HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1974-08-29, Page 1313, SERVICES AVAILABLE 20. TO GIVE AWAY CUSTOM SPRAY PAINTING BARNS and INDUSTRY FREE ESTIMATES Phone 482-920 2 JIM BOLGER R.R. 2 CLINTON 0 This add worth ONE DOLLAR OFF FILM PROCESSING of KODACOLOR film 12 or 20 ex- posure 126 or 110 sizes. One coupon per film Present this ad with film to Bill German's Korner Recreation or .Jervis Studio. NOT CLINTON PHOTO SERVICF, —tin 4— 41 CISCO ping & r'aerl (.:?ent re * DESIGN * MAINTENANCE * CONSTRUCTION BLDG. 1 6 C '44 " VANAStRA' ONTARIO 482-9565 4f 15. PUBLIC NOTICE AS OF THIS DATE, August 29, 1974, 1, Kenneth Weigel, will not be held responsible for any debts created by my wife, Pauline Weigel, in my name.-35,36,37b New Admissions or Transfers to Clinton Public School please call one of the num- bers listed below by Sept. 3rd In order for us to keep our class lists up to date. Clinton PS - 482.9424 Vice-Principal - '527-1167 Secretary - 482.9798 Principal - 235.1453 or write Clinton Public School Clinton, Ont. NOM 1L0 34,35 NOTICE TO STUDENTS ATTENDING SCHOOLS OPERATED BY THE Huron County Board of Education The procedure for the first day of the Fall Term, Septerrther 3, 1974, Shall be as follows for all school, OPOreted by the Huron County Board of Education: 1, All schools will open at the regular hour in the morning. 2, All Nisei will travel at the regular time in the morning. 3. All schools Will clOssi ONE HOUR EARLIER than usual. 4. All buses will depart ONE HOUR EARLIER than usual, Cunningham Transportation Manager Huron County Board of EductitiOn 103 Albert Street Clinton, Ontario, Vanastra Voicings BY JENNY RUSSO What do you think of the ar- tist sketch of the new pool? Won't it be something to see that finished, We sure will be proud of what the Recreation Committee has accomplished. We are fortunate to have some people who are eager to work and keep on working till things are accomplished. To them I say, "thank you" and keep up the good work. Not everyone realizes how hard you work but when the finished product is there then everybody will say"Thath in Vanastra." * 5 * More things are happening every time you turn around. All the holes they're digging will soon be new homes, boy is that progress. The ball team won another game so I guess they are getting closer to victory. I hear it was a very interesting game and Vanastra won 8-3. We wish you luck in the next game and keep plugging. It would be nice to see you keep up the good work. I 'hear through the grape vine that 'Kaufman footwear is almost ready for opening their plant and if you want anymore information about it, phone 482.3793 and keep trying, because they're busy setting up the plant, The swimming lessons are going very well and there will be new hours for swimming af- ter school hours and I will put it in the paper next week. I didn't get the name of our Recreation Director yet but as soon as I find out, let you know. Well ladies it's time to get back to normal, The kids are going back to school and my, oh my, where did the summer go? I hope we get more warm weather because we didn't get too much of it, So Sept 3, is the big day for old and young and We will get back to a routine and will know what's going On from day to day, Mats all the news for this week and I hope foe more nett week, see you then, FIEF to a good home, month old kittens, Phone 4824968.-35b 21. BIRTHS COOK—Mr, and Mrs. Paul Cook are pleased to announce the arrival of their baby girl on August 22, 1974, in Clinton Public Hospital. STEEP—Mr. and Mrs. Rolston Steep of James Street, Clinton are pleased to announce the arrival of a baby girl on August 25, 1974 in Clinton Public Hospital. WILTS—Mr. and Mrs. Gerrit Wilts of R.R. 1, Londesboro are pleased to announce the arrival of their baby girl on August 27, 1974 in Clinton Public Hospital, 22. DEATHS BRUNDSON----At Westminister Hospital London, on Tuesday, . August 20, 1974, William Albert (Bert) Brundson of tondesboro, in his 79th year. Beloved husband of Dorothy (Robertson) Brundson and dear father of .Duncanville, Texas. Predeceased by one son Melvyn. The funeral service was held on Thursday, August 22, 1974 at 2:30 p.m. from the-Ball Funeral Home, 153 High Street, Clinton, Interment in Clinton Cemetery. MacDONALD—At Listowel Memorial Hospital, Listowel, On- tario, on Saturday, August 24, William Carl MacDonald of Ethel, Ont, in his 73rd year. Beloved husband of Mrs. Hilda H. (Hewitt) MacDonald. Dear father of Mrs. Norman' Grace Coglin) of Atwood, • Mrs. Chester (Ruth) Earl of Ethel and Rev. Stanley MacDonald, United Church minister at Lon- ripshoro. The body rested at the Peeble's Funeral Home in Atwood until Tuesday, when the funeral service was held in Ethel United Church at 2 p.m. Interment in Mt, Pleasant Cemetery, Ethel. 23. ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Cudmore, Clinton, are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Helen Louise, to John Edward McKenzie, son of Mr. and "."Ntrff. MicreiciiiizfOtn,letvengiinii non, The marriage will take 'place, Saturday, September 28th, 1974, in Ontario Street United Church, Clin- ton at 4 p.m.-35p NOTICE TO EQUIPMENT OWNERS For "Winter Maintenance Operations 1974.75 Sewee" the following equipment is required- TRUCKS — with minimum R.G.W. 27,000 Lbs.Aside low Mounting power sanding units, are required at Die following emotions: 1 Truck — Shelburne, St. Marys, MINorton, aeltillh Welk, OM. 2 Trucks — Arthur, Harriston, LIMOWIL WInghenr, Gooleach, Clinton, Grand Bend, Exeter, New Hamburg, Guelph last. 3 Trucks — Mitchell. NOTE: Standby rate for single axle 27,000 Lb. R.G.W. trucks is -$14.00 per •day. TRUCKS — with minimum A.G.W. 42,000 Lac tandem MIAMI at the following locations: 1 Truck.— Listowel, Winghem, Gusiph East- 2 Trucks — Shelburne, Arthur, Gift,; Guelph %Vast, Erin. NOTE: Standby rate for tandem axle 42,000 Lb. R.O.W. trucks is $18.00 per day. \ Tice Successful bidder must have P.C.V. kronor or apply for *erne within seven days of being notified. LOADERS — (without operator) at the folleerlag lepallene: 1 — 11/2 Cu. Yd. Loader — Shelburne, Arthur, Harriston, Corm, Ustowel, Witham, Goderich, Clinton, Grand Bend, Exeter, Mitchell, • IN. Marys, MIlverfon, New Hamburg, Galt, Guelph West, Erin, 0~ East, Crimsons Corners (Acton). Sealed tenders on forms supplied by the Ministry will be received br.the District Engineer, unlit 9:00 a.m. D.S.T., Mon- day, September 9, 1974. Specifications, tender forms and envelopes may be obtained in person or by mail from the District Office in Stratford. When requesting tenders, please specify location(s). The lowest or any tender, not necessarily accepted. F. C. Brown, District 'Engineer, Ministry of Transportation and Communication*, 581 Huron Street, P.O. Box 8, Stratford, Ontario. Telephone: 271-3550 Ministry of Transportation 'and Communications Ontario Conc. Area and Designated Use Lot 7 12. i Ministry of Natural Resources Ontario The Ministry of Natural Resources, ViIngham District has the following parcels of land available for lease by tender for 1975. Stanley Township Lot Con. • Area end Designated Use ' 4 Lake Range West 40 acres cropland Hutton Township 111 111 111 13 111 11/2 19 111 Pt. 20 111 121/2 16 and 17 iii • and 7 11,1 10 1V V $ V • 1d V 14 V1 15 V1 18 V1 17 V1 1$ V11 78 acres cropland 70 scree cropland • 35 acres cropland 8 acres pasture 40 acres cropland 25 awes crept id * 25 acres cropland • 82 acres cropland 24 acres pasture 25 acres cropland 60 acre* erwIllend • 35 me past 58 acres °repla ure nt, 35 scree Pasture 25 scree cropland 90 acre* Pasture SO scree cropland 90 acres cropland $0 acres cropland 25 acres cropland 30 acres cropland Please note that successful tenderer@ for properties denoted * will be requested to "seed down" the property with• a pasture seed mixture specified by the Ministry of Natural Resources. The cost of the pasture mixture will constitute part Of the payment for rental of the land. Successful tenderer* will ply municipal taxes on the land with the balance to the Ministry In grain at market price at time of delivery. Grain to be delivered to the Maintenance Building legated at Lot 8 Conc. 111, Mullett Township, by December 1, 1915: Highest or any tender may not be accepted. Land use permits will expire UpOn harvesting of crop; type of Drop will determine date of expiry. Land presently used as *Kure must remain So. Factor* other than motel fee per sere Will be Considered In the awarding of tenders. Renewal options *II not be Considered In this tender.' A maximum of five parcels can be allowed during any fiscal year. NO three-year options will be Considered on this tender. Subleasing ls not perrniesable. Tenders for the aboveland will be received