HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1974-11-14, Page 11CLINTON '.NEWS,RECORI),, .THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1974 PAGN IN THE ESTATE OF WILLIAM ALBERT BRUNSDON LATE OF THE VILLAGE OF LON- DES130/10 IN THE COUNTY OF HURON, RETIRED TELEGRAPH AGENT All persons claiming against the above Estate are required to for- ward full particulars of their claims to the undersigned, on or before the 2nd day of December, 1974, after which date the assets will be distributed. Donnelly and Murphy, Barristers, 18 The Square, Goderich, Ontario, Solicitors for the Estate —45,46,47b All persons having claims against the Estate of Mary Luella Walkin- shaw, late of the Town of Clinton, in the County of Huron, who died June 28, 1974, are required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before November 30, 1974, af- ter which date the Estate will be distributed with regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice and the un- dersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim they shall not then have notice, Dated at. Goderich, Ontario this 30th day of October, 1974. William James Miller and Isabel May Batkin Executors, by their Solicitors herein Hunter, Parker & Rivers 44 North Street Goderich, Ontario. 45,46,47b 15. PUBLIC NOTICE I AM not responsible for any debts incurred by my wife, Eileen Moore, or any other person, from November 14, 1974 on. Douglas Moore. —46,47,48,b 17. LOST AND FOUND LOST - Black cat, children's pet, home at north end of Clinton. Phone 482-9257.-45,46h l - , Wine shade brooch. - mewherealts. the vicinity of Dr. 4wlandri office to Orange North, Clinton (a keepsake), Phone 482- 9489 or leave at Town Hall, reward.-466 19. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Offset Printing Shop in Owen Stolid Specializing in instant printing equipment including AB Dick 350, 1 Tek Camera, Kenro Plate maker, Davidson 323 offset 12 station collator electric folder, cutter, all necessary equipment plus inventory, business is one year old grossing 1,600 month. Fantastic Potential, asking $12,000. Small Down Payment. CALL 519-376-2478 21. BIRTHS LANGENDOEN-Mr. and Mrs. Robert Langendoen of RR 2, Clin- ton are pleased to announce the birth of their son on November 8, 1974 in Clinton Public Hospital. 22. DEATHS REYNOLDS, Leo - of Detroit, Mich, passed away Nov. 7, 1974 in Beaumont Hospital, Royal Oak, Mich., in his 70th year. Survived by his wife, Mary (Roman), one son, Dennis, one daughter, Mary Ann, both of Detroit, and two grand- children, Also surviving five brothers, Hubert and Clement of Clinton, Fergus of Seaforth, Harry of Sarnia, Earl of Stratford, and one sister, Agnes Carbert of Clinton. Burial service took place fit St. Mary's Roman Catholic Church, Detroit with interment at Redford Cemetery. rirommmoggitimowataimissEawassoriaorsimilimis 25. IN MEMORIAM CARTER: In loving memory of a dear father and grandfather, John Carter who passed away Nov, 5, 1973, and a dear mother and grand- mother, Blanche Carter, who pa,...eri away Nov. 19, 1973. Those we love we never lose For always they will be Loved, remembered, treasured Always hi our memory. Sadly missed by Fern, -Urban. Janice and MERNER---I would like to thank everyone for the cards and gifts I received while in Clinton Public Hospital. Special thanks to the nur- ses and staff on the second floor, Ors. Barrett, Baker and Lambert and to those who helped at home, Mary and Michelle Merrier, —46p MORRIS—The niece of the late Alfred George Morris, Patricia Cooper and her husband, Norman Frank Cooper wish to most gratefully acknowledge the kind- ness, compassion and helpfulness of the people who assisted in the care of their uncle during his illness, We wish to thank many known and unknown Samaritans who by their efforts made his return from Australia possible and who in their way too, helped to ease his last days