HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1974-10-17, Page 13DEADLINE • FOR TAK INCo CLASSIFIED ADS 12 O'CLOCK SHARP TUESDAY ADS CANNOT BE ACCEPTED AFTER 12 O'CLOCK FOR THAT WEEK'S PAPER LARTICLES FOR SALE ('.ARTICLES FOR SALE .10,-An Wien Rot 565.2421 O.R. Robinoton Res. 5244905 WOW. Gardiner Res. $24.7302 John SChnelker Res. 5244055 LEARN TO DRIVE-- TRACTOR TRAILERS • Now ow can train right hare in Canada! • Tuition Tax Deductible! • Placement assistance guaranteed! • Weekend training also available! For application and interview, write: Safety Department The Canadian institute of fractor Trades' Training Ltd. 207 Queen's QuaV W. Toronto 117, Ontario or Call oiseivirmit • (Formerly TraMi•Canada Transport Tranship.) 42,43,44b Fall Fashions for men Suits Co-ordinates Blazers Slacks Sweaters • Sport Shirts ALL-WEATHER COATS CASUAL JACKETS A must for fall fashion Pickett It Campbell Ltd' the Si.,. kr Moll it UNYON OODEilictif KINCAlloiNg rooms, ce large lot with lots Ti tT tees. FOOD FOR THOUGHT "A great deal of what we see depends on what we're looking • for". 42b S a e HURON PINES REALTY LTD. 56 KING ST. CLINTON, ONT. PHONE 462-7901 FOR SALE • 41 000111111111111 4 601° DADL REAL ESTATE LTD. 526 Oxford St. E., London 672-1200 A Video Homes of Canada Realtor 34 KINGSTON STREET GODERICH 524-2195 WROXETER Plumbing, Heating and Electrical Business for sale. The price includes three bedroom frame house with full basement with F.A.O, heat, targedouble living-room with a ceiling you have to see to believe, a well laid out country kitchen with built-in dish- . washer, a den and a utility room with freezer. Also includes a 35' x 45' shop in excellent condition and a full line of tools and equipment, R1VERSDALE In Greenock Township we have approximately 25 acres of bush with a three room insulated cabin surrounded by many ash trees. There have been approx. 500 new evergreens planted throughout the bush. This exclusive property has over 1,000 feet of frontage on the Teeswater River. The purchaser gets all the dishes, furnithre etc, that are in the cabin: Thiel is an ex- cellent buy on a beautiful year-round recreational property. GODERICH Five acres of country inside the town limits. A first class can- didate for a multiple housing complex. Services close at hand Terms available, Inquire now. CLINTON Main Street Restaurant, over $35400.00 gross, could easily be increased. House, barn and 10 acres of highway, apprint. 10 miles from Goderich. Buildings ate in very good condition. inquire now, AUBURN 11/4 acres glut i1/2 Morey Solid brick horns With newer frame addition. In the house are two bedroom*, very large double living ratan and 17' x 20' country kitchen, with plenty of birch veneer cupboards, With 4 piece bethreom and full basement With F.A.O. heat. Also Includes a 20' x 25' barn with attached storage shed or workshop. Priced to sell, GODERICH OFFICE: 34 KINGSTON St. 524.2195 Locel Representative TERRY BAUSA RA, 1 AUBURN, 826-7709 CLINTON NglitS RFCORD, TnuRspAy, oc-roa 1 j974 PAQg 1$ MULBERRY Red Winter Coat, white fox collar, size 12 to 14, ex- cellent condition, Phone 524-6307, 42b APPLE BOXES for sale, phone .565-5323, Bayfield.42,43 p GOOD snowblower, pull type, used. Phone 526-7254 42p. ELECTRIC Stove and refrigerator good condition. Reasonable. Phone 4 8 2-91 52. 