HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1936-01-16, Page 7News and Gorrie Vidette Thursday, January 16, 1936 GORRIE 1 f Com- Lib- The evening at 8 o’clock. Teachers, offic­ ers and work of present Mr, Delbert Clegg and Mr, Walter King spent Sunday with Mrs. Clegg in London, Mr, Clifford Willitts attended the funeral of his aunt, Mrs. Thomas Ab­ raham, at Belmore, on Wednesday last. Mrs. Grieves of Orangehill, was a Gorrie visitor a few days last week. We regret reporting that Mrs. M. Brown is again on the sick list, Mr. Ewart Whitfield, of Blyth, spent the week-end at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley, of Ripley, were recent guests of Dr. and Mrs. Whitley. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hastie and daughter, Edith, also Mr. and Mrs. Victor Shera, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. McDonald -at Molesworth •on Thursday last. Friends of Mrs. Fydell will be glad to learn she is improving. • . Mrs. George Anger of Wroxeter spent the week-end with herAaunt, Mrs. Mary Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wood of Lakelet, were Friday viistors of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Toner. Mrs. Ida Ashton left on Saturday' to visit her daughters in Sarnia for some time. Mr. Jack Bell of Kitchener visited Tiis mother, Mrs. Bell on Wednesday1 last. Mr. Telford Montgomery of Kitch­ ener visited relatives near here on Wednesday last. Earle King spent the week-end at the home of his uncle, Frank Earls, near Wroxeter. Rev. O’Neil Gets B.D. Degree Congratulations are extended to Rev. A. H. O’Neil, who has been not­ ified by the Board of Western Uni­ versity, that he has successfully pass­ ed his B.D. Degree, and secured a high .standing in same. The degree . will be conferred at the Spring mencement. Library Had Good Year On Monday, Jan. 13th, the rary held its Annual meeting. Secretary’s report showed a good in- rcease in reading during the year, a total of 2289 books being read. The Treasurer’s report showed. $40.10 on hand. It was decided to pick out about 20 books to be sent to County Sheriff for reading, in the County gaol. The officers* for 1935 were re­ elected for 1936: Chairman, Mr. H. V. Holmes; Sec., Miss B. McLaugh­ lin; Treas., Mrs. G. King; Dr. Ram­ age to be o.ur representative on the Township Library Board. Curlers Elect Officers . At a meeting of the local Curling . Club held last week the following of­ ficers were elected: President, Mr. James Douglas; Vice Pres., Mr. H. M. Hastie; -Sec.-Treas., Mr. John Cath- ers; Skips, Messrs. B. J. Maguire and Milford Nash. The Curlers enjoyed a game on Monday evening when they had a friendly game with two ► . teams from Wroxeter, the visiting p teams winning. Mr. Harold King is visiting his un­ cle, Mr. J. H. King and other rela­ tives in London. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. King and dau­ ghter, Jean, of London, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. King and other relatives. Mr. Wm, D. Hicks, of Mt. Forest, is to be congratulated on having se­ cured first prize, a beautiful table lamp, donated by ’the Massey-Harris district a^ent, Mr, Aikins of Harris­ ton, for making the greatest increase in sales over last year. Miss Louise White, formerly of Gorrie, has secured her R.N. degree from Cochrane hospital. She has been employed since graduation in November on the staff of the Lady Minto Hospital, Cochrane, after com­ pleting her .three years’ training there and will remain there for some time. .Dr, and Mrs, C. C. Ramage and Son, Jim, visited with Mitchell rela­ tives oh Sunday. “It is good for us, every now and then, to see our ideals laughed at?’— Aldous Huxley. For The Best Eye Service CONSULT' F. F. HOMUTHa • Eyesight Specialist Phone 118. Harriston EMPEROR HA1LI SELLASSIE CONDUCTS CEREMONY F OR THOSE WHO LOST LIVES AT DESSIE Toronto on Sunday to be with small son, GJenn, who is a patient in the Sick Children’s Hospital. We arc glad to know Glenn is improving. A number from 2nd line Tyrnber— ry attended a Club Dance in Blue vale on Friday evening last, Muir, Jack and Meta McLaughlin were Sunday guests of their grand­ parents, Mr, and Mrs. A. C, Hutch­ ison, Fordwich. