HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1974-10-03, Page 1411. TENDERS TENDER The Huron County Board of Education will *sive plainly Marked sealed tenders on the following supplies required for our Elementary and Secondary Schools up to 12 o'clock loci! time Friday, October 18, 1974. Audio Visual Support Equipment, Art Supplies, General Classroom Supplies, Notebooks, Office Supplies, Paper Supplies, and Physical Education Equipment. Specifications and Tender forms may be obtained from the Board Offices, 103 Albert St., Clinton, On- tario. Lowest or any tender not necessary accepted. D.J. Cochrane, Director of Education E.G. Hill, Chairman 13. SERVICES AVAILABLE ANYONE interested in taking HIGHLAND DANCING LESSONS please contact KAREN McGREGOR at 482-7127' evenings.-40p GENERAL yard clean up and odd jobs. Phone 482-7654.--40p ORNAMENTAL - Railings, Room Dividers, Candle Sticks, Brackets, Foot Stools etc. John R. Hamilton, 293 Albert Street, Clinton. 482- 3709.-40,41p REMODELLING, renovations, roofing and floor laying, expertly done. Ali odd jobs around -the home. Kitchen cupboards a specialty. Phone 482-7676. Ken McNairn.--c2tfn WHEELCHAIRS—The CP & T Fund of Clinton Oddfellows Lodge have wheelchairs available for loan free. Contact Tom Chuter 482-7652 oteMrist, flatkinp482-3866,4013 STAN BLOWES Travel Service, 32 Wellington Street, Stratford. For al airlines, steamships, rail, hote reservations, tours. Low bank rate on time payments. Prepai arrangements for relatives visitin from overseas. Call 271-5710.-40 SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern equipment, work guarat teed. Write or phone 11.'l'. Dale Clinton. Phone 482-3320.-1th' BYERS UPHOLSTERY - W will rebuild, recover or re-sty your old furniture better than ne Call 482-7939, 71 Princess St. Clinton.—tin LET US REPAIR AND MAK your rings and jewellery' like new Diamond rings renewed and ston safely secured — don't take rho ces. Expert work done reasonab to your satisfaction. Watch repel and pearl restringing. W.N. Cou ter. Clinton, Ontario,—ctfn HIRING Woodworkers Assemblers Press Hands And Those Willing To Learn Full Time Part Time Pleasant Working Conditions Commensurate Wages Paid Statutory Holidays interested Candidates Invited To Apply WERLICH INDUSTRIES LIMITED 500 Ontario Street Stratford, Ontario 273-1700 39,40b Clinton 482-3821 Albert Street Office Photo Listing Service Deity Farm near Auburn, free stall, 340 acres, approximately 270 workable, 10 room home. Beef and Hog Farm near Londesboro, 250 acres, excellent home. Cleih Crop Farm neat Mensal', 100 acres of productive land, 12 room excellent home, Broiler. Farm 40,000 basic quota, auto, feeder, 2 .substantial buildings, Started Pullets Ultra modern setup, 50 acres, 8 room home, open for Offers. Caged Layers 12,000 basic quota, 16ii/ acres, 8 room home. Hobby Farm 6 acres, 8 room home plus barn and garage, Lakeside FatM 20 acres with home and 2 barns, Country Homo Tastefully decorated, situated on 5 acres, Tourist Camp with lake frontage, 24 acres with 5 cabins and 4 cottages. Income Property 6 modern 2 bedroom apartments, hot water heating, *all to wail carpeting, an excellent investment. Vanastra HOMO one floor, 2 bedrootna, oil heating, low fidceS, Vanastra Horns excellent condition, fireplace in dining room, electric heating, This is ono of the better twines, Dairy Farm, 184 acres, large 2 storey home, pipe line, silo driyashed, milking 50 Regd. Molsteins, another 90 workable acres can be eased. This is one of the finest Dairy Paring in Huron