru ihdllutNed by plgaawO•
to • ,Inlet, shady spot, stat sumps, becsa" a little wiled. W hat ; say nothing lit bavy guru, it r" simply im- p• m. to -day. runty sud two-filthe miles in Ill ; tLat it loan, which, ,bad it bee . made, would au u he wan quite Fealty, Ile iwhrodiatrly
Jeal n tbrvu h, half hid from wart It w" a,eerted that negotiation between would. lake one htsd rad snd thin right after ei laiued that he meant " on- fire Ikwagce rriaisg from nest of ear•
Ve•FY 1p t o firm M need of r bank lir of a mrrew,4le p &unite. / doubt Ilan rent!- inn -. ' V
Rtwrda •little m,ssgrorucut ; firm who would declive to pay ublig•Uoas ----- - the Archdu►r 5lrnwdiut &&S the Emperor t6orrandeighr handred►ed eighty mne trams __-_._ _. ,•_-. _._ guilty •• tion Irceadt000gd 61 u alisegal sedatfigt ,
Aed anvu,g lhrougL, ar tM ufwu door, becawes little wiled 1 - I of A"tnr had terminated (avonbly. W Carry 16 rJwer,.ellowiut one ton to each ; BPRIlfll• ASSIZES• of hie (plff r) daughter, Sarah NclGtohic.
Therwbewm • on the nn d floor. ) t thu(the line ufuams would ltapllael l'hartreau..wnnn -I lvwp tba
BO N TrttQOrt• it w" rumored that the irate Gtr u Lad woof that th$ kat
fa J Tar Sputr,ar WAswt■oto■. r , The usfortuhrk girl,wu u eau■I,thq prix-
_ burred tM.bip William CnmpWo, d Nrw be urn hundred sad nines •fuer mike. laerm n erten of 11'aa there On thr'_3rd
When William t•1. of Nat"u Unnte, York, In the iia of Nia.a but nothin y Theme courts were to have been opened UvernlN`r Iasi. nN Flctuiur sRrr Dc ei winner. She kstdW that rite bad
i'6e euy chair, all pushed with sane DI'►rt1.1.- T►r lase, bei~ r.n which some y y' X
is dated b tae old h•arthsUwe; p was called w 1ri15 w the t6rune of the Neth could be learned, r We Grrryta which w" -------rte•-- before Mr. Justice MorrixoO op Tuesday ti lived with Mr Lar s.of0oderiv:k Tuwusibi .
l ilkl■u,hi ll rate lis the old fire 11dnu fighting ■" gumg on •t I"r = erlwA., which he afterwards filkd as Wiili.ru rapoly refiuing,in the Urronue. died. Saw the wound in Ilii thigh, there J P
t j 'PIS. souuta, i • furtrt.s, w6ic6 t►u l>•i,es barn ]],,,r T■e WAramLoo Eascrloa.-Tbe nomma lost, but owim; W Ilia Lordship Laving She there formed the uaintance of the
The e.ergiaerr aro .trews, I I•, he pJewwd a modest private fortune. verpuul, 31st. -Colton tnarktt quiet and w" a cut to his clothing ; there wu
wrruauded with a series of tagirwo" and which he iucmwwj enonno"I b invvauu unchan used for dl Jru•n tau" lace lural- ta' le to tali pplave at the Court Humme, leen detained at Stratford throu •h Moms de wb0 ate Hoardin at the Us -
And pictures bang oa the whrunrd wall, novel deferrers. The fist ubstrottw° winch y J t P P oo Frida the Ifni A „il.and tht olliu da s 6 hwch blood on his tnstsdn snd on the ftr g plaes.
And Ilia old cluck ticks t° that cute a ball. a in commercial undertakings patronised by dliud,it ari.r, which r" lit a {d lower. 1 1 f yy y luistnanagenicrut, u is allefrtd, un the part der praseise of ,"r a b. had enmisal
6 ,ta amallaota will ma•t u an urraaular litre of the overelneol,with tyle net result of leaving 1 rerdatulfs r• du:l. W Lrrt weer. Pro. Aril to Ge Friday and istuof ` of the follow- dolor. When I came in Hisvrthome was
masked diteMs,witL sharp stakes Dimly field to hu Irvin a lurtene of 150,000,OOo during, nog week, Ytrd end 23rd lit 1pril, of the Railway officials, they could nut br intemoourse with her. Herobild w7■born
Mnn Iowa dill, em lha +iudu. /ill, o" ywetsld stredr. rt the well wuhin • himn•If.
1J at tM Lulh,se w impale tM unlucky .sae or IJI1:2,50a,000. 'f he wetveswta of Kiug New Yorly April 13th. _ cowtwnced until 3 u chick on 11'edv,adAy, h ou the 31st of July tut- Bbe had iueti-
Thede"yed foam rest, who ran tall thruu h; neat come a line of To Mr. Freeman there wet blood on
W h.l• '..idat the lea on the mom troy y t William I. conunued hr tradsng apreculwtium, - The Inman aterasrr Ewa, which left Lir- µ'ken the butte of o nio at lel bar- luted Ile resent ear hsfself, het father
eM rAeoasss sit friss; Wen &&other of large m" snd are suit a,nAWsred ,wWia nor, un g P
This •esti° build. ke 'uat, [oar" t .4 final) a common win fea,e-the g afies erpoul at noun, tau the 30tb,.•ad wtow■ w H►wtkoroe.
Aid dl d. lop the suede, Larval y tae Aunwrd&&a hPcbau4e any German on the 31 at u: March, arrived ►en this men- 'Yl s tired, Ike (uurt House w" funned N be "yitig ke would ►ave eat►►nS w do wink
f R latter a @topic but very effatcUve impediment ,,v,ov, w Lave traded fur the part half ) Lewie'Clunn•au, sworn.-! am non of
P r h•t trees. t„ both intantr mud c•valr . \lit roolenl X i"g• and int cstrdp be jindica i wt at the tt. The ng, a, w r ehalf o pdefendan ,
V .Lr 'vin lova w tIst y ] , ,enWr re eraedy Thr ..erne manner " the TM $temmshi u Cit uC \eve York rare o& __ Iset winners. 1'riSrmer and Hawtlionro
with tha" linea of wrcemra lrtion, the Lao- ; ' d y -. P - = "` -- and mkreS4 d partioa, indicaliug that the Mr. Robina r, w behtlf of defmsitat
a Urn the door, •ll 004,04 o'fq ;het Krog of the Netherlardt, with result. Dau°t's Kuck, at the ertnnty W Qaeeaswwn erre tghtinq. Il,•1',m that the wen
is6 eugirrhera hate crowned both scarp and equally fortaawte iii compar.'nr. Pomo harour, .,. the murnin of the '29th. 1 he business Wright be heavier, perhaps, thea J astd he thou; `t that, waw tM paN nit
1Vu►•sack nrdart en baa", t GODExICH C. W., AYR1L 15 I[ 6l. ultin•r, standar close W tiro chitmr
eow,te,anrp of t1w unthwurks with, i»I,awb re, oiu riutes W the Jr err stuck ,bl,e,s, ' e . .>,' %-- ed an reeoatt Oi :bMs► not bafrtg a
Like a aookel old Phase wurtk r told c"mard wile a Lri+dm hi,. ul shwa awun t g P 1 i' ruck Ir•netruted thin button under ifi11 bun- ever before. Although There Mae quite a
In new dodder sine:; ' p l'r' ; boost Cattle dealer#, sow, tw.ne's, avid bane I kers, and " the Iiie roar, the shi filled to . ... -... The did not ■ ar to be an rt but
an e: sent b•itrio . a »rent) from the P n'amber of the " long -robed " gentlemen J Pp' R . , party W the ould b M tested b a
Aed the ender task lid tLr hurler's bon, pI y pilmog ad►aulurvrs. The ■:uerJret of them Ler maLdeck. 1'tie pr+arvugrrs, Daus, spec,¢ U1It_d pretty bad. -Beton lhc'1 cotwt matter of law, It o.uld net N tamiotairaj.