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Savage, Los Angeles, are visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Hyslop. Mr. Sav­ age is a former Wroxeter boy, hav­ ing lived here with his parents when, a boy. It is fifteen years since he vis­ ited the home town and old friends, were pleased to see him again. Mr. Elgin Huffmann spent the week-end in Toronto. Mr. Bill Durst was a Stratford vis­ itor on Saturday. Miss Elaine Small, Wingham, was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sproule last week. Mr. and Mrs. Walton, Palmerston, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs, James Hembly. Mr. and Mrs. D. S. MacNaughton. and John, were guests of Mr. and. Mrs. J. H. Wade, Fordwich, on Sun­ day last. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Allen, Brussels, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Allen. % % '' ' / •? j he «Em < \ li Annual S. S. Meeting The annual S. S. meeting of Unit­ ed Church will be held in the school­ room of the church on Wednesday all those interested in the the S. S. are urged to be - Forces under the Ethiopian com­ mander Ras Desta Demtu have had to retreat several miles before Ital­ ian troops under General Graziani in an engagement near Dolo, gateway to CHURCH CLUB HELD BOX SOCIAL The St. Stephen’s Church Club held a box social in the Orange Hall, Gor­ rie, on Wednesday evening last week when Crokinole and other games were enjoyed, after which a short program of music and recitations was given with Mrs. Frank King, Mr, H. King and Mr. Joe Earngey as con­ venors. Miss*Isabel Watson received the prize for the greatest number of points in winning the games. The boxes were then given out and all enjoyed a social half hour after hwich Rev. A .H. O’Neill closed with prayer. W. AUXILIARY HELD FINE MEETING The first meeting of the year was” held by the Women’s Auxiliary of St. Stephen’s Church, at the home of Mrs. Wilford King, Gorrie, on Thurs­ day last, with a record attendance. The fore part of the afternoon was J spent in piecing a quilt, after which the President, Mrs. Holmes .conduct­ ed the program, opening same with prayer, after which Roll Call was answered by a verse of Scripture, Mrs. Foster read the Scripture Les-, son, St.. Matthew, 2nd chapter. 1-12 verses. Mrs. O’Neill then gave a'help- ful talk on the value and necessity of having a Little Helpers ,and also a Girl’s W. A, Branch in the church. She pointed out 'that it taught them, while young, to learn to give to mis­ sions and to help others less fortun­ ate and fits them for W, A, service when they get older, Mrs. N. Wade then told of the work of the W, A, and where the W. A. money goes. Mrs. Armstrong gave an excellent talk on’ starting the New Year tight ' in which she averred that each day rightly used would bring us satisfact­ ory results, but each day wasted would bring us: no satisfaction, and often times grief. Miss Ivy Lawrence read an Historical Sketch — “1385 and after", —■• leading up to the pres­ ent time, Mrs, Taylor also read the following— "Recipe for a good W, l&llWbuSS U j' i K llv I OS Women’s Institute The January meeting of the W. L will be held on January 30th, at 3 p.m. at the home of Mrs. J. Hembly. The Topic, “Tony Wons” will be ta­ ken by Mrs. H. Waller. The Roll Call, Thrift Suggestions. Lunch com­ mittee: Miss Hazlewood, Miss M. Pope and Mrs. Hembly. Somaliland, and both armies have had heavy losses, according to reports from Addis Ababa. (1) Italian sold­ iers at work on hydraulic pumps ob­ taining river water to be prepared for drinking. (2) Emperor Haili Seilassie conducting <a ceremony for those who lost their lives in the Italian air raids on Dessie. A white organist with a small portable organ can be seen at the left of the picture. (3) Italian native troops waiting for boats to fer­ ry them across a river. (4) A British Red Cross native orderly attached to a unit from Kenya colony and Brit- ish Somaliland, ministers to an Eth­ iopian casualty following a clash in the southern sector. A.,” “Keeping Spruced up,” and morrow,” which all had a real mora.l for each one. Mrs. ' Holmes then read Knows,” after which items of iness were transacted and prayers led by the President. J A social half hour followed, while the hostess ser­ ved lunch. “To- good “He bus- Y. P. SOCIETY ELECT OFFICERS FOR 1936 The Y.P.S. of the Gorrie United Church met on Wednesday evening last week in the schoolroom of the church. Miss A. Douglas and group took charge of the meeting. Miss Ev­ elyn Stephens gave a few interesting thoughts for the coming year. The following slate of officers was presented by the Nominating Com­ mittee for the coming year: Hon. Pres.