with those who loved him. We especially wish to thank Mr. and Mrs. Pat Conway, Mr. Pasquale, The Nursing Sisters of Mount Olivette Hospital and the Lions Clubs of Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, Trinity Church Ladies Guild, Dr. William Tillmann, Dr. Charles Drake, Mr, Robert Chap- man, Mrs. Walter Erickson, and the Nurses on first floor, Alexandra Marine and General Hospital, Goderich. We also extend a very heartfelt Thank You to Mr. Brian Markson of the Coach House Travel Agency, Goderich, Dr. David Kaye, Mount Olivette Hospital, Brisbane, Rev. Youmatoff, Rev, and Mrs. Reddoch, the Masonic Lodges and last but not least, The Lions Club of Bayfield. —46b NOTT— I would like to express my sincerest thanks to Dr. Lambert and the nurses and staff of Clinton Public Hospital for the kind atten- tion which afforded me a speedy recovery from my recent accident. Also, to the many friends and relatives who visited me and sent cards or gifts my Most heartfelt thanks to you all.—Glen Nott. —46p NOTT: The family of Mrs. Alice Nott wish to thank all friends and relations for the beautiful floral tributes and cards sent. We wish to express our appreciation to Dr. Newland and the nurses of Clinton Public Hospital for their kindness and attention to mother.--46b SCOTCHNIER -1 - VsW,to express my thanks to all for gifts, cards and flowers, visits and kindness while a patient h. Clinton Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Newland and Dr. Lambert, nurses and staff on second floor. Mrs. Rose Scotchmer, —46b PENHALE: We wish to take this opportunity to thank everyone who made our 50th Wedding Anniver- sary the memorable occasion we have to cherish. Very special thanks to our family, the Bayfield U.C.W. and the L.O.L. No. 24, Mrs. Vera Turner and our good friends on the Bronson and Bluewater. To the neighbours both past and present who took time to call on us at our Open House and the many, many beautiful gifts we were given. Words cannot express our gratitude and the happy memories we now have to look back on, of this day in the years we hope to be spared to share together. Harold and Lillian Penha le —46p CRICH—I wish to thank all my friends and relatives for flowers, gifts and cards sent me while a patient in Clinton Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Baker and first floor nursing staff. Erma Crich. —46p TYNDALL—I wish to express my gratitude to our friends, relatives and neighbours for their generosity and thoughtfulness expressed in so many ways before and since the loss of my dear mother, Special thanks to Dr. Baker, Dr. Flowers, nurses on 1st floor, Ball Funeral Home, It was greatly ap- predated, and never will be forgot- ten, Mary Tyndall. —46p 12. AUCTION SALE UTHWELL'S AUCTIONEERS and LIQUIDATORS BRUCEF)ELD, ONT. Offer the most modern auction methods, LICENSES AND BONDED ONTARIO-WIDE BRUCEFIELD 482-3120 --cgtfn 13. SERVICES AVAILABLE WILL DO custom art •work, sign posters and paintings. Phone 524. ,6190.-43tfn SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED! Modern equipment, work guaran- teed. Write or phone H. T. Dale, Clinton. Phone 482-3320,--4tfn BYERS UPHOLSTERY — We will rebuild, re-cover or re-style your'old furniture better than new. Call 482- 7939, 71 Princess St, W., Clin- ton.—tfn ZURICH Abattoir custom but- chering. Monday — pigs, Wed- nesday — beef. Phone business 236- 4939 (collect) or residence 236-4681 (collect).-37tfn REMODELLING, renovations, roofing and floor laying, expertly done. All odd jobs around the home. Kitchen cupboards a specialty. Phone 482-7676. Ken McNairn.-2tfn RICHARD LOU EXPERIENCED AUCTIONEER and APPRAISER CLINTON, ONT. PHONE: 482-7898 ctIn MOlatt 0-4 ` !Ca 1 1. and E. CONSTRUCTION All types of masonry, brick, block and angeistone Fireplaces our specialty. PHONE 482-7857 45,463 COMPLETE LANDSCAPING SERVICE & SUPPLIES Dutch Bulbs Fall Evergreens $ Trees Open Mon.