P Frenvh delrYcar, „r the Launch at I"j,s.-
Hare Lun beside it for n a sworn. 1 all, fir Istr 'A,t,xrrt of the l'unctp»lily of „avec $:.frly IuodrJ. Numeruw s4••mr.a SOUTH BE CBUBHED from a a""' iY altezidaaee, we mins
R aA J Both within wed tilbuut the .oak& mat i:d mcoad fighting Hawthorne h•.d a knife He believed, moreover, thattlr11 11widawae [
RChwrrsburg Son,leihuuar:n, hit upuu']scale anI &a,iatrd In diiu,antling the slip And endeavor rrs rtpp - some'of the old familiar faces. atit,- , st 1
pltyke ALodJrd with Ion; nails, the po-nu u•i sal idea fur ■takulp i000ry'. lie net up ed to i out if,. tarso, L0.derho u eo, F>1w SUMN07 i0 hie hand cutting hisbr,te. Thuyclinched I
For ears Mv. fkd with a it As, ss ln•ad, r -►• Of the gill w", W say the lead, iunoa■!d- t
J up.rnls, and Cuntwal,d Ly • allot ewer°R a lar s brewe: aid J.sioler , wad fur I -- tk0■a aeht we n10lIG.d Jl roars. Ftcewali,
Like fu Dream. waw, t ) J, flm c- wrtriuwl (y, the trswl. Some of t natio aril fell, }'IewiuF uppa•nnnst. Tory nem ens. DI r. l'amvrm dclivend w 11lapawt
7 ul •wlh. Wr mart.JJ to lhees •rnrndi'•s ; A nom nhensiir rrview'of lhr S rah +
d e the muse that undarliue 811 the ammil it, •fin Sub)ects le no ue..y s O'met to c ."Wit mat toe Pav"d, Lm Lad:c druu-eJ. Un ILC P P g of llamilWn ; L. Rbril ; , of lane, ;
And left iu their fli ht, ell .Curt oCLi. mi •Lt, rtruggling in that runnier for neral x
A frth•r•-,Jed and gray ; maty .,16er ale and spurn tLao tines •suet! murnm6 of the 30Th, tine water w" over the Campatp;u m .lwcriva nvg°b the Get, we 11'gwls of 13raatloni ; JleFarlane, of p' y and apt»rently telhwg seweb for tls
And the ,oft tied plays rich Lu st.t -hiss 1'arIs• _ _- .-__ ., . _. from the pnnrely estrhishmett. (If enure lsppwr Jeck, and I«+tbm,; could M Burr. The thick, that the reunite pre fnvurable b the I ' quarter of to hour, wtsen Firming ,;or Op p/pkeutioh.
Aa 1Le old mss bks.• a }iaa art CLYIL half be dsu,e r •• tor• an.; I,.rlr, u•,truLttw,Jiat I,. tiers of the shi lune X25,000 thrlir and St rtlwd, bNwldes thr IuC11 member of IIY 1
P' ) I I Aleirn•ieq fourth Fa I ht K.'1!p. dile the fact tLrt kis !err rend • Lr.u.,,r' .r,. P X' Confnderste cause. 1)f this then can be •hal gave Hawthorne a few kicks. l Verdict for plff. 5100 damaFrea.
w st ul lir cum ,vers lit thein Ja , w rather for u.dertnters;--di-O,oUL. rbc •alum- u r. Albert Irriller,Eall.,l1.C.,°ppwred on
y Ing . then went, inn this kitchen. W'hcn I rc-
lY at tM door, w tleaauJvJ door, a hard liter. ! a surmised Auak+."'dflufi6ur •uimaei 'dea'Vr rnJ much wane fkwr like tfir cargo a oat "cert uueJ., 11 w" manly liltln doubt on any wind, and were we b I half of the Crown. rhe Queen vs. James Miller , Assault j
l.i h fan: FautaU , !ids, - lnselze luruu►ad br plt•laws breweis used 1 composed or hacoi• Fn a std• fartLer ant assert that aIle torsed I "w Fleming lying ml the bar- 1
g t, J [ t u( the third Earl u( Balurra+, and iu 16e P 1
datil.en to 1M wbircp,d urath!'o,iog }nitro- The Gr,sad Jur) eau cowposcd of the rrifh infant John McLaggsh, the peau•
And a maiden frit, with 11ra•-u hair, fins confi,)a iace of early married luvr,'intruatrd Iltutei. P,.nre (iunthe ul :•'l,ra•t;.,r,,.Soy . Tit. ly'lles IL,nL. lhr cvofenil will W- C ly,never 111 a better position k room S(lor, which war covered.with blood
uuth folluwih unlearn : I"uul Meluues,E cipal witness, tedified, that he knew the
Kurds theold,nn,'s-ide-- tuherkir tLt lr f the waw: cellar, b " tfffl ainlrnisDlehmlwnf+ucceas, the Larne ' gS'• "q',
An oW m+u wraeMrd 6 tLr uI r sturw, VAX J I ram"rn, un tMa mr,.( -. r•nMd some '20, wa e a v rrous defrnaive watfarc than at - When Flenang was kicking at Tlawtholne
1 X J lady Krby " satwally nano" W put I lacing Lauri wlerluy• 6' Vi", + Kincardine, Foreman; Will. Rell, Elden prisoner. Saw him eve the tat of fanh
OU,OuO tha1.•n, which M• u,tes4•J is tM the ,reeelll mat
W'►ile lhr ivy clings W hu Uemblm I „m. awe Imus w 1 Ino htpY pwtu4oas w tau 1. we -pool, 30th_- lires,lAtuts lower, veq I ment, we believe there XI's bh td w" running down hie leg.
\ porches n( 4rg rsLadm Coberona and 1M; Iso Jen yiah Bull, Kiceanlitse. ; Adam lent ■t [r. Atlam'e tavern, bwnd,ip of i
the first uccueior tort M ,nr,lssd event tai' peened wed ditkculttu all, even .t w fartLer manyourn,b,rative 1' cts W pro btanght W I To Mr. Frecman -When they wen
►. b,wn camputi "lis the e"t!e fur singes, I (s'roJ Uuclue. f N,cu,•„tN,; • l:or the I rrttutn. a I B wash, Bruce ; lir. W.: unworn Bay- Blderelie ; ritaese had been u Sattgeen
end a dearth, lir at,• out as uwc11 w,nr," Pure uvu ey he reade, the more greedy M l rtat via Ilurerswu.- "duo, TLu Ile r ups° tLe point. The Ppirif of +trap; ling i aid not see any Liu• ntraCk.
