HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1974-10-10, Page 2PAGE. 2--,CLINTON NEWS RECORD, THUR.SOAY OCTOBER. .10, 1974 11.11.141W LAST CALL! Clinton Minor Hockey Association Are leaving for Hanover, On- tario, As one drives past in front, or alongside of, this historic old house, the original home of the Doherty family, one can appreciate the substan- tial amount of effort which'the Howards have expended upon the preservation of this Clinton landmark. Our good wishes for your future go with you. * * Mrs: Mary Nediger of Vic- toria Street who bore the rather cumbersome title of "Clerk of 2nd Small Claims Court of Huron" is retiring this week af- ter fourteen years of service in that capacity. Her duties will be assumed by Mr, Harvey Hammond, 9 Toronto Blvd. Vanastra - Phone 482-9590 with postal address GMB 214, RR 5, Clinton, Ont. An official notice of the takeover will be placed in this paper in the near future, however, as a public ser- vice, we have made mention of the fact at this time. * * * Winner of the Clinton Canadian Legion Share-the- Wealth draw for September is Mrs. Fran Porter of RI15, Clin- ton, with a prize of $328. * * * There are compensations to being over 50 and one of them took the form of a delightful drive Monday afternoon to see the beauty of the' autumn coun- tryside around Clinton, Hayfield, Goderich and Ben- miller. The ladies of the Sarah Hale Chapter, I.O.D.E. drove five carloads of members of The Over 50 Club for this outing. The final touch of warm hospitality after the drive was the gathering of all for tea at the home of Mrs. Ted Davies, RR5, Clinton, The club is most appreciative to, the members of the I.O.D.E. for their thought- fulness. Mrs, Leona Lockhart and Mrs. Arabelle Bushell have returned from a two week holiday to the West Coast, Flying from Toronto to Calgary where they visited friends they then took the train to Van- couver. From there it was north to Smithers and Burns Lake in B.C. At the latter stop they visited Mr, and Mrs. Havens (originally from Auburn), After travelling to Prince George they returned by air as .far as Winnipeg for another stopover and then finished their journey from there by train to Strat- ford. presided at the organ. Mr. Pocock spoke on the theme - Message for Harvest and based it on Deuteronomy, 26; verses 10 and 11. He spoke on the abundant harvest and referred to the Children of Israel and how they thanked Almighty God and, presented Him with the first fruits of the land. He stated that it is easier to give thanks And worship when we have a full basket. He referred to the starving thousands in Africa and India and closed by saying that we can enjoy our harvest if we share. The church wardens, Thomas Johnston and James Towe received the offering. The church was beautifully decorated with bouquets of autumn flowers, fruits and vegetables, for this special oc- casion. The fourth meeting of the Auburn Teen-Wich Enter- tainers was opened with the 4H Pledge, The discussion was on Entertaining at Tea and also Formal Tea, Mrs. William Em- pey assisted in making the sin- dwiches which tasted lovely,. After the tea the meeting was closed with the 4H Pledge. COMMUNITY NEWS Registration 1 974-75 season Clinton Arena Sat. Oct. 12 Barbara, was in charge of the program. Miss Shelley Powell, ten-year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Powell is a patient in University Hospital, London. We wish her a speedy recovery, Miss Maureen Longhurst, of Bracebridge, visited Miss Yvonne Bean last Saturday, Auburn United Church Ex- plorers have organized for the fall season