HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1974-08-15, Page 5By j(u'k Riddell, Baron MIT All cheques to eligible per.. sons who are currently. receiving 01$ should have been mailed in. July of 1974. However, due to delays in the introduction . of legislation for the Guaranteed Annual Income System, and the consequent delays in processing ap.. plications from eligible residents, some cheques may be received in August of 1974 but these cheques will cover both, the July and August payments. In Ontario, there are 270;000 residents who are in, receipt of the Federal Guaranteed I n- come Supplement who are eligible fOr GAINS as well as 10,000' elderly persons ineligible for the federal sup- plement but who are eligible for GAINS. For example, On- tario residents over .65 who have lived in Canada for the past five years are likely to be eligible for GAINS. If they are not presently in receipt of Family Benefits Assistance, they must .apply specifically for GAINS. Individuals do not need to apply for .Gains as long as they are 65 or over with an annual Lucerne of less than $2600 and ROW receive both the Old Age Security and Guaranteed In- come Supplement, However, persons aged 65 or over who meet the Ontario income and residency requirements but who do not meet the federal residency criteria for old age security and guaranteed income supplement must make an ap- plicatiOn in order to receive GAINS. Applications may. be oh.. taineet by writing to: Ontario. Guaranteed Annual Income Ministry .of Revenue Queen's Park Toronto, Ontario. M7A 213.3 or by telephoning 965-8470 within the Metro Toronto Local Calling Area or outside of that area, telephone "0" and ask the operator for ZEnith 2000 (free of charge), plication form, it can be .ob- tained on the 10th floor of the Ministry of Revenue -Offices at 801 Bay Street (Bay and College), or at local field offices of the Ministry of Community and Social Services, or at of- fices of the Northern Affairs Branch of the Ministry of Na tural Resources, Questions and should be directed CLINTON Ngsv..$.R.Ecoop, ,TI3ViteSPAY, .A.stANST 10, 107.4"4 If assistance is required in .Guaranteed Annual Income; completing an Ontario Opara, al Ministry of Revenue, Toronto.. teed Annual Income ap.. For residents within the Metro Toronto. area, the telephone number is 965.8470, Anyone answer P town4p call b yaC t ny ol l-free .1iOriflrsPo:14nd Qa°sktrill; The Ministry will be glad tp the operator for ZEnith1.11-2000. Next week, I will discuss the companion program of GAINS, the Drug Benefit Plan, which problerns will begin on to September Ontario 1974. 4.0110MIMININIP.Mm110011.00••••••miim. West Streeterenc WHERE ECONOMY ORIGINATES Actionpriced! HOT DOG, HAMBURGER, CORN, GREEN 12-FL-OZ JAR Ra,94 E RELISHES 0 Cash-in on these Good Values 6-oz vac pac 79ie 1b 78? 167w 16-oz vac pac 79? 1-lb vac pac 5-lb box $3 ,79 24-oz pkg 99he 16...pk, pkg $1.69 COOKED HAM SAUSAGES (STOE PACK) BEEF R & PORK PORK SHOULDERS SLICED BOLOGNA (SLICED)' ..1111111MINIV SMOKED, COOKED, PICNIC STYLE 5 TO 7 LBS, AVER. Golden Loaf Cake JANE PARKER (SAVE 6c) 10-oz cake 49)i (BUY 3 PKGS. — SAVE 35c) 3 pkgs of 12 $1.00 JANE PARKER Twin Rolls pkg of 12 49,' JANE PARKER, HAMBURG BUNS OR Wiener Rolls JANE PARKER, SLICED RAISIN BREAD 2.avvis goe (BUY 2 LOAVES — SAVE 21c) Canada No. I Grade Ontario New Crop PEACHES 4.QT $1.4 BASK vir JANE PARKER, LEMON MERINGUE OR (SAVE 10c) Cherry Pie FULL 8-INCH PIE each 79? JANE PARKER (SAVE 6c) Bran Muffins pkg of 6 4 3 c11 (SAVE lac) pkg 01 64911 (SAVE 6c) pkg of869ft (SAVE lac) pkg of 6 7921 1-lb piece 99? JANE PARKER, PLAIN, SUGAR, CINNAMON (SAVE 6c) Cake Donuts 3 Varieties pkg of 1243? A / / ko. /*/V •'// ////// // 4,, • // •',//// 'I// • • V 7 //e WHITE PLASTIC JUG TOMATO Heinz Vinegar 128.0...1.$1,05 Heinz Ketchup 32-fl-oz btl 771¢ STRAINED --,-, MEATLESS VARIETIES DETERGENT ACTION PRICED! Heinz Baby Food 43/4 -1I-ot jar 18% Arctic Power King size, 5-lb box $1.99 CAT LITTER YUKON ASSORTED ACTION PINCEDI 10-lb bae 99i BEVERAGES 30 ot AV, 99c R BEEF, MEALTIME, STEW . ACTION PRICEDI CORAL, WHITE, GREEN . PLUS DEPOSIT Dog Food KAL KAN 3 14-oz lint $1.00 Lifebuoy Soap 3 reg, size bars 5916 Kitty Pan Guaranteed Quality Plus Savings! ACTION PRICED! DOWNYFLAKE — FROZEN WAFFLES 10,0/ PKG 2189? JANE PARKER, VANILLA Macaroon Cup Cakes JANE PARKER, PINEAPPLE TOPPED Sweet Rolls JANE PARKER Danish Whirls LEMON CHOCK FULL OF FRUITS & NUTS Fruit Cake ANN PAGE MORE MONirSAVING JANE PARKER BAKED GOODS! Produce Feature! ONTARIO LARGE BUNCHES Carrots 2 tor 39¢ CANADA NO, 1 GRADE ONTARIO LARGE SIZE Celery Stalks 4461 29? Actionpriced! BOUTIQUE - PINK, BLUE, GOLD or AVOCADO KLEENEX TslItft 2 BOXES 0 89 OF 13 ALL PRICES SHOWN IN THIS AD GUARANTEED I !EFFECTIVE THROUGH SATURDAY, AUGUST 17th, 1974. SHEETS Actionpriced! A&P SAIL DETERGENT $ 1 3 5-16 bag SHOP A&P WEO — ENJOY GREAT MEAT 30e LB. LOWER THAN A YEAR AGO!