HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1974-10-24, Page 5ity jock Iflitron MN ) NEWS RECORP,, THURSDAY, OPTGEER g4, 1,974 PAGE NOTICE $eeforlh Veterinary Clinic from October 20, 1974, PreOlice 00 conducted out of the new Only on mein St,, North, between the hours 4 e.m. and 7 p.m. dully except Sundays and holidays, phone $27,1760 43b PREVENT OttSt 'Witt Enjoy Canada's Bounty HARVEST FESTIVAL LARGE SIZE, PREMIUM BRAND BANANAS 26525? SOUTH AFRICAN Oranges SWEET EATING dozen 79? CANADA No. 1 GRADE, MILD, SWEET Spanish Onions bag of 359Fe ONTARIO, LARGE SIZE Pepper Squash 2 for 39? ASSORTED Tropical Plants 4-inch pot $1.49 1.• 'WHERE ECONOMY ORIGINATES NV •tit 4.0 0 0 OP 0 * o ". • • ° i Action priced! TOMATO OR VEGETABLE HEINZ 'SOUPS 8 l 10-F immi TINS ' rr Pride of Canada Week at A&P WEO! You Just Can't Beat A&P WE° Meat! FREEZER CUT —SUPER-RIGHT CANADA GRADE "A" BEEP — WHOLE a•tek roil( Loins 4 i AIFY CUT INTO CHOPS AND ROASTS SHORT RIB ROAST BONELESS triFra ,cri Trt,'14; SHOULDERROAStioTRYAIP STEWING- BEEF • B ON SHOULDES R ELES CUTS LK 7.1 • te , Actionpriced! 19 VARIETIES DUNC921MENES 19-0Z PKG Wieners 1-lb Vac Pet 79? PRIDE OF CANADA (2.16 VAC PAC $1.57) PRIDE OF CANADA, SLICED Bologna 16 oz Vat Pat 89? PRIDE OF CANADA, SLICED Cooked Ham 6-oz Vac Sac 89? PRIDE OF CANADA, SLICED, 5 VARIETIES CookedMeats6-...cP-4411 PRIDE OF CANADA, SLICED Side Bacon 1•16 Vac Pac $1.48 Pride of Canada, Smoked, Cooked, Dinner Style, Vac Pic Boneless' Hams 141.68 BURNS CAMPFIRE BRAND, WHOLE OR END CUTS Side Bacon BY THE PIECE lb 99fe BURNS, STORE PACK Sausages BEEF & PORK lb 713? New Zealand—Whole or Halves (Slim!) lb $1.35 LAMB LEGS X1.28 SUPER-RIGHT QUALITY, FROZEN, PORK SideBaconmv-Pac$1.29 frozen Meats. & Seafood! FROZEN 2T/ads BOX Caribbean Shrimp $2.99 HIGHUNER, FROZEN, BOSTON GOLDEN SKILLET, FROZEN Chicken Cutlets lb 88# BONELESS a FRESH Blade Roast lb $1.38 Ground Chuck lb 9856 SUPER RIGHT SLICED "We Redeem ALL food Store Coupons!" haiaw Side Spare Ribs 16 4.09 Bluefish Fillets 1-lb pk9 89? Pork SLI Liver . lb 49? &ken Livers lb 59i TOWN CLUB, FROZEN 2AB PKG Hamburg Patties $1.68 j -.Ems Action priced! AYLMER — FANCY TOMATO JUICE REGULAR OR MINT FLAVOURS ACTION PRICED! Crest Toothpaste 100-ml tube 8 stsi INSTANT ACTION PRICED! Nescafe Coffee 10-1-$2.39 ARP BRAND, FROZEN, FRENCH STYLE, FANCY ACTION PRICED! Green Beans • 3 10-oz pkgs 8 9,21 Action priced ! MARSHMALLOWS 3 $1 0 ioi„,,,, FOR . WITH PORK IN TOMATO SAUCE 011 MOLASSES ACTION PRICED! Heinz Beans 2 14-11-oz tins 79? Cheese Slices 16-oz pkg 1 13 AAP BRAND PROCESS ACTION PRICED! • PILLSBURY — BUTTERMILK OR SWEETMILK ACTION PRICED! Biscuits 8." pkg 22# Action priced ! DECOR BATHROOM TISSUE WHITE, PINK, YELLOW PKG OF 9 4 ROLLS 110 4841-oz tins JANE PARKER, SLICED PLAIN OR SEEDED JEWISH RYE BREAD 16-OZ LOAF 2/19? (BUY 2 LOAVES SAVE JANE PARKER Golden Loaf Cake 10.oz cake 49st Cabbage Rolls Date Crunch 12-oz foil tray 59/1 DOG OR CAT Bran Muffins ACTION PRICED! Babka Coffee Cake 16-oz cake 89? JANE PARKER, PLAIN, SUGAR, CINNAMON , (SAVE 6c) Cake Donuts Ora ori255ce JANE PARKER, "BROWN 'N SERVE"- (SAVE Or) trench Slit 12 '62 00' of 2 kaYeg 39? JANE PARKER "BROWN 'N SERVE"" ROLLS PLAIN OR WHEAT (SAVE 104 TWIN ROLLS pkg of 12 Spanish Bar Cake For lif.oriety and Value You Just Can't Beat Jane Parker Baked Goods! ilBrIeScolded Wheat Cherry Pie Full 8-inch pie JANE PARKER JANE PARKER, RHUBARB•APPLE OR I CREAM OF CHICKEN I LIPTON CUP-A-SOUP 47'8-oz 1 lit Valid until SaturclaY, Oct, 26th, 19)4 111111111011111111 NI 111111 MI NI NI MN MOM NB NI In 1•111 IBM NI 11, I I WITH THIS COUPON (SAVE 10c) Each 79% (SAVE 4c) Pkg ef 6 4 5)e (SAVE 10,) 19-oz cake 69te SAVE 111, ACTION PRICED! 