County, Clarke Ann 236 Mary Street Getterichi Ontario 524.8620 Peter Damsma itIR 5, talon Ontittlo 4144649 MB at flass allt as Property, Antique & Household Auction N 1" N LICENSED Sheet Metal worker. Phone 262-2114,-40,41 CLASS A MECHANIC Straight time, excellent working conditions and Fringe Benefits. Apply in person to Reg. McDonald et Larry Snider Ltd. 235-1640 Exeter 40,41b Experienced PIANO WORKERS required for all departments. Reply, giving full details re experience, etc. to: Heintzman and Co. Ltd. Hanover, Ont. 39,40b PART TIME person wanted for keneral janitorial Ifutiek Afildy to Box 86, Clinton, Ontario.--38tfn TYPIST-BOOKKEEPER, pleasant capable person able to meet the public. Reply in writing, giving full resume and salary expected to Box6 Clinton News Record. All replies confidentfai,-40b OPPORTUNITY - for skilled cabinet makers and boat builders. We offer interesting jobs, good wages, and promising advancement, building top quality sailing yachts in a rapidly expanding production business, Contact Bayfield Boatyard Ltd. Vanastra Park. Phone 482-3425.-39,40b TEMPORARY HELP NEEDED For packing and grading of Nursery Stock Phone 482-7168 40b 1011111MININIIIIIMMONIMIONOMMINIMINIMMINIONIONIMIONNO 9. WANTED (General) SMALL collections of stamps wan- ted, also any mint postage before 1973, Will buy any stamps available, mint at least face plus 10%. Call 524-9106 anytime,--34 t f , KNAPPS will' buy outright, com- plete household, estates or single pieces of furniture. Best price paid or will sell by auction. Do not hesitate to call us. Our aim is to please, 67 Main Street, Seaforth, phone 527-1:136.-1fn N N N N N N N N N N N N N N CustOM LOADING and LEVELING Indoor & Outdoor Will clear 44" doorway for indoor construction work. For Services SEAIORTH , 527 ,-1065 JIM ALEXANDER Auction Sale of Antiques etc. for Miss Annie Tuer Frank St. — Mitchell Sat. Oct. 5 at 1 p,m. Auctioneers Richard Lobb R. G. Gethke Clinton Bornholm Not responsible for accidents day of sale. 406 4104 "ier A/ FACTORY WORKERS MEN & WOMEN We have openings in our Stratford and Mitchell Ontario plants for persons wishing FULL TIME EMPLOYMENT. * No experience necessary * Additional earnings through Incentive plan • Paid holidays after one month * Company paid fringe benefits Apply in person to the Personnel Department Standard Products (Canada) Limited 1030 Erie Street Stratford Ontario 39,40b WOULD YOU LIKE PART TIME WORK? IF SO TRY STANDARD PRODUCTS (CANADA) LIMITED MITCHELL ONTARIO PLANT YOUR CHOICE OF WORKING FROM 10:00 A.M. to 2:30 P.M. or 6:00 P.M. to 10:30 P.M. Monday through Friday NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY , ADDITIONAL EARNINGS THROUGH BONUS PLAN COMPANY PAID HOLIDAYS & FRINGE BENEFITS APPLY TO PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT STANDARD PRODUCTS (CANADA) LIMITED '1030 ERIE STREET STRATFORDt ONTARIO OR PHONE Vi4360 FOR INTERVIEW IN MITCHELL PLANT 39,400, LARRY BADLEY BLYTH, Ont. 887-6938 40b AUCTIONEER: DAVID CARSON R.R. 3 LISTOWEL 291-2049 RATHWELL'S AUCTION SERVICE BRUCEFIELD 482-3120 itimodomommoisti R:THWELL'S AUCTIONEERS and LIQUIDATORS BRUCEFIELD, ONT. Offer the most modern auction methods. LICENSES AND BONDED ONTARIO-WIDE BRUCEFIELD 482.3120 --cgtfn MILKING HERD DISPERSAL for LARRY BADLEY, BLYTH To be sold at David Carson's Farm 1 mile east of Listowel on Highway 86 WEDNESDAY OCT. 9 at 1:00 p.m. Herd Consists of: 22 Registered and Grade Holstein Cows and Springing Heifers in Various Stages of Lactation ALL CATTLE ARE SIRED BY UNIT SIRES AND REBRED TO UNIT