—COUNTRY STYLE—"GREAT ON A GRILL!" SPARE RIBS, lb $1.08 SUPER RIGHT CANADA GRADE "A" BEEF BONELESS BLADE OR SHORT RIB ROAST 20e LB. LOWER THAN A YEAR AGO! — FRESH — "GREAT ON A GRILL!" GROUND CHUCK lb $1 .08 PRIDE OF CANADA WEEK AT A&P WEO WIENERS (2711t5EATvA0cN PAACGRILI).1) 1-lb vac pac 7851 BONELESS H (2 O HAMS sm.= 3LB AVER) COSTYOKLEED: . lb $1 .5 9 • T. COOKED SLICED MEATS 5 VARIETIES 6-oz vac pac 42.5i 16 $1 .28 SIDE BACON TOWN CLUB (SLICED) CHICKEN LEGS "G FROZEN REAT ON A GRILL!" FISH & CHIPS FR R ASERVILLE, FROZEN SCHNEIDERS, FROZEN — "GREAT ON A GRILL!" BEEF STEAKETTES SCHNEIDERS, FROZEN — "GREAT ON A GRILL!" HAMBURG PATTIES 4041 r "GREAT ON A GRILL!" PORK. LOIN QUARTERS CUT INTO I PORK 'CHOPS 9 TO 11 CHOPS IN A PKG. NO CENRE SLICES REMOVED 111 I 08 IL. AI ib $ Action priced! BOUTIQUE — ASSORTED COLOURS KLEENEX TOWELS PKG OF 2 ROLLS %sr J NAPKINS HOMESPUN OF 180 PKG 891 STRAWBERRY OR RASPBERRY — WITH PECTIN Mrs. LUKE'S JAMS 16-FL-OZ JAF 67c MILD, MEDIUM, OLD COLOURED SCHNEIDERS ACHEESE PARKER BREAD (SLICED, OLD-FASHIONED OR ITALIAN) (BUY 2 LOAVES — SAVE 17e) 2 /69 24-OZ LOAVES ACTION' PRICED! 13-0I STICK Action priced! 41I Actionpriced! • spouses quality for the guaran- teed income. Every person eligible to receive a payment will receive a cheque of not less than $2.50 per person per month. The Ontario Guaranteed Any nual Income System (GAINS) is administered by the Ministry of Revenue, It insures an an- nual income of $2,600 for qualifying Ontario residents who are 65 years or over. In'the case of a married couple where both spouses qualify, the an- mist income guaranteed to the couple is 15200. Blind and disabled people who qualify for Family Benefits will also be en- titled to these special benefits. The great majority of the elderly who are entitled to GAINS are already receiving the Federal Guaranteed In- come Supplement. And as of July, 1974, these people should have automatically received GAINS cheques which will raise their incomes up to the guaranteed level. These qualified residents do not need to apply for GAINS. In order to be eligible for GAINS, you must be 65 years of age or older, a resident of Ontario and meet one of the following conditions: (a) a resident of Ontario on June 30, 1974 and in receipt of the Guaranteed Income Sup- plement (GIS) under the Federal Old Age Security Act from the Ontario regional office of the Department of National Health and Welfare of the Government of Canada. (b) a resident of Ontario for one full year immediately prior to eligibility and either: i) a resident in Canada for five consecutive years im- mediately prior to eligibility; or ii) a resident in Canada for periods totalling twenty years since reaching age 18; or iii) a resident in Ontario for periods that add up to 20 years since reaching 18 years of age. Every person who qualifies under the above criteria will receive a Guaranteed Annual Income Increment sufficient to provide an income of $2600 a year to each unmarried resident of Ontario over 65 years of age and who is in receipt of the Guaranteed In- come Supplement'. For a married couple resident in On- tario with the same -r*qqualifications, a combined in- ' come of $5200 will be received. The monthly increment is the difference between the monthly ' guaranteed income limit and the amount of "Basic Monthly Income" of the beneficiary. The "basic monthly income" in- cludes the "Income for the Base Calendar Year" and any Federal Old Age Security (OAS) or Federal Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS) to which the beneficiary is en- titled. The "Income for the Base Calendar Year" is the calendar year ending im- mediately prior to the current fiscal year. (In the present fiscal year, 1974-75, the base calendar year is 1973.) The "Income for the Base Calendar Year" is income in that year computed in accordance with the Income Tax Act, minus any increment, OAS, GIS, or death benefit under the Canada Pen- sion Plan or a provincial pen- sion. This definition of income is identical to that used by the federal government to deter- mine GIS entitlement. , As previously stated, every eligible person will automatically be in receipt of a Guaionteed Annual Income In- crement sufficient to provide an income of $2600 to .a single per- son and a combined income of $5200 to a married couple resident in Ontario, where both If you're NEW IN TOWN and don't know which way to turn, call the 94ibn40/tD, Lrb, hostess at .41$2.7064 You'll be glad you did. tionation