HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1974-08-22, Page 5Hy ..look 110ro1 1111)10 with the pharmacist when they have a prescription filled, The certificate may be reclaimed if the recipient wishes to deal with another pharmacy. Drugs eligible for reimbur. sement are those prescribed by a doctor or dentist and listed in the Drug Benefit Formulary, The Drug Benefit Formulary JANE PARKER (SAVE 10e) Angel Cake 5 large size cake YOU CAN DEPEND ON US FOR GUARANTEED QUALITY! untiAw..k FRESH —15PIECES — "GREAT ON A GRILL!" 3 LEG QUARTERS — 3 BREAST QUARTERS — 3 WINGS —3 NECKS —3 GIBLET PACKAGES WHERE ECONOMY ORIGINATES CANADA GRADE "A" BEEF 10c IS. LOWER THAN' A YEAR AGO! BONELESS BLADE or SHORT RIB ROAST Action priced! HANSON, PURE, RECONSTITUTED, UNSWEETENED (Propneed) Orange Juice BOLO-CHICKEN 4c LB. LOWER THAN A YEAR AGO! TOWN CLUB — "GREAT ON A GRILL!" WIENERS 1-lb vac pac BLADE STEAKS CANADA GRADE "A" BEEF 30e LB. LOWER THAN A YEAR AGO! EXCELLENT FOR BRAISING CHICKEN LEGS Frozen Foods! Action Priced! BURNS, (Store Pack) 19e LB LOWER THAN A YEAR AGO! Sausages BEEF & PORK lb 78? MAPLE LEAF, S VARIETIES — BY THE PIECE Cooked Meats lb 99% SHOPSY — COLE SLAW OR BLUE WATER, FROZEN, BOSTON BLUE 14-oz pkg 995i TOWN CLUB — FROZEN — "GREAT ON A GRILL!" 2-lb pkg $1.89 GOLDEN SKILLET—FROZEN E, 1-li3",Pic9g8911 r .100 0.1 svom DETERGENT LUX LIQUID (PREPRICED) twin pack of 2 isrfirr;t1Y-fl'oz 9VSS! 48gi5434)Itles COLA, GINGER ALE, ORANGE, ROOT BEER 7. 9(4 Fish Sticks Beef Patties l 6 691 --Potato Salad ...•, .24-oz carton 72? • Chicken. Cutlets „, PINEAPPLE-ORANGE OR PINEAPPLE-GRAPEFRUIT DEL MONTE DRINKS WHITE, PINK, YELLOW VIVA Bathroom TISSUE pkg of 2 rolls OPEN UNTIL 9 p.m. MON. FRI. 6 p.m. SAT. 81 WEST ST. GODERICH 'Cm:" 13EVERAGES CHEFMASTER — PARCHMENT WRAP DISPOSABLE (SUPER ABSORBENT PKG. OF 24) Babyscott Diapers 48-fl-oz tin 12-oz pkg WAGON WHEELS 10-oz lar $2.49 pkg of 60 99? 14-fl-oz tin 35? 46-oz tin 39% MOIST BEEP, CHICKEN, LIVER, TUNA Dr. Ballard 4At FOOD PEST -COLA REGULAR OR DIET (PLUS BML. DEPOSIT) 00 INSTANT COFFEE Maxwell House ORANGE PEKOE Red Rose Tea Bags HEINZ — SPAGHETTI IN TOMATO SAUCE Noodle Numbers Fresh For Flavour! CANADA NO. 1 GRADE, CALIFORNIA, LARGE SIZE CANTALOUPE 2.R 8 9se CANADA NO, 1 GRADE, LARGE SIZE HEADS GREEN CABBAGE EA0191 Action Priced! WESTON -- CHOCOLATE, DOUBLE CHOCOLATE OR MINT FLAVOURS PURE — DAMSON, PEACH, APRICOT, JAMBOREE E. D. Smith's Jams 9-fl-az i.r 49? GREEN Ok MIXED Palmolive Soap 2 bath site bars 79% ALL PRICES SHOWN IN THIS AD GUARANTEED EFFECTiVR THROUGH SATURDAY, AUGUST 24th, 19,4, TOWN CLUB, SLICED Side Bacon • SELECT QUALITY, SLICED, 1-lb vac pac $1.19 SKINLESS lb 98? STYLE Give Yourself A Treat-Serve Quality A&P Baked Goods JANE PARKER, SLICED, ENRICHED, WHITE OR 60% SANDWICH BREAD (SAVE 6c) 15-oz foil tray 8 3 fe (SAVE too 1-lb 7-oz cake 89Ft JANE PARKER, RAISIN TWIST Coffee Cake 14-oz cake 69% JANE PARKER (SAVE 10c) Babka Coffee Cake 16-oz cake 79% JANE PARKER Chocolate Brownies JANE PARKER Jelly Roll giant MEDIUM, 124Z. $1.19 OLD, 12-0Z. $1.29 12-0Z. WEDGE SCHNEIDERS $ MILD CHEESE 9 ACTION PRICED! 5 Beef Liver TOWN CLUB—SMOKED, COOKED, PICNIC WHEAT (BUY 3 LOAVES — SAVE 29e) 3 24-OZ $1 LOAVES .00 JANE PARKER (BUY 3 PKGS. — SAVE 35c) Snowflake Rolls JANE PARKER Glazed Donuts JANE PARKER, HAMBURG Wiener Rolls JANE PARKER Raisin Pie JANE PARKER Blueberry Pie (SAVE 10t) pkg of 8 49% BUNS OR pkg of 83 gPie (SAVE toc) full 8-inch pie 75? full 8-inch pie 89% The maximum „amount .of drugs that may be dispensed at one time will be one months' supply. Prescriptions will not be valid for more than three months (With certain excep- tions for long-term therapy) to protect recepients who may require reassessment by their physician. To ensure the validity of telephoned prescrip- tions, the pharmacist will be required to have the prescrip- tion signed by the prescribing doctor or dentist within 72 hours of dispensing, CLINTON NRWS,REQOAD) THURSDAY, AIJOUST 22, 1874-8 As of September 1, 1974, the overnment of Ontario will be roviding prescribed drugs ithout charge to more than 48,000 residents of Ontario -- nolucling 334,000 recipients of he Federal Guaranteed In- ome Supplement, 10,000 ecipients of Ontario Guaran- eed Annual Income, as well as 04,000 recipients of Family enefits