The Wingham Advance-Times, 1936-02-27, Page 8PAGE EIGHT i WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Thursday, Fbruary 27, 1936 Show Starts at 8 p.m EAST WAWANOSH Thursday, Friday, Saturday, February 27, 28, 29th KEN MAYNARD Cartoon —■ Sports Reel — Mystery Reel n News Reel. NEXT WEEK — “STAR OF MIDNIGHT ALSO MAJOR BOWES. Mr. Reid Vipond spent a few days with his sister, Mrs, Leslie Wight­ man. Mr, and Mrs. Frank Thompson and Helen attended the party at Mr. J. Martin’s in honour of Mr. and Mrs, Bert Thompson’s Twenty-fifth anni­ versary of their wedding. Mr. Harold Congram spent the week-end at Charles Shiells*. Miss Donalda Johnson is spending a few days at her home. Brick W. M. S. held their meeting at the home of Mrs. Leslie Wight­ man on Thursday, February £Oth, with a large attendance. Miss Margaret Irwin read the Scripture Reading and Miss Mildred Perdue the Devotional Leaflet, Miss '•Nellie McGee gave an inter­ esting paper on the fourth chapter of the Study Book. During the business period, it was decided that they would have a quilting bee at the home of Mrs. Greg Shiell in two weeks and would have a 10-cent'tea at this. Mrs. Charles Shiell, the presi­ dent gave a short outline of the out­ standing points in the Missionary Monthly, The meeting was closed with pray- KING'S ALWAYS A GOOD PLACE TO SHOP THIS WEEK'S SUGGES­ TIONS FOR THOSE WHO ARE SEWING BLUEVALE United Church Y. P. S. The President, Miss Marie Wett- laufer presided at the Y. P. S. meet­ ing at the United Church on Friday evening. The pastor Rev. A. V. Robb, offered the opening prayer. During the business period it was decided to hold a St. Patrick Crok- inole party in the Sunday School room. The Literary Vice President, Carl Johnston had charge of the De- votional meeting. The Scripture was read by Marjory Hall Thornton sang a solo. The topic “What Now” by Melville Mathers and the work of the as the Captain workings of the Following the hour of games was enjoyed. and Alice was taken dealt with church with Christ compared with the Government. meeting the usual To Observe World’s Day Of Prayer The programme for the World’s Day of Prayer will be observed in the United Church on Friday after­ noon at 2.30 o’clock. All the ladies of the community are invited to attend. . Master Elmer Shiell is spending a few days with his grandmother, Mrs, Robert Shiell, Wingham. Mr. Ronald Coultes had his tonsils removed in Wingham Hospital on Saturday. Miss Mildred MasoiTreturned home on Friday after spending some time in the Hospital. Mr. Thomas Alexander passed a- way on Friday. Brick Y. P. S. held their first meet­ ing on Wednesday evening, February 19th, with the new President, Mr. James'McGee in the chair. Miss Jes­ sie Finlayson gave the topic, it being on Rudyard Kipling. Miss June Irwin recited some of his poefris. Misses Mary Dow and Jessie Finlayson ren­ dered a duet. It was decided to have a social half hour after the next meet­ ing. Mr. VanWyck, Windsor spent the week-end at A. M. Perdue’s. Cotton Dress Tweeds 25 - 29 - 32 , 42c New Wabasso Prints Bargain Special 5 yds. 89c Extra Pajama Cloths 25, 28, 33c Superior Broadcloths White and Colors 19c Fine Percale Shirtings 25c and 33c Special Saxony Flannelette 6 yards $1.00 Extra Down proof Cambrics 35c $1.85 Oyster Linen .............. $1.49 39c Lingerie Cloths Special 29c New Travel Silks Per Yd. $1.00 Extra Silk Velvets ....... $1.79 Dolly Varden Sheetings, Cot­ tons and Pillow Tubing, FOR THOSE WHO ARE KNITTING Crepe and Angorette Yarns Fine Knitting Wool - Andalu- sion and Shetlands Courses- yarns for Mitts Stockings Special Yams for Mats 3 Balls 25c The Township has practically no debts and has a very snug balance in the bank account. A resolution asking the County road commission not .to purchase a snow plow for use in Morris, was passed. The following accounts were paid; Wm. Bowes! relief $10.19; Wm. Lock­ ing, relief $20,00; Carl Oaklgy, relief $10.00; Carl Oakley, wood $8.25; A. MacEwen, Registrar $9,75, B. O. H. $3,00; Elston Cardiff, B.O.H. $3.00; Dr. Stewart, B.O.H, $20,00; Sick Children’s Hospital $10.00; Richard Alcock, sheep killed $4.00; R, McKin­ non, auditor $15.00; C. Johnston, au­ ditor $15.00; Supplies and Postage, $3.77; Municipal World, supplies $16.