HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1974-08-22, Page 13For Sale 1967 Mustang with 1989 302 Cu. In. engine. Will sell with or without safety check. Also 11/2 month old 10 speed Tarp 523-9338 CLINTON COMMUNITY AUCTION SALES FRIDAY NIGHT' 7:30 P.M. MAKE ARRANGEMENTS TO BRING YOUR LIVESTOCK TO THIS SALE Phone - LORNE TYNIALL 4824202 482-7162 its ws.REcc#Rp, TuvlispAy, .AUGUR' 22, 1974,40 CLINTON NE TOWN AND gyal Ace COUNTRY 111111 mom MP air s FIE DEADLINE 2A, ARTICLES WANTED 3A. PET STOCK !,ARTICLES FOR SALE 3. CARS, TRUCKS FOR SALE f 4. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE T rugs one FOUR. WOOL rugs one app. 15 x 20', two pads, all excellent con- dition, 30," X 30" Oak table, 4 oak chairs, Hollywood bed frame, four dinette chairs, oval carpeted coffee table, two antique beds and springs, electric mangel ironer and miscellaneous furnishings, no dealers- Bayfield, 565-2551 after 2 porn,---34 FOR TAK thl.3 FURNITURE, glass, china, clocks, bells, brass, copper, Will buy for cash ar sell by auction. Mike Cum, mings, Auctioneer, Phone 524 , 9064.-30tfn P°Q1N,F4S, silver miniature pup- pies, 7 weeks old, registered and vaccinated, Glenreid Kennels, Kip- per), Phone 262-5052,-33):30 THREE BEDROOM houses for sale at Vanastra, phone -482.9590,-TFN osommisasmommosummum.4 EVERETT CLASSIFIED ADS 12 O'CLOCK SHARP TUESDAY SMALL LAKESIDE FARM Near Hayfield, do shores of Lake HUron. Twenty ac re* with house and two good barns, Barns ex- cellently set up for raising hogs, beef or horses. All land workable, Three bedroom brick house, full basement, dining room, living room, and sun ponch. Desirable location, includes right of way to lake, on Highway 21... CLINTON HOME Well kept, older home close to shopping area, schools; Two bedrooms living room, dining room. Separate pantry and kit- chen. Separate garage, s hed treed large lot make this Ideal for small family. Well kept 8 room home sittuated in Vanastra, 1st mortgage at 9'Z. Seen by appointment only. WE ARE now handling lots or part lots of furnitUre and appliances, If you have articles to sell privately or by auction contact Rathwell's Auc- tion Service. Phone 02- 3120,-321In 3. CARS, TRUCKS FOR SALE 1974 VOLKSWAGEN, low mileage, marina blue. Phone 528-6942 after 6:30 p.m.-34,35b Lauckner ADS CANNOT BE ACCEPTED AFTER 12 O'CLOCK FOR THAT WEEK'S PAPER MLS REALTOR All year round 3 bedroom cottage on good commercial zoned landscaped lot, automatic oil heat, completely remodelled, spotless inside & out, Living room 30 x 10, dining room 9 ' x 12, kitchen 20 x 12. 3 piece bath wall to wall carpet, ideal retirement home. Permanent house in small tc,wn close to Hayfield, lot 60 x 150, with town water automatic oil furnace, car port, large living room kitchen and dining, 3 pc, bath, 2 bedroom. Priced to sell, Summer Cottage CrystalBeach 3 bedrooms, kitchen, di hi ngroom livingroom with natural fireplace, 3 piece bath, drilled well system, 100 yards from lake asking price $15,000. FOUR, YEAR old delux Nelco sewing machine in beautiful cabinet, all attatchments, used twice. Original price $400.00 Asking price $125. Phone 482-7793.-34b 1968 METEOR, V-8„ automatic, engine and transmission good, 'Needs body work, Phone 482- 7187.--34tfn WANTED to buy, old brick buildings for demolition and salvage purposes. Ross Lumley, 1185 Murphy Road, Sarnia, Phone 519-542-4088.-32-35b !ARTICLES FOR SALE ARTICLES FOR SALE INNER spring mattress, 54". Ax- minster rug, 9 x 12, good condition, clean. $10 each. Phone 482- 7002.-34p 4. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 1965 PONTIAC LaurerOan, as is. Phone 482-9824.-34b WANTED; Albums; new or used deleted or other rock albums wan- ted to buy. Will pay premium prices for Fanny Adams and American Eagle, but more wanted. Call 524- 9106. `EN a picture in the News-Record at would like to have? Get a per- anent print, either 4"x 5", 5" x , ' or 8" x 10", Order at 482- 02.-c5tfnx 2.ARTICLES FOR RENT RON SAMWAYS 4. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OLD FASHIONED cast iron bath tub with legs. Phone 482-6627 after 5:30 p.m.-34p FORMAL RENTALS for men and boys. Contact Herman's Men's Wear, 482-9351.--c22tfn ' ANNOUNCEMENT T COMFORT SPECIALTIES - fnpoOs, flea control, grooming ds etc. Preferred foods and dishes, rat Farm and Garden Centre, 22 aac St., Clinton. Open Wednesday d closed Sat. p.m. only.-tfn Still more rock albums! Nigel Olsson's Drum Orchestra and Chorus featuring Kathi McDonald, $1; Two Sides of Football, a must for any football fan or wid9w, $1; Fanny's Charity Ball, (Patti Quatro could trade licks with anyone) played once $1; Churchill; the group not the man, $1; Melissa Manchester's first album never played $1; and Bill Puka excellent for $1. Call 524-9106. PEACHES by the bushel or by the basket, also plums apples and pears. Open anytime. Peter Van, Bree Rock Glen Fruit Farms Ltd, 828-3644 Arkona.-34 CARPET SHAMPOOER for Tent. Just arrived, the unit especially designed to do a professional Yob on your shag carpets. Available by the day at Smith Pro Hardware and Stationery, Albert St., Clinton. COUNTRY HOME Tastefully decorated !home situated on five rolling acres near Goderich. This home has been fully remodelled, featuring a large living room, dining room will1 an open staircase, modern kitclhen, four piece bath and th ree bedrooms. Atop a hill it commie ids a delightful view of surrounding countryside. Grounds awe beautifully landscaped and %in- clude a barn. AIL for only $45,0010. Act now to have full summer et 1- joyment. HOBBY FARM Six acres plus seven room home ) and garage. Barn 65' x 40', drilled well, low taxes. Asking $35,000. NEAR BAYFIELD One hundred acres of riverfront property, near Hayfield. Wooded, scenic,!, secluded, this property has excellent retreat or develop- ment potential. Also forty acres workable. USED Phillips 23" cabinet model black and white. Brand new picture tubePhone 524-9198.-34b RRARD stereo record player, thout stacker, with magnetic rtridge. Best used with low or edium priced outfit. Worth $70.00 w, complete with brand new amond stylus for $32.50. Call 524- 06.--31tfn/c -BUS: 433-3109 or RES: 482-3337 CLINTON $3,000.00 down, Mary Street, Clin- ton. Drive by this home and com- pare values. Extra large livingroom, kitchen and laundry room with washer and dryer in- cluded. Ideal for the young or retired couple. VARNA This is the home for you if spacious living is what you desire. Double lot, work shop with con- crete floor and heating; family room, 25'6 x 12'6", the livingroom with its gold carpet and drapes to match. Try your offer. $15.000 down, owner will carry balance and mortgage, Ideal retirement home, Taxes $205 on Highway 21. Lot 65' x 250', drilled well, house less than 2 years old. Attatched garage, stone fireplace, wall to wall rugs, 4 piece bath, 3 bedrooms, living room 21 x 15', modern kitchen, well built home is being offered for sale owing to sickness. Priced $42,000. Birch Beach 12 miles north of Goderich, 2 bedrooms, living room kitchen, 4 pc bath, close to lake. Priced to sell $10,500. FORMAL RENTALS for all oc- casions. Pickett & Campbell Ltd. Clinton and Goderich.