—Rev. F. J. Fydell. President—Lloyd Ashtom 1st Vice Pres.—Dorothy Edwards. 2nd Vice Pres.—Lome Robinson, Christian Fellowship—Miss Doug­ las. Assistant*—Margaret Dane. Christian Missions—Janet Watson. Assistant—Velma Zimmerman. Christian Citizenship—Harold Rob­ inson. Assistant—Carson Watson. Christian Culture—Bernice Day. Assistant—Miss Flicks. Recreation—Leland Ashton. Assistant—Miss Lennox. ‘'Leadership Training — Miss Dane. Girls’ Work Promotion—Miss Fydell. Secretary—Audrcnc Pyke. Treasurer—Arthur Ruttan. Pianist—Miss E, Stephens. Press Sec.—Jeanne Fydell. Assistant—Dorothy Heinmiller. prepared the programme. Mrs. Ham­ ilton presided, and opened the meet­ ing with a New Year’s reading. Mrs. Ramage led in prayer. The last part of “The Kingdom in Everyday Life” was ably presented by Mrs. Gallaher. Mrs. Cook led in prayer. Rev. Mr. Fydell the ninstalled the new officers for the coming year, Mrs. Hamilton took the study, which dealt with African religions and strange native customs. All Afri­ cans believe in an all-powerful force over them. Some call it The Nour­ ishes the Great Giver, Creator, etc. The Christians know it is God. Mrs. I Gregg, our African herald, read a most interesting letter from her cous-. in. Rev. Merrill Ferguson, from his i mission field in Portugese West Af­ rica, Mrs. R. Ashton, the new president, took charge of the business period. After a short inaugural speech, she called upon Mrs. R. H. Carsoil for the minutes. The financial report was most encouraging $290 having been sent to Prcsbytcrtyl Treasurer. Mrs. Whitfield spoke on Christian Stew­ ardship; Mrs. Hamilton on Supply work; Mrs. Walter Simson, on Tem­ perance. Rev. Merrill and Mrs. Fer­ guson are the missionaries to be rc- this the membered especially in prayer month. Mrs. Whitley closed meeting with prayer. HOWICK HOCKEY LEAGUE GAMES E. R. W.M.S. OFFICERS . WERE INSTALLED ’ The January meeting of the Gorrie W. M. S. was held at the home of Mrs. Rariiage on Thursday with nine­ teen members and one visitor pres­ ent. Mrs. Cooke and* Mrs. Hamilton » * Fordwich and Clifford Play Tie Game Fordwich and Clifford battled to a 3-3 tic Tuesday night last week in a fixture played on the latter’s o’pen air rink. Fordwich scored the first goal in the opening minutes and the teams battled the rest of the period without scoring. Clifford tied it up and soon took the lend, early in the second per­ iod. Half way through the final per­ iod Fordwich^ took the lead 3-2 but penalties spoiled their chance of win­ ning and Clifford again tied it up. During the two overtime periods the teams tired badly and seemed con­ tent to call it a draw. I^ordwich were without the services of their two stel- lar defense-men, R. Gibson and Davidson, who were suspended by •league for playing N.iy.H.A. with Gorrie team, but at a meeting of the league executive held after the .game, these two players were reinstated and will again be allowed to play for Fordwich, providing they discontinue North Western hockey for this sea­ son. Lloyd Ashton of Gorrie was the referee. Fordwich—Goal, Craig; defence, Gadke, Brown, Dr. Fraser; forwards, Lynn, Hannah, Cunningham, McFar­ land, Johnston and Matthews. Clifford—Goal, Bradwin; defence, Knipe and Kruspe; forwards, Reidt, Churcolte, .Clark, St. Marie, Smith, Seip and Hosenflug. ' Clifford Trims Lakelet 3-1 On Friday night Clifford was on the long end of a 3-1 score in a game with Lakelet. The game was rather rough and exciting at times but Clif­ ford had the edge for most of the game as Lakelet’s two defense men, Mahood and Wright, were unable to play. The score would have been much larger had not C. Mahood, the Lakelet goalie, put up an exception­ ally fine performance. scored Lakelet’s lone tally. M. the itt; alternates, J. McNaughton, L. Ashton, J. Musgrove. Referee—E. Leggitt. Standing Won Lost 0 1 1 0 2 Blyth Tied To 0 0 0 1 1 and Play 6 6 6 7 5 Win- Listowel ......... 2 Gorrie ............. 1 Brussels ......... 1 Blyth .............. 