Allowance, The Drug Benefit rogramme, in addition to the overnment's new Guaranteed nnual Income System AINS) will provide an ad itional $95 million to those itizens whose standards of wing are so severely eroded by he effects of inflation. The free drug programme ill complement the several easures introduced by the overnment of Ontario in 1972 o reduce the burden of health are costs. These measures in- luded the abolition of health nsurance premiums foi per- ons aged 65 or over, the roadening of premium ssistance to low income amilies and individuals and he introduction of extended are for the elderly in nursing omes and homes for the aged. ith the introduction of the rug Benefit Plan, pensioners ill' be entitled to a full range f health care services at no ost to themselves. The Drug Benefit Plan will utomatically embrace those who receive the Federal Guaranteed Income Sup- plement, GAINS or provincial Family Benefits. Each month, beginning in eptember 1974, Family Benefits Allowance recipients will automatically receive their Drug Benefit certificate in the form of a cheque stub attached to their Family Benefits cheque. Those persons eligible for the Federal Guaranteed Income upplement and/or the new On- ario Guaranteed Annual In- ome benefits will utomatically receive their rug cards in September for eptember, October, November nd December. Drug cards sent ut in January will cover qhe' , ext41tlir4 l'n5Wth iff" anuiary IVIiireh4,4 in- lusive. Subsequent drug cards ill be sent out in the form of heque stubs on a monthly asis. Residents of Ontario who eceive ,only the Federal Old ge Security payments but not n receipt of the Guaranteed In- ome Supplement are not rigilite for the Drug Benefit Ian. Only by receiving the GIS ill a person automatically eceive the benefits of the drug enefit programme. In order to pply for the Guaranteed In- ome Supplement, correspon- ence should be directed to: Guaranteed Income Sup- lement, .0. Box 6000, ostal Station Q, oronto, Ontario. he telephone number to call or residents of the Toronto rea is 423.6900. Drug cards received by per ons in receipt of GIS and/or AINS will be in the in- ividual name of the particular ecipient. Cards received by hose on Family Benefits llowance will be in the name f the family breadwinner and ill list eligible dependents. Recipients of drug cards will eave this eligibility certificate NEED To KNOW SOMETHING ABOUT YOUR NEW COMMUNITY? Call Phone 482.4069 Our hostess will bring gifts and greetingst along with helpful community information. lists approximately 1200 drug preparations which meet therapeutic standards Approved by the ministry of health. The ministry will pay the cost of the lowest price :inter-changeable therapeutic product listed, For example, there may be eight brands of penicillin tablets listed,. ranging in price from $2.50 for' 100 tablets to $11.10 for 100 tablets. All eigh, have been judged to be of the same quality and therapeutic value. Therefore, the ministry will reimburse the pharmacist for the lowest priced penicillin listed, Extemporaneous preparations, such as a drug or mixture of drugs, compounded in a pharmacy according to the order of the prescriber, will also be eligible for reimbur- sement, The formulary will also in- clude some essential non- prescription drugs which will be provided as benefits when Prescribed, such as insulin and iron preparations, Pharmacists will receive. prompt interim 4,d.vaboge based on the number of prescriptions filled upon submission of claims, Required adjustments will spear on subsequent cheques. A standard dispensing feeds being negotiated. Many people who were previously unable to pay for essential drugs wily now be assured of receiving the medication they need. The Drug Benefit Plan will enable eligible patients to be maintained on expensive drug therapy at borne rather tb40,11k 4.11. institution, This has proven beneficial for T.B. 'patients in the past and saves the -mat of long-term institutional oare. Those eligible for the DNS Benefit Plan -who have previously been spending on drugs a substantial part of their limited budget, will 11()W have those funds available for other uses, As well, drug quality and price have been standardized toensure quality for the recipient and value for the taxpayer.