--cgtfn - ADMIRAL 19" TV, black and white. Phone 482-7.528.-34,5b CONSTRUCTION equipment for rent. Power trowel, small mixer, pump, wheelbarrows, good plywood forms and wedges. Phone 236-4954 WE ARE now picking peaches, sweet corn, early apples; eating and cooking, and sweet plums. Gerald Bell Fruit. Farm Phone 524- 8008.-3 I tfn PEACHES, apples, tomatoes, potatoes and sweet corn are now available also fresh honey at Art Bells Fruit Farm. Open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Phone 524-8037.-34tfn ATURAL HONEY-new crop No. white, now available. You'll love ur Smokey The Bear containers o! Durst Farm and Garden Cen- e, 22 Isaac St., Clinton. Open ed. and closed Saturday aft. nly.-33,34b Mon. to Fri. after 4 p.m. Weekends anytime.-16tfn GREEN and yellow beans, good for eating and freezing, freshly picked. Phone 523-4226.--33,34b COOKING and eating apples. Or- ders taken for pears and plums, McClymont Orchard, 1 mile south of Varna. Free delivery in Clinton. Phone 482-3214 or 482-9141.-34b TERRY BAUER Rae J. Watson Real Estate is pleased to announce the appointment ' of 'FERRY BAUER to the Goderich Office at 34 Kingston Street. This office will be equipped to handle all services now of- fered by the head Office .in London. Terry will handle all Real Estate in the Goderich, Bayfield, Clinton and Wingham areas, and will be pleased to serve you. Contact him at the office, or at home. 3A. PET STOCK ONE-HALF St Bernard pups, 10 weeks old; $20 each. Phone 262- 6509.-34b SOFA bed and 2 chairs; 3 pair lined flowered designed drapes; power lawn mower; tea wagon; propane heater; sealers. Phone 482- 7165.-33,34 ock albums for sale, free trial, ost excellent. Guess Who's best ver So Long Bannatyne good for 2; Rare Bird No. 1 and as Your ind Flies By with Heep-like wgan, played twice $1.50 each. vlike Quatro's Look Deeply played wice, the thing for King Crimson ans, $2; Three Dog Night. Nlaturally, with Joy To the World, ,ery good for $2; Freedom, with Teat guitar licks for $1, played, wice; call 524-9106. Lakefront, south of Bayfield, year round possibilities, full basement, garage, automatic oil furnace, drilled well, lovely landscaped grounds. This is one of the most at- tractive properties in the district. REFRIGERATOR, International Harvester, white. $50. Phone 482- 3248.-:34 TWO only, white German Shephard pups for sale. Phone 565-5343.---34b NEW, long dress in a .pretty shade of green, size 14 1/2 to 15 1/2. Sheer 'with long sleeves, .hand made. Phone 482-7572.-33p TRAILER PARK IN *AUBURN Situated on 85 acres with new home, store and service building, 24 fully serviced sites. This park is situated along the Maitland River. PORT ALBERT Lot for sale - 209 point 22 times - 104 point 61 at $5,000. Beat the groictPr litraPraci4 blocks from the mouth of the Maitland For more information on these properties or if you are moving to London or area, call Ron Samways your M.L.S. salesman. He will be only too happy to help you. Bus. 433-3109, London. Res. Bluswater Golf Course 482-3337. MOBILE HOME, Olympic, 12 x 60, 2 years old, in immaculate con- dition. 3 bedrooms, 3-piece bath, stove and frig included. For further information call 482-7298.--34b POODLE CLIPPING reasonable. Registered miniature black and silver studs available. Phone 482- 6644 Clinton.