under the leaders Miss Brenda Ball and Miss Susan Thompson. Janice Daer was named Chief Explorer, Anita Hallam, secretary and Carol Deers, the treasurer. About 50 relatives of McDowell's gathered at Snell's restaurant to hear Miss Lorraine McDowell of Flint Michigan show her pictures and tell of her work in the District of Chad in Africa. She was a medical missionary there and recently escaped out of that country., She spent a few ,days last week with Mr. and Mrs.. Norman McDowell and they were guests last Saturday to dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey McDowell at Blyth. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Davies recently visited with-Mr. and Mrs. John Morrison, of Tillson- burg, and Mr. and Mrs. Spen- cer German at Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Morley, of Ailsa Craig, visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hamilton. Rev. and Mrs. L.V. Popcock, of Georgetown, spent the week- end with Mrs. Celia Taylor. Mr. James Towe attended the annual general meeting of the Ontario Goat Association held at the University of Guelph. He presided for the day-long meeting and resigned from the position of President after holding that office for ten years. He is at present president of the Canadian Goat Association. Mrs. Beth Lansing is a patient in Clinton General hospital, we wish' her a speedy recovery. The town contest was con- ducted by Lorraine Chamney and won by Mrs, Dorothy Grange. A reading - How to preserve a husband was given by Doris Naylor. A guessing ar- ticles on a tray was won by Yvonne Bean. Wanda Plaetzer and Faye Hildebrand won the most clothespins and received a prize.. Lorraine Chamney read the address in verse form to Gail expressing good wishes in her coming marriage and the girls presented her with gifts. She thanked everyone for their gifts. Lunch was served by Mrs. Empey assisted by Mrs, Jack Armstrong and several girl friends. Guests were present from Goderich, Listowel, Cran- brook and the surrounding community. RECREATJON NEWS 9 1 2 a.m, The committee feel sure that only about 70% of boys are registered. To properly organize teams, leagues and ice time a complete registration is necessary. If you haven't already done so REGISTER your boy this Saturday morning. Our request for assistance in operating has received little attention. If you can and will help please complete the form below and forward to Box 98 or Contact Bill Counter. The first week of the Canvass for the Auburn Recreation Committee is completed and Mr. Keith Arthur, chairman, is very pleased with the response that Auburn and the surroun- ding community has given to this project. If anyone hasn't been contacted please phone Mr. Arthur or any member of the committee if you wish to give a donation. * * * Dr. and Mrs. W.A. Oakes passed through Clinton this week on their way to Florida. Mrs. Oakes, during a brief visit to our office, reported that the water in the pipes of their Muskoka summer home was on the verge of freezing just before they made their departure from Glen Orchard. * * * Mrs. Margaret Bridle of Huron Street received word that her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Sandra Bridle and two year old grandson, Jason, were in satisfactory condition in St. Mary's Hospital after being in- volved in a motor vehicle ac- cident last Friday. Mrs. Bridle jr. sustained a broken collar bone and her son suffered facial cuts. All 'Star BRIDAL SHOWER Pink and white streamers decorated a chair when Miss Gail Elliott, bride of the month was honoured with a bridal shower held at the home of