HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1974-10-24, Page 9Members of the winning team in the. Auburn little league baseball league were honotired'recen-
fly at a banquet. Me.mberA of the champion team were (front row left to right), Todd Andrews,
Julie Deer, Darcy Andrews, (captain), Joanne Slater, Dennis Schneider, (back row) Susan
Thompson, coach, Keith Hallam, Brian McClinchey, Doug McClinchey, David Cartwright and
Douglas Glousher. —131",rth Standard photo
t 111191 1
Mt AIM ,
11' 111M11 /11$011,o111111111111111/1
Buyers of
Tlinothy, Rid Clover
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Glvs someone the OW of
music - We have guitars,
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much more at greatly
reduced prices.
The •Music Maker
North Street, Myth
FOR ,1111
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"Spot the Merchants"
Tovioship of Tuckersmith
Nominations for the positions of Reeve, Deputy-
Reeve and three Councillors for the Township of
Tuckersmith, and one Member to the Huron-Perth.
RCSS Board for Bayfield, Seaforth, Stanley and
Tuckershilth, fOr the years 1975 - 76, will be
received at the Clerk's Office by the Clerk of the
Township Of luckeramIth in the period commen-
cing on NOYerhber 7 and Concluding on November
12 at 5:00 P.M.
The required Nomination Porms May be ob-
tained from the Clerk's Office and must be com-
pleted, filed with and accepted by the Clerk by
above deadline.
Per further informatiOn regarding the
procedures Uhder the Election Act contact the
James 1. McIntosh,
Roli. 4, Seaforth,
Telephone S27-0358.
014114TO ,t4 NEWS .RSCORP, THURSDAY,. DOTOSER 24, 1.974,--V.A00
Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Andrew Kirkconnell were
Mr. Henry Youngblut, Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Y01100)11.4, Wendy
and Stephanie of Kitchener,
Mr. and Mrs, Thomas
Lawlor and Mr, and Mrs.
Lloyd McClarty of Goderich
spent the Thanksgiving
weekend in Niagara Falls.
The annual fun night of the
Auburn Women's Institute was
a success last Tuesday evening
when guests were present from
Londesboro, Blyth and
President Mrs. Thomas
Haggitt was in charge and, Mrs,
Catherine Jackson was pianist.
The revised prices on meals
served was accepted and it was
announced that a tailoring
course would be held early in
the new year. The Nutrition
Workshop available to
everyone will be held in the
Auburn Community Memorial
Hall on November 6.
SMILE Plans were made to help the
A manufacturer of whiskey hall board with the coming
puts a bushel of grain through rummage sale on October 26.
the still. It comes out fire-water Mrs. Arnold Craig and Mrs.
and the consumer pays 50 cents Frank Raithby will convene the
per shot. A consumer drinks it bake table and get their
and says, "Gimme another?' workers. This sale of
A farmer puts his drain homemade baking is a corn-
through a distiller called a cow munity project and everyone is
or goat and it comes out milk, asked to contribute to assist in
The consumer pays 4`5 cents per supporting the hall.
quart, takes a, drink, sets the The card report was given by
glass down and says, "Go easy .Mrs. Andrew Kirkconnell and
on the milk folks, the price is she read the thank-you notes
away up." received.
Milk at 15 cents for 6 oz. is Mrs. Thomas Haggitt was
$40 a hundred. Whiskey at 50 named delegate to the London
cents per shot is $960 a hun- Area convention on November
&ed. 27 and 28 in Stratford.
Draw your own conclusions Roll call was answered by
— quite a difference financially telling how progress has
between fun and food. changed your life. Many
declared that electric power
COMMUNITY NEWS and all appliances that it
Visitors recently with Mr. operates as well as providing
and Mrs. Donald Cartwright, heat and bringing water was a
David, Derrick and Lorie were change in today's living habits.
Mr. Hank Ferrier, Mrs, Jetrid A reading — The Wayside
Rueger, Terry and Wendy of Chapel (W.C.) — was the
London, William Rueger and humorous reading given by
Carol, Clinton and Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Anderson and Mrs.
Mrs. John Fisher and Nancy of Catherine Jackson played a
Clinton. - piano solo. The collection• was
Corre,ctigO It w,a1,11aPerterLeslaketiebyszMes.„GorriortsPoWelt
that the rededication service at and Mrs. John Stadelmann.
St. John's Anglican Church, Mrs. Maurice Bean gave the
Brussels on October 24 and it motto, An acre of performance
should have been October 31st is worth a whole world of
at 8 p.m. promise. She gave a thoughtful
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kirk- resume on the recent canvass
connel I were guests at for the recreational activities in
Wyoming at the wedding of the Auburn district and in-
Rose Hoeksema and Stephen eluded several thoughts to help
Bach, Miss Diane Kirkconnell each one daily.
of London was her friend's Mrs. Lawrence Plaetzer and
maid of honor. Mrs. Maurice Bean were in
Mr. and Mrs. Emmerson charge of playing Court Whist.