20-oz pkg 6 5 321 ACTION PRICED! 14.4z III/ 69? RUG CLEANER Johnsons Glory 24-oz aerosol tin $ I NV PARKERHOUSE Soft Margarine Pkgol2, 8-oz tubs 69? DETERGENT ACTION Mum Dove Liquid BANDED PKG $1.19 DISPOSABLE DIAPERS TODDLER SIZE ACTION PRICEDI Flush abyes pkg Df 60$2,79 SEASONED GREEN OR WAX ACTION• PRICEDI Del Monte Beans 3 14•11-oz Ohs 89? LIQUID JAVEL A&P Blear!! 128-fl•Oz lar awe 5 VARIETIES Dr. Ballard't CAT FOOD 415'6i Iins $11.00 stmraweeY CHOCOLATE OR BUTTERSCOTCH Chipits 6-o1 cello pkg 49# L (SAVE " ESSEX JANE PARKER (SAVE 10c) rATzcgo;': 89? JANE PARKER (SAVE 6c) Bonnie Pet Food 4 15-oz tins 59fi JANE PARKER (SPICY. RAISIN RICH!) Sweet Rolls JELLY TOPPED pkg of 69fl BORDERS —INSTANT ACTION PRICED! JANE PARKER (SAVE 6c) Hot Chocolate Drink ALL PURPOSE Monarch Flour 7•Ib be9$1.29 JOLLY BEVERAGES 26 " ASST. FLAVOURS 4 R $1.00 SALAD Gattuso Olives 12.1l-oz lar 5 Ize PLAIN, POPPY Mb, MAME SEED PKG ALL PRICES SHOWN IN nes AO GUARANTEED EFFECTIVE FRENCH ROLLS Dig of ID THROUGH SATURDAY, ocroBER 2611!, 104. • „„, .• i :I. t -;.. %/r /1:.;• •••' G_O E RICH 81. WEST ST, Come to Where the Values Are... A&P Weo Action Priced! 4 VARIETIES — SPECIALTY (SAVE 14c) DR. BALLARD'S F7ot 3 $104 Action Priced! HIGHLINER, FROZEN (SAVE 20c) COD FISH & CHIPS 20-0Z PKG 99,, Action Priced! SWEET MIXED, BREAD & BUTTER, BABY DILLS ROSE PICKLES 24-FL-01 69 JAR 1.,e; Arfe „00. • -111`,.0")' MOUNTAIN DEW, TEAM, REGULAR OR DIET Case of 24 10-fl-oz Zip Top Tins ACTION PRICED PEPSI-CO 99 (SAvEs1.26) (20 BAGS FREE!), RED RosE TeaBags OF 110 ACTION PRICED! MANNING — 6 VARIETIES INCLUDING CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIE TIN TIE BAG 12.01 69 inadequate in the area of the construction, safety features, and 'operation of school buses, And I am hopeful that we shall be able to influence the Gover, nment to take swift and effec- tive action in this area. follow through on the commit- merit made in the Speech from the Throne to make the use of seat belts mandatory in on tario, There is no question that some people find seat belts.a bit of a nuisance, but it has been proven -that seat belts save People from being killed and Maimed, Transportation Minister John Rhodes said he felt the public would rebel _against such a law, although it might well have saved hondreds of lives a year. - Obviously the Davis Government Is more concerned the safety of school children travelling by school bus, which outlines necessary qualifications for school bus operators, and .provides. for school bus safety standards, Obviously existing legislation is Tuesday, October 22, the Provincial Legislature will again be in session, after the summer recess, and this is perhaps a good time to give some thought to the historical development of our political'in- stitutions. Many of us take the democratic process for granted, although in thany parts of the world people would be thankful to be in our position. We may eometimee feel we "cannot fight City Hall", but each of us can have a considerable effect upon the various levels of govern- ment by voting at elections, working for the candidate and party of our choice, contacting our elected representatives, and so forth. Many years ago, when John Graves Simcoe was Lieutenant Governor in Ontario, the Legislative Assembly was made up to-a large extent of leading military, business and clerical leaders, and the powers were all exerted by the Governor, Over the years this direct ap- plication of power and authority has passed from the authoritative power of one in- dividual to the power of, all the people, as represented through their elected represedtatives. This tremendous change was not an easy transition, and