HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1974-11-07, Page 13CLINTON ::NTW8-RECOM).-111.0.151 Vi; NOVNINIPH.fi 1974,-PAOg 13, SNOW REMOVAL Driveways Red parking lots, Book your requirements . with. Bill Jenkins. Phone 482-3290,-45,46,47b W11.4. DO custom art work, Sign. posters and paintings. Phone 524- 6190,43tfn SElifIC . TANKS' CLEANED! Modern equipment, work guaran- teed. Write or phone HT, Dale,' Clinton. Phone 482,3320.-4t En BYERS UPHOLSTERY - We will rebuild, re-cover or re-style your old furniture better than new. Call 482-7939, 71 .Princess St. W., Clinton."—tfn ZURICH Abattoir custom but- chering- Monday-pigs, Wednesday- beef, Phone Business 236-4939 (collect) or residence 236-4681 (collect).--,-37tfn EMODELLING, 're'novations, rOofing and floor laying, expertly 43e. All odd jobs around the honke. Kitchen cupboards a specialty, Phone 482-7676. Ken, McNairn,—c2tin CHUTER PLUMBING HEATING & ELECTRIC Furnace Installations DELAVAL MILKER SUPPLIES • • Appliance Service 46 King St. 482.7662 c-180n RICHARD LOBB EXPERIENCED AUCTIONEER and APPRAISER WHEELCHAIRS—The Cr; & Fund of Clinton. Oddfellows Lodge have wheelchairs available for loan free. Contact Tom Chuter 492,7652 or Mrs. M, Batkin, 482.3869, STAN BLOWES Travel Service, 32 Wellington Street, Stratford, For all airlines, steamships, rail, hotel reservations, tours. Low bank rates on time payments. Prepaid arrangements for relatives visiting from overseas. Call 271-5710. ct fn al. 40 40. CLINTON, ONT. PHONE: 482.7898 VACUUM CLEANERS SALES & SERVICE ALL MAKES BOB PECK VARNA ' 262.5748 get fri J._and E. CONSTRUCTION Ail types of masonry, brick, block and angelstone Fireplaces our specialty. PHONE 482-7857 45,46b 111111101MINMIN Deweerd PAINTING PAPER HANGING Free Estimates Special Winter Rates 4 8 2-7 5 SO Clinton 38TFN , moftabt Adjustments and repairs while you wait Prescriptions promptly tilled Eye examinations arranged 433 Main St. (Behind G & G Discount) Exeter 235-2941 tin •-•••• • • Tree planting assistance The Auttable‘Bayfield Conservation Authority will assist' watershed landowners in planting tree* (minimum 50o; maximum 5,000) with Our tractor and tree planter,, for ti nominal fee of 35.00 per 1,000. Obtain applications for seedling Stock and planting assistance from Authority office. Trees Should be or- dered now to ensure guaranteed delivery tor spring planting,- For More information Contact; AusAeLe-BAY FIELD CONStRVATION AVT140111tY Box 459, Exeter Tel. 235,2610 45b SIMPLICITY For all your • ieciuireMents available at CHUTER PLUMBING AND ELECTRIC 46 King St. Clinton 482-7652 Screened, Top Soil Crushed Road Gravel Crushed Stone Cement Gravel Pit Run and Fill Gravel. Back Hoe Work Lyle Montgoniery CL INTON 4 8 2-7 64 4 3611n 14. NOTICE. TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF WILLIAM ALBERT I3RUNSDON LATE OF THE VILLAGE OF LON- DESBORO IN THE COUNTY OF HURON, RE''.IRED TELEGRAPH AGENT All persons claiming against the above Estate are required to for- ward full particulars of. their claims to the undersigned, on or before the 2nd day. of December, 1974, after which date the assets will be distributed. Donnelly and Murphy, Barristers, 18 The Square, Goderich, Ontario, Solicitors for the Estate —45,46,47b All persons having claims against the Estate of Mary Luella Walkin- shaw, late of the Town of Clinton, in the County of Huron, who died June 28, 1974, are required to file proof of same-with the undersigned on or before November 30, 1974, af- ter which date the Estate will be distributed with regard only to the claims of which the undersigned Thursday TUESDAY--Beef and Pork FRIDAY —Beef Only • PICK- UP SERVICE AVAILABLE Meiners Abattoir 237-3314 Dashwood sissiewouserowswowiran~ COMPLETE LANDSCAPING SERVICE & SUPPLIES Dutch Bulbs • Fall Evergreens & Trees Open Mon.