HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1974-11-07, Page 2REMEMBRANCE DAY SERVICES NOV. 11, 1974 Clinton branch 140, Royal Canadian Laglon Invites you, the Public, to )(An us In our Remembrance ServiCsie, 9:30 a.m. In the Legion Hall conducted by Rev. George Yotsmatoff, Branch Chaplain, and Rev. A.E. Wilfong, Assistant Chaplain. Service at the Cenotaph 1 1:00 for wreath laying. A welcome is extended to AIL Anyone- *Ong trattipOrtatiott to the services And return home please phone: 4924496, H.M. Black nr 4824061 Leglon Halt Sunday afternoon or before 9 Cm, Monday and leave name and Addreie • "lila:. • FRESH, GRADE "A" 2 TO 4 LBS. 6Y2 OR. *Custom lilt Homes *Commercial *Remodelling *Renovation *Siding A 25 YIKARS EXPERIENCE IN ALL KINDS IDF CONSTRUCTION KROHMER CONSTRUCTION RR 3 sAymELD 555.2844 ampwavi SUN LIFE a progressive company in a progressive industry GORDON T. WESTLAKE Phone . 565-5333 Bayfield SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA SAUDI PRIOR PAR TEA BAGS PAGE. 2-0,--MAINTON NEWS:,BECORD, TOLIRSDA.Yi NOVINBOi 7, k 074 ',1:1.4 •';!`"" Baptist :14,Ionum .meet IN TOMATO SAUCE TOP YALU " COOKED-SPAGHETTI :lip this valuable coupon Rev. and Mrs, Lawrence Lewis of Ontario Street United Church have returned from a short trip to St. Stephen, N,B. where Mr. Lewis preached at an ordination service, It was a return to familiar surroundings as he had a charge at St, John, N.B. some years ago; Mrs. Lewis remarked on the beauty of the countryside through which they travelled. Con- siderable colour still remained in;- the leaves and all were touched with a fresh mantle of snow — the aftermath of the same storm which ravaged Cape Breton Island. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Gordon MacFarlane of St, Thomas visited in Clinton on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Don Crich, Princess Street and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lobb, Albert Street. * * A Clinton native, who, although now living in the big city has never forgotten his hometown, is Norman David Elliott whose picture appears elsewhere, in this issue. He recently received a quarter cen- tury pin from Mayor David Crombie of Toronto for service to the City of Toronto Fire Department. Norman still takes an interest in the home town brigade and can well remember when his father, a member of the Clinton police department, would pull the fire bell rope in the Town Hall for a call. One Of his greatest memories and joys was five years ago when he walked into the little farm house on the shores of Lough Erne near Enniskillen, County Fermanagh, Northern Ireland where his father lived the first few years of his life. * * * Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, recently held its con- vocation ceremonies presided over by the Hon. Paul Martin, FINAL LIQUIDATION SALE 1/2 PRICE OR AESS ,AiT 50% or more off every Item in the store. Men's furnishings, clothing, footwear. Some boyi clothing left. • SALE STARTS THURS. NOV. 7 T. C.JOYNT & SON HENSALL, ONT. Canada's recently named High Commissioner to the United Kingdom, One of.the more than 450 graduates was Douglas Yeo, son of Mr, and Mrs, Harold Yea, R,R, 3, Clinton, who received his 13,A, degree, * * * Volunteers of the Clinton Lions Club attended the first annual regional meeting of 49 Easter Seal Service Clubs held on November 2 at Woodeden Camp on the outskirts of Lon- don. As a result of this meeting the future of more than 1500 handicapped youngsters from . southwestern Ontario alone will be benefitted. `The ice is in and once again, curling returns to the curling; clUb at Vanastra. Closed for four years, the former CFB club has been 'fully restored in preparation for an open house and the curling season which starts next week. Here Terry Abraham' floods one of the sheets. (News-Record photo) • .1' v F. The October meeting of the Baptist Auxiliary was held Tuesday, October 22 at the home of Mrs. Anita Kiss. Mrs, Mavis Morrison opened in prayer and then took charge of devotionals. She based her devotions of James 1:1.15 en- titled "Yield Not", Mavis