1 _ I bel ; Hmry Chewicy, Tuckersmith ; with a load of wheat, and was so far on
Capital Punishment. $he thnug4t gv,a1 f,^ W,ru,and.AAed,+cstly Igrtr An. darn"b.Jf Ihrtr :A 140 callCrCts At( ala in Dk &.L ,a:c uuvhaugesf. :kis •• rebeldow" is a., completely unbroken"I Rupert Currie, µ'awa;rrh ; 1CuLert Lick, Flemingthrew primmer down almost im- hie way back home, was taking his dfmrer
u to t`ar Lea•, titL ` kr of tLc evil" m J f ad,hUuinrl h hti,I,;. - i ttY•Jiudd I inn 'behind the bar, could
Mr. Ewart has ann•,Yrrr•+d hie intention to p I spited sunt vill huger. Cuar•luendy, tau tt rvrr par; the rupply of vett°itiuus of , - y'
Mao ,un the act u( r nal ruahm:•,ot bar pocket, W take fir lour Loup" with '1'b , Cuitd Sure steamer Kutuage ar 1 aimlcy ; Henry Ford,, Guderich ; A. fs. 1 at the tavern; bad osc isfon W thew "
R 1 I.. tic we.ste(s w;te: hurever, turasd • use htw mu,mn t m ,%.gust, 1 sae. ear -half of I rived`in the Thaw¢+, and ibe cun'eut St I war srems to be ample, the people of the 11 rax them then, Ju tot know what they t
wry s rtly. We °swot but r.eI, a t the r•• r r ilea of d d- - n rat of the tl+c ►iaq tLuurrn,l au rbitauu lit the pei°tti- G,u r at LiAu". Freerurn, l-teter ; 3amce GnIWw, Ash-' earn aloin Lo nut know whether lie in bigy, which prt■owu naw ; oe tlartmg
alp ".rmDl.- I id Gat „f the tic6Toa f I l oufideracv, adap ting them elves to tdneir I 4 X• J
hrsean ty `,d ties eery rrumrhlr u,emrh er ; J,P' " R P r?e a I ) ° I A lication& fur discount at the Roulk cr geld ; Joha like, Colbanme ; Robert priruner eked him %f • rink M 1b as
art; ah.•'L Ir1t ,.-hied; r .! erne, . •wserd PI' T.
but .Lite h? w asu,wt t, du -ld thr mile. l 'Yl !heir mare r, rod burst eo sh,wung for sle I trot.. ,thou h tau s Ire •e stale acre Int ao wmderi'ully chanted cireumYtancw, hate I IaaJ bepu dr►nking or out. 4
s$ tl, •mail m,shCu r relict s e Lad left out Y 6 • n Laneiabumngu, '('uctrra[uith ; 1'utcr Mc- titark'a Corner; wise lea gel then hr
den, from t1sa, malt hnhr•rtn inNs.a,d. u ,t I and Lim 'f hr I'nna• nuwwdrno,d rLri
J ray here " ,revio"1 turned lh,•ir altndiru W lie etian $r h rel f.+AufrruY, jr.-I Leered Flem-
for thCir coneulupt Yrr1 Is:4.A sh,p y i J - Pte!
snit steno r t6as(te rill not thick of tb ear rhes, ruJ urrlwg th, r• wirer of aat.ui. nut, • _,. IhseaW, Flurrw ; Jatner- lt. Rsatry, Cam- N "ked me b COInO iso and t OF .
R scalding her mare Le k»rre,l o+ mattrr It ata thought Mnxlmslian rs reywnd by hu I of rucL articles of Gia l need raitceat aro in •lid ilawlhorn,e talking un the da iu
de, ,Iwif 1 W e ►air hal a - rind an ia 1•t Atu.d. is mrxra w, rr nye Wkru ; 6c spirt peon! he tlLl m grant lute+ Icat toe LrutLrr to surnlder' hss ndLt of aucrewuu tow' i itob'rt ICuacernae. 'zojet W_ m. I y beer, which I dk Wow I XIrW he
a eoarrpuiw the dl tb eymlrtiy is wind the urM.d his sired of rMlerUon, Ile did not I best eakulatrl W prosier them tndr uwsliar, aboa( land. TIsex mn►rr/ntirm
hatl the ,•altar .lune Inrtlf%ith Gen from etc to 1Le Awtrwn throuc and royal prulwny• Simpum. I•.bortur. q got into tae Ado agelm. I UW -% r
have,wr, wed rat 16e Hirer of rt il. µ"e , lhmk it SYfe d. c,wtlur« floe brans nod , '
L•u¢rs, Yd ,1.9,reJ ltK arfvwl,ta to ke h w I TLc 1'ra,sanw, Jiviaiou -tf the G"nis h" Jmt of for vuaiJe world ; they, have at fist was good matureid, but it became
haw pkuussd earatntes unI •ham f .f the panne ti diaulhnq buaioers. wed lie Irt up, tlr•rrl'ore," Hu G,rdrLip i+: add n•ssin_ tb dnnd fa ha wM gokag, and M awl kt
6 I ihiy o&&d, rf.hr "test w,yimu etiousL r 1 Yy Paper makti and darler o cAi ars, ataksn 1 ALsiinauslin coutnyuiuR tiese grata with t6r lehea•rfully adrptasl llteuteciwe/ W the I Jun. ate:. rte eats Gorr] to find nkat there RrJ +. (,rai6s H18, anted wawMg N Y R _
wrote wbu m w bw gibbrttaV ; but n,xinn,•s pl y' I 1j g I a • mon an after a wbile. Then Flemi + i
.is ►wed d the mea rat whoa- r „cent Mod n proal w buy papN•t nod r•II reap■ Clesnc rr I Tru em agemeuu Lave occurred iu Po established state of thingic, and rdlinyly threw ee the floor, sod took him
'That it wet tM sellar dour Cisme w loo far I L wen three taws of all,•pted murder on the Pn r would be dart *%ave tae p1 terfmfo Ir
r►u unholy ►ands be" been imbvu,d I No, the 4e I than a the pnneilrl frc'w r. It ua'rvdrutly Lnd. tierciee a d,•gra of self=sacrifice W wLich b Me hand and lel him. Thr wanbd
•nos a word of the bereave+! and rnrro.iu: ya _ _ __ a wide ■;•read help,,^, of modern royalty that France u &aid to have declared it unad- Cadend■r, and proceeded W give the usual J Pd J Intiiab'/. I tboritglM M tlttw«Ib %d -
.. tido., Cwt a wed d tlw IwL••rier. fio•,d Mottles lM actor m" once, at a distant, I i° our Jaya it rill cul du a ren fur true w M v t Ie w mainium the frosty of Gordon " ear mhaLitanta I f Ike fdenl alike nn' , explanations as W what conatitukd Ur aiinther horn of beer ta make friends, Mit ohange bis dEsh aliaf te,4" ' IN g*
hsas, and perhaps, Goalless children I N„ : , r. ' B .mita, Ivo, are ' I wanted mit give it W Lim. Fleming he had brrsinam ap 11 la. fi rMIMto
party+ Placed before a Munch of wer'tton and ...poo b",a ,•(nrgo4wiooa n1i Urw.h yuesu.u, trod' entire ruin cr. Th,•ir - ,cremes of murder, manslaughter, Ane,- . 44
but the murde vorr, •the poor wpurelemr,' do A cLaracteristir little woe elute, ,showing , j`
.e•rsl a ffr
II r u r cue&den um u s e t6a ani well -