Barbara Empey. Lovely cor- sages were pinned on Gail and her sister, Mrs. Heather McMichael, by Jayne Arthur. Mrs. William Empey welcomed everyone and her daughter, L I T El HARVEST HOME SERVICE Manager Coach Referee Time Keeper Score Keeper Juvenile Midget Bantam Pee Wee Atom Novice The 91st Harvest Home Ser- vice was held last Sunday in St. Mark's Anglican Church with a former rector, Rev, L.V. Pocock, of Georgetown, as guest speaker. Rev. Pocock left this Parish in 1935 after six years as rector. Rev. Fred Carson present rector, was in charge of the service and Mrs. Celia Taylor, the church organist, B team WOMEN'S INSTITUTE 07 House League L Members of the Ailburn Women's Institute were guests last Thursday of the Goderich Women's Institute and enjoyed the pictures shown by Mr. Robert Henry of the building of the Huron County Court House, El * * * The edifice known as "The Castle" in Clinton 'is once again bidding farewell to its oc- cupants. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Howard, who have both been very active in community af- fairs, especially at Huronview, loot mmuorrotow•••••••••vorml ••••••••mr. •••• .1= lip this valuable coupon I. OVANYAiMIN46006664601 wounit mat-Lilt° SOU SPRAY CRANBERRIES ite.. 33. .Iet41P 0Y LIQUID JAVEX BLEACH Clip this valuable coupon Clip this valuable coupon POWDERED TIDE DETERCENT 79 pa NOM E crni, ro usit.v r.wgiAuvss gpritcroy. oarpos,,moi4100, tom . • , t bo: * * * The Huronic Rebekah Lodge held its regular meeting on Oc- tober 7 with Noble Grand Valena Trewartha in charge,, assisted by V.G. Barbara Taylor. The installation of of- ficers was changed and will be on October 21. Final plans were made for the euchre and bake sale to be held on October 23. Several members are-ill...and in, hp§pitalo, t.hpse vv9r,evisited - by, the sisters. After closing lodge E2,",, nice lunch was served. LOAM z TM P00 1.500 n111 11.11100LIASIIfIninWiln In00rEvc600001101•04001.1074 efINV11)(10(11)011,900)000W.MR.. M9).Era(A/QKQ MOIL LIMA PEA FAMitt 1111114,14.AMEA1Si 1 1105 t000.$1. . • t;ort-eriv1_qlyitti110.•011h..1.74. . • • PRICES IMICTIVI UNTIL CLOSING SATUIMAY, 0000111 IT, 1114 WI RESERVE THE NIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES TO AYEMAGI /AMITY REQUIREMENTS 4111111111miiii in Ilan NI ill.1111 IIILr Es Nom allitsaili Mina MO on 10•1011.110 CANADA APPROVED GRADE "A" RED RIBBON BEEF U • II II iI 414 CLUB The third meeting of the Auburn 2, 41-1 Club, Teen-Wicli Entertainers was opened with the 4H Pledge at the home of Cathy McClinchey. All mem- bers were present. The roll 'call was answered by telling the type of reference file •they had chosen. Discussions took place on "Making a Guest Feel at Home, Things to remember when a guest and also things they had lamed about packing for Travel. A demonstration was given by Cathy McClinchey showing how and why to pack a suitcase in the various methods. A discussion followed on Travel packing. The meeting was closed by the 4H Creed, tryoti're‘ 'NEW and don't know which way to turn, call the * * * We are evidently not finished yet - - - - with the produce which has been vying for a show place on the office coun- ter. Now we are sure that Red Garon, a well-known Clin- tonian, is not Irish, but we wonder if he hums away the lyric "In the Garden Where the Praties Grow". In any case the leprechauns must have been digging alongside of him when he unearthed the mammoth two pound potato which he brought in to us to claim a place on the "Produce Counter of Fame" ' BEEF, CHICKEN, TURKEY Savarin Frozen POT PIES CANADA GRADE UTILITY SIZES: 5-18 LBS. YOUNG TURKEYS FEARMAN'S FULLY COOKED SMOKED PICNIC ONE WHOLE FRESH FRYER CUT-UP CHICKEN CAMPBELLS TOMATO SOUP lA SHOULDER 10 01. 