SIRES SUCH AS: ACHILLES PICKLAND CITATION R with one heifer bred to DOWNALANE REFLECTION EMPEROR ALSO FOR PRIVATE SALE: Unice 33 can Bulk Cooler, 2 Univer- sal milkers like new, Universal Vacuum Pump ALSO SELLING WILL BE THE USUAL RUN OF TOP QUALITY REGISTERED AND GRADE SPRINGING COWS AND HEIFERS CATTLE HAVE BEEN BLOOD TESTED AND FREE OF BRUCELLOSIS NOTE TIME OF SALE FOR FURTHER INFORMATION 'CONTACT: • • CARSON'S AUCTION- SERVICE tssoAND r„.4 '4140/ki AUCTION SALE OF RED PINE POLES On Wednesday October 9/74 at 2 p.m. sharp, at the Wawanosh Valley Conservation Area, Con- cession 7, Lot 31, East Wawanosh Township For further information contact the: , Secretary-Treasurer, Maitland Valley Conservation Authority, Box 5, Wroxeter, On- tario. Phone 519.335.3557 39,40b Clearing Auction Sale To be held at Lot 6, Con. 5, Stanley Township, 11/4 miles north of Klppen, two miles west, Saturday, Oct, 12 at 1:15 p.m. Consisting of Furniture, Appliances; Antiques, collectable items, machinery - John Deere A.R. Tractor - Oliver 70 c/w two row weenier and bean puller and other equipment, Pin to attend • Terms - Cash Farm Sold No Reserve Howard Lemon-Proprietor PAGE 1.4,--CLINTON NEWS RECORD, THURSDAY, OCTOBER a, 1974 TOWN AND COUNTRY. IFIEDS 1 ..simo...stfaufwipmpopaixiimilaimmagowomem 4. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE IL HELP WANTED PROPERTY FOR SALE North of Geocterich. 150 acres level tiled land. 8 room Rouse, large dairy, barn, stable cleaner, bulk cooler, Silo Weeder. Colborne Township. 100 acres beef farm. 8 room house, barn 54 se. 150 acre rienownship. 9 room brit IA 60 x 65. silo, new sow barn. 30 aererobittlyn Colborne W Townsh 5 1/2 acrebotreepellett Town- ship. *JP GoctericlicnTins House and barn onWl 65 acres cash crop land in Goderich Township. 1 mile from Clinton on paved road. 8 room house, new barn. Goderich Township, 6 acres, new brick house, barn, new Implement shed. 100 acres of bush in Willett Town- ship. C.BURUMA R.R. 2 Clinton 482-3287 salesman for K.W, COLQUHOUN LTD, Clinton 482.9747 400 7. WANTED TO RENT TEACHER wants one .or two bedroom apartment immediately. Phone 482-9589 after six.-40b S. HELP WANTED LABOURERS and truck drivers required. Please reply to Box 25, do Clinton News-Record- stating age and previous experience. All replies will Ve kept strictly confiden- tial.—tfn 10. EMPLOYMENT WANTED WILL BABYSIT children any age, 4 p.m. to midnight Mon to Thurs and 9 a.m. to 6 p,m. Saturdays. Con- tact me at 77 Rattenbury Street, up- stairs apartment.-37tfn Clinton Home to be Auctioned We have been instructed to sell by auction the property and contents for the Estate of Morgan Agnew on the premises et 226 Mary St., Clinton on Saturday, October 5 at 1:15 p.m. PROPERTY—one atorey frame bungalow, 3 bedrooms, den, large livingroom, dining room, kitchen, 3 pc, bath, back en- trance, carpet, and basement with oil furnace, situated on two lots and has a single car garage, CONTENTS--Oak round pedestal table; 6 matching chairs and buffet; small bow glass front china cabinet; trench provincial chesterfield and chair: 2 recliner chairs (new); 4 pc bedroom suite (new); games table (old); Victorian arm chair; 3 drawer drop front writing desk with book case above; oak book case; 2 other bookcases; 2 cedar chests; wicker and oak writing desk; cherry comode; chest of drawers with nustache pulls; small birds eye maple box; cherry dresser complete with mirror; bookcase headboard bed; 7 pc, chrome suite; leather chester- field: oak case-brass pulls; wail clock (new); other clocks; war- drobe; 3 dimensional pictures of this property and others in shadow box frames; glass and china; pipe stand; lamps; bed- ding; hand and garden tools; emery; wood kitchen stove. APPLIANCES—Admiral 2 door trig; Leonard electric 30" range; Hoover spin washer dryer; 8000 B.T.U. air conditioner and small appliances. 