HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1974-08-08, Page 6CLINTON NEWS-RECORD, THURSDAY, AUGUST 8, 19144 port of patients by 95 cents a spouse is also in receipt of: day from $10,50. A -day to OAS/Q15 is $53.30 a month or $9.56, At the. same time, $1,09 per day. The increase in charges to extended care rates for ward care will reduce, program residents increased the $1,09 supplement to 14 from $4,50- a day to $5,45 — a .cents a day! 21 tne apn!sri that cent nseirnegalesep etiotnbejr5 to.T1330187.G.,aVaNySea"riwsehiwir out who receives the maximum . (led '95 cents day room and GAINS supplement of $24,49 a board charge for nursing homes month (80 cents a day), the works out to $326.75 a loss to Provincial qovernment is the pensioner of $19.43! t1a5iciz.t bsaca 4 k946ycia -day a loss of Next week I will spend more t The supplement of the with on ,GAI NS S01t to some questions and deal a nd married pensioner whose problems, sing homes has proven ludicrous. The Ministry of Health sent a directive to all nursing homes dated June 26, 1974, which stated the Ministry's policy regarding qualified persons under the ex. tended care program, It works out that as of July 1674, Senior Citizens' in Nursing Homes have to pay out in in- creased board the extra income which they receive each month through GAINS, As of July 1, 1974, OHIP reduced its contributlpn in sup- ay Jack _Riddell, illoroto MI''!' WHERE ECONOMY ORIGINATES Cash-in on these Good Values GAME CHICKENS lb 75? Action priced! Cooked Meats BEEF & PORK (STORE PACK) Burns Sausages TOWN CLUB — "GREAT ON A GRILL!" Wieners TOWN CLUB, Super-Right Canada Grade 'A" Beef BONELESS BLADE or si SHORT RIB ROAST lb FRESH — "GREAT ON A GRILL!" Ground Chuck TOWN CLUB Sliced Side Bacon PRIDE OF CANADA, SLICED, 5 VARIETIES COUNTRY STYLE 20c LB LOWER THAN A YEAR AGO! lb $1.08 6-oz Vac Pac 42? 14e LB LOWER THAN A ,YEAR AGO) lb 78?' 4c LB LOWER THAN A YEAR AGO! 1-lb Vac Pac- 69? 29c LB LOWER THAN A YEAR AGO! 1-lb Vac Pac $1.19 20e Lb LOWER THAN A YEAR AGO! lb $1.08 B.B.Q. HAMBURGER, HOT DOG, Heinz Relishes ACTION PRICED SPECIALS! ACTION PRICED! 1241-0Z jar 3 9,1 ACTION PRICED! SALAD DRESSING 16-0Z JAR PLAIN OR WITH GARLIC ACTION PRICED! BY THE PIECE Shopsy Potato Salad SHOPSY BRAND Smoked Beef Frozen Meats & Seafood! BLUE WATER, IN LEMON BUTTER Frozen Sole 9-az pkg OR TURKEY CROQUETTES TOWN CLUB, FROZEN — "GREAT ON A GRILL!" Beef Patties 24-oz carton Beef Stew SNOWFLAKE ,ROLLS JANE PARKER PUMPERNICKEL 16.0Z — PLAIN OR SEEDED JEWISH RYE 16-0Z OR SLICED VIENNA 24-0Z — (BUY 3 LOAVES — SAVE UP TO 26e) 3 LOAVES 1 Jane Parker Bread pkg of 12 (BUY 3 PKGS — SAVE 35e) 1 ScotTowels 79 PKG OF 2 ROLLS Action priced! WHITE, YELLOW, GREEN, CORAL pkg of 2-3-oz pkgs lb 0.59 FROZEN, WHOLE Pink Salmon 3 to 4-lbs average dirk ak PRODUCE FEATURE! CANADA No. 1 GRADE, CALIFORNIA, VINE RIPENED Cantaloupe each 49At %pp vitio -OPEN UNTIL 9 p.m. MON. THRU FRIDAY 6 p.m. SAT. 81 WEST ST. t‘ 11 4, ft PRODUCE FEATURE! CANADA No, 1 ONTARIO/ FRESH DAILY, LARDE HEADS APPLE OR FULL 8-RICH PEACH PIE cry? BEVERAGES 4i099c JANE PARKER, GOLD OR MARBLE 6 VARIETIES ACTION PRICEDI Crescent Pound Cake 15-oz cake 69? Miss Mew CAT FOOD 2 6-oz tins 45? CHUN KING --6 VARIETIES 12-oz cake 69? Skillet Dinners 291/4-oz pkg 97? DOWNY — CONCENTRATED Fabric Softener 34-fl-oz plastic btl 89? FROZEN ACTION PRICEDI Downyflake Waffles 10-oz pkg'3 A&P BRAND, 100% PURE, FROM CONCENTRATE Orange Juice A p RCITcI E 324I-oz btl 39?001 SINGLE PROCESS CHEESE Kraft Slices 2-lb pkg Dessert Shells 5.oz pkg 49? ALL PRICES SHOWN IN THIS AD GUARANTEED EFFECTIVE THROUGH SATURDAY, AUGUST 10111, 1974. CLIP THIS rill us al alum ail WITH THISCOUPON 100% BRAZILIAN, CAFFEINE FREE 8 O'Clock Instant Coffee .11 SAVING 1 4-cm or NOM 1.11 COUp0114 I VALID THROUGH SAT., AUGUST 10th, 974. JANE PARKER (SAVE NW YUKON ASSORTED 30 OZ. PLUS BOTTLE DEPOSIT JANE PARKER, APPLE RAISIN Coffee Cake JANE PARKER, (SAVE 6c) Frosted Ball Donuts pkg of 659? JANE PARKER, 2 WHITE OR 1 WHITE & 1 WHEAT, "BROWN 'N SERVE" (SAVE 14t) Bread pkg of two, 8-az loaves 39? JANE PARKER (SAVE 100 Spanish Bar Cake 19-oz cake 59% JANE PARKER MONEY I Government initiative 'that would benefit pensioners, as well as, cutting government costs.. = would be to provide allowances to enable the aged to stay in their own homes, This would cost the Province far less than the annual