there was a period of corrup- tion, irresponsibility and long meaningless debates in the Legislature,. and in the political life of Ontario. In the 1850's apparently, the Legislature was so disorderly and drunken that only a handful " of Members, would participate in the debates on the Bills, and they would leave their seats to ,gather around the Clerk's table in order to hear the opinions expressed over the incoherent, background shouting of their fellow members. Some people may say that there, is still a great deal to criticize in the operation of the Legislature, and no doubt this is so. One can always find much to criticize in any organization, in the operation of any cor- poration or business. I think it was Wington Churchill Who': said that clernocraCy is rilte"i'Y inefficient method of govern- ment, but it is better than any other method which has yet been devised. It is up to all of us to play our part, either as a voter, a party worker, or an elected representative. Much as the structure of government has changed, at least in the application of responsibility since the early days of the Legislative Assem- bly, the changes which have oc- curred in the last decade ,have been as far-reaching as in the previous century. People are no longer prepared to limit their democratic duty to going to the polls dace every four years, or whenever the electoral call is made, to casting a secret ballot, as the only aspect of their democratic responsibility. Members ' of the public are organizing committees and ac- tion groups all over the Province, concerned with a multitude of ' problems and areas of concern to people. This is yet another way of having an effect upon the actions of gover- nment at every level, It is up to all of us to ensure that the system works and reflects the views of the electorate which are, in effect the cornerstone' and the strength of our 'system. We can expect 'a busy session, at Queen's Park, when we reconvene next week. The Civil Service Association of Ontario have threatened to strike if their demands are not met by December 31st, Although Civil Service strikes were outlawed more than two years ago, the provincial employees are ap- parently undeterred. The Liberal Party opposed the legislation when it was debated in the Legislature, We consider it to be wrong in principle and unnecessarily restrictive, It is obvious that the legislation is defeating its own purpose. Rather than preventing strikes„ it has caused a great deal of bitterness and frustration within the Civil Service which threatens to provoke a strike, I am looking forward to the second reading of the Bill I in. troduced earlier this year on In September two kindergar. ten pupils and a school bus driver were killed in the Sud- bury area, and there have been several other ,serious accidents of this type in recent months, think we must take steps to en- sure the safety of our children, and any action which is taken to reduce the terrible toll of highway deaths has to be a step in the right direction, In this connection, many people have expressed disap- pointment at the decision of the Davis Government, announced recently that —they 'would not CLINTON with its .,,owo '.pOpolatity with the voting public -than with the public. safety, The "Toronto Star" on 'Oc- tober 11th, referred to the On- tario Government as the !'Spineless Wonders of queen's Park", .saying they show a miserable lack of .backbone in deciding not to make the use of car seat belts mandatory in view of the overwhelming body, of. scientific studies and .ex. perience in other jurisdictions proving that mandatory seat- belt usage can reduce death and injury in traffic acciGents, ri