HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1974-10-31, Page 11CLINTON ZsMWS•RECORP, TlfUlisDAY, OCTOBER 01, 1974-,PAOE 1 COMPLETE___ LANDSCAPING SERVICE & SUPPLIES Ditch Bulbs Fall Evergreens & Trees Open Mon.-Sit. til dark Sunday - Noon to .6 p.m. ART'S LANDSCAPING, NURSERY and GARDEN CENTRE 166 BENNETT ST. E, GODERICH 524-9126 ' RICHARD £011 EXPERIENCED AUCTIONEER and APPRAISER CLINTON, ONT. PHONE: 482-7898 ctfn Auction Sale of Household Furnishings, An- tiques and Miscellaneous items. To be sold by public auction on Sat. Nov. a 1974. Real Estate sold subject to . reasonable reserve bid - if not previously sold, at 12:30 p.m. at 360 William St. Exeter, Contents at 1 p.m. at Whiting Auction Rooms - 63 Main St. Exeter, Ont. Real Estate from the Estate of the late Albert Keyes ' Contents from Miss Annie Pearl Keys. Terms Cash Norm Whiting Auctioneer Phone 235-1964 44b rilla•---01110----4110-060-6110P---01111 Clearing • Auction Sale of 45 Holstein Cattle - Feed - Four tractors - full line of, well maintained farm machinery for Mr. Ivan Hinz, one and a quar- ter miles south and two and a half miles west of Monkton. Set. Nov. 16 at 11 A.M. Watch for full listing , f Auctioneers Richard Lobb A.G. Gethke Clinton Bornholm 44,45b AUCTION SALE of Household Furnishings, An- tiques, Codectables and Miscellaneous items on Monday evening, Nov. 4, 7 p.m. at Whiting Auction Rooms, 83 Main 'St., Exeter, Ont. This auction Is mainly a con- signment • of the late Mr. Frederick Preszcator. Norm Whiting Auctioneer Phone 235-1964 eviV 11. TENDERS TENDER For Snow Removal Plainly marked, sealed tenders will be received up to 12 o'clock noon Thursday, October 31! 1974 for snow removal at the Hulled Central Public School Specifications end Tender Forms may be obtained at the office of the Huron County Board of Education, 103 Albert Street, Clinton, Ont, Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. RA. Dunlop , Superintendent of Business At dais Huron County Board of Education 436 12. AUCTION SALE AUCTIONEERS and LIQUIDATORS BRUCEFIELD, ONT. Offer the most modern , auction methods. LICENSES AND BONDED ONTARIO-WIDE BRUCEFIELD 4$2-3120 ---cgtfn 13. SERIOUS AVAILABLE 13, SERVICES AVAILABLE PULSIFER MUSIC, Seaforth 527-0053 Open' Mori: Tues. Thurs. 3:30 to 6 p,m. Fri. 9 a.m. to 9 p:m. Sat.,9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Planes, organs, drums, guitars, etc. Piano tuning and repairs Rental and lessons on electric guitar, bale, accordion, drum* and banjo. ' Lowest prices on Willis Dunes and Optigan organs. " BRICK CLEANING Will be working in this area fOr the next month. If Interested in free estimate to have yeur house claimed and waterproofed — phone , CANADIAN SANDBLASTING 482-9155 43,44p FARMERS Are you thinking about Buildingl For a good job it a Reasonabie Pelts Phone RAY LAMBERS at 4 2 3305 44t1n 13. SERVICES AVAILABLE Screened TopSoll Crushed Road Gravel Crushed Stone Cement Omni Pit Run and Fill Gravel Back Hoe Work Lyl e Montgomery CL INTON 482-7644 3411fri 14. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice to Creditors and Others In the estate of WILLIAM DANIEL WELLS, late of Clinton, Ontario, Retired Merchant. All persons having claims against the above estate are required to send full particulars of such claims to the undersigned Executor on or before the 4th day of November, 1974, after which date the estate's assets will ' be distributed, having regard only to claims that have then been received, THE CANADA TRUST COMPANY Executor, by E. B. MENZIES, Q.C., Solicitor, Clinton, Ontario, • 42,43,4413 15. PUBLIC NOTICE SEAFORTH Veterinary Clinic from Oct. 29, 1974, practice will be con- ducted out of the new clinic on main street N. between the hours 8 a.m. and 7 p.m. daily except Sundays and holidays,Thone 527-1760.