The Wingham Advance-Times, 1936-02-06, Page 4PAGE FOUR WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Thursday, February 6, 193® awisaoi:okso; fl. THESE|]| WANT AD’S <■ X -BRING n RESULTS | r® 1| cent* a word pep insertion, with a minimum charge of 35c. .... FOR SAIJE^Fketvic Radio, n two | time during which a number uf the tubes, (equal■ tu fmtr) | council entered into the discussion, rwgq mffi) metres, with fi meh R.,eve . .. m .. * XOK3OE w,*r”’WV mJ-vm loud speaker. In first class eondi- tiem, Ideal for beginner. Priced reasonable fur quick sale. Apply to Advance-Ulmes. FOR SALE — Second-Hand Cook Stove, Electric Washing Machine, Columbia Gramaphonc with re­ cords, Reasonable, Buchanan Hardware, LADY wants work as companion in return for good home, or room with house-keeping privileges in re­ turn for light services. Write par­ ticulars Apph Box K» Advance- Times, , TENDERS tor Fifteen cords Gwen body hard wood, beech nr maple. Jfi inches long, also 111 cords elm. same length, Venders accepted up tq Feb, filth. Buchanan Hardware. WANTED by March Ist-Fmall cot­ tage with Ixrih, or 3 rooms and bath on downstairs floor. Must be vent­ ral Apply Advance-times. CARD OF THANKS Reeve EUimt moved that the matter be left ever for the June session. Mo­ tion carried. Swear Allegiance Judge Costello administered the oath of allegiance to the councillors in a body and then to the clerk and treasurer. The report of the Education Com­ mittee was taken up clause by clause and passed .as read. The committee recommended: That with regard to the letter from Western University asking that the council appoint a rep­ resentative to the Senate of the Uni­ versity, Canon AppleyaM of Seaforth be appointed to fill the position; re­ garding rebates to pupils attending 'technical school in London, recom­ mended. that the matter be left in the hands of the clerk to arrange a settle­ ment. The supplementary report of the Executive Committee recommended that no action be taken with re- terence to the requests of the county engineer, the county treasurer and caretaker for salary increases in view x*if the request of the warden that the county expenditure bMk'pt under rtmtrol and the tax sate at the same lex el ns that, of That all fall fatrs within the county , reerive a grant of | before the spring rush, a w^^te^cCTin, I Grains for tlm Breeding Ewe I In early winter, with hay supply­ ing the bulky part of the ration, j breeding ewes in good condition have very little need for grain. However, with mixed or grass hays, some pro- tehvrich concentrate should be add» i ed. One»quarter to one-half a pound per day of a oats and one gpod results, sheep. They while bran furnishes the propria needed to balance the ration in addi­ tion to assisting the digestive organs by its laxative qualities. Other grains such as barley, corn, wheat and peas are fattening feeds and should not be used except in small quantities and for ewes that are in very poor condi­ tion, They should always be fed combination with bran and oats lighten the mixture. Convention Dates Arrangements have been completed by the Agricultural Associations con­ cerned to hold their Annual Meetings and Conventions, as announced be­ low 0W)t Ontario Association of Agricultur­ al Societies (formerly Ontario Assoc­ iation of Fairs and Exhibitions-^An-! nual Convention, Tuesday and Wed­ nesday, February 4 and 5, commenc- ( mg at SSd a.rn. King Fdward Hotel,. Toronto, Ontario Plowmen’s Association — Annual Meeting, Thursday, February dth, commencing at Id.30 a.m. Direct­ ors’ Meeting at 9.3d. King Edward Hotel, Toronto. Ontario Field Crop and Seed Growers’ Association — Annual Meeting, Friday, February <th» com­ mencing at 08 ana. King1 Edward Hotel, Toronto. mixture of two parts part bran gives very Oats are relished by strengthen the ewe. m to pounds; skim-milk, 1 pound per lb. grain mixture, or, fish meal, fi pounds per, 100 pounds grain mixture. The age to start on this ration is given as 6 to 8 weeks, the most suit­ able age for weauing. Pigs younger than this are not able to stand a heavy ration. If found necessary to wean at a younger age, a ration that has proven satisfactory is equal parts ground oats, with the hulls sifted out, or ground, ludless oats, and white middlings, The pigs