not tab sea hu Isle. t7 be State bas mo fe'f°`wtd w carr it. 'Ilea a geml ab 1 aha views as this Sul ect eoI rtaonrd Lt• mol--; Uat sh ,' J I eomprst•8 wainlr of et thorn"tic, Torre sow also ■ ea/e of r which woaW I went out Oil W line road. Hawthorne picirras, tut e0ald ave 1Ht ht •
y rd M•, 7 do dret.ry 1 tun. very ludo ab rat mune nf:.rr"iu at w .ulut.un. hard], bate and arrliwurtnl ceded him back, kllin him hr was sot
nj►t a° lib .taP a mwot I irq, Dy pre- able wtatnmy ; 1 dam say now there u.sonne erst rincea.is told a the• Euspwror uf.A"truc. I. 'h he fear of wart. "d to be dappearing • disnpliad' n.puirc areful ihvestigatinn at their heads, R strike late with. We ensu MM a iiwsi 1'
nursing W yaw give ban •tare to repent, and I articular rut m • ►wan,h-sown Ut bit -1 S.n,n •trier his .*inane, Fr3oc,s Jsseph .an iu lu',e, erld s; men who woule do no discredit ate and art to The went W fi ht- f
M may reprt and es►spe rreaNl }sedate"'' Jan " tMre i -but l arra tau I I f^s+rd by 6u Coowrt to rIW. him+elf to bte std he regrrttad w okaett'e •charge of Ro go J weds; I eau aitliag oh tbv"atigb 1N! tK
'- brt by court baa Taff ns hr dims, •you twirl y y me solem ify preela nail Kms .t G,mb.rdy, by , Flat• Vanish steamer have app,rsnd oo tO any aatimality in for world, and #rc I io •few misntea afterward. Uidn- see
aaitattud crime, whish be wiggo"Od R the sleigh when be atra0k aN t'tr■wsab-
mu ignorant where to pick fur it' A It. srn Island. I + i
base i=b mina led lit AmanKiioo, frim whirl .# lacuog t Iron croen "I Ch orinmasne inn l,: 1'he Court of Assize at Paris .ir6uul a' by general# who mien tv haw ah rat- I ■ t10t M m.,. t inb west/.,a M them Strike; they fell, but I did not see dons blow in the side of Ibe h"d M*o - t
torn . ate eses'ns by n all •r bre elk, 'un knivp Instantly stmrtrd tram tM clunk, I war _ ,
;•. vi and Mundell w" r+utrocr.d .here the rich F the t"u"g 6si+er re;. red, i jury hem erodemond Mrzzloi to trauspwrta bounde,l faith ul their power to copC with - which was u rmrst. I tried W me " `
Mt we tlsiak a r a .try .neaieed •...,f t h, &noir i I the 11{driet aiaoald prove b lie Holt sou- ['Pe eel's stick ; I f!g awa'tIM" l/ # i
err W' •reci ear
resat lay. IG.utt•lwl a load sU u,t .f fhanttg R \ tiuu. ,mn sa riorit • of nsrttrra that ma be them arisen tk wen , uarrelin .' "Fkm-
uObjeet Yanvvrr, teesmn; "stn look on - I • [rym ero.Irsa are no g,ord new a sieve ; .y J }a' y y elusive, u ouch lriaL wen calculated w % 1 R en ebe held stewreal final I M , ft - i 1
worked out •prime slice, h plac it with rains foo - _ \
tier ower. ,sol fai be for Lk. The Word sed stir, sod edea, .nth the Ire tai hob hand, mu" bit oWe yawns cid sin, soy dear.' I brought artiest them. l)n ton entice I exercise a must demoralizing tendency - ing kioksd at Hawtiortse when ht gal tap; trivmd b • anted tart fie ..•, " •
of (;rad Iryen.l dale .csnradi.•trn, nawitL• 1 P I Very I1Lgraeaflil get P •`•••'r l
foetid t6n,ngh pia glares vaned •M leblt. . . -- - j t4J the bkrold sow coming down hie k6. Re
$taring the glneaebthat fa•,wtoL•sl m.•n Mar "`fir - i Someo( M . ('YrUrr a urges,. rat dip,vaat I lased, it nr but list W the I'nismiata A t too amclusioo of hit reuWrka, Itis whish be mtlfltdlsM iOtpdt'
F:c rJ lewd res eerily, and . very m„nth pre, A Skatin $1 lL Ca"Its. to nuc„urA • a n•w't 1„ , A.•nCe ear a mew. uMerve that a Ja rate vS)rt is being thea w" W a Moo`, Y mother sow l
attrmfsd t• Iran upon ref, r explicit with rr »awF.` •Itrsl;y, gentlemen' amid the corned g . }' I Lordahif still mottle apology was due Ota J Gee. Illisbaik 11d i g
`wd o ell- ubjeet Tile s.lrt ►as s rvrr inn, •l wish I could carr tau ;'fiat tf I lva u: wi icl the nee Mmute,t In securing Their I made to gather t%,,ether a bout that will he wu hinti and him on the
Bern nvokeed. . Wil sheds rah own's ! R Un t6r ice hundreds of yrwug girls, e•eq flectia,u. The other dry the Hamid Wo ■COeuht of his basins• delayed them to' aft MOla■law aald llerel►
ibe Gt.ba W ode l "I offeard the real ; as erre of which u ren lir certain' look& 3 atter, & akin f the fact that t.o or I be able by its were weight b crush oppr hoar, a
Wood. by man "II hr Mond he abed.' ,lot P J J Ptsx 1 e R " ing, but he had touOd it impnaiblc to they entered fie ek aAwwwwr
.hv the s'tmpNk7 eau► lir sebrrkeer v Ito- e,,l added be, •l7 keep it myself. mrd lel prett 11"ight, and of` whom sunny wee there It. form mannans lit Parliament were in sition and march straight " on W Rich; To Mr. Freeman. -I ave Hawthorne t ,, '
ewrySectlemau belp himself to what he Ilk" striktn 1 Mardseme-all like w t riff wnh that cul tis, •law how unfrrrrd that tM arrive sooner. The condnat of the Rail- blown struck r S -
fove be preprinted the dyed, dd he nut ,,ma , If J, 7 n'• J I mond ." lien, i,. B. Grant is the head mendis his so nder after Re wuthrown '
teerw the praily f I(M shnak from tae every de roe that can azgr• their Cha wen throe to oplr,ar Mr. it., Laura sod way ntieials in detaining w many paasen- g ° I'riaoner bpd `17 r
lo+ let ►ase them, ritbM,ld rM Jo r - ' - - -- swa s d dit about throu b 16e mann s of acr.ruy inured this th,ert: " TAeee est- and soul of the tecrganization now going at nsWtiots obi fled roxd wan mot the first time. He used a knife, whin► he l n • a , m r
tv s, tie n A Harry µ'or as.- What apeetacle mon J crowd, wlJuni sin I lona. k•dJuo (cairn rYaf'Oc enter W ealnal (hc du." ff1 his ire' leases for bis dtl wR
tit.• puw'J, Ile eapamwf*d cup, or the gar pl • ing doees Lie world afford than a Lapp I K J t 1 9 m. Ne beLere be a the beet freienl ; . Notwithstanding Lire fact had i° his hand when t►ey ollnohed. •t •-
