HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1974-11-28, Page 16era 'efinton 21-fot.Ef • Banquet Facilities • Luncheons • Dinners Nightly Entertainment in the Cloud 9 Lounge This week - Andy Smith . 482-3421 At the junction of Hwys. 4 d, 8, Clinton A GET ACQUAINTED 'Pot Luck Dinner at 6:30 p.m, at the Church, on Wednesday, Decera-. ber 4, 1974, for ALL ladies .of Wesley-Willis Church. .Call 4824878 for transportation. Come and enjoy the furl,-48b CLINTON HOSPITAL Auxiliary meeting and Christ- mas Party at the home of Mrs. Edith Johnston, Rattenbury Street East, Monday, December 2, at 10 a.m.-4813 CLINTON COMMUNITY CENTRE — Saturday, Decem- ber 7 — 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Clin- ton Figure Skating Club will feature a Bake Sale. For the children, donated toys, books and records will be on sale.-48,49b CHRISTMAS FAIR AND TEA, Wednesday, December 4, 1974, 2-5 p.m. Dolls, crafts, baking and white elephant table at the Goderich Psychiatric Hospital, Highway 21.-48b CHRISTMAS OPEN HOUSE — The Hobby Shop — Decem- ber 6, 7 and 8th, open 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. One mile north of Brucefield on Highway 4:-48b NEW BINGO, Clinton Legion Hall, 8:30, November 28. Ad- mission $1; fifteen regular games $10 each. Three Share- the-Wealth games, One Jackpot for $160 in 55 calls. Con- solation. One call and $10 ad- ded weekly if not won. Only 24 persons voted at the advance poll held last Saturday in Clinton for the municipal elec- tions next Monday, Dec. 2. In previous years, only about a third of the eligible voters turned out at the regular polls. Here Ray Garon hands his ballots to Clerk Cam Proctor at the ad- vance poll. (News-Record photo) HULLETT VOTERS ELECT ARCHAMBAULT LEONARD for DEPUTY REEVE Married with four children re Councillor for 6 years, serving under 3 Reeves ' • Member of United Church « Member of Foresters • interested In education and minor sport' SPECIAL SOLID STATE f•laxim 4 PHILIPS COLOR TV THE BEAUMONT MODEL C200204 1 The Settlement it cOntempOrary In design, with lust the right touches to make it if piece of floe furniture. It Is fitted with sturdy but Ityllsh square faced lags, tompleMenting a room sitting In the den, reereation or family room. the cabinet is constructed of hardwood solids and Vinyl wrapped tor added durability. The simulated walnut finish sits off the imptestive control panel. Cabinet dimensions: 31" w. x 22" h. x (In- eluding beck cover.) this fine television is regularly priced at Mee. As long as the supply lasts, it's going for $63900 Merrill T Service RADIO & APPLIANCES REPAIRS 215 iflc-loci! St, q,110014, 4824021 X Meet my family - Margaret; Michael 11; Mark 9; and Morgan J. 6. We solicit your support on December 2nd, 1974. For transportation to the polls please call 482- 9042 Announcing The London Symphony Orchestra 3 CONCERT SUBSCRIPTION SERIES Dec. 14th Christmas Concert Jan. 9th Fantasia Mar. 29th - Orchestra Night SUBSCRIPTIONS: ' ADULT — $5,00/3 CONCERTS SPECIAL FAMILY 02.00/3 CONCERTS Available et — CAMPBELL'S OP GODERICH NEWS.RECORD IN CLINTON OR A ROTARIAN Moused tickets are accepted at a later Oman In this seriso) ALL CONCERTS 8:00 P.M. GDCI A ROTARY PROJECT PAGE 10,-OLINTON NEWS RECORD, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1974 BAYPIELD FIGURE SKATING CLUB 'Registration Saturday, Nov, 30 at Arena 11;30 a,m, to 12:30 p.m. —48b BLYTH LIONS BINGO, Elith Memorial Hall, Saturday, 8:30 p.m. $150 jackpot in 60 calls. Big cash prizes 38tfn, FUN FAIR —sponsored by the Brownies, Guides and Rangers to be held at Clinton Public School on Friday, Nov. 29 at 7 p,m. Everyone Welcome 46,47,48b, BINGO — December 3 Huron Fish and Game Club, 8:30 p.m. Jackpot $58 in 58 calls. Six door prizes. 46tfn. "CASH BINGO", Seaforth Legion Hall, Friday, Nov.' 29 at 8:15 p.m. sharp. 15 regular games for $10 each. Three specials for $25 and a $75 jack- pot to go each week. (Children under 16 yrs. not permitted.) Admission $1, extra cards 25 cents each•or 7 for $1. Proceeds for welfare work. Sponsored by Branch 156, Seaforth Royal Canadian Legion. MEETING NOTICE —A public meeting to elect delegates and alternates for the Huron Provincial Liberal Association to represent the riding at Liberal Party of On- tario's Annual Convention in Windsor in February, will be held at the Town Hall, Clinton, Thursday, Dec. 5 at 8:30 p.m. ---48b. THE GODERICH and District Pro Life Group Annual Dinner Meeting at Christian Reformed Church, Clinton, Wed. Dec. 4, 7 p.m. Guest speaker .Bruce