HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1974-08-08, Page 2Members of the Clinton Christian Reform Church held a song service in the auditorium en Sunday evening led by Aire Van Der Ende. Mrs. Nellie Welsh, Norman Speir, Jerry Collins and Henrietta Stryker provided the old tyme music for Monday's get together. Three new residents were welcomed to the Home, Mrs. McGratton, Mrs. Wilson and Mrs. 'Luther with special musical numbers by Henrietta. Stryker and vocal duets by Mrs. McGratton and Mrs. Buchanan. travelling by bus and van visited the Goderich area on •Tuesday afternoon. The first stop of the tour was at the Pioneer Museum which was of real interest to everyone, and then on to Harbour Park for dinner. The afternoon bus tour included the Goderich harbor, Sifto Salt mine, the Falls Con- servation area and the Jervis Sanctuary at Holmesville. Owing to the risk of rain the "Family Night" program was held in the auditorium on Thursday night. Colored slide pictures of birthdays and special events at the Home were shown with piano in- strumentals by Mrs. Welsh. The first part of the rides for resident program' has been completed with 240 residents taking advantage of the outings. The routes taken were Goderich, Benmiller, Holmesville an0 Brucefield, Varna, Bayfield and Pinelake Camp where each„ of the residents was presented with a treat and a picture of the camp by Bob and Shirley Elliott. BANK FINANCE RATES 01110111111SPECIACV. 1974 BUICK Century sedan 2 --1974 IMPALA 4 door hardtop 1973 BUICK Century, 2 door 1973 CHEVROLET ImPala Custom, 2 door hardtop 1973 CHEVELLE, 4 door sedan 1973 FORD Custom 500, 2 door hardtop 1973 FORD Gran Torino 2 door hardtop 1972 MERCURY Marquis, fully equipped, air 'conditioned 1972 FORD 4 door sedan, power steering and brakes 1972 CHEV Impala • 1972 BUICK La Sabre Custom, air conditioned 1970 CHEV Impala 4 door hardtop 1969 PONTIAC Parisienne, 2 door hardtop 10 — 1965 - 1968 Models 1972 CHEV stationwagon 1968 RAMBLER stationwagon 1971 CHEV, ton pick up 1971 CHEV, 1 ton cab and chassis 1971 FORD % ton pickups 2 — 1970 CHEV 50 series •cab and• chassis and 14' vans • A number of vans from 1970 - 1972. Some V8's, some d cylinder, some CHEVS, and some FORDS SOWYNOWYVSOW 0-1. .Brussels Motors NOTICE KINGSWELL WELDING Will be closed for holidays ,trom August 1 2 to August 1 7 inclusive For oxygih, acetylene or welding supplies, contact SCRUTONS Tint & Auto Servile' Across Albert Streit 32b NENTERISCORD, THURl9D hYP AVOr(11377. 8, 1974 books for sale, there will be ex- tensive free material, • This bookmobile reports good response so far from its tour reaching north as far as Parry Sound, west to Sarnia and east to Kingston. Make a note of the two days and take a few minutes to browse and/or buy. * The advertising operation of the News-Record is usually a one man adventure, ably con- ducted by our General Manager, Mr. Howard Aitken. For the past few weeks, his ef- forts have been bolstered by the work of a summer student, Kim Ainslie, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Ainslie of Goderich. Kim has been making the acquain- tance of the merchants in and around town. Kim is a graduate of G.D.C.I. and also has his Honours - Political Science degree from the Univer- sity of Western Ontario. He will be off shortly to continue his studies in the Faculty of Law, McGill University, Montreal. * * * Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Elliott have returned from a delightful week's visit with Major Gerald and Mrs. Elliott and family at Courtenay, B.C. on. Vancouver Island. Sightseeing trips on the Island included a tour of But- Chart Gardens and the Provin- ciel Museum at Victoria. There was also a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Fink (former Clinton residents) at Port Alberni. A car was rented at Van; _couver and the beauty of the