- 73; Peter McNab, B.O.H. $3.00. Council meets March 16th, 1936, A. MacEwen. Clerk. ASHFIELD and BUY GROCERIES AT KING’S YOU’LL LIKE THE QUAL­ ITY. Extra September Cheese per lb............................... Bulk Quaker Oats, per lb. Seedless Raisins .........2 lbs. Choice Clover Honey per pail ........................... 2 Oxydol............................. 65c Black Tea.................... 3 Large Toilet Tissue....... Born—On, Wednesday, February 12th, 7th concession, near Crewe, to Mr. and Mrs, Jim Sherwood, a dau­ ghter. ’ Mr. David Little spent a few days in Goderich last week. Sorry to hear of the serious illness of Mr. John Dixon of Tiverton, who was born and raised in Ashfield, has•** ...... ' suffered a stroke, he is a brother of Mr. Thomas Dixon near Port Albert. Gabriel did not sound his trumpet on Friday, nor did the world burn up, more like it, if the Rev. Harold H. Varney had said we would be frozen up, for and has s'ion. the thermometer says zero, been for 31 days in succes- ST. HELENS (Too Late For Last Week) Festoon’s of gay red hearts added festive air to the community Hall Supplies Gently Acting “Bulk” to Aid Regular Habits has returned home few weeks at De^ Lowry and infant 17c .„|c 25c BELMORE Super "*7°’“ Values 6 — BIG DAYS Feb. 27th, 28th, 29th, Mar. 2nd, 3rd, 4th, This will probably be your last opportunity to buy many of these ^ items at such Ridiculously Low Prices, SO BUY NOW. Handy Ammonia (Super Value) 5c Palmolive Soap...3 for 14c Colgate’s Toilet Soap 6 for.........................;...25c Kirk’s Castile Soap 3 for 14c Carbolic Soap.......6 for 25c Princess Soap Flakes 2 pkgs, for................... Maple Leaf Soap Flakes 2 pkgs, for ,................ Bulk Soap Chips ... 3 lbs. 25c 29c 49c I 6 Soap .(Unwrapped) (Super Value) 10 Bars ’ 25c a ♦ Peas 3 Tins For 25c SUGAR 10 Lbs for 49c With a $l<00 Order of Groceries 4 ■ " Corn 3 Tins For 25c HEINZ CATSUP, 8 oz. bottle.........................-.............- 2 for 25c HEINZ CATSUP, 14 oz. bottle, Reg. 21c .................. Special 19c GARDEN CITY CATSUP, 13 oz. bottle f....................- 2. for 19c UPTON’S CATSUP, Quart Bottle ..............-.........-... Special. 13c YORK TOMATO JUICE (Large 2?/2 Size) Special.......2 for 19c TOMATOES (Large 2 «/2 size) ..."...................................... 2 for 19c Peerless Pickles' (27 oz. Size) Special............... 23c Heinz Old Fashioned Pickles * (New and Different) Special................ 23c & SPECIALS — ...................................... Special 5c ............. 3 Tins 23c 2 Tins 25c * 2 Tins 25c ...,’2 for 23c ... 2 for 23c 40c 23c 49c 25c Cowan’s Large Tin Cocoa 25c 2 Large Tins Fresh Salmon 23c Extra; Large Prunes, 2 lbs. 29c Pound Tin Maple Leaf Powder for ............................—...23c Fine Hallowi Dates, 2 lbs. 27c Fresh Creamery Butter , New Laid Eggs, Extras 2 Large Tins Fresh Salmon 23c Butterick ...Patterns — Quick Delivery, Your telephone orders promptly executed. Supper church over to defeated scholars a — LENTEN I BRUNSWICK SARDINES, CLARKE’S TOMATO SOUP ... CONNOR’S KIPPERED HERRING ...0?......................... CHICKEN HADDIE .................................................... HEINZ SPAGHETTI, Reg. 13c, Special...................