HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1974-08-29, Page 5looks like we will be paying an extra $300 million this year for hospital services. Hospitals across the Province have recently completed wage settlements with nurses and other hospital workers which will cost about $400 to $500 million extra per year accor- ding to the Ontario Hospital Association, When the financial estimates for the Ministry of Health were introduced in April, the figure required for operations of hospitals was about $1.2 billion. Since the Government operates on a fiscal year which starts April 1 and ends March 31, it will not have to ask for the whole $400" to $500 as our fiscal year is already one.third over. I predict that when the Legislature resumes sitting in the Fall, Health Minister Frank Miller will have to ask for about $300 million in sup- plementary estimates in order to pay for all the recent wage settlements. A couple of years ago, former Health Minister Richard Potter decided to do something about the high .cost of hospitals. He instructed hospitals to close down beds and cut back ser- vices. This measure was sup- posed to save us some money, but I have yet to see any savings. Instead the health bill just gets larger and larger every year. At the time of the cutbacks, Authority receives grant The Honourable Leo Bernier, minister of natural resources, announces the approval of a provincial grant in the amount of $8,250 to the Maitland Valley Conservation Authority to carry out a preliminary engineering study of ,the Bluevale Dam on the Little Maitland River at Bluevale. At present, the dam and reservoir provides recreation such as swimming, boating and fishing in the Conservation Area. The dam is in a state of disrepair. The study will include an assessment of the structural condition, of the dam, recom- mendations for remedial measures and cost estimates for the repair. All member municipalities have been designated as benefitting and will be levied the Authority's share of the cost. TRICIAN'sAYx NEED ANELECTR/C/AIV „ ALERT b QUICK?, < WEVE THE SERV/CE- MAN TO DO THE mice 1 DON BELL , illitOING' CONTRACTOR 225 MAPLE Si', 01.0410111 482.9560„:_, CLINTON NEW-RECORD, .THIURSDAY, .001.70VOT 29, 1974-6 some labour problems in hospitals so rather than dealing with them, they appointed Committee to look into the problems back in January. The Committee still has not repor- ted and all the wage set- tlements are long since passed. I wonder what the cost will be to the taxpayer for the Com- mittee whose recommendations will now seem after the fact? If the health bill continues to increase at the rate it is presen- tly increasing, it will bankrupt the Province by the year 2,000. This is becoming obvious when just 4 months after the start of the fiscal year the Government is already $300 million short, * * * Did you know that the target date for total conversion to the metric system is 1980? The Federal Government first star- ted moving in that direction in 1970 after the publication of the "White Paper on Metric Conversion in Canada". Although this is Federal responsibility, it will require the co-operation of all levels of Government, On highways around Ontario y already see the beginnings can niingsof conversion as some road signs show distances in kilometers, * The Provincial Liberal Caucus held a Thinkers Con- ference in Hamilton last weekend where ideas were discussed which could form Liberal policy for the upcoming election, There were twenty papers published ranging from Women's Rights to Agriculture. Experts in various fields of in- terest were present as resource people and participated in the various discussions. With an election probably no more than a year away, the Party is gearing up for a good fight, * * * A serious shortage of housing is developing very rapidly in Ontario, The latest Cent$1 Mortgage and Housing Cor- poration (CMHC) figures show that the number of loans from approved lenders for the first seven menthe. in 1974 was 9,291, this is down from 26,902 for the same period last year, The total number of ClVIIFIC loans for the first seven months in 1974 was 14,660 - this is down from 32,046 for the same period last year, which is more than a 50 percent drop in one year, GROVES TV and Appliance Centre will lie closed ' September 2 to September 14 35b By Jm'I Ridtle(1, Boron MIT 81 WEST ST. AP 11 GODERICH ALL PRICES SHOWN IN THIS AD GUARANTEED EFFECTIVE THROUGH SATUR- DAY, AUGUST 31ST, 1974. WHERE ECONOMY ORIGINATES Actionpriced! E. D. SMITH GARDEN COCKTAIL 28iFkoz39, Actionpriced! CANADA GRADE "A" LARGE SIZE EGGS DOZEN 73ce "igAigitgeo, YL <Ai* -•••• •• • ••••• ••• •.