mountains and likes was en- joyed up to Kamloops, on to Revelstoke, Lake Louise, Banff and Calgary. The Elliotts flew back to London on an Air Canada L-1011 jet. * * * The Opti Mrs. Club of Clin- ton and Vanastra announced' the winner of the draw for a ten speed bicycle was Joe Daer of Huron Street, Clinton. * * * A press release reaching our desk announces • that the Women's Bookmobile spon- sored by an Opportunities For Youth grant will be visiting Clinton on August`21 and 22. The travelling bookstore will be parked beside Library Park on Rattenbury Street. In ad- dition to adults' and children's Doug Elder, 13, on the left, and Paul Wettlaufer, 10, decided last week to participate in the Clinton Merchants Sidewalk Sale and set up a table outside of Wettlaufer's Feed Mill oh Mary 'Street and reported business was good. (News-Record photo) Bible school well attended Each day the children brought pennies, nickels, dimes or quar- ters which were donated to the CRWRC child care program and amounted to $85.95. Last Thursday evening, parents and friends were guests at the closing program. Each class presented songs recitations or skits centred around the theme "Jesus is the Way". Following this, a film was shown entitled "Birds, Baboons and Other Animals of South Africa." A Daily Vacation Bible School was held at the Christian Reformed Church, Clinton from July 22 to. Aug 2. The maximum daily atten- dance was 92 children Mary Buffinga was supervisor for the. course. Two prekindergarten classes were taught by Francis Jongdjan with helpers Janet Postma, Irene Heykoop and Tina Rasa, and by Sandra Maaskant with helpers Debbie Postma, Caroline Van Dorp, and Teresa Van Til. The kindergarten class was taught by Ann Bakker with helpers Trudy Nykamp and Betty Kapteen. Three primary classes were taught by Marion Doucette assisted by Shirley Heykoop, Jan Divok and Elena Rasa, by Janice de Weerd assistedd by Mary Hardy; and by Helen Postma assisted by Helen Hardy. Three intermediate classes were taught by Ruth Colclough and helper Barbara Lawson, Winnie Vandendool and helper Ann Van Spengen, and Agnes Kapteen and Helen Te Brinke. The junior class was taught f , — by Alice Gerrits assisted by Margaret Hook and Mary Ann Heykoop. The children gathered each morning, in 'the church auditorium for .opening exer- cises which consisted of scrip- ture reading, prayer, birthday recognition and sing song of which Joanne Beukema and Francis Jongyan were the songleaders. Then the children departed to their rooms for stories, bible study and crafts. There may be nothing as dead as yesterday's news - but we proved that yesterday's pic- tures can be pretty lively bait, At last week's sidewalk sale our booth, sporting a natty striped canopy, proved to be a very popular spot. Flattering or otherwise many found just the picture they wanted of family, friend or self, Speaking of the art of photography - we are reminded of the words of a former editor (not from the News-Record) who after being reprimanded for a poor likeness of his sub- ject, replied "Madam, I am a photographer, not a magician." Phone 1174173 BP Service Station Pum")66,K.P.eP6.nmssiemennmnsnst.se.” - ‘I :li •p this valuable coupon H Ai till MAMA I * * * For any who wadf tirelessly through the offerings of this column each week - rest your eyes - it's going on holiday for two issues. Not out of town - just catching up on some of the many "hint-dropped-top- priority-chores" that have been piling up around the house. Any news contributions will be most welcome at the office• as usual. Thank-you. *I* Irs FRESH lc:KW:CUTS BACKS ATTACHED . s AP w..4 414 A a, O.° 1 ' 10) 4 osoikiiiiitrilfook'„„, al/ to r.ewi, BACKS ATTACHED BREASTS LEGS. BALL-MACAULAY Ltd. U 9t. C lb. FIESNLY CUT CNICKEN WINGS I I I I I I I I 111 ONE FRESH WHOLE FRYER, 21/2 to 41/2 LBS CUT UP CHICKEN lb. BUILDING CE BOTTOM CUT FROM THE BEEF HIP, BONELESS 59 Round Steak Roast lb. I CUT FROM THE BEEF CHUCK, BLADE PORTION BONELESS STEAKS lb. IN TOMATO SAUCE LIBBYS SPAGHETTI or ALPHAGETTI . 