HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1974-11-14, Page 19Action priced! ' Chicken Noodle, Ch.:ken Rice. Cream ol Chicken Mushroom, Vegetable Beef -ANN PAGE SOUPS 10-FL-d1T 00 0 3 LEG QUARTERS, 3 BREAST QUARTERS, 3 WINGS, 3 NECKS, 3 GIBLET PACKAGES CANADA GRADE "A", EVISCERATED, FROZEN, VAC PAC WHERE ECONOMY ORIGINATES PRODUCE FEATURES! CANADA No, I GRADE, WHITE TABLE STOCK P.E. PTOES 61"0Gfe ONTARIO, DELICIOUS-BAKED Pepper Squash 2f0,39X CANADA FANCY, BRITISH COLUMBIA Anjou Pears 3lbs$1.00 NOVEMBER IS NATIONAL APPLE MONTH CANADA No, 1, SMALL, ONTARIO, RED Delicious Apples 31135 79? ONTARIO, HOTHOUSE Leaf Lettuce 2 bunches 49 81 WEST ST Essex Week At A&P WEO! WIENERSvmx BRAND VAC PAC 78fe VAC n.38 ITALIAN SAUSAGE ESSEXHrAr46s=TPACk LB 88? POLISH SAUSAGE ESSEX BRAND LB 88? ESSEX BRAND — MIX OR MATCH, SLICED, CHICKEN LOAF, MACARONI & CHEESE COOKED MEATS (FAMILY PACK) vii:5c7Ac 980 SIDE BACON ESSEX BRAND SLICED VAC $1,2L4 SLICED BOLOGNA ESSEX "AND V:k6CCF))1C 88,1 BEEF & PORK SAUSAGESEB5ExBRAND LB 690 TOWN CLUB, SMOKED, COOKED PORK = SHOULDERS' SWEET PICKLED Back Bacon END CUTS lb $1.28 FRESH DAILY Ground Chuck lb 98? SUPER-RIGHT QUALITY Sliced Pork Liver lb 411F` Frozen Meat It Seafood! BANQUET BRAND, FROZEN Cooked Chicken 2-lb box $2.59 GOLDEN SKILLET, FROZEN, "HEAT & SERVE" Chicken Cutlets lb 88? KILTIE, FROZEN Boneless Kippers lb 79? ALPINE, FROZEN Beef Patties 2-lb pkg $1.48 • ATA&P WEO'S DYNAMITE DOLLAR SALE P/AC 111•••••••••••1( Action priced! WHITE OR ASSORTED COLOURS KLEENEX FACIAL TISSUE BOX OF 100 SHEETS 4/100 FRUIT DRINKS 3 48iFitz$1.00 ROMI — FINE, MEDIUM, BROAD, EXTRA BROAD ACTION PRICED! EGG NOODLES 3 1P2K: $1.00 PAMPER 11 VARIETIES CAT FOOD 61/2-oz. 501.00 CUDNEY, CHOICE ACTION PRICEDI 19-FL-011 00 TINS Alp CHOICE ACTION PRICED! A&P PEAS 3 19-FL- TINS 4P OZ t .00 CHERRY HILL — "PARTY PACK" (SAVE 290) ACTION PRICED! -4•01 TUBS # m PACK OF 3 ti 4%0 III Ai PRUNE PLUMS 3 NISH RE HEESE DA C CAM PEA OR VEGETABLE ACTION PRICEDI HABITANT SOUP 3 28Fi':$1.00 4 VARIETIES — SOFT, MOIST, CAT FOOD ACTION PRICED! DR. BALLARD'S 3 :g $1.00 Print on White or Colour -- 2 Ply Bathroom Tissue ACTION PRICED/ WHITE SWAN2.Pkgs,f2-11s$1.00 CHOCOLATE, BUTTERSCOTCH, TAPIOCA ACTION PRICED! DANNON PUDDINGS 8 $1.00 5 FLAVOURS ACTION PRICED! 10-FL-OZ el TINS eit ACTION PRICED, .00 SMEDLEY'S, CHOICE, WHOLE CARROTS INDUSTRIAL AND BUSINESS CONCERNS! If you ate accustomed to giving your em ployees or friends a gift at Christmas, may we suggest trtr AO TURKEY CERTIFICATE, redeetnable at any AO WEO Food Store ' fns Canada, See Elora Manager for (Other inforrhation.- 6 VAIZIENS .4. CAKE MIXES ROBIN HOOD 3 $1 9-oz pkgs a VARIETIES — CAT FOOD PUSS 'N BOOTS PURITAN STEWS 041-or tins 0 15-6* tins 0 DEL MONTE, FANCY FRUIT COCKTAIL tins 00 A six-point program intended to promote the community use of schools was announced last week by Education Minister Thomas Wells, Speaking to the Ontario Communities and Schools Con- ference in London, Ontario, Mr. Wells stated that for the balance of the 1974.75 school year the ministry will grant boards up to $10,000 per project for new or expanded community school projects. The money can be used for staffing of such programs. A community schools unit will be created within the ministry with a small staff in the Toronto office and a com- munity education officer in each of the nine regional offices across the province. Mr, Wells said that the new unit will em- ploy existing ministry staff, and will not require hiring of ad- ditional personnel. The unit personnel, he said, will work in the schools at the grass roots level, improving and expanding existing community school programs and developing new ones. The community schools unit will be backed by an ad- visory committee comprised of representatives of provincial organizations concerned with recreation, education and com- munity affairs. The ministry will also produce a practical handbook that will inform and motivate school principals, staff, and in- terested citizens regarding the community use of schooli. It will contain facts, ideas, and examples. The current policy of allowing school boards to Gordon Hill delighted at Canada's new pledge The Ontario Federation of Agriculture applauds Canada's three-year pledge to supply 10 per cent of world food aid at an estimated cost of $850,000,000 'for three years. "We are delighted," says Gordon Hill, OFA president. OFA, through the Canadian