42b APPLES: Pick your own -spy and. Delicious, at Wises Orchard, '4 miles w,est. of Clinton on Bayfield Road. Phone 482-9168, 42,4313 SNOWMOBILES priced to fit your budget used, at $175. $200 $275 $400. New non. current 30 • 32 h.p. $850. Chowen Power Sports, R.R, 3, Clinton, Phone 482,9748,--41,42b APPLES, POTATOES, ONIONS AND FRESH CIDER AT Art Bell's Fruit Farm, small macs at $3.00 per bushel. Phone 524-8037,--41tfn TWO 12 1 /2' x 9' all steel barn or shed doors, like new. Ken Moore 527-0508 Egmondville,-4 2b SEEN a picture in the News-Record you would like to have? Get a per- manent print; either 4"x 5", 5" x. 7" or 8" x 10". Order at '482- 9502,—c5tfnx • -. • • • SODDING,,:Seeding, --- straw mulching,JR4,430c .square„ymd at farm— No. 83 highway - 3 miles west of Exeter. 35c delivered within 30 miles. Grading and -laying at reasonable prices Phone 237-3202 if no answer 235-2478.—wk 35-456. PLAN and PLANT quality bulbs now for Spring beauty. For indoor gardening - special soils, bulbs, planters, jardinieres, pots, etc. Also "GroLux" lighting units. Lawn seed mixtures, fertilizers, bone meal and peat moss. Crocks for vegetable storage. Enjoy Garden Line, Sun- days, CFPL, 10-11 'a,m, Durst Farm and Garden Centre, 22 Isaac St, Clinton, Open Wednesday and closed Sat. p.m. only. Phone 482- 9333.-40tfn HOME DECORATING? BORROW FROM OUR COMPLETE HOME DECORATION AND HOME IMPROVEMENT LIBRARY--FREE See us before you Over 4000 photos. BALL & MUTCH LTD. HOME FURNISHINGS Phone 4 8 2.9 5 0 5 Clinton 42b 54" mattress, good condition. Phone 482-7880. 42p EASY DRYER in very good con-. dition. Also a small female dog to give away to a gOod farm home, Very good with children. Phone 482- 7783,-42b APPLES - Northern Spys, Delicious; Courtlands, Macintosh, Grand finale special. Pick your own. $5.00 per bushel, windfalls $3 per bu. Bring containers, Ross Mid, dieton's Orchards, 1 mile east of Hayfield, north of river. —42,43,44b - CHILD snowmobile suit, size 4, °green. Phone 482-7830,--42b FOUR cartons ceiling tiles, /phone 565-2705 after 5 p.m,-42b APPLES for. sale - King, Talmon Sweet, Delicious, Snow, Greening, Balwin etc. Phone 482-3214 or 482- 9141 McClymont Orchards, one mile south of Varna, —42p • WALNUT trees, mature for timber. Phone 482-7329.--42b • SINGER Golden Touch and Sew machine, in excellent condition, best offer. Phone 482-7329.-42b 2A. ARTICLES WANTED FURNITURE, glass, china, clocks, bells, brass, copper. Will buy for cash or sell by auction. Mike Cum- mings, Auctioneer. Phone 524- 9064.-30tfn WE ARE now handling lots or part lots of furniture and appliances. If you have articles to sell privately or by auction contact Rathwell's Auc- tion Service, Phone 482- 3120.-32tfn TIMBER WANTED immediate payment for good standing timber bushes of all kinds. Write Robert Eagleson, AILSA CRAIG, ONT. or phone 232-4450 before 8 a.m. or bet- ween 4:30 and 8 pm. 41,421) scatanwwwwwwwwww 2.ARTICLES FOR RENT FORMAL-RENTALS for men and. boys, Contact Herman's Men's Wear, 482-9351.:---c22tfri CONSTRUCTION equipment for rent. Power trowel, small- mixer, pump, wheelbarrows, good plywood' forms and wedges. Phone 236-4954 Mon. to Fri. after 4 p:m. Weekends anytime.-16tfn CARPET SHAMPOOER for rent. Just arrived, the unit especially designed to-do a professional job on your shag carpets. Available by the itriy at Smith Pro Hardware and , Stationery. Albert St,, Clinton, —4 9 t fn 2.ARTICLES FOR RENT „ . FQ8MAL -.HFNTALS for all itc; casions. Pickett 4. Campbell Ltd, Clinton and Goderich,---egtfn 1966 FORD, custom, 8 cylinder automatic, good condition. Phone after 5:30 p.m. 526-7067,-41,42 b, BUY OF THE WEEK• BAYFIELD $12,900, cottage, 3 bedrooms, roof 3 years old, aluminum storms and screens, nice lot in the village, no bathroom, but reedy to be finished. GODERICH IDEAL LOCATION Aluminum siding, carport, good sized lot, move inside and find out about the well planned kitchen •and dining room, broadloomed throughout. Reedit to be lived in with 91/4% mortgage. Yes it also has 4 bedrooms. ..ROtt 482.3337 Res. Bkiewater Golf Course Bayfield Business United Trust 433-3901 A- FOR SALE GRASS SEED and MINERAL, Otto Pick and Sons Seeds Ltd, Rich- mond Hill, Ont. GRASS SEED Straight seeds or Forage mixtures, Seneca seed Corn, Herbagetn, Livestock Minerals. Phone 482- 7898,Richard Lobb Sales Represen- tative, Clinton.