at this farm are started on this before weaning, in a pen or creep separate from the mo­ ther sow and they suffer no setback when this practice is followed. Add a little milk or fish meal to the mix- tore and make all feed changes grad­ ually, When feeding skim-milk in the above ration, a mineral mixture is necessary. A suitable one may be made of equal parts of ground lime­ stone, common salt and bone char or bones meal, and fed at the rate of 4 pounds per 100 pounds of grain ra­ tion, Skim-milk, however, is not essen­ tial for the proper development^ of the bacon hog. High grade fish meal | has proved. to be an excellent substi-1 tute* | Feed three times daily for the first 1 period and twice daily from then to| finishing. Regularity in feeding is es-1 sential to success. I law No. J08J, was passed, on motion of- Reeve Davidson and Coun. Wil­ kinson, confirming this appointment TESTED RECIPES natural colour is a pleasing pink. These recipes were prepared by the Fruit Branch, Dominion Department of Agriculture. $500 LICENSE FEE PLACED ON ALL SLOT MACHINES (Continued from Fage One) s Com. Conn. Thomson. also reported j that tine Telephone Co. would in the! near future, change the location ofi their lines entering the town. ■ Moved by Cows. Crawford and J Mr. and Mrs. H, Irwin and fondly wish to express their apprectatton tor the kindness shewn them during the- recent illness and jxtssing ot their lev- ’ iug sou and brother. \\ e would like a to spemllv nwwtien Miss x\ M. Ter4 tiff, Reg. J R Vowwnd;i and all those who so assisted: in the honte. We were extmn-ehi grateful for the many bcantital floral t tributes, " »i '"■’•WiS’W&y " xjjOil’SftflrX.'Xftxa iMW^^xw*"*11***1** "T” I), CONDENSED REPORT } OF COUNTY COUNCIL .>i,!1 saw I»as«T* «s rawt. Osrtario H«ns»S»OTal Asshvh'si lessened the sin. Later new FRUIT CONFECTIONS Candied Apple? Choose apples of varieties which do not break in*cooking—Spy, Delicious, Tolman Sweet or Russet will be sat­ isfactory. Feel and remove core with a corer and slice apples crosswise in one-half inch slices or lengthwise in one- eighth inch slices, or cut in. one-half inch cubes. Make a syrup using: 2 cups sugar H cup white corn syrup 1 cup water Boil three minutes then add suffic­ ient fruit to cover bottom of the* ket­ tle. Cook until clear. Remove and drain well. Then set aside to dry, Add more fruit to syrup hid repeat the process. After second boiling add, 3 tablespoons boiling water to syrup, When fruit, is dry roll in fruit sugar. Syrup may be tinted red, green or yellow plums, peaches or apricots if thor­ oughly this method. Candied Carrot Scrape small carrots and cut if desired. Canned pears, drained may be candied by in quarters lengthwise. Cook until ten­ der. Make a syrup using the water | in which the carrots were cooked, and allowing two cups sugar and U cup I white corn syrup and. U lemon to 1 I cup of liquid. Cook until carrots are i clear. Drain and dry, roll in sugar | and pack between layers or waxed y paper. Ontario Vegetable Growers’ Assoc*‘ VmAVyck, that a letter be sent to I from the juice, liatuns—Annual Meeting on Tuesday, * ? February 11th, commencing at OB That the Women's Institute of ■ a.m- Royal York Hotel, Toronto. Convention, Wednesday, February 12th, conwencing at aou. Royal Fire Committee, He stated that the,! York Hotel, Toronto. ! hose tower on windy days rocked,'j!W\xst Huron rtcewc a gram of §75. Tm-ncr Archibalds That the pro- s-wdw xn opening county ccunril ——— ’’‘crated and that the clerk be antho-r- (Continued from page twat ij tsod to have copy printed so that- this l\xx Wb Overdraft $78*'.’ ’custom may be rtutinued. Carried. «, '! W. Tur-uen~-Hemmgxxay: That the Provincial Highways •ricVowlng be added to the rtscimicn ; ■Receipts L Balance m bank ‘on Hydro passed yesterdays '"‘That we j XVS5' rates KnaYfori that the rural mnniripahties ’ should have a rtptesentative on the I Kxvpditnres Ikbenturcs and h> ,'H. E. l\ C. so that needs of the mm2 ■ tenst Dqid on W Mtcc^rttomtots could be presented in thrir! and t'ow Acet ?>aid into proper light.