h 1i Lard.+,f either • Iaushm sum mar lir of wa. ,rrcal, e'rm• h- but the London Pr's , me:cusabh•. ..,
ear role f lien-] r a 11. t rue; proper wum.o, c..rwf,th w bar sphere, reser a all t, y t gencnl l at baa apJa'ared liner the die-', John MollonaW,thro an in ter, •'kfter a shaft _ t
I u .m w admit« n : tut .e Lrve so tome harped car,Airr. lnnsenun• a`eLain tsf hes r rrY rr h which r euro rune. that the Cote n ata b ata charter Gourd krpil'r
J " ' + UmM w brmfit her Idtla envied by her user• lTr 1 V P■ J J ,1
&vmpath at►thisrswdhe are4meatality.- floor, andtransf-m;agthe h,me&and.thuns ofthe•wroan: bea,aice, h..id in h„r e'lpe W' yotte c ellwnof it:- pow op ipeyof tlellrea we kdise he toaecummodate the people of I}rderieh mated soros eohvrnalietr brlweeen7the krou" ane vsrdid0((r A410:....r,.;,ad
Frown t WeasA Mantarl. tailing forward La Ivor., vs ", Is A l.,ltbi get YcKrllar swsts clone in tM coo ! limey of the to}uLitlM e"ehtial' ■nice after Ile'ad was inflicted. TJas Qrces w..rab'1 a1+IMa A(/P Aso
o(lite into ewe. of i'arwl..r by the magic ul Po""!'s" need those within W cutins W the tows, a P
f happy r,wth isada forth anw'..I e.the ids. mpt ul ail risen. He, in Waterloo I and
.-.. . .a - her toue6 T annot ere flies who •n t6" 1 The m,•rt in 'irate rnJ rr.crful ev"1 ": lured and uatAtred yet ! buret the W a god 0°fllary Isadcr, bat we u Hrmly I la%,e number of pwwngen had been kept W m• EnFl in swemseM hl wi a at the "alt wrtk mtwt aL ,
l,rrwse Tt,r:y tanuot help d-wr. annul rrwr,ea I f , IS. "I'rnintr sworn, I ase Hig► Cw/fgf■se of i
Yraparltiwls Of the Balmy -Oar Ar' ,Lm n their Perot am0e.. and the diffuse a arc arr•omplish nub a,I u... of soh-ck 't' pap f µ aterloo are erring patient , believe that he it irARildy inferior to I oh the res ht occasion for twent four }•vera a fear minuted belbn Fleming died,
f world be bard to soh th••r a ezrne. Thr •s, a r iaive{ ie f■naw. Mr. Mor r Nn we believe that Grant, p y these Cuanties. to Yash I"tIsedPd-
■ata and the Weather rtuerfll glow around them, as they pursue I J ►s" t 1 1 ' lith. lien . y, I hours without rest and unable W obtain could not Lint him to speak. I arrested
Iheeven tenor of tbkl ..y. They Isaac tM tf. r wonder u adm,: o,wh 'fl.osr is I Chari W-1 I'atrr off a the s, mo iond tM actin oh the dr(ensite with 200,000 men, in charge d Mr. Rrt1g. I t rat of when
tr.r r A Y w w.t Apn It I yaetU h ,kmr4 i unevr wimrren will a; I dint fL•IJcvrn u(t6e rang, and h" lM R etch Mmmon civility, while they sow ttrr, Flawdoroe. Ho premed b its ver] much with Larne /Wise •vin T told brise ria _
went of the contentment, .hues .aloe u r j'
Every day's =vll,gteocr re,dten ,t mon alwve the Job I .her't lane • ler without I t.a. hLae of swrle-ai'oak w for ruling 'sl .t right tS-M there. Ile r there to a& I will be; no watch Ger the Great Southern P P°ffi y affcded,aud asserted that hgdid het know
amid men wrt►m that the nh.-l■ air en a ( t color- err,fYll loved ern, subdued, aid' rhe cuts@* of good guvertinsa•st by Lir in ntandin on the defensive with
e: rcer trains thew oh their wa we hitt M 11•* MOraAip►
g gad seeking the bane of exehanae of grid, which i R throe rh from Baffnlo W tiarn,a. Ever ' Mw it beppehtd. He then as.dted sea, Iaklatg w M aIs. dal-
' is the soma rani preps-at:"nr fpr the com- y pl harmonized by rich, wR, k fun. Tien is I sr umtut-il ex a the fallacies sad mar ,+„I+ I b y
ma bav $oma wnP of a"oven the) con.en 7 pa' "g + 75, of his n;.'d f dlnwero. J,re kmws
ing eamtsu;,•w- We Tave drrvly fined them, r•e IJ,ing fief toueIs iota jot. W'6at Heir fur e•oryi6ere-far enei4 the fair, rOufd I au me u with .hid, the CtuaLho,," era t' ettcntioe evened W paid to these through Dr.-Qsber, sworn, raid he riamincd the lar and afterwmrds ►y Iia whiskers. lin YI
t •, ham■, tot 7mo. s male. n„ y y (my e6eels; fur coiled round`tbe r one neck, r°Jelsro g to deetire the people, It is bat the metQe of lin men, which (:rant oar- g y g o, w the tloor. Un r M meds tl Vie wt
as far u we bre one, in Flung Ala d diffenuco. TM ma tnme, but lint the di Ment mGor awun best of Flemm after death. lIe b rntd +tel
and Mir,s@t rte rued tun rr •Jia- (lir m, this w,uts. and a Gino of fur rJV X_ a (ew'won ante •whole host of Corer not w with r rd to Lu ; l.e`e ksows ( tinct •t a. I hal M warren
pia, qu y' w be rich lir 1nNo, high lir low, admired or fur- J ti.
ran resrtsaee W our advaecw, need ir,m•sd "tea the tickle world ; nut tM t rklin the nest nota any Mex. glwck Cyn sparkle taenia leen Wggua and elbrwberc invaded ,could be obtained by those w' ing W a wound in the left thigh, over the femoral
Pe by p• f blue a esr,ftl taw; ew•6 case w,ektd and et uare and of the ground likely b nods the authority Of Mr. S"IL . ,i
cot Surprise" m W find them equally smndy in fountain of hap+mves bobble$ up in ,herr I y 1, r South l,e,•da t ,oppo.e Mr. itic6ardS, ant um- e7 rel J •Dome hp W the Court at Gude 'ch, as w artery completely wvcriug d. The wound
ea"pirating g:"cn. There are affairs' y b makin weches • nest him, bat also be n the theatre of war,fmm )lenasw James 9siuill.-I arvs■fad daft r fret l
slier lees. Yrn .ill mi as that tM Trans wed wive them radiantly irauliful. - I R t R when' a train would he rout ed. Suole eau /Mat 2 tncha d and of an seas
&mthrm leaden contyem{{•late greet drnn'e '[hough they liar m •log cabin, they mak■ J witIswl erred. Crprd opvent the door of sed- y • risk cape dun of mane], yet noLody t0 the defenarlt of Richmond ; he e■a P 3 LM sew fIutsl, on •chor=e o(aldug.