3 19 or. $ RIM MEAT FROM EGA IS YOUR ASSURANCE THAT YOU ARE GETTING THE FINEST . IN QUALITY, FLAVOUR, VARIETY, TRIM AND PERSONALIZED SERVICE. ANYTHING LESS'IS NOT GOOD ENOUGH. AND THAT'S WHY WE GUARANTEE IT 100% • STANDARDIZED MEAT IDENTIFICATION ALL BEEF, PORK, VEAL AND LAMB CUTS ARE UN. IFORMLY LABELLED SHOWING 1) THE KIND OF MEAT 7) THE CUT WHOLESALE ALE PORTION FROM WHICH THE 3) THE SPECIFIC RETAIL CUT 'THIS HELPS YOU MAKE WISER, MORE ECONOMICAL DECISIONS. CUT FROM THE BEEF CHUCK, SHORT RIB PORTION $ CANADA GRADE "A" TOP YALU MEDIUM EGGS FROZEN CONCENTRATE YORK ORANGE JUICE BONELESS ROASTS lb. WE SELL CANADA APPROVED GRADE 'A' RED RIBBON BEEF INGREDIENTS: BEEF, WATER AND TEXTURED VEGETABLE PROTEIN SUPERBURGER lb. BURNS, I LB PKG SKINLESS WIENERS TOP VALU, 1 LB PRO SKINLESS WIENERS BURNS, 1 LB PKG SLICED SIDE BACON TOP VOW, 1 10 PKG SLICED SIDE BACON DAMN, I LB PKG SLICED SIDE BACON BURNS, 3 io 4 LBS SWEET PICKLED COTTAGE ROLLS BURNS, 2 to 3 LOS PRESSED FULLY COOKED ' DINNER HAMS TOP VALU. I. 3', LBS FULLY COOKED DINNER HAMS TOP VALU. 1 LB PKG - SLICED BOLOGNA TOP VALU, 6 00 KG oin SLICED IC 1 .9M, COOKED HAM CUT FROM THE BEEF CHUCK BONELESS, CROSS RIB ROAST CUT FROM THE BEEF CHUCK BONELESS CROSS 11111 STEAK CUT FROM THE BEEF HIP SIRLOIN TIP ROAST cur FROM THE BEEF HIP TOP, ROUD STEAK CUT FROM THE BEEF NIP CUBE STEAKS 79c 68e 1.19 1.09 99c 99c ..1.59 1.39 78e 78c FROZEN WHITE OR BROWN ' RHODES "Ready to Bake", BREAD DOUGH pkg. of 5 loam 28 oz. tin !WIMP; PIKM CARNATION • ASSORTED FLAVOURS McCAIN • FROZEN REGULAR CUT SPACE MAKER Metal Storage Building's Now in stock in 3 sizes G65 8,2115 74.29 G87 .141-2755-' 128.29 A1011 25&9II 233.00 CASH and CARRY iAltromolonout$ • iiisr r iv aid moo is SST Sf SS1 ill mom IB1 limit in aip USA No. 1 CALIFORNIA Salmon Flesh Canteloupe • ARCTIC POWDER POWDERED DETERGENT box a stb.2n 09 HIGNLINER , COD STICKS INSTANT a ,, 7QC • FRENCH 2S. 69c BREAKFAST pkg. y , FRIES • 2f.79c Largo Size McCAIN • FROZEN FANCY QUALITY CUT WAX loin. 29C BEANS Pkt• KRAFT • PROCESS CANADIAN SINGLES PEA OR VEGETABLE HABITANT SOUP 14 Ot,1n 25 pk, 37c 14 oz. 18C tie 1 USA No. 1 CALIFORNIA 1Red Cardinal Grapes 59c ALIENS • ASSORTED VARIETIES FRUIT • DRINKS MILKBONE FLAVOUR SNACKS FOR DOGS KELLOGGS • CORN FLAKES . • FRESCA, SPRITE OR SLICES IPI12, 2 1.99 CHEESE TOP VALU • PURE FRESH FLORIDA ORANGE 8 10 et. II00 tint 641 BE. 43C 11111. COCA COLA SIX TYPES PEEK FREANS BISCUITS HERSHEY: MILK OR ALMOND GIANT B ARS CHOC. 3 Hocks 89c lb, I'm 41 et. 16 et. 49 124. 49C 10 pHs.; 770 12:1690 1AI, 49C FkO• "It 79° '-USA No. 1• I Creamy Fleshed 2 on. NECTARINES 350 98c I USA No, I TENDER CRISP CELLO CARROTS . 95c 64 et. JUICE 2 N. 1142 CHECK THIS STORE LIST FOR THE IGA STORE NEAREST YOU! USA No. I SWEET EATING CALIFORNIA 3 PLUMS Golden Yellow c 1 BANANAS PALMOLIVE • FOR DISHES me MB MI I 011 NI In 1.1 In MOM IN WELCHADE DETERGENT DRINK 4". 49c WESTON CINNAMON IA &lc " CLINTON BUTTERHORNS ALL TYPES • Lady Patricia HAIRSPRAY LIQUID GRAPE C-79. BALL-MACAULAY LTD. BUILDING SUPPLIES WESTON OATMEAL COOKIES phi 'I4 55c ALL TYPES • LADY PATRICIA SHAMPOO and CREAM RINSE miLimoNE • MEDIUM DOG BISCUITS CARNATION • COFFEE CREAMER MATE 1 09 COFFEE NATURES BEST . CHOICE QUALITY CORN CREAM STYLE 14 t. 25° SWEET MIXED HEINZ PICKLES BEE HIVE CORN SYRUP is". 49c Na ▪ 53c SEVIN VARIETIES LIBBY'S • FANCY QUALITY LANCIA 1-fc GREEN 141 111 PASTAS PEAS HIGHLINER IGA FROZEN SOLE FILLETS 140: 1.25 HEINZ • FROZEN' IN GRAVY MEAT k. /19 ENTREES • 1r61 CATS PAUSE CAT LITTER 14 it. 29C Clinton 482-9514 — Mensal! 262-2713 — Seaforth 5274910 1111111111111 WI NMI 111 tt sums It Al IMAM MIMI MINIMINIM at IGA the owners in the store to guarantee your satisfaction every shopping trip