-Sit. '01 dark Sunday - Noon to 6 p.m. ART'S LANDSCAPING,NURSERY and GARDEN CENTRE 166 BENNETT ST. E. GODERICH 524-9126 17. LOST AND FOUND LOST - Black cat, children's pet, home at north end of Clinton. Phone 482-9257.-45,46b 20. TO GIVE'AWAY KITTENS to give away to a good home, Phone 482.7491. —45b 21. BIRTHS STRONG Jim and Peggy of Clin- ton are pleased to announce the birth of their daughter "Kara Leigh, born November 1, 1974, in Clinton Public Hospital, a sister for Tina, LOBE— Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Lobb of R.R. 2, Clinton are pleased to announce the arrival of their daughter "Erin Joanne" born in Alexandra Marine and General Hospital on November 5, 1974. First grandchild for Andy and Jewel Plunkett, Auburn, Jim and Verna Lobb of R.R. 2 Clinton. 22. DEATHS NOW; At Clinton Hospital on Tuesday, November 5, 1974, Alice Laurena Nott, beloved wife of the late Wesley Nott of Clinton. Resting at the Ball Funeral Nome, 153 High Street, Clinton, where funeral ser- vices will be held Friday, November 8, at 2 p.m. Interment in Clinton Cemetery. 26. CARD OF THANKS THOM; We wish to take this oppor: tuhity of expressing our thanks to all our neighbours, friends and relatives ,who sent cards, flowers and expressions of sympathy in the sudden passing of our dear son and brother Jim, Cut Bank, Montana. Special thanks to Rev, R. McCallum. Wilbert, Hazel Thom and family. —15b WAMMES — We would like to ex- press our aincere thanks to relatives an friend's 'fin: :.‘ and visit, "'A 'obi' 'Ray ins homp4af.-.8riedial thgnks to Dr. Harrett and Dr. Baker 'and second floor staff.—Carol and Lee Ann. —45b 22. DEATHS ZIMMER — In Hayfield on Wed- nesday, October 30, 1974, Earle William Zimmer, of Zurich, beloved husband of Genevieve La Plante, in hie 60th year. Dear father of Leo and Carl, Vancouver; Mrs. Barbara Arnesder, Huron Park; Mrs. Dan (Evelyn) Huston of London, Mrs. Les (Catherine) Glanbille, Seaforth; Mrs. Ray (Annette) Weido of Zurich; Mrs. Patricia (Terry) McBride of Zurich. Dear brother of Elmer, Grand Bend; Louis of Dashwood. One brother predeceased and 'nine grand• children survive. The Funeral ser- vice was held at St, Boniface R.C. church, Zurich ,at 11 a.m„ Father Durand officiating. Interment in St. Boniface 11,0 Cemetery. 25. IN MEMORIAM CARTER; In loving remembrance of a dear grandmother and grand. father, Mr. and Mrs. John 0., Car- . ter, who passed away one year ago. Ever remembered by grandchildren arid great•grandchilciren.-45p CARTER — In loving memory of our parents, Blanche and John 0. Carter. Gone, dear father and mother; gone forever How we miss your smiling faces, But you left us to remember, None on earth can take your places. A happy home we, once enjoyed How sweet the memory still. But death has left a loneliness The world can never fill. Sadly missed by Dick and Mari. —45b 26. CARP OF THANKS HERMAN: .1 would like. to express MY SiliOre thanks to relatives and friends fo'r the many cards end flowers I and my family received during the recent loss of -my father, the late Wm, a Woods, of Glencoe, who passed away October 18th, (974.--Jean ,Herman,-45p SCQTCHMER — I wish to exp'ress my thanks to all for gifts, cards, flowers, visits and kindness while a patient in Clinton Hospital. Special thanks to Dr, Lambert, nurses and staff on 1st floor, Mrs. Chas. Scotch- mer.