-4b RATEPAYERS MEETING TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH A Ratepayers Meeting for the Township of ' Tuckersinith will be held on Wednesday, Novem- ber 6th in the Huron Centennial School, Brucefield, commen- cing at 8:00 P.M. James I. McIntosh, Clerk, Tuckersmith, 44b 17. LOST AND FOUND NOTICE "— anyone taking a fur jacket by mistake from the recep- tion at Hully Gully on Sat. Oct, 26, Please contact Hully Gully, Varna, 262-5809.-44b To 1,0001111172 -Ver A 13. SERVICES AVAILABLE • Adiustments and repairs while yo9 wart • Prescriptions ,promptly filled • Eye examinations arranged 433 Main St. (Behind 4 & a Discount) Exeter 235-2941 tfn HELP WANTED B. HELP WANTED. .1111111111111MII The Huron County Roman Catholic Separate School Board requires 1. — Junior Division teacher for St. Joseph's School, Kingsbridge (13 moos north of Goderich) 2. A Special Education Consultant and a Primary Education Consultant. Persons with ex- portent* and qualifications .preferred. 3. — A Religious Education Consultant for this Stratford, St, Mary's, Henson and Kinhota area. Direct applications to Superintendent of Separate Schools, Box 100 Seaforth, Ont. NOK J. VIntair M. Connolly Superintendent Chairman 44b WILL DO custom art work, sign posters arid paintings. Phone 524, 6190,-43tfn $ErfiC TANKS' CLEANED! Modern equipment, work guaran-i teed. Write or phone }LT, Dale, Clinton, Phone 482.3320.-4 tin ZURICH Abattlair custom but- chering- Monday-pigs, Wednesday- beef, Phone Business 236-4939 (collect) or residence 236-4681 (collect),--37tfn REMODELLING, f renovations, roofing and floor laying, expertly done. All odd jobs around the home. Kitchen cupboards a specialty. Phone 482-7676. Ken. MeNairn.--c2tfn Deweerd PAINTING PAPER HANGING Free Estimates Special Winter Rates 48 2-7 550 Clinton 38TFN WINSTON C. POWELL Construction f * Custom built homes * Complete remodelling * Specializing in Crra/S4WOC. KITCHENS in Clinton Area. For more information Phone 482-7108 44 , BYERS UPHOLSTERY - We will rebuild, re-cover or re-style your old furniture better than new, Call 482-7939, 71 Princess St. Clinton.---tfn VACUUM CLEANERS SALES & SERVICE ALL MAKES BOB PECK VARNA 262-5748 actin ImM Weewassiesesorsemominum CUSTOM KILLING AND PROCESSING Butchering dates— Tuesday and' Thursday TUESDAY—Beef and Pork FRIDAY —Beef Only PICK- UP SERVICE AVAILABLE Mentor's Abattoir 237-3314 Dashwood orwwwwweassweeseswow~ CHUTER PLUMBING HEATING tt ELECTRIC Furnace Installations DELAVAL MILKER SUPPLIES Appliance Service 46 King St. 402-7652 c-19tfri For all your laundry requirements available at CHUTER PLUMBING AND ELECTRIC '46 King St. Clinton 402-7652 PAINTING and PAPERHANGING Low Winter Rates Contact GARY BANNON Seaforth 527-1582 After Six 43,44 REWARD —1$1,000. for information leading to the Arrest and Conviction of the person or persons responsible for the burning of Constable McFadden's car, Anyone with such information should contact the Clin- ton Police Department as soon as possible. C.C. Proctor, Clerk-Treasurer, TOwn of Clinton. 43,44b 21, BIRTHS I:EE — Judy and Chris Lee of R.R. 3, Walton proudly announce the birth of their son, horn. October 23, 1974 "Brett Timothy", in gin - ton Public Hospital. REED — Mr. and Mrs. Harry (nee Sherry Cochrane) are pleased to an- nounce the birth of their daughter cm October 26 in Clinton Public Hospital, GOLDSWORTHY — .John and Marion are pleased to announce the arrival of a daughter born October 28, 1974 in Clinton Public Hospital, a sister for John Thomas. 