38" x 24" vault. Property selling at 3:00 p.m. subject to reasonable reserve to clear sedate, 10% down, balance in 30 days. No Reserve on contents and Terms Cash RATHWELL'S AUCTION SERVICE BRUCEFIELD 482 3120 41111111111111111101, Consignment Auction Sale THE SECOND SATURDAY OF EACH MONTH Farm Tractors and Machinery LOCATED AT al e fit11,11" .14h) 4 C., r +4 /kir :11 r, Lakevuew S ce 11/4 MILES NORTH AND 1/2 MILE EAST OF CARLOW OR 7 MILES NORTH EAST OF GODERICH, ONT. Saturday, Oct. 12, at 11 a.m. 1915 Model T Touring Car, SPECIAL FEATURE completely, restored with brass front etc. This car will be sold at 3:00 p.m. There will be over 200 pieces of machinery and fifty tractors. Including tractors from 10 to 100 horsepower, all eine and makes. Large selection of snowmobiles. • General Farm Equipment, including combines, swathe's, balers, disc cultivators, ploughs. Plus a large selection of used forage boxes and new 10 ton wagons, also new 11-L and 9.5 L 15" Equipment tires and tubes, To place consignments call Lakeview Sales and Service 524- 6451 More consignments Welcome -`Terms Cash BRINDLEY AUCTION SERVICE IN CHARGE Lunch Booth on Grounds N N N N N N N N N N N N 39,40b SW Ina 12, AUCTION SALE 12. AUCTION SALE 12. AUCTION SALE 12. AUCTION SALE 12. AUCTION SALE for Robert William Nesbitt Estate 42 Wilson St„ Seaforth; nor thwest of the main intersection (watch for signs) Saturday, Oc- tober 5th at 1 p,m. PROPERTY: will be offered at 3 p.m. subject to a very moderate reserve bid as executrix is anxious to. sell. Extra large lot With beautiful trees, two storey house Minn-brick and asbestos covered, new roof, new gas furnace, full basement, bath, kitchen with built-in cupboards, dining room, living room, several, bedrooms, clothes and linen closets, garage. Don't overtook this particularly good property close to downtown Seaforth. TERMS: 10% downi balance In 30 days, For further information contact Mrs, Nixon Phone 527-0738 Executrix or the Auc- tioneers, ANTIQUES; gunstock chairs, Cane bottom chairs; wooden cheire; rockers; leather backed chair. and rackets; wall cup- board with Wan top; washstands; dressers; bed' (one with oak carved front); pine blanket ch ine , lebe design toilet set, exCellent tenditien; pall p R and lid; ibbon china jar. diniere; crocks; oil lamps; sealers; three a611009 couch style; wicker stool; hall table with drawer; Wooden Secretary with glass doer, Shelves and deal( front; umbrella Stand with mirror; oak buffet With mirror; old wall hung deck; kitchen cabinet with loaded window and mirror, reeking chair with cane seat; Mental chick; bedroom *croon; thunder mug with lid; some press elate; crystal; Nippon and Limoges dishes; Mustache cup; Chine teeth piCk holder; ten set service tor 12; dinine room table With 2 Unwell. HOUSEHOLD: Clare Bros Weed and coal 4000; Mafia( four burner ttOve; Leonard terrigerater; radio; Admiral 21" T V BelMty washing Matteino; Niagara niiretage atisehertetita; Vacuum cleaner; pots, pant and kitthen dithes; Cedar chest; plate elate 'Muer; wooden' 'UMW; sewing machine; eta. Terms Cosh AuCtioneort Hugh Filson "clout Robson 856-6833 phone 666-196r Deweerd PAINTING PAPER HANGING Free Estimates Special Winter Rates 482-7550 Clinton 38TF