Federation of Agriculture, for a number of years has urged the Canadian government to step up food aid programs and, more particularly, technical assistance to help develop agriculture abroad. "We are confident that Canadian farmers are prepared to pay their share to support the prograln," Hill says. "We hope the Canadian government will make a strong effort to gain support from the general public who must contribute to the food effort through in- creased taxes. "It is most important that these world food relief stocks be isolated from market speculation. They must be held in such a way that they do not become a club to beat down farm prices for grain on domestic markets," he said. "Much as they want to con-• tribute, farmers cannot afford to pay double or triple what other Canadians pay, by having food-aid stocks used as a weapon," Hill pointed out. "Make no mistake," says Hill, "if a grain dealer has ac- cess to these stocks to meet his requirements, he will use the surplus to drive down the price of all the grain he buys, "Farmers are proud that Canada took the initiative in setting a goal early in the World Food Congress. Announ- cing the target in quantity, rather than dollars that could erode through inflation, is im- portant," he continued. "We want to do our share, perhaps even a little bit more, but we want Canadians to un- derstand that an all-out shared athault on hunger is needed," Hill said, "We must understand that food alone won't do it. Developing countries must build storage facilities, trim- sportation routes and distribution systems before our food Will reach hungry or star- ving people," he concluded, FIGHT THE t LUNG CRIPPLERS Government announces pions to use Ont. schools for the people classify their expenditures related to community school activities outside the limits of the provincial expenditure ceilings will be maintained. The ministry, Mr, Wells said, will strongly support the con- cent of community use of schools after regular school hours' as well as the use of vacant school facilities for cona munity purposes -during school hours. The ministry will also urge school boards to .examine their procedures and policies relating to. liaison and co- operation with community agencies that may wish to use hoard facilities. Mr, Wells said that he was not talking about building new schools to accommodate corn, munity school programs hut rather about nicking .use of existing school buildings in new ways and for new purposes, The ministry, Mr. Wells said, strongly supports programs and projects that encourage in- dividuals and groups to use schools for activities that ex- tend the school as a cultural, social and learning centre of the neighborhood for people of all ' Action priced! MARVEL BRAND — 5 FLAVOURS ACTION PRICEDI HEINZ TOMATO JUICE 19TINS 4L-01• 00 SHIRRIFF TSCiatia S 81CSIZ $1 00 Save! A&P Saltines Shop Now and Save! BURGER DOG FOOD ACTION PRICED( Top Choice 72-oz pkg $2119 Regular or Winterfresh (Bonus Posk 100 tube + 50%) Colgate DENIAL CREAM HOSTESS (PREPRICED 69c) Potato Chips INSTANT CHOCOLATE MIX Cadbury's Choco A&P Snack Crackers 59c "We Redeem ALL Food Store Coupons!" JANE PARKER, SLICED, OLD-FASHIONED OR (BUY 2 LOAVES—SAVE 19c) Italian Bread 2 24.oz 6ves 7956 JANE PARKER, SLICED (BUY 2 LOAVES SAVE 19t) Raisin Bread 216.ez loaves 99# JANE PARKER, 2 WHITE OR 1 WHITE & 1 WHEAT (SAVE 100 Bread "Brown 'N Serve" pkg of 2, 8-ot loaves 39# 2 pkgs of 1279# (BUY 2 PROS SAVE 140 !SAVE 160) Cherry Pie FULL 8,INCH PIE Each 79? JANE PARKER (SPICY. RAISIN RICH!) Spanish Bar Cake JANE PARKER Cinnamon Rolls SANE PARKER, DANISH Raspberry Whirls JANE PARKER Frosted Ball Donuts JANE PARKER Jelly Donuts Antion Prised! 150.011 Tuba 99# ACTION PRICED! 6.5-oz pky 695i ACTION PRICED! 21/2 4 pkg $1 .29 JANE PARKER Snowflake Rolls JANE PARKER, RHUBARB-APPLE OR Serve Top Quality Jane Parker Baked Goods and 19,oz cako 6 9? ade (SAVE 104 """69$1 Peek Frean Cookies 7-ozPkg39si (SAVE 10e) pkg of 679# White Swan Towels pkg of 2 rolls 79? (SAVE 6c) pkg of 659F BUTTERSCOTCH, RAISINDROPS,.ePEANUT DROPS OR ACTISt PRICEDI Chocolate spits 12 ' cello Pk0 5 (SAVE 16o) pkg of 659? (SAVE 10s) WELCH'S GRAPE DRINK Welch DIGESTIVE, SHORTCAKE, FRUIT CREME, BOURBON CREME ASSORTED COLOURS OR DECORATOR ACTION PRICED' ALL PRICES SHOWN IN THIS AD GUARANTEED EFFECTIVE THROUGH SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 16th, 191A, l lb* 6 5 c ACTION PRICEDI 3241'4 "s $1•00