HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1974-11-21, Page 3I
ANY SIGNAL-STAR STAFF MEMBER. (Support this local charity)
to the ratepayers of Hisilitt, I respectifuliy solicit your
votes tor councillor in the upcoming election. Having
been born and railed in HulIitt Ind WWI we plan to
remain here, I am Mold interested in good gOverninent
tot out township:
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Cutlas Supreme, Chev Impalas, Pontiac Le Mans,
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1973 CHEnux 4 door
1972 PONTIAC Parisienne Brougham 4 door hardtop
1973 FORD Custom 500, 2 door hardtop
1973 FORD Gran Torino 4 door sedan
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1973 FORD Galaxie, 4 door hardtop
1972 FORD 4 door sedan, power steering and brakes
1972 CHEV Impala
1971 CHEVROLET Biscayne sedan
1970 OLDSMOBILE 2 door hardtop
1970 CHEV Impala 4 door hardtop
1969 PONTIAC Patiaienne, 2 door hardtop
10 --1965 1968 Models
1974 FORD stationwagon
1911 FORD Stationwagon
1971 CHEV 1 ton cab and Chassis
1970 JAVELIN 2 door hardtop
1969 CHEV Bel Air sedan
A munber of vans from 1970 1972,'Sortie V81s, some 6
cylinder, Some egvVs, and some FORDS
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We now have -
A new process tar permanent
moving, called
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-This new waving lasts up to 4 months.
Prop in to Cherie* and inquiry,
Blow drying, cutting, styling (both men's and ladles) a
Charles Beauty Salon
74 Victoria St., Clinton Phone 482-7065
St. Andrew's UCW
The November meeting of
1/nit one, St. Andrews United
Church Women, was held at
,the home of Mrs, Reddoch on
Thursday November 8 with 17
members present,•
Mrs. Lloyd Makina was in
charge of the devotional period.
Her theme was "Learning to
Walk in Step with God's
Time". She stressed the need
for a time of quiet in our daily
lives, a time to wait and a time
to strengthen our faith.
Mrs. Margaret Scotchmer
was in charge of the business
meeting. Plans for a joint
meeting were discussed for
December and an appeal from
Huronview was read. They aim
asking for donations to make
their Christmas Bazaar a suc-
The president thanked Mrs.
,Reddoch and the members of
'the lunch committee, Mrs, Jean
Greer, Mrs. Clara Johnston
and Mrs, Dorothy Merner. The
meeting closed with prayer.
Ladles Guild
The November meeting of
Trinity Church Ladies Guild
was held in the Parish Hall on
Tuesday evening November 12.
Sixteen members were present
and the ladies welcomed one
visitor, Mrs. George Reid of
Varna. The meeting was
presided over by the president,
Mrs. R. Roy Fitzsimons who
read the 66 Psalm and all
repeated the Lords Prayer in
The secretary, Mrs. L.W.
Scotchmer, read her report .of
the last meeting and moved its
adoption, which was approved.
Many thank-you notes were
received and moved for filing,
Mrs. Fred Hulls gave her
flower and card report, also ap-
proved and, mentioned that
Mrs. RuthMutzeiburg had
donated a box of beautiful
cards for her use.
Since the last meeting, a very
successful euchre and bridge
party had been held. Mrs. Mer-
ton Merner, treasurer, gave her
report which was adopted and
tit outstanding bills are to be
They received a letter from
EAuronview asking for',• small .
gifts or a gift of money to assist
in buying small Christmas gifts
for the residents. The meeting
Melded to send them money.
Final arrangements for the
all Bazaar were completed.
lease read full announcement
this weeks coming events,
linton News-Record.
Ratepayers Meeting
There was a poor turnout of
tepayers at a meeting on
esday evening, November 12
lied by Council to report on
stewardship for the past two
ar term.
The Reeve in his summary,
oted that the Supreme Court
earings start this week in
oderich, but due to the heavy
hedule, it is not expected that
e case regarding the River
lats will be on the docket at
is time; the Official Plan has
t as yet received approval
am the ministry; three years
the planned five year plan
r paving has been completed;
ainage has resulted in more
is being available for
ilding, but basements not ad-
able; the contract for the
nior Citizens 17 Unit
using project is almost ready
be awarded, with construc-
n to start in the spring of
5; Rick Westlake and Brian
kips, working under On OFY
nt this past summer, did
eral odd jobs to help clean
the Village; awaiting a
rt from two professors on
ernsion on Lake Huron; at
present the Beach Management
Agreement is stalled; the
Library building had been
painted and the back repaired.