22. DEATHS MORRIS: Alfred G. Morris, aged 66 of Bayfield, Ont. passed away in Alexandra Marine and General Hospital, Goderich, Ont. on Sun, Oct, 27, 1974. Surviving are three sisters, Mrs. John M. (May) Atkin- son, Bayfield, Ont., Mrs. Williata, (Margaret) Mack, Toronto, Ont,;. Mrs. Mary Felstead, England. Mr. Morris rested at Ball Funeral Home, Clinton, Ont. until 2:00 p,m, Wed. Oct 30 when the funeral ser- vice took place from Trinity Anglican Church, Bayfield, conduc- ted by the Rector, Rev. George Youmatoff, assisted by Rev. James Reddoch of St. Andrews United Church, Hayfield. Interment was in Bayfield Cemetery. ARMSTRONG: Wilson, at Huron- view, Clinton on Tuesday, October 22, 1974, Wilson Armstrong of Seaforth, beloved husband of the late Margaret (McGee) Armstrong, in his 94th year. Dear father of Mrs. Mac (Isobel) Chesney, Seaforth and Clarence, St. Catharines and one great grandchild. The funeral ser- vice was held from the R.S. Box Funeral Home, Seaforth, on Thur- sday, at 2:00 p.m. with Rev. Mervyn Reuber officiating. Interment Maitlandhank Cemetery. 23. ENGAGEMENTS Mr. A.a.mi.:4: F~er'b`T~tiiJ r, Clinton, are pleased to announce the forth- coming marriage of their daughter, Marilyn F, Duizer to Anthony E. MacDonald; son of the late Mr. and Mrs, Edward MacDonald. The wed- ding to take place at the Bethel Reformed Church, Exeter, at 4 o'clock, Nov. 9, I974.-44b IS. PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE FOR NOMINATIONS For VILLAGE of . BAYFIELD Nominations .for the positions of Reeve,, and four Councillor* for the Village of Bayfield for'the years' 1975 - 76, will be received at the Clerk's Office by the Clerk of the. Village of Bayfield in the period commencing on November 7 and concluding on November 12 at 5:06 !,M. The required Nomination Forms may be obtained from the Clerk's Office and must be completed, filed with and accepted by the Clerk by above deadline. For further information regarding the procedures-un- der the Election Act contact the undersigned G.J. Graham Clerk-Treasurer Bayfield 44,45b NOTICE FOR NOMINATIONS For Township of Stanley Nominations for the positions of Reeve, Deputy- Reeve and three Councillors for the Township of Stanley, for the years 1975 - 76, will be received at the Clerk's Office by the Clerk of the Township of Stanley in the period commencing on November 7 and con- cluding on 'November 12 at 5:00 p.m: The required Nomination Forms may be obtained from the Clerk's Office and must be completed, filed and accepted by the Clerk by above deadline. For further information regarding the procedures un- der the Election Act contact the undersigned. Mel Graham Clerk-Treasurer, R.R. No. 1, Brucefield Telephone 482-9908 44,45b Township ..,.. ,.„,...„, 44 NOrntriations will position of Reeve, Deputy the years 1975-76 in At the same time, Goderich and Colborne represent these Townships Huron County Board Nomination day shall of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Candidates may also during the same hours, The required nomination Clerk's office and must the clerk by the above NOMINATIONS of Goderich ,..„, be received by the -Reeve and 3 Councillors the Township of Goderich. nominations will be Township electors for the years of Education. be November 12th at the office of the be nominated at from Nov. 7 to fotrns may be be completed, filed deadline. undersigned to received for one member 1975 and 1976 between Clerk, R.R. the same Nov. 12: obtained and accepted R.E. Thompson, for the serve for from both to on the the hours 2, Clinton. place and from the by Clerk Nominations on the Huron Board for the dersigned . TUESDAY Nominees ' Townships the Town One representative ted. Required Municipal SEPARATE NOMINATION THURSDAY, of Separate -Perth years 1975 may be from of Grey, of Clinton. nomination Clerk's office. from OF School Supporters County Roman Catholic and 1976 will be COMMENCING ON NOVEMBER and until 5 P.M. on NOVEMBER any of the following Hulled, Howick, Morris the above municipalities forms May be Clerk, amonananamammaranonommammr•immummannomommonoranaw SCHOOL. TRUSTEES Separate received by 7 12, 1974 and McKillop to obtained from — Marion McKillop for representation municipalities School the un- and be elec- any McClure Township 440 TOWNSHIP FOR SCHOOL Nominations 'f iat Clerk's office' at Londesboro 7th, 1974, to Tuesday, P.M,:- One Reeve, One Deputy for the Township qualified electors Two Members for represent the Village the Townahips of by qualified Public above mentioned Nomination Forma Clerk'* office it NOMINATIONS ...i.u....".