HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1974-08-22, Page 14SIFIEDS iimesseawawiseepoeussisweepam ere..- UNDER 30,000.0° Only one of Its kind at this price In the foreseeable future. 1 floor brick, 1100 sq uare feet, 3 bedrooms, modern kitchen, gas furnace, extra larva landscaped lot. If you are planning to buy a good home don"t delay on seeing this one THIS WEEK. Contact Mason Bailey, Iola Bailey Real Estate Limited 82 Albeftt Strtlet, phone 482-9371. REAL ESTATE LTD. 526 Oxford St, E., London 672-1200 A Video Homes of Canada Realtor 34 KINGSTON STREET, GODERICH 524-2195 CLINTON ' 22 vacant R1 lots In Pinscrost Subdivision: Large Retitle! rant In Vanastra, 2 diningrooms, large equipped kItchendots of storage apace, living quarteri included. LUCAN On. and a half storey three bedroOm located in the village of Lucian at f 1211900. In LuCan one Hoot, two bedroom $21,500 KINCARDINE Building tot in Kincardine, $9,9/0, 10' frontage, on Nineties Street. GreetiOCk township, 12 Millie east of Douglas Point: 90 acre •pircelk 1.01$ Of gravel on lend, two .0aboOset on property( soon to helve 40 acres Man-Made lake. 875,000 with $25,000 down, OWnr kr wilt hold first rnottliacie. BRUSSELS 1r/'t Storey frame WWI. on new fOtindlition, 3 bedrootnit, kit- ch4n, diningroom Ind Hying MOM, ifteledMI Rae room, cirpbrt coVESsi pittlo* Priced 10 'ill. (400E1110H OFFICEt (44 KINGSTON 'St. Waal thiprowitottwo 'TERRY SAUER i AUDURN, 526-770 Auction Sale OF ANTIQUES; HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE; DISHES & MISC. ITEMS to be held in the WHITING AUCTION ROOMS, 63 Main St. Exeter, Ont. (just behind Whitings Antiques) MONDAY, AUGUST 26, 1974 at 7 p.m. sharp This sale is from the belongings of an estate and also a lady who has given up housekeeping. We have been asked by the families to withhold names. HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS - chesterfield; arm chair; studio couch; 4 odd chairs; 2 chrome chairs; floor lamp; table lamps; 3 pole lamps; portable teliwision; gat range; dressers; chest of drawers; beds; large wall mirror; floor polisher; end table; cof- fee table; pictures; frames; 'IV tables; radios; pillows; card table and chairs; foot stool; utility table; electric rater; electric knife; iron, toaster; deck; fry pan; mixmester; pots and pans; tome pieces of brass; silver; copper lustre; portable radio; and many other items. ANTIQUES & COLLECTABLES - Pine corner cupboard; flat tOi Wall cupboard with 12 panels; pine dry sink; large pine ar- moire; brass bed; cherry bonnet chest; round table with round pedestal base; china cabinet with glees on three aides; player piano with some rolls; Wood box; washstands; 3 reeking thalre; prose back chairs; small harvest table with 2 boards on top; corner what not shelf; wicker fern stand; footstool; large bid fancy round coal stove; trunki; roe() bed; part of flex Wheel; apple peeler; Itch kettle; vertu, 86 piece set of hand painted Nippon dishes; huge oil lamp; some F.S. Germany; F.S. 11110witt; LIMOgee cup and saucer; MOcirecreft; 2 pieces of signed hand painted Nippon; 1937 Cbronatiort OUR and Saucer; , coronation mug; Royal Doeltcm pitcher; crocks; jugs and many ether items, NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS DAY OF SALE TERMS CASH NORM WHITING - AUCTIONEER PHONE 235.1964 NEED EXTRA MONEY? Do you need extra dollars this fall for that late vacation or to meet those "back to school" expenses? The A I AM ER. ileiftett people have a large