-45b BROWN - I wish to thank Dr. Watt, Dr, Newland and the nursing staff on the first floor of Clinton Public Hospital and all those who visited ,me in the hospital and since coming home. Lorne Brown. —45p MIDDLETON: We wish we were able to thank personally all the many kind people who remembered us with visits, flowers, cards and treats, during our recent sojourns in the Clinton and Victoria Hospitals respectfally. Our thanks to Dr. F. Newland, the second floor:nurses, Clinton, to Willan and Warwick and the 2 East nurses, London. Special thanks to the Rev, G, and Mrs. Youmatatoff, Canon F.H. Paull, Rev, J, Ostreicher and Father Ragg of London and Mrs. Baigent, to Mrs. Carol Penh'aie of Bayfield, Mrs, 'Joy Ball and Miss Brenda Gibbings. Also the A.C,W,'s of St. James, Middleton, and trinity, Bayfield, The Clinton Horticultural Society and the Clinton Chapter order of the Eastern Star. My own special thanks to those who lavished hospitality on Stewart during my absence. It was all most heartwarming and conducive to recovery. Sincerely, Grate Mid- dleton. 13 SERVICES AVAILABLE 13 SERVICES AVAILABLE 12. AUCTION SALE &Auction tale of Antiques at the Auction Rooms, Hwy. 21, one mile south of Goderich on Sat., Nov. 9 at 1 p.m. 2 pine flat-to-wall cupboards (one with 8 panes of glass in each door); round extension table with 6 chairs and buffet; 3 jelly cupboards; bonnet bureau; pine cradle; 3 commodes; 2 washstands; rocking chair; an- tique wood heater; pine blanket box; trunk; clock; chests of drawers; dressers; diningroom extension table; sets of diningroom chairs; set of 6 pressed back chairs; china cabinet; small tables; iron and brass bed; single continental bed; chesterfield and chair; coffee table with 2 matching *Rd tables; book shelves; modern metal fireplace; copper boiler; 2 organ stools; crocks; Jugs; 'frameri; bottles; 3 rugs, pg-sew; part sets of dishes; depression glass; bar stools; modern tiffany-type hanging shade; etc., etc. , Terms - Cash Mike Cummings - auctioneer Goderich 524-9064 1.0.0001.0.0.0401000.0" shall then have notice and the un- CUSTOM KILLING dersigned wilt not be liable to any AND PROCESSING tphersnonhaovfewnhoostiececiiim they shall not ; Butchering dates— ,. ,,,,t)- ,,,,, ,,Dated at Goderich, Ontario this ;,i Tuesday and i.-.?;k10. aie.e,,30,thi-datiActf October, 1974. ' William James _Miller ' and Isabel May Batkin Executors, by their Solicitors herein " Hunter, Parker & Rivers 44 North Street Goderich, Ontario. 45,46,47b PULSIFER MUSIC Seaforth 527-0053 Open Men, Tues. Thurs. 310 to 6 p.m. Fri, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sat. 9 "1.m. to 5 p.m. Pianos, organs, drums, guitars, etc. Piano tuning and repairs Rental and lessons on electric guitar, base, accordion, drums and banjo. Lowest prices on Willis pianos and Optigion orgent, IS. PUBLIC NOTICE Consignment Auction Sale THE SECOND SATURDAY OF EACH MONTH Farm Tractors, Machinery, Snowmobiles and Appliances LOCATED AT Lakeview Sales and Service 11 /4 MILES NORTH AND 1 /2 MILE EAST OF CARLOW OR 7 MILES NORTH EAST OF GODERICH, ONT. LAST SALE OF 1 974 Saturday, Nov. 9, at 11 a.m. There will be Over 200 pieces of machinery and fifty tractors, Including tractor. .from 10 id 100 horsepower, all Ina and malcirto. Large selection of snowmobiles, Cienerat Farm Equipment, Melt/ding combiner', swathers, bitters, disc cultivators, plead)* Plus s large seieciibri Of used Wage boles Ind new 10 tort wagons, also new 114L,ind 9.$ L 15" Equipment Ores and tubes. A large selectitst of electric apillancel including frkfgel, TVs, stoves, washers, dryers and electric Motor*. Deft to this large consignment the' ale must start at 11 a.M, sharp and thous sp- elling*, Will be said first. To place CensieriMenti Cali Llikevitriv 941011 and ServiceA 524, 4451 More c000lgoinento Welcome - terms Cash ORINDLEV AUCTION SERVICE IN CHARGE Lunch Booth on Grounds 13. SERVICES AVAILABLE A1111•1•1•11•01011•1" Needlework, Oil and Picture 'Framing, choice of frame 1" to 3" width, Regular or non glare glass - - Ready to hang - 48 hour service phone after 6 p.m. 482-7409 Harold Tyndall Clinton 45b eow FARMERS Are you thinking about Building? For a gOOd lob at p Reasonable Price Phone RAY LAMBERS '482-3305 44tfn 13. SERVICES AVAILABLE 1S: PUBLIC -NOTICE :RATEPAYERS MEETING Township of-Stortley A ratepayers meeting for the Township of Stanley will be held on Tuesday, November 12, 1974 in the Varna Township Nall, Varna commencing at 8 p.m. Mel Graham Clerk-Treasurer of Stanley 45b Township of Goderich Electors of Gocierich, and Colborne ToWn- ships are Invited to attend our open meeting in the Auditorium of the Holmesville Public School, Monday, November 11, 1974 at 8:30 p.m. , R.E. Thompson Clerk - Goderich Township 45b NOTICE FOR NOMINATIONS 1 For VILLAGE of BAYFIELD Norhinations for the positions of Reeve, and four Cciuncillors for the Village of Bayfield for the years 1975 76, will be received at the Clerk's Office by th,e Clerk of the Village of Bayfield in the period commencing on November 7 and concluding on November 12 at 5:00 P.M. The required Nomination Forms may be obtained from the Clerk's Office and must be completed, filed with and accepted by the Clerk by above deadline. For further information regarding the procedures un- der the Election Act contact the undorsigned G.J. Graham Clerk-Treasurer Bayfield 44,45b NOTICE FOR NOMINATIONS For Township of Stanley Nominations for the positions of Reeve, Deputy- ' Reeve and three Councillors for the Township of .Stanley, for the years 1975 - 76, will be received at the Clerk's Office by the Clerk of the Township of Stanley in the period commencing on November 7 and con- cluding on November 12 at 5:00 p.m. The required Nomination Forms may be obtained from the Clerk's Office and must be completed, filed and accepted by the Clerk by above deadline. For further information regarding the procedures un- der the Election Act contact the undersigned. Mel Graharh Clerk-Treasurer, A.R. No. 1, Brucefield Telephone 482-9908 44,45b Township of Goderich NOMINATIONS Nominations will be received by the undersigned for the sition of Reeve, Deputy-Reeve and 3 CourfOillort to serf,* for the years 1976.76 in the Township of Goderich. At the smile time, nOmblitiOnt wilt be received froth both Goderioft and Colborne Township electors fOt One Member to represent these Townships for the.years 1975 and 1976 OA the Huron County Board of Education. Nomination day shall be November 12th between this hoUrs of 9 SM. and 5 p.m. at MO office of the Clerk, R.R. 2, Clieton. Carididatet may alte be nominated at the ,some place and during the same haul% from Nov, 7 to Nov. 12, The required nomination forms may be Obtained from the Clerk't office \and MOst be completed, filed and accepted by the clerk by the above deadline. Thompson, Clerk The Women's Auxiliary To The 'Clinton Public Hospital OFFERS - TWO BURSARIES To qualified students or area residents (male or female) who have been accepted to train as REGISTERED NURSING ASSISTANTS Applications to be made by Nov. 25,1974 to the Guildance Department of Central Huron Secondary School, Clinton, On- tario. 45 PROCLAMATION REMEMBRANCE DAY By virtue of the authority vested in me by the Council of the Town of Clinton, I hereby proclaim MONDAY,' NOVEMBER 11, 1974 A PUBLIC HOLIDAY UNTIL 1' P.M. I urge your support and attendance at the Cenotaph on November 11th at 1.1;00, Onnaid Symons Mayor MORRIS — Mrs. John M. Atkinson and sisters of the late Mr. Alfred George Morris of BaY'field, wish to thank all those who expressed sym- pathy with cards; flowers and Society, at, the time ; Of, his, demise. Special thanks to Rev. George Youmatoff, Rev, James Reddoch, Ladies Guild of Trinity Anglican Church and the pallbearers. —45b