-£ YORK SAUER KRAUT, 2'/2 Size Reg. 13c, Special FRESH FISH Salmon Steaks Priced to Save You Money FILLETS Kipperines White Fish"' Herring $Buy and Save) FRESH FISH Choice Fresh Herring A Fish You Will Like Now and then, in talking with your friends, the subject of bran has come up. So that real facts might replace unsupported opinions, the Kellogg Company has aided for some years research in leading nutrition laboratories. * Studies made on a group of healthy women showed that two tablespoonfuls of bran daily con­ tinued to relieve constipation* over a period of months. How different from cathartics—where dosage often must be increased. Another series of tests on men in­ dicated that, with some people, the “bulk” in bran was much more effective than that founjd in fruits and vegetables. ’ Further tests showed that Kel­ logg’s All-Bran provided vitamin B and iron as well as “bulk.” This “bulk” absorbs moisture, and gently exercises and cleanses the system — the right way to correct constipation, '' Serve All-Bran regularly for regularity. Either as a cereal, with milk or cream, or in cooked dishes. It is a natural laxative food. Sold by all grocers. Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario. due to insufficient “bulb” days with friends at Musgrove health for who has some time Harry Barnard after spending a troit. Mrs. Douglas daughter, Adell are home from the Listowel Hospital, they were-accomp­ anied by Mr. Lowry’s mother. Duncan McDougall who has spent a couple of months with relatives and friends in Michigan has returned home. John Smith and son Elmer are spending a few Lucknow. Mrs. Robert been in delicate has been moved to the hom|i of her cousin, Milton ’ and Mrs. Smith, 2nd concession, Morris. She was accomp­ anied by Miss Donna Smith and Mrs. Nellie Scott who have cared, for Mrs. Musgrove for some time and will continue in that capacity. Elmer Smith of Fortune, North Dakota is visiting his father, John Smith and other relatives in this locality. He is accompanied by his daughter, Miss Alice Smith. Mr. Smith came East owing to tne illness of his daughter, Miss Elsie Smith who is a patient in a hospital in Lon­ don. myMaurice — “Don't you think moustache is becoming?” Maureen — “It may be coming, but it hasn’t arrived yet.’’ '■ ............................ a on St. Valentine night when the Women’s Institute held their Feb­ ruary at Home, and in spite of dis­ agreeable weather and road conditions nearly a hundred persons were pres­ ent. The varied and enjoyable pro­ gram, presided over 'by Mrs. W. A. Miller was opened with community ginging with Mrs. Rice, Pianist. Other numbers included solos by Mrs. Ted Rice and Mr, Mochre, a duet by Mrs. Rice and Dorothy Miller; Reading by Iona Swan, Caroline Humphrey and Mr. Mochre; a 'mouth organ selection ■by-Mrs. Jansen with accompaniment by Mrs. Phillips; a dance by Dorothy Webb to Riano music by Miss Flor­ ence McQuillin. For the dance that followed, violin music was furnished by Mr. Chester Taylor, Miss Vera Phillips and Mr. GeGorge Stuart with Mrs. Chester Taylor accompanist. Miss Florence McQuillin, Student Nurse at the Stratford General Hos­ pital, is home for a. two week’s vac­ ation. The vice-president, Mr. Wallace Miller presided at the meeting of the Y. P. U. on Sunday evening. Grace ‘Weatherhead read the Scripture les­ son and Iona Swan, the Bible char­ acter. Vera And Murray Taylor fav­ ored with a duet, and the topic “The church and the unemployed” was tak­ en by Mrs. Ramage. Plans are near­ ing completion for the Annual Ban­ quet next Friday evening, commenc­ ing at 6.30. * ■*» Sacrament of the Lord’s will be observed in McIntosh next sabbath. Mr. Peter Hackney is not gaining in strength as we would wish for. Our hockey boys drove Lakelet Friday evening and the boys there 4-3. x Miss Campbell gave her a skating party Friday evening. Lunch was served in the school-house. Not to be outdone by the other towns, our village now boasts of Lady Curlers. Mrs. Mulvey has visited for some time with her daughter, Mrs. Dave Eadie, Glenannan. NEW CARROTS (Large Bunches) HEAD LETTUCE ..................