of their.foroe$ Wort6armrd t6i$ Bummer, and a it aMre with a Iwtn that Kings and (loser,. I mwmn, and Hyuen cloess tort at wifieL .d.,? , d to Lore T em '• erred end kat Lar. ouhduct ke Considered mast prehensible. inch bmg, inclined in an upward direction. . w about half soy w the gat, No V
noun • nr not ed.' fhst Ju encs 1 note• ars reserved to work trourcly m eburs intenox tines of e 7 the n@*per ►sed be11n Pbtrtti and
J Pa I t The Grand Jur then tired b en er It sons oul6mecl W enure death in t ve
prnsreution of tTa arae oe err soil ; sad tar may covet, ,.lid they make wnith • fuuouin l N,o„ and t eh n a fall happens. A glanM find rxJ reurm in the columns of an organ communication ; he do at dl times per y p m n
a,o mnveseeets now im projrew m thsir o(bles.iags to the ehdd,e° of poverty. Har I or en wilds, perhalr w momentary gGnpee of, set the regectalile, ht h ward, •ruweraue upon their doles : few minutes. It must have been inEicterl ep generally, eked him (TrtM$r) to eelM
armies Rin ser$ color to this arkvment.- py woman are the hig►est types of humanity, mat inch or t,vm wore, i. lost in enriowlw I RNti&i CwatiwUuwl Weare exceed feet Fns fi&&b and rear ; and without by a sharp instrument, but could hardly along. When we gni into tb gat4 wino
list ueh an y ane is improbable Cor many and re cannot my how muck we o.e w them I volumiuow lade of temmine kn,ckertrockrri I W Ihiek t6airtAe rears of that I aadaly weakening bis main force he can CIVIL r ave• be the. rtsuh of a blow from one in Mal. fald him he most be scare" EisaboeW
reasons, mr.dgRSs4ide it is )ua what we ought for the progress. of the race. Would that 7 P
tm des,rs. Rosh ad•.nen, have roved w filters wen am ► round. -Americas of scarlet cashmere. Officious fair tinea '• loyal" party have • monopoly of &nch at any moment chanpro frost in order W Kroft us. On V idiot by consent Im's position. The weight of s mm's light at once, mid a 6=Me took plasm• We
dertmw rat the RoAh i° tae p.$r that they Parper. s. ba•Un W help up i'll unhappy sister, snd sean"t,m laugoage•
meet t threatthiog movement, while as ■u 29'2_. ?R. E do gratttd in G days. .II fell to .thee, m 11e1f rmm Trainer
will venture them eau► great Caution in if.. - -_.- roginq and joyous ISugMrr pn,claim$ and - bait', Doweter, upon t knife wnmld bis R J W'P$
" celebrmt the event. When • entlro,an _ w" lying on hu beet, mrd tM prisoner M -
Aaiun. it r nevi senro probrbk that the When firoeral Grant twelve yeah "g R I MIL ABY it01•EMBNTB, og-11st b zny inferiority in point of num- I McFarlane r plff. Sn}ficltmt W make s a wound so deep.- i
Wmbin Ihr mrrnment roue ova r.. Nhrl eidr hila, holdin him i the whisker.- p
movemrnu of Gmgatrert, rs rfr l a tM of ,his tattier ant him • few mt mro the fin could he draioe,l better than W rffmd, here, he can almtwt confidently drprhd C. P 1, Gv' fy ct. Pette Cody.- R 7
Then welled hart ban nn d.n r had the
movement of forces from J"Mwto a army, country W buy a hone from •man Dea l I We, Fro understood thai'oothing I u n bein able to seopt the old policy of I E* sot. Ve act for plff., It. damage. [Laughter.] Tbey th11s put th$ Mndcrfs
an fmr tb reinforcement , I.etl M'be an- Ralston. Thr old man told his son W oiler am°!rene°t fo thew lowly creatures 1 -Ones- pen, yet Leen known as to the ane R I attrry not born secorrtl. u n him and Phut bin u
we saasesrR lIsat Urani a led rnen rovM 11•Istnn ttT dnllm st flet • if he wouldal i a W eek. seleeti4his own battle -ground. V iewed Jo fur plff. P° P
q y means of the troops this •Spring. Ro fat " I , Y. B. Hmwn, H;«p., testified tie the omod p Campatgn ear !worn, and gave e•ldeoce "
M tM. of rhe Potomac h•a wet been take that, to, offer him fifty l'r.e dollars, lid to ^ _ .e ran lean, huwrveq ear think th$ folios- led the light of the tmplorunt iaSne/ at 1/ill rP. / ly rt rel.-Vrirdiet b] con-
character Ike pnenner lite Mane in hie. similar W that of Mr. Trainer. r
tat up!oe,.tN,.rllltl:en. It,hr told them go r ►i``► as sinq] dnllan if no ler• .ould stake, the prweht pmttion of affair self for gl9 7.'1,5. M Farlane for pig.
where tie stn N w to mnllnerkfi lis (neat naive fl+i'pdkhu6'. "TNe' "iffikryotic B sue a IIL dYFaBjedx weB: ata projnmme all !oe (vend w M comet : , even nelghk road fnY ywn. , Vertkct-(ieiltr of mmm» ar.°It
jj very loWrel,ting indeed. One more m- Shaw v . 11 [rkram, ejdeig ent. Verdict Joe. Mullin, aaw the partie#.on the day The Grasd Jnr announced '1 No i IL"
a.t forces, and h" given them timely notice general started off with thew instructions fully ---- - The 6:ird will nm.in in l nrslnn.
to make their prep ar-lbo. for it. nmpnued upon his mind. He called upon CIno, 12th. The 17th w;11 probably leave Kingston to mar of federal diameters between lib• for plff., a da nattee. Shaw for plff. question, beton the strar4le teulk place. in the ase of The Queen vs Anthony Black
rt mwt.not file se posed,that there i$ any Mr. Revision, and told him he wished to buy By the wtsmmor Petition Cwrrull, rep arts( d be uartered also -in London. $ ih los and the confederate ap will go I 11.N1 ins w. Co. o Iluron.-This ease, g fry pRf y tai P
i&&elivi ase our . We do not hear lathe tate hone. • flow much did your father to l another fight up the geed River haw raoebed q R 9 .% They wen Llkin Cher int sett • W s!. -Riot• T6' w rasiisee M tae Oad
fJ The R. C. Rites will leave London for far toward. establishing, So era Inde- which i■ a kind of chronic one, g'rowinF of tM Dungannon Charivari affair.
d 1, eaw of prepararirrn;" bar the preps• tine to give for him I' was the very neturhl 'Len. Svuu alter our troopisleft Alezudrla friendly manner. i
j ratios doom net go forward any ler taru siall enquiry from the ownem tM Ptoed. - W h t alar rebel force,undrr Dick Ta or,attaeked br°asst"°• pendence on a mune b"i.-eo r- out of ■ dis uter with r rd t„ data „( spin decree it sl` vs. Was' Fisher. -Ver -
d 7r' g Jt P' Fr r rR"" Mr. Fineman mtds a nob,
lier that We ,wort o t nppes$ that it rt " ynung Urant, ' h. WId roe .W offer you our tnnifignnn&,hut weer •igornoslJ o,{,palyd The P. C. O. Rifle griz•de will prob.bly spent that it will 0686 t for the I said to hate been done to the term of the dict for the plaiuliR, I shllliog damages.
time nor artnies were in motion became we fifty dollars; and if that woald'nl do, to tin I by the JAth Maw., the 12th wed 126th view Iwve Hamilton for Halifax. daring Ike mane of whish be "id that in
et s leant da or ton sow and then.- ou fift five dollars, and if you would'tit fake York Regiments, sad the 128th New Yor6 federds W pores longer in a struggle plaintiff ie consequence of the construe- hu o inion the evidence was Ruch as w The Qrns w. town Milson, violating a
R P 1 1' Tte 62nd (at Qwbec) mar ive 11tpreled to P rave. Accua 1 on Ilia arrs,gnmeot pdeeded
A 1, veriaN$ eve .Mro, u es"ntidl • rr that sizty dollen, to give yea t6al.' Uf I Volunteers. Uur troeps fuu ht bravely wv- whish i/ roil the Doll of bloodshed and tion of the nvsl nmd, wfiinh mtig d,•- R
I+ri 7 . 1 d i P F Pia erwlwinee the jury that tM unfmtutrte
_ mm" about►ia Yi ear f> l^n JpLthe r , tit °II$n wee IM IowM N n at eel Loun with cnnudrrsh!e ,w. The rebel 1 lease for England, W tea replaced by a lint I guilty.