Reeve Oddleifson also noted
that 48 regular and 18 special
meetings had been held by
Council, that the Village
assessment is increasing each
year, the Village has no debts
or debentures, and up to
November 15, $150,000 had
been issaed .in Building permits
for the year 1974. The reeve
also touched on the problem of
lot lines, and said the problem
must be resolved by a complete
survey of the Village; 'have a
Judge adjudicate and arrive at
a decision, then all, lots would
be registered and would stand
up in a court of law,
However, no costs on the
project were available and the
idea would have to be aired at
a public meeting before it
would be undertaken as it
would affect everyone in
Hayfield. Councillor McFad-
den, finance chairman, said it
was a sad state of affairs when
no elections are held. (the
Reeve and Councillors were all
acclaimed). Due to this, he felt
that we were inviting Regional
Government when no interest
is shown in Municipal Politics.
He stated we area slave to the
hand-out system. Everytime we
accept subsidies from Govern-
ments we sell a bit of our soul.
Councillor McFadden sum-
marized the 1974 budget and
fielded questions- from the
Councillor Don Warner,
roads chairman, said three
years of a five year paving plan
had been completed with 2 1/2
miles of paving, which cuts
down paving, mainten-
ance costs. More gravel
is being laid on the roads each
year making firm beds for
future paving.Councillor
Milvena Erickson, health
chairman, reported on the first
year of operation of the waste
disposal contract and noted
that Council felt that Bud
Chamney had fulfilled his con-
tract very well and •had rehired
him; but at an increased cost,
due to the chronic complaint,
inflation! She also. brought to
the attention of the meeting the
daily phone calls regarding
dogs running at large, tearing
garbage apart, knocking people
and children from bicycles, run-
ning in packs, digging up gar-
dens and flower beds, tearing
laundry from clothes lines, etc.
etc. and due to the attitude of
the owners of these animals, it
was decided to speak to an
Animal Control Officer. It is
past the time when someone's
harmless little pooch runs next
door to visit his neighbour. She
also asked that residents show
more interest in what council is
attempting to do by attending
Council meetings. All mettings
are open, no closed meetings
are held.
Bob Peck of Stanley Town-
ship addressed the meeting and
introduced himself as a can-
didate for the board of
education in the forthcoming
election on December 2. As he
has not been on the recent
board, he said he could give no
account of his stewardship, but
hoped with his past experience
that the voters would see fit to
elect him. Mrs. Kunder, the in-
cumbent representative, also
asked to speak and related
some of the happenings during
her term of office. She men-
tioned two four room schools,
one at Walton and one in East
Wawanosh that would likely be
phased out in the future. There
are no libraries in these schools
and there wouldn't be, with the
exception of •very few books,
She was challenged in this
statement by Dr, Q. Shepherd
who said it was the same old
story, those who have little get
less, and be could see no reason
why these two schools weren't
receiving the same privileges as
those in the Area Schools. He
wasn't so sure that the area
schools were the answer to
good education. Mrs. Kunder
mentioned that the school
board was thinking of buying
property to be used for field
trips by the school pupils, She
was asked by Councillor
Erickson why the Huron
County Board of Education felt
they should become land
owners with the taxpayers
dollars when ther Conservation
Authority's have numerous ex-
cellent facilities which could be
utilized by the schools for field
Mrs. Kunder said that the
trainable retarded children are
being assimilated into the
regular schools and are being
accepted very well by the other
students. Some of the busses
being laid off by the bus com-
panies are being purchased by
the Board to be used for field
trips and are being driven by
qualified teachers, Mrs. Kun-
der reported. She did also con-
cede that she wasn't in
agreement with everything that
is being done by the Huron
County board of education.
Gordon Graham, Clerk of the
Village, chaired the meeting,
Mrs. George Reid, Varna,
was a guest of her sister, Mrs.
LB, Smith from Monday to
Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed
Rowse, Jill and. Dale of London
visited with her mother, Mrs.
Smith on Saturday.
Mrs. Lloyd Westlake and
Mrs. Jim Fisher entertained
the formers aunt, Mrs. Nina
Weston of Huronview to a
drive and afternoon tea to
honour her on her 89th birth-
day recently.
Miss Winnie Armstrong,
George Brown College,
Toronto, spent the weekend
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
W.D. Armstrong and family,,,
R.R. „Bayfield.i,
Master Corporal—Janice
Eamon, Shearwater, N.S. is
presently on a Paywriters
Course at C.F.B. Borden and
visits with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Merton Merner and
family on the weekends.
Mr. Bud Sturgeon and Miss
Barbara Davidson were with
her parents in Windsor on
Thursday and Friday.
Mrs. G.L. Knight visited with
her family, Mr. and Mrs. Art
Latimer, Bill, Gil and Christy
in Toronto for the past week.
On Saturday Mr. and Mrs.