variety of light and heavy jobs available for you at their food processing plant in Exeter. * No previous experienCe necessary * Day and evening shifts * Free transportation arranged * Cafeteria facilities * Work available to mid November * increased wage rates Anyone wishing to take advantage of this opportunity to earn ex,. tra money, please register in person at the employment office of CANADIAN CANNERS LIMITED AUER, 1)ga* 210 Wellington St, W. EXETER, ONTARIO or at your local CANADA MANPOWER CENTRE SCHOOL BUS DRIVER Brookside Public School R. 7 LUCKNOW Written application addressed to: Mr. R.L. Cunningham, Transpor- tation Manager, The Huron County Board of Education, 103 Albert Street, Clinton, Ontario. NOM 1L0, will be received until 12 o'clock noon on Thursday, August 29, 1974. Duties to commence as soon as possible. E.C. Hill, D.J. Cochrane, Chairman Director 11, TENDERS I. TENDERS PART TIME HELP WANTED 2 or 3 nights a week and every other week-end. Ap- ply at Harold's Shell Ser- vice 227 Victoria St. Clin- ton. GENERAL MAINTENANCE WE REQUIRE MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL FOR OUR PLANT IN MITCHELL ONTARIO Applicants must be experienced in the general maintenance of machinery, equipment and buildings or have mechanical ex- perience. RATE OF PAY: START - 1;45 PER HOUR AFTER PROBATIONARY - 3 3.90 PER HOUR COMPANY PAID - LIFE INSURANCE "VHOSPITAVINSURANCE" MEDICAL INSURANCE - SICKNESS INSURANCE - PENSION APPLY TO THE PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT STANDARD PRODUCTS (CANADA) LIMITED 1030 ERIE STREET STRATFORD ONTARIO 33,34b NOTICE TO GENERAL CONTRACTORS A meeting of all general contractors interested in bid. ding on the renovations .for the Vanastra Day Care Centre and the renovations to the Vanastra Curling Club are requested to attend a meeting to be held Mon- day, August 26, 1974 at 9:00 a,m. in the Vanastra Com- munity Centre. Plans will be given out and a job description discussed, The Vanastra Recreation & Parks Committee 34b 12. AUCTION SALE ATHIWELL'S ALJ Auction Sale To be held for the Estate of James McMillan at the location -40 Cambria St. North, Goderich on Saturday, August 2 4 at 1:15 p.m. Consisting of nine pc, walnut dining room suite; two three pc. bedroom suites; 3 pc. sectional chesterfield suite; modern glass front china cabinet; Spartan 21" TV; chesterfield and two matching chairs, Duncan Phyte table; 5 pc chrome table; chest of drawers; pine table; wardrobe; occasional chair; parlour tables; washstand; treadle sewing machine; single bed; bed- ding; picture frames; 16' x 12' rug and other rugs; lamps; oak hall table; hall tree; hand tools; bench sander; copper boiler; lawn• and garden tools; jars and crocks; extension ladder; Beach electric stove; wringer washer. RATHWELL'S AUCTION SERVICE Brucefield - 482-3120 - W ATHWELL'S Interesting Auction To be held for Henry Brimecombe, 1/2 mile south of Goderich on Hwy. 21 on Saturday, August 3 1 , at 1:00 p.m. Consisting of flat to wall cupboard; (with pie shelf); whatnot; cherry writing desk; oak writing desk; Victorian dresser and chest of drawers; brass & iron beds; spinning wheel (ccan,-' piste); cobblers bench and tools; child's cradle; Childs crib; slant front blanket box comodes; washstands; parlour tables; 2 oak extension tables; 5 octam pump organ; Victrola; 2 arrow back chairs; 4 matching gun stock style chairs; pressback rockers; captains chair; captains high chair; 3 pc. livingroom suite; books; large selection of bottles; 3 mounted birds; crocks; spool bed; picture and frames; rubber tire buggy. Full listing next week RATHWELL'S' AUCTION SERVICE Brucefield - 482-3120 34b 4. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 8. HELP WANTED 12. AUCTION SALE ° BAILEY Real Estate 82 Albert Street Phone: 482-9371 MASON BAILEY- BROKER/MANAGER Modes home in 1 bed rookkti d r I/2 --itorey Gas hefting 3 I 200 acre farm near Belgrave, 165 acres workable. Large barn and silo. 7 room aluminum sided home. Small holdings near Blyth on a paved road. 3 acres with brick house and large barn near Londesboro, lots of trees, 1 floor frame home in Clinton, 2 bedrooms, gas heating, nice treed lot. 4 plex in Clinton, located up town near the shopping area. 1 floolrie G1' , 3 hedrootT,,, f 1 ,/2 storey home in Clinton on No. 8 highway, 7 rooms, 11 /2 bathrooms, large sunporch and den. FOOD FOR THOUGHT "Wouldn't it be nice if two weeks on vacation seemed to last as long as two weeks on a diet." 34b North oft Goderich, highway farm. 150 acre dairy farm, 9 room house, large barn, silo with unloader, stable cleaner, bulk cooler. 200 acres of bush in Hullett Township.' . 100 acres in Hullett Township.' 55 acres workable land, 45, acre bush with river running through the property. 1111•••••••1•1114•Mt 13entniller area. 80 acres river property with low river banks. 35 acres workable land, Belgrave area. 200 acre beef farm. 1 mile from Clinton on paved road, 9 room house and barn on 121/2 acres of land. Londesboro area, House and barn on 2 acres of land. 0.11•1•10110.11 300 acres beef farm west of Lucknow. 1.0•1•11.1MIMMI Walton area. 100 acres. 11/2 storey brick house. New imple- ment shed. 4 storey barn, 26,000 •quare feet floor space. 12,000 oreeders on contract with hatch- ery. Feed mill in Clinton. Well es- tablished business, diesel power equipment for chopping, rolling, mixing and bulk, C. BURUMA, R.R. 2 Clinton - 482.3287 SALESMAN FOR K. W. COLQUHOUN LIMITED Clinton 482-9747 01111111=11•1111.1111111111011111111111111M. 8. HELP WANTED aftOmmimmimmlimWk. VIIMMEIMftwumWOM PART TIME cleaner and part-time cook wanted. Apply to Box 201, Clinton, Ont.—tfn CARRIERS for 2 routes for mones ning paper route in Clinton. Anyone interested call 27340310 collect,—.34,35b RELIABLE HELP needed for grain elevator, Experience not required but good work background essensial. Good wages and company benefits. Apply Hensall District Co- Operative 262.3002.-34b BABY—SITTER wanted in My home in Clinton from 2:30 to 6 p.tm, two to three days a week starting itt September. Phone 482.9751.-34b HOUSEKEEPER to prepare meals and companionship for shut in, 10 Rensall. Phone 262,2206 or 238. 2625.-34b PULLT ME Stenographer required, apply in writing ter Batt 2, c/o Clinton News.Record Clinton stating qualifications.-34tfn 8. HELP WANTED WE REQUIRE' one waitress for full time employment, Expelence not sential. APPLY IN PERSON TO Bartliffs Restaurant,tfn LABOURERS and truck drivers required. Please reply to Box 25, eto Clinton News-Record- stating age and previous experience. All replies will be kept strictly maiden. tial,—tfn SCHOOL BUS DRIVER Grey Central Public School ETHEL, ONTARIO Written application addressed to Mr. R.I. Cunningham, Transpor- tation Manager, The Huron County Board of Education, 103 Albert Street, Clinton, Ontario NOM 110, will be received until 12 o'clock noon on Thursday, August 29, 1974. Duties to commence as soon as possible, E.C. D.J. Cochrane Chairmen Director. I SOLD IT THROUGH THE WANT ADS 9. WANTED (General) KNAPPS will buy outright, corn., plots household, estates or single pieces of furniture. fiesi price paid or will sell by auction. Do not hesitate to call us. Our film is to please, (37 Main Street , Scsfortb, phone 527.133(3.