• 1••• 1•• r . ••••• • rr ••••• • Action iced! Action priced! DETERGENT TIDE POWDER KING 1 SIZE $ 79 1 Only Top Quality Meats ! WESGATE—VANILLA, BUTTERSCOTCH OR CHOCOLATE RIPPLE ICE CREAM. 'A-GALLON 99 CARTON 51 17c lb Lower Than A Year Ago 1 - Eviscerated, Frozen, Vac Pac 10 to 14-lbs average CANADA GRADE "A" YOUNG TURKEYS •••••1111•11•Mi• SUPER RIGHT QUALITY — FRESH — "GREAT ON A GRILL" SUPER-RIGHT CANADA GRADE "A" BEEF 4 RIBS ONLY — "GREAT ON A GRILL!" Prime Rib Steaks it ittile..)1c! • -• lb • 69 10c LB. LOWER THAN A YEAR AGO! SX BRAND, NIAGARA COIL — 41c LS. LOWER THAN A YEAR AGO! Blade Steaks "GREAT on a GRILL" 1 41.08 Polish Sausage lb 79? TOWN LAUB (2 LB. VAC PAC $1.31) EVISCERATED, FROZEN, VAC PAC, ROCK CORNISH Wieners "Great on a Grill" 1-lb vac oac 69f/ Game Chickens Canada Grade "A" lb 75? TOWN CLUB — SLICED — 15c LB. LOWER THAN A YEAR AGO! Side Bacon 1-lb vac pac 0.19 MAPLE LEAF, SLICED, 5 VARIETIES — 13e Lower Than A Year Agol Cooked Meats 6-oz vac pac 42% SUPER RIGHT QUALITY, FROZEN, MEATY Pork Hocks lb 39)i SCHNEIDERS, FROZEN — "GREAT ON A GRILL!" Beef Steakettes 1-lb pkg 79? FRESH — 15 PIECES — "GREAT ON A GRILL!" C7. '; 1 BOX-0-CHICKEN 3 LEG QUARTERS 3 BREAST QUARTERS 3 WINGS, 3 NECKS 3 GIBLET PACKAGES lb 5 ail Ground Chuck lb Pork Shoulders VAC PAC lb 69% Bologna BY THE PIECE TOWN CLUB, SMOKED, PICNIC STYLE SX BRAND, VISKING — 39c LB, LOWER THAN A YEAR AGO! lb 44? PLAIN OR SEEDED JEWISH RYE OR BUTTERCRUST JANE PARKER BREAD 3 16.01 LOAVES • 0 (BUY 3 LOAVES — SAVE UP TO 17c) JANE PARKER (BUY 3 PKGS. — SAVE (170 HAMBURG BUNS or I 00 WIENER ROLLS pkg of 83/$.. JANE PARKER - (SAVE 10c) Action priced! Action priced! fit pkg 119 of 12 ASSORTED FLAVOURS = ELSIE — STIX BORDEN POPS1CLES I 14-oz cake TEA BAGS MOTHER pkg 69 PARKER KRAFT & CHEESE DINNER Adroi %P si FROZEN, CHOCOLATE, VANILLA, STRAWBERRY,LEMON SARA LEE LAYER CAKES Dr. Potter said we would be moving away from expensive treatment in hospitals wherever possible, and toward treatment in less expensive ex- tended care facilities such as nursing homes. Dr. Potter im- posed a freeze on capital con- struction of hospitals, he gran- ted only a 5 percent increase to the operating budgets of hospitals and closed down 1,500 active-treatment beds. Obviously these measures were unsuccessful in keeping down the cost of what Dr. Pot- ter described as a "Franken- stein monster"- our Provincial health bill. There has never been a co-ordinated approach in the Ministry of Health to Tft;:, ?:.-11c really try to apply' ariMe'fifian- „ i. cial contraints on all sectors of .4 the health care delivery system. First the Ministry of Health re-organized itself, then it decided to appoint a Task Force on Health Planning- it's rather like putting the chicken before the egg. The Govern- ment knew several months ago that there were going to be ASSORTED FLAVOURS \ Gay Lea Yogurt 6 pack of 4'.oz cartons 70% REGULAR OR BUTTERMILK, FROZEN ACTION PRICED! Aunt Jemima WAFFLES 10-oz pkg 49% BYE THE SEA—SOLIDS LIGHT MEAT—AN OIL ACTION PRICED, Tuna Fish 7-ot fin 6sie SWEET MIXED, YUM MUMS, BABY DILLS, SWEET ICICLES Dick's Pickles 154I-oz jar 59? AdTiON PRICED! Sunlight Liquid KING 511E,'32 69? Tang Crystals DETERGENT tOltEPRItEll 7$c) CANADA No. 1 GRADE, WASHINGTON, FREESTONE 2•LBS 3911( LB 29¢ Each 59? ORANGE FLAVOUR pow BEE MAID CANADA NO. 1 GRADE Spanish Bar Cake JANE PARKER, APPLE OR 19 oz cake 69? Peach Pie PULL 3-INCH PIE each(56"191; JANE PARKER (BUY 2 PKGS.'*-- SAVE 11c) Twin Rolls 2 Pkgs of 12 79,6 ACTION 'PRICED! 12.11.02 jar 5951 go am um NIN MN IN Ill NI IN mall" Mil IIIII IIIII II. IIII IIII III II WITH THIS COUPON 0 Il 8 O'Clock Bean Coffee 1 8 O'Clock Bean Coffee WE°SAVE ri ''SAVE 11 .0% BRAZILIAN II I bi-tAg)si.05 1 Valid Until Satuttialo Aug, 31st, 104 'a 3 0 8 17 -oz pkg 87? 1 bag $ . A 4 5 7fd up am in aim iiii um go 111 ON au um in ram as mum aim me 10? 1 ImValici Until Saturday, Aug, Mi, 14/4 31? PRUNE PLUMS ONTARIO GROWN, FRESH, STRINGLESS BEANS GREEN OR WAX MEXICAN, SUGAR LOAF PINEAPPLE LARGE SIZE 10 CLOSED MONDA Y SEPT. 3) Actionpriced! • (PLUS BOTTLE DEPOSIT) COCA-COLA 3 261:11-L:z 7 9' Creamed Honey LORITTA Tomato Paste KELLOGG'S Rice Krispies ACTION PRICED' 26c 100% BRAZILIAN WITH THIS COUPON lip, POLY PK 34OZ