The Wingham Advance-Times, 1936-03-05, Page 8'I.
Show Starts at 8 p.m
Thursday, Friday, Saturday, March 5th, 6th, 7th
A Mystery Comedy.
Watch Them Perform.
WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Thursday, March 5 th, 1936
— ON't—
Watch Repairs
Special From This Date:
Balance Staff ...—................50c
Main Spring ..........................50c
Cleaning ..........................-....50c
Any two of the above for $1.00
Other Repairs at proportionate
ly low prices.
Special Rates on complete ov
The same first-class workman
ship that you have always had
Official C.N.R. Watch Inspector
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Mr. Thos. Gaunt has the telephone
installed in his home now.
Many of the friends of Mr. R, In
glis will be sorry to hear that he is
seriously ill with an attack of pneu
monia, which followed an attack of
flu. We hope to hear of his speedy
The Neighbors and relatives of Mr.
Jas. Falconer gathered on Friday in
his wood lot and cut down trees and
hauled it up to his home and on Sat
urday gathered to have it sawed. Mr.
Falconer appreciated this help very
Miss Josephine Garbutt spent a
few days last week with her neice,
Mrs. George McClenaghan.
Miss Olive Kennedy spent a few
days with Mrs. Ernest Csaemore.
Surely spring must be at hand, Mrs.
George Phillips and other members
of her family, saw a robin a tree near
their home last week; the crows are
back, and Mrs. Amos Cornelius found
pansies in full bloom in her garden
when the snow went off the flower-
Womens Shoes
For $1.00 Per Pair
We have finished Stock-Taking and follow
ing our usual plan to “clean out” all lines that are
not ready sellers, we have selected from stock ap
proximately ‘
60 Pairs of Women’s Fine Shoes of all descriptions
We have not all sizes but they, are a WON
DERFUL BARGAIN if your size happens to be
in the lot, and the price? Well, we have stuck the
knife in “deep” and placed them on tables at
At $1.00 Per Pair
But you will require to come quickly as al
ready some have discovered them on our bargain
P.S.—The above is an “absolutely cash pro
position” and “no shoes can be laid by” unless they
are paid for.
Willis Shoe Store
The Leading Shod Store of These Parts
i beds test week, and the snow-plow
went through to Lucknow on Sunday.
Mr, Robt. J. Ross has been on the
sick list for the past month.
Mrs. Jack Ftennigan, of Toronto,
is here nursing her brother, Roddy,
at the home of her parents, Mr, and
Mrs. Thos. Inglis.
The ladies of the W.M.S, of the
United Church are holding a tea at
the home of Mrs. .Clarence Cox this
Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Henry and son,
Ross, of Belfast, spent Sunday at the
home of her sister, Mrs. Robt, Pur-
Mr, Mockrie of St. Helens was pre
sent at the Sunday service at the Un
ited Church and sang “The Old Time
Religion” and Mr. Garnet Farrier al
so sang “The Stranger of Galilee.”
Their solos were very much apprec
Mr. Charlie Moore, who is attend
ing High School in Lucknow, spent
the week-end at the home of his par
ents, Mr. and. Mrs. Arthur Moore.
Mr. and Mrs, George McClenaghan
visited Q>n Sunday at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. R. J. Ross.
Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Moore and
baby, Rena, spent Sunday at the home
of her mother, Mrs, Wm. Young, of
Mr. and Mrs. Rhys Pollock visited
on Sunday at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Mac Ross.
Mrs. 'Wm. Martin is very poorly
these times, and is not able to be
out of bed.
The Women’s Institute are holding
a Euchre and. dance in the Hall this
Friday evening, with a prize for the
lucky ticket at the door.
The Young People of the United
Church are holding a St. Patrick’s
social on Friday, March 13th. All are
invited to attend.
The World Day of Prayer was held
on Friday afternoon last in the Unit
ed Church when the ladies of the
Presbyterian Church were present al
so. The meeting opened with the two
Presidents, Mrs. Robt. Mowbray and
Mrs. Victor Emerson in charge, and
the prescribed program with the
theme “On Earth Peace, Good-Will
Towards Men.” At interludes in the
program, the following took part,
Mrs. J. Pollock and Mrs. Jas. Laid
law sang “Out of the Ivory Palaces”,
Mrs. Harold Sparling sang "Beside
Still Waters He leadeth Me”, Misses
Janet Craig and Velma Scott sang
“Almost Persuaded” and Mrs. J. Tif
fin and Mrs. Ezra Scholtz sang “He
is mine, I need no more.” The pray
er for the League of Nations, was
taken by Miss Ida McQuoid, tlfc pray
er for the King and Empire, was ta
ken by Mrs. Mac Ross, and the one
for the Church and its spiritual life
by Miss Merle Wilson, and the pray
er for the youth of our lands, by Mrs.