-Sat. til dark Sunday - Noon to 8 p.m. ART'S LANDSCAPING, NURSERY and GARDEN CENTRE 166 SENNETT ST. E. GODERICH 524-9126 13. SERVICES AVAILABLE MAN with half ton will do light delivery, cleanup, $8 per load. Phone 524-8553.--46tfn SNOW REMOVAL Driveways and parking lots, Book your requirements with Bill Jenkins. Phone 482-3290.-45,46,47b VACUUM CLEANERS . SALES SERVICE ALL MAKES BOB PECK VARNA 262-5740 gctle, ON. CHUM PLUMBING HEATING & ELECTRIC Furnace installation* DELAVAL MILKER SUPPLIES Appliance Service 46 King St. 462.7662 c-1Mfn Deweerd ) PAINTING - PAPER HANGING Free Estimates Special Winter Rates 482-7550 Clinton 38TFN wisemerseseessesermanwawle CUSTOM KILLING AND PROCESSING Butchering dates— Tuesday and Thursday TUESDAY—Beet arid Pork FRIDAY —OW Only PICK- UP SERVICE AVAILABLE ?dorm's Abattoir 237-3314 Dashwood ersessworsaearreseesersestresses Estate Auction Sale TO be held at Knapp. Auction Awn), Main St., Seaforth for the Estate of William Bromley (Myth) on Friday evening Nov. 22, at 7;00 p.m, Consisting of large cherry combination writing desk and book- case; nine piece oak Whine room suite; Doherty pump organ; Rogers Majestic 23" color T.V,; Dulcimer piano; Arthur Miquegnat Clock; 3 cylinder gramophone; 40 Edison cylinders; wall telephone; two Victorian Chairs; captain's chair; four sets 'of Chairs; breast and iron beds; cast iron pots; brass bucket and jardiniere; copper boilers; quantity of crocks including Eginortdvele; Washstands; Commodes; oak extension table; dreseerl; chest Of drawers; oak sidebOard; pine flour bin; ap- ple peeler; tin ware; oil temps; pins blanket box; oval back trunk; quilts and hand *Oven bedspreads; hand school bell and other bells; Boston /Cocker; coal scuttles; [we dt•or frost fine fridge; Quebed heater; Hoover spin washer dryer; hand and Orden toles; carnival glass; depression; Nippon, 12 piece English dinnerware; butter bowl, prints and ladies. RATHWELL'S AUCTION SERVICE BRUCEFIELD 4 8 2-31 20 w Oen\ et • Adjustments and repairs while you wait • Prescriptions promptly filled • Eye examinations arranged 433 Main St. (Behind G & G Discount) Exeter 235-2941 tfn SIMPLICITY For all your laundry requirements available at CHUTER PLUMBING AND ELECTRIC 46 King St. Clinton 482.7652 Screened To Soil Crushed Road Gravel Crushed Stone Cement Gravel Pit Run and Fill Gravel Bock Hoe Work Lyle Montgomery CL INTON 482..7644 311tIn Emphysema Asthrna Tuberculosis Chronic BrOnchitis Air Pollution FIGHT THE LUNG IPPLE News of -Constance BY MARY MERNER The devotional part of the, Nov. meeting of the afternoon unit of Ont. St, U.C.W. was opened by Mrs. Roy Connell, Mrs, Connell read a poem by Mildred Ellen Jeffrey and Mrs, Alice Lawson read the scrip- ture. Mrs. Reg. Smith gave the meditation- "How big is your God"7 and closed with prayer, Mrs. Ross Merrill, who had been on a four week trip to New Zealand, Australia, and Fiji Islands, showed her slides. Her pictures were very beautiful and her commentary very in- teresting and informative. Mrs. Prank McGregor con- ducted the business period in the absence of the president, Mrs. Wat Webster read the minutes of the Oct. Meeting which were approved, The roll call showed 33 members and four visitors present with 44 hospital calls and 17 home calls made during the month, 11. HELP WANTED IVER for smell mail truck two rt trips daily, except Sunday, hone 482.9604. Reg Cudmore, 6b VON Representative required in anastra, also one in Brucefield- arna area. Call Mrs. Millson 401. 1 or Mrs. Thompson 527-0238, 6,47b GROWING Business urgently da a man or lady with car to sliver samples and take orders, $3 41 $5 per how. Apply Box 164, c/o loderich Signal Star, Box 220, 3oderich.-46,47,48b TERRIFIC opportunities Full or port time, new factory expansion, =feting jobs for ambitious persons. ?dust have ,own car, no experience necessary, For information call 524- 9092.