0 Winthrop ... 0 Tie game between throp finished 2-2. Blyth has protest­ ed the. game, claiming opponents us­ ed outside men. The Gorrie players have a natty black and white combination in sweat­ ers and socks. They play a bang-up game and Manager Chapman and oth­ ers officers of the club are” working as hard a sthe players for victory. GIRLS’ MISSION CIRCLE The members of the Girl’s Mission Circle held their first meting of the new year at the home of the ^presi­ dent, Miss Velma Higgins, on Wed­ nesday evening of last week, when a good attendance was present. The meeting was conducted by the presi­ dent, and the theme carried through­ out the program was "racial brother­ hood.” During the devotional part of the meeting a story “The Black Madon­ na” was given by Miss Lucelle White and an interesting account of an African wedding- was’ read by Miss. Minerva Higgins. The- Scripture. Les- • ■ son taken from Acts 10th Chapter, was read by Miss Alma- Brawn, and prayers on race prejudice, peace ,and -•.. a greater spirit of unity among all peoples, were taken by Misses-Irene Robinson, Kathleen Durst and Marg­ aret Davey. During the business part of the meeting the girls decided to have a Cafeteria Tea on February* 12th, and plans were made for this/ after which a social time was enjoy­ ed during which the hostess served lunch. A. Y. P. A. CROKIN- OLE SOCIAL WROXETER Mrs. _________ Brussels were week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Rann. The Y. P. S. of the United Church are holding a skating party on Tues­ day evening of- this -week at the rink, and returning to the church school- D. A. Rann and children of Ted Keeso|rOom for lunch? ”■ I Mrs. Dave Campbell was a SundayClifford—Goal, F. Bradwin, defense, j visitor at thc holnc of Mr> and Mrs< St'. Marie and Kruspe; forwards, n>hilip Durst. Clark, Reidt, Churcolte, Smith, Dodcl, 1 <-. • Hosenflug, Knipe. Lakelet—Goal, C. Mahood; defense, A. Gadke, Koeso; defense, Landman, Hall, S. Wolfe; F. Mahood, K. Wright, M. Wright. LISTOWEL 4, GORRIE 2 Gorrie W.0.H.A, hockey team vis­ ited Listowel on Friday night and lost a close game 4-2. The ice con­ dition was wretched and good hockey was impossible. The Gorrie boys played a strong game and made the homo team hustle to win. S. Ashton and McTavish scored for Gorrie. Brussels plays in Gorrie Thursday night and a fast game can be expect­ ed. The Gorrie line-up in IJstowcl was as follows:' Goal, FI. Stcurnol; def., S. Ashton, C. Edwards; centre, H, Brown; forwards, S. Higgins, H. Leg­ Supper is being served in the schoolroom of the Anglican Church on Friday, January 24th, by the members of the A. Y. P. A. For further particulars sec posters. Mrs, Robertson of town is at pres­ ent visiting her son, Mr. Wm. Mc­ Donald and family of Howick. The Womans Association will hold their monthly meeting in the United Church on Tuesday afternoon, Mrs. Wm. Dane of Howick spent a few days last week with her mother, Mrs. Bush who continues very poorly. Mrs. Fred Kitchen spent a few days last week with her sister at Bluevale, who is at present quite poorly. Two cars loads of stock left here on Saturday for Toronto. Miss Florence Hooper spent a few . $ days.last week with Mr, and Mrs. | BRUSSELS, Geo. Mee, Fordwich. Mr. Harvey McMichael returned to A crokinole social under the dir­ ection of the A. Y. P. A. was held in the schoolroom of the Anglican Church on Tuesday evening of last week. At the conclusion of several ’ hours of playing, lunch was served after which prizes were, presented to Rev. A. H. O’Neil who won highest score for the gentlemen, and to Miss Isobel Milligan as highest lady, and Miss Kathleen Durst received the . consolation prize. A short business meeting of the A. Y. P. A. was then held at which plans were discussed for a supper to be held in the school­ room of the Church on Friday even­ ing, January 24th. “I’ll consider myself successful when I’ve done all the things I’ve al­ ways wanted to do.”—Bing Crosby. * « “Thc only dead thing about the theatre is the fossil within it who says it is dead.”—Brock Pemberton. $ « * “We must get rid of the current belief that ’only saps work.’ ’’—Maty Elmer Barnes. ELMER D. BELL, &A> BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Etc, ONTARIO (Thursday arid Saturday afternoon* at Gorrie)