J. D. Beecroft, and Mrs. F. David
son led in prayer for the furtherance
of the cause of Temperance, while
Miss Genevieve Watt led in prayer .
for missions and missionaries. Mrs.
Victor Emerson read a paper on the
/work of the inter-board committee,
and the origin and spread of “The
Day of Prayer”. Mrs. J. G. Gillespie
and Mrs. Robt. Mowbray were ap
pointed as key-women
for this work. The
these meetings go to
ture for the societies.
Mr. R. J. Ross received word last
week of the death of his brother, Mr.
John H. Ross, of Helen, Montana. He
was in his 71st year and death fol
lowed an operation on February 16th.
He was born on the Ross homestead
on the 3rd con. of Kinloss, where his
sister and brother, Miss Catharine
and Mr. Jas. Ross still live. His wife
and two brothers and one sister sur
vive of a family of four son and one
daughter, the children of the late Mr.
and Mrs. Jas. Ross. Many friends
here will extend sympathy to the be
reaved family.
1 Carload Of
Just Arrived
We are Now having
Two Weeks* Sale
Fresh Fruit in our
Retail Store,
Come and look in our windows
for prices,
Also a full line of Fresh Fruit.
Do Not Delay sending in Your
Phone 207. Prompt Delivery.
Are You Having
Headache, Dizziness or Failing
Expert Eye Service is Avail
able in Wingham , at Mod
erate Prices.
Eyes examined, glasses fitted by
Stratford’s Leading Optometrist
for Seventeen Years.
Mr. Reid is at Williams’ Jewell
ery Store each Wednesday
Morning, 9 to 12.00.
Geo. Williams
Official C.N.R. Watch Inspector
Mrs. Fred Culbert, of Listowel,
spent a few days last week with her
sister, Mrs. Ben McClenaghan, who
has not been progressing as q-uickly
as her many friends would like to see.
, Mr. Malcolm Ross, who has been
demonstrating the Wear-Ever Alum
inum in Sarnia district, motored' home
on Monday and visited_with his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Mac Ross.
A sleigh-load of young folks- from
here spent Friday evening at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Johnston Conn.
All report a good. time.
in this district
collections at
provide litera-
Women’s Institute
regular meeting of the Wo-The
men’s Institute will be heldi Thursday
afternoon, March 12th, at the home
of Mrs. J. Curtis. The programme
will be in keeping with Grandmoth
ers. Motto “If we scatter smiles
along life’s miles, we meet less fail
ure, more worthwhileS'”', Mrs. C. He
therington. Roll Call, Something
Grandmother Missed. Paper, Social
Life Fifty Years Ago, Mrs. Joseph
Breckenridge. Exhibits of Shawls and
old-fashioned Dresses. Prize for best
song sung by a Grandmother. Short
stories of local historical interest by
the Grandmothers.. Visitors welcome.
Birthday Sale
Take Advantage of the Special Prices and Special Values Now!
“You can always save with safety at Your Rexall Drug Store
A few of the many Specials are:
75c ASA
50C Vapure
$1.25 Value, Both for ...— 59c
$1.00 Antiseptis
40c Tooth Paste
’$1.40 Valbe for 89c
$1.00 Rhum and Quinine Half
Tohic — ...... 79c
35c Cheat Rub for 29c
40c Shaving Cream
35c Lavender Talcum
75c Lavender Shaving Lotion
$1.50 value ............. for 75c
20c Mi Dental Paste
25c Mi Shaving Cream
45c value .......for 35c
40 ounce Mineral Oil .......... 70C
50c Moth Fuime Crystals ... 39c
Phone 53
35c Mi 31 Tooth Powder
25c Tooth Brush
60c value ....................... for 39c
40c Kelnzo Shaving Cream
35c Shaving Brush
75c value ........................ for 49c
Guaranteed Water Bottles
39c and 69c
$1.00 Peptona for........... 79c
Phone S3
sent away front his own country to
preach the Gospel. A solo by Donald
Robertson with guitar accompaniment
was enjoyed. Following the meeting
all joined in a sing-song.
World’s Day of Prayer
The progamme for the World's Day
of Prayer was observed on Friday af
ternoon in the United Church, a good
representation of the ladies from both
congregations being present, Mrs. Jo
seph Breckenridge, President of the
W.M.S. of the United presided and
carried out the programme as pre
pared, in full, The theme, "On Earth
Peace, good-will toward men.” "The
Promises of Peace” were brought out
clearly in responsive reading. Mrs.