—tfn B- CUSTOM WORK CUSTOM CORN Picking, Mr. J. Oskam, R.R. 2, Goderich, phone 524-6475.-41 to 44b 100.300 ACRES - well drained land within 15 miles of Clinton. Apply in writing to Box No. 8 c/o Clinton News-Record, Box 39, Clinton.-4'2 to 46b. WANTED to buy Oliver 880 Trac- tor with narrow front end, Phone 482-7246.-42b - FARM SERVICES CUSTOM plowing. Phone 7433.-42,43b CLINTON COMMUNITY AUCTION SALES FRIDAY NIGHT 7:30 P.M. MAKE ARRANGEMENTS TO BRING YOUR LIVESTOCK TO THIS SALE Phone LORNE TYNDALL 482-7202 4824152 `thi• 3A. PET STOCK P13)0;010,0 Setter 1841#, 3 months championship stock, registered, shots, Wormed, Cali 524- 7642 or 524:6485,—.42,43b THREE bedroom house at Vanastra $15,500, Phon6' 482-3586. 42b, HOME in Hayfield, stone fireplace, attached garage, 2 bedrooms and family room, Phone 565-2705 after 5 p.m.-42b Real Estate 02 Albert Street - Phone; 482-9371 MASON BAILEY- BROKER/MANAGER Financing available on this new .1 floor brick home on High Street, 3 . bedrooms. 159 acres cialisitat:nOn Hullett TownshirA11 irkable, 7 room briome. 1 floor frame borne in Clinton, 1 bedroom/gas heating, nice treed lot, 4 plex in Clinton, good terms available. New 0 bedroom brick home in Clin- ton, broadloom throughout, newly landscaped. 95 acres titarfileM miles from , Goderich, NOP 'I' 1 1 /2 8 room brick home in Clinion, 4 bedrooms, modern kit- chen, living room :Ind dining room. Ideal family home in Clinton, close to schools, 2 .storey aluminue: sided, .7 rooms, 4 bedrooms. PULLETS FOR SALE: Quantity of Harco Sex-Link pullets, 20 weeks Old end of October. Phone Roe Farms Limited at 356-2211, At- wood, Ont. 426 FARM HARDWARE, grain scoops, stable brooms, shovels, etc. Sanitation products, Proven product for groundhog control, Durst Farm and Garden Centre, 22 Isaac St., Clinton 482-9333, Open Wednesdk .closed Saturday p.m. only —34tfn • D LIVESTOCK 35 PIGS for sale, 10 weeks old. Phiine 262-5235. Mr., A. Postma, ,.Varna. --42b WANTED — Interested in feeding 50 - 60 steers weighing between 450- 500 lbs. Contact ken Rogerson at 482-9100 in the evening. --42p NINE Holstein steer calves 6 mon- ths old, Phone 482-7221.-41,42b REGISTERED ANGUS BULLS, one year to eighteen Months old, Adam Flowers, Box 41, Bayfield. Phone 565-2813.-37tfn .• Hensall Livestock Sales SALES EVERY THURSDAY AT 1:30 P.M. An clisies of Livestock WE INVITE YOUR CONSIGNMENTS *tat MOM, Mostly OAK Natpt•ii•El thill100104 030-270 Ilea* 4424mf zwich 011itort 2384607 /WOO xilvise TWO .STOREY 3 bedroom home, resume mortgage at 8%, excellent location on park. Near stores, recreation centre and year round swimming poet. Heated basement, newly decorated, Private driveway. Phone 482-3644,-42tfn maiiimommom DOHERTY MANSION Built et the turn of the Century this huge 21/2 storey red brick home features slate roof, en- trance hall, with ornate stair- coos, formal dining room with fireplace and many other ex- tras. Located on East St., on 2.7 tree studded acres with pond, paved drives, fountain, and 2 car garage. Give Ma a call for more