°Y g° 1;6i a are not given to propherly-, ,lure. causer his hand to be. flooded with I affair was urel accidmW, and could rot
sis•eme"nt of tie menti of the Powmec were wblrh t otos w mien c„o.iderahfr. Nu furl her par regiment, tM _Bili W nitre fmm MSI". y' I P J Cnasrrda inerts*sett S. S. w. Ml(s.- - a
given two or the• bates early in April last _ - - ticalnrs •e ami y to , be a mi.rn j the signs of the limen avatar, shot Weald nsX Othorwia@ re him [ t, Y& dict f nr plumib 1$. damage.
i t ma be ex cid W arrive g i lrI be spited menden ,our.
year; but they were rOg""manded each - Name FIAT. -As old mad who wr always Washington,April 12th. froth the .raw ru tRr to septa_w._tb$ if approachingRumnler will Min solve trouble C. Rohinsnn five the plff. ',11r. I 11 r. Pnner follnwrd, reading from lr al John Crain n (imp Castle. -Thu wan me '
one on account of redden storms. in that bagging hew folks mrd sat work ' in kis. it Is reporters, on gof, l Rutho itv, that fion. -
Rite }trigarle at Ha ' t .ba decide the American Was If lAei Frrewao fur Ike defeote. Ager lislenin authority to silo wherein he conni, aeuon of m ly qu drel gro.mg eta d •.am•
aioR aril, rrmrL aps»rsMly gwAl •n soRrnrl yrongrr days, e6allrnged Gia ho earn to h" urJeml all ofli, rn Wand Mtgnao • R ,
a foot deep in • few hours' hard pin, lid pitch or w leaned of hay" fm" ha cupid load W Rsrhmo'd Le(ure tom 9th, os after that Sept. g•Ifnar4 Fieldcry will %erMbl] Go,I(f mm Gat Anld lb rvrr Ywtrf feK !sr imme mk" of eviderroe which Mr. Freeman wrong in kis view of the pliceud fbn,!y goarnl. boa" of tN otida0et
the rs»ewrent e( anilkry rorurgeeetly M- rt. 'aka rhwllenae was accepted, the hay , date th • roads will be used in brio m u ro- exchange with Yajet Peaa7 H•ltsry, ones the funk n rrb•r din if mil At wf dura wait extremely amuia;, bet u MIdly wettly
g' g p f J 9' 9 oocu the court orBfi- m.
tomes impo Bible N°rrsids'a mdvemrnt W waggon driven around. amt the trial cpm infor,rail stationed al Monte al• l Koonin this, will p -P s..ease J of npralucunn.
Kell s Ford should warn as ufficientl °fon• as rffert ha F the alter us deliberation the u 1Tir.i>e.Jf tA. -_
y' y htealyd. For wmr time the nisi man held I S' ices' I 1 Q - v` f tote j which
limos' Aperial . Washington, 12th.- If this programme be carried out, as we the Federal milia oath tfEm run the ,
Ia'wnptt W olwratc in Virginia before lbs h. own ,pry favorably, ralling oil', ' More Klrintrnt orders Yee imued mgulatrntritionin rJ ` a verdict f .pig Of g100,the odurtgranot- tetiml, end after en'klbgeeeo Of, h few Frialny.
weather i/ definite) twirl And, thorigh bay 1 mare ha !' thklavor and faster R showed to remain rah the Army o1 tM' ewpreM it will tri twrndon will haw $utioned I n.k of dwerding into the Valley of Ile- I ting a certificate for mate.
spontinm Mold s sbUes le undertaken came. Th. mid men was nearly covered ; p,na,mor. n"rrM , ndonu lie ui,rd to byre two full regiment. sod a field Emory. minute. brtulght in a' virdict of ' QOR l,J11a{Gfats w. Risher/ C srv.-.Fa1M
owrlist in Uwe i we nu ht not lm tan im a• - --- I J 'P P ( The Foremare of ilae Grand Jury brought Otilt parrs , it. . prmoa.. iso. "Gee wM
t h , R P still he kept erynit, 1 M+rr hay I more bay !' nogi.ter thrill, nano. before the 6th, and , " -- oiaisn, a will the rather ke u a dant
tisntilthe err "r /ince it ma le • rt of AA fortieth, stn ton to kese , on to of the RLBUTIOK OF MINISTERS. Wry warfare until aftvr the approach J' charged w th having aided ural abmftsf est-
J t 1 1 R P after that date, when ahtrnt from their post ' to a iron bill io the atse of Hans ilaw- F,rir(srin es. F'rlf ,rel.-ilrfended inane.
a grand plan that •ll our armies PhouM mew , illarnn,fed hoop, it hegan Ulf to roll; then more filen twrnsy four hoer, to report to the 7 rJ ) 1
at one@. let the people be patient and to Bide, and at lase oft it went from the w• rev rt msnhwl a m t/se,r morn. The GGibe of Tsenla row: -Mears. Car• 1'ranideutid I':kctim,tbe cost) machine thespe, mandsughter. Iter amen l'on m obwning ,o a f audul&&t
wait. en, sod this old man with it. ' W hat arry a P p ser. Mcsirr, dim ata, Mardaneld, ued'oalt of carnage being rendered subservient b Verdict fpr $101f, Sdbmitted tat arbftta- groomer a pair of hero= from one JO"gh
After ear three Iran of war, a (111 days, own nun `fpr I" effort the flows. ' 1 r.m. The Hona W.ys and Mr.na 1'nmmiltrr , pM tion. Cemer'ntl for plff., Dnvidsoa for Trti.