Alex. Mowbray read the 35th chap
ter of Isaiah decriptive of "the earth
at peace” followed by silent prayer,
"The Ways of Peace” was a period of
prayer offered by Mrs. Archie Mess
er, Mrs, A. V. Robb, Mrs. E. Nichol,
Mrs. George Thornton, Mrs. J. R.
Grieg and Mrs. Morrison. Miss Alice
Thornton contributed an appropriate
solo. Mrs. Arthur Shay presented in
a very clear way the origin of the
World’s Day of Prayer, stating that
the idea was born on the North Am
erican Continent. She spoke of the
power of Prayer and what the result
must be of Christian women the world
over observing this day for prayer.
The amount contributed is most en
couraging and is distributed in many
countries mainly for the spread, of
Christian Literature, The British, and.
Foreign Bible Society playing a large
part. The service throughout was-
most impressive and sincere.
Mr. and. Mrs. Milton Fraser, Bob?
and Dorothy, of Morris, spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shaw.
Miss Dorothy Aitkin, Blyth, spent
the week-end with her mother, Mrs.
Alice Aitkin.
Miss Agnes Haddow spent a few
days at her home near Atwood.
Mrs. Alvin Smith returned home
last week from Brucefield where she
was helping in the store.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wickstead spent
a day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Geo. Thornton.
Miss Ethel Mathers visited last
week with her father in Bluevale.
The raging blizzard that swept ov
er these parts on Thursday blocked,
the roads and men had to go out
and plow the roads on Friday.
The Young People of Bluevale Un
ited Church had to postpone their
crokinole party on Friday night on
account of the storm and bad roads.
Observed Day of Prayer-
The Day of Prayer was observed'
by the Women’s Missionary Societies
here on Friday when the service was
held in the United Church with Mrs,.
R. Chamncy and Mrs. D. Dunbar ini
charge. The printed form of. service
was followed and those taking part in
leading prayer were: Mrs. Ch. G- An.di-
erson, Nora Van Camp,. Mrs.. H.
Wheeler, Mrs. C. Logan, Ruth. Colie
and Mrs. J. Coultes. Mrs. J.. Miller
read the story of the Day of Prayer.,
During the service solos. by Mrs. Jas-
Michie and Doris Scott were much
Special Showing Of Lines,
Of Interest To Many People.
All sizes in stock at End of
Season’s Prices.
Select Hudson Seals at par
ticularly low prices.
Men’s Fur Coats at End of
Season’s Prices.
New Neck-ties for Men,
From Forsyth, Arrow, Cur
rie ................'75c, $1,00, $1.25
Men’s Cambridge Socks with
mending.....75c Value for 59c
65c Down Proof Quiltings...49c
New Fast Color Prints, at...
............................ 19c, 22c,. 25c
Wabasso Silver-bleach Sheet
ings' .................. 55c, 64c, 77c
Natural Ready to use Cotton.
Sheets ................. $2.19 pair
New Dress Silks for Spring,
.................. $1.00, $1.39, $1.50
Brown’s Irish Towellings,.....
.............................25c, 29c, 32c
Tacoma Broadcloths, 20 good
Women’s Stylish Coats at End
of Season’s Prices.
Excellend Crepes at ,59c
. High Twist Chiffons ....... 89c
Eextra Service Weights .......
...................... $1.00 and $1.25
Fluffy Cotton Batting for
Quilts ............... 35c, 42c, 55c
Buy Groceries At King’s
65c Black Tea .............. 49c
Pink Salmon, 2 for...............23c
Choice Dates, 2 lbs.................21c
1 Large, 1 Small pkg. Oxydol
........’..................... 2 for 23c
Choice Clover Honey..„,...40c pl
Seedless- Raisins, 2 lbs.........25c
September Cheese ....... 17c lb.
Fancy- Cookies __..20c lb.
Miss Beryl Gardner, of Zion, visit
ed. for, a few days last week with Mr.
and Mrs. W. Webster.
'Mrs. J.. Thomson and babe, Luck
now, visited' on Sunday with 'Mr. and'
Mrs. C. Thomson of the 2nd Con. of
Mr. Chas. Rivelt, of Dungannon,
visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Roy Black, on Station St.
A large gathering from Here- and1
There witnessed the caterpillar snow
plough coming over from Wingham-
to Lucknow last Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. Lome Deeves and children1 of
Kincardine, visited over the week-end'
with Mr. arrd Mrs. Mervin Deeves of
Mrs. Win. Webster, of Lucknow,
visited last week with Mr. and' Mrs;
Will Gardner at Zion.
Misses Lena Havens and' Ellen*
B'utits- of Lucknow attended' the1 L.
O; L. At Home at Zion last Friday
A conscientious little girl was ex
plaining to her younger brother that
it is wrong to work on Sunday.
“Well, policemen work on Sunday,”
said the boy. “Don’t they go to hea
“No,” replied the girl. “They don’t
need policemen up there.”