••••••••siasisommumeisrarimiesousisismoisisissourambish of'HULLETT COUNCIL BOARD the following May November '12th, -Reeve, and of 'Mullett to in the township the Huron County. of Myth, the Town Mullett and MoKillop School Electors municipalities- to be used are Londeabore. from Thursday,'November , AND MEMBERS, be filed at the 1974, at 5100 ' Three Councillors be nominated by Of. Willett; School Board to I of Clinton, and to be norninated in any of the four available at the Cline VIIICent Clerk 446 25, IN MEMORIAM ROI3INSON: In loving memory of a dear wife, mother and grandmother, Isabella Robinson, who passed away one year ago, Oct. 30, 1973. §e sadly missed by husband Frank and all the family. —,44b • 26. CARD OF THANKS BROMLEY: I would like„to thank my friends and relatives and all those who sent flowers, cards and visited me while I was a Patient in Clinton Public Hospital and a special thanks to D. Harrett, Dr, Flowers and nurses on first floor, Willis Bromley, —44b MEDD; We would like to express our sincere appreciation to all our friends relatives and neighbours who showed great assistance and understanding during Jack's illness. Special thanks to the nursing staff of 3 West, Victoria Hospital, Lon- don, —Doreen Medd and Family.-44b CARTER; I wish to express my thanks to all for gifts, cards, flowers visits and kindness while a patient in Clinton Public Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Lambert, Dr. Harrett and nurses and staff on first floor. —Mrs. Ruth Carter,-44b MeCLINCHEY: I wish to thank Dr. Watts and Dr. Street and the nur- sing staff on first floor of Clinton Public Hospital - and also those who visited me in the hospital and since coming home, Berniece Mee] inches.-44b SMITH: We wish to thank all those who helped in anyway at the time of the fire. Special thanks to the Clin- ton Firemen who responded so quickly, also to all who had helped us to rebuild. John, Marion Smith and family.-44b EVANS — The family of the late ' Mrs, Florence Eleanor Evans, Lon- don, Ont. (formerly of Clinton) would like to extend their sincere thanks to all their relatives, friends, and neighbours for the beautiful floral tributes, donations to the heart and cancer foundations, the many mass cards, sympathy cards, and many acts of kindness shown to us in the loss of our dear mother. Special thanks to Rev. Father W. McKenna, London who officiated, Rev. Father J. Hardy Clinton, and It Rev, Father John Sharp, Chatham : who assisted. Also to the organist, choir members, Miss Kay Sharp reader, to the pallbearers, Ball Funeral home for their wonderful help, and also to the Ladies of the Catholic Women's League who ser- ved'a delicious luncheon, your kind- will long be remembered, —Frank and Florence Evans.-44 Preliminary List of Electors TOWNSHIP for GODERICH The preliminary list of all ElectOrs prepared as required by the' Municipal Elections Act, 19/2, was publicly posted in the Office of the Municipal Clerk on the 18th day of October, 1974 Electors are called on to examine the list to ensure that their names and relevant information are correctly shown. Complaints in the nature of requests for additions, or Oorrectibns to, or deletions from, the list may be made by an Elector, completing and ifillihg a Form obtainable at the Ottice of the cierk. The lest day for filling Forms requesting Additions, Cotrectiona, Or Deletionst 1st day of November, 1974 R.E. Thompson Clerk Township Of 40cletich 43 • r #