details. VANASTRA We currently have S homes lilted. One single storey, two 1112 storey, and two 2 storey, priced from E$N17T,1000. An 0 N YOUNG FARMERS If you want to get into the pig business this is the operation for you. A modern quonset- type building for 60 sows, with a central heating system. Room for expansion in the bank barn. Modernized 4 bedroom home with new kit- chen, bathroom and sundeck. Can be bought with either 5 or 50 acres. HOBBYISTS This, good frame building 50' x 20' could have many uses as a workshop, storage etc. Single storey, 3 bedroom modernized home features spacious living room with brick *apiece, dining room and kitchen with breakfast—nook.. Located in Seaforth on-attractively.land- scaped double lot with detached 2 car garage. Listed at $33,500. TWO ACRES if you like the wide open spaces consider this property in McKillop, 11/2 miles from highway. Two storey 3 bedroom home has modern 3 piece bath and new oil fur- nace. Drilled well, bank barn and garage. All for $17,009. DON HOLST REAL ESTATE LTD, REALTOR 53 West Street 524-0951 John Duddy Evenings 482-6652 John Thompson Evenings: 527.0236 New three and four bedroom bungalows. 10% C.M.H.C. mor- tgage. Excellent location. Three bedroom house, barn end 10 acres, Hwy, No. 8 location. , 37t1n 6. ACCOMMODATION TO RENT HOUSE for rent in country. 6 miles east of Clinton and 2 1/2 miles north. Call Nick Whyte 527-0349. 42,43,44b ONE, one bedroom grund-floor apartment, heated, stove and frig supplied. One two bedroom ground floor apartment, heated, stove ,and frig. supplied.i Phone 482-7901 or 7304.--421/ THREE bedroom cottage in Clin- ton, gas heated. Apply to Mr. Ivan Hoggart, 482-9280.---42p — • 8. HELP WANTED PART-TIME cashier wanted by Corrie's Red and White Store in Clinton. Apply in person.---426 LABOURERS and . truck drivers required. Please reply to Box 25, c/o `Clinton News-Record- stating age and previous experience. All replies will be kept strictly confiden- lial.—tfn AGENT REQUIRED A major oil company has en outstanding profit opportunity for an Individual with Initiative. INICOOle of an hee9Ming opining. we need a person to operate en established agency, WillIngnese to maks a capital investment in your OWO business, Pius Previous experiences. in the retelling of gaeollnee and beefing fuels or related business ere essential, The successful candidate can be assured of a good camel ill., corns end will receive extensive, training in the sales, service, and business management aspects of the 'Agency business. hi addition, a continuing program of advertising, Marketing end business .counselling will be available to agency operators. Please Contact Box 156 Goderich Signal-Star P.O. Box 220 41,42±, Goderich Psychiatric Hospital requires a Library Technician 2 SALARY 5 134.62 . 5 157.59 PER WEEK DUTIES: To provide library service; classify, catalogue, index and control circulation of books, journals, and articles in both Medical Reference and Nursing Libraries; assist staff in obtaining information, provide audio visual services. QUALIFICATIONS: Grade 12 education or recognized equivalent, preferably some typing ability, at least one year's ex- perience as a Library Technician or directly related ex- perience or possession of a Bachelor's degree from a university of recognized standards. Competition is open to qualified male and female ap- plicants. Applications may be submitted no later than October 23, 1974 to: The Administrator, Goderich Psychiatric Hospital, Goderich, Ontario. 4. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 4. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE irisINTEE Clinton 482-3821 " Albert Street Office Photo Listing Service Dairy Farm near Auburn, free stall, 340 acres, approximately 270 workable, 10 room home. Beef and Hog Farm near Londesboro, 250 acres, excellent home. Cash Crop Farm near Hensel', 100 acres of productive land, 12 room excellent home. Broilerildngsi o Farm 010,01: basic quota, auto. feeder, 2 substantial bu Started Pu lets ultra modern setup, 50 acres, ,8 room home, open for offers, Caged Layers 12,000 basic quota, 161 /2 acres, 8 room home. Hobby Farm 6 acres, 8 room home plus barn and garage. Lakeside Farm 20 acres with home and 2 barns, , Ag ik Country Home Tastefully decorated, situated on 5 acres..01111 Tourist Camp with lake frontage, 24 acres with 5 cabins and 4 cottages. Income Property 6 modern 2 bedroom apartments, hot water heating, wall to wall carpeting, an excellent investment. Vanastra Home one floot, 2 bedrooms, oil heating, low taxes, Vanastra Home excellent condition, fireplace in dining room, DelaeicrytricFahrernat,inIg8.4Thaicsreiss, olnaergoef 2thearabreetyterhehmome, pes. ipe line, silo driveshed, milking .50 Regd. Holsteins, another 90 workable acres can be eased. This is one of the finest. Dairy Farms in Huron County. Clarke Zinn Peter Damsma RR 5, Clinton 236 Mary Street Goderich, Ontario Ontario 5244620 482-9849 PETER S. MacEWAN GENERAL INSURANCE REAL ESTATE BROKER 38 ST. DAVID ST, GODERICH 524-9531 OUTSTANDING HOME IN BAYFIELD Only two years old of brick and fieldstone construction, split level design Consisting of 4 bedrooms, living room 22 x 16, dining room 12 x 10, two pc. washroom, 4 pc. bath, large roc. room, attached garage. This attractive home Is situated on a lot 135' x 200', beautiful lawn and flowers. Shown by appoint- meht only. MOBILE HOME Located in Huron Haven Camp, 2 miles north Of Goderich. This is a two bedroom Bendix Unit, included In the purchase price le bedroom suite, NOW AVAILABLE Modern sow operation eccontmodating 60 *ow', approx. 300 piglets. Situated on 4 itOrea of land, on which I. &butted I, three bedroom frame iniul brick home, a new oil furnace, 3 pc. bath. This hoMe Is in need Of cleaning and decorating, but the price is right at $20,000,00. This property is located near Han- sell, BAYFIELD RETREAT PROPERTY 100 ACRES Very secluded, opproX, 60 acres nicely wooded with 3/4 nails Of river frontage On the Bayfield River, 40 acre* of wed agricultural land. This property has marry possibilities priced right With terms 40/enable. We have frailty faring', cottages, business/Is or hernial 'wettable. Please phone BMW* Ryan Ret. A24-7762 Audrey Timbrell Roe, 524.2303 ' ' 4. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 4, REAL ESTATE FOR SALE • • C WANTED 3. CARS, TRUCKS FOR SALE A. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 1969 FORD Custom, blue .2 door hardtop, black interior, 002 headers. Four Firestorie.Wide-ovals with chrome custom slotted rims, disc brakes,. 77,000 miles, excellent shape. $1200. Phone 4 8 2,, 7650.-42,43b 4, REAL ESTATE FOR SALE t BAILEY • TOUR SEASONS TRAILER PARK 85 acres consisting of 2500 ft. of frontage on the Maitland River. New apartment and store. Set up for trailers and could be used for mobile homes. Vanastra home, 1)/2 storey, 5 rooms, ,newly decorated,. NpTICF,: Livestock every Monday to United Go-Operative Of Ontario to Ontario Livestidcyards. C,I,A,G, insurance in effect from your fartn, roll by 8 A.M. Monday to arrange, 482- for pickier at your farm, Wm, .1, Dale., Phone Sea forth 527- 0471,--tfn