Rodger and Mr. and Mrs. Clare Prize winners were: high lady,
Rodger and Kathy of Goderich 011ie Grant; low lady, Hazel
and Gary Rodger spent the Reed; lucky cup, Mrs. John
holida'y weekend at Stadelmann; the lady coming
Mississauga Lake with Mr. and the farthest, Mrs. Margaret
Mrs. Norman Rodger. Taylor; the anniversary closest
We're Clearing panelling
To make room for "The New Ones"
Discounts up to 25% & 30%
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Regular 5184.00 . To Clear $ 1 6 2 0°
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J.W. Counter
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94 Albert Si.
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the date, Mrs. Anoits
A delicious lunch was served
by Mrs. Maurice Bean, Mrs,
Lawrence Plaetzer, Mrs. Nor,.
man .McDowell and Mrs.
Catherine Jackson, Mrs, Annie
McNichol of Blyth, Mrs, Lloyd
Pipe of Londesboro and Mrs,
Graham MeNee of Dungannon
thanked the Auburn members
for the invitation to Attend,
The Reverend Father Den-
tinger of-Kingsbridge was the
guest speaker at the Autumn
Thankoffering of. the United
Church Women of Knox United
Church last Wednesday
evening. He gave an inspiring
Thanksgiving message and was
introduced by Miss Nancy An-
derson and thanked by Mrs.
Brian Hallam.
Guests were present from the
St. Mark's Anglican Church
Women, the Presbyterian
W.M.S„ Donnybrook U.C.W.
.and the St. Augustine Catholic
The guests were welcomed by
Mrs. Gerald McDowell,
president, and Mrs. Garnet
Potter. The ushers were Mrs.
Ruhr Koopmans and Mrs.
Robert Arthur, Mrs. Norman
Wightman was the organist
and Miss Nancy Anderson,
Mrs. Brian Hallam led the
service of worship. assisted by
Mrs. Gerald McD6welI and
Mrs. Ernest Durnin. "Let Us
Be Thankful" was the theme
and colorful lights gave an im-
pressive effect on all present. ,
Miss Nancy Anderson sang a
solo while. Mrs. Oliver Ander-
son illustrated on the screen
the colorful pictures of places
mentioned, in the song, God
Who Touchest Earth With
Beauty. It was an effective
devotional period on thanking
God for His many gifts to
A social hour followed in the
Sunday School room of the
Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Dobie,
Mrs. Doris McLachan, Toronto,
Mrs ,,Eleanor, PrEOn.•94
Mrs. John Stadelmann and
Christine of Blyth attended the
baptismal service for Donald
Christopher Rea at Listowel
Presbyterian Church last Sun-
day and attended the reception
at the home of Christopher's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Donald
Mr. Charles Beadle came
home last Saturday after
several weeks in Victoria
Hospital, London.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Trom-
mer and Connie returned home
after a visit with their son Bill
at Fernie, B.C.
Mr. and 'Mrs. Frank Treble
of London visited last Saturday
with her mother, Mrs. George
-Mr. and Mrs. Stanley
McNeil, Miss Lynda McNall of
Welland and Mr. Fred Tonnes
of Port Colborne visited last
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Johnston, Miss Laura
Phillips and Mr. Robert
Phillips. -•
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Haggitt spent the weekend with
the former's brother, Mr. Joe
Haggitt and Mrs. Haggitt at
Knox United Church held
their anniversary service last
Sunday with Rev. John S,
Oestreicher of Wesley-Willis.
Church, Clinton as guest
*speaker. He chose for his ser-
mon, The Changing Cherch.
The organist Mrs. Norman
McClinchey was in charge of
the music and Miss Nancy An-
derson was pianist, The soloist
was Peter Postill of Varna.
Miss Lorie Cartwright spent
the weekend with Miss Laurel
Duizer at Londesboro.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McIntosh
and Miss Margo McIntosh and
Mr, and Mrs. Jack McIntosh of
London spent the weekend with
Mrs. Frances Clark.
Mrs. Harold Webster is a
patient in Victoria Hospital,
Mrs. James L. Hembly
passed away on October 15 in
Listowel Memorial Hospital.
Born at Lindsay in 1905 she
was the former Ruth L.
Besides her husband she is
survived by one daughter, Mrs.
Ronald (Virginia) Brown and-
two sons, James L. and Charles
E., all of Palmerston; nine
grandchildren; and one sister,
Mrs. A. W. McNamara of Lon-
don. A brother passed away in
Florida two weeks ago.