at the: Ministry of Natural RetrOuroes Sort 490 Whigham, Ontario NOG 2W0 until 12 noon, September 6, 1974. A mooing *Ali be held at the Howl Wildlife Management Area Maintenance headquarters, Lot 11, COne. 3 of Mullet( Township, on September k 1074 Wirer* 7 and 0 p.M. Mr these preen" interested in 'tether *4WD regarding Wrofelrlhel for Mile. / • 1 f 1 1 4 - TENDERS ADDITION & ALTERATION - Phase II to Victoria Public School Goderich, Ont, Sealed tenders, properly identified es to contents, for the General Contract, and addressed to Huron County Board of Education, will be received at the office of the Architects, KYLES, KYLES a GARRATT, 165 Huron Street, Stratford, until 3:00 p.m. local time, September 11, 1914. Each tender must be accompanied by s Bill Bond or Certified Cheque in the amount of $2,300.00. The successful Contractor will be required to furnish a Perfor. mane Bond of 100% of his contract Price. Lowest or any ten- der not necessarily accepted. General Building Contractors may obtain drawings and specifications at the office of the Architect. Huron County Board of Education Clinton , Ontario ATHWEWS AuC =WOTAN 12. AUCTION SALE 12. AUCTION SALE I LYLE MONTGOMERY CONSTRUCTION Crushed Road gravel, crushed stone (for drainage work) Clean Cement Gravel, Pit Run and Fill Gravel. Back hoe work, Screened Top Soil CLINTON - 482-7844 Phone evenings or before 7 a.m. tin 13. SERVICES AVAILABLE REMODELLING, renovations, roofing - and floor laying, expertly done. All odd jobs around the home. Kitchen cupboards specialty. Phone 482-7676. Ken McNairn.—c2tfn FLORAL MEN'I'ALS for special oc. casionst centrepieces, candlesticks. Also, custom-designed floral arrangements to suit your Inane decor. Exclusive variety of flowers to choose from. For appointment call Ruth Duern, 482-3876, except 'Thursdays,-13tIn VACUUM CLEANERS SALES & SERVICE ALL MAKES BOB PECK VARNA 262-5748 (actin sossoiwassissoso~loomoll CUSTOM KILLING AND •PROCESSING Butchering dates— Tuesday and Thursday TUESDAY—Beef and Pork FRIDAY. —Beet Only PICK- UP SERVICE AVAILABLE Manner's Abattoir 237.3314 Dashwood sosessossawowissowiewlis~ 25.1N MEMORIAM, ,PARTRIDGE—Luella . Partridge-, Sept, 4, 1965 We miss our beautiful little mother, whose love and devotion will always be with us. Leona and Clayton Weston.-35b SMITH—In loving memory of our dear son and brother who passed away 5 years ago. We think of him in silence His name we often recall, There is nothing left to answer, But his picture on the wall. Ever remembered by Mom, Dad, sisters and brothers.-35b EMMERSON: In loving memory of a dear husband, Harold Ernmerson, who passed away seven years ago. Sept. 2, 1967. The years may wipe out many things, But this they wipe out never. The memory of those happy days Which we have spent together. Lovingly remembered by his wife, Laura.—.-35b 26. CARD OF THANKS NEAL—A sincere thank-you to friends and neighbors for cards, let- ters, visits, flowers and gifts sent to me while in London Hospital and since coming home. Your kindness will always be remembered. Jo Neal.-34p G wish V I Et 0R—thaBnekth iRho e ndsd, a n ae neigh Elva bours and relatives for making the birth- day, celebration for our father, William Govier such a happy oc- casion.---35p 26. CARD OF THANKS HANDY: I would like to thank my friends for their kindness while I was a patient in Clinton Hospital, Special thanks to Dr. Newland and nurses on the second floor. Lilian Handy-35b FRASER - Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fraser of Bayfield, wish to extend their warmest thanks to their many friends and neighbours, who remembered them on the occasion of their Diamond Wedding Anniver- sary, with cards and mementos. They were indeed ap- precia ted .-35b LEITCH; My sincere thanks to all my family, friends and neighbours who remembered me with visits, cards, gifts and flowers to brighten my days during my lengthy stay at Stratford Hospital. Special thanks to Drs, Lindsay, Tidman, acid Quinlan and my nurses, also Rev. Stan MacDonald of Londesboro United Church. Mrs. Annie Leitch-35p BRUNSDON—We wish to thank our relatives, friends and neighbors for their beautiful floral tributes, their donations to the Canadian Cancer Society, Ontario Heart Foundation, and the Londesboro United Church Memorial Fund, in the recent loss of our beloved husband and father. Thanks also for all the kindness and sympathy shown by all the neighbors and ladies of Londesboro. Special thanks to Rev. Stanley McDonald for his message at the service and his numerous visits to Westminster Hospital and for his constant stead- fastness throughout these trying years. Dorothy and Bette.