-........ CALIFORNIA CELERY ................ . NEW CABBAGE .............................- CHOICE FRESH TOMATOES ... ...... 3 ...... 2 ...... 2 3 lbs. 2 lbk for 25c for for for for 15c 23c 25c 29c 26th REXALL Birthday Sale Take Advantage of the Special Prices and Special Values Now! ■ “You can always save with safety at Your Rexall Drug Store A few of the many Specials are: 75c ASA 50c Vapure $1.25 Value* Both for $1.00 Antiseptis 40c Tooth Paste .......59e} $L40 Value ....................... for 89c $1.00 Rhum and Quinine Hair Tonic............—........... 79c 35c Chest Rub for ......29c 40c Shaving Cream 35c Lavender Talcum 4 75c Lavender Shaving Lotion $1.50 value............... for 75 c 20c, Mi Dental Paste 25d Mi Shaving Cream ? 45c value .......—...—««........for 35c 46 ounce Mineral Oil .... 79c 50c Moth Fume Crystals ... 39c SALE NOW ON AT 35c Mti 31 Tooth Powder 25c Tooth Brush 60c value for -39c 40c Kelnzo Shaving Cream 35c Shaving Brush 75c value .................«,...for Guaranteed Water Bottles 39c and $1.00 Peptona for ............... 49c 69C 79c McKIBBON'S [DRUG STORE Phone S3 Phone S3 King Bros. Are You Having EYE TROUBLE Headache, Dizziness or Failing Vision? Expert Eye Service is Avail­ able in Wingham at Mod­ erate Prices. Eyes examined, glasses fitted by R. A. REID Stratford’s Leading Optometrist for Seventeen Years. Mr. Reid is at Williams’ Jewell­ ery Store each Wednesday Morning, 9 to 12.00. Geo. Williams * JEWELLER Official C.N.R. Watch Inspector Wingham Try the New Ever Dry TONIC PIPE It’s New It’s Cool It’s Dry. Sold Only at' Omar Haselgrove’s SMOKE SHOPPE MORRIS COUNCIL I 1936. present. The Reeve of the last meeting Choice Onions 10 Lb. Bags Special................ 23c Select Onions (Bulk) 10 Lbs. for ......15c WHITECHURCH ■ , ....- ' F Mrs. Fallahay of Toronto spent the week-end at the home of her broth­ ers, Messrs. James and Chas, Martin, and attended the silver wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Thompson. r 9 Miss Agnes and Jack Gillespie spent Sunday at the home of Mr, and Mrs. W. R. Farrier, Miss Olive of Dungannon, and Mr. Qarman Farrier of Prosperity, silent the week-end at their home. Mrs. Roy Patton of Lucan, spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs.. Fox. Mr. Milan Moore spent the week­ end in Toronto with Mr. Elwyii Moore and other relatives. Miss Florence Purdon, /R.N., is nursing Mrs. George Casemore in Turnberry at present. Mr. ,^nd Mrs. John Falconer, who have spent the past few months at the home of their daughter, Mrs. El­ gin Welwood of Caledon, returned home,'one day last week. The measles have been in the hom­ es of Mr. and Mrs. James St. Marie adn Mr, and Mrs. Robert Mowbray during the past week. Mrs. Fred Davidson and son, James Weir, spent Sunday at the home of their daughter,. Mrs. Edgar Gaunt. Many in the community will be pleased to learn that Mrs. (Rev.) G. Cox and baby Donna Marie, returned to the manse at Englehart on Thurs­ day last. Mrs. Ernest Casemore and daugh­ ter, Shirley, spent a few days last Week at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Gaunt. The play, “Listen, Leon”, which was to have been put on in the Hall last Wednesday by the Culross young­ people, was postponed 'On account of -Hie sub-zero weather and bad roads. This community extends sympathy to Miss Tillie Alexander atid