-30,32,34,36,381) BUILDING LOTS Choice building lots located just east of Clinton on Highway 8. Per- fect for country living. In Brucelield }ust two lots left at a price you can't afford to pass by. CHOICE FARMS 250 acre cash crop farm with ex- cellent buildings and a 200 acre farm with modern full barn, loose housing and a frame home. Now is the time to list your property prices are good, prospects are good.. IS years experience in Hayfield trea. Rock Samplers; amazing variety, quality. Columbia's Rock, Heavy Sounds, and Music People; MCA Sound Conspiracy; The New Spirit of Capitol; and Warner's Hot Plat- ters and Middle Of the Road; Maple Music Vol. 2; all (hese $1 per disc. Call 524-9.100, 'PEACHES, lied gave fo Haven etc. All purpose, top quality.' Also apples- bring containers. Daylight hours. Ross Middleton Or- chards, I mile east of Bayfield (North of river).-33-36b ONE FEMALE Irish Setter 10 weeks, registered. For appointment in Hayfield. Call London 432-5830 or 434-0915.-34b 2A. ARTICLES WANTED Please call ADAM FLOWERS BAYFIELD 565-2813 WATSON REAL TO R w PEACHES WANTED- Water pump or whole water pump system. Phone 482- 9269,-34 t to w tt7 An 4 PUREBRED male German Shepard pup for sale, 2 month old Phone 482-99,18.--33,34b4. FOR SALE Already' Picked OR Pick Your Own Bring your baskets 11/4 mile south of Drive- in Theatre No calls on Sunday Kase Van Den Ileuvel R.R. 2 Goderich ,.4e1 C. Orton Logan 565-2746 Interested? Glad to furnish full in- formation. REAL ESTATE LTD. 526 Oxford St. E., London 672-1200 A Video Homes of Canada Realtor GODERICH OFFICE: 34 KINGSTON ST. TOURIST CAMP Twenty-four and one half acres of treed scenic property with 330' of lake frontage. Long established business with 700' of frontage on Highway 21, South of Goderich. Five cabins and four cottages now operating. Excellent recreational potential. COTTAGE IN BAYFIELD Comfortable 3 bedroom cottage, fully winterized, and electric heated, situated within walking distance from the lake, asking $19000.00 CLARKE ZINN GODERICH 524-8620 MINE .1111111ONNI 6. ACCOMMODATION TO RENT K-Tel albums; Super Bloopers $3.50; Rock 'n Roll Revival Vols. 1 and 2 $2 each; 20 Solid Hits Vol. 2, 20 Explosive Hits Vols. I and 2, 20 Heavy Hits Vols. 1 and 2, 24 Elec- trifying Hits and 2(1 Power Hits all $1 each. Call 524,9106. smssism _ AP.AR;TMENT for rent, 2 bedrooms. Phone 482-7907.-33tfn 1 - COTTAGE AT CEDAR BANK - A- FOR SALE A- FOR SALE 3 B EDtROOM HOME at Vanastra, ava ilab le immediately. Contact Mason Bailey, Iola Bailey Real Esta to Ltd., 82 Albert Street, Clin- ton. Phone 482-9371.-tfn Three bedroom cottage, with a natural fireplace, separate dining room, two bathrooms, excellent condition, priced at $33,000.00. Wks. 11,41,11,11rWr.11,111,16 ,,, INTERNATIONAL manure spreader, nearly new. Phone 527- 1309. Quick sale.-34b 40 ACRES wheat straw. Phone 482-9260.-33b HOME DECORATING? BACK TO SCHOOL-Boys pants, some flare, 2 pr. for $5.00 or 5 pr. for $10.00. School desks like new $5.00 each. Rays Shoe Repair, :35 Huron Street, Clinton.-34b - CLINTON - Restaurant for sale in Clinton. Family type operation. ONE; bedroom cottage on large lot on North St., Clinton. Plume 482- 7852 or 52:'3-4473.-34b GRASS SEED and MINERAL. Otto Pick and Sons Seeds Ltd. Rich- mond Hill, Ont.. GRASS SEED Straight seeds or Forage mixtures, Seneca seed Corn, Herhageum, Livestock Minerals. Phone 482- , 7898,Richard Lobb Sales Represen- tative, Clinton,-tfn BORROW FROM OUR COMPLETE HOME DECORATION AND HOME IMPROVEMENT LIBRARY-FREE See us before you , decorate Over 4,000 photos. D - LIVESTOCK USED 24" gas range for sale- $50. Phone 482-7065 after 6 p.m.--:34tfn WE LL PURNISHED three bedroom house to rent in Seafort'e Phon e 527-064'7.