then fetid a small write-upi an the Baptist Woolens Mission. Society's new president, Miss Prances -Wallace, Mavis then read the minutes of last month's meeting, and Anita gave the treasurer's report, Then turning to business, Mrs. Butler requested more money for, stamps and .1 then Mavis read a thank-you, card from Mrs. Reihl. For missions they gave one cent for Huronic Rebekah Lodge held their regular meeting on Mon- day evening Nov. 4. Noble Grand Barbara Taylor in charge, assisted by Vice Grand Kay Wise. The 17th annual rally of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and Rebekah Lodges will be held at Stratford on November 16. They are all pleased to have Kay Wise going to give the Chaplain's charge. A number of ladies are going down for this annual event, On Nov. 13 all Rebekah and lodges in Huron, are to meet in Clinton lodge hall to make plans for the United Nations speaking contest. each door in our house, the fees. were. collected, Roll call was taken with eight members present and two visitors, Hazel then told the ladies about the 'executive meeting on October 21 in which they planned future program and als'o, set up a Sunday ser, vice which the W,A, would. con, duct the following Sunday.. Hazel then passed out little booklets stating what each. member would do in the future meetings. ,. They held "a;Dutch Auction, then they sang , a hymn. Hazel then .closed in prayer and turned the meeting over to 'Tillie Butler, who put 9.11.-•-,a Tupperware demonstration, Then lunch was served. Clip this • valuable coupon APPROXIMATE FAT CONTENT 25° FRESI GROUND VACUUM PACKED WHOLE Approx, 15 lbs. SIRLOIN TIPS 01159 FRESH, SKINLESS, NUTRITIOUS SLICED BEEF 'LIVER CUT FROM THE PORK FLANK FROZEN SIDE RIBS 99c WE SELL CANADA APPROVED GRADE "A" RED RIBBON BEEF CANADA. GRADE "A", 6 tO IN IBS YOUNG TURKEYS IN. 76* 77c MAPLE LEAF • I LB PKG SLICED SIDE BACON SCHNEIDERS CHICK EN LOAF 144 WIENERS MAC CHEESE or oh , B TOP SKINLESS VALU,NL E1su P 77 NI.11010APPOR.I. IMMO ii,?111. 0410A1.11NR:.trniftii0•000T4010 44101‘000iiitb10.40-::, • 1400 17IST11NT ER.HEY H BANANA, CHOCOLATE, ORANGE SPANISH REEF, CHICKEN, CHINESE SANIiLL/SH LIQUID Sara Lee Frozen Cape t4; 99 MINUTE RICE fit 441c TOILET SOW! CLEANER' C 6 III et • 4 REGULAR • FRITO (AY FOR HAMBURGER ASST'D TYPES Al e OW POTATO IRI RTO CHIPS " 67° HAMRGER FIXINS 11,o 14, 7 fi r. Wm. German wishes to thank the many customers at the Korner Recreation over the past 101/2 years for their much appreciated patronage. Korner Recreation has now been sold to the Maguires. * * The progressive euchre party held in Clinton Orange Hall October 28 welcomed old stan- dbys and new faces with prizes going to the following: ladies high, Mrs. Frank Cummings; lone hands, Mrs. George Clark, Bayfield; ladies low, Mrs. Jack Macklin; gents high, Mr. George Clark, Bayfield; lone hand, Mr. Aaron Fisher, Clin- ton; low, Jack Errington, Dungannon; draws, Mrs. Pearl Cummings and Mr. Jack Macklin. The October 22nd meeting of Huron Lodge LOBA met in Orange Hall when two new candidates Mrs. S. Wren and Mrs. M. Hopson were initiated, A visiting degree team from' Orange Lily Lodge 712 Seaforth initiated the can-,, didates. After the usual • meeting a social time,was spent with lunch served by the mem- bers. Our thanks to all who helped make this a memorable occasion. * * * The impending removal of the old railway station was editorialized a few weeks ago. Now, as thelast remaining tim- bers stand etched against the cold November sky, it draws a few sentimental thoughts. Any building, burned to the ground or razed under the wrecker's hammer takes with it a little of the life and times of its inhabitants. , • The C.N.R. may have owned the station but in reality it belonged to all who trod its ";..1.01-ag$11.13V;19V-rfAit*) in' the waiting room.