Mr. Geo. Alexander, Mr. Thos. Alexander their brother, who has been ailing for some time, passed away on Friday. He was buried in Greenhill Cemetery Mon­ day, Their pastor, Rev. H. M. Wright had charge of the services at the house and grave. Mrs, Ab. Taylor and daughter, El­ eanor and her brother, Mr. Jack Mor­ rison, spent the week-end at the home of their sister, Mrs, Andrew Forsythe of Kitchener. Mr. Clarence Cox has been very busy this winter chopping1 grain and many nights- works very late at the job. Many here will be interested to by the•• City. Miss Peddle will now heat of the promotion of Miss Edythe I assume a great more responsibility Peddle of Edmonton, to the position«than formerly, as her duties are now of Inspector for the Department of Pensions and National Health for the City of Edmonton. She was chosen SIX REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD MAKE THIS STORE YOUR HEADQUARTERS FOR YOUR TABLE NEEDS: 1st—CLEAN, FRESH STOCK. 2nd—CONSISTENTLY LOW PRICES. 3rd—COURTEOUS SERVICE. 4th—QUICK DELIVERY SERVICE. 5th—PROFIT SHARING COUPONS. 6th—STORE IS OPERATED INDEPENDENT OF ANY CHAIN AFFILIATION. , CHOICE PRUNES ......... FRESH .DATES ............... BLEACHED RAISINS .. CHOICE FIGS ................. BULK OATMEAL.......... FANCY RICE .................. BAKING SODA .. .......... ICING SUGAR................. Cherry Jam Extra Special 32 oz. Jar 28c Green Gage Plums 2 Large Tins For 19c Minutes o^t Council meeting held in the Township Hall, Morris, on Mon­ day, Feb. 17tli, Members all presided. The minutes were read and approved. A grant of $10.00 was made to the Sick Children's Hospital. The a Auditors’ report was received land adopted. Strawberry Jam, 32 oz. Reg. 38c ...... 29c Raspberry Jajm, 32 oz. Reg 38c .......................29c Black Currant Jam, 32 oz.... Reg. 38c ...................... 29c Pineapple Jam, 32 oz. Reg. 38c - ..........29c Red Currant .Jelly, 32 oz. Reg. 32c 26c Peach Jam, 32 oz. Reg. 36c 28c Strawberry - Raspberry 16 oz. JAM 16 oz. Reg. 24c 15c.......................15c Orange Manna- lade 32 Oz. Jar Reg. 36c 26c Bulk Tea Special 33c A Lb, FALCON PEANUT BUTTER .......................................Special 14c HEINZ PEANUT BUTTER, Reg. 21c ......................Special 19c BULK PEANUT BUTTER...................................2 Lbs. For 25c SHORTENING ............................................................1 Lb. for 13c TOILET PAPER ....................................... ........... 6 Rolls for 21c CHOICE FRESH SODAS.......’.................. ..............1 Lb. Pkg. 14c CHOICE YORK.PUMPKIN ............................2 Large Tins 21c MAPLE BUTTER, Reg. 24c ...........................................Special 13c SURE RIZE® BAKING POWDER, Reg. 25c..............Special 19c FRESH CRANBERRIES ................... ........................1 Lb. for 19c PORK & BEANS, 28 oz.............. ...................Special 10c HORSE RADISH ........... :..... Special 10c ETHEL BREAD LUCKNOW FLOUR Waxed Beans (Large Tins) 3 For ..... 25c HONEY 5 Lb. Pail 42c Corned Beef Special 2 For .... 25c CAKES Fresh CAKES 2 Lbs. For .*.................... 29c BIGGS' GROCERY PHONE 76 WINGHAM RHONE 76^ from among forty applicants, who ap­ plied to Ottawa for the position. Her resignation from the position of In­ spector for City Relief, was accepted to go to the homes’and investigate for health and cleanliness, and teach- *- Ing the people how to spehd their* increase ih salary. money advantageously, to buy proper foods and clothing for their families. Miss Peddle is well-known in these parts, being a sister of Mrs. Gibson Gillespie, and het many friends ex­ tend congratulations to her. Het po­ sition, although carrying greater res­ ponsibilities ,also cattles considerable