-45,46b WANTED - BARTENDER- CUSTODIAN, Clinton Branch 140, Canadian Legion. Applications prior to November 18, 1974, to. Bar Chairman, P.C. Pyke, R,R. 5 Clin- ton, Ont. —45,46b HELP WANTED School Bus Driver Murphy Bus Unes Clinton 482-3493 46,470 9. WANTED (General) KNAPPS will buy outright, com- plete household, estates or single pieces of furniture. Best price paid or will sell by auction. Do not hesitate to call us. Our aim is to please. 67 Main Street, Seaforth, phone 527.1336,—tfn L AUCTION SALE Estate Auction Sale. and Carpenter Tools for the late Mr. William Theodor (Ted) McCreary, Goderich at the Auction Rooms, one mile meth of Goderich on Hwy. 21, Sat., Nov. 1 6 at 1 p.m. ntique Waterbury kitchen lock; Mantel clock; hand wn Wailaceburg glass cane; pce, dinette suite with china abinet; studio couch; Vic- torian platform rocker with matching arm chair; library table; small tables; high boy chest of drawers; dressers; commode; wooden beds, 21" T V ; electric Singer sewing machine; dehumidifier; washing machine; electric corn popper; lamps, rug; mats; frames; oil lamp; Occupied Japan china; sets of dishes; setting of 6 Rogers Bros. flatware with chest; dishes; pots and pans; lawn chairs; fishing poles; step- ladder; coal and wood heater; metal fireplace; small frig. Also selling a good selection of carpenter and hand tools - Heavy duty Skil saw; 3 /3" drill; 1/4" drill; sabre saw; electric sander; 50' heavy. duty exten- sion cord; 3 ton lack; clamps; stone hammer; 24" pipe wren- ches; grinder; plus a large quantity Of hand tools, tool chests. etc. etc. Terms - Cash Mike Cummings Auctioneer Goderich 524-9064 LEARING AUCTION SALE of 45 Holstein Cattle, Hogs, Feed, 4 Tractors, a full line of Modern. Farm Machinery and Miecellatwoui items at LM 26, Concession 14, Logan Town- ship, 11/4 miles south of Monkton then 21/2 nines west of 23 Highway on. Saturday, November 10th at 11:00 a.m. CATTLE: 4 Holstein cows, fresh recently: 2 Holstein heifers, due sale time: 2 Holstein heifers, due in December: 1 Holstein cow, due January; 1 heifer due January: 2 Holstein cows due February; 2 Holstein cows fresh 2 months and open: 8 Holstein cows milking & rebred: 1 Holstein heifer due February: 2 big Holstein heifers open: 3 yearling open Holstein heifers: 2. yearling Holstein bulls: 3 Holstein Will calves 2-3 months old: 2 Angus x Holstein bulls approx. 500 lbs.: 1 BWF heifer approx. 700 lbs.: 1 BWF bull 500 lbs.: 4 BWF calves 2-3 months old: 3 small crossbred calves. DAIRY EQUIPMENT: 3 Surge milker units: 8 can spray milk cooler: 19 milk cans. NOTE: This is a good herd of young, high producing cows and will be checked for pregnancy prior to day of sale. HOGS: 2 sows with litters: 10 sows due December on: York x Landrace breeder boar. FEED: Approx. 3500 bales of hay: Approx. 2000 bales of straw: Approx. 40 tons of good mixed grain: 30 ft. of corn silage in a 13 ft. silo. MACHINERY: Tractors: Massey Ferguson 165 diesel 2 yrs. old, power steering, multi-power, in- dependent P.T.O., adjustable rear wheels, approx. 500 hrs.; Massey Ferguson '35' with Allied 300 loader and twin cylin- der hydraulic bucket: Massey- Harris Model 30: Massey- Ferguson 7 h.p. lawn and gar- den tractor with twin blade mower in like-new condition: Massey-Ferguson No. 10 baler with bale thrower: IHC 7 ft. trail mower: Ebersol 32 ft. bale elevator with 1/2 h.p. motor: 2 Eighteen ft. bale thrower racks: John Deere wagon: Martin wagon: John Deere F45 three furrow 16" mounted plow, trip beam with trash covers, nearly new; RIC 11 ft. - mounted-,, vibrashank- cultivator Cockshutt 3 furrow 12" moun- ted plow: Massey-Ferguson 8 ft. mounted disc with 18" blades: Dion threshing machine with belts: John Deere 8 ft, mounted cultivator: Massey-Harris 13 run seed drill with grass seeder: Cockshutt side rake: John Deere ground drive manure spreader: M-F 3 point hitch blade: Geo. White auger type