—s fn SMALL collections of stamp; Wan. ted, also arty mint postage before 1073, Will buy any stamps available, mint at least face plus 10%, Call 524-9106 anytime,-34tf 10. EMPLOYMENT WANTED ALLROUND R.N. requires position in Doctor's office, clinic or any day job considered within easy driving distance, Apply Box I, c/o Clinton ' News-Record, Clinton, On- tario.-33,34,3513 WILL do sewing, alterations, typing or bookkeeping in my home. Phone 482-7187.-34tfn 14-41.114TON NgWS-REMiD THURApAy, AU'G'UST 22, 1974 TOWN AND COUNTRY r 4. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE W. Cehishorn Limited, Real Estate, sysiker FUNTON, ONT. 14 Isaac St.,. 44-0747 our bedroom 1 1 /2, storey brick ".‘ttseer, 11/2 baths, large family with patio, gas and electri6 M. Many features, 78 HUron. reet, Clinton, BRUCEFIELD-1 t/2( storey 4! 11111;i siding, oil heat,' bedroom, erwt vinyl kitchen 'Excellent condition and large lot, '4 bedroom 1 1/2 storey stucco, 2. 011,11a1, gas heat, excellent lot, 33, i$11,010.Rt, South, Clinton. 3 or 4 bedroom 1 1/2 storey brick, completely renovated, all new kit- chen, bathrooms wiring etc. 2 baths, gas heat, wall to wall rugs priced right- 112 Princess West, Clinton. wo 'bedroom, one storey brick r, carport with paved drive, oil at, good location and well land- scaped. 125 Huron St, Clinton. 'Four bedroom, two storey solid brick. Two baths, new gas hot water furnace and wiring. Also included is 2 bedroom rented coach house, 63 Rattenbury East, Clinton, New Homes-2 three bedroom brick ' homes in Clinton, Two or three bedroom one storey frame, gas heat, broadloom, 'garage, .large lot 154 Albert Street. Mot.. .(gage available. Three bedroom one storey brick, one and a half baths, dining room, gas heat, circular drive, garage, well landscaped. 176 Huron St. Clinton, 'Summer Cottage 2 miles north f Bayfield, 3 piece bath, all fu ,r. ni.hings easily modified for ye at .living, Built 1968- mortga ;gE e, Sunset Beach. HAL HARTLEY Salesman 482:60:1' • , 346 wAtoirEpt For cosh purchisite, Good farm in the Auburn area up to 200 or 250 acres. HQME,'S THU COUNTRY $39,000 C,'ountry, Gentleman's resklence aped 5 scenic acres plus horse barn„ Between Clinton and Goderich, $37,000 Attractive 2 storey modernized dwelling with over ten acres, good barn and orchard. $32,000 - large 2 storey brick, barn and 10 acres. $17,000 - Good home, barn, gawk on 2 acres. North of Seakyrth. BAYFIELD COTTAGE Could be winterized. On Tuyll Straot. Price negotiable for cash bur tr. VANASTRA Nei N listings in Venastra include - a semi-detached, with 2 be throoms, east end location, Very gc oad buy at $21,500. - 2 bedroom on Regina $17,500 - 3 bedroom on Regina $17,500 - 3 bedroom on Quebec $15,000 HANDYMAN SPECIAL Sound 3 bedroom home with valuable lot on Orange St., in Clin- ton. Excellent investment. Just listed at $12,500.00 CLOSE TO TOWN This 2 bedroom aluminum sided home close to arena, swimming pool and racetrack. is most suitable for a retired couple. Single storey, no steps except to basement, DON HOLST 'REAL ESTATE LTD. REALTOR 53 West Street 524-8951 John Duddy Evenings 482-6652 John Thompson 1-44 ,; D•wri; Evenings: 5zr.0238 4111111111111111111111111111.111111111.