*" Carried. est Mice, and Com \cc? $Srt..7L : Matheson—Gv^rt That a vote of J 'total Drt„ I'a'ance tn ' thanks be tendered Dr. Field and that I HukWM. Friday’s Sesriow A Irttc? from she district presitet of the West Huron Wenwris he.sto tute, asking for a grant and setting forth what was to be done wnb the money in the exert of the grant bo» lug: nnwlkx was tefwxxi to the ex- ■ecutixe committee. The drtter stated that the tnrtto e.f the Wte.erib fe- ritute is ^For Home and Country’' wd that U is now a world’ wide Applets , Cook any red skinned variety of apples without pealing in sufficient water to cover. Drain and make jelly the Telephone Co., requesting that | Press the pulp through a fruit press xvfres on. main Street be placed under-1 or coarse sieve. Allow 1 cup sugar ground. Carried. <! to each cup pulp, boil slowly 15 min- Cornn VmAVyck reported for rhe?utes stirring often to prevent stick- \mmnl Convention—Thursday and s reinforeements would be necessary. Friday. February IS and 14, eom-, mencmg at am. Royal York Hotel J- Toronto. Ontario Frmt Growers’' Assoria- j; rion, Annual Convenricn — February), BSth, IS and 14> at the RoyaS Con-b naught Hotel Hamilton. ? Corn Growers’ Association Annual s' Corn and Grain Show—-At Chatham, Febmary Ml to iS. Two new reWs had been purchased < tor the gas masks. | The Street Committee were tn- i stmicted to find out if Josephine St,; :> was being taken over by the Depart- i j ment Highways and af they eon-; ; t-empWe doing any work on same, j License for SJ&t Machines j Moved by Conns. Ocyd and Thom- ? Hen that by-Saxc Ko. lOSfi placing aj‘ .jStoense of $503 on s$ot machines and| Fedigme Sohool Hsrid devices be passed. Carried. , Membets of the Ha’dhnand County f This, by-law Ss samtbsr to the ©ne'j .to ... .to.. ___..... .it 15X*C*fWt—. ii utOS stirring often to prevent stick­ ing. Spread in a pan which has been rinsed in cold water. Let stand 24 hears. Cut In cubes and roll an fruit sugar. These improve when stored two or three weeks. Color may be ■added, but if red apples are used the MATING THE BREEDING PEN (Experimental Farms Note) The mating of the breeding pen should be a matter of serious study, and careful consideration, for the suc- pess of future operations depends more on this than on any other phase of poultry work. Not .only does next season’s success depend on it, but it may seriously affect the wdrk of fut­ ure years as well. If trapnesting and pedigree breed­ ing have been followed, full advant­ age should be takefi of * the, progeny test, and males and females that have been proved to be breeders by the test should be used in future matings and the offspring, particularly the sons of those matings that have pro­ ven best retained. For many years the endeavour in breeding has been largely along high egg production lines and in many cases not sufficient attention has been paid to breed type which is con­ ductive to high table quality. A drive has been inaugurated this year to try to improve the type of Canada’s market poultry. (See publi­ cation 4S2, Fanner’s Bulletin 2, Do­ minion Department of Agriculture). Stress should be laid on vigour, breed type and the qualities as outlined in the bulletin, without, however, losing sight of the egg-laying qualities or the flock. The male is half the pen, and spec­ ial care should be taken in his selec­ tion. He should be the son of a high- laying, large-egg hen, and should be well-grown, show good size and breed type, and above all he should be vigorous- / -While vigour may be denoted in every section of the bird—the broad back, deep body, well set leg, and general action—nervous' force, the paramount requirement in an egg­ breeding male, is* indicated by a bright prominent eye set in a clean- cut face. This is the kind of a male that should give results when mated THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE FOR NATURAL “BULK" Needed to Correct Constipation* Most people recognize the seri­ ousness of constipation, But too- often they dose themselves with strong cathartics that often actu­ ally lead to chronic constipation. The natural way tp check com­ mon constipation is to correct the condition which causes it—usually, insufficient “bulk” in meals. How can you get “bulk”? Fruits and vegetables have some. Bran has more, The most popular product of' this kind is Kellogg’s All-Bran. The “bulk” in All-Bran is gentle ■ in action. All-Bran also supplies vitamin B and iron. This delicious cereal is a whole­ some food. Serve All-Bran regu­ larly for regularity, with milk or • cream—or use in cooking. Two tablespoonfuls of All-Bran • daily will usually correct constipa- ■ tion due to insufficient “bulk.'’ If not relieved, see your doctor. All-Bran gives you gentle in­ ternal exercise. Sold by all grocers. Made by Kellogg in London, Ont. ^Constipation due to insufficient “bulk"* to equally carefully selected females.. It" will pay those who have no such males, to purchase them from careful breeders who have them. A safe plan to avoid all danger of the bringing in of disease, is to pur­ chase pedigreed hatching eggs or day- old chicks, and select the breeders from among the males raised from them. He (passionately): “dvobody can deny my love for you, sweetheart.” She: “I should like to see anybody try. I’ve kept all your letters,” III 3;II l>] 333 ■ H H H H ________ _ _ ___ p >i&iiKKKKBnnEB»m.Mi«a>mM*BwmiBiNiiMaBKaaa«i»aBB»MaBaauB BLACK SALADA SALADA GREEN JAPAN GREEN ^-Ib. pkg. 286 BLACK SALADA ORANGE PEKOE BLUE LABEL Pkg. Kh. pkg. 2-tss. pkg. YELLOW LABEL YELLOW LABEL BROWN LABEL BROWN LABEL to tkc tnimster of high- ’ Hways the Stilton of th? knotty shcwrog tthsri has bto-rji As»s ei cecrtty to&S ! ■.system and the ;grants thtoto-n as by the.; .'Highwax Art. CsrrisCji Ca'hng fe? the yayexto to Yrtks to? etoto 013 age -wo xWtoywteC atxS torwatdioH to 'tonn.ty- CO' totoaos to totoo. ’CsnesoS. ** Vw ?. to'd- T"'to 'tie tototy RroCs be so ’rtboto *a:g'h Cto towo M K-5 to-tort at tor 'That m tototo- Ye totohato, Sto to to.'to StoTX is ytoT .Tstri&cto witor Sotos C.totototo to-TrtoT.. Ws w? to iiito C-totoj- toSto t-h* to' 5 "S as t'br mto eC? to too- •to to StoSs ■j W. Surtrt the uudrttaktag ■ Swer Chnttox, address-’ ed the segarxitog an art-vent Rw the bnria’l of a p-wen who hadl died in a public hc-spitaX and wb-ch, accovtot Mw Sutter clatoxsi bad on> been paid -to part- A urtlrtn that the art.toto be parii in mV: i^svdi she conncri by a Wto Dwxtv.ya' ‘CctotabV »as in to ansxvrt a® v’xv.'o wh.cb was bwert no Tb.n“.oJax as nhat CSWilX' rtnrt&hk's nert OJ6S vchrthe's they woY:d t actof-rt.ts to the xXtortx t'-afric to'’;?rt". M? Mto Coy ■exyVxtosx^ that erttnty rtvstaYks wewe twq- rt’rt-. a errie b.”tb ways 'for $w?y$e vi'rto, th. dices net excrtdl tno h. and ri tt <toY3 cxctoY tertrie extra hrt e IkCCT- WtViso A catoy. -ri C. sdhpaddtos-e^ che eto" 6a the hcg .vydnstsy to - sngg-toto'! that t.to e.'t wa?d a to'-.’Vrtto to. at vvtq 'Wat the tort "e-to ,v fktototo etoto t- tog A totototo'.va a-X-Cg ere v-too;; e# Uba s'£'Wrt;w:K Uigs rt-stoV ecssvT kXvtoty Stototo ■m ta<a toj that tie tovtoi cc. tfee Vise Wog he cate c-m Ty the to be totoyfe, -■ -- ...... -........-......................................................................— ---------- -— , -------— ... jjto *%,.», .toStojAp toe rtto thr toMPxrtg; too gaswsS ' Vfe wotorsn co uenxs. ~ ILi- wdi whe-y. toe maS S**9 B « to ,'se*» to to# whsriY S&rt* Tfev-'fartd!,; "tW ’-b? to seto 1 b.-ts ■» toe- tom too Botoeas- too $ to V® gmsrife ”te ify,:®. rt? toe <ibxn-to tosy «Y- SBNWt'iw* 1b? toe ae ‘cate ytoxfk to tteto sawS to m Asssssse.. sweated a fehteW as see® asHto, S TcSaj BOtcwr;, A: ESmtSun, B. hM-lhg' sx^ tM'4 day t'M sxvrails to muLl stto'iat. S. T 5' WTitrn a»g ES-- The WT‘*« W- xxtw te to iiK&h »Cettmril'tosttmt’fi. tatmto.1. *«m «w »*■»'•-» «*««»:;«#**-" i»* awa j X' toxc<;y.atvn t<^d>. tos’ tenoe t bat t. e they ! ’.'.sest ■ ^<*1 cents an • it .««'--••t-*te with xgxrC vi> wba' rWh* * 7.^3 V *.v I •1 ■4 J &-Ib. pkg. 386 pkg. 396 Karbol Soap jf Cites and dt A6 Face Orth 1 IF* 1-Ib. Pkg. SHORTENING DOMESTIC OR EASIFIRST 13c 4-lb. Pkg. DOMESTIC * CHOICE RED PITTED ■ rt— ft "Wcernes 2 27 Old Colony MAPLE SYRUP Aunt Jemima PANCAKE FLOUR Ifi-oa. hot. - 276 Pkg. 16 c Aunt Jemima Pkg. BUCKWHEAT FLOUR - 196 A <Sheriff’s LUSHUS JELLIES 3 pkgs. 236 Christie’s Pkg. XRISBROWN” BISCUITS 12c7OKC ,JKk J Campbell’s Scotch Style liSta-on tin Jk Scotch Broth Soup - 2 frg X96 ROMAN . c MEAL Fresh. Honeybar BISCUITS - - • * 106 CELERY HEARTS .. CWke GRAPE FROIT Large She . OXO CUBES FRHE-~f<ar 2S outside red wrappers (not the waxed paperl of Oxo Ljws, 4. useiul cup wid be sent pestpant Offer closes Febtufry M « lite Bunch IGtieTia l6G*eT&> IT 26c 49c Basket S for 25c TWSpeatf V*W m rifretfre