-35p A SWEEP crew from the Maitland \611ey Conservation Authority were in Clinton for two days this week cleaning up Cardwell's pond. Here Nancy Danbrook of Atwood moves some brush. (News-Record-photo) A party was held in the craft room on Sunday afternoon to honor Mrs. Isabella Hamilton on her 100th birthday, Seventy- five relations and friends atten- ded the party with messages of congratulations being received from Robert McKinley M.P. and Jack Riddell M.P.P. Molly Cox, Norman Speir and Jerry Collins provided the old time music for Monday's activities. The residents had an opportunity to congratulate and sing "happy birthday" to Mrs. Hamilton, who was able to make several requests for favorite tunes for the sing-a- long. Forty-four residents travelling by bus and van had a picnic at Harbor Park, Goderich on Tuesday after- noon. The first stop on the tour was a visit to the Pioneer Museum and after lunch toured the harbour area, Sifto salt Mine, the Fall's Conservation Area, Benmiller, and the Jervis Sanctuary at Holmesville. The Creditors Women's In- stitute were hosts on Wed- nesday afternoon for _the August birthday party, Mrs. Shapton Was emcee for the following program. There were violin and piano selections by Lois Hodgina and Mr. Sawyer, step dancing Mona Hodgine, vocal trio Kathy Davey, Bevan and Janet Shapton, readings by Jean Neil, and piano recital Anne Dearing. Gifts were presented to the celebrants by the ladies and after singing of happy birthday, lemonade and cup cakes were served. Mrs. Foster, who was celebrating her 91st birthday on Wednesday, thanked the ladies on behalf of the residents. The weather was ideal for the band concert on the lawn on "Family Night" played by the Mitchell Legion Band. All of the residents were able to take advantage of the fine band music, as the windows were all opened on the west side of the Home. It I was a real treat to hear the marches and familiar tunes. • CLINTON NMS -Ft C 0 Fi P THURSDAY, AUGUST 29, 10 7 4-13 Auction of Interest To be held on the location 1/2 mile south of Goderich on Hwy. 21 on Sat. Aug. 31 at 12:30 p.m. for Harry Brimicombe. Consists of Pine, cherry and oak furniture, including flat to wall cupboard; 2 writing desks; spinning wheel; dressers; chest of drawers; wash stands; commodes; blanket boxes; cobblers bench and tools; cradle and crib; also beds; drop leaf table; victrola; pump organ; Quebec heater; captain's chair; cap- tain's high chair; 2 arrow back chairs; what-not; 4 matching gun stocks; press-back rockers; 3 pc. living room suite; large selection of odd bottles; crocks; pictures and frames; 2 moun- ted eagles; 1 mounted owl; collection of bird's eggs; 4 wheel rubber-tired buggy (made in Goderich); military saddle; roping saddle. Implements and Miscellaneous: - Tractor (international "M", Int. Rotary mower; Massey Harris Clipper Combine (pull type) complete with pickup; M.H. Forage harvester; Quebec sulkie; M.H. 7 ft. mower; walking plow; 3 furrow Int. plow: 10 ft. land packer; 2 sets drag harrows; wagon and, flat rack; hayloader; forage blower and pipes; circular saw; steel and wood posts; approx. 100 rails; 2 grain augers; lumber; trailer; oil drum and many many more Interesting items. Sale must start at 12:30 p.m. as this is a large offering. RATHWELL'S AUCTION SERVICE • Eltucefield 42241204,' aft 14 e 13. SERVICES AVAILABLE PICTURE framing as usual. Frame made to fit any size of picture. Harold Tyndall. Phone 482-7409 af- ter 6 p.m.-35b FOR ALL kinds of roofing call 524- 9084 after 6 p.m. and ask for Norm.-35b LET US .REPAIR AND MAKE your rings and jewellery like new. Diamond rings renewed and stones safely secured — don't take chan- ces. Expert work done reasonably to your satisfaction. Watch repairs and pearl restringing. W.N. Coun- ter. Clinton, Ontario,--ctfn RICHARD 1.01111 EXPERIENCED AUCTIONEER and APPRAISER CLINTON, ONT. PHONE: 482-7898 ctIn Air HURON PINES "Construction Service Centre" 482-7901 CLINTON Electrical Wiring Concrete and Brick Work General Contracting Excavating and Dozer Service Back Hoe Service trencher Service TI=N 11. TENDERS