snow blower: Hawksville mounted weed sprayer: Loader to fit Massey-Ferguson trac- tors: Homolite chain saw: i/2" electric drill: quantity of steel posts; 2 wheel trailer: 3/4 h.p. motor: land roller: water trough: aluminum wheel barrow; electric cattle clipper: extension ladder: 4 sections harrows with pole: quantity of woven fence wire: jack-ail-lack; plus a wagon load of smell term items. A small quantity of household effects which will be sold first. NOTE: This is good lot of farm machinery which has been well- kept and is in A-1 condition. Sale order will be household ef- fects, followed by small farm items, machinery, feed and hogs followed by cattle at ap- proximately 2:00 p.m. There will be a lunch booth on the grounds. TERMS: Cash No Reserve as .farm is sold. Ivan Hinz, Prop. R. G. Gothic* & Richard Lobb, Auctioneer Not responsible for accidents on day of sale. 46b Unit 1V ti•risait. tiCw. Unit IV of Hensall VOW met on November 7 with 28 present. Mrs, McAllister opened the meeting with a poem "On the wings of prayer." A hymn was sting and Mrs. Albert Alexan- der gave the devotional the theme of which was "God is our refuge and our strength", from the 46th psalm. This was followed by prayer, Mrs. Eric Luther sang "In the garden" with Mrs. Tom Sherritt accom- panying. Mrs. McAllister took for her topic, "The General Church Council" held in Guelph, when the first black man became Moderator of the United Church, Rev. Wilbur Howard will serve three years instead of the usual two. Thank you letters were read from Mrs. Polly McMurtie, Mrs, Alma Hess and Mr, and Mrs. E, Chipchase. The offering was taken by the hostess, Mrs. Roobal and Mrs. E. Rowe, Mrs, Eric Luther conducted the election of officers, which are as follows: leader, Mrs. James McAllister; assistant leader, Mrs. R. Erratt; secretaries, Mrs. H. Caldwell, Mrs. J, Flynn; treasurers, Mrs. Tom Sherritt, Mrs. George Ar- mstrong; social functions, Mrs. E. Rowe; pianists, Mrs: Laird Mickle, Mrs. Tom Sherritt. The benediction 'was pronounced by Mrs. McAllister and lunch was served by the committee in charge. Anglican Church Notes The Rev. G.A. Anderson was in charge of the evening service Sunday evening at St. Paul's Anglican Church. The text of the sermon was "The woman of Samaria." The church trio led in the singing of the hymns. Mrs. Betty Smith of Huron Park sang two solos, "There is above all others" and "I found a friend." United Church Notes Members of the Hensall Legion and Legion Ladies Foresters The Foresters held their an- nual Cabaret Dance on Friday, November 8 at Family Paradise with music provided by the Silvertones. This is the first time it was held at Family Paradise, and it proved to be very successful, with over 200 tickets being sold, Bowling Night The Foresters Family Bowling was held on Sunday evening November 10 at Crown Bowling Lanes in Clinton. This was the first for this season and it turned out very successfully, with over 50 attending. Kevin Jewitt was lucky as he got a prize from the Bowling Lanes for bowling an over 300 game, Family Bowling Night will be held every third Sunday at 7:30, Court Constantine Court Constantine L1842 held their annual Ladies Night on Wednesday, November 6. The hall was filled to capacity. The evening was spent playing euchre with the following lucky winners: most games, Mrs. Harvey Dolmage; lone hands, Mrs. Pearl McFarlane; low, Mrs. Gordon Papple. Thank-you notes were read and the treasurer's report was given by Mrs. McMurray and seconded by Mrs. Potter, Plans were made for the bataar to be held on Nov, 23, Mrs, Potter showed the cups and plates 'on sale for Centennial year. The meeting was closed by repeating the Mizpah benedic. don and Mrs. Olde't group ser- ved a lovely lunch. Auxiliary 404 the Girl Guides were guests at the Henson United. Church for the service of Remembrance last Sunday morning. Rev, Don Beck preached on