Try the New Ever Dry
It’s New
It’s Cool
It’s Dry.
Sold Only at
Omar. Haselgrove’s
Wednesday evening, Mt. and Mrs.
Walter S. Davidson opened their
home for a Progressive Crokinole so
cial sponsored by the Morris Group
of the Presbyterian Ladies’ Aid. Al
though weather conditions were very
unfavorable, a good crowd gathered
and a pleasant time was enjoyed. Fol
lowing the games a short programme
of vocal and instrumental music was
given, The members of the group
served refreshments.
Bluevale Presbyterian Y.P.S.
The Y.P.S. of Knox Presbyterian
Church held a regular meeting in the
school room on Friday evening with
a splendid attendance. The Morris
group had charge of the meeting
with Donald Robertson presiding.
The Scripture lesson was read by
Alex. Mowbray and Mrs. Harvey
Robertson offered prayer. Rev, J. R.
Greig extended an invitation to the
society to attend a St. Patrick Crok
inole party at the Manse on Friday
evening, Match 6th. The play com
mittee reported that a play had been
chosen and practice would commence
very soon. Miss Vera McCrackiii fav
ored with a Solo. The Missionary
topic "Have w& a right to preach in
China before Canada is Christianiz
ed?1 was taken by Gordon Greig,
comparing Foreign and Home Mis
sion work. He referred to Raul being
Institute’s Annual. Social
A very enjoyable time was held tn
the Foresters’ Halii on Friday evening
when a large number gathered toge
ther for the'annual, social evening of
the Women’s Institute. This year the
first part of the evening was a con
test program between the married and
the single. Captains of the single peo
ple were Edith Proctor and Nora
Van Camp, and! their part of the pro
gram consisted of a chorus by six
girls, reading by Mary Inglis, solo,
Doris Scott; orchestra selection; a
dance by Mabel and Feme McCal
lum; solo* Clark Johnston; violin solo,
Ruth Cole; duet by Nora VanCamp
and Freda jordan. The captains, Mrs.
W. Pocoek and Mrs. J. M. Coultes,
had the following program by the
married people: solo, Mrs. W. Po-
cock; instrumental, Mrs. W. Van-
Camp; Quartette, Geo. Jordan, Mrs.
Wade, Mrs. N. Geddes and J. Coultes;
reading, Chas. Johnston; orchestra;
solo, Wm. Spiers; duet, Jas. Taylor
and Mrs., N. Geddes; chorus. Nor
man Keating acted as chairman. The
judges, Mrs, A. Vincent, Mrs. John
Wickstead and Jas. McCrae, gave the
decision in favor of the married peo
ple by a narrow margin. Lunch
served and Jackson’s orchestra
plied the music for dancing.
This Store is a near to you as your Telephone — Our number
is 76, Phone us for Quick Delivery.
Raspberry — Strawberry — Orange Marmalade
SPECIAL 15c 16 oz. Bottles 15c SPECIAL
GARDEN CITY CATSUP ......................
CHOICE SWEET PICKLES .............._.
YORK TOMATO JUICE, Largie 2»/2 ...
PORK AND BEANS (Large Tins) ......
13 Oz. Bot. 10c
27 Oz. Bot. 25c
...................... 25c
Farmers’ Club to Meet
The Belgrave Farmers’ Club
hold their March meeting at
home of Mr. J, Coultes on Tuesday
evening, March 10th, when a good at-;
tendance is hoped for, Please bring
Mrs. R. M. Collins, of Sarnia, spent
a double of weeks with her parents,
Mr, and Mrs. P. W. Scott.
Dati Ferguson, of London, was a
visitor with Mr. and Mrs. A. Fcrgu*
Jim Coultes is spending a few days
with relatives nt Varna.
Chicken Haddie
2 Tins for . ..........25c
Kippered Herring
2 Tins for ....... 25c
BULK OATMEAL .......................
ICING SUGAR....................:...:....
.... 2 Lbs. for 15c
..2 Lbs. for 25c
2 Lbs. for 25c
... 6 Lbs. for 25c
.... 2 Lbs. for 15c
—— SUGAR------ —- SUGAR------
10 LBS. FOR......................................................48c
With a $1.00 Order of Groceries
FRESH SALMON ...............................................
SMOKED FILLETS.....z........ ......... .......
KIPPERENS .................................... ...................
FRESH WHITEFISH ..........................................
FRESH HERRING.............................................
...... 1 Lb. for 15c
„....1 Lb. for 18c
...1 Lb. for 18c
.....1 Lb. for 15c
1 Dozen for 30c
Blueberries Plums Pears
2 tins for .. 23c 2 tins for .. 19c 2 tins for .. 23c