TI haw adn td Mr. Oda -11's ra s,tion to im• re elected yesterday by acclamation. As Mr. tkr nthrr ingluritus task of rweleoting TIIYr&lay Afrril 1
mew e, I,sr, n( sppruent in•Nivivy w I he a down &(we bay I' •nswerd the old man, D P {rat i 1 defendant, The princip sol witesw, as,d that M eaw
8"" searwr, amt rear aim iM will g0 Girwarrl sWull ' pp', rR" •tae on all broken' "Iib of Stacks, 5isoprOn will, !hers a bmf little dnuht, hr Abraham Lincoln . rI11} altd U.tLR rA`ISLACOiwT CAAt. Defended at Mr. keid's tavern in Ibm tow"hi of ft
ell The better for Such dela when the do J __ __ - +_ bonds. merchandise, ie. The tax on spirits oWN'd by that committee dealing with his ARef the openin of the Caurt g //rnrGVer n. forAdmzir, - P eJs
start. And we 01,111 owuted that wh.n the is SI 25 ; on W4acco, 30 conte por Ro., with prrwtotr elser4oe, it w" not considered ne, - si elnek,HanSHawthorne was Rrrai on a I""'- Vcrdicir fpr [.i00 debt and County of Huron, i• rM menti d Msro► MIL
row, dinctsd tM Mnenmmte /oldivr •t YlTgtww Yad. I graduating. eealett. The Commmtee e.tim•te ermary t° start a candidate o° this oce"ien R Carr was in tM taveve, snd nprwarmg
Mm ►cion tM l move like the avalanche, Rain, that Faglish correspondent given the I the hill will prndoc11 about three hundred m oppceitiam W him. The Hon. ]. A. Mello&&Id, L ►r $parch eherge of ManSlau hter, mil W hmwe A100 •2 h d&msgs•S tinder tha bre.che. 1
million dollar revenue. R ' Mwalf = pain. o r mass., Is a& 4 6"
that gathers ee as if get", land Pweep. fallowing Sketch of 1 irain,a mud :-Take all PROr■S.1nmAr. Sxc;►o v. -A trial d aomr " Kingsrm°, nn hi. reelteruon, a implimeulsd bowl committed nn the 43n1 of November asaewd. Csrrron fon plff. Freeman w,trresees' horse$ offfnnj a paymeN ,lts/asa
everything borne. it. . the mwwwgb tb" i$ to be. roJ,eted at the , Tile Son•to Comm,toms on F oroign Affairs interest In the medical r"fe=ion ►" Jtat ,he mrmho's "(the latebinutp $a (allows : last, upon the person of one µ•m Fleming, for deft. ,
- - rr . low kwel palet, and the Wpdrrsmg of atl have decided it to he isexpeAwnt to take Any pp dos& mouth, endorsed by ColssN. it•
taken place b!foro the pnlire rnort of P.vis. .•;Vet having too rnnfiMoce of =Ificirnt oinks towtnzbip of Grhenock, County of •/rutin bt ✓r ersoh. -Notion b ada/it raw agreed to the terms rd 6•wded ear
TU JtgUAtags of Hepaalatlow. the islands of loans ; apple mint wiQIs I set{on on the Houle's renrlation ie rega d to A physician w" pnrsoruted for having sit• members rhe lienee, they (the MeedoeWd tied b Si r. Lea.Re filed D)t"id-
all tie swespiisg& nr (h, •}aide nisi Hnlhvses Mellen at prveeat i Bttlbe'. J ` hnnra. He tion found the pmraas f0 !M
Valley ager . thew ( bo ns, lid ualgam .._. ra ged the nature of big cltent'S Maaw, snd i {,,I Minaret) Vnuld it kgrtding tIsase
Terra, Frbsor rel the W"'fol lve, them injured hill character. The C.eurt found M1vN it they chn J 1,; o iM. Ile would 'pie C,mw. •Counsel bntAy stil the s" ' VKdrot deft. nnl$ Ind he prop11rty, Y aligned• Or tb■
I ;ntiil.$ erre of ti.Irlsr pruariara of the &tS eau► •Mat lIM St dq Ms• •foe• Wnw'r RRDaar.-Sswer•I marehsnu in lhr phyr ieian °illy, and aeMnad knm to err d;.tinrtl , lhr Nielarr n rel n retry ArAF Arrr et al w. W. Ars.- V erdMf hee"'s u11tt day' kit ranee dsMf iso iwhd
►ulster would not sap about erosmnt, plant Detroit have uamrd, in great lost Brie&, as y rM I.elaved well eaw fe the jury,and called the first witnew. , `y i
t1al,ed Rtalae lift isevals. Made ,x,gtaslly •f im .ri ionmenl ter one aro to pry ■tike of mays pnvl. Na 1 w'sa1 I dat i►e y haw these M Ah des, w)rOwt!
paper of th. meet mianhl$ kmd, yo. will liickly with the " anagb" Or dumpsuf recent merry, enpprr r„rs/ bavm` thio rw111. spun 14f., to hop'" for Sir yuan under th@ ear In the matter. It w= a rean,y thing M h S AIA7t ANDate GORMNt-W[tnealelrtrnws f"r plff SrJ21 a:b. ('it (oO fix pig.
1 cul down trerll, lid armtsr pool& of w•arir them. ( the t0th m=.t, the fit •odlans•w of lie liar, •nA W v the arts them fo in a Ay m two ceme b w llor ad op%-
01.erve Tann it N Waw sheosgh the centre- t po Vo. ,t was an honest IA,n,t Cor gra r the, Ammer , "w him in Riverdale on rh. Qnn"n''11. If wry ( trerntQl.-Mea- bs wstiY mol ti. wM•la'M' fes tJMb/Rf
thhessT noni d N r Ire=. rthwt el f wswat hal ,nwgnlar reMrw•It, and Inning adreni&mmrr t appramd in Ihr of the trial. Tar judgm.M of tb• Ctan when fled hal nm loegfr • mal••, ity I arr P
Tsa poral oAea rrfrw v rwsePlfve k Ior pmt. the MAU!f Mig►t gra yen a feint motion of the lW4' Of that city +-'1 a will, for two arI 1M1 further that, insSmurh es ht thas di Psrles,.n, =id Yr. Yadoo•Id, tsmie /aa that 23rd of h,N. tut, at the two taverns daag►t@r.-Tae pstmmR west ansigwmd Jsip L`csp/r eaw sweaty rad
r d Mr. - rafuae 'wad is the middle d which the Army d lbe I days, pry emrnnry (or sit copper Wkew w!ging the nsters of " dis11sa F11 ealsmd wer O"Eng in co mpany with Fleming N eM kilki OOt J dwMd o+sbaaaalw of tba
Me mt no i do Aso u • Pnteseae mow litisR Ilse lin a fertaigbs , petasnud al cosi ngtcar hawing our card on oe11r.rs tra not ,sop m po r■► Ns was m • es owmb 10i, a tam _ `_
w t'tI it Alwemslp rt i ate h■ttw tau tea- lM Mseplaiirant an injr,y low alien d,sepw- he.e • Ptmwg+r my'w+N• tM Yimwey` N 1ha gNws► of Ne[Sletp, M Y , w.
liawrr Al . Int visual repwo'sd sirwo. Tk•t red o"owd fo me ei eaw •:- than at ono dollar per handrrd, •ftsn .►ie6 atirrru is dM W him ; ti. teal=&&I, trewoower when uh11 went Md 111 (Joe %oupM wee ! alYtlem t tavern. They asemmd b M xsOMy'
* MmaOay Ag d tM '_` r PWatery •f ressi of the daatoelew asd I w@ alkali not bay them at any pr(a." Rather eetdemns the seeuvA w pay the toil of 1 fed th" t y Led , woriing en1)enty. Thai I doing hotbjrg prtkolar. $w Flot•ilgl 221d Mmcb IYI i iO }tlaswaR0 b ID~ID' .-w kmn,.il
y , Jesse the eonwaee■v w mOOP I nvvercolilose attributed to Gen. NaCbllan. darp pntselicst JAtI. dam►j,S.
' 0
- ;,r.