Clinton News-Record, 1974-11-14, Page 15Checking out the route before embarking on their Gasoline Economy Bally, ore stinieuts and an observer from a San Francisco-13ay area high sehool. Rallies in San Diego coo the Roy ores showed dull beginning drivers are capable of getting uneNpectedly good gas mileage by keeping en- gines in tune and following sensible driving procedures. WHEEL ALIGNMENT, "Toe in" or "Toe out" has the effect of dragging your front tires sideways and causes premature tire wear. It takes power to carry this extra load and that takes gas from your tank, ir1415 PRECISELY ComPOuNOETI LiQUiP 'TRANSMITS THE BRAK- ING ENERGY OF YOUR FOOT TO 114E WHEELS, CHECK YOUR BRAKE FLUX) RESERVOIR REGULARLY AND SE SURE ONLY HIGH QUFLUiP IS eoeALI AAPPROVE4 9. "I \I BODY REPAIRS See us for *COLLISION WORK *BODY WORK *SPRAY PAINTING "We're your car's best friend" CLINTON BODY SHOP 73 MARY S7. ' CLINTON 482-9531 111111111 SERVICE lleT tiew Sansafia. EW Dofct MAR eteeeeSeeee ets Pere Brown Lorne Brown Motors' parts manager. The man to see for the finest G.M. approved parts, 13outj i...artwri grit A mechanic great on tune-up. He also specjalies in transmission and front end work Doug Who) the youngest niernbor of our service Matt. Don't let winter tt won't starts" catch you! Keep up your car's start power with our expert engine tune-up. It's a fast, inexpensive job that pays big dividends with trouble-free starts all winter long. Bring in your car—today. LORNE BROWN MOTORS LTD. SERVICE CENTRE JUST ACROSS THE STREET FROM OUR NEW AND USED CAR LOT * HWY. NO, 8 CLINTON 4024321 PARTS — 4824141, E rect snropshali Service Manager The man to see for ail your service needs. Larry McClinahey Trained and ready to do a top lob on your transmission or front-arid alignment work. FEEL SECURE! Get our wheel alignment for SAFE winter driving BRAKE Lined or Adjusted —EXPERTLY ! How to get very little trade-in allowance for your cat Keep it dirty. Don't keep the engine tuned. And if you insist on buying rustproofitig, buy one of the cheap, un- proven brands. r .. . ===== mm mm .•• •• How to get a lot. Send for a free copy of our book, 'Your rteeV car and the environment'. It tells you everything you need to know about protecting your new car against rust and corrosion. ZIEILAR T EMY,rMtpi Please send Me, at no obligation. one copy of your free book. N a me . , Address__ . City - Postal Code Phone No... If it isn't Ziebart, it's not the scene. Huron Auto-Truck Rustprooting HWY, 21 GODERICH Let's talk!) about car loans. And how we con get you rolling! If you've decided on the best ear for you, Bank of Montreal can help you decide on the best payment plan. For you! We've been financing cars since the Model 7'. And we've probably dealt with every dealer in town. Just as ears are their specialty, loans are ours. We even have a loan that pays the full price of the car , with up to four years to repay. So, if you're planning to borrow money to buy a car, come to The First Canadian Bank first! Whether you're a 13 of M customer now or not. The First Canadian Bank Bank of IVIontreal 4 Victoria St., Clinton Care for Your Car Serving you by serving the needs of area dealerships and garages. IDEAL SUPPLY Wholesale automative & Electrical Supplies. 145 Huron Road, Goderich NEED A NEW CAR The ROYAL is actively engaged In financing the cost of automobiles under our TERMPLAN Loans and would welcome the opportunity of discussing your plans with you. Termplan Loans are also available for car reoairs, or to finance the purchase of furniture and appliances, to provide ready funds for holiday eXperises, to consolidate existing debts or indeed for any Worthwhile purpose. If you are interested in a low-cost, ilte-insured loan, repayable In convenient monthly instalments come in and discuas the details With US. YOU SAMPLE MONtHLY YOUR BORROW TERM PAYMENTS COST $ 2,000 24 MONTHS I 95.55 $ 293.30 $ 5,000 86 MONTHS $169.68 $1,108,35 $ 7,500 48 MONTHS . $703.07 $2,2 47.48 $10,000 60 MONTHS $230.10 $3,805.91 MEREST CALCUL/4E6 AT I5.5% PER ANNUM — -LIFE INSURE° AT NO EXTRA COST TO YOU OTHSR TERMS AVAILABLE ON 0OUEST THE ROYAL BANK or CANADA Clinton, °Matto We can help make It happen. MK 34 Safety Requires Cheek of Power Steering Adults, Too, Can Botielit from , How Students Were Briefed for Gas Economy OWNTON NMS-11.111C0 THURSDAY, NOY41S4K411 14, 1974 your car is equipped With power steering, you may think that this sys- tent, is very complicated and must be serviced by highly skilled technicians Using Costly special tools. This is not the case, Granted, a power steer- ing system is considerably more complex than a non- power system. But most power steering mainte- name can be accomplished by the motorist or his service station operator. Special tools are not usu- ally required. At Heart is Pump At the heart of your car's power steering sys- tem is the power steer- ing pump. This hydraulic pump merely supplies the pressure to turn your car's wheels when you turn the steering wheel. This pump rarely breaks down as long as you make sure its sup- ply