-34p REGISTERED Polled Hereford bulls in top breeding condition, halter broken. Herd sire had average daily gain of 3.9 lbs. Ed. Powell, H.R. 1, Wingham Phone :335-:3893.-34h ONE 4 x 8 pool table with two sets of balls and Cues, also one ten speed bike. Phone 482-3387 after 6 p.m.-34b JO-AN BULLEN HAYFIELD 565.2421 PETER DAMSMA CLINTON 482-9849 . ALBERT ST. OFFICE 482-3821 PHOTO LISTING SERVICE BEIDROOM home at 79 King Stree t, Clinton. Gas heated. Avaija :hie September 1. Phone 482- „ 7918.- -34tfn 3-BED. ROOM town house for rent at Van tastra R.R. 5 Clinton, $125 per mot 1th, all utilities paid. Phone USED pig bowls and farrowing crates for sale, also one large barn to be torn down with good used steel on it. Phone 482-3387 after 6 p.m.-34b SWEET CORN for the freezer 1 mile south of Brucefield, Phone 482- 9846.-:34 BALL & MUTCH LTD. HOME FURNISHINGS NOTICE: Livestock ['Very M onday to United Cc-Operative ()I' Ontario to Ontario Livestock yards. insurance in effect from your fa rot, call by 8 A.M. Mondolv to arrange.. for pickup ,at your form. Wni. Dale. Phone Sea fort h 52 r- 0471.-tfn Brand new 18 unit apartment building located in Clinton. Ex- cellent location. Extremely well built building. Phone 482-9505 Clinton,. . 34b FARM HARDWARE, grain scoops, stable brooms, shovels, etc. Sanitation, products. Proven product for groundhog control. Durst Farm and Garden Centre, 22 !sail(' St.. Clinton, Open Wednesday, closed Saturday p.m. only.-34tfn GRADE 13 text books wanted Phone 482,7463.-34b Jean. 4 82-7:396 anytime.-1,46tfn Ir iElE +NEW HOLLAND FOR SALE Henn° Livestock Sales New & Used Equipment Still Available H. Lobb & Sons Ltd. Bayfield Rd. - Clinton - 4824409 I MI SALES EVERY THURSDAY AT 1:30 P.M. All Classes of livestock WE INVITE YOUR CONSIGNMENTS Townsend Street, Pinecrest Subdivision, two new brick ranch style homes- AmMienumormem111111111116. Beautiful "furnished" two bedroom hoi'ne - extra large Hying room, with raised flow, ceiling beams, dark paneling, blue shag. -.LUCAN - One and a half storey three bodrOom located in the village of Lucan at $21,900, SUMMER Victor William Parry Minor iforlIoNtoOn thingaton 2314717 Rainy 412./$11 Dungannon and anion S2V1121 22042011Ungon dmirser In Lucan - one floor, two bedroom, $21,500. - KINCARDINE Building lot in Kincardine, $9,900, 70' frontage, on Princess Street. EXTRAS 1. Deluxe electric range 2. Automatic Detroit Fridge 3. Extra insulation E - FARM SERVICES FARM SERVICES Greenock ToWnship, 12 miles east of Douglas Point. 90 acre parcel, Lot* of gravel on land, two cabooses on property, soon to. have 40 acre man-made lake-$75,000 with $25,000 down. Owner Will hold first Mortgage. • WE'RE EXPANDING And we're looking for sales representatives Its the Huron COunty area, Call Collect for a personal interview, WE NEED corrAGes AND LAKEFRONT PROPERriEd We have waiting buyers $9 ,999 00 TAX TO SEE THE ONLY MOBILE HOME WE KNOW OF WITH AN 8 FOOT CEILING CALL !MYTH 523-4429 INC. Change of Ownership CONTINUES----is FURTHERREDUCTIONS ON SUIOElt ITEMS Having sold my trucking business (Bruce, Keys, Varna), I Wish to thank all my customer* for their fine patronage in the past eight year., I would be pleased if you would give the semis support to Mr, Clare Masse of Zurich who will be tentinuing a general trucking business in the same area. He also will bo shipping IlVeatock to the Ontario Stockyards on Monday*. Pickett & Campbell Ltd. REAL ESTATE LTD: 528 Oxford Si. E., London 072.1200 A Video Homes of danade Realtor The Store For Men CLINTON - GODERICH - KINCARDINE 01•001•00