HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1974-11-21, Page 14Bayfield Estate to be Auctioned At Knapp's Auction Rooms, Main St., Seaforth on Friday evening, Nov. 29 et 7:00 p.m. Consisting of quilts, glass, china, antiques, furniture and ap- pliances. Full listing next week Estate of Caroline Heard RATHWELL'S AUCTION SERVICE Brucefield - 482-3120 47b COMPLETE LANDSCAPING SERVICE & SUPPLIES Dutch Bulbs Fall Evergreens & Trees Open Mon.-Set. tit dark Sunday - Noon to 6 p.m. ART'S LANDSCAPING, NURSERY and GARDEN CENTRE 166 BENNETT ST, E. GODERICH 524.9126 SNOW REMOVAL - Driveways and parking lots, Book your requirements with Bill Jenkins. Phone 482.3290.-45,46,47b VACUUM CLEANERS SALES & SERVICE ALL MAKES BOB PECK RICHARD LOBB EXPERIENCED AUCTIONEER and APPRAISER CLINTON, ONT. PHONE: 482-7898 min - - — . vRARIWRvisl V• I* 1,VR$V,Ry4 molabt 01,it I Ica VARNA 262-5748 gctfr4 11~1m011ealleaeleamwabolune;;; CUSTOM KILLING AND PROCESSING Butchering dates— Tuesday and Thursday TUESDAY—Beef and Pork FRIDAY —Se& Only PICK- UP SERVICE AVAILABLE Merner's Abattoir 237-3314 Dashwood soweowesoasosowalsowawassi CHUTER PLUMBING HEATING I ELECTRIC Furnace installations DELAVAL MILKER SUPPLIES Appliance Service 46 King St. 482-7652 c-18tfn PULSIFER MUSIC Seaforth S27-003 Open Mon. Tues. Thurs. 3:30 to 6 p.m. Fri. 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sal. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Pianos, organs, drums, guitars, etc. Piano tuning and repairs Rental and lessons on electric guitar, base, accordion, drum* and banjo. Lowest prices on Willis pianos and Optigan organs. WILL DO custom art work, sign posters and paintings. Phone 524- 6190.-43tfn MAN with half ton will do light delivery, cleanup. $8 per load. Phone 524,8553.-46tfn REMODELLING, renovations, roofing and floor laying, expertly done. All odd jobs around the home. Kitchen cupboards a specialty. 482-7676. Phone Ken McNairn,-2tfn FARMERS Are you thinking about Ruildin For a good job at a Reasonable Price PhOns, RAY LAMBERS at 482.4305 44tfn • Adjustments and repairs while you wait • Prescriptions promptly tilled • Eye examinations arranged 433 Main St. (Behind G & 0 Discount) Exeter 235-2941 tin SIMPLICITY For all your laundry requirements available at CHUTER PLUMBING AND ELECTRIC 46 King St. Clinton 482.7652 Screened Top Sod Crushed Road Gravel Crushed Stone Cement Gravel Pit Run and Fill Gravel Back Hoe Work Lyle Montgomery CL INTON 482-7644 3Gtfn Vt. PETER S. MacEWAN tiy.s ir GENERAL INSURANCE REAL ESTATE BROKER 38 ST. DAVID ST. GO DERICH 524.9531 OUT OF THE PAST CENTURY Comes a 9 room stone house consisting of 5 bedrooms, large modern kitchen, living room 30 x 18 with fireplace, 4 pc. bath. This home is situated on approx. 14 acres of bush land located on highway 21, 8 miles south of Bayfield, with right of way to Lake Huron. Phone Jo-An Sullen 565-2421. A REAL BUY We have lust listed a nice older home only two blocks from up town Clinton. It consists of two bedrooms, dining room, sunroom, hot water oil fired heating, two car garage, lot 70 x 156, taxes only $280.00 per year, owner moving and will carry a first mortgage at a low interest rate. Inspect this property and then make an offer. Please phone Jo-An Sullen 565-2421. HIGHWAY RESTAURANT Located on Highway 4 in Hensel!, Ontario. This is a very profitable business, owner retiring. Property consists of a lot 80 x 164 of which there is 1,000 square feet of parking area. Building and equipment approx. 