16. tin oi. 88. 3 c*Noine, go, T hostess at _482-7069- You'll be glad you did. 53. lb. lb. 69C TOP VALU EVAPORATED MILK FANCY QUALITY GREEN GIANT NIBLET CORN 9c 16 oz. 12 oz. tin tin I a. CANADIAN QUEEN, WHOLE BONELESS I SMOKED HAM 1. Lb, IL $ 115 • CANADIAN QUEEN ''2's & I BONELESS qn SMOKED HAM mg,0 1. SCHNEIDERS, ASSORTED, 8 oz. Chub I RSOELLFLSSERVE 49c t SKINLESS I SWIFT PREMIUM, 1 lb. Pkg. WIENERS AYLMER TOMATO CATSUP C INSTANT MAXWELL HOUSE 11 COFFEE %1011111111111111R111111111111111111111MMIIIIIII0 49 CANADA GRADE "A" Flamingo, Sizes 5-1S Lbs. SELF BASTED TURKEYS C lb.76 10 oz. $ 15 on. CUT FROM THE BEEF HIP SIRLOIN TIP IROAST $176 ler AO :44UV.ttf CANADA NO.1 NEW CROP lb. II PEI TABLE POTATOES 25 114 bag NOW IN GODERICH - NO NEED TO DRIVE TO THE CITY BURNS, SWEET PICKLED TOP VAW, 2 4,2 to 3'2 lbs. .1.49 - SCHNEIDERS, 1 LB. PACKAGE SHOPSYS, 18 oz. chub i OKTOBERFEST 1 19 lilLANVNIrNA 1.49 1 SAUSAGE ... SWIFT PREMIUM, 1 LB. PKG. ' ogil SAUSAGE ' POTATO SHOPSYS, COLE SLAW OR MEAT II COTTAGE nn DINNER II ROLLS 'Itli° 4 S, lb. I MU HAMS 29c 'b? 39C CANADA NO.1 BURLINGTON CRISP CELERY STALKS large size THANKSGIVING FLOWERS ASSORTED COLOURS U.S.A. NO.1 OCEAN SPRAY POT MUMS 'gib each 2.59 FRESH CRANBERRIES CANADA NO 1 ONTARIO YELLOW U S.A. NO.1 LOUISIANA COOKING ONIONS hag 2 Itr. 11 %a ) 3C NEW CROP YAMS 21b.4 79% 69C SALAD siz o e t, 69C NI MN an ma ppm pi SR MINI xi 9c all1101.1 MN mei maw! FROZEN REGULAR OR CRINKLE CUT TOP VALU FRENCH FRIES 2 a. Pkg` pi.. in im opm igs sFAIrNocYl(clugAALeryy PUMPKII .REDIE;11:1;:aEYE. ;SA4MON; • PEA OR VEGETABLE HABITANT SOUP ::HAMBIOIROVIV0 HOT COI I of a tin HANGING PLANTERS-TERRARIUMS-Ali shapes & sizes POttIng soils, planting soil, African Violet tropical plant soil; peat moss, ver- miculite, etc. Cactus, Boston Fern, Jade, Pepermonia, four varieties Ivy, three Varieties Phileden- dron, Diefenbachle, Maranta. Giant Pepermonia, ReX Begonias, Red Emeralds, Umbrella Tree, Split Leaf Philedendron. Solve your Christmas gifting problents -- sinall deposit will hold any item ill Christ4 mss, DUTCH BULBS . Excellent Selection Of EVERGREENS AND SHADE TREES Suitable for fall planting Whiffs:. COotolote OFIChesly CAKE ,MI1Xfi'S 13%:ta. okt, FROZEN MRS. SMITH PUMPKIN PIE POST HONEY COMB CEREAL FOR DISHES . JOY LIQUID DETERGENT • :..(1,5q-pRiolyw.):..:- . Premium you TEA BAGS 12n. 241K. 0111, S1 SO ALLEhiS: (POLY PACK) ORANGE FLAVOUR CRYSTALS pkeL • 34/4 lit 8 BEEF, IRISH; MEATBALL PURITAN STEWS TOP vAt.'y i CHOICE QUALITY MIXED JLIM8011ZE PLASTIC SARAN WRAP FOODWRAP tip* CHERRY. HILL COLOURED MILD OR •MEDIUM CHEDDAR CHEESE In stock now GRAPEFRUIT AND LEMON TREES AVAILABLE VEGETABLES ,.. . 9 24 or. hot ' 12 04. ALL tYPES, V H CHINESE SEYLE SPARE RIB SAUCE SOAP FLED. SOS 'TT 79c SCOURING PADS ale 37 C CHECK THIS LIST FOR THE IGA STORE NEAREST YOU! ALL TYPE Lady Patricia .Hairspray ALL TYPES 'Lady Patricia Shampoo malsommomenlpo CLUB HOUSE 1.005E PACK • STUFFED I" 43 c 12 g. 01 mAN UNIL A OLIVES lir 73 16 ot 77c llri ALE TYPES OHIPITS BAKING CHIPS OPEN THANKSGIVING WEEKEND LANDSCAPING NURSERY AND GARDEN CENTRE MONDAY TO SAT URDAY, DAYLIGHT TO DARK, SUNDAY 12.6 CLINTON IGA BERRY • (ROARS BLUEBERRY OR CHERRY • E ES SMITH R; 59c PIE FILLING °u: 696 BLACK CURRENT. APRICOT OR NOR PURE JAM 12 oz. n9C btl. OCEAN SPRAY CRANAPPLE DRINK REGULAR OftOELUXE McCAIN 8 Irt 9 0 BROWN TURKEY GRAVY OR40„ i ::RENCR'S mho CHILI-0 il NW zoo EROZEN COO RUPER1 22 agltillg I 1179 tISH & CHIPS HOSTESS POtATO CHIPS '1.1. 138 &9c Pict