Mr. and Mrs. Hembly were
well known in this community
as he was manager of the
Canadian Imperial Bank of
Hun g =Perth
Mrs. Emily Marquis of
Toronto, a member of Steward-
ship Services of the United
Church, told 125 delegates to
the 13th, East Huron Regional
Rally of Huron-Perth
Presbyterial held in Egmond-
ville Tuesday that she has
grave misgivings about the
money raising programs of the
United Church Women.
She said she is annoyed when
men, and women as well, make
disparagink r-emarks about
bazaars and suppers.
"The UCW is the rummage
sale, ham and scallop suppers,
flower arrangements. Very lit-
tle is said about the fact it
seems to be (and to the shame
of the Church) the one and only
group that does any kind of
organized depth study Bible
study, mission understanding,
the caring sharing study," Mrs.
Marquis said.
"Because we are a group who
cares, who studies, who really
want to know what the mission
of the church is all about, our
sense of stewardship,. then for-
ces us in many vulnerable
positions. It forces us, for one
thing, to become, missionaries
.right where we are defining
the mission and helping to lead
others into the understanding
of sharing our gifts with
Commerce here for four years.
Both took an active part in the
Many friends here are sorry
to learn of the sudden passing
of Gordon Jagger of Droitwich,
Worcestershire, England. Mr.
and Mrs. -Jagger visited the
Phillips and Johnstons last
summer and made many
acquaintances. Left to mourn
besides his wife are one
daughter, Mrs, David
(Elizabeth) Ballis -and two
sons, Timothy and Peter atten-
ding College, Mrs. Jagger was
the former Helen Waterer and
visited in the village often
when her parents lived in Lon-
don, Ontario.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Trom-
mer spent the weekend in
Stratford with her mother, Mrs.
0. H. Odbert who had the
misfortune to fracture her hip.
Wayne Scott of Lindsay spent
the weekend with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Scott
and Eric.
Steve Popko of London
visited last Wednesday with
Robert Phillips.
a Mr. and Mrs. George Barr
'and Miss-Elizabeth of Chatham
visited last Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Donald Haines.
Visitors on Sunday with-=Mr..
,others," she said.
"Why do, we have suppers?
:Often because the Board of
Stewards come to us and say
they need money for the
building fund or something else
in the Church," she stated.
Mrs. Marquis suggested the
UCW would raise the vision of'
the entire church membership
if it said in response, "Let's sit
down together and assess the
value of the Church in this
comnitinity ... How effective are
we in this place? What morals
and standards are higher in
this commenity, because of our
Church here?"
She asked what is wrong
with the approach when it is
necessary to cry so desperately
for funds to carry on or is it
because there is not enough
study and understanding of the
importance of projecting the
gospel. •
Mrs. Marquis wondered if
church members are trio willing
to approach membership with
apathy rather than the glowing
heart. "Do we latch on to ex-
cuses to stay away from church
from assuming the privilege,
opportunity, responsibility of
She urged the delegates to
"Never feel you must apologize
for being a member of the
Christian, church or of any
organization in it. But to feel
this sense of pride demands
something from each of us ...
She said this was living as a
Christian and giving what a
person has - "It may be the
treasure of our time - the
treasure of our ability and
mind and heart, the treasure of
material possessions, even as
small a thing as our money."
Mrs, Leonard Strong
presided over the rally which
had the theme "With Glowing
The guests to the rally,
hosted by tgmondville- United
Church Women were
welcomed by Mrs. Earl Note,
president. Mrs. Rd Boyles of
Egmondville was appointed
secretary of the meeting.
• Mrs. Jean Bewley and Mrs.
Marie McOavin of Walton
UCW conducted the opening
worship service.
:Second prize went to the
Wesley Willis UCW of Clinton
and third to Bayfieicl UCW,
The next rally for the 13
churehes itt Best Huron Region
will he held at Wesley
IltlitOrl Marc* in r:lfittsitt its
and Mrs. Kenneth McDougall
were Mr. Harry Grasby, Blyth,
Mr. ,Ernie Toll, Egmondville
and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
Gross, Anita and Bryan of RR
Mr, and Mrs, Donald Cart-
wright, David and Derrick
visited last Sunday with his
mother, Mrs. Edwin Cartwright
at Huronview and her father;
Mr. William ,Rueger and Carol
at RR 2, Clinton.
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The fifth meeting of the
Auburn 2 Teen-Wich Enter-
tainers was held at the home of
Cathy Meginchey.
Dismission took place about
when and where they would
hold their final party meeting.
Cathy gave Party Ideas and
Marie Empey finished by cOM-
menting on decorations and en-
The sixth meeting was 'held
with Heather Patterson reading
the minutes, A discussion took
place on Party Food and ways
to serve it, A demonstration
took place showing how to
arrange an attractive bowl of
Faye Seers and Heather Pat-
terson helped to make this
display more appealing. Lynn
Turner made vanilla cupcakes
and commented on the dif-
ferent steps that took place.
All adjourned to the kitchen
to eat the snacks prepared by
'all members.