7 years old. Real estate, business and equIpment,only asking $38,000.00. ZURICH ONTARIO DISTRICT 200 acre dairy farm, main barn 50 x 50, 2nd barn 24 x 30, ac- commodating 50 head of cattle, water bowls, cement silo 12 x 40, all mineral rights are included In the price of this outstan- ding value at $110,000.00. After hours call Jo-An Bunton Bayfield 565-2421. LOTS IN BAYFIELD Two good building lots in Baytield, Ontario, These lots are situated on highway 21, Ideal location and priced to sell. Jo-An Sullen Res, 565.2421 B.R. Robinson Res. 5244905 Please phone Maurice Gardiner Res. 524.7302 John Schnelker Res. 5244055 Bruce Ryan Res. 524-7762 AUdrey Timbreli Res. 524.2303 Volunteer Services Co-ordinator s182.64 to 5214.03 Weekly DUTIES: Under the direction of the Administrator, to assist with the promotion and co-ordination of the volunteer worker program; to arrange and assist in making arrangements for volunteer workers from a variety of community organizations in surrounding communities, to assist in a variety of hospital programs related to patient care and rehabilitation both within the hospital and outside; to establish and maintain good working relationships with and between hospital, staff and volunteers; to assist in maintaining good public relations in the communities, lecturing, providing orien- tation and instruction to volunteers, outlining the program to community organizations, maintain , records, prepare reports, etc. QUALIFICATIONS: Grade 12; preferably Grade 13 education or acceptable equivalent. At least two years acceptable related ex- perience; willingness to work unorthodox hours. Competition is open to qualified male and female ap- plicants. Applications may be submitted no later than November 26, 1974 to: ' Administrator, Goderich Psychiatric Hospital; Goderich, Ontario. PART TIME Applications will be received for the position of Secretary- Treasurer of the Huron Central Agricultural Society (Clinton Spring Fair). Duties to commence immediately following the annual meeting to be held on Jan. 16, 1975. Some secretarial and bookkeeping experience would be helpful, but not necessary. Please advise as to the salary expected. Ap- plications are to be in the hands of the Sectetary, R.M. Gib- binge, R.R. 1, Cfintnn, by Dec. 2, 1974. Mark the envelope AP- PLICATION 47,48b Wanted! FARM LISTINGS: We are in need of farms of ail Sites for a growing list of purchasers. WE OFFER: Polemist service, wide contacts, Com, patent advice and action, Canted Peter Dams ma R.R 5 ClIntont Ph. 482414 Wilfred Mcintee Realtors t Clinton ottloo 4824021 0 ; 46,4711 ' 9. WANTED (Cieneral) KNAPPS will bay outright, com- plete household, estates or single pieces of' furnitu re, Best price paid or will sell by auction. Do not hesitate to call us. Our aim is to please. 67 Main Street, Sea forth, phone 527-13:36.—tfn MIIMI1101111MIAN.Millf 10. EMPLOYMENT WANTED PERSON will do housework by day or week. Please call 482-9089.-47b STUDENT wants part-time work, cleaning yards, basements shovelling snow etc. Please call 482- 9089.-47b SECRETARIAL job wanted, fulltime, near Clinton area, I have four years business training. Apply to Box 12 do Clinton News-Record, Box 39, Clinton, Ont.-47b WILL babysit children any age, in my home, Monday to Friday. Phone 482-7757.-47b 12. AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE of Household Furnishings, An- tiques & Miscellaneous Items. on Sat. Nov. 23, 1974 at 1:00 p.m. sharp. at the Whiting Auc- tion Rooms, 63 Main St. Exeter, Ont. This sale represents the belongings of Mrs. Isaac Gower, Crediton, who is giving up her home. Terms Cash Norm Whiting*- Auctioneer Phone 235-1964 47b FACTORY WORKERS MEN & WOMEN WE HAVE OPENINGS IN OUR STRATFORD PLANT 3 AND OUR MITCHELL PLANT 4 FOR PRODUCTION WORKERS * No experience necessary * Additional earnings; through incentive plan * Paid holidays after 1 month * Company paid hospital, medical, sick benefits after probationary