-T, not .to.,m'ention the staffs who served it well over the years. As on the coun- tless occasions in the past when it bid au revoir to its trains pulling out either way — so now — to the close of familiar landmark — farewell. * 5 * The eleventh hour, a red poppy, the haunting notes of the bugler, the colours lowered. An empty ceremony? A fading tradition? Never. Not as long as we, a nation, and as in- dividuals recognize the debt we owe, not only to those who gave their "lives and are gone, but also to those who are still giving their lives in one of our veterans' hospitals. As many of these veterans pass on their only recognition is a few lines in an obituary column. Let, us add , to that recognition the wearing of a poppy and the remembering of the eleventh hour. Two minutes out of the 525,600 minutes in a year seems little to give in exchange for the gift of life so willingly given by those we remember, K • ippen BY RENA CALDWELL 4-H Club The third meeting of Kippen II club was aeld on Monday, Octob-cr 21 at Mrs. Hoggarth's home. The meeting was opened with the members repeating the 4-H pledge. The Minutes of Meeting II were read and the next secretary, Vicki Bell, was elected. The roll call, "what reference file I chose" was ansered by ten girls. The next meeting was held at Jill McLellan's home on October 23 in conjunction with Kippen I club. Plans were started for the "tea" to be held Nov. 12 in the. Hensall Legion Hall to honour the .mothers. The subject mat- ter of meeting three ,was discussed. Linda • Bell and .Landa Visscher demonstrated the making of cupcakes and Linda Vanneste demonstrated the icing for the cupcakes. The meeting closed with the "theme" song. Guests with Mr. and Mrs. Dave Triebner and Brian were Mr. and Mrs. Eric Cluely, Durham, and Mr. Ron Hunt, Midland. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jones, accompanied by Mr. and 'Mrs.. W. Huxtable spent a few days touring eastern Ontario. They visited with Kenneth Jones at Kemptville, toured the Ottawa area, the Gatineau Hills and returned by way of the scenic Drive along the St. Lawrence River. Mr. and Mrs. Robert McGregor spent Sunday with Mrs. Grace Saemon in Kit- chener. Mr. and Mrs. W.L. Mellis visited in Wroxeter recently. Clip this valuable coupon 4 14oz. '1 tins STANDARD QUALITY ROSEDALE CREAM STYLE CORN 25c LIGHT FLAKES ISLAND QUEEN TUNA 14 oz. lin ''' ail `°Pli P. • Erin 1 lb. • Phe ASST'D COLOURS 2-PLY KLEENEX ' FACIAL TISSUE FROZEN CONCENTRATE TOP YALU ORANGE JUICE • U.S.A. NO. 1 CALIFORNIA CRISP HEAD LETTUCE PRODUCT OF SOUTH AFRICA SWEET OUTSPAN ORANGES t MEXICO NO. 1 ZIPPER SKIN TANGERINES 4: U.S.A. NO, 1 TASTY CUCUMBERS ONTARIO NO, 1 HOT NOUSE TOMATOES pl 39* CANADA NO, T ONTARIO • SMALL COOKING ONIONS InelflitiO CHECK THIS LIST FOR THE IAA STORE NEAREST YOU Clinton IGA Rebekahs back speak ing contest It was decided to have their Christmas party Dec. 2, the men's lodge to be invited to come after the meeting. The lodge will celebrate their ' 45th Birthday April 30, at the Legion. A banquet is planned and -cards. Tickets will be made , to sale for a knitted afghan, which will be drawn that night. The afghan was donated by Valena Trewartha, The property committee reported that Mr. Holland had' finished the painting and the new aluminum windows were on, a. good job done before the snow. comes. Lunch and social hour was enjoyed by all. 4171777.777MCIM '1114 jith 111 HOME FREEZER SPECIALS PRI~L'lflpfOA1ED ON PORK LOINS SIDE RIBS AND SIRLOIN TIPS INCLUDES CUTTING & WRAPPING MAPLE LEAF SWEET PICKLED COTTAGE ROLLS FROZEN 10 LB. BOX CHICKEN WINGS FRESH OR FROZEN WHOLE Approx. 14 Ins. PORK LOINS PRIMROSE FROZEN 10 LB. BOX HAMBURG PATTIES Iwr c lb. CUT PROM THE BEEF CHUCK BONELESS . BLADE STEAK a 1.39 BOTTOM CUT FROM THE BEEF HIP BONELESS • ROUND STEAK IA. 1.59 SCHNEIDERS, 6 Ca PKG SLICED COOKED HAM MAPLE LEAF, 1 IB PKG SKINLESS WIENERS c SIDE BACON CANADIAN QUEEN, is or 'n's BONELESS SMOKED HAM lb. 1.39 70P HALLS, STORE PA0(10 SMALL LINK 77e U PORK SAUSAGE lb. FROZEN SKINLESS • RUPERT NA00OCK FILLETS CONTAINS 20' COUPON • PURITY ALL TYPES CREME RINSE OR 41.1 w ALL PURPOtE FOUR ti 3.25 Lady Patricia Shamans)"a. 79c FROZEN • GAINSBOROUGH PIE SHELLS CANAEHAN SINGLE PROCESS • CHEESE SLICES RAFT PLAIN OR WITH ALMONDS • HERSHEY GIANT op ASST'D 11.AVOuit 6 PACK 4ibi 2.39 CHOCOLATE BARS 301' Wed* 9 6•46.1 F R I FRUIT DRINKS 6 11.L I 4