Latimer and Christy accom-
panied her home and remained
for the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Parker,
Jack and David, Dorchester,
spent Saturday with his parents
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Parker.
Congratulations to. Mr, and
Mrs. Les Talbot on the birth of
their daughter, Carrie Lynn in
Victoria Hospital, London on
Friday, November 15, Grand-
parents are Mr. and Mrs, Norm
Talbot and great grandparents
are Mr. and Mrs. Ray Schell,
all of Bayfield.
The congregation of Knox
Presbyterian Church in
Bayfield are reminded that
Michael Farris of Toronto will
be conducting a Church Service
in Knox Church on Sunday
morning, November 24 at 11
Mr. and Mrs. Norm Talbot
and Mr, and Mrs, Ray Schell
spent the weekend in Adrian,
Michigan with Mrs. E. Brown,
a sister of Mrs. Schell and in
Flint, Michigan with Mrs.
Schell's nieces.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Cluff, Rob
and Tara, London were at their
cottage for the weekend.
A total of $140.77 was raised
for the Canadian Arthritis and
Rheumatism Society (CARS).
This was due to the kind efforts
of all those who baked cookies
'and donated them for the
cookie sale at the Fall Fair; to
the contributors in the coin
boxes and for the individual
donations, for which the com-
mittee says a very big thank-
you. Mrs. Lloyd Westlake,
Bayfield chairman, received a
letter of appreciation from the
Regional Representative,
Region 5, Mr. J. Dolan of Lon-
don, thanking everyone for
their kindness. Mrs. Westlake
said she also has CARS
literature at her home which is
available to anyone who is in-
terested or concerned.
Albion Hotel registered guest
List included several members
of the Ross family, whose son
Lenny was married to Miss
Thompson in Trinity Anglican
Church on Saturday; Mr. and
Mrs. Duncan Ross, Guelph; Mr,
Lenny Ross, Victoria, B.C.;
Allan Ross, Guelph; Mr. and
Mrs. J. Swackhammer, Guelph;
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Fear, Lon-
don; Mr. and Mrs. Peter
Lyman, Port Parry. Mr. and
Mrs. Ross entertained the
bridal 'party on Friday evenings
following the rehearsak,when
the grandparents and -,tither
relatives of the couple were
also present.
Dr. and Mrs. G.H. Shephe'rd
and Miss Kay Reid have retur-
ned to the Village after spen-
ding several days in Oakville
where they attended the wed-
ding of the Shepherds'
daughter, Penelope Duncan of
Windsor to David Johnstone of
Canon F.H. Paull, who also
attended the wedding, has
returned to his home in Brant-
Fran Talbot and Elaine
Brandon attended an advanced
hair-cutting course, Sunday
and Monday at the Holiday
Inn, London. Michael Victor of
Toronto was course instructor.
Huron. Trailriders
elect officers
On Sunday Nov. 17,' a
general meeting of the Huron
Trail Riders was held at Hullet
Central. 1975 officers are as
'follows: pres,, Doug Riley,
Seaforth; vice-pies„ Bob
Wright, Dungannon; sec-tres,
Norma Riley, Seaforth; direc-
tors, Harvey Hoggart, Lon-
desboro; Graham Sholdice,
Londesboro; borlain Flowers,
Clinton; Noreen Straughan,
Goderich; JoAnne Sholdice,
Londesboro; Sr. representative,
Brian Straughan, Goderich.
The club members elected
Lynn Flowers as their entry to
the Miss Quarterama 75 Queen
For the first time in Goderich
Starring:- Ted Lindsay, "Black" Jack Stewart,
Bill Gadsby, Marty Pavelich, Jim Peters,
Joe Klukay & Marc Reaume
Plus many other stars
Starring "Nobody"
"Benefit Hockey Game
Sunday, November 24 at 2 p.m.
in the Goderich Arena
Souvenir Game Programmes
Your programme is your chance to win I of 4 Hampers
of Groceries donated by A&P IGA CUTT'S R&W - BLUE'S MARKET
Don't Miss this Exciting Game
Your Chance to meet the former NHL Greats
"Have Your Programme's Autographed"
Watch for the
they will be on the square Saturday Nov. 23rdo
at 1:00 p.m. Ni Also at the Arena Sunday before
the Game
contest, $he is the daughter of
Dr, and Mrs. Ray Flowers of
Winners of the year and
trophies: top trail horse Mayo
Tiger" owner: by John and
Dianne Johns of Auburn; top
all round horse, "Champ"
owned by Kim Riley, Seaforth;
, top jr,, Kim Rilet,
The members all agreed they
need a club crest so a contest
will he held.
The annual Xmas party will
he held on Dec. 15th.,
The meeting closed and all
enjoyed lunch, thanks to
Face off against the