period , APPLY TO Personnel Department STANDARD PRODUCTS (CANADA) LIMITED 1030 Erie Street 80, Arthur Street Stratford, Cintarib Or Mitchell, Ontario Phone 271..3360 - Ext. 63 Phone 348-8471 GENERAL MAINTENANCE Wti REQUIRE MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL FOR OUR PLANT #3 IN STRATFORD AND PLANT #4 IN fAITCHELL Aplicants must be experienced in the general maintenance of Machinery, Oquipment and buildings or have Mechanical experience. Hiring rate of pay - $3.45 per hour , Top Rate - $3.90 per hour Company Paid - Life insurance; Sickness insurance; Hospital In- surance; Medical insurance; Pension Plan; 11 Paid Holidays. APPLY TO PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT STANDARD PRODUCTS (CANADA) LIMITED 1030 ERIE STREET STRATPORD0 ONTARIO. 4/b esextortel Estate Auction Sale To be held at Knapps Auction Room, Main St., Seaforth for the Estate of William Bromley (Blyth) on Friday evening Nov. 22, at 7:00 p.m. Consisting of large cherry combination writing desk and book- case; nine piece oak dining room suite; Doherty pump organ; * Rogers Majestic 23" color T.V.; Dulcimer piano; Arthur Pequegnat clock; 3 cylinder gramaphone; 40 Edison cylinders; wall telephone; two Victorian chairs; captain's chair; four sets 'of chairs; brass and iron beds; cast iron pots; brass bucket and Jardiniere; copper boilers; quantity of crocks including Egmondville; washstands; commodes; oak extension table; dressers; chest of drawers; oak sideboard; pine flour bin; ap- ple peeler; tin ware; oil lamps; pine blanket box; oval beck trunk; quilts and hand' woven bedspreads; hand school bell and other bells; Boston rocker; coal scuttles; two door frost free fridge; Quebec heater; Hoover spin washer dryer; hand and garden tools; carnival glass; depression; Nippon, 12 piece English dinnerware; butter bowl, prints and ladles. RATHWELL'S AUCTION SERVICE BRUCEFIELD 48 2-31 20 isowomewww.etorwasitar_ I • MILK SALE WEDNESDAY, NOV. 27 at 1:00 p.m. Sale to be held at David Carson's Farm 1 Mile East of Ustowel on Highway 86. Selling will be 23 Head of Registered and R.O.P. Holstein Springing Cows end Heifers R,R. Rib R.% forl Arthur Haverkamp of Auburn This is, a Top Quality Selection of Cattle with records up to 19019 lbs. of milk with 719 fat for 3.83 test. These cattle, are sired by: Ormsby, Perseus Mark, Elmcroft Pontiac Chieftain and other top sires. Also selling will be several registered and Grade Cows and Heifers all close springers or fresh. Also selling are some open Registered Holstein Heifers. Anyone wanting milk and top quality dairy replacements plan to attend this sale. Carson's Auction Sale Auctioneer: David Carson R.R. 3, Listowel, Ont. Phone 291-2049 13. SERVICES AVAILABLE 13. SERVICES AVAILABLE H. NOTICE TO CREDITORS ..011101 PAGE 14—qd1NTON NEWS-RECORD, griTftpDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1974 AUCTIONEERS and LIQUIDATORS BRUCEFIELD, ONT. Offer the most modern auction methods. LICENSES AND BONDED ONTARIO-WIDE BRUCEFIELD 482-3120 —cgtin 8. HELP WANTED TEXAS REFINERY CORP, OF CANADA LTD, offers opportunity for high income plus regular cash and vacation bonuses, abundant, fringe benefits to mature individual in Clinton area. Airmail President, Dept. AB, P.O, Box 70, Station R, Toronto, Ontario M4G 3Z6.-47b 5. REAL ESTATE WANTED S. REAL ESTATE WANTED SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED! Modern equipment, work guaran- teed, Write or phone H. T, Dale, Clinton. Phone 482-3320.-4tfn BYERS UPHOLSTERY — We will rebuild, re-cover or re-style your .old furniture better than new, Call 482- 7939, 71 Princess St. W., Clin- ton.—tfn ZURICH Abattoir custom but- chering. Monday — pigs, Wed. nesday — beef. Phone business 236- 4939 (collect) or residence 236.4681 (collect).