Heath, Director of Huron County Children's Aid Society. Everyone Welcome. Dinner tickets $4.00. Deadline Nov. 27. Call 482-9835, —47b. i* Great entertainment for all ages * Matinee Sat. 4-6 p.m. * ELM HAVEN HOTEL MOTOR CLINTON Ontario Provincial Police in Lindsay recently seized thirty- three head of cattle from a pasture farm in Mariposa Township. These valuable cattle had been obtained by means of false pretences and rustling from livestock sales barns and farms throughout Ontario. A number have been returned to their (continued from page 1) approval. "We'll keep changing it and bringing it back until it suits the people", he said. "I think within a year, we'll get an of- ficial plan." The plan must be passed locally 'first. It then goes to county council, and after their approval, it is sent to Toronto ymmmosmosememesimemen. owners, including one animal worth almost $10,000. Eight Herefords, eight Charolais and seven'cross-bred Charolais remain unidentified. Anyone who has lost cattle, fit= ting this description, under questionable circumstances, should contact their nearest Ontario Provincial Police detachment or call Lindsay • • • for the approval of the Minister of Housing. "As soon as the local municipality has finalized the plan, you start acting under it", planning director Gary Davidson said. The municipality does not wait for the ministry's approval, as that may take six months to a year. ENTERTAINMENT COUNTR Y . AND WESTERN . Every Friday. and Saturday Evening TASTY SNACKS AMPLE FREE PARKING COMMERCIAL HOTEL Sea forth, Ont, ******** * * Now playing * THE SOUND! of FURY ;If- Goderich Twp. T.H. (TERRY) MAGUIRE FOR MAYOR Are you missing some ca ttle ? I , loweDhAriml.4,Y;AeTwiy10000acnadn9:u0OseP.Mth,e • dm SUN, 1, MON. 2, WES. 3, WED. dtfl more t anevert AittrAfit4tfarki • kyam 0'44 ,*41h 6741. • • wr4T5 Up: • Pod" • Poc • J* • ANT,, Ifi Countdown The Christmas count-down has begun and shoppers are out in full force. The Ontario Safety League warns motorists to watch for pedestrians caught half way across the street. A vehicle coming from the op- posite direction may frighten them into stepping back to avoid that vehicle arid stepping right into your path. Watch for vehicles that might trigger such a reaction and be ready to brake safely. OPP detachment at (705) 324- • • • WA.Dd U. WED, ILITu;:s ;BET'ROHTS14ApitiSmN' ENT ERT AINMENT Si p.m.. .e219:7$91.',3250 • GREATEST • • TI ••• ADVENTURE: • OF ESCAPE!: •• STEVE ,DUSTIN: • IncQUEEn NOFF1111111 • i ..fRANKUNISCHONCR' • • mune—. ••••••••••••••••••: • •• •S` ••• •• •"' •• •••••••••••••••••••? • itaGOANoviat Norwellon • • LYCEUM ,1C, 44 THURS. — ONE SHOW 8 P.M. NOV. 28, 29, 30 FRI., SAT. — TWO SHOWS — 7:30 & 9:30 We now have - A new process for permanent waving, called "Great Feeling" Thin new waving lasts up to 4 months. Drop in to Charles and inquire. Blow drying, cutting, styling (both men's and ladies) a specialty Charles Beauty Salon 74 Victoria St., Clinton Phone 482-7065 YOUR VOTE WOULD BE APPRECIATED GODERICH 30 THE SQUARE PHONE 5244911 AIR CONDITIONED Blyth Inn Hotel on Hwy 4 In Blyth Country & Western at its best THIS WEEK! THUR. FRI. SAT„ COUNTRY COMPANIONS FINE FOOD - GOOD TIMES .. „... , . - • ••• 7...71',4i.,,,,".:• :: • • ...-. • ,-,7-;:-...- -7.... , - — ----,--• "" --t.::.:.',"-e-,. - 7 - -• - - . r.:..' , . . „ ..-. - - r - 7 ""' 1 t ". ; 1 t! -- 7 -,-- • - _ "s"--.:-... ----**r. ....----- -- .„ Open Every Day After Dec. 1 GOURMET SALAD BAR NEW YEAR'S EVE PARTY "ROUND THE WORLD BUFFET" Featuring Food Of Other Countries CHRISTMAS PARTIES Call 565-2843 Fair Reservation BAVARIAN INN SOUTH OF BAYFIELD - HWY. 21 TABLE RESERVATIONS United Number 01 Tickets Available $2 • c 00 per couple IRO TUESDAY, DECEMBER 31 DINNER Roasted Pheasant "GEMULIKEIT Kothe & Eric Krohrner Large or small - arrange your reservations now 12 NOON TIL 10 P.M. 12 a.m. to 1 a.m. 8:00 p.m. with • LIECjjlkLCOL(r2rcLm Warner Bros.. A Warner Communications Company 412* ADULT ENTERTAINMENT ADULT Color by MOVIELA6 Cdor Pnnts by DE LUXE' IENTERTAINMENT tplgnalSoundtrack Album avalatte on BUDDAH RECORaS and AMPtXtapesi WED., SAT. DEC. 4, 5, 6, / And now the kid from American Graffiti' does his own thing as Duddy* COLOR BY DELUXE" 12:00 TO 2 P.M. SEE A FREE SHOW COURTESY OF THE SHOPPERS SQUARE MERCHANTS BEFORE THE PARADE AND SANTA'S COURT 3:30 5:30 MATINEE - SATURDAY, NOV. 30 Pee tafiltitoettetiovicff PROPUMOn APPRENTICESHIP udd f Kravitz ttddy rhymes with "GOODY:. And that's what this movie iS1 stat6no AICI4AHO INIMUSS ADULT ENTERTAINMENT