of power steering fluid does not get too low, Peri- odic checking of the fluid level is all that is neces- sary for regular mainte- nance of the power steer- ing pump. One other item that should be checked period- ically is the belt that con- nects the pump to the en- mamoommommousomi 4070 FACTS gine, rf this belt should break, your entire power steering system will cease to function, immediately, This could be extremely dangerous if you are trav- elling at high speed on the freeway. Cheek Fluid Level While you are checking the fluid level and the drive belts, cheek the hoses that connect the pump to the other eoraPctrients in the system, Hose connec- tions should be tight and leak-free, Hoses should be firm and free of cracks. Leakage in the hoses of the system is the main cause of fluid loss, which in turn is the main cause of power steering troubles, How can you tell if your power steering system needs attention? Usually, the first sign is either an unusual noise (squealing, chattering or knocking sound) or a change in the "feel" of your steering (sluggishness, jerkiness or a tendency to pull to .one side) , If any of these symp- toms occur, you should waste no time in getting your system checked; ear- ly attention can prevent big problems later, Students at the Champion fuel saving tips, KEEP SPEED DOWN, Tests conducted with a popular American car have indicated a 25 percent im- provement in fuel econ- omy when speeds are re- dUced from 70 to 3Q miles Per hour, Wind resistance increases as car speed in- creases, and more energy is thus required to move the car at higher speeds. AVOID "JACK RABBIT" STARTS, Gradual acceler- ation in city driving can save as much as two miles per gallon compared to rapid acceleration. That's because it takes a lot of extra energy to increase an automobile's accelera- tion rate, A power valve, located in the carburetor, lets more fuel into the cyl- inders under full acceler- ation, In addition, an ac- celerator pump provides extra fuel to avoid hesi- tation when the gas pedal is jabbed. * * * KEEP SPEED CON- STANT. Driving at steady speeds helps to save gaso- line. Unnecessary acceler- ation activates the accel- erator pump and power valve, thus injecting extra — and wasted — fuel into Ceonomy Rally. shared these the system. ANTICIPATE STOPS, It is best to plan ahead for all possible traffic condi- tions, This allows for grad- ual, rather than abrupt, stops and this Smooth driving contributes to bet- ter fuel economy. In addi- tion, gradual braking pro- longs the life of brake lin- ings, * AVOID ENGINE ID- LING, An idling engine wastes energy; it does no useful work while consum- ing fuel, Excessive idling may also shorten engine life if the practice is re- peated over a long term period, As a guide, drivers should not idle engines for more than three minutes, if possible. * WARM ENGINE BY DRIVING. Drivers will ob- tain better economy by driving the car to warm the engine, rather than allowing• it to idle exces- sively. This speeds up the warming process, and thus saves gasoline. The driver ' must remember, hoWever, that a cold engine does not respond as quickly, so care must be exercised in all traffic situations where engine response is critical. * * MINIMIZE THE USE OF AIR CONDITIONERS. Air- conditioning puts a sub- stantial load on automo- bile engines, and should, therefore, be used only on the hottest days. While driving at 30 miles per hour, for example, use of the air conditioner can re- sult in a fuel economy loss of two miles per gallon. As a rule, use of the air conditioner cuts gasoline mileage by 10 per cent, * * MAINTAIN CORRECT TIRE PRESSURE. Under- inflated tires reduce gaso- line mileage slightly. Soft tires also wear out more quickly, and may adverse- ly affect vehicle handling, thus creating a potential safety hazard. Many auto- mobile manufacturers rec- ommend increasing the tire air pressure by ap- proximately four pounds before high-speed driving. Tires should not, however, be inflated above the max- • imum recommended pres- sure. * * TUNED UP, Spark plug misfiring may result in a significant increase in fuel BRAKE FLUID LIKE -THE HUMAN 6001. yOUR CAR NEEDS OS LIFEGNING FLUIDS. ONE OF THE MOST IMPORT- ANT OF MESE IS 8RAKE FLUID. IF FREQU ENT OF AMMON pt.u117 FIND SARY, AN17 th FIX THE LEAK. BRAKING SYSlEre FAIWRES ARE USUALLY POE TO L055 OF BRAKE FLUIP. consumption. In labora- tory tests at speeds of 30 and 50 miles per hour, for example, spark plugs mis- firing 10 percent of the time resulted in an eight percent increase in fuel consumption. In addition, ignition timing deviating from the manufacturer's setting resulted in a sig- nificant decrease in fuel economy. For' example, a 10 degree reeerd in basic spark timing may result in an average loss of 1,3 miles per gallon at speeds of 30, 50, and 70 miles per hour, Drivers should be reminded that these and other obstacles to efficient engine performance can be eliminated with a com- plete tune-up, RANDY'S SUNOCO SERVICE HURON ST., HWY. No. 8W CLINTON 1.11111111.-11.1111116.11.1111111111111