nur- sing home fee of about $7,§00 per patient and would allow many' pensioners to maintain their independence. Ad- ditionally, with respoet to housing, there should be more substantial prevision of senior citizens' housing on the rent- geared-to-income basis, The Liberal. Party of Ontario supported the Guaranteed nual Income Act popularly known as GAINS which was passed in this last Session of , It is appalling that the. Government has not yet im- pletnented comprehensive and realistic programs to satisfy the needs of those' over 65. The needs of Senior Citizens are not all financial, but as the Social Planning Council of Metropolitan Toronto reported last year, "it is likely'that many so-called problems of the aging would disappear is there were a sufficiency of income, Last November, John White, the Provincial Treasurer in- troduced legislation granting a single payment of $50 as the Government's program of assistance to pensioners. The Liberal Party of Ontario op- posed that $50 handout program as it came nowhere near satisfying or meeting the needs and problems of Senior Citizens who see their pensions and savings eaten up by in- flation and the decreasing pur- chasing power of the dollar. At that time, the Liberal Party proposed a three part amendment to the Government bill, This amendment stated our policy with respect to Senior Citizens.. Our amend- ment provided for the' $50 payment—even though we would have preferred the funds necessary for its payment to be incorporated into a program which would provide more lasting as well as more realistic. means of assistance for the pen- sioners in Ontario. The first, clause of the amendment provided for a minimum guaranteed' annual income of $216.09 per month for persons over the age of 65, The provin- cial Government should be easing the hardship of those in greatest need -- the 340,000 On- tario residents who qualify for the Guaranteed Income Sup- . plement under the Old Age Security Act of Canada. The Liberal Party of Ontario's program to add one dollar to provincial funds to each two dollars of guaranteed income supplement would cost the province $55 million annually-- a small enough amount when looked at in relation to the province's total budget of $8.3 billion.' The second ailuSe i)f our reasoned amendment provided for an extension of OHIP coverage for prescription drugs, dental services, dentures, hearing aids and eyeglasses to all pensioners in Ontario. The cost to the province for these services would be ap- proximately $20 millionan- nually. The th,ird clause •of our amendment to improve assistance to pensioners provided increased allowances under the Family Benefits Act in levels of payment to those covered under old age assistance between the ages of 60 to 65. The cost of this could reach as high ,as $50 million but that would extend the benefits down to the age of 60. This amendment, needless tc say, was not carried, but the Liberal Party of Ontario sees these programs as being clearly necessary if Senior Citizens oi Ontario are to retain their dignity, health and happiness in their retirement years. We realize the programs as proposed are costly and we have carefully considered them in that light and found them essential for health, happiness and well being of Ontario's pensioners. We also feel that a Provincial If you're NEW IN TOWN and don't know which way to turn, call the eithinWAro4 1.10. hostess at .012.1069- You'll be glad you did, itgrw Parliament. The GAINS Program .placed extra funds on top of Federal Guaranteed In- come Supplements so that residents of Ontario who are 65 years of age or over are .assured an income of $2,600 a year if they are single or $5,200 a year for a married couple if both qualify. However, while supporting this bill, we argued strongly that the GAINS Program must be indexed to the cost of living so that. as Ontario. citizens reach retirement, they are assured of a basic level of sup- port which is. not going to change with the inflation rates of this Province or Canada as a whole. The government of Canada has indexed their payments and our party 'feels that an indexing feature must be brought into play to fairly meet the needs -of Senior Citizens, We supported the basic prin- ciple of the Guaranteed Annual Income for Senior Citizens, however, the GAINS Program as applied to. residents of nor-