the sermon topic 'To begin again", and the choir sang the anthem "Soldiers of Christ arise." Next Sunday will be a wor- ship in song service, featuring the McMillan family of Goderich, and the Hensall Choir. Coffee end fellowship will follow after the service, Personals Richard Gittys of Bridgeton, Missouri visited last week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gittus. Mrs, Laird Mickle enter- tained her family to a smorgasbord dinner Sunday and all the members were able to be present. Mr. and Mrs. William Mickle, Pamela, Judith and John; Mr. and Mrs. Ross MacMillan, David, Tommy and Ann of Waterloo; Charles Mickle Hamilton; Dr. and Mrs. Robert Mickle, Lon- don; Mr. and Mrs: Brian Collins of Kitchener, and sister Mrs. Florence Joynt. WMS Hold Meeting Mrs. Harvey Hyde presided for the WMS meeting of Car- mel Presbyterian Church recen- tly and opened the meeting with "Thoughts on November". Mrs. John Soldan and Mrs. Ruby Hoggarth were in charge of the meditation "Remem- brance and Thankfulness." Mrs. Hyde gave a detailed report of the Presbyterial held in Goderich . and the nominating committee was ap- pointed to bring the slate of of- ficers for the December meeting. Mrs. Clarence Volland presided for the Ladies Aid meeting which followed and reported a most successful bake sale and bazaar which was held recently. Arrangements were made to cater to a wedding on December 21. Two Lucky tickets went to Mrs. Emma Howatt and Mrs. Bev Nott. A very successful penny sale was also held. Personals Miss Janis vanVliet of Walton spent the weekend visiting with Miss Sharon Thompson. Sympathy of the community is extended to Mrs. Jack Medd on the passing of her brother, Phil Phillips of Huron Park. Miss Margie Whyte of Guelph spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. W. Whyte, Tom, Bill and Mr. Harold Whyte. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Steven- son, David and Darren spent the weekend with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Herman of Shakespeare. Mr. and Mrs. McDonald of Allenford visited on Tuesday with Mr, and Mrs. Frank Riley. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Van Bommell, Christopher, and David of Dorchester were Sun- day yisitors with Mr. and Mrs. Marris Bos, Steven, Sharon, Kenny and Michael. Mr. and Mrs. Larry McMichael, Tammy and Rob- bie of Woodstock visited on Sunday afternoon with Mr, and Mrs. Carl Merrier, Sandy, Julie Ann, Michael and Michelle. Mr, and Mrs. Robert Woods, Debbie and Michelle of Gananoque were weekend visitors with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Riley. Sorry to report that Mrs. Irene Grimoldby is a patient in Seaforth Community Hospital. Her old friends and neighbours would like to wish her a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Storey visited on Sunday with his mother Mrs. Elizabeth Storey and Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Cuthill of Seaforth, and also with cousins from Collingwood who were visiting at the Cuthill home. Mr. Patrick Nolan of Toronto is spending this week at his summer home in the village. Mr. and Mrs. Prank Tardella of Mississauga spent the weekend with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Don tuchanan, Jitt, and Gary, Mr. and Mrs, Paul Southgate attended his eiatea wedding on Saturday, the Noble-Southgate wedding held in Seaforth, I:LAS IFIEDS eseempee,.. 14. NOTICE TO CREDITORS 26. CARD OF THANKS PULSIFER MUSIC Seaforth 527-0053 Open Mon. Tues.'Thurs. 3:30 to 6 p.m. Fri, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sat, 9 Am to 5 p.m, Pianos, Organs, drums, guitars, etc, Piano tuning and repairs Rental and lessons on electric guitar, base, accordion, drums and banjo, Lowest price* on Willis pieties and Optigan organs. FARMERS Are you thinking about Building? For a good job at a Reationable Price PhOrte RAY LAMBERS at 482-3305 440n UCW meets