-37tfn Deweerd PAINTING PAPER HANGING Free Estimates Specie) Winter MMus, 482-7550 Contort 313TPN • 0 Needlework, Oil and Picture 'Framing, choice of frame 1" to 3" width. Regular or non glare glass - - Reedy to hang - 48 hour service phone after 6 p.m. 482-7409 Harold Tyndall Clinton 476 eow IN THE ESTATE OF WILLIAM ALBERT BRIJNSDON LATE OF THE VILLAGE OF LON- DESBORO IN THE COUNTY OF HURON, RETIRED TELEGRAPH AGENT All persons claiming against the above Estate are required to for- ward full particulars of their claims- to the undersigned, on or before the 2nd day of December, 1974, after which date the assets will be distributed. Donnelly and Murphy, Barriaters, 18 The Square, Goderich, Ontario; Solicitors for the Estate-45,46,47b All persons having claims agaihst the Estate of Mary Luella Walkin. shaw, late of the Town of Clinton, in the County of Huron, who died June 28, 1974, are required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before November 30, 1974, af- ter which' date the Estate will be .distributed with regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice and the un- dersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim they shall not then have notice. Dated at Goderich, Ontario this 30th day of October, 1974. William James Miller • and Isabel May Batkin Executors, by their Solicitors herein Hunter, Parker & Rivers 44 North Street Goderich, Ontario. 45,46,47b IN THE ESTATE OF GEORGE HERBERT OAKES, late of the Town of Clinton in the County of Huron, Retired Farmer, deceased. ALL persons having claims against the Estate of the above-named whd died on the 4th day of October, 1974, are required to file full par- ticulars thereof with the under- signed on or before the 9th day of December, 1974, after which date the assets will be distributed,' having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then' have notice. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 13th day of November, 1974. E.B. MENZIES, Q.C., Clinton, Ontario. Solicitor for the said Estate. 47,48,49b 15. PUBLIC NOTICE I AM not responsible for any debts incurred by my wife, Eileen Moore, or any other person, from November: 14, 1974 on. Douglas Moore. —46,47,48,b 11. LOST AND FOUND LOST - 3 white faced yearling cat- tle. Contact Lloyd Stewart, phone 482.9910.-47b FOUND - Female hoarier collie Phone 482-9629.-47h 21. BIRTHS COLCLOUGH: Mr, and Mrs, Lawrence Colclough of R.R. 5, Clin- ton are pleased to announce the birth of their son, "Laurence An. thohyl on November 8, 1974 in Seaforth Community Hospital. • 26. CARD OF THANKS WISE: I wish to thank Rev. Sher- plea and Rev. Youanntoff for their visits while in Clinton hospital, also Dr. and the nurses for their many kindnesses and care, I slats want to thank the Many individuals for flowers, cards and letters sent Me while in 'Clinton and Victoria Hospitals, Special thanks to St. Paul's Plower Mission, A.G.W. of St. Jones Middleton and the Women's Institute for flowers and for the many visits from relatives, friends and neighbours.-'-Mrs. Emma Wise.--4/b V 1 • 11, HELP WANTED AVON Representative required in Vanaatra, also one in Brucefield- Varna area. CaIt Mrs. Million 451- 0541 or Mrs. Thompson 527.0238, —46,47b CASHIER required at Cornea Red and White•Part time, Apply in Per- son.-4713 8. HELP WANTED GROWING Business urgently needs a man or lady With car to deliver samples and take orders, 83 to $5 per hour, Apply Box 164, c/o Goderich Signal Star, Box 220, Goderich,-.-46,47,48b HELP WANTED School Bus Driver Murphy Bus Lines Clinton 482-3493 46,476 '01111M1/ 12, AUCTION SALE 